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7th Grade World History

Mrs. Smith ●

Overview: World History

In World History, we will be studying the ancient eastern hemisphere. We will
read, write, act, play, laugh, and scheme our way through the ancient civilizations.
This class incorporates many hands-on experiences including handling artifacts,
playing games, trying food, and experiencing culture.

Class goal: Students will be able to demonstrate critical thinking about historical events
through projects, discussions, research, and analysis. Students will be able to
evaluate evidence to form theories about past, present, and future events. We will be
using the Oregon State Social Sciences Grade 7 Standards to guide our class.

Cultures and eras we will be studying:

Early Humans India Rome
Mesopotamia China Vikings
Egypt Greece Crusades

Materials for Every Day:

History notebook (9” x 11” spiral) Glue sticks (we use a lot)
Binder Scissors
Pencil & Pen (blue/black) Highlighters

*Please have all other materials listed on Scenic’s school supply list

Class Procedures
General Attitude:
- You have a right to feel angry or sad or hyper or anything else. But
remember that you are still responsible for how you express yourself and how
you act.

Being Prepared:
- Have all your supplies with you every day. Be willing to participate in all
class activities. Come ready to work hard!
Always have a pencil. Teachers cry inside when you don’t have a pencil.
Entering Class:
- Check the front boards for what to turn in/pick up and what to do next.
- Take out materials and be started on the warm up by the time the bell rings.

Completing Work:
- All work should be done in pencil or black or blue ink unless it is typed or
specifically stated otherwise.

Leaving Class:
- Students must have their campus key to leave the room.
- I will dismiss class when everything is clean and quiet.

- Check the Absent Box on the front table. Check in with me after looking at the box.
You have one day per absence to make up work. Write ABSENT on these
assignments, so I know they are not late.

Grades are composed of class work, projects, assessments, and preparation.

Proficiency grading: The majority of your grade will come from tests,
assessments, and projects. You will have notebook checks to check on your
90% - 100% = A daily work, but the purpose of daily work is to help you get ready for your
assessments. The goal is to see what you have learned and truly understand.
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C Test Retakes: Test retakes are up to the teacher’s discretion. For me to grant
60% - 69% = D a retake, you must show that you are truly ready to retake the assessment.
0% - 55% = F This means you have corrected your mistakes, have evidence of studying,
and have appropriately talked to me about retaking. The score of your
retake will replace the score of your first assessment.

PREP Points: All major assignments will have a grade connected to PREP points for
personal management such as having work completed on time, turning in presentable work,
and having necessary materials for class. These points may also be used for weekly
classwork grades such as notebook checks.

Late Work
- If work is turned in late, students will lose the PREP points that go along with that
assignment. This helps you see patterns in your knowledge on assessments and your
behaviors of turning things in on time and completed correctly.

*If you consistently turn in work late, I may add additional policies to support you.

Exceptions: The most important thing to remember is to talk to me! I know there are cases when
school work is no longer a priority, such as during a family emergency or a death in the family.
Come talk to me during these times, and we will work out a plan for grades one-on-one.

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