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Tiberian Sun Bible Strategy FAQ Release version 1.

0 Last updated Wednesday 15th of September 1999 AD Written by Allan "Machette" McKay and Chris "Imodium" Anderson
DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER Allan McKay and Chris Anderson claim no responsibility regarding any illegal
activity concerning this FAQ, or indirectly related to this FAQ. TRADEMARK INFO Command & Conquer,
Tiberium Dawn, Tiberian Sun are all a trademark, and is so acknowledged. Any trademarks not mentioned here are
still acknowledged. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This article is Copyright 1999 by Allan McKay. All rights reserved. You
are granted the following rights: I. To make copies of this work in original form, so long as (a) the copies are exact
and complete; (b) the copies include the copyright notice and these paragraphs in their entirety; (c) the copies give
obvious credit to the authors, Allan McKay, Chris Anderson (d) the copies are in electronic form. II. To distribute
this work, or copies made under the provisions above, so long as (a) this is the original work and not a derivative
form; (b) you do not charge a fee for copying or for distribution; (c) you ensure that the distributed form includes the
copyright notice, this paragraph, the disclaimer of warranty in their entirety and credit to the author; (d) the
distributed form is not in an electronic magazine or within computer software (prior explicit permission may be
obtained from Roger Wong); (e) the distributed form is the NEWEST version of the article to the best of the
knowledge of the distributor; (f) the distributed form is electronic. You may not distribute this work by any non
electronic media (magazines, newsletters, books, speech, manuals) without permission from either Allan McKay or
Chris Anderson. You may not distribute this work in electronic magazines or within computer software without prior
written explicit permission. These rights are temporary and revocable upon written, oral, or other notice by Allan
McKay. This copyright notice shall be governed by the laws of the state of QLD. If you would like additional rights
beyond those granted above, write to the authors at "" and
"" on the Internet.
Section 1
About the tiberian sun bible
Where to get this faq
Adding to the faq
Tiberian sun interface
Section 2
Global Defense Initiative
Defensive Offense
Brotherhood of Nod
Tech tree
Defensive Offense
Section 3
General Hotkeys
Terrain Crates
Questions & Answers
Manual clearups
Section 4
Third party programs
World Wide Web Sites
What's at the bottom of the page?
[SECTION 1] -[About this Tiberian Sun Bible]
This FAQ is being written by Allan "Machette" McKay and Chris "Imodium" Anderson for the game Tiberian Sun.
Allan McKay wrote the Dark Reign Bible which was picked up by Online Game Review and also put on PC gamers'
site within the first week of it's release. And instantly became a hit. As well as writing plenty of strategies and being
a large fan of most RTS games since Dune 2. Allan has also worked on a couple of strategy involved games
including working on Team Fortress 2 by Valve Software (a hardcore strategy game based in 3d and first person
perspective) and a small selection of other games and mods from the late '90's.
Chris Anderson: Well in a nutshell I'm an avid gamer, who is mainly interested in the real time strategy and first
person shooter genres. I'm in my last year of school then I'm off to hopefully do a diploma of multimedia which will
give me the skills I need to get into the art side of the gaming and film industry. Anyway hope everyone enjoys the
TS:Bible we will be constantly updating it through our site Be sure to
look out for more gaming bibles written by myself and Allan on our in progress Gamers Bible site which will be
located at
This FAQ was designed to give overview of all units and structures in the game and help improve players skill in the
game Command and Conquer. By no means do I Allan McKay or Chris Anderson take any responsibility for readers
actions including hurting themselves or others, launching ion cannons into space and destroying states city by city or
cross country killing spree's. In fact we do not even claim responsibility for our own actions. Also I am using an
American dictionary for spelling this time around, I copped a lot of emails about the 'poor spelling' back on the Dark
Reign bible, when in fact it was just because I was spelling with my native spelling (Australian) :)
The FAQ is broken up into sections. Section 1 covers the general section, Section 2 covers all of the Nod infantry,
vehicles and structures and other info, and Section 3 covers Multiplay, Q&A and other stuff. Revision classification
works something like the following. If a new version of the FAQ has only a small amount of information changed or
added, the version number is increased by 0.1, and is called a 'minor revision.' If a new version of the FAQ has a
substantial amount of new information changed or added, the version number is increased by 0.5, and is called a
'standard revision.' If a new version of the FAQ has a huge amount of added or changed information, major parts of
the FAQ are rearranged, or major parts of the FAQ are rewritten, the version number is increased by 1.0, and it is
called a 'major revision.' -[WHERE TO GET THIS FAQ] You can get the FAQ from the following sites: If you would like to permanently mirror this FAQ,
please go ahead, and please email me so I can post the URL here, not only then will it show up here but I can also
contact you when a more up to date version is released. -[OVERVIEW] Well my eyes sure hurt! Here is version 1.0
of the Tiberian Sun Bible FAQ. Basically this is pretty much a mirror of the Tiberian Sun Bible up at but it is compiled into text format with a few extra things. Here's some
trivia though, the Tiberian Bible site was originally this FAQ before we decided to move to making it a whole
webpage so I guess in a way this is de ja vu :) Anywy enjoy, also if you have any feedback, comments or ideas or
ANYTHING at all, mail me! - Allan McKay. -[ADDING TO THE FAQ] If you have a
strategy, tip, or want to voice your opinion on a unit or anything at all, mail Allan McKay at Please note that all submissions to the FAQ become property of the authors (Allan
McKay, Chris Anderson) and that they may or may not be acknowledged. By submitting to the FAQ, you grant
permission for use of your submission in any future publications of the FAQ in any media. The author reserves the
right to omit information from a submission or delete the submission entirely -[ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS] Allan
McKay: Thanks westwood for a kickass game, hope you fix the damn bugs and hit the ' make it pretty like in those
screenshots' switch but! ;) Roger Wong in the man 'nuff said. He made the C&C strategy FAQ which is basically
what inspired my Dark Reign Bible, which lead to this. Everyone for reading this FAQ! And everyone who in the
past and future has or will contribute to this faq. Chris Anderson: Well basically all of the above, and thanks to for hosting the initial site and the soon to be Gamers Bible which you will be able to find at And last of all our new hosts Rising Sun Network, thanks for helping us get this
out to the public guys. -[TIBERIAN SUN'S INTERFACE] Main Options The options button is located at the top
lefthand side of the screen. This gives you access to the options menu. Minimap The minimap is supplied via your
Radar. Basically it will give you an overview look at the whole map via satellite. You can select units and tell them
to move to various positions on the radar, or you can go to areas on the map by just clicking on them. Power Meter
This is a little bar on the side of the command panel, which indicates via color code and length how much power you
have. Red, orange and green show the amount of free power you have left. Where as green is good, orange is low
but still enough to run and red is out of power. This is essential that you look at this bar constantly to make sure you
don't have a black out in the middle of a battle. If it looks like you are running out of power, build more power
plants. Construction Panel This is where you build all your structures, infantry and vehicles and aircraft and the rest.
Basically scroll up and down the two rows of icons and click on items to order them, right click to put on hold,
double right click to cancel. You can also cue via clicking on an item more than once (note: this does not work with
structures). Sell Sybolized as the dollar sign this enables you to sell any of your structures or units if they are on the
Repair Depot. Power Looks like a lightning bolt, this allows you to turn off the power to structures which require
power. Usefull if you are low on power and you need to speed up Construction of Power Plants by allowing the
Construction Yard to have full power and thus faster build times. Nod will benefit from this button the most as their
defences require huge amounts of power, so if at any time you are under attack and your power level goes down you
can turn off structures such as the hand of Nod and War Factory to channel power into more important things like
the Obelisk and Laser Fences. To turn power back on to your powered down structures simply select them with the
power button again. Repair Looks like a wrench, this lets you repair structures. When repairing structures and your
credits run out they will stop repairing so be sure to select them to be repaired once you have credits to finish the
job. Waypoints This turns on the waypoint mode which allows you to make paths for your units. Credits The total
amount of cash you currently have is listed at the top of the screen. SECTION 2 Global Defense Initiative Infantry
Light Infantry - Cost: 120 Weapon: M16 Mk. II pulse rifle Ability: None Armor: None Strength: 125 Sight: 5 Speed:
5 Veteran Abilities: Scatters automatically when under threat Prerequisite: Barracks Tech Level: 1 Cheap and
expendable, mainly used for taking out other infantry, if used in groups they can be quite effective at taking out
heavier units and buildings aswell. Because of their cost a large amount of these soldiers can be built if the need
arises. Best to keep a few groups guarding around your base to prevent Engineer attacks. Disc Thrower - Cost: 200
Weapon: Aerodynamic grenades Ability: None Armor: None Strength: 150 Sight: 7 Speed: 4 Veteran Abilities:
Scatters automatically when under threat Prerequisite: Barracks Tech Level: 2 Best used in groups of 10-15, Disc
Throwers are very effective in taking out any ground based unit from an Attack Buggy to the Mammoth Mk.II. They
are also effective against infantry units and for bringing down structures. These units are also great to have guarding
the base to help out with stationary defences as they can take down heavy units fast. Jumpjet Infantry - Cost: 600
Weapon: Vulcan cannon Ability: Fly Armor: Light Strength: 120 Sight: 6 Speed: 5 Veteran Abilities: Invisible on
radar Prerequisite: Barracks, Radar Tech Level: 6 Best used for taking out any types of infantry which do not have
air support. If used in larger groups they are also effective at taking out heavier units and airborne threats. If you are
being harrassed by Artillery these are the best units to use as they cannot be hit by their shells. Only drawbacks to
this unit is it's slow pace and weakness against air attacks. Medic - Cost: 600 Weapon: None Ability: Heals infantry,
Self heal Armor: None Strength: 125 Sight: 6 Speed: 4 Veteran Abilities: None Prerquisite: Barracks Tech Level: 4
Healing all units in their vicinity the Medic is an imperative unit to include in any force which contains infantry. If
placed in guard mode the Medic will search for damaged infantry and heal them back to full health. Over time
Medics heal up to full health but to get the best effect have at least 3 Medics so they can heal your infantry units
faster and heal eachother. Engineer - Cost: 500 Weapon: None Ability: Repairs bridges/structures, captures
structures Armor: None Strength: 100 Sight: 4 Speed: 4 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: Barracks Tech Level: 2
Used for capturing enemy structures, repairing bridges and repairing your structures this unit is valueable to any
army. If placed in guard mode the Engineer will automatically repair any structures which go into the red zone, or if
near the enemy base will capture the nearest building and sell it. Ghost Stalker - Cost: 1750 Weapon: Rail gun, C4
Ability: Heals in Tiberium Armor: Light Strength: 200 Sight: 6 Speed: 4 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite:
Barracks, Tech Center Tech Level: 10 Equipped with a powerful rail gun and C4 charges the Ghost Stalker is one of
GDI's best Forgotten affiliates. Only one of these units is available on the battlefield at any given time. Transport
this guy into the enemy base and let the fireworks begin, click on enemy buildings and watch them explode as the
Ghost Stalker detonates them with his C4 charges. If standing in Tiberium the Ghost Stalker will heal up to full
health as he is of the Forgotten race. An overlooked feature of the Ghost Stalker is his powerful rail gun, with the
ability to travel through multiple victims the rail gun can take out lines of troops and light units advancing on him.
Vehicles Harvester - Cost: 1400 Weapon: None Ability: Self heal up to 50% Armor: Heavy Strength: 1000 Sight: 4
Speed: 5 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: War Factory, Tiberium Refinery Tech Level: 1 Used to collect the
various types of Tiberium and return it to the Tiberium Refinery where it converts the Tiberium into credits. Without
Harvesters your war machine is crippled, keep them safe at all costs. They are heavily armoured so can withstand a
punishment before help arrives. Wolverine - Cost: 500 Weapon: Dual assault cannon Ability: Immune to veins
Armor: Light Strength: 175 Sight: 6 Speed: 7 Veteran Abilities: Vein proof Prerequisite: War Factory Tech Level: 2
Fast and agile the Wolverine is excellent at scouting. With it's dual assault cannon the Wolverine is also effective at
taking out groups of infantry and lightly armoured units. Should always be a part of your attacking force if you do
not include infantry as enemy infantry will make short work of Titans and Hover MLRS's who cannot deal with
infantry effectively. Amphibious APC - Cost: 800 Weapon: None Ability: Holds 5 infantry Armor: Heavy Strength:
200 Sight: 5 Speed: 8 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: War Factory, Barracks Tech Level: 6 Can transport up to
5 troops to anywhere on the battlefield. Able to pass through water the Amphibious APC can deliver it's troops to
unguarded parts of enemy bases which were thought to have a natural barrier. It's heavy armor will protect your
troops from a fair amout of fire until it gets to it's destination. Titan - Cost: 800 Weapon: 120mm cannon Ability:
None Armor: Heavy Strength: 400 Sight: 8 Speed: 4 Veteran Abilities: Detects cloaked/subterranean units
Prerequisite: War Factory Tech Level: 3 The backbone of GDI's fighting force. Excellent at taking out almost every
ground based unit on the battlefield except infantry. This makes Titans great for base defence. Their main purpose
though is to be in the front lines of the battle against enemy installations. Hover MLRS - Cost: 900 Weapon:
Missiles Ability: Hover Armor: Medium Strength: 230 Sight: 7 Speed: 7 Veteran Abilities: Self heal Prerequisite:
War Factory, Radar Tech Level: 7 GDI's fastest ground unit, great for scouting as it can pass over any type of terrain
be it water or Tiberium Veins without a loss in speed. Also has a long ranged attack which is great for taking out
structures from afar. It's missiles are also capable of taking out airborne units so they should be a part of any large
force and base defence. Disruptor - Cost: 1300 Weapon: Harmonic reasonance wave Ability: None Armor: Heavy
Strength: 500 Sight: 7 Speed: 4 Veteran Abilities: Explodes when destroyed Prerequisite: War Factory, Tech Center
Tech Level: 9 The Disruptor uses a harmonic resonance wave channeled into a wide beam to shake apart anything in
it's wake. Main purpose of these guys is to bring down structures and to help out with base defence. They can also
take a beating which means more destruction in enemy bases. Mobile Sensor Array - Cost: 950 Weapon: None
Ability: Detects subterranean and cloaked units/structures Armor: Medium Strength: 600 Sight: 10 Speed: 6 Veteran
Abilities: None Prerequisite: War Factory, Radar Tech Level: 6 Nods worst enemy the Mobile Sensor Array should
be a part of any GDI installation. Able to detect and notify you were subterrainean or cloaked units are within a large
range this unit will help you ready your forces for the inevitable attack. Also if fighting against a stealthed based,
deployed in a secure position this unit allows you to see what is going on under the stealth cloak. Mammoth Mk.II -
Cost: 3000 Weapon: Dual rail guns, anti-aircraft missile launcher Ability: Self heal up to 50% Armor: Heavy
Strength: 800 Sight: 8 Speed: 3 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: War Factory, Tech Center Tech Level: 10 The
strongest and slowest unit on the battlefield. At 3000 credits a pop and being able to only have one of the battlefield
at any given time the Mammoth Mk.II needs to be used to it's full potential...base wrecking. Toting dual rail guns
and anti-aircraft missiles the Mammoth Mk.II can hold it's own for awhile before backup units arrive. With the
ability to heal up to half health the Mammoth Mk.II can take a huge amount of punishment, retreat, and come back
for some more once it has regenerated. The most effective use for this unit is destroying structures and heavy units.
Because of it's slow pace the Mammoth Mk.II should be used in conjunction with a Orca Carryall to get to it's
destination. Mobile Construction Vehicle Cost: 2500 Weapon: None Ability: Deploys into a Construction Yard
Armor: Heavy Strength: 1000 Sight: 6 Speed: 3 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: War Factory, Tech Center Tech
Level: 10 The Mobile Construction Vechicle deploys into a Construction Yard when you have selected an area for it
to deploy at. If enabled in the options the Construction Yard can redeploy back into a Mobile Construction Vechicle
and be taken to a new location and be deployed again. If your Construction Yard is destroyed you will be severly
crippled until you can purchase another Mobile construction Vehicle. Aircraft Orca Fighter - Cost: 1000 Weapon:
Dual missile launchers Ability: None Armor: Light Strength: 200 Sight: 2 Speed: 20 Veteran Abilities: None
Prerequisite: Helipad Tech Level: 5 The quick and agile Orca Fighter can offer support on any location on the
battlefield quickly. Its air to ground missiles are great for taking out heavy units if in groups and attacking
Harvesters. Their light armor makes these units vunerable to air defences such as Sam Sites or Rocket Infantry. Orca
Bomber - Cost: 1600 Weapon: High explosive bomb Ability: None Armor: Heavy Strength: 260 Sight: 2 Speed: 12
Veteran Abilities: Invisible on radar Prerequisite: Helipad, Tech Center Tech Level: 8 Heavily armoured and slow
the Orca Bomber contains a heavy payload. Usefull for destroying structures or finishing them off after a super
weapon strike. Also excellent for taking out large groups of infantry and softening up heavier units on route to your
base. If used in groups they are also effective against Harvesters. Orca Carryall - Cost: 750 Weapon: None Ability:
Transports 1 unit Armor: Light Strength: 175 Sight: 2 Speed: 16 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: Helipad,
Service Depot Tech Level: 9 Able to transport any unit on the battlefield the Orca Transport is usefull for getting
valueable units out of sticky situations and delivering Amphibious APC's or the slow lumbering Mammoth Mk.II to
their desired locations. Beware the Orca Transport is very lightly armoured which makes up it's speed increase but
therefore is hopeless against any air defences. Production Construction Yard - Cost: 2500 Strength: 1000
Prerequisites: Mobile Construction Vehicle Tech Level: -1 The Construction Yard is where you start your empire. All
your buildings are constructed from this, therefore if you lose your Construction Yard you are in a whole load of
trouble. It is always a good idea to place Pavement, Concrete Walls and Component Towers around your
Construction Yard to ward off any attacks. Power Plant - Cost: 300 Strength: 750 Prerequisites: Construction Yard
Tech Level: 1 The Power Plant is needed to power all your structures and stationary defences, Power Plants are
always a popular target for Ion Cannon or Multi-Missile strikes so place them apart from eachother to minimise
damage caused. Power Turbine - Cost: 100 Strength: N/A Prerequisites: Power Plant Tech Level: 7 The Power
Turbine is an upgrade for the Power Plant which increases their power output. Two Power Turbines can be placed on
each Power Plant, this saves space and money by not having to construct another individual Power Plant. Tiberium
Refinery - Cost: 2000 Strength: 900 Prerequisites: Power Plant Tech Level: 1 This is where your Harvesters dock to
convert the harvested Tiberium into credits to fund your war machine. Without Tiberium Refinerys you have no
income and are pretty much screwed until you can purchase another. Each Tiberium Refinery comes with a
Harvester. Tiberium Silo - Cost: 300 Strength: 150 Prerequisites: Tiberium Refinery Tech Level: 1 When you are
harvesting large amounts of Tiberium it is a good idea to build a few Tiberium Silos to store the Tiberium in,
otherwise once the Tiberium Refinerys reach their full capacity any further processed Tiberium goes to waste. Be
carefull about how you use Tiberium Silos as any credits which you are storing in them can be deducted if the
Tiberium Silo is destroyed or captured. Barracks - Cost: 300 Strength: 800 Prerequisites: Power Plant Tech Level: 1
The Barracks is where GDI produces all of it's infantry based units. A good strategy is to build a Barracks near the
enemy base to serve as a front line reinforcements base. War Factory - Cost: 2000 Strength: 1000 Prerequisites:
Tiberium Refinery, Barracks Tech Level: 2 GDI produces all of it's vehicles from the War Factory. At 2000 a pop it
would be a good idea to have some defences around these at all times. Service Depot - Cost: 1200 Strength: 1100
Prerequisites: War Factory Tech Level: 7 The Service Depot repairs any vehicles or aircraft which are sent onto it.
Multiple units can be queued to be repaired by selecting all the damaged units and sending them to the Service
Depot. Radar - Cost: 1000 Strength: 1000 Prerequisites: Tiberium Refinery Tech Level: 3 The Radar activates the
minimap in the top right corner of the screen. This allows you to see oncoming attacks and enemy structures.
Helipad - Cost: 500 Strength: 600 Prerequisites: Radar Tech Level: 5 The Helipad is required to build and reload the
Orca aircraft. Once the Orca Fighter and Orca Bomber have depleted their ammunition they must return to a Helipad
and reload, the Orca Carryall does not require a Helipad to operate as it has no weapons. Tech Center - Cost: 1500
Strength: 500 Prerequisites: War Factory, Radar Tech Level: 6 The Tech Center is required to build more advanced
units and structures such as the Mammoth Mk.II and Ghost Stalker. Destroying this structure will disable the enemy
from producing these units, usually all the Tech Center requires is one Ion Cannon hit to be destroyed. Defensive
Pavement - Cost: 75 Strength: 150 Prerequisites: Barracks Tech Level: 6 Essential for any GDI commander up
against Nod. Where Pavement is placed subterranean units will not be able to surface, so it is recommended to place
pavement around all your important buildings or even your entire base if you are paranoid about subterranean
attacks. Another advantage of Pavement is that it prevents heavy fire from deforming the terrain and causing craters,
thus you will never lose valueable building space. Concrete Walls - Cost: 50 Strength: 150 Prerequisites: Barracks
Tech Level: 6 The Concrete Wall is great for denying the enemy access to your base. Component Towers and
Automatic Gates can be placed within Concrete Wall sections and become an integrated part of them, this offers for
some great base defencive options. It is also a good idea to place Concrete Walls around your Construction Yard to
deny the enemy Engineers access to it. Automatic Gate - Cost: 250 Strength: 350 Prerequisites: Barracks Tech
Level: 6 The complimentary component to Concrete Walls. Where Automatic Gates are placed between Concrete
Walls they will allow your units to exit and enter your base but will not lower for enemy units. This keeps your base
completely closed off at all times with no sections being open at any time. Component Tower - Cost: 200 Strength:
500 Prerequisites: Barracks Tech Level: 2 The Componet Tower serves as an upgrade station where either the
Vulcan Cannon, RPG Upgrade or SAM Upgrade can be placed on. The Component Towers can be integrated into
Concrete Walls or place on their own. It is always a good idea to have a few Component Towers in key area's of
your base. Vulcan Cannon Upgrade - Cost: 150 Strength: N/A Prerequisites: Component Tower, Barracks Tech
Level: 2 The Vulcan Cannon Upgrade for the Component Tower is a great static defence for taking out infantry and
light vehicles. Place these near important structures such as the Construction Yard or War factory to prevent Engieer
takeovers. These also serve well on the front line of base defence to take out squads of advancing infantry. RPG
Upgrade - Cost: 600 Strength: N/A Prerequisites: Component Tower, Barracks Tech Level: 9 The RPG (Rocket
Propelled Grenade) Upgrade is the best static defence for ripping apart heavy vehicles with it's high damage
grenade. These grenades can be lobbed a fair distance and are great for taking out most heavy vehicles in two or
three hits, light vehicles are usually demolished in one or two hits. These should be placed at the main entrance to
your base to serve as rush eliminators. If possible hit the oncoming units with the EMP Cannon when the RPG is
within range of the units and it will rip them apart before the units regain fuctionality. SAM Upgrade - Cost: 300
Strength: N/A Prerequisites: Component Tower, Barracks Tech Level: 5 The SAM (Surface to Air Missile) Upgrade
is primarily used for air based defence. If you are being attacked by Orca Bomber or Banshees place a few of these
around the base and they will make short work of any airborne attack. A good idea is to place SAM's near key
buildings such as the Construction Yard and War Factory, this way if you are hit with a Multi-Missile or Ion Cannon
follow up aircraft which will try to finish off the damaged structures will be taken down before they can do any
serious damage. EMP Cannon - Cost: 1000 Strength: 500 Prerequisites: Radar Tech Level: 6 The EMP (Electro-
Magnetic Pulse) Cannon is essential to any defensive installation. Once charged the EMP Cannon can fire it's
electro-magnetic pulse within a large range from the center of where it is situated, the pulse will disable all
mechanical units within a fairly large range of the impact point of the EMP blast rendering the mechanical units
caught within the blast inoperable until the effect wears off. This is a great anti-rush defence and allows you to take
out a large amount of mechanical units without any return threat. A good unit to use against the disabled units is the
Orca Bomber or a squad of Disk Throwers. Upgrade Center - Cost: 1000 Strength: 1000 Prerequisites: Tiberium
Refinery, Tech Center Tech Level: 10 The Upgrade Center contains two expansion slots in which the Ion Cannon
Uplink and Seeker Control can be activated once built. Seeker Control - Cost: 1000 Strength: N/A Prerequisites: War
Factory, Upgrade Center, Tech Center Tech Level: 10 The Seeker Control allows you to facilitise the use of the
Hunter Seeker Droid. Once the Hunter Seeker Droid is ready hit the release button and it will randomly seek out a
target and destroy it. Anything the Hunter Seeker Droid attaches itself to be it a unit or structure will not survive the
explosion. These are great for harrasing the enemy but not very effective for specific targets, as it is a game of luck.
Ion Cannon Uplink - Cost: 1500 Strength: N/A Prerequisites: Upgrade Center, Tech Center Tech Level: 10 The Ion
Cannon Uplink serves as an uplink to the Ion Cannon Satellite in outer space. When charged you can select which
target to hit with the Ion Cannon, it is great for taking out Power Plants or Obelisks and groups of infantry. To
destroy a stronger structure such as the Construction Yard a follow up force will be required to finish it off, Orca
Bombers serve this purpose greatly as their heavy armor will protect them from at least a few hits from anti-aircraft
units or structures which gives them enough time to drop their payload and destroy the target. Another usefull
structure to take out is the Radar as this will blind him from seeing any oncoming attacks you may have onroute to
their base. Firestorm Generator - Cost: 2000 Strength: 800 Prerequisites: Tech Center Tech Level: 9 The Firestorm
Generator allows the construction of Firestorm Wall Sections to be built, where the Firestorm Wall Sections are
placed an infinately high shield is emitted. Once charged the Firestorm Generator can be turned on for a limited
amout of time until the generated power for the Firestorm Generator runs out and then must be recharged again to be
used. Firestorm Wall Section - Cost: 50 Strength: 200 Prerequisites: Firestorm Generator Tech Level: 9 The
counterpart of the Firestorm Generator, placed just like normal Concrete Walls the Firestorm Wall Sections emit an
infinately high shield of energy which is impenetrable. Be sure to turn the Firestorm Generator off before your Orca
aircraft come in contact with the shield otherwise they will be destroyed. The same goes for enemy aircraft, Multi-
Missiles, Chemical Nukes or Hunter Seeker Droids. When you hear the "Missile launch detected" warning, wait a
few seconds and then turn on your Firestorm Generator, this will prevent the warhead from entering any region
which is blocked off by Firestorm Wall Sections. Offence GDI's available units for attacking are mainly heavily
armored and built to last. An Army of GDI heavy units is something to be feared. Listed below are various strategies
and formations of units which can be used to attack. Initial attack force - Units Group 1: 15-20 Disc Throwers, 3-4
Medics, 4-5 Titans Group 2: 8 Disc Throwers, 2 Engineers, 2 Amphibious APC's Group 3: 4-5 Hover MLRS's, 1
Amphibious APC, 5 Disc Throwers Waypoints Path 1: Just outside the main entrance to the enemy base Path 2:
Location hidden just outside the backdoor of the enemy base Path 3: Enemy Harvesters current Tiberium field
Strategy Select each group and give them the corresponding group number. Set them on their paths and start
building a Barracks and Engineer (stop the Engineer just before it is completed). Once all the groups are in place
move your main attack force in to draw enemy units out and start destroying them, set group 3 on guard mode to
harass any Harvesters in thier vicinity and leave group 2 on standby. Once all the units are drawn out and the enemy
is focusing on the 2 attacking forces move group 3 into the enemy base. Bypass all defences and unload the
Amphibous APC's near the Construction Yard, unload your troops and take over the Construction Yard and the next
most important building near it (War Factory, Tiberium Refinery etc). Place down your prebuilt Barracks and set it
as primary then finish building your Engineer. Take over another important building and sell everything but the
Barracks and keep pumping out Engineers. Build a Component Tower or 2 around your Barracks to ward off
attackers. Keep taking over buildings and selling them to help fund building reinforcement troops and Engineers.
This tactic works very well and your opponent will not realise what is going on inside his base for quite sometime
because he will be preoccupied by the 2 main attacking forces outside his base. Once you have destroyed all units
that were assigned to attack your main groups move them in to finish off the remaining buildings. A good idea while
you are doing this would be to build an Orca Bomber or 2 to take out excessive units that may be advancing on your
main groups, this will help them out severly. Large scale attack - Units Group 1: 5-10 Titans, 15-20 Disc Throwers,
3-4 Medics, 3-4 Disruptors Waypoints Path 1: Secure location just outside the enemy base Strategy When the
enemies base is too well defended and you cannot seem to crack it you need to build some overwhelming firepower.
A large army made up of Titans, Disc Throwers and Medics will be required to break through their front line of
defence leaving it open. Keep sending the units you finish building on the path until a large group of them have
accumulated. Continue building units throughout your attack to serve as reinforcements. Group all your units and
concentrate their fire on one thing at a time for maximum efficiency. You could also have an Ion Cannon strike ready
to knock out either an Obliesk or Power Plant before you move your attack force in to disable any power hungry
defensive structures which will help your attack force out greatly. If credits permit build some Disruptors ontop of
the other units, these things take out buildings fast. Sneak attack - Units Group 1: 1 Amphibious APC, 2 Engineers, 1
Ghost Stalker, 2 Medics Strategy If your opponent has left the backdoor open to his base and there is no defence to
be found this attack will work extremely well. Move your Amphibious APC into their base by using the most
unused/seen route, once inside let the havoc begin. Take over the Construction Yard and another valuable building
(War Factory, Tiberium Refinery etc) selling them both, then procede to use the Ghost Stalker to demolish as many
buildings he can before he is overwhelmed. Assign the Medics to guard the Ghost Stalker to keep him alive as long
as possible. Alternate strategy is to have a Barracks prebuilt and an almost complete Engineer. Before selling one of
the captured buildings place down the Barracks and set it as primary then finish constructing the Engineer and take
over another building and sell it. Meanwhile keep pumping out Disc Throwers and wreak havoc from the inside of
their base. Construction Yard strike - Units Group 1: 2 Orca Bombers Super: Ion Cannon Strategy If your opponents
Construction Yard has no air defence or very little of it, this attack is perfect. Have 2 Orca Bombers on standby near
the enemy base, select their Construction Yard to be attacked and let them make thier way to it. Just before they drop
thier payload hit the Construction Yard with an Ion Cannon blast. This will destroy the Construction Yard
completely and will cripple your enemy serverly. Harvester hit - There are many ways to harrass Harvesters but the
best ways are listed below. ? 6 Orca Bombers ? 5+ Orca Fighters ? 2 Disruptors transported via Orca Carryalls ? 10
Disc Throwers transported via Amphibious APC's Hitting Harvesters before sending in a large scale attack will work
wonders as it will cripple their income and thus limit the forces they can send at you. Also they will be preoccupied
with defending their Harvesters which will give you the edge when you move in for the strike. Kamikaze Harvesters
- If you have ungodly amounts of credits lying around and can afford to spare a few this tactic works like a charm.
Build a Harvester or 2 and fill them up with Blue Tiberium, send the Harvesters into the base via Orca Carryalls or
just drive them straight in. Park the Harvesters near key buildings and watch the fireworks begin. Because Blue
Tiberium is extremely volatile when the Harvesters are destroyed they will take out a lot with them, usually the
building they are adjacent to and any units surrounding it. Distruptor drop - Build 2 Disruptors and 2 Orca Carryalls,
send the Disruptors with the help of the Orca Carryalls into the enemy base where there is little base defence and a
lot of buildings. Concentrate the Disruptors beams on the same building and watch it quickly fall apart. The
Disruptors are very versatile and will be able to withstand some serious punishment before they are destroyed. This
usually means they are capable of taking out at least 3-4 buildings if not more depending on the measures the enemy
takes. Beware of EMP Cannons when attempting this as it can render the attack useless, quickly pick the units up
with the Orca Carryalls and take them to safety if they are hit with the EMP Cannon. Mammoth Mk.II drop -
Exactly the same as the Disruptor drop except that you only need one Orca Carryall, and of course you can only
have one Mammoth Mk. II. Drop the Mammoth Mk.II deep behind enemy lines and let the fireworks begin, once it
becomes overwhelmed by heavy fire quickly get it out of their with your Orca Carryall, try and avoid anti-air
defence as you dont want your $3000 unit to fall out of the sky. A note to remember is that the Mammoth Mk.II self
heals up to 50%, so by just taking it out of the line of fire for a little while will give it time to recharge and be ready
for more action. Think about mutation - A good way to annoy your opponent and to keep him distracted from more
important things like your oncoming attack is to create some Viscaroids near his base. Simply march a groop of
Light Infantry into one of their closest Tiberium fields and keep moving them around until they eventually die. They
will then turn into baby Viscaroids and begin to roam around the map, hopefully near their base. Eventually they
will turn into Adult Viscaroids and begin to start causing some rather large troubles for your opponent. Waypoints -
Set up waypoints outside your Barracks and War Factory which lead to key locations on the map such as the front
entrance to the enemy base. Then when you need reinforcements in any parts of the map you can simply select your
produced units and send them along the desired waypoint. If you would like your units to engage any enemies they
come across when they are following the path simply hold down CTRL + ALT with the selected units and left click
the path you want them to take. Amphibious APC access - When the enemy base is located near water they may
believe it to be a natural barrier and not bother with defences in that region. If you Amphibious APC's can get access
to the enemy base off the water then this is a great opportunity. Build about 3-4 Amphibious APC's and fill them up
with various troops and go in for the attack. But be sure to make it effective as this will probably be the only time
you will be able to use this entrance as most opponents will build defences in the previously neglected area once
they have been attacked through that way. The wicked witch - Jumpjet Infantry (which if you look closely look like
witches flying on broomsticks) can be used to a great advantage against your opponent. Since most units do not have
air support a pack of these guys can make short work of any unguarded structures or units and can be a great hassle
to the enemy if you use them to harrass enemy Harvesters. Although the Jumpjet Infantry will not do that much
damage to the Harvester your opponent will still be very worried about it and will take their mind off what they are
currently doing most of the time and attend to the little witches. Wolverines can also be a great unit to harrass the
enemy Harvesters, just send 2-3 Wolverines to the enemies Tiberium field and set them to guard. Titan distraction -
A good distraction to any enemy installation is a force of about 5 Titans, these guys can do a large amount of
damage against any structure. Use this distraction group just before you send in your main attack and it will work
wonders as the enemy will be divided and confused. Most of the time the enemy will be so worred about the Titans
advancing on their base that they will probably send most of their forces your way if they dont have adequate
stationary defences, then your real attack can just waltz right in and really screw them up. For good measure throw
in a few Wolverines into this group to take out any infantry threats as Titans cannon effectively deal with infantry.
Orca Fighers are your friends - Orca Fighers are great for taking out most units in packs and are excellent against
unguarded structures. Attack with at least 5 Orca Fighters when attacking weak structures and you will be sure to
take them out. Watch out for SAM's and Rocket Infantry though, as these will rip apart your Orca Fighters pretty
fast. Use the Orca Fighters in conjuction with the Ion Cannon for taking out stronger structures, but your best bet is
to use the Orca Bomber which is covered below. Orca Bomber raid - When there is little air defence around their
base build up about 5-6 Orca Bombers and air raid thier base. The Orca Bombers will usually take out any structure
you attack in one run, it is a good idea to hit the more valuable structures such as the Construction Yard, War
Factory, Tiberium Refinerys, or the Temple of Nod. If you are ready to attack a Nod base it is a good idea to hit their
Power Plants before you move in with your ground base force, this will disable Obelisks, Laser Fences and other
power hungry structures as Nod requires mass amounts of power to run it's war machine. Be sure to hit the
Advanced Power Plants first and foremost rather than the lesser Power Plant. If playing against GDI, Power Plants
are not something which they require so hit their Radar or Tech Center to cripple them before your attack, without
the Radar they are unable to detect your ground force approaching their base, and if you take out the Tech Center it
will disable them from building Orca Bombers which will make short work of your oncoming attack force. Defence
Defensive options for GDI are not up to the high standards of Nods powerful defensive structures such as the
Obelisk and Laster Turret, and thus require the assistance of the powerful GDI units to lend a hand to the stationary
defensive options available to GDI. In early stages of the game GDI relies heavily on these units as it's more
powerful stationary defence is not available until later in the game. The almighty Orca Bomber - Keeping at least 2
Orca Bombers on standby in your base is a must for any defensive installation. These units can take out large forces
of infantry and heavy units alike and are used in many of the key defensive strategies listed. Just select the middle
unit within the approacing attack force and the Orca Bombers will take out most of the squad leaving the infantry in
pools of blood and the armored units in pieces. Use the EMP Cannon to it's full potential - Never forget about the
usefullness of the EMP Cannon. Often overlooked the EMP Cannon can stop a large rush of mechanical units in
thier tracks leaving them easy prey for Orca Bombers or Disc Throwers. Also usefull to disable APC's which may
have plans of taking over your base with their cargo of precious Engineers. The EMP Cannon also works great
against subterranean units. If any subterranean units are hit with the EMP Cannon they will be forced to surface and
deactivate, this is great for preventing Subterranean APC attacks full of Engineers. To effectively use this tactic you
must have a Mobile Sensor Array deployed so that you can see where the subterranean units are. Cloaked or
subterranean units giving you a hard time? - The answer to your troubles is the Mobile Sensor Array, deploy one of
these in the center of your base and get the knowledge you need to take action against cloaked or subterranean units.
When a unit of the description breeches the Mobile Sensor Arrays detection field you will be alerted and their
presence will now be shown to you so you can take action before they surface or uncloak. By having this edge it will
give you a little time before the units will inevitably attack therefore you will be able to position your units in the
optimal position to take on the attack. Component Towers, GDI's defensive upgrade deluxe - Place Component
Towers around key areas of your base to keep your units and structures safe. RPG's are best placed near the main
entrances to your base and the outer perimeters. Vulcan Cannons should be placed amongst buildings to eliminate
any Engineers which may get the better of you, and also are helpful near the RPG's to waste any infantry which may
overwhelm them. Last but not least SAM's, place these around your Construction Yard and other valuable buildings
to prevent air raids by the likes of Orca Bombers and Banshee's, this will also prevent the mentioned aircraft from
finishing off your structures once they have been hit by a super weapon such as the Ion Cannon or Multi-Missile.
Shields up! - The Firestorm Generator, often overlooked because of it's power consuming features and it's time and
hassle to set up. But when the time permits the Firestorm Generator is excellent for protecting your Construction
Yard from attacks. Simply build Firestorm Wall Sections around your Construction Yard and turn it on when it
becomes under threat. Another great use for this is around the perimeter of your base, when Artillery begin shelling
your base turn the Firestorm Generator on and the shells will not be able to penetrate the shield, but act quickly as
the sheild only stays up for a limited amount of time, so take those Artillerys out as soon as possible. The shields
emitted are infinately high, so they will also block attacks from Multi-Missiles, Chemical Nukes or Hunter Seeker
Droids if they come in contact with the shield. Walls, Automatic Gates and Pavement, Oh My! - To build the
ultimate defensive installation these are the required components. Concrete Walls first and foremost, place these
around the perimeter of your base to keep units from ducking in and out, with the use of Automatic Gates between
Concrete Wall sections your units can still pass freely from inside and out your virtual Fort Knox. Pavement is GDI's
best defence against Nod subterranean attacks. Simply pave the entire floor of your base and subterranean units will
not be able to surface inside next to your precious structures. Not only does the Pavement offer protection from
subterranean units it also prevents heavy fire from cratering your base and deforming the terrain rendering the area
useless to build upon. Infantry dismissal - If you are being attacked by large amounts of infantry early in the game
such as Rocket Infantry or Cyborgs build up a force of mainly Light Infantry and some Disc Throwers these will
decimate any amount of infantry that they throw at you. For good measure add about 4-5 Wolverines which are also
effective against infantry. Later in the game the far most effective way of taking out large groups of infantry and
light vechicles would have to be Orca Bombers, these are only available once you have a Helipad and Tech Center
but are well worth the wait. In one run 1-2 Orca Bombers will take out all most all the infantry onroute to your base.
Heavy unit disposal - Against large groups of Tick Tanks or Titans the most effective units to use are Disc Throwers.
The weapons that these types of heavy units have are almost usless against any type of infantry so a group of 10-15
Disc Throwers can totally wipe out a large group of heavy units not being escorted by anti- infantry units such as
Wolverines or Devils Tongue Flame Tanks. When attacking the units be sure to have them all selected and
concentrate their fire on one unit at a time for maximum efficiency, this also allows you to scatter the units by hitting
X if they attempt to run you over. Use this strategy in conjunction with the EMP Cannon to totally disable all their
units leaving them vunerable to your barrage of Disc Throwers. Artillery troubles? - If you are being shelled by
Artillery the best units to use are Jumpjet Infantry, these guys can effectively rip apart all the Artillery units which
are shelling your base without needed to reload like the Orca aircraft. If you are only being shelled by one or 2
Artillery the best bet would be to use an Orca Bomber, one run past will destroy the Artillery and if thier is another
one lingering around the Orca Bomber will have enough bombs left to destroy that aswell. Hasta la vista, baby! -
Cyborg Commando's are no longer a threat to your base when you have Orca Bombers on standby. Simply grab 2 of
your Orca Bombers and strike the Cyborg Commander from the air, one run from the Orca Bombers is usually
enough to take the Cyborg Commander out fast and effectively with minimal losses. Air defence - Since GDI have
very little air defence it is always best to keep a few Hover MLRS's around about your base along with Jumpjet
Infantry to ward off any Banshees or Orca aircraft. Until you can build SAM's these are the best units to use. Enemy
giving your Harvesters a hard time? - Simply build a few Hover MLRS's and Wolverines and set them to guard a
particular Harvester by Ctrl+Alt clicking them. The units selected will follow the Harvester around and defend it
from any potential attacks. This also works great with Orca aircraft, they will patrol the skies around the unit and
reload automatically when they are out of ammunition and continue guarding. Setup patrols around your base - By
using the waypoint system you can set up a looping waypoint around your base in which you can assign units which
will follow the path around your base continously and engage any unit which breeches it's perimeter. This also
works with Orca aircraft, they will patrol around the points and reload automatically when they are out of
ammunition and continue patroling when they are reloaded. Brotherhood of Nod Infantry Light Infantry - Cost: 120
Weapon: M16 Mk. II pulse rifle Ability: None Armor: None Strength: 125 Sight: 5 Speed: 5 Veteran Abilities:
Scatters automatically when under threat Prerequisite: Hand of Nod Tech level: 1 Light Infantry are the standard
infantry in Tiberian Sun. The lowly grunts that most people consider to be weak and expendable. But in fact in large
groups these guys can be more than effective at taking out enemy soldiers and light armored vehicles. Plus for just
chucking at the enemy occasionally to keep them on their toes. If someone rushes at you with ten, twenty or thirty
Rocket Infantry units, here is a cheap and effective solution. Build about eight or more Light Infantry and attack
their Rocket Infantry with them in groups, shoot them all one by one, so all of your men focus on one unit at a time.
Not only are Light Infantry cheap, but the rockets hardly take any damage off of them, plus when they are ducking
on the ground it hardly takes any damage off at all, Light Infantry are great for this tactic of defence. Rocket Infantry
- Cost: 250 Weapon: Shoulder mounted rocket launcher Ability: Can attack aircraft Armor: None Strength: 100
Sight: 7 Speed: 4 Veteran Abilities: Scatters automatically when under threat Prerequisite: Hand of Nod Tech level: 2
Rocket Infantry are identical to the Light Infantry except they carry rocket launchers instead of pulse rifles. They are
the opposite to the Light Infantry in the aspect that they are hopeless against infantry but against structures and
armored vehicles and aircraft they work like a charm. Place them in packs randomly around the map, in bushes and
cities ect. Then they can take potshots at incoming aircraft and vehicles as they pass by weakening them before they
arrive at your base. Cyborg - Cost: 650 Weapon: High power pulse rifle Ability: Regenerates in Tiberium Armor:
Light Strength: 300 Sight: 5 Speed: 4 Veteran Abilities: Increased strength Prerequisite: Hand of Nod Tech level: 4
Nod's prized infantry. They can cut infantry down in seconds, and are very effective in groups at taking out defenses
that other vehicles and infantry cannot handle because of their armor. Great for walking into enemy's line of fire
when up against Obelisks or Artilleries when in large packs. The Cyborg packs a huge pulse ifle in place where his
left hand is meant to be. Unfortunantly the Cyborg lacks any anti- aircraft support and therefore aircraft can easily
attack squads of them and they have no way of defending. Also take note that Cyborgs do not lose health when they
walk on Tiberium, instead it actually refills their health due to some whack stuff Nod has done to their Cyborgs. On
occasion Cyborgs can go berserk and start shooting their own men. Of course you can still control them but they
shoot anyone in range, so in a case like this tell the Cyborg to go stand in the corner... or better still the enemies
base. Cyborgs are the key element of any infantry attack. They have short range but they are quite powerful, plus
they cannot be run over, therefore they are great to be at the front line of a giant attack. Engineer - Cost: 500
Weapon: None Ability: Repairs bridges/structures, captures structures Armor: None Strength: 100 Sight: 4 Speed: 4
Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: Hand of Nod Tech level: 2 Engineers lack any weapons, but in their own way
are weapons. Able to repair a building to full health instantly just by running into it (you lose the unit but) or stealing
enemy buildings by running into them. If you steal an enemy structure it will be claimed yours automatically, this is
a very effective way of sabotaging enemy bases. You can steal Construction Yards and build the enemy's technology,
or sell it ect. If you steal an enemy Tiberium Refinery and their Harvester is docking at the time, you steal the
Harvester as well! Plus all the Tiberium stored inside. Plus if you steal Tiberium Silos you take the money from that
too. If you steal enemy Barracks, War Factory, Construction Yard ect, you can build all of their stuff, minus things
like the Ion Cannon. Stealing a Helipad when the aircraft is on it will let you keep the aircraft, same goes for Repair
Depots. Always have an Engineer near your Construction Yard so if they send in Orca Bombers or Ion Cannon your
base or a Banshee flyby then if they damage it really bad, before they get to turn around for another run you can
quickly send your Engineer in to repair it so it doesn't blow up. If you put an Engineer on guard (select them and
press G) then they will automatically repair any building that is on red energy. Cyborg Commando - Cost: 2000
Weapon: Plasma cannon Ability: Regenerates in Tiberium Armor: Heavy Strength: 500 Sight: 7 Speed: 4 Veteran
Abilities: None Prerequisite: Hand of Nod, Temple of Nod Tech level: 10 Cyborg Commandos can only be built
after you have established a Temple of Nod. You can only build one of these at a time, but these babies put in the
right hands can take out a whole base with a little bit of backup. Though meant to be the equivalent to the Ghost
Stalker, they can match the Mammoth MK. II in methods of destruction. Building a Cyborg Commando and four
Rocket Infantry and sending them in an Subterranean APC into the enemy base is sometimes all you need to win.
Hotkey your Cyborg Commando as squad one and your Rocket Infantry as squad 2 and basically hit everything in
sight. Cut down the infantry with your Cyborg Commando and everything else as a pack, you can hit aircraft,
structures, vehicles and infantry, and basically you are unstoppable unless you are up against a really experienced
player who can think and act fast. Mutant Hijacker - Cost: 1850 Weapon: None Ability: Hijack vehicles Armor:
None Strength: 300 Sight: 6 Speed: 7 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: Hand of Nod, Temple of Nod Tech level:
10 Mutant Hijackers are expensive bastards and you can only build one at a time. At 1850 a pop you better use them
wisely. Their ability is soley aimed at hijacking enemy vehicles. They can take any vehicle from a simple civilian car
to a Mammoth MK. II. The Mutant Hijacker has no weapons, but of course his ability to steal vehicles makes him
well worth while. If you have a Mammoth MK. II approaching you, run a Mutant Hijacker in and take it over. This
is the most simplest tactic and it will piss your oponent off to the extremes, plus you score a free $3000 vehicle of
destruction. And if you want to piss your opponent off, run it through his base and kill everything in sight! If you are
planning to steal enemy Harvesters with the Mutant Hijacker, and want to hide somewhere near the Harvesters
Tiberium patch until it returns from the Tiberium Refinery, a good tip at blending your Mutant Hijacker in with the
terrain is to place him in a civilian area close to the enemy base until you are ready to strike. Mutant Hijackers look
almost like civilians and with the civilian's running around it's the perfect camouflage to make him not stand out to
the enemy. Hijacking civilian trucks is perfect camouflage for troop transport. Taking one of these and filling them
up with Engineers or Cyborg Commandos and leaving them in civilian ground until the time to strike. The enemy
will probably not notice it and consider it a civilian truck, until it deploys your troops that is. The secret of
camouflaging yourself so that you do not look like you are at all a threat is a real art to perfect. One problem is that
the truck will turn into the colour of your team instead of remaining white, whereas if you pick up a civilian vehicle
via a crate it remains the good ol white colour meaning it's perfectly harmless looking. Vehicles Harvester - Cost:
1400 Weapon: None Ability: Self heal up to 50% Armor: Heavy Strength: 1000 Sight: 4 Speed: 5 Veteran Abilities:
None Prerequisite: War Factory, Refinery Tech level: 1 Harvesters are the most important unit in the game. Without
these babies you have no income. Harvesters harvest Tiberium crystals from the Tiberium patches and return to their
Tiberium Refinery to dock and transfer all Tiberium which is then converted to cash. Harvesters are rather dumb to
tell you the truth (well what do you expect, I think Westwood made the Harvester AI quite realistic...They don't hire
rocket scientists to drive Harvesters afterall). Harvesters are about medium speed, an their armor is quite strong, they
have no weapons to protect themselves thus they need to be guarded at all times, and they are usually a large target
to the opposition if the enemy recognises their importance to you. When a Harvester loses more than 50% health it
will automatically self heal up to 50%, but this is a very slow and time consuming process. Protect your Harvesters,
they are the most important unit in your game (excluding your Mobile Construction Vehicle) without Harvesters you
will have no income and you will be rendered 'screwed' nuff said. The most effective way of harvesting is to
manually harvest the mature Tiberium crystals since the others are still onyly growing and do not contain as much
cash and the mature crystals fill the Harvester up quicker. Notice how the Blue Tiberium is explosive?? Filling your
Harvester up with Blue Tiberium and then tranporting him or driving him into the enemy base and parking your
Harvester as close as you can to their most valueable structures is the perfect weapon. When they destroy the
Harevestor it blows up, destroying more ground with more force than any super weapon can. After you do this to
them a couple of times they will probably be telling their allies "CRAP! I am under attack! They're sending multiple
harvesters into my base!" :) Harvesters may lack any weapons but they are great for running over infantry. If the
enemy base is quite unguarded and packs a lot of infantry, you can drive in and run over as many as you can and
usually get out without taking too much damage. Harvesters armor is pretty strong and can take a pretty large
amount of damage. Try to build as many Tiberium Refineries as possible. On occasion Harvesters waiting by the
Tiberium Refinery for it to be free will virtually fall asleep and just idle. Call it stupid AI but you really do need to
nurse your Harvesters, they are your babies after all. So build as many Tiberium Refinery's as possible so less
Harvesters will idle, then you will also have more harvesting bays so more money comes through and you can store
more cash without the annoying "Tiberium Silos needed" message coming up. Weed Eater - Cost: 1400 Weapon:
None Ability: Immune to veins Armor: Heavy Strength: 600 Sight: 4 Speed: 5 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite:
War Factory, Tiberium Waste Facility Tech level: 10 The Weed Eater is the counterpart of the Tiberium Waste
Facility. The Weed Eater seeks out the lethal Tiberium Veins and harvests them for processing at the Tiberium Waste
Facility. Once the Tiberium Waste Facility has a sufficient amount of Tiberium Veins it will produce a Chemical
Missile. Attack Cycle - Cost: 600 Weapon: Twin rocket launchers Ability: Can hit aircraft Armor: Light Strength:
300 Sight: 5 Speed: 12 Veteran Abilities: Immune to Tiberium Veins Prerequisite: War Factory Tech level: 5 Attack
Cycles are fast and pack a punch. They are usually the choice unit when it comes to scouting, they pack rockets and
therefore can attack enemy aircraft (note: only veteran bikes can attack aircraft thanks everyone for pointing that
out) as well as group troops. 5 Attack Cycles are a great harassment tactic, they are fast and in small packs they can
do some considerable damage, you can easily attack someone's Harvester and then drive away at the first sign of
trouble. Now this is a pretty killer strategy, humans can't really cope with it and it can cripple them in no time. Build
about 12 Attack Cycles and send them out in packs of 3 to attack the enemy Harvesters. Attack all of them whether
in a base or outside harvesting. They'll all drive down and start attacking them, most humans will not know who to
attack first, and they'll be panicking since they're risking losing all their income this way. From here you can either
follow up with an assault or just continue to take their Harvesters, but either way you should cripple them. If you
have more cash try to invest in 5 Attack Cycles for each Harvester, then they are screwed. Attack Buggy - Cost: 500
Weapon: Raider cannon Ability: Immune to Tiberium Veins Armor: Light Strength: 220 Sight: 6 Speed: 10 Veteran
Abilities: Crushes infantry Prerequisite: War Factory Tech level: 2 From the original Command and Conquer, Attack
Buggy's are a tiny bit slower than Attack Cycles, and pack a raider cannon (better against infantry than the Attack
Cycle) and their sight is a bit better so they're probably the unit of choice for covering wider ground. Attack Buggy's
are great in packs for cutting down infantry. You can send in a small group of them and hit any incoming infantry
traffic. Attack Buggy's are better for scouting maps that have heaps of Tiberian Veins on them because they do not
get damaged from crossing over them, so they can roam the map without having to worry about being destroyed.
Subterranean APC - Cost: 800 Weapon: None Ability: Subterranean Armor: Heavy Strength: 175 Sight: 5 Speed: 5
Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: War Factory, Tech Center Tech level: 6 Nod's Subterranean APC's burrow
underground, and can surface pretty much anywhere on the map (with the exception of water and paved areas, and
unwalkable areas, but you can still go UNDER water just not surface). This makes this infantry transport unit very
powerful, and can carry up to 5 infantry units around the map in a short amount of time. Carrying packs of 5 Rocket
Infantry or 5 Engineers into the enemy base can be deadly. Devils Tongue Flame Tank - Cost: 750 Weapon: Fireball
launcher Ability: Subterranean Armor: Light Strength: 300 Sight: 5 Speed: 5 Veteran Abilities: Self heal
Prerequisite: War Factory, Tech Center Tech level: 7 This unit is quite expensive for it's use, but still can be worth it
on occassion. These units can burrow underground like the Subterranean APC. If your oponent is building lots of
infantry (such as those pesky Disk Throwers) and lining them up outside his base, sending two or so Devils Tongue
Flame Tanks underground towards their Barracks is great fun. Surface just outside his Barracks and quickly light up
all of his units, and then leave again, he should lose his whole stock preventing any future large attack, and also
should waste thousands of their dollars. Tick Tank - Cost: 1850 Weapon: 90mm cannon Ability: Burrows Armor:
Light Strength: 350 Sight: 5 Speed: 6 Veteran Abilities: Detects cloaked/subterranean units Prerequisite: War
Factory Tech level: 3 Tick Tanks are quite powerful for attacks, basically in Tiberian Dawn terms, they are like Light
Tanks, but when they deploy into turret mode they are like Medium Tanks. Very good as an anti-tank vehicle but
kind of suck against infantry. A pack of 10 Tick Tanks can really put a dent in the enemies base. If you are attacked
by Disruptors, Tick Tanks are very effective at taking them out. A couple of Tick Tanks in a group should make haste
in wiping them out. Stealth Tank - Cost: 1100 Weapon: Dragon rockets Ability: Stealth Armor: Light Strength: 180
Sight: 5 Speed: 6 Veteran Abilities: Explodes when destroyed Prerequisite: War Factory, Tech Center Tech level: 8
Stealth Tanks are quite fast and have the ability to sneak up on oponents without being seen until they unleash their
wrath upon their victim. They are very effective in packs and can really make a great suprise attack. These are great
for Harvester protection, if you hold control + ALT and click on your Harvester, four or five of these can follow your
Harvester around. The opponent will see a lone Harvester harvesting in a Tiberium patch, but when they send their
attack aircraft the Stealth Tanks will uncloak and take the aircraft out. Artillery - Cost: 975 Weapon: 155mm artillery
cannon Ability: Long range attack Armor: Light Strength: 300 Sight: 9 Speed: 5 Veteran Abilities: Self heal
Prerequisite: War Factory, Radar Tech level: 6 Artillery are extremely powerful (infact I think too powerful) with pin
point accuracy and very large power, for defense they can be a killer, and in small packs they can level a base within
a short amount of time. They are slow and defenseless to up close attacks, but for long rage firepower these guys are
great for sitting in the background and taking out structures and apporaching infantry. To use these units you need to
tell them to deploy before they can fire, meaning move the mouse over the unit when it is standing still, and then
click when the icon changes, once the Artillery has been deployed it is imobile until it undeploys, which is pretty
simple, just tell it to move and it undeploys. A great method for defending is to place one or two Artilleries in your
base and set them to guard. If you are rushed by infantry or any ground units, Artillery can usually rid most of them
from your sight before they even reach the base! Very effective, especially against Disk Thrower rushes. When
taking on Artilleries, they are very powerful and can take out squads of men in just a couple of shots. But if you get
some infantry right up close to the Artillery they cannot fire at you because you are too close. If you have a group of
Artilleries and a Attack Cycle or Light Infantry or some other unit is attacking right up close to one of your
Artillieries so you cannot hit it, pack up the Artillery that is being attacked and drive him away from the others, as
the unit(s) chase it they will walk into firing range of the other Artilleries, so now pick off the men as soon as they
become in range, then drive your Artillery back into your group and resume your original task(s). An effective way
to open up their base, send 4-6 Artillieries into the enemies base, just outside of the walls of their base, deploy and
begin taking out all of their turrets and other defensive structures and units, this can be very very effective! Blue
Tiberium is explosive, roughly 12-16 Artillery shells will cause the Tiberium to begin it's fireworks. Attacking the
enemies Blue Tiberium patches and doing this not only wastes their valuable Tiberium, but hopefully there will be
Harvesters stupid enough to go into the patch to harvest. If your Nod enemy has cloaked his base, send a few
Artilleries up to the board and select them all and hold control and start firing random shots around his base, when
his Stealth Generator decloaks, press control and fire on that exact location and take out his Stealth Generator so the
whole base decloaks. Mobile Repair Vehicle - Cost: 1000 Weapon: None Ability: Repairs vehicles Armor: Light
Strength: 200 Sight: 5 Speed: 6 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: War Factory Tech level: 7 Not bad speed and
armor, this unit is a mobile repair bay pretty much, it goes around repairing your units. Very handy. Put a Mobile
Repair Vehicle near the Tiberium Refineries, right next to where the Harvesters dock. This way if people attack your
Harvesters, then whilst they are docking and emptying all the Tiberium into the Tiberium Refineries the Mobile
Repair Vehicles can repair them automatically without wasting any time or having to manually repair them. Hotkey
2 or 3 Mobile Repair Vehicles (I use hotkey 0). So then you can easily press the hotkey and tell them to repair units
ect. This works very well, as you can quickly call them up to go repair you or your allies units. Mobile Sensor Array
- Cost: 950 Weapon: None Ability: Detects cloaked/subterranean units Armor: Light Strength: 600 Sight: 10 Speed:
6 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: War Factory, Radar Tech level: 6 Basically a harmless unit in the aspect that
it cannot fire or do anything other than see cloaked and underground units, but still a great unit to have. Sending one
of these near the enemy base and deploying will allow you to see their stealthed units, so if their base is cloaked you
can basically see it all and attack it, very handy indeed. It's got an okay speed and the armor on it is pretty piss poor,
but it has good range and it is quite small so you can easily hide it behind a cliff face or under a bridge. Mobile
Construction Vehicle - Cost: 2500 Weapon: None Ability: Deploys into a Construction Yard Armor: Heavy Strength:
1000 Sight: 6 Speed: 3 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: War Factory, Tech Center Tech level: 10 Keep a spare
Mobile Construction Vehicle lying around your base, just incase your War Factory and Construction Yard get
screwed over. Then you can easily deploy it again and not be stuck in any sticky situation where you cannot build
structures. Plus as a safety precaution, if you have a repair bay keep your Mobile Construction Vehicle sitting on the
repair bay the whole time, so if any aircraft or units attack it, it will automatically repair without any problems.
Aircraft Harpy - Cost: 1000 Weapon: Vulcan cannon Ability: Invisible to radar Armor: Light Strength: 225 Sight: 2
Speed: 14 Veteran Abilities: None Prerequisite: Helipad Tech level: 5 Harpy's are quite weak compared to GDI's
Orca Fighter. Instead of using air to ground missiles they pack a vulcan cannon. And therefore instead of quickly
unloading their stock of firepower into the target they have to hover drilling at the target for quite sometime leaving
themselves open to enemy fire. Though they are still quite effective for nailing infantry, and in return it means they
are great for chopping up incoming Engineers or Ghost Stalkers. Banshee - Cost: 1500 Weapon: Twin plasma
cannons Ability: None Armor: Light Strength: 280 Sight: 2 Speed: 18 Veteran Abilities: Invisible on radar
Prerequisite: Helipad, Tech Center Tech level: 9 The Banshee uses stolen alien technology. Very cool aircraft type,
instead of hoving over the enemy and firing, it does a hit and run type tactic as it flies right past and unloads it's load
onto the target. Though quite weak as individuals in packs they are a great asset to your army. When your oponent
throws a large attack at you, of tanks and other large forces. Whilst they are advancing up the map, the most
effective way to weaken them is to send some squads of Banshee's at them to weaken their stronger units while you
arrange your defence in formation and prepare for the inevitable attack. If you want to bring Harvester harrassment
to a new level, build 6-7 Banshee's and attack Harvesters, they can take them out in one session. Tech Tree MCV
powerplant Tiberium Refinery NOD Radar Laser Fence Post Nod Tech centre (Banshee) Stealth Generator Temple
of NOD Oblisk of light Missile Silo EMPCannon (Artillery, Mobile Sensor Array, EM Pulse) SAM Helipad (Harpy)
Tiberium Silo Hand of NOD (Light Infantry, Rocket Infantry, Engineer, Cyborg) War Factory (Harvester, Attack
Cycle, Tick Tank, Mobile Repair Unit, Nod Buggy) Advanced Powerplant Nod Wall Gates Laser Pavement
Production Construction Yard - Cost: 300 Strength: 750 Prerequisites: Mobile construction Vehicle Tech Level: -1
The Construction Yard is where you start your empire. All your structures are constructed from this, therefore if you
lose your Construction Yard you are in a whole load of trouble. It is always a good idea to place Pavement, Concrete
Walls and Laser Turrets around your Construction Yard to ward off any attacks. Power Plant - Cost: 300 Strength:
750 Prerequisites: Construction Yard Tech Level: 1 The Power Plant is needed to power all your structures and
stationary defences, Power Plants are always a popular target for Ion Cannon or Multi-Missile strikes so place them
apart from eachother to minimise damage caused. Advanced Power Plant - Cost: 500 Strength: 750 Prerequisites:
War Factory Tech Level: 7 Advanced powerplants produce more power than standard ones and have better armor.
These are more usefull than the lesser Power Plant once you start going up the tech tree because of the massive
power drain the higher tech structures Nod has later in the game. Tiberium Refinery - Cost: 2000 Strength: 900
Prerequisites: Power Plant Tech Level: 1 This structure is what you would consider a bank. You dock your
harvesters full of Tiberium in here and exchange it for cash. This is essential to survival, without at least one
Tiberium Refinery you will have no way of getting money. Your Tiberium Refinery when built includes a Harvester
with the deal. If you do not have sufficient amount of Tiberium Silos and you sell or destroy your Tiberium Refinery
you can lose money, since Tiberium Refineries also store Tiberium like Tiberium Silos, and therefore contain
Tiberium inside. It is more efficient to build more Tiberium Refineries than to build more Harvesters, since the
Harvester AI kind of bites when it comes to waiting for other Tiberium Refineries to dock their Tiberium and leave
so they can dock theirs and sometimes the Harvesters stall and do not do anything, whereas if there are more
Tiberium Refineries free then they will not stall as often, nor will they end up driving to the other side of the map to
dock. Tiberium Silo - Cost: 150 Strength: 300 Prerequisites: Tiberium Refinery Tech Level: 1 When you are
harvesting large amounts of Tiberium it is a good idea to build a few Tiberium Silos to store the Tiberium in,
otherwise once the Tiberium Refinerys reach their full capacity any further processed Tiberium goes to waste. Be
carefull about how you use Tiberium Silos as any credits which you are storing in them can be deducted if the
Tiberium Silo is destroyed or captured. Hand of Nod - Cost: 300 Strength: 800 Prerequisites: Power Plant Tech
Level: 1 This structure allows you to produce infantry units available to Nod. If you build two or more Hand of
Nod's they increase production speeds. Also if you have more than one then you can double click on the structure to
set it as the primary building, which is where all your units will come out of. War Factory - Cost: 2000 Strength:
1000 Prerequisites: Tiberium Refinery, Hand of Nod Tech Level: 2 This structure produces all the vehicles available
to The Brotherhood. If you build two or more War Factories it increases vehicle production speeds. Also if you have
more than one War Factory, double click on the structure to set it as the primary building wich is where all your
vehicles will come out of. War Factories have pretty good strength and can withstand a lot before they bite the
bullet. If you are looking for something to kill in particular via a quick in and out attack, don't go for the War
Factory unless you actually intend to keep attacking it 'til the end. Radar - Cost: 1000 Strength: 1000 Prerequisites:
Tiberium Refinery Tech Level: 3 This gives you access to the radar minimap allowing you an overhead view of the
map via satalite. Tech Center - Cost: 1500 Strength: 500 Prerequisites: War Factory, Radar Tech Level: 6 The Nod
Tech Centre will let you build the more technological structures like the Temple of Nod and the Missile Silo.
Remember it consumes a lot of power so be sure to have excess power before you construct one of these. Temple of
Nod - Cost: 2000 Strength: 1000 Prerequisites: Tech Center Tech Level: 10 Temple of Nod allows you to use the
Hunter Seeker Droid, and gives you access to Cyborg Commando's and Mutant Hijackers. In Tiberian Dawn it had
more of a point, but still is useful for creating Cyborg Commandos. Once you build the Temple of Nod, you can sell
it and as long as you do not lose all of your Hand of Nod's and have to rebuild you can still produce Mutant
Hijackers and Cyborg Commandos. But you won't have access to the Hunter Seeker Droid. Tiberium Waste Facility
- Cost: 1600 Strength: 400 Prerequisites: Missile Silo Tech Level: 10 The Tiberium Waste Facility allows you to
build a Chemical Missile from Tiberium Veins. It comes with a Weed Eater which will seek out any Tiberium Veins
and bring it's load back to the Tiberium Waste Facility to be processed into a Chemical Missile. When the Chemical
Missile is ready launch it at a desired target, when the Chemical Missile impacts it causes a fairly large explosion
then releases several poison gas clouds which will wreak havoc in the enemies base. Missile Silo - Cost: 1300
Strength: 1000 Prerequisites: Tech Center Tech Level: 10 The Missile Silo prepares a Multi-Missile for you to
launch at any target you desire. When the Multi-Missile is ready simply target the desired location. The Mutli-
Missile will launch and went it gets to it's location will explode in mid air and drop a cluster of smaller missiles
around the target. Defensive Pavement - Cost: 75 Strength: 150 Prerequisites: Hand of Nod Tech Level: 6 This
placed down on the ground stops subterranean units from surfacing in your base. Also prevents terrain deformations
from heavy fire which renders the terrain useless to build upon. Concrete Wall - Cost: 50 Strength: 150
Prerequisites: Hand of Nod Tech Level: 6 This is a Concrete Wall which can be used to product your base from
incoming attacks and such. Automatic Gate - Cost: 250 Strength: 350 Prerequisites: Hand of Nod Tech Level: 6 This
is essentially a gate, which automatically opens and closes as units go through it but will not open to the enemy.
Laser Fence Post - Cost: 200 Strength: 300 Prerequisites: Advanced Power Plant Tech Level: 8 This is a step up
from the ol' Concrete Wall. Though they are $200 a pop rather than $50 you can build one and then build another a
couple of metres down from the other and they will work as a wall. Very cool, it works like getting two sticks and a
string. Basically when aligning these up, make sure you compensate for the 45 degree angle you play from. When
playing against the computer on tech level 10, earlier on in the game you might notice Hunter Seeker Droids always
get distracted by the Laser Fence and try to attack it. It's a good idea to put lots of these up around your base since
though it will destroy it it will save you from losing something more valuable. If you were impressed by the
Firestorm Defence GDI owns, well NOD has a cut down version of this! If you power down your Laser Fence, and
let units cross it, quickly power it back as they are crossing the fence to destroy them! Pretty nifty but it requires
perfect timing. Laser Turret - Cost: 300 Strength: 500 Prerequisites: Hand of Nod Tech Level: 2 Laser turrets are a
cheap defense that will shoot at any ground units and protect your base. In packs of 3 in a line can really help keep
enemy attacks out. Obelisk of Light - Cost: 1500 Strength: 725 Prerequisites: Tech Center Tech Level: 9 This is a
very powerful structure. Puts the Laser Turret to shame, it is a very accurate laser that burns up pretty much any
infantry that walk into range. Unfortunantly it has no splash radius and takes about 1-2 seconds to charge, but two of
these next to eachother work well as a defense weapon. SAM - Cost: 500 Strength: 600 Prerequisites: Radar Tech
Level: 5 Surface to Air Missile. Basically a turret designed to take out aircraft, puts LOTS of these around, they are
essential. EMP Cannon - Cost: 1000 Strength: 500 Prerequisites: Radar Tech Level: 6 This is essential to your
defense. It will temporarily take out every battery operated structure and vehicle in a certain radius from where it's
projectile lands. Basically it will prevent any vehicles (yours or theirs) to function for at least 2 minutes. When large
vehicle attacks are launched this is perfect for shutting them all down so you can destroy them whilst they are
defenseless. Unfortunantly it does have limited range for where you can launch it so you cannot just lob one at the
enemy base, but it's range is still pretty good. Build a Mobile Construction Vehicle and drive it near the enemy base,
deploy it and have a prebuilt EMP Cannon ready to deploy, and then you can take out all of the vehicles and power
in their base and launch a large assault on them. Stealth Generator - Cost: 2500 Strength: 600 Prerequisites:
Tiberium Refinery, Tech Center Tech Level: 9 This will cloak a huge radius making everything of yours invisible
within the radius that it covers. This is great for setting up secondary bases that you do not want the enemy to know
even exsist. But if your power goes down then it will not be able to function until the power is back up again
meaning everything decloaks. Offence Standard frontal attack - Make a small group of Tick Tanks and Attack
Buggy's, group them both separately to hotkeys so you can select all of your Tick Tanks or all of your Attack
Buggy's at once. When attacking send these guys in first, use the Tick Tanks to take out all vehicles and structures.
Whilst the Attack Buggy's hit all infantry. This works well and you can efficiently wipe out the enemy's frontal
attack plus weaken them whilst your primary attack gets into position. Cloaked base - If you are dealing with an
opponent who has cloaked their base, a good idea is to scout out their base and see what structures are there, a good
way to do this is by sacrificing a few men and sending them into the base to get killed so their Obelisks and Laser
Turrets decloak to fire at them. When you see their key structures, use a marker and place a waypoint marker on
each of the buildings, such as the Obelisks and Construction Yard ect. Then you can fire your Mutli- Missile at these
structures as well as send Harpy's in by holding down control and selecting an area. Basically the markers just tell
you where each structure is so later on you can fire at targets which look invisible and usually get a direct hit on
them. Engineer attack - An effective way to weaken and perhaps even crush the enemy's base is through
Subterranean APC's and Engineers. Though of course getting 5 Engineers into an enemy base without some
offensive infantry can sometimes be quite hard and even if you do manage to take some buildings a lot of people
consider the only thing to do from there is to sell them before they get taken over again. A really effective way of
damaging their base is to queue 5 Engineers to be built before hand and right click to 'hold' the first engineer from
being built at 99%. Construct a Hand of Nod as well. Then when you get your Engineer to take over a building using
whatever methods you have chosen to get him in there, quickly deploy the Hand of Nod somewhere in their base,
double click on it so it is the primary building and then resume producing those Engineers. Soon you can quickly
rush those Engineers to other choice structures, and whilst all of the Engineers are being built you may even start
building an Obelisk or some other powerful structure to help efend yourself with whilst in their base. Hit Harvesters
to empty their income - When the enemies base is virtually inpenetratable the best solution to weakening their
defense is to cut their money making process, meaning hit all of their Harvesters and make sure no money makes it
back to their Tiberium Refinery. If they have no income from Harvesters they cannot produce defensive or offensive
units, or repair the structures that you attack. Meaning that now you can focus on weakening the exterior defense
and force your way through. Harvester stealing - Look around for Harvesters which go to a remote area that's near
cliffs and isn't really out in the open. If there are Harvesters in any areas like that then you can usually silently steal
them away from the enemy without them knowing. Meaning you get a Mutant Hijacker and transport him via
Subterranean APC to the selected area and deploy him, then leave again. Let him hide under the shadow of a cliff or
somewhere not in the open until the Harvesters arrive again, and then hop in and take the Harvester for a spin. Drive
it down towards your base and either destroy it to get the Mutant Hijacker back or keep it for your own personal use.
Repeat this and take another and another until they realise what is happening. Then just replace the Mutant Hijacker
with some Rocket Infantry and start taking out the Harvesters the old way. Cyborg Commando attack - This tactic
can be extremely effective, or quite weak depending on who you are playing and their base layout. Put four Rocket
Infantry into a Subterranean APC along with a Cyborg Commando, and deploy them in the selected area, preferably
away from any RPG's or Vulcan Cannons, or infantry. Then attack everything in sight, all of them focusing on one
unit at a time. Any units that try to stop you will easily be crushed, and if any infantry try to stop you, just instruct
the Cyborg Commando to kill them since Rocket Infantry are quite ineffective against infantry. You can easily wipe
someone's whole base out if they do not know how to prevent this attack. You can also use this tactic to cut the
enemies Harvesters down since they are gone in no time, and if they send any defensive units at you destroy them
too, and then get back onto the Harvesters. If they send aircraft at you, just let the Rocket Infantry attack them.
Hiding your attacks under the shadows of cliffs - Parking surprise attacks under the shadows of cliffs can be very
effective, half the time the opponent will miss them and not see them, plus if they are spotted it is very hard to fire at
them since they are practically under the cliff. You can leave Subterranean APC's, Mobile Sensor Arrays etc, under
the cliffs waiting for the right moment to attack. Luring Viscaroids into the enemy base - Attack a Viscaroid and then
drive into the enemy base. You will have to sacrifice that unit, but the Viscaroid will attack the enemy structures, if it
is near Tiberium and there's lots of infantry around, this might actually do considerable damage and kill a lot of
people, plus if they are in the middle of attacking or defending they will not really be able to concentrate on it. It
takes at least 4 Rocket Infantry at once to take it out, not one at a time but all together, or else it will reheal, plus it
can get bigger and faster and more powerful so this foe can sometimes become your friend. Trust me. Taking
advantage of neutral ground - With artillery, place some around deserted cities, put them behind buildings, and
deploy them and tell them to guard. This way they will fire at any incoming or outgoing units, and the enemy will
not be able to see where the firepower is coming from without a thorough inspection. Plus if the enemy sends packs
of 40 Disk Throwers at you, then your Artilleries hidden in the city will take out 70% roughly of their men, they'll be
piss poor by the time they reach you. Avoiding the EMP - If your opponent relies religiously on the EMP Cannon,
and tends to EMP your whole vehicle attack EVERY TIME. Then send a decoy attack of about 3 or so units, maybe
a few more to tempt him into using his EMP on them, and then send your real attack at his base whilst he has no
EMP to protect him. Blind the enemy from seeing what's coming - When launching a large attack destroy their
Radar with a Multi-Missile. This will prevent them from seeing your attack on Radar, therefore by the time their
Radar is back up you should be close to their base and they will have no time to prepare. Also if they are not
watching when you strike their Radar, they may think you just hit one of their Power Plants and waste valuable time
building excess Power Plants before they even realize it was actually their Radar struck. Flanking, two forces are
better than one - If you flank the enemy from both sides it's a lot harder for them to defend since there will be more
to concentrate on and also it will require them to focus on two areas at once meaning either they wil only defend
against one side or their forces will be split into two groups meaning they will be a lot weaker and easier to take out.
Plus to them it will seem like a lot bigger attack than it actually is. Effective ways of pulling these types of attacks
off without much planning is to set up two or more attack routes and tell your forces to follow different ones.
Cloaked takeover - This is a killer strategy with Nod. Load up a Subterranean APC with 5 Engineers and prebuild a
Stealth Generator. Make sure you have lots of power before you do this, now send the Subterranean APC through
the enemy base and unload and capture one of their buildings, quickly place the Stealth Generator down. Now all of
your base is invisible, and now take as many buildings as you can, all the enemy will see is their buildings cloaking!
No Engineers or anything. Now build a Hand of Nod and pump out more Engineers!. If you are playing against Nod
and they have a Stealth Generator, take over theirs, you'll save some cash this way. Attack support - 5 Artilleries in
your attack can sit in the distance and wipe out a lot of key structures whilst your grunts take out a lot of the infantry
and take out the front crust of the base. The Artilleries in a pack of five or more are practically a base killer.. of
course that is as long as Orca Bombers or Banshees don't attack them. Streaming your infantry and vehicles - Build
a standard waypoint path from your Hand of Nod and War Factory directly down into the action in the enemies base.
Then you can easily click units and tell them to move directly down the path into the action without having to nurse
them, so you can quickly go back to your base and send streams of men down to constantly back you up in the
battle. Using the enemys resources against them - Just like with attacking bases via sending your Harvesters stocked
with Blue Tiberium at them. Attacking Harvesters that are on the way back to their Tiberium refinery, and destroying
them will blow up considerable amount of their defense and troops. Any Harvester containing enough Blue Tiberium
is a moving time bomb, remember that and monitor every Harvester harvesting Blue Tiberium, they may be a useful
weapon. Taking out their credits - If you have a Multi-Missile ready or want to work out a way to cripple the enemy,
attacking their Tiberium Silos can remove deplete their credits. The Tiberium Silos that have plenty of green inside
of them (indicating they are full) contain credits basically. And by destroying them or taking them over you will
either destroy their credits or steal it! Sacraficing for the ability to see - If your opponent has cloaked his base, that
can make life pretty hard, of course sacrificing one of your men by sending him as far into the enemy base as he can
get so some of the structures decloak and you can Multi-Missile the Stealth Generator or excess Power Plants is one
useful method of shutting it down. Mutating your infantry - If your men die from Tiberium radiation on the Blue
Tiberium they turn into baby Viscaroids. One thing is over time and after killing and eating various things, these
babies grow bigger. And eventually can become REALLY dangerous. If you have a lot of men you don't need
anymore, one idea is instead of charging them at the enemy base, instead tell them to go stand in the enemies closest
Blue Tiberium patch. Soon they'll have a lot of Viscaroids running around their base annoying them. Erasing local
Tiberium - An effective but slow method of weakening them is to take out their Tiberium. By sending aircraft or
ground units into their Tiberium patches and force them to attack the Tiberium or by Multi-Missile you can remove
their Tiberium from their base and force them to have to go dangerously further and further away from their base to
harvest. Leaving their Harvesters open to attacks from you, and making them slower returning to the Tiberium
Refinery. Two layer Harvester attack - When sending infantry only attacks to kill Harvesters, build a bunch of
Rocket Infantry (around 10 or 20) and about 10 Cyborgs. Send them up and basically tell the Rocket Infantry to
attack and focus on the Harvester whilst if the opponent sends large rushes of units to save the Harvester, let the
Cyborgs stand there and stop them from getting to the Harvester until the Rocket Infantry have finished their job and
can back up the Cyborgs. Cyborgs have great armor and will cut down any infantry, and seriously damage all
vehicles. Defence Defence against subterranean units - If your opponent is sending subterranean units into your
base, especially Subterranean APC's full of Engineers and Cyborg Commandos then an effective way of preventing
this from happening is to build a Mobile Sensor Array to detect them. Then if you detect one, quickly fire your EMP
Cannon at the area it detects. This will shut down the Subterranean APC's and force them to surface, none of the
infantry inside can deploy and therefore they are screwed unless they survive you destroying the Subterranean
APC's. Cyborg Commandos usually survive from the Subterranean APC's destruction without more than a scratch so
be aware if you suspect that a Cyborg Commando is in a Subterranean APC prepare to kill it as soon as it gets out.
Engulfing the enemy - A great tactic for large or powerful forces, create a kind of arc of units around the path they
are heading, and as they pass you, close off each end and move in, they can only fire at one direction at a time and
cannot hit masses of units at once, this way you are hitting them from every direction and they cannot really do
anything to defend themselves. This tactic is very powerful, especially again units like the Mammoth Mk. II and
others which usually will wipe out any units in their path, but this time you are not in their path so it's very hard for
them to do anything to stop you. Preventing airstrikes - If you have worked out your enemies aircrafts flight path,
litter the map in specific areas with loads of Rocket Infantry. They can stand there and whenever aircraft flies over
them they can set off a load of rockets at them and hopefully drop them before they even get close to your base, or at
least damage them enough so one or two SAM Sites will take them down. The enemy half the time (more than half)
will not even notice what is happening and why their aircraft leave with full health and are nearly dead by the time
they reach your base. Guarding your Construction Yard - Place some Light Infantry, Laser Turrets and preferably a
Concrete Wall around your Construction Yard, better safe than sorry. Building trenches - If you really want to focus
on building a great defensive base with Laser Fences and the rest of it, using Artilleries or whatever your strongest
unit is to blow holes in the ground really will help in the long run. Build trenches around your base from this, then
when enemies attack their attacks hopefully will be useless. Devil Tongue Flame Tanks, Cyborg Commandos and a
lot of other infantry cannot fire up elevated ground, so whilst they are down in the trenches you can quickly rid them
from your sight with your defense and they will not even get near your Laser Fence. It takes a lot longer to go up
hills which will slow them down plus they cannot attack you until they get onto equal ground, and if you have Laser
Fences blocking their way this will really help with your defense. Slowing down the enemies attack - If the enemy
tries to send a huge amount of infantry or units towards you, send as many units as you can to meet them half way,
and also if they are crossing through Tiberium Veins on the way, send some aircraft to attack the Tiberium Vein
Mouth so it emits poisonous gas. This will hopefully cover the area the opponent is crossing and weaken if not kill
them. Stopping scouts from revealing your good stuff - If you cloak your base, it's a good idea to put Laser Fences
up around your important structures like the Stealth Generator and Construction Yard ect. So that if your opponent
sends a scout through your base it will not see any of your important stuff and then attack it with a Multi-Missile or
Ion Cannon. Taking advantage of the terrain - If you are being attacked by Devils Tongue Flame Tanks or Cyborg
Commandos, attacking them from higher ground gives you an excellent advantage. They cannot fire uphill so
therefore their firepower cannot get at you. One or two Rocket Infantry can take out a Devils Tongue Flame Tank
without getting hurt if you know what you're doing. Place your stationary defences on hills, even if it's just slight
elevation this will give them time to attack before the enemy repositions it's units. Harvester defence - If your
opponent is sending Harvesters filled with Blue Tiberium into your base expecting you to destroy them, you can
hijack them with a Mutant Hijacker and drive them back to their base, or just dock them and get the money out of
them. Mutant Hijackers are an expensive defense unit but sometimes it's all you have to protect yourself. The EMP
Cannon, nuff said - The EMP Cannon is very powerful, if enemies attack with large squads of vehicles, just EMP
their attack and take them out. So simple and self explanatory and it can save your ass so many times. SECTION 3
Multiplayer Tiberian Sun like any other game which comes out today has it's multiplayer component. Sure single
player is fun for the first time through but where the real fun is found is in multiplayer games. Tiberian Sun supports
up to 4 people over Westwood Online, 8 people over LAN and 2 people via serial or modem. The by far most
popular way to play Tiberian Sun is over Westwood Online. They offer tornaments, a great chat system and a whole
load of other benefits for your multiplayer games. If you are not quite up to taking on another human opponent you
can practise your skills in a skirmish game. This is a simulated multiplayer game against up to 8 AI controlled
opponents whose skill level can range from 0, 1, or 2. This mode of gameplay will offer you practise and an idea of
just how multiplayer works. You can also play against the AI with human opponents. Anyway the above sections
offer information on the various aspects of mutliplayer Tiberian Sun. The general section covers, well general
information about multiplayer games and tactics that can be used by both GDI and Nod, for a more comprehensive
list of tactics for the side you wish to play check out the factions section. The terrain section offers information on
the different types of terrain you will be playing on and how they affect gameplay. Last of all is the crates, a detailed
list of all the crates is available giving information on what powerups or disasters they contain. Well that's about it,
check back often to see more tactics in the general section and possibly new mutliplayer sections which we will be
working on in the future. General The following information contains general tactics and information which will
help you in your multiplayer games. These tactics can apply both to GDI and Nod, if you want a more
comprehensive list of strategies for the side you wish to play check out the factions section. Essential - Always use
pavement throughout your base to prevent subterranean units from surfacing. This will save your structures from
sneak attacks and also prevent the terrain from deforming from heavy fire rendering the terrain useless to build
upon. Keep a Mobile Sensor Array deployed in your base to compliment this aswell. When time permits construct a
Concrete Wall or Laser Fence around your base and use Automatic Gates to let your units in and out, this will
prevent any quick strikes from Attack Cycles or Wolverines who would like to just run in, hit a building or two and
run out. The fear of the Engineer - Install the fear of god into your opponents with Engineers. When you are sending
an attack force into the enemy base be sure to include a few Engineers for good measure, group them so you can
select them when in need. When the enemy see's the force coming towards their base they will have a shit when they
see a few Engineers included in the fray. More often than not your opponent will concentrate all his efforts on
getting rid of those Engineers, this is great news for you other units who will promptly start ripping apart the base. If
your lucky you will be able to get the Engieers into a building but it is not imperative as they are mainly used for a
distraction (an expensive distraction at that, but is not much of an issue considering the advantages it has). Front line
of offence - Try to set up a front line offensive base to supply reinforcements to your attacking troops. Undeploy
your Construction Yard if it is an option or build a Mobile Construction Vehicle, transport the Mobile Construction
Vehicle to it's desired position via an Orca Carryall if you are playing GDI, if you are playing Nod you will have to
drive it there manually which could take some time. When you get to your desired location deploy the Construction
Yard and build a barracks, a few stationary defences, and if credits permit a War Factory. This front post will serve
you greatly in swiftly attacking the enemy base. Threat assessment - When opposing another force, prioritise their
threats. Summerise in numerical order what is their most deadly and weakest units when opposing you. If you have
lots of armored units then Light Infantry will be weak and therefore left until last whilst their Tick Tanks or Titans
may be very deadly towards them, just as with your infantry flames and pulse rifles are a lot more deadly than
rockets and 60mm cannons. Strike what is more likely to damage and kill your units, and then their scraps will be no
match against your squads. Base assessment - Before you move in for the attack assess the enemies base and find it's
weak points. Use this knowledge to exploit them and use it to your best advantage. When attacking with a large
amount of heavy units stay clear of RPG's and Obelisk's, send in a group of infantry before your heavy units to take
out these defensive structures as they are almost useless against a large group of infantry. After that send in your
heavy units and start ripping apart their base, be sure to have Wolverines or Attack Buggy's in your force to take out
infantry as the weapons the heavy units carry are usually useless against infantry. Escort your Harvesters - The most
popular unit that your enemy will want to attack apart from incoming Engineers is your Harvesters. This is why you
should always set some units to guard your Harvesters (select the units and CTRL + ALT click on the Harvester to
instruct them to guard it). The best units to include in the group are ones which are immune to Tiberium and
Tiberium Veins such as Wolverines which are also useful for taking out infantry. Another imperative unit to include
in the group are ones which have anti-air abilities such as the Attack Cycle. Be sure to only guard your Harvesters
with units which can keep up with the Harvesters, setting a Mammoth Mk.II to guard your Harvester will be near
useless as it will be constantly trying to catch up with the Harvester and will never be near it in times of need.
Scouting - Try to scout out the map as soon as possible to establish where the enemy base is and if fog of war is not
turned on try and get rid of all the shround in and around their base so you can keep an eye on them. After doing
some recon around the map it's a good idea to look at the map and the enemy base and work out a few really
effective routes to the enemy base, ones that go around any Tiberium Veins, and that may keep you out of the
enemy's site so they don't know you're coming and have time to prepare. Plus it's good to have a few really long
routes that go all the way around the enemy's base and enter from behind. And then when the time comes to attack
you can select squads and tell them to follow different routes, and then they will all come in from different
directions and hit independent structures and units without you needing to guide them all religiously into the base.
Plus occasionally you can use the back routes to send Engineers in ect. without having to mind them the whole way
to make sure they don't walk through Tiberium ect. Side color - Kind of a cheap trick to pull off but when you are
playing multiplayer games against humans, change your color to green or dark blue. These two colors will
effectively blend you in with the Tiberium on the radar map, so it will not be as easy to spot incoming attacks on the
map. Plus sending lone vehicles and Engineers down a remote path out of the normal attack route will be hard to
detect, these two colours (especially green) can be VERY effective but like I said it's a bit cheap. Quick repair - Set a
hotkey for your repair bay, such as "f9" so that way you can easily select a bunch of units and hit f9 and then click
on your repair bay because the screen will go directly to the bookmarked location. Sharing technologies - If you are
teaming up with a friend and you want to trade technologies (NOD and GDI) then you will notice you cannot just
take over someone's building by holding down CTRL and clicking on it. Instead you have to un-ally and take it over
then ally again. It can get messy doing that but it's well worth it, the best deal is to deploy a MCV each and unally
quickly, take them and ally again, and then share in the wealth of each others techs. Mutation is a good thing -
Chemical Missiles can sometimes poison enemy infantry and turn them into baby Viscaroids. If you notice your
opponent has built up a large number of infantry outside of his Barracks, sending a Chemical Missile directly at the
Barracks can sometimes turn all of the enemy troops into Ciscaroids who will hopefully do a lot of damage to the
enemies base, and hopefully grow into adult Ciscaroids. You never know, one Chemical Missile could eventually
take the whole enemy base out over time! Scatter out your base effectively - Do not keep all of your Power Plants or
Tiberium silos together, though it may look efficient this means if someone destroys all of your Tiberium Silos or
Power Plants with an Ion Cannon strike or Multi-Missile then you will be left with no money or power, whereas if
they are spread out you will lose much less and it might not even be noticeable. Low tech warfare - If you play on
tech level 5, it's a low tech warfare of just infantry and light armored vehicles. It can sometimes be really fun to play
on this tech level since it's more of a balanced fight of skill and gruntal attacks. Viscaroids - These guys show up in
multiplayer games. They are Tiberium created mutations which survive on Tiberium. In Tiberium Dawn they
breathed green poisonous gas but it seems this time around they attack you physically. They start out small and
mature into adult Viscaroids which are more fearsome and can do a lot more damage, also they can be extremely fast
at attacking. They heal quickly and are almost invincible on Tiberium so don't even try attacking them unless you
can get them away from Tiberium. They appear in the form of a skin colored blob. If your infantry die on Tiberium
they will be mutated into baby Viscaroids (this can also work as an offensive strategy.. weak Light Infantry will be
stronger as viscaroids but will not be under your control). Civilians - Civilians are everyday people caught in the
middle of a giant war between GDI and NOD. Though most of them are harmless neutrals, there are some which can
be harmful. Assassin: You may see on some maps an Assassin protecting his city from attacks and attacking
trespassers, he is quite powerful but nothing to worry about. Vehicles: They come in all shapes and sizes, hijacking
them will make them useful transport vehicles. Destroying them Hotkeys Listed below are the various
hotkey shortcuts which you can use to speed up commonly used commands. Each of the keys listed are the defaults
and can be changed to whatever you please in the options menu. To cancel out of most of these commands simply
right click your mouse and it will return to the normal cursor. Options (ESC) Opens the options menu. Guard (G)
Instructs your units to guard their position and attack any enemy units who approach. Guard Object (CTRL + ALT +
Left mouse click) This instructs the selected units to guard the clicked unit. This works great for defending your
Harvesters, simply tell a few units to guard the Harvester and they will follow it around and defend it from any
threats. Scatter Units (X) Scatters all selected units. Good for evading enemy fire and from being run over. Stop
Units (S) Tells your units to stop their current action. If you select aircraft in the air and press s. they return to base
immediately, great for getting them out of the enemy base in a hurry away from SAM's. Follow Unit (F) This makes
the screen follow a selected unit, useful for monitoring Orca Bomber attacks without having to worry about
manually scrolling the screen. Force Fire (CTRL + Left mouse click) Forces the selected units/structures to fire upon
the selected location. Good for attacking cloaked units/structures. Force Move (ALT + Left mouse click) Forces the
selected units to move to the selected location or get as close to it as possible. Set Rally Point (CTRL + ALt + Left
mouse click) Instructs the selected production structure (Barracks or War Factory) to send the units it produces to the
selected rally point. Move to Radar/EVA Event (V) Centers screen around last ingame event. Example, when you
hear the "Harvesters are under attack" warning hit V and it will center the screen around your Harvester which is
being attacked. Waypoint Mode (W) This turns on waypoint mode which allows you to select different waypoint
locations. Loop Waypoints (SHIFT + Left mouse click) Allows you to select a waypoint path and make it
continously loop. To create the loop SHIFT + Left mouse click on the first waypoint in the path. This is usefull for
setting up patrols around your base, simply set the waypoints put them into loop mode and then set the desired units
on the path. Waypoint Guard Patrol (CTRL + ALT + Left mouse click) When you have created a path for your units
to follow if you want them to engage any enemy units they encounter, select the group of units and CTRL + ALT +
Left mouse click them on the selected path. The units will follow the path and destroy any enemy units they
encounter to their destination and then return to the path. Delete Waypoint (Delete) This command deletes selected
waypoints in your path. Set Tactical Map Locations (CTRL + F9-F12) This will place a bookmark on the current
screen location. Usefull for bookmarking important locations on the map like the enemies base. Center Tactical Map
on Base (H) This command centers your view around your Construction Yard. This is good for quickly returning to
your base to select produced units and placing down ready structures. Sidebar Up (Page Up) Scrolls both the units
and structures sidebar up one full page. Sidebar Down (Page Down) Scrolls both the units and structures sidebar
down one full page. Toggle Power Mode (P) Activates the power mode which allows you to turn power off an on to
selected structures. Screen Capture (CTRL + C) Takes a screenshot of your view and places the file in your Tiberian
Sun directory. Next Unit (N) Selects the next unit on the map. Previous Unit (B) Selects the previous unit on the
map. Select All (E) Selects all your units within your view. Create Team (CTRL + 0-9) Creates a team of the
currently selected units. This makes selecting specific squads of units easier. Select a Team (0-9) This selects one of
the previous teams which you have created. Usefull for setting up flanks and keeping tabs on your units. Center on
Team (ALT + 0-9) This selects and centers the view on the chosen team. Add unit to Team (SHIFT + Left mouse
click) Add's a new unit to the selected team. Toggle Alliance (A) This commmand set up an alliance between you
and the player you wish to be allied with. Simply select one of their units and hit the A key to set up an alliance. To
break an alliance simply repeat this procedure. The other player you are forming an alliance with must also form an
alliance with you for it to be complete. Toggle Radar Map (TAB) By hitting the TAB key it toggles the view
between the minimap and multiplayer scores. Terrain The terrain available to play on comes in a few different
flavours, they include desert, temperate, taiga and targa. Basically just desert and iceland is a better description of
the terrain. The timeframes range from dusk, morning, afternoon and night. Not much of a difference between
morning and afternoon, dusk is a little darker but night offers you a different way of playing the game. Under the
cover of night the enemy will not be able to see your lines of troops advancing on their base that well and may give
you the tactical advantage you are looking for. Amongst the multiplayer maps that are already included with
Tiberian Sun you can also use the random map generator to create your own. A mutlitude of settings are available
from time of day, type of terrain, tiberium amount and how many cliffs you want. You can also select the surprise
me option whic will randomly select all the values for you. Basics - Terrain is deformable so watch out for heavy
fire around your base, as craters which are formed cannot be built upon. To counter this effect place concrete down
around your base. Not only does this stop craters it also stops Nod subterranean units from emerging in your base.
Units will move over different types of terrain in different ways. When moving uphill vehicles slow down and hence
when moving down hill they increase speed. Infantry units maintain thier speed on all types of terrain and through
forests. Vechicles are once again slowed down through forests. Tiberium - Tiberium in Tiberian Sun comes in two
flavours, your average green Tiberium and the new blue Tiberium. Blue Tiberium is much more volatile as it
contains more minerals and nutrients than the green Tiberium, if blue Tiberium comes in contact with heavy fire it
will begin exploding which usually lasts some time and depletes most of the blue Tiberium in that particular field.
Blue Tiberium is more expensive thus you will get a lot more credits when your Harvester docks at the Tiberium
Refinery with a load of blue Tiberium. As mentioned before these Harvesters are now very dangerous, if they are
destroyed they will go out with a huge bang which is enough to destroy and structures and units in the radius of the
explosion. Tiberium is spawned on the map through Blossom Tree's which usually are found in each Tiberium field,
these Blossom Tree's will keep the Tiberium fields replenished as new Tiberium grows from it. Tiberium Veins,
deadly but useful - Tiberium Veins, a waste product of Tiberian is a lethal orange weed which will make short work
of any vehicle crossing over it without vein protection. The orange weed wil continue to grow across the map at a
fast rate and can block off certain areas and entrances. this can be exploited by you to serve as a natural barrier
against enemy vehicles, it can also work against you in cutting off major routes to the enemy base. The veins grow
from the mouth which resides in the center of the weeds, if a unit gets too close to this the mouth will swallow it
whole. If the veins are proving to much of a hassle to you than they are worth you can destroy the mouth, once the
mouth is destroyed the veins will begin to retreat. Note while you are attacking the mouth it emits poison gas which
is lethal to your troops. When playing against Nod it is best to destroy the mouths as the veins will provide Nod with
byproducts to produce chemical missiles with which are devastating to your base. Consealing your units - Since the
viewpoint is now isometric terrain can be used to conseal your troops. Hide units behind cliffs and civilian
structures, amongst trees and shrubs, and under bridges. All of these features can be used to set up ambushes, keep
Amphibious APC's ready near a base without being detected until the best time to move in, and deploy Mobile
Sensor Arrays near Nod bases to uncloak stealted units and structures. Water a natural barrier, or is it ? - Water is
inaccesable by all units except for the Hover MLRS and Amphibious APC, use this to your advantage when
planning attacks on the enemy base, they may think they have a natural barrier working for them and not place
defences where water lays. If playing on an ice map water will eventually freeze over making new paths for units to
cross over. Light units and infantry can pass over ice without any worries but if heavy units such as Titans or
Disruptor Tanks pass over the ice it will begin to crack, keep your heavy units on the hard ice and keep them moving
and they will be fine. If they pass over already cracked ice it will break and the unit will fall into the water and be
lost. Note Mammoth Mk. II's and Mobile Construction Vehicles move too slowly to travel across ice, as it will start
to crack and they will not get off the cracking ice in time. Tunnels - Tunnels are on various maps and will allow your
units to pass through them. The tunnel could be small shortcut to the other side of a cliff or a passage to the other
side of the map. Your units travel through the tunnels at the same speed they would usually pass over terrain, this
just acts as a straight quick line to your destination without any terrain troubles to worry about. Trains - Originally
you could transport units on the trains to locations around the map but I think Westwood cut that idea. The trains
now only serve the purpose of looking pretty and destroying any of your units which you may have left on the
tracks, now kids what did your mother always tell you? "Never play on the tracks" and she was right. Use darkness
to your advantage - As mentioned in the introduction, darkness can be a great advantage. Hide units where visibility
is very low, like APC's and Mobile Sensor Arrays under the dense shadow of a cliff. Also the enemy will not be able
to see advancing units coming towards his base as well as they could during the day so this is a great advantage. Try
taking out the light posts around their base, this will decrease their visibility even more so and they might not notice
that sly Engineer sneaking into one of their precious buildings. Bridges - Bridges can be destroyed to deny the
enemy access to your terrain, but this works both ways as you will not be able to get to their base that way either. To
repair a bridge simply send an Engineer into the construction hut which is positioned near the bridge and it will be
repaired. Mammoth Mk.II's can sometimes fall through weak bridges because of their weight. Not a pretty sight to
lose your beloved Mammoth Mk.II as you walk over a bridge to get to the enemies base. Crates Crates spawn in
multiplayer games if you set the option to allow them in the multiplayer menu before you start the game. Basically
one or two will spawn in the map, and every 3 minutes they will disappear and respawn somewhere else. If your
unit(s) run over one of the crates one of many different things can happen: Unit upgrades Armor - Armor of nearby
objects increased, this is great if one of your heavier units picks up the crate, now they will be a mean lean fighting
machine with enough armor to keep them going for that little bit longer. Cloak - This is a great crate to pick up if
you have a lot of units around it, they will all be cloaked and you will now have an elite squad of stealth units to use
at your will. Firepower - Firepower of nearby objects increased, great for giving your Disc Throwers that extra
punch they need to take out Harvesters that little bit faster, would also be a great powerup for a bunch of Titans or
Tick Tanks. Invulnerability - Another powerup which I have never seen is the invunerability. Supposeably this gives
the units which picked it up invunerability for one minute. If anyone has seen this, drop me a line. Veteran - Usually
because you pick up crates with infantry to avoid explosions (well I do anyway) is pretty much useless as the
veteran upgrade which infantry recieve does not really seem to do much. But if you gamble it an risk using a Titan to
pick it up you will be rewarded with it's veteran abilities (able to detect cloaked and subterranean units) which are
more useful than what most infantry get (automatically scatter, although I dont see my veterans doing this at all).
Speed - This increases the speed of all nearby units, great if your Harvester or Mammoth Mk.II picks it up as they
now will be a little speed demon, well maybe not. Bonuses Reveal - My favorite crate and it should be yours too,
this little beauty reveals the entire map. If youve got fog of war turned off you will be pleasantly treated to a live
broadcast showing 24 hours a day of the enemies base and plans. If fog of war is on quickly take a look around their
base and memorise it before the fog sets in. Heal - Another great crate to pick up, this heals all of yours units back
up to full health. Multi-Missile/Chemical Missile - Even if you do not own a Missile Silo this crate will place one
Chemical Missile or Multi-Missile in your sidebar fully charged and ready to go. Money - The most common crate
which you will be picking up is money. Just like winning the lotto this crate will place 2 grand in your bank balance
ready to be spent on candy and other various sweets such as Titans and Banshee's. Squad - This supposeably gives
you a group of 5 infantry, I personally have never seen it in all the multiplayer games that I have played. If you have
seen it drop me a line so I can correct this. Unit - Gives you a random unit ranging to anything from a civilian truck
to a Mammoth Mk.II. Most civilian units that you recieve are able to transport 5 infantry units, this is a great way of
sneaking your Engineers into the enemy base without being detected. Irritating or useless Darkness - This crate is
one bitch of a thing to pick up, all your hardwork scouting the map will be lost as the black shroud will cover the
entire map once again. Explosion - This triggers a huge explosion which will basically destroy or damage all units in
it's vicinity. Napalm - Just hope that a group of your infantry dont pick this little beast up because they will be
barbequed and their ribs served up to the heavens. Mmmm barbeque.... Gas - This nasty crate will release about 9
poison gas clouds which will start wreaking havoc on nearby units, just hope you dont pick this up inside your base
as you will be in a bit of trouble. Would be nice if you picked this crate up right outside the enemy base, now that
would be something to behold. Tiberium - Pretty much useless, this sprouts a small patch of green or blue Tiberium.
Will eventually grow into a bigger field but probably not worth waiting for, unless that is you enjoy watching grass
(or Tiberium for that matter) grow. Questions and Answers Q: What music do you recommend listening to whilst
playing Tiberian Sun? A: Personally I do not find Tiberian Sun's music to really match Tiberian Dawns music, but
that's just my opinion. I have to say Limp Bizkit's (www.limp- Significant Other album is GREAT with
Tiberian Sun, it really goes off. Also The Matrix Soundtrack ( is another great CD to
listen to whilst commanding and conquering. Q: Hey Tiberian Suns music bites! I miss that good ol' Command and
Conquer music. Damn that kicked ass! Is there any way I can get C&C1's music to play in Tiberian Sun? A: Sure!
First of all you will need to extract THEME.INI from Tiberian Sun (you can download all of the TS .INI files from
Camelot Systems ( Secondly you will need an old mix editor like mix manager that works with
Red Alert or C&C1 (Mix manager is what I used). Extract the songs you want from scores.mix on your C&C1 CD.
Next up place all the songs in your Tiberian Sun root directory. Remember the names of them (such as
CCTHANG.AUD) ect. Now using notepad or edit or whatever you choose, open THEME.INI and edit the following
values. At the top it will have a list of songs: [Themes] 1=INTRO 2=VALVES1B 3=DUSKHOUR 4=FLURRY ect.
Now at the end of that put in your songs like: 23=CCTHANG below the other songs. Basically the number is the
song ID in numerical order, so put in 23, 24 ect, going down the list of all the songs you want in Tiberian Sun.
Anyway and the name is the file. So if the song is called CCTHANG.AUD then put in CCTHANG (without
including the extension). Next up go down to the bottom of the page where it has the last song, and put in at the very
bottom: [CCTHANG] Name=C&C: C&C Thang! (Name is where you specify the track title that will be displayed in
Tiberian Sun under the music menu) Normal=yes (Normal specifies whether you can access it from the sound menu
or not) Repeat=no (Repeat specifies whether to repeat forever or go onto the next song at the end of the track) There
are other options you can put in but they are not essential, for more info read through the notes in THEME.INI. Now
save it and load up Tiberian Sun and you should have all of the songs in your sound menu. Thanks to Kit
( for his help whilst I tried to figure all of this out. Q: How do I run Tiberian Sun at a resolution
above 800x600?? Is it even possible? A: Yes it is possible, but Westwood tech support will not help anyone if they
have problems with their 1024x768 res ect. It's recommended to stay at 800x600 or 640x480 but.. if you do want to
increase your res. Edit the sun.ini file and change the following values to the resolution you want. [Video]
ScreenWidth=1024 ScreenHeight=768 StretchMovies=no Q: Can I make my own maps for Tiberian Sun? I know I
can with the random generator, but I'm talking about a REAL map editor! A: There is a map editor being made by
Camelot Systems , they are responsible for some very cool ultilities. Q: Does the computer cheat? A: Yep. Here's a
list of some of the things it does: Can see the whole map if without scouting out the map. Can build as many
structures and units as it wants at the same time. I remember back in Tiberian Dawn I played Covert Operations and
once I sent my Engineer into my own building cause it was about to be taken over by the enemy Engineer, we both
ran into my Construction Yard at the same time, and then it considered the structures to be his but I could funnily
enough build and cancel all of his orders! He was making them and I could see them (even the infantry and vehicles)
ect. And I actually got to see inside how the computer works. Pretty amazing, it was building several tanks and
infantry and structures all at once. Now with Tiberian Sun you may notice when under attack with GDI it might
build a Component Tower and then place an upgrade down a few seconds after it's placed, not within realistic
building times, it's cause it builds both at the same time. Q: The video runs really choppily, how do I fix this? A:
Hold ALT and TAB to multitask back into windows, from there open my computer and right click on your cd drive
and click eject and then close the CD tray again. Now if you go back into Tiberian Sun the vide should be fine,
unfortunately you will have to do this every time you start up Tiberian Sun. Q: I need help with Tiberian Sun or I
want to post a question to the public, are there any news groups around for Tiberian Sun? A: Yup, go to or Q: How come I can't ally in multiplay? A: If you are
playing a modem or serial cable game with your friend then you might be asking this question. It seems Westwood
forgot to add alliance support to modem games of Tiberian Sun. But network and internet games allow alliances, just
enable it in the multiplay menu where the harvester truces and fog of war options are kept, and then select a team
and press A on their unit during the game. Q: Are there any good add-ons for Tiberian Sun? A: Yep. Tiberian Sun
Gold is just a rules.ini modification but it's pretty darn cool. Q: I've heard some magazines mention Command and
Conquer: Renegade, is this a mission add-on pack or something? A: No this is Westwoods new game they are
currently developing. Currently there are a few screenshots which have been released. Q: Are there any good trainers
out there? A: Trainers are for losers, nuff said. Q: Are there any cheats for Tiberian Sun? A: No. And if there were
any you would get the same answer as above :). Manual Clearups: In the TS manual it specifies a lot of things which
aren't really true. Here I'll try to clear up a lot of them. Page 33: "For Multiplayer games, either side may attempt to
enlist the efforts of the alienated Mutant Tribes known has the forgotten" This is false, so far it does not seem likely
that you can communicate or work in anyway with the forgotten. Plus it specifies that you can use civilian buildings
and the civilian mayor might lend a few tanks your way to back you up against whoever has attacked their city.
That's also BS. On page 15 it says that harvesters "automatically avoid threat areas and will inform you when it
cannot enter an area because of nearby threats. Tiberium Harvesters will not enter a hostile area unless specifically
ordered" unless you call "harvester under attack" avoiding threats then that's also BS.Plus heaps others like dynamic
lighting, threat assessment, chameleon spy, the whole civilian thing and such. Plus if you look at the screenshots
released by westwood showing C&C2 before it came out and then look at your C&C2 they do not look the same
now do they? The AI kind of bites too, but I never get my hopes up when I see "improved" AI anymore.One thing
that ticks me off is the AI basically just floods you with super weapons, very uncool. Wishlist As a lot of you may
have noticed, there are a lot of bugs and a lot of overbalanced units in TS. I assume Westwood will release a giant
patch soon to fix a lot of it. At the same time if we compile a list of things we would like changed or added, then
perhaps we can get some of this stuff implemented into the next patch. Email any wishes/suggestions to with the subject heading "wishlist" if you want some added here, if they are not too far
fetched and I think they are a good idea I will add them. *note* This applies to the whole game, you do not have to
restrict your ideas to just being NOD related. * Nuke and hunter seeker recharge times increased, and the hunter
seeker toned down. * Westwoods voxel exporter released to the public (worth a shot). * Devils tongue more
powerful. * EM Pulse cannon to also effect aircraft. I think this was originally planned, and it'd be the same effect as
with ion storms where it will just make them drop from the sky and crash. Very neato. SECTION 4 Third party
programs nova editor: Sun Edit 2000:
World Wide Web Sites Westwood Studios WWW.WESTWOOD.COM This is Westwood Studios official Site,
contains information and news about thier upcoming games. Tiberian Sun's Official Website
WWW.TIBERIANSUN.COM This is Tiberian Suns official website, check it out it's great. Rising Sun Network
WWW.CNC2.COM Our gracious host and one of the best Tiberian Sun sites on the net. Battle Ground:Tiberian Sun
WWW.TIBERIAN.COM This is a very popular news site for Tiberian Sun, contains just about anything you would
want to know about Tiberian Sun WWW.TIBERIUMSUN.COM Another really good Tiberian
Sun site which has been operating for longer than I remember. Keep up the good work guys Tiberian Sun Bible
Official Webpage This is the official home of the TS bible. Allan
McKay's Portfolio These are personal websites of Allan
McKay. What's at the bottom of the page? Welp hope you enjoyed the first release of Tiberian Sun Bible. I'm sure as
you're reading this we're working hard at improving and adding to the FAQ. We will try to add in walk-throughs and
more single player information soon, as well as heaps of other stuff, plus as you can expect lots more kickass
multiplay strats. Also we should be improving the websites look quite soon and make it easier to use and prettier.
Since this is our first release, I'd just like to say if you want to mirror this FAQ please email us and we can put your
URL in there, plus if you want to set up a DCC bot so that people can come on IRC and get the latest version of the
FAQ, please email us the details! Same goes for BBS' and everything else. If you would like to send us comments,
flames, words of encouragement, tips, your own strategies, thoughts, ANYTHING at all, please do! Thanks for reading and please check back to for the latest version.

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