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Biblioteca Audiovisual Klore******

Manuel Roca******
Filipendula Ulmaria******
Buscando Documentales***
Ulises Jobs
Documentales Historia y Ciencia
La verdad cat�lica
Documentales Historia y Ciencia
Documental Documentales
Klore Tube*****
Los mejores documentales**
Documentales completos en espa�ol
Instituto Geof�sica
Daily Documental
Alan Boeck
Documentalia TV**
Romae Amans
El Ojo De La Cerradura TV3
Juan Orea***
Rock Mobs
El Ojo De La Cerradura TV2***
El Canal de Ploc
delf ron
repor33 Repo
Mdg Documentales
Gato Expedicionario 1883
AL True
lulius 1973
Canal 2 On Line Best Top
Mega Medieval
Steven Caicedo
Lester Lewis
Geovanny Caicedo***
VHS 4000***
Al True

Glorioso Mester
Felipe Aravena

Ancient History
Allthemed Docs

Serie - El cerebro inconsciente

Serie - El poder de la mente

Andalus�es, Mud�jares y Moriscos

La expulsi�n de los moriscos (HC)
Abderram�n I (Los Omeyas espa�oles)
Sefarad Judios en Espa�a Documental completo en espa�ol
Documental grandes creaciones - Historia de Al Andalus
Historia de sevilla
El legado Andalus� Cap 01 El Origen de Al Andalus
Las ciudades de la luz, La caida de la Espa�a isl�mica 01 - Documental
En busca del primer europeo
Somos. La di�pora andalus� del reino de Granada
La Alhambra, el manuscrito descifrado
La Expulsion de los moriscos - Historia de Espa�a
El �ltimo sefarad�
1609 La tragedia de los moriscos 2009 (HC)
Arte e historia - Mudejar
Glorioso Mester - La Espa�a Medieval
Rodrigo D�az de vivar (Burgos 1043 - Valencia 1099) (Espa�a Medieval. La historia
del cid)
Jos� Antonio Primo de Rivera
Documental-La Guerra Civil Espa�ola
A�os 40: Los a�os dif�ciles
Reportaje la Sexta Viva la Republica DVBRip
La Espa�a de Franco
Que Mi Nombre No Se Borre De La Historia (Las Trece Rosas Rojas)
LA DIVISION AZUL - Espa�a En La Memoria
El carlismo y los requet�s - Espa�a en la memoria
Espa�a 1936-39 - Guerra Civil Espa�ola

El sudario de Turin. Documental

La s�bana santa
La Gran Breta�a Pagana (Documental)
Las islas m�s salvajes de Indonesia REINO DE GIGANTES
Hititas El Imperio perdido de la Biblia - Mundos perdidos
Pompeya personas congeladas en cenizas (Documentales)
Los celtas 1/6 En el principio
Boudica - La reina celta (Documental)
Los celtas de Galicia (Documental)
Antiguas Civilizaciones 02 - 13, Los Celtas
Espa�a: de los Austrias a los Borbones
El enigma de las momias: momia Juanita
Documental; Los caballeros teut�nicos - Canal historia
Imperios BBC Islam 01 El mensajero***
Documental - Miguel Angel, una super estrella
Documental Diana, Un Secreto Prohibido
Documentales Online Las Termas Romanas
Las siete maravillas del mundo antiguo - Mundos perdidos
Chich�n Itz� - Los secretos de la pir�mide Maya
Historias de la Edad de Piedra 1 El pan de cada d�a
La invasi�n del valle de Aran
Cabezas rapadas (Documentos TV) Skinheads
Los jemeres rojos Utopia y terror
Documental La gran batalla Mayas
El origen del hombre y su evoluci�n. La eva gen�tica
Misterios del ADN, La b�squeda de Ad�n - National Geographic
El USS Enterprise (Buques de guerra)
Documentales: el cielo y el mar (DW - Saint Exupery)

cartel de cali
the royal house of windsor
food choices
el campe�n imposible
pumping iron
empire of the tsars**
les bleus
maradona by kusturica
the two escobars


The Real North Korea-A Glimpse into Hell

Never Before Seen Real Life Footage Inside North Korea
North Korea Documentary - Why Invading North Korea Would be insane
Escaping From north Korea 2017
Inside North Korea Newest Documentary (2017)
AlJazeera - Hidden State - Inside North Korea
RT - Inside North Korea RT Documentary
VICE - The Hermit Kingdom
VICE - Cash for Kim: North Korean Forced Laborers in Poland
VICE - Launching Balloons into North korea: Propaganda Over Pyongyang

Telesur - Injerencia, La invasi�n silenciosa

Telesur - La desmemoria de Espa�a


South Africa**
Senegal - Paedophilia
Northern Ireland**
France - Multiculturalism


Hong Kong


Gary Prado Salm�n sobre la captura del Che - EL DEBER

Aristegui - A 50 a�os de la muerte del Che guevara
Ernesto che Guevara - Un guerrillero hasta el final***
The Life of che Guevara: Part 1

Documental Diana, un secreto prohibido

Documental - Diana de Gales: Vida y legado
Documental Diana nuestra madre, su vida y legado
Documental - La muerte de la princesa Diana
(Documental Completo) Lady Di, La princesa Diana
Diana Revealed: The Princess No One Knew (In Her Own Words)
My Mother Diana
DIANA In Her Own Words (Documental en ingl�s)
Princess Diana - Chasing a Fairytale (CNN Documentary)***
Diana Princess of Wales - Full Lenght Documentary
Diana - Story of a Princess - Part 1 (HD Best Version) Documentary
BBC Documentary - How Princess Diana Died
Documentary 2017 - Diana: Story of a Princess
My Mother Diana (Royal Family Documentary) - Real Stories
Documentary 2017 - Diana Revealed: The Princess No One Know (In Her Own Words)
Diana: The People's Princess - SKY ***
Princess Diana - The Witnesses in the Tunnel - HD - Documentary
The Last 100 Days of Diana
Lady Diana: Princess of Wales - Full Documentary
The Unseen Diana
Diana - Her true Story (FULL)
Diana The Inquest (Princess Diana Documentary) - Real Stories
Best Documentary 2017 Films Princess diana Real Story

The Putin Files - PBS Frontline

Henry VII Winter King BBC documentary

Richard III - Princes in the tower
Documentary Henry VIII The Most Iconic King of England
England's Early Queens. Isabella and Margaret
BBC - King George III - The Genius of the Mad King
The Richest Scot in the Empire
The Last Days of... Charles I***
Richard III The New Evidence
Tudor Monastery Farm
BBC The Story of Wales Episode 1 The Making of Wales***
Richard III: The King Laid to Rest
The Great Fire Episode 1 London Burns***
BBC How to Build a Cathedral
Mary I - Bloody Mary
Elizabeth I The Secret Life
Monarchy USA Version Episode 1 The Early Kings***
Secrets of the Virgin Queen
Private Lives of the Tudors***
The first Georgians the German Kings Who Made Britain***
Grandes Misterios en el Palacio de Buckingham
Walking through History series***
Edward and Mary: The Unknown Tudors Episode 1***
BBc Tales of Winter The Art of storm and Ice
La Revoluci�n Gloriosa de Inglaterra (1688)
Queen Victoria's Last Love
Inside the Court of Henry VIII
Inside the Body of King Henry VIII
Children of the Middle Ages
Fit to Rule... Hanoverians to Windsors^****
British History's Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley Episode 1***
The spy Who Brought Down Mary Queen of the Scots
Secrets of great British Castles Series***
England's Georgian Era
Hampton Court Secrets of Henry VIIIs Palace
Biograf�a Mar�a Reina de Escocia
Catalina de Arag�n en la serie Isabel
Felipe II vs Isabel I de Inglaterra documental
BBC Medieval Lives Episode***
BBC Shakespeare in Italy Episode***
BBC Queen Victoria`s Letter Episode***
BBC A History of art in Three Colours Episode***
BBC The Art of cornwall
BBc David Starkey's Music and Monarchy episode
What makes art valuable BBC
Tony Robinson`s WW1 in 3D Episode***
BBC British Masters Episode***
A Very British romance Episdoe***
Kings and Queens of england Episode*******
BBc Symphony Episode
The virgin queen Episode****
Lost Worlds Henry VIIIs Megastructures
When God spoke english, the Making of the King James Bible
Full steam Ahead Episode
Private Lives of the Tudors Episode***
Britains Ancient Tracks 1of3***
BBc TimeWatch Murder in Rome
Monarchy A Nation State***
Edward and Mary 1of2***
Queen Elizabeth II A Fascinating Life
BBC The Diamond Queen Episode***
Empire - The Sun never sets (Al Jazeera)
Whose Britain is it Anyway
The Bloody Tower of London
Scottish Legends Part***
Face of Britain Neil Oliver Part***
Two Men in a Trench series***
Highland Clans Documentary - Episode***
The Battle of Towton
Highlanders - The Aristocrats of Democracy
Scottish Myths and Legends
In Search of the dark Ages with Michael Wood***

Icons of Power***
Versailles Dirty Secrets - Toute l'Histoire
Conquistadores Adventvm, 02 - El peque�o capit�n***
In Search of Histoiry - The Infamous Dreyfuss Affair
BBC Timewatch Crusaders Lost Fort
BBc Richard Hammond and the Holy Grail
BBC Treasures of the Louvre
When Georgia Howled: Sherman on the March
Secret history of the Free Masons Full Documentary
Ancient Assassins***
Barbarian Battle tech***
Documentary: Last stand at Visby - 1361 (Medieval Massacre)
The Templar Code Full Documentary

BBC Life and Death in herculaneum

Harem (Suleiman the Magnificent Documentary)
El fara�n que pulveriz� un mundo de 2000 dioses, Akenat�n
Cleopatra a Timewatch Guide BBC Documentary 2015
Battlefield Detectives**** (Agincourt, Waterloo)
The Byzantines
History Channel - The Byzantines
Art of eternity - The Glory of Byzantium BBC Documentary
Hidden History of Central America's Ancient Egypt
History of angkor Cambodia Full stories
Angkor wat bay National Geo
Machu Picchu decoded
Ancient inca - Secrets of the Ancestors
Ancient Roman empire - The Incredible History of Roman emperors
Treasures from the past (Ancient history documentary)
Ancient africa - A History Denied (Documentary)

BBc Documentary 2017 chronicle of the third reich

Dictators and Despots - A timewatch Guide BBC
BBC Documentary Oklahoma city PBS American Experience
BBC Timewatch - Dambusters The Race to smash the German Dams
Murder in Belgravia: The Lucan Affair - BBc Documentary
BBC Documentary The History of Tyrol Changed the World
Children of the Third Reich - BBc Timewatch
The most powerful American mafia family John Gotti
BBC - Documentary - Brexit Means Brexit - The Unofficial version
BBC Documentary 2017 - Hidden Secrets of Las Vegas Casinos - National geographic
America's Most Powerful Mafia Documentary
BBC Documentary The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu
Madamme Tussaud A legend in Wax BBC Documentary
Israel's War BBc Documentary HD

The Secrets of the neanderthals

Historia de la evolucion humana
Africa: El Origen del Hombre
La Travesia del hombre
Historias de la Edad de piedra 1. El pan de cada d�a
Australopithecus.Sudafrica- La evolucion humana
Los Neandertal. Discovery channel. Documental
Imprescindible documental sobre el proceso de hominizacion
Evolucion del Homo sapiens

Spies in the Sky - Timewatch Documentary about the Cold War

BBC Documentary 2017 - Russian Spies - Deceitful beauties UK Documentary
USS Liberty Dead in the Water (BBC Documentary 2002)
The secrets of the Austrian Cellar
Documentary 2017 secrets of US President's Marine One Helicopter - BBC Documentary
Sell and spin, A history of advertising - Documentary
Lords of the Underworld - Documentary about Lord Boothby and Ronnie Kray
The mysterious Career of Lee Harvey Oswald - Timewatch
Black Wednesday (BBC 1997)
False witness - Jeffrey MacDonald Documentary
Stolen Gold - Olympic Controversy Documentary
The Kidnapping of elizabeth smart - Documentary
Robert Kennedy Assassination - Secret History Documentary
Selling murder: The secret Propaganda Films of the Third Reich
The Unknown War Ep6 Survival at stalingrad***
Why Was Cairo Calm, A Documentary by BBC 1982
Scorched Earth (Anglo-Boer War) Documentary

Sean Bean on Waterloo (2 episodios)
BBC After Rome Holy War and Conquest (2 episodios)*****
Edward and Mary: the Unknown Tudors (2 episodios)
BBC Queen Victoria's Letters A Monarch Unveiled (2 episodios)
England's Forgotten Queen The Life and death of Lady Jane Grey (3 episodios)
BBC Wild Weather with Richard Hammond (3 episodios)
The Great Fire (3 episodios)
BBC Antiques Uncovered (3 episodios)
Lucy Worsley's Dancing Cheek to Cheek (3 episodios)
British History's Biggest Fibs With Lucy Worsley (3 episodios)
The First Georgians The German Kings Who Made Britain (3 episodios)
A Very British Romance With Lucy Worsley (3 episodios)
Fit to Rule (3 episodios)
BBC British Masters (3 episodios)
Violent Nation (3 episodios)
BBC Brick By Brick Rebuilding Our Past (3 episodios)
BBC A History of Art in Three Colours (3 episodios)
BBC Britain's Outlaws Highwaymen Pirates and Rogues (3 episodios)
National Geographic Bloody Tales of the Tower (3 episodios)
Amish: World's Squarest Teenagers (4 episodios)
BBC The Victorian Pharmacy (4 episodios)
BBC Symphony (4 episodios)
BBC David Starkey's Music and Monarchy (4 episodios)
If Walls Could Talk (4 episodios)
The Virgin Queen (4 episodios)
Tony Robinson's WW1 in 3D (4 episodios)
Crime and Punishment (4 episodios)
BBC The Story of Wales (5 episodios)
BBC Howard Goodall's Story of Music (5 episodios)
BBC Secrets of the Castle with Ruth Peter and Tom (5 episodios)
BBC Cathedral (5 episodios)
Full Steam Ahead (6 episodios)
Kings and Queens of England (6 episodios)
Secrets of Great British Castles (6 episodios)
Great British Commanders (6 episodios)
Bloody Tales (6 episodios)
A Stitch in Time (6 episodios)
Rome Wasn't Built in a Day (6 episodios)
Castle (6 episodios)
Out of Spain (1992) (8 episodios)
Professor Hutton's Curiosities (12 episodios)
Royal Secrets (12 episodios)
Mysteries at the Castle (episodios)
BBC Italy Unpacked Series (episodios)
Walking Through History (episodios)
Time Team Special (episodios)
Monarchy Series (episodios)
The Worst Jobs in History (episodios)
The Last Days of Rasputin
The Last Days of Charles I
The Last Days of Jesus Christ
The Last Days of Guy Fawkes
The Last Days of Julius Caesar
Medieval Murders: The Princess in the Tower
Medieval Murders: Edward II
Medieval Murders: Juan Borgia
Medieval Murders: Christopher Marlowe
Who Do You Think You Are? Jeremy Irons
Who Do You Tink You Are? Sir Ian McKellen
Who Do You Think You Are? Stephen Fry
Who Do You Think You Are? Boris Johnson
The Most Evil Men in History: Tom�s de Torquemada
The Most Evil Men in History: Hitler
The Most Evil Men in History: Francisco Pizarro
The Most Evil Men in History: Attila the Hun
The Most Evil Men in History: Rasputin
The Most Evil Men in History: Bad King John
The Most Evil Men in History: Joseph Stalin
The Most Evil Men in History: Ivan the Terrible
The Most Evil Women in History: Bloody Mary Tudor
BBC Hiden Killers of the... Tudor Home / Victorian Home / Edwardian Home / Post War
The Secret Life of Henry VIII
The Secret Life of Elizabeth I
Icons of Power: Catherine the Great*****
When God Spoke English, Making of the King James Bible
BBC The King Who Invented Ballet
Lost Worlds: Henry VIII's megastructures
A Death Row Tale: The Fear of 13
BBC Roundhead or Cavalier Which One Are You?
A Tudor Feast at Christmas
Spanish Secret Conflict
The Viking Sagas Documentary****
Richard III The King in the Park Car Full Documentary
Queen Victoria's Last Love
Inside the Court of Henry VIII
BBC Goya Exposed with Jake Chapman
Richard III: The King Laid To Rest
Richard III: The New Evidence
Stephen Fry and the Gutenberg Press
In Search of History: The Infamous Dreyfuss Affair
The Spy Who Brought Down Mary Queen of Scots
BBC Who's Afraid of Conceptual Art?
BBC History of the Winter Olympics with Dan Snow
Britain's Tudor Treasure A Night At Hampton Court Full Documentary
BBC Richard Hammond and the Holy Grail
The Great History Quiz: The Tudors
BBC Life and Death in Herculaneum
BBC The Search for the Lost Manuscript Julian of Norwich
BBC Modern Times The Last Dukes
The Marvelous Mrs Beeton
BBC The Medici Makers of Modern Art
BBC George III The Genius of the Mad King
PBS Tales from the Royal Bedchamber
The Rise of Superstar Pets
What Makes Art Valuable? BBC Documentary
BBC The Art of Cornwall
BBC The Greatest Tomb On Earth: Secrets of Ancient China
Little Ice Age Big Chill
Heston's Victorian Feast
Britain's Real Monarch
Stephen Fry's Key to the City
Whose Britain Is It Anyway? With Dan and Peter Snow
Unearthed The Hunt For King Arthur's Castle
When Lucy Met Roy
Pythagoras The Ancient Genius Who Changed The Modern World
BBC Dan Snow on Lloyd George: My Great Great Grandfather
BBC Panorama Amazon: The Truth Behind the Click
BBC Reins of Power The Art of Horse Dancing
Out of Thin Air Murder in Iceland
Brexit, The Movie*****
Children of the Middle Ages
BBC Secret Knowledge 2013 Bolsover Castle
BBC The Tragic Oil Spill of America
BBC The Tales of Winter The Art of Snow and Ice
National Geographic Time Travel The Truth
Last of the Medici
The Cult Next Door
The Richest Scot in the Empire
History Channel the Real Story of Halloween
BBC Henry VII Winter King
BBC Shakespeare's Mother The Secret Life of a Tudor Woman
Unearthing Genghis Khan's Legendary Mongol Empire
The Gunpowder Plot
The Ever Expanding Universe Documentary
Legendary Mysteries of the Knights Templar
BBC Treasures of the Louvre
History of Convict Australia
Unraveling Adam and Eve (National Geographic)
The Real Story of Thanksgiving
BBC The Pendle Witch Child
America Before Colombus*****
BBC Timeshift How to Be a Lady An Elegant History
The Worst Christmas Jobs in History
Edward VIII Murderous Mistress*****
The World's Most Expensive Stolen Paintings
History Channel Decoding the Past The Real Sorcerer's Stone
The Templar Code
BBC Cake Bakers and Trouble Makers
The Real King's Speech
National Treasures Jubilee Special

Royal Heritage (8 episodios)

Soldiers (8 episodios)


Caza al homosexual en Uganda - LGBT
Documental canal + Jon sistiaga: La tierra prometida
A lomos de la bestia: tren M�xico-EEUU
Caminando entre bombas en Afganist�n
Los desiertos de Al Qaeda
Colmillos de sangre
Serie - Tab�
Gaza: Lo que Israel no quer�a que vi�ramos
Papi c�mprame un Kalashnikov
En la ciudad del fin del mundo Chernobyl
(Honduras, el pa�s m�s violento)
(TVE - Misi�n en Iraq)
(HispanTV - Honduras: c�rceles o tumbas)
(H�roes invisibles - Kenia - Documental)
(No le digan a mi madre que estoy en Am�rica Central)
(HispanTV - La gran historia - Las maras en Guatemala)
(Desde la celda - La camorra)
(Desde la celda - Los grypser)
(Urgencias en Bagdad)
(A mi La Legion)
(Reportaje 'Hotel Palestina')
(Fronteras al l�mite: la frontera de la bestia)

Howard Steel owner reacts to Trump'ssteel tariff

US will lose all WTO cases related to Trump's tariffs: James Bacchus
Trump isn't going far enough on tariffs: Lee Spieckerman
GM warns that Trump's auto tariffs will lead to job losses
Trump vs. Obama: Who should take credit for thriving economy?
China sees US as a declining power: Gen. Jack Keane
Iowa soybean farmer on tariffs: Farmers want trade, not aid
Trump is driving manufacturing back to America: Tom Maoli
I don't think Trump understands trade: Dan Mitchell
China offers to buy nearly $70 billion american products if US suspends tariffs
US shouldn't start trade war with Mexico: Ben Stein
German automakers back tariffs between US, EU
Lawmakers are losing patience over Trump's tariffs

El apocalipsis de los Mayas, documental en castellano de National Geographic (VHS

Los secretos de Machu Picchu, documental en Castellano de National Geographic (VHS
Los Bizantinos, La construcci�n de un imperio, documental en espa�ol (VHS 4000)
7 maravillas del antiguo Egipto, documental en Espa�ol (VHS 4000)
EL R�O CONGO: profundo y peligroso - Grandes documentales (Filipendula Ulmaria)
Qu� hago yo aqu�. Siberia (Alfonso Lozano)
Documental completo: LA "PAPA", "PATATA", "Solanum tuberosum" (HC) (Angel Pedro
Paucarchuco Ambrosi)
CIUDAD PIRATA Documental (Documentales Universales HD)
Las islas griegas: El Dodecaneso - Grandes Documentales de la 2 (Rock Mobs)
Devil's Island: Colonies of the Condemned (zarcon42)
Congo, the Hulk through Hell (full documentary) (Best Documentary)
Mad Mitch and his Tribal Law (Alex Lochrie)
Faces of Africa - Jomo Kenyatta: The Founding Father of Kenya (CGTN Africa)
Black Man's Land - White Man's Country - ep 1 of 3 *RARE* (Little Dread)
Channel 4 - Jon Ronson - Crazy Rulers of the World - The Psychic Footsoldiers
(2004) (TheDocumentaryChannel103)
How the Europeans Divided Africa (Africa Business Pages)
The Man-Eaters Of Tsavo - Full Documentary (Cosmic Polymath)
Los �ltimos d�as de Vietnam (Felix Rodriguez Sanjuro)
A Little Poland in India (Engish) - The Complete Documentary (AakaarFilms)

The Killing Rooms of Mosul are Filled with Bodies and Mystery - Full Segment (HBO)
Caught on Camera: Life Under IS Rule in Raqqa - Syria
Inside the Fight to Retake Raqqa From ISIS (HBO) (VICE)
In the Name of the Profit. ISIS Oil Trade Secrets Found in Liberated Syrian Town of
Shaddadi (RT)
What is Like For Afghans Facing the Deadliest Taliban Yet: VICE on HBO
Inside Raqqa: The Raqqa Resistance (SKY)
What ISIS Left Behind in Iraq - VICE News Tonight (HBO)
Two Kilometres to Terror: Life and Death Under ISIS (CityNews Toronto)
What ISIS Left in Raqqa: Torture Rooms, Bodies and Booby Traps (CBC News)
This is What Life is Like Inside Assad's Syria: VICE on HBO, Full Episode
Four Corners - Highway to Hell
Enforcing Sharia in Raqqa: The Islamic State (Part 3) (VICE)
Inside the Fight to Retake Raqqa From ISIS (HBO) (VICE)
Fall of Raqqa: The Secret Deal - BBC News
(Raqqa, Mosul, Aleppo)

Galicia Canibal. Documental cultura gallega de los 80

Art of China (3 episodios)

The Hidden Art of Islam
The High Art of the Low Countries (3 episodios)
A History of Art in Three Colors (3 episodios)
The Art of Gothic Britain's Midnight Hour (3 episodios)
The Art of Australia (3 episodios)
The Nude in Art (4 episodios)

Putin, Russia and the West (4 episodios)

Planet Oil (4 episodios)
War Heroes of the Skies (6 episodios)
The Secrets of Underground Britain (3 episodios)
Digging for Britain Series
Life in Medieval Britain
The History of the Turkish and Ottoman Empire
What the Victorians Did For Us
The Piltdown Man (Documentary) (In Search For History)
The Hidden Library of Alexandria Ancient Mystery (HC)

The Evolution of Sex

Somalia The Afeican Hell of Life
The Human Face BBC
The Life of Lions
Documentary Spinoza
Dangerous Knowledge Documentary - Georg Cantor

TVE - Querida anorexia

TVE - Hannibal Lecter
DW - Sexo en la frontera: prostituci�n en La Jonquera
HC - Sexo en la guerra de Vietnam
RT - Naciones no reconocidas: Pa�s Vasco
DW - Banglad�s, La hora de los islamistas
RT - Estados Unidos y la pol�tica de 'tolerancia cero'


Biografias Gengis Khan, fundador del imperio mongol (documentaliatv)
Grandes conquistadores - Napoleon, La leyenda (Gato Expedicionario 1883)
El asesinato de Pancho Villa: La conspiraci�n (Tony VillaZapata)
Autopsias de Hollywood - Jimi Hendrix
Mary Beard, forense en Pompeya - Documental (DOCUMENTALIA)

Como hemos cambiado (Valen Ortega) (Serie)

Hombres G - Los Beatles (documental)
Hombres G - En la playa (documental)
El Imperio de los sue�os - La historia de la trilogia Star Wars
Portugal 1974: As� fue el golpe de Estado

Cine anarquista espa�ol

Edward's History Hub

Pole to Pole with Michael Palin

Sufragettes Forever: The Story of Women and power 1 of 3
How the States Got their Shapes 4 of 10
A History of Syria
Afghanistan 2 of 3 The Battle for Helmand (BBC)
The Kill Team Part 1
Bobby Kennedy For president (Series)

Hiroshima: el mensaje at�mico - Documental de Rt

Yo, C�sar: Constantino

Bizancio, La ra�z com�n
La reina roja - Documental
El misterio de la momia negra
Metr�polis: Constantinopla (HC)
La Catedral de Chartres (NG)
Yo, C�sar: Justiniano
Ciudades bajo tierra 07 Estambul (HC)
Santa Sof�a de Constantinopla (NG - Antiguas superestructuras)
Los tesoros perdidos de la humanidad - Jap�n
Maimonides y el judaismo - Filosofia de Al-Andalus
31 La momia perdida de Imutes
Petra - Antiguas Megaestructuras (NG)
Historia secreta - Independencia Colombia (HC)
Antiguas superestructuras La Catedral de San Pablo HD (NG)
Documental: "Que Invadimos Ahora" de Michael Moore
Grandes documentales. Sud�frica salvaje: Tierra de gigantes
La historia de Europa 1/6: Los origenes - Documental
Proyecto HISTORIA - La Alhambra de Granada - 2 Parte
El Carmen de los Arayanes - La Alhambra de Paradas
La expulsi�n de los moriscos - Documental y debate (Cultural-es TVE)
Documental: Tras las huellas de Boabdil 2 y 3 (Objetivo Granada)
Los Guerreros Kichwa y el Petr�leo
La gran muralla china, el mayor cementerio del mundo, documental en Espa�ol
"Somos". La diaspora andalus� del Reino de granada
La biblia del diablo, documental en espa�ol (NG)
La alta Edad Media - Documental
Misterios de la Biblia, tras las huellas de Jesucristo, el misterio de la Saban
Santa (VHS 4000)
Machu Picchu - Antiguas megaestructuras

RT - Peruanos de segunda. El precio de la pobreza

El camino del Cid (8 episodios)

Planeta encantado (13 episodios)
Historias de Galicia (19 episodios)

Entrevista al subcomandante Marcos

Entrevista a G�nter Grass - Negro sobre blanco

Mega Virales - Fernando Londo�o (La hora de la verdad) - �De qu� se rie payaso? a
Colombia Elige - �lvaro Uribe sobre herencia de gobierno de Santos

Dios, el Universo y todo lo dem�s (Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, Arthur C. Clarke)
Medir los sentimientos - DW documental
Documental Selva tropical, el secreto de la vida
Los invasores m�s letales de la tierra: La hormiga de fuego HD
Inteligencia Animal Documental Completo
ConCiencia: �Qu� nos hace humanos?
4 La Historia de las Matem�ticas Hacia el infinito y m�s all� 4 4

Bestias del futbol - Documental RT

El legado cient�fico del mundo �rabe 01
Cristianos palestinos en Israel: los regresados - DW Documental

La aventura de la humanidad (BBC)

La histora del mundo (BBC)
En busca de la verdad o Buscando la verdad (HC) (Digging for the Truth)
El poder del planeta o Fuerza del planeta (BBC)

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