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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279

Development of the DQFM method to consider the effect of correlation of

component failures in seismic PSA of nuclear power plant
Yuichi Watanabea, Tetsukuni Oikawab,1, Ken Muramatsub,*
Sheet Products Research Department, Materials and Processing Research Center, NKK Corporation, Koukan-cho, Fukuyama-city,
Hiroshima-ken 721-0931, Japan
Safety Analysis Laboratory, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195, Japan
Received 11 January 2000; accepted 15 April 2002

This paper presents a new calculation method for considering the effect of correlation of component failures in seismic probabilistic safety
assessment (PSA) of nuclear power plants (NPPs) by direct quantification of Fault Tree (FT) using the Monte Carlo simulation (DQFM) and
discusses the effect of correlation on core damage frequency (CDF).
In the DQFM method, occurrence probability of a top event is calculated as follows: (1) Response and capacity of each component are
generated according to their probability distribution. In this step, the response and capacity can be made correlated according to a set of
arbitrarily given correlation data. (2) For each component whether the component is failed or not is judged by comparing the response and the
capacity. (3) The status of each component, failure or success, is assigned as either TRUE or FALSE in a Truth Table, which represents the
logical structure of the FT to judge the occurrence of the top event. After this trial is iterated sufficient times, the occurrence probability of
the top event is obtained as the ratio of the occurrence number of the top event to the number of total iterations.
The DQFM method has the following features compared with the minimal cut set (MCS) method used in the well known Seismic Safety
Margins Research Program (SSMRP). While the MCS method gives the upper bound approximation for occurrence probability of an union
of MCSs, the DQFM method gives more exact results than the upper bound approximation. Further, the DQFM method considers the effect
of correlation on the union and intersection of component failures while the MCS method considers only the effect on the latter. The
importance of these features in seismic PSA of NPPs are demonstrated by an example calculation and a calculation of CDF in a seismic PSA.
The effect of correlation on CDF was evaluated by the DQFM method and was compared with that evaluated in the application study of the
SSMRP methodology. In the application study, Bohn et al. showed that correlation had a significant effect on CDF and may vary it by up to an
order. However, in the results calculated by the DQFM method correlation varied CDF by at most 2 or 3 times compared with CDF for a case
where no correlation was assumed. Although some factors should further be examined, this implied that the MCS method may have overestimated
the effect of correlation on CDF and the effect of correlation on CDF may not be so significant as that evaluated in the SSMRP.
q 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
Keywords: Seismic probabilistic safety assessment; Nuclear power plant; Fault Tree; Monte Carlo simulation; Core damage frequency; Correlation of failure;
Seismic core melt frequency evaluation-2

1. Introduction Energy Research Institute (JAERI) has developed

a methodology for seismic PSAs of NPPs and applied this
Seismic probabilistic safety assessments (PSAs) of method to a hypothetical BWR plant, which is termed ‘Model
nuclear power plants (NPPs) have been widely conducted Plant’ [1]. The Model Plant is a 1100MWe BWR/5 plant with
since early 1980s, especially in the USA to evaluate core a Mark-II type containment located on an actual site of NPPs
damage frequency (CDF) induced by earthquakes and to on the Pacific coast of northeastern area in Japan.
identify vulnerability of NPPs to earthquakes. Since many It is well known that the results of seismic PSAs have
large earthquakes have occurred in Japan, the Japan Atomic large uncertainty, especially in seismic hazard curves and
capacity (fragility) data. Budnitz pointed out in his review
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 81-29-282-5815; fax: þ81-29-282-6147. paper [2] that the numerical uncertainties can be certainly
E-mail address: (K. Muramatsu). large, dominantly caused by the uncertainty in the seismic
Currently on loan to the Office of the Nuclear Safety Commission. hazard evaluation and that the uncertainties in the fragility
0951-8320/03/$ - see front matter q 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
PII: S 0 9 5 1 - 8 3 2 0 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 5 3 - 4
266 Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279

estimates per se make smaller but important contributors to that the effect on the intersection is much more significant
the overall uncertainty. He also pointed out that the than the effect on the union.
correlations among failures are not understood well and In ‘Application of the SSMRP Methodology to the
the differences between assuming full correlation and zero Seismic Risk at the Zion Nuclear Power Plant’ [4] (hereafter
correlation can also amount to an order of magnitude called the application study of the SSMRP), Bohn et al.
difference in CDF in some cases. Ravindra [3] selected the concluded that correlation had a significant effect on CDF
question of correlation between seismic failures as one of and may vary it by up to an order. However, ignoring the
the issues that are not fully addressed in the current seismic effect of correlation on the occurrence probability of union
PSAs. and the use of upper bound approximation might cause
The significance of the effect of correlation in seismic overestimation of CDF.
PSAs have been recognized and studied in some papers The present authors developed a new calculation method
[4 –10]. Ravindra [6] discussed the effect of correlation to consider the effect of correlation on the occurrence
and showed that correlation between component failures probability of both union and intersection of component
may have large effect on CDF when an extreme failures and to obtain more exact results than the upper
assumption of full dependence due to correlation was bound approximation. This new method directly quantifies
assumed although a realistic consideration of dependencies Fault Tree (FT) using the Monte Carlo simulation and
would result in much lower effect. Based on his sensitivity calculates the occurrence probability of a top event as
analysis, Fleming [10] also pointed out that the correlation follows: (1) Response and capacity of each component are
may have significant effect on failure probability of a generated according to their probability distribution. (2) For
system. each component whether the component is failed or not is
If identical two components are located side by side in a judged by comparing the response and the capacity. (3) The
building, there is high response dependency and the status of each component, failure or success, is assigned as
responses of these components are correlated. Similarly, it either TRUE or FALSE in a Truth Table, which represents
is thought that the capacities of identical two components the logical structure of FT to judge the occurrence of the top
are correlated. Here, the former is called the correlation of event. After this trial is iterated sufficient times, the
response and the latter is called the correlation of capacity. occurrence probability of the top event is obtained as the
If one component fails, it is likely that the other component ratio of the occurrence number of the top event to
will also fail when responses and/or capacities of com- the number of total iterations. In the second step, the effect
ponents are correlated. When the degree of correlation of correlation of response was considered by correlating the
increases, the probability of simultaneous failure of multiple compositions of variabilities of responses that are caused by
components (intersection of component failures) increases a common source; this method is described in Refs. [12,13].
and the occurrence probability of union of component However, it is difficult to treat arbitrarily given correlation
failures decreases. An NPP consists of redundant systems, coefficient data since the degree of correlation is discretely
which have a large number of components, and the failures varied in this manner. Then, a mathematical technique was
of the systems and core damage are usually represented by applied to make responses correlated according to the
an union of many intersections of component failures. arbitrarily given correlation coefficient data; this method is
Therefore, correlation might significantly influence con- described in Ref. [12]. The correlation of capacity as well as
ditional failure probabilities of systems, conditional core response can be considered by the same ways. The
damage probability (CDP) and CDF. The significance of the developed calculation method was named the DQFM
effect of correlation in seismic PSAs has been recognized. (direct quantification of Fault Tree using the Monte Carlo
In the phase-1 of the Seismic Safety Margins Research simulation) method.
Program (SSMRP) [11], analysis procedures were devel- The feasibility of the DQFM method was confirmed by
oped to estimate the risk of an earthquake-caused radio- calculation of failure probability of a system [12,13] and the
active release from a commercial NPP. A system analysis DQFM method was incorporated into the SECOM (seismic
code, SEISIM (Systematic Evaluation of Important Safety core melt frequency evaluation)-2 code, which is a systems
Improvement Measures), was developed to evaluate occur- reliability analysis code for seismic PSAs developed by
rence probabilities of accident sequences and CDF with JAERI [14].
consideration of the effect of correlation. The SEISIM code First, this paper reviews treatment of correlation in
computes the accident sequence probability as upper bound existing works and their limitations and then introduces
of occurrence probability of the sequence (upper bound calculation method of the DQFM method. Next, this paper
approximation) represented by an union of minimal cut sets shows effect of correlation on occurrence probability of an
(MCSs). In this MCS method, the effect of correlation on union of component failures and intersection of component
occurrence probability of an intersection of component failures. Further, CDFs calculated by the DQFM method
failures is considered and the effect of correlation on that of and the MCS method were compared to evaluate the effect
an union of component failures is ignored since it is thought of correlation on CDF.
Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279 267

2. Definition and nature of correlation in seismic PSAs where CovðXi ; Xj Þ is covariance coefficient between Xi and
Xj, VarðXi Þ is variance of Xi defined by the following
In a seismic PSA, responses and capacities of equations
components are usually treated as random variables and  
correlation of response and capacity of component is an VarðXi Þ ¼ E ðXi Þ2 2 ðEðXi ÞÞ2 ; ð2Þ
essential issue when one considers the simultaneous failure CovðXi ; Xj Þ ¼ EðXi Xj Þ 2 EðXi ÞEðXj Þ; ð3Þ
probability of multiple components. Reed et al. [5] defined
and explained the correlation of component failures as where EðXi Þ and EðXi Xj Þ are defined by the following
follows (their explanation has been rearranged by the equations using probability density function f ðXi Þ and
present authors): f ðXi ; Xj Þ:
“Physically, dependencies exist due to similarities in ð1
both response and capacity parameters. For example, if two EðXi Þ ¼ Xi f ðXi ÞdXi ; ð4Þ
components are located side by side in a building, there is
ð1 ð1
high response dependency. The structural capacities of two EðXi Xj Þ ¼ Xi Xj f ðXi ; Xj ÞdXi dXj : ð5Þ
identical pumps are highly correlated. Then, if one pump 21 21
fails due to an earthquake, it is likely that the other pump
will also fail.”
In this paper, the correlation of failure is defined as any 3. Consideration of effect of correlation
dependency among failures of components that arise from in the existing works
common sources of variability of their responses and
capacities. For example, common source of the variability 3.1. Treatment of correlation in the SSMRP, NUREG-1150
of response of two pumps of similar design on the same and other works
floor include the uncertainties in the seismic motion, soil
amplification of the seismic wave and the building 3.1.1. Evaluation of responses and correlation
response. The common sources of the variability of In the phase-1 of the SSMRP, the SMACS (seismic
capacity of the two pumps include the similarity in methodology analysis chain statistics) code was developed
material properties and design of weakest parts. The to probabilistically calculate the seismic responses of
strength of correlation of capacity would depend on the structures, systems and components. In the application
degree of similarity in design and the method of capacity study of the SSMRP, a large number of multiple time
evaluation. Here, the dependency of response means the history analyses of responses were performed by the
correlation of response; the dependency of capacity means SMACS code. Correlation and variability of responses
the correlation of capacity. were determined from the results of those response analyses.
Correlation influences the occurrence probabilities of not Finally, the occurrence probabilities of accident sequences
only the intersection but also the union of multiple and CDF were calculated by the SEISIM code using these
component failures. In case of no correlation, the occurrence values.
In the risk assessments for the Surry and Peach Bottom
probability of intersection of component failures is the
NPPs of the NUREG-1150 risk assessments (hereafter
product of the failure probabilities of the components. When
called NUREG-1150), a set of rules were formulated as
the degree of correlation among the component failures
shown in Table 1, which predicted the ‘exact’ correlation
increases, the occurrence probability of intersection of
with adequate accuracy [8,9,15]. These rules were based on
component failures increases and the occurrence probability
the examination of a large number of responses in the
of union of component failures decreases.
application study of the SSMRP, which showed a distinct
The variability of response or capacity of a component is
pattern to the values of correlation that existed between the
usually treated as a combination of the uncertainty due to
various types of responses.
lack of knowledge and the uncertainty due to randomness.
On the other hand, the effect of correlation of capacities
The former is some times called epistemic uncertainty and
was examined by a sensitivity analysis, assuming that the
the latter is called aleatory uncertainty. In this paper,
capacities of components were perfectly correlated or
however, this separation is not performed although it is
independent because of the lack of data for the correlation
theoretically possible and will be necessary for conducting
of capacities in the application study of the SSMRP [4]. In
an uncertainty analysis. NUREG-1150, the capacities of components were assumed
Mathematically, the strength of correlation between two to be independent [8,9].
random variables Xi and Xj is expressed by a correlation According to the concept suggested by Reed et al. [5]
coefficient ðrÞ defined by the following equation correlation of responses and/or capacities of components
can be determined by the following way. The variabilities of
CovðXi ; Xj Þ
r ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; ð1Þ responses and/or capacities of the components can be
VarðXi ÞVarðXj Þ decomposed on the basis of source of variabilities and
268 Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279

Table 1
Rules for assigning response correlation for NUREG-1150

1. Components on the same floor slab, and sensitive to the same spectral frequency range (i.e. zero period acceleration (ZPA), 5–10 Hz, or 10–15 Hz) will be
assigned response correlation ¼ 1.0
2. Components on the same floor slab, sensitive to different ranges of spectral acceleration will be assigned response correlation ¼ 0.5
3. Components on different floor slabs (but in the same building) and sensitive to the same spectral frequency range (ZPA, 5 –10 Hz or 10– 15 Hz) will be
assigned response correlation ¼ 0.75
4. Components on the ground surface (outside tanks, etc.) shall be treated as if they were on the grade floor of an adjacent building
5. ‘Ganged’ valve configurations (either parallel or series) will have response correlation ¼ 1.0
6. All other configurations will have response correlation equal to zero

correlation is expressed as the fraction of the variabilities The SEISIM code can use the following three upper bounds:
caused by the common sources in the total of the Y
variabilities. On the basis of their concept, correlation of PðACC SEQÞ ¼ 1 2 ½1 2 PðMCSi Þ; ð8Þ
response can be determined without the time history
analyses of responses. X
3.1.2. Calculation of occurrence probabilities of accident
sequences taking account of correlation X
n X
In the SEISIM code, the occurrence probabilities of
i ði;jÞ[t
MCSs that contained correlated component failures were
calculated and incorporated in the calculation of occurrence ð10Þ
probabilities of accident sequences and CDF. where PðMCSi Þ is the occurrence probability of the ith
In this method, correlation of component failures was MCS, t is the set of all MCSs that lead to core damage and n
treated as follows: if the correlation between the responses is the number of MCSs in t.
and the correlation between the fragilities (the fragility in Eq. (8), gives the exact occurrence probability of an
Ref. [4] means the capacity in this paper) are known for two union of MCSs only when the component failures among
components, then the coefficient of correlation between the MCSs are independent of one another, otherwise it gives an
failures of these two components (‘correlation of com- approximation to upper bound of the occurrence probability
ponent failures’) was defined by Eq. (6) [4,15] of an union of MCSs. Eq. (9) is an upper bound on the
probability of an union. It does not account for interactions
bR1 bR2 between cut sets and is, therefore, not an accurate bound
rC ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffiqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rR1R2
bR1 þ b2F1 b2R2 þ b2F2
2 when cut set probabilities are high. Eq. (10), which is based
on Hunter [16] and is called Hunter’s upper bound in this
bF1 bF2 paper, is an improvement on Eq. (9) because it is obtained
þ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffiqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rF1F2 ; ð6Þ by subtracting the probabilities of certain pairs of cut sets
bR1 þ b2F1 b2R2 þ b2F2
from the sum, thereby taking some interaction between cut
sets into account.
where rC is a correlation coefficient between the component Since Eq. (8) seems to have been used most widely, we
failures 1 and 2, bR1 and bR2 standard deviations of the assume that Eq. (8) is used for the MCS method.
logarithms of the responses of components 1 and 2, bF1 and The occurrence probability of an MCS in the equation
bF2 standard deviations of the logarithms of the fragilities of was obtained by n-dimensional numerical integration of a
components 1 and 2, rR1R2 a correlation coefficient between multivariate lognormal distribution with correlation coeffi-
responses of components 1 and 2, and rF1F2 is a correlation cients for all pairs of component failures in the MCS, which
coefficient between the fragilities of components 1 and 2. were defined by Eq. (6).
The correlation coefficient defined by Eq. (6) was the
correlation coefficient between logarithms of ratios of 3.1.3. Limitations of treatment of correlation in the SSMRP
responses to capacities for components 1 and 2 since and NUREG-1150
responses and capacities of components were treated as In the SSMRP and NUREG-1150 method, since the
random numbers that were subject to the lognormal occurrence probability of accident sequence is calculated by
distribution. Eq. (8), only the effect of correlation on occurrence
The occurrence probability of an accident sequence probability of the intersection of component failures can
ðPðACC SEQÞÞ that leads to core damage was expressed by be considered and the effect of correlation on that of the
the following expression: union of component failures is ignored. Therefore, failure
probabilities of systems, CDP and CDF with consideration
PðACC SEQÞ ¼ PðMCS1 < MCS2 < · · · < MCSn Þ: ð7Þ of correlation of component failures are always larger than
Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279 269

those without consideration of correlation in the MCS In the JAERI method, failure probabilities of systems,
method. Justification for this simplification is that the CDP and CDF are calculated by the SECOM-2 code. They
correlation of component failures strongly influences the can be calculated by the following three methods:
occurrence probability of intersection of component
failures and the effect of the correlation on occurrence 1. the Boolean Arithmetic Model (BAM) method [19],
probability of union of component failures is much smaller which gives an exact numerical result
[4]. Further, ignoring the effect on union gives conservative 2. the MCS method used in the SSMRP method that
results. gives a result of upper bound approximation using Eq.
If a system consists of components in parallel, failure of (8), and
the system is expressed as the component failures combined 3. the DQFM method, which is described in Section 4.
by AND-gates in FT (intersection of component failures).
On the other hand, if a system consists of components in 3.2.2. Calculation of failure probability of a system taking
series, failure of the system is expressed as the component account of correlation in the response factor method
failures combined by OR-gates in FT (union of component Abe [7] examined the effect of correlation of responses
failures). on failure probability of a system by using the Monte Carlo
Since FTs for safety systems of an NPP normally contain simulation as the first step on this issue at JAERI. In their
many component failures combined by OR-gates, the method, the response factor of each component was
correlation among them might significantly influence the sampled for each trial in the Monte Carlo simulation to
failure probabilities of the systems. However, it is difficult determine the response of the component on condition that
for the MCS-based methods to analyze this effect. response factors of all components were fully correlated.
Since the response of a component is calculated by dividing
3.1.4. Effect of correlation on CDF evaluated in the its design response by its response factor, the sampling of
application of the SSMRP to the Zion plant the response factor is equivalent to the sampling of
In the application study of the SSMRP, Bohn et al. response. The failure probability of the component was
concluded that effect of correlation on a risk analysis that calculated from the capacity of the component and the
was dominated by single failures, especially structural sampled response. The failure probabilities of all com-
failures, were relatively minor. For the cases where the ponents were assigned into FT and the failure probability of
dominant risk contributors were pairs of component a system was calculated by using the BAM method at this
failures, such as electrical components, correlation had a trial. This procedure was iterated sufficient times and the
significant effect on CDF and may vary it by up to an order distribution of failure probabilities of a system was
[4]. However, they noted that the effect of correlation on obtained. Mean value of the distribution was calculated as
CDF might be overestimated because of the upper bound the failure probability of the system. By this method, the
approximation. effect of correlation of responses on component failures
combined by AND-gates and OR-gates can be considered.
However, this method can consider the effect of correlation
3.2. Consideration of correlation in the JAERI method only when responses or capacities are fully correlated since
it uses the BAM method. Considering the effect of
3.2.1. Seismic PSA procedures at JAERI correlation, they calculated a failure probability of a small
The seismic PSA procedures developed at JAERI have system and concluded that correlation did not affect the
the following three steps [17]: evaluation of seismic hazard, results of seismic PSAs.
evaluation of responses and capacities of components in
systems and evaluation of failure probabilities of systems,
CDP and CDF. 4. Calculation method of DQFM method taking account
The responses of components are evaluated by a response of correlation
factor method, which is one of the characteristic features in
the seismic PSA method of JAERI [18]. The response factor 4.1. Calculation flow of the DQFM method
for each building or component (structure, piping and other
equipment) in an NPP accounts for the difference between The calculation flow of the DQFM method to calculate
the response and the response evaluated in design, which is the occurrence probability of a top event such as system
generally conservative. The response factor is defined as the failure and core damage consists of the following seven
ratio of design responses to actual responses of component, steps as is shown in Fig. 1. First, FT structure, capacity data
building, etc. and is treated as random variable that is and response data of each component in the FT are given as
subject to the lognormal distribution. The variances and input (step 1). In each trial of the Monte Carlo simulation,
median of response factors were determined by comparison the values of response and capacity of a component are
between design calculation and detailed analysis and by sampled according to their probability distributions (step 2).
engineering judgment using available data. Whether the component is failed or not is judged by
270 Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279

Fig. 1. Flow chart of DQFM method.

comparing the values of response and capacity of the If CDP is obtained as occurrence probability of a top
component (step 3). The steps 2 and 3 are repeated for every event, CDF is obtained by integrating the product of CDP
component (step 4). Here, arbitrarily given correlation of and occurrence frequency of earthquake with respect to
responses and capacities of the components are considered seismic motion level.
in the manner as described in Section 4.2. The failure or
success of each component is assigned as either TRUE or This method has the following advantages:
FALSE to a Truth Table, which represents the logical
structure of the FT to judge the occurrence of top event. This 1. This method can treat an arbitrarily given correlation of
trial is iterated sufficient times and occurrence number of the response and capacity.
top event is counted (step 5). The occurrence probability of 2. This method can consider the effect of correlation on the
the top event is obtained by dividing the number of occurrence probability of the union of component
occurrences of the top event by the number of total iterations in failures as well as the intersection of component failures.
the simulation (step 6). The calculation steps 1 –6 are 3. Further, this method can provide a more exact result than
repeated to calculate the occurrence probability of the top the result of the upper bound approximation, if the Monte
event at every seismic motion level (step 7). Carlo simulation is performed by sufficient iteration.
Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279 271

4.2. Consideration of correlation by the DQFM method matrix is generated as shown above and the correlated
response of component ðiÞ; which is subject to the lognormal
As described in Section 3.1.1, correlation coefficients distribution, is determined by the following equation
between responses of components can be determined by the
Ri ¼ Rim expðbi yi Þ; ð14Þ
time history analyses of response or the concept suggested
by Reed et al. [5]. In order to calculate failure probabilities where Ri is the response of component ðiÞ; Rim the median of
of systems, CDP and CDF with consideration of the Ri, bi the standard deviation of logarithm of Ri. With this
obtained correlation coefficients, responses of components technique, logarithms of the responses can be made
has to be made correlated according to the obtained correlated in accordance with the correlation coefficients
correlation coefficients in the Monte Carlo simulation. in the correlation matrix V.
First, this section describes the method making random In the case where responses of some components are
numbers correlated and the method making responses fully correlated, these components can be grouped into ‘a
correlated in the Monte Carlo simulation. response group’ and correlation coefficients among the
Correlation among many random numbers can be response groups are assigned into the correlation matrix. By
expressed by the following correlation matrix (V), which grouping, the dimensions of correlation matrix can be
shows correlation of every pair of random variables reduced to make calculation more efficient.
2 3 If correlation coefficient of capacities of components is
1 rðx2 ;x1 Þ · · · rðxn ;x1 Þ
6 7 obtained and the correlation matrix for capacity can be
6 rðx ;x Þ 1 7
6 2 1 7 determined, the SECOM-2 code can also treat correlation of
6 7
V¼6 . 7; ð11Þ capacity by the way described above. However, because of
6 . .. 7
6 . . 7 lack of correlation data for capacity as mentioned in Section
4 5
3 the effect of correlation of capacity can merely be
rðxn ;x1 Þ rðxn ;x2 Þ 1
evaluated by a sensitivity analysis under the present
where xi is random variable and rðxi ; xj Þ the correlation conditions.
coefficient between xi and xj defined by Eq. (1). The random Furthermore, if sources of uncertainty were separated
numbers that are subject to the normal standard distribution into randomness (aleatory) and lack of knowledge or
and are correlated according to the correlation matrix (V) modeling (epistemic) uncertainty and their respective data
can be obtained by transforming independent random for distribution parameters of correlation coefficients were
numbers of normal standard distribution with the following obtained, we believe that it is possible to expand the DQFM
equation method to perform uncertainty analysis by adding another
2 3 2 3 loop of Monte Carlo iteration.
y1 x1
6 7 6 7
6y 7 6x 7
6 27 6 27
6 7 6 7
6 . 7 ¼ M 6 . 7; ð12Þ 5. Discussion of effect of correlation on failure
6 . 7 6 . 7
6 . 7 6 . 7 probability of system
4 5 4 5
yn xn
This section demonstrates the effect of correlation on
where xi is the independent random number and yi is the occurrence probability of an union of many component
correlated random number and M is a lower triangular failures and that of an union of many intersections of
matrix that holds for Eq. (13). component failures using a sample problem.
V ¼ MMt ; ð13Þ
5.1. Sample problem
where M is the transposed matrix of M. The element of M
must be real number in this case. The matrix (M) can be 5.1.1. Sample system
obtained by decomposing the correlation matrix V into M To show the effect of correlation on occurrence
and M t with the use of Cholesky decomposition [20]. probability of an union of many component failures and
As described in Section 3.1, the correlation coefficients that of an union of many intersections of component
between responses of components at a given seismic motion failures, a multiple train system whose train contains
level are usually defined by the correlation coefficients sufficient number of components in series, is suitable for a
between logarithms of responses of components since the sample system.
responses are treated as random variables of the lognormal The residual heat removal (RHR) system was chosen as
distribution. If the correlation matrix for the logarithms of the sample system in our study. The RHR system, which
responses of components is obtained, the responses are originally consisted of three trains, was simplified to a two
generated in the Monte Carlo simulation as follows. The train system in the Model Plant PSA. The sub FT for the
correlated random numbers of the normal standard train A of the RHR system, which shows a part of the FT
distribution (yi) that is subject to the obtained correlation for the whole RHR system, (hereafter called sub FT for
272 Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279

Fig. 2. Sub FT of train A of RHR system.

Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279 273

the train) is shown in Fig. 2. This FT also includes the rules shown in Table 1 and were assigned into the
support system for the train A of the RHR system. In the sub correlation matrix (V). In this case some elements in the
FT for the train, there were 26 seismically induced matrix M, which is obtained by decomposing the matrix V,
component failures and seven non-seismic (random) fail- were complex numbers since some correlation existed
ures. Most of the component failures were combined by OR- among the response groups that were on different floors in
gates except two pairs of pumps, which were combined by the same building and were different natural frequencies
AND-gates in the sub FT for the train. In the FT of RHR although these response groups had to be independent of one
system, sub FTs for the trains A and B were combined by another on the rules. This result implied that the rules used
AND-gates [1]. Thus, the failure of RHR train was basically in NUREG-1150 are not mathematically consistent in a
represented by an union of many component failures and the rigorous sense. Then, small correlation coefficient 0.3 was
failure of the RHR system was represented by an union of assigned into the elements for those response groups in the
many intersections of component failures. correlation matrix V to make the elements in the matrix M
Components in the system were installed on the ground be real numbers. Fig. 3 shows the correlation matrix used for
or in the following three buildings: reactor building, control the calculation of the partially correlated case.
building, sea water heat exchanger building. In this case, the responses of many components were
assumed to be partially correlated. The standard deviation of
5.1.2. Calculation condition logarithm of the response ðbi Þ in Eq. (14) was assumed to be
The failure probability of the RHR system and that of a equal to that of the response factor for each component.
train of the RHR system were calculated for the following (C) Fully correlated response case. The responses of the
four conditions. The capacity data used here was prepared components in the same building were assumed to be fully
from the data for the Model Plant PSA at JAERI (base data) correlated regardless of installation locations or natural
[21] and are shown in Table 2. frequencies of components.
(A) Independent case. The responses and capacities of (D) Fully correlated response and capacity case. In the
components were assumed to be completely independent. Model Plant PSA, all components were grouped into generic
(B) Partially correlated response case. The components categories similarly to NUREG-1150. For example, all
were grouped into 27 response groups on the basis of motor operated valves located on piping with different
installation locations and natural frequencies of components diameters were placed into a single generic category, and
and the responses were made fully correlated for the similarly, all motor control centers were placed into another
components in the same response group. generic category.
The correlation coefficients among the 27 response The components in the same generic category can be
groups were determined according to the NUREG-1150 found in the same train and in different trains. For example,

Fig. 3. Correlation matrix for partially correlated response case.

274 Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279

Table 2
Seismic capacity data used in JAERI’s seismic PSA

Capacity evaluation Component class Median (Gals) Uncertainty

br bu

Evaluation by JAERI based on Startup transformer with ceramic tube 650 0.25 0.25
specific component design (A) Emergency diesel generator (EDG) 2156 0.25 0.31
Condensate storage tank 813 0.25 0.29

Estimation from proving tests (B) Vertical pump 2225 0.22 0.32
LPCS pump 2225 0.22 0.32
RHR pump 2225 0.22 0.32
CCW pump 2225 0.22 0.32
Horizontal pump SLC pump 3920 0.25 0.27
RCIC pump 3920 0.25 0.27
EECW pump 3920 0.25 0.27
Motor operated valve 6468 0.26 0.60
Check valve 6468 0.20 0.35
RCIC turbine 2587 0.25 0.27
Instrumentation rack 10 241 0.48 0.74
Switchgear/power center 8085 0.29 0.66
Logic panel/instrumentation panel 10 241 0.48 0.74
Control panel/motor control center 5929 0.48 0.74
Control rod drive housing 4722 0.20 0.35

Scaling based on evaluation by JAERI (C) EDG day tank 1716 0.15 0.20
EDG fuel tank 3324 0.25 0.45
SLC tank 3324 0.25 0.45
RHR heat exchanger 2638 0.20 0.35
EECW heat exchanger 5420 0.30 0.53
EECW heat exchanger (HPCS) 5420 0.30 0.53

Use of US generic data (D) Battery 2244 0.31

Transformer 8624 0.28
Piping 3.24 £ 102t-m 0.18

Special treatments for initiating events Loss of offsite power (A) 650 0.25 0.25
based on analysis at JAERI Large LOCA (D) 3067 0.35 0.40
or use of values from Medium LOCA (C) 2699 0.47 0.30
seismic PSAs in US Small LOCA (C) 1729 0.50 0.30
Reactor vessel rupture (D) 10 270 0.26 0.28

components such as RHR heat exchangers A1, A2, B1 and Moreover, the capacities of components were correlated in
B2 were in the same generic category and the RHR heat the train and correlated among trains when the capacities of
exchangers A1 and A2 were installed in the same train A the components in the same generic category were
and the RHR heat exchangers A1, B1 were installed in correlated.
different trains A and B.
The capacities of the components in the same generic
category were assumed to be fully correlated and the 5.2. Calculation results
responses of components were assumed to be correlated
similarly to the fully correlated response case. Figs. 4 and 5 show failure probabilities of the RHR train
Since the conditions (B), (C) and (D) assumed some A and the failure probabilities of the RHR system calculated
correlation in response and/or capacity of component, these by the DQFM method and the BAM method for the
were called ‘correlated cases’ and since the conditions (B) and independent case. In the DQFM method, the Monte Carlo
(C) assumed correlation only in response, these were called simulation was performed by 100 000 iterations at each
‘correlated response cases’ in the following descriptions. seismic motion level. As shown in these figures, the failure
The responses of components were correlated in the train probabilities of the RHR train A and the RHR system
and correlated among trains for the correlated cases. calculated by the DQFM method agreed with those
Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279 275

(A) Effect of correlation on occurrence probability of an

union of component failures. Fig. 4 shows the calculated
failure probabilities of RHR train A for the correlated
response cases comparing with the independent case. The
failure probabilities for the correlated response cases were
much smaller than the failure probability for the indepen-
dent case. The failure probability for the fully correlated
response case was smaller than that for the partially
correlated response case since the degree of correlation of
component failures for the fully correlated case was larger
than that for the partially correlated case in the train. The
failure probability for the fully correlated response and
capacity case was smaller than that for the fully correlated
response case since the correlation of capacities of the
component in the same generic category as well as the
correlation of response decreased occurrence probability of
an union of component failures. The same tendency of the
calculation results was also seen on the RHR train B. Since
the failure of RHR train was represented by an union of
many component failures, these results showed that
correlation of component failures considerably decreased
the occurrence probability of an union of many component
Fig. 4. Conditional failure probability of train A of RHR system calculated
(B) Effect of correlation on occurrence probability of an
for independent and correlated cases. union of many intersections of component failures. Fig. 5
shows the calculated failure probabilities of the RHR system
calculated by the BAM method for the independent case; for the correlated response cases comparing with the
these results showed that the DQFM method can accurately independent case. The failure probabilities for the correlated
calculate failure probabilities of the train and the system response cases were larger than the failure probability for
[12,13]. the independent case at low seismic, motion levels (below
about 700 Gals). At higher seismic motion levels (above
about 700 Gals), however, the failure probabilities for these
correlated cases were smaller than the failure probability for
the independent case. Generally, correlation of component
failures raises the occurrence probabilities of intersections
of component failures while it lowers the occurrence
probability of an union of component failures. The former
effect was more significant at the low seismic motion levels
and was less significant at the high seismic motion levels in
these cases.
The failure probability for the fully correlated response
and capacity case was much larger than that for the fully
correlated response case at all the seismic motion levels; this
result showed the correlation of capacity of the components
in the same generic category that increased occurrence
probability of intersections of component failures had
dominant effect.
Since the failure of the RHR system was represented by
an union of many intersections of component failures, these
results showed that correlation of component failures
increased occurrence probability of an union of many
intersections of component failures in some conditions and
considerably decreased it in other conditions compared with
the independent case. This implies that the effect of
Fig. 5. Conditional failure probability of RHR system calculated for correlation on occurrence probability of union of com-
independent case correlated cases. ponent failures should not be ignored when one takes
276 Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279

account of effect of correlation of component failures. The startup transformer was much larger than the other
next section discusses the effect of correlation on CDF. components causing LOSP on the basis of the base data.
The core damage caused by the LOSP was represented
by about 120 basic events such as component failures and
6. Discussion of effect of correlation on CDF non-seismic failures. The components were installed in the
reactor building, the control building, the sea water heat
CDFs of the Model Plant calculated by the MCS method exchanger building and on the ground as the components in
and the DQFM method were compared to evaluate the effect the RHR system were installed. The startup transformer,
of correlation on CDF. Here we use Eq. (8) as the MCS which was assumed to cause the LOSP, was installed on the
method for comparison purpose, because Eq. (8) is most ground and the failure of that was assumed to be
widely used for calculating CDFs and the SECOM-2 code is independent of the failures of components in safety
not capable of using other equations. Thus, if Eq. (9) or (10) functions.
is used, the comparison results may be slightly different. In the Monte Carlo simulation, CDP was obtained by
100 000 iterations at every seismic motion level on the basis
6.1. Calculation condition of the base data [21]. Responses and capacities of
components were assumed to be correlated according to
For performing CDF calculation, an integrated FT is the four cases including the independent case in Section 5
adopted as a system model in the Model Plant PSA at similarly to the calculation of failure probabilities of the
JAERI. A simplified illustration of an integrated FT is RHR system.
shown in Fig. 6. In this study the seismically induced core
damage that was caused by loss of off-site power (LOSP) 6.2. Effect of correlation on CDF evaluated by the DQFM
was considered since the CDF caused by the LOSP method and the MCS method
dominated over 60% of total CDF. The LOSP was assumed
to be caused by the failure of a startup transformer with Fig. 7 shows calculated CDPs obtained by the DQFM
ceramic insulator tubes since the failure probability of method, the MCS method and the BAM method. For the
independent case, the CDP calculated by the DQFM method
agreed with that calculated by the BAM method; this result
showed the DQFM method can accurately calculate CDP as
well as failure probability of a system.
In the results of the DQFM method, the CDPs for the
partially correlated response case and the fully correlated

Fig. 6. Simplified illustration of an integrated FT. Fig. 7. Conditional CDP calculated by DQFM, MCS and BAM methods.
Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279 277

response case were larger than the CDP for the independent
case at low seismic motion levels (below about 700 Gals).
However, at high seismic motion levels (above about
700 Gals) the CDPs for these cases were smaller than the
CDP for the independent case. The CDP for the fully
correlated response and capacity case was larger than that
for the fully correlated response case at all the seismic
motion levels. Since the core damage was represented by an
union of many intersections of component failures as well as
the failure of RHR system, these results showed the
similar tendency as the results of the RHR system shown
in Section 5.
For the independent case, the CDP calculated by the
MCS method was larger than that calculated by the BAM
method since the CDP calculated by the MCS method is the
upper bound approximation. Further, in the results of the
MCS method, CDP increased when degree of correlation
increased since the CDP is calculated with consideration of
effect of correlation only on the intersection of component
failures. In summary, CDP calculated by the MCS method
was much larger than that calculated by the DQFM method
especially when correlation was considered.
Fig. 8 shows CDF per unit acceleration, which is the
product of CDP and occurrence frequency of earthquake per
unit acceleration, as a function of acceleration level. In the
figure, CDF per unit acceleration was normalized by the Fig. 8. CDF per unit acceleration calculated by DQFM, MCS and BAM
peak value calculated by the DQFM method for methods.
the independent case. CDF per unit acceleration is
significantly varied by the change of CDP at low seismic CDF was varied by about 2.5 times in the results of the
motion levels, since the occurrence frequency of earthquake DQFM method and was varied by about 6 times, at
is large at those levels. Thus, CDF per unit acceleration maximum, in the results of the MCS method compared with
calculated by the MCS method was larger than that the independent case. Table 4 shows the ratio of CDF
calculated by the DQFM method for each of correlated calculated by the MCS method to that calculated by the
cases. DQFM method; the ratio shows degree of overestimation of
At the low seismic motion levels small fluctuation of CDF caused by the MCS method. The ratio was 3.3 for the
CDP, which was caused by insufficient iteration in the fully correlated response and capacity case while it was at
DQFM method, made the CDF per unit acceleration most 1.3 for the independent case.
fluctuated. Although CDF is obtained by integrating CDF Although Bohn et al. concluded that correlation had a
per unit acceleration with respect to seismic motion level, significant effect on CDF and may vary it by up to an order
the fluctuation did not considerably influence CDF. CDF per in the application study of the SSMRP, the results of the
unit acceleration calculated by the DQFM method present study showed that the MCS method overestimated
agreed with that calculated by the BAM method for CDF especially when correlation was considered and
the independent case as shown in Fig. 8 and this result implied that the effect of correlation on CDF would not be
showed that the DQFM method could accurately so significant as that evaluated in the SSMRP.
calculate CDF. Since the effect of correlation on CDF values depend on
Table 3 shows the ratios of the CDFs for the correlated various conditions, the present authors are evaluating the
cases to the CDF for the independent case. By correlation, influence of the following factors. However, they expect

Table 3
Ratio of the CDFs for the correlated cases to the CDF for the independent case

DQFM method MCS method

Independent case 1.0 1.0

Partially correlated response case 1.3 2.1
Fully correlated response case 1.3 2.7
Fully correlated response and capacity case 2.4 6.2
278 Y. Watanabe et al. / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 79 (2003) 265–279

Table 4
Ratio of the CDF calculated by the MCS method to the CDF calculated by the DQFM method

CDF(MCS method)/CDF(DQFM method)

Independent case 1.3

Partially correlated response case 2.1
Fully correlated response case 2.8
Fully correlated response and capacity case 3.3

that qualitative results obtained in this study will not depend the ratio of the occurrence number of the top event to the
on these factors. number of total iterations.
The DQFM method has the following features compared
(a) In this study, initiating event LOSP was assumed to be with the MCS method used in the well known SSMRP. The
caused by a single failure of component, which was DQFM method gives more exact results than the upper
independent of the component failures in safety bound approximation that the MCS method provides.
functions as mentioned in Section 6.1. If the initiating Further, this method considers the effect of correlation on
event is caused by multiple components failures, which the union and intersection of component failures while the
are correlated with one another, and are correlated with MCS method only considers the latter.
the component failures in safety functions, correlation The comparison between CDF calculated by the DQFM
may considerably vary CDF. method and that calculated by the MCS method for the case
(b) The number of seismically induced component failures of the Model Plant showed that CDF can be overestimated
in the system model for this study was much smaller by the MCS method especially when correlation was
than that in the SSMRP. The effect of correlation on considered. Moreover, the effect of correlation on CDF
CDF might be varied by the number of component evaluated by the DQFM method may not be so significant as
failures. that evaluated in the SSMRP because of the effect of the
(c) The correlation coefficient of component failures is consideration of correlation of failures which reduces the
determined by Eq. (6) and this relation shows that the probability of union of components and was not easy for
correlation coefficient of component failures depends MCS-based FT quantification methods.
not only on the correlation coefficients between
respective responses and capacities, but also on the
variances in these responses and capacities. The
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