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Advances in Applied Science Research, 2015, 6(6):75-80

ISSN: 0976-8610

Importance of geology in construction and prevent the hazards

Satya Prakash1, Satyam Kumar Singh1, Prashant Ankur Jain2, Naveen Dwivedi3,
Shubha Dwivedi3, Ved Kumar Mishra3 and Vivek Singh Pundir1
Department of Civil Engineering, S. D. College of Engineering & Technology, Muzaffarnagar, U.P.-India
Department CBBI, JSBB, SHIATS-Allahabad, U.P.-India
Department of Biotechnology, S. D. College of Engineering & Technology, Muzaffarnagar, U.P.


A detailed and accurate knowledge inventory of geology is an essential part of construction and hazard analysis.
The landslides, earthquake, and tsunami must also be located accurately and mapped as polygons depicting their
true shapes. Detailed inventory maps of land-slide triggered by earthquakes began in the early 1960s with the use of
aerial photography. In recent years, advances in technology and knowledge of geology have resulted in the
accessibility of civil engineering project and high resolution to identify. Producing the earthquake in sea triggered
the tsunami. An earthquake may serve as a warning that a tsunami is coming, and so may a rapid fall or rise in
coastal waters. Earthquakes are an unavoidable natural hazard, but proper planning and a well-informed and well-
prepared public can reduce their impact. Construction of dam, tunnel, reservoir and other civil engineering projects
under the consideration of safety precaution, and using material are more stable, durable and economical due to the
knowledge of geology. Rocks are the most common material which is used in the construction of foundation. The
local geology of an area is important when planning a major construction .The full knowledge of geology increase
the strength, stability, and durability of civil engineering projects.

Keywords: Rocks, Dam, Reservoir, Tunnel, Earthquake and Tsunami.



Rocks are used in the formation of foundation or base of civil engineering projects, because the rocks are more
stable and having high strength (1). The branch of geology that deals with application of geological knowledge to
civil engineering projects is known as geological engineering or engineering geology (2). Engineering geologists are
needed wherever an understanding of rock properties and geological structures is required, i.e. road construction,
building foundations, dam construction etc (3). The local geology of an area is important when planning a major
construction (4). The geology of an area represents the location and nature of any civil engineering structures (5).
Natural hazards (earthquake, landslide, and tsunami) are originated and produce the deformation on surface of earth.
Natural hazards cannot be prevented, but its prediction is determining (6).

Different type of rocks &there uses: Rocks are the naturally solid aggregate of minerals (7). Since the crust of the
earth is composed of rocks, a rock may be defined as a unit of the earth crust (8). Minerals are only responsible for
the formation of rocks (9).civil engineers need to know the properties of rocks, to many type of rocks for used many
purpose (as foundation rock, as building stone, as road rock or metal etc) (10). Petrology is the branch of geology
which deals the study of rocks such as formation, classification, and occurrence (11). There are three types of rocks
on the basis of their origination.

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Satya Prakash et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2015, 6(6):75-80
(i) Igneous rocks: These rocks are formed from hot molten lava and magma, through the process of cooling and
crystallization (12).The hot molten material occurring naturally below the earth surface is called magma, it is called
lava when erupted volcanoes. Igneous rocks are formed from both lava and magma (13). Igneous rocks are massive
in form and it is supposed that these rocks are oldest rocks (14). Igneous rocks are also called primary rocks because
these are formed on earth crust (15). Igneous rocks are the hard, stable, durable, and bearing more loads so it is
always used in the foundation (16).

(ii) Sedimentary rocks: Sedimentary rocks are the secondary rocks formed by accumulation, compaction, and
consolidation of sediments (17). The sediments are the particle produced from the decay and weathering of pre-
existing rocks (18). The accumulation and compaction of such sediments commonly takes place under water (19).
The process of deposition play important role in the formation of sedimentary rocks, the transported material is
deposited on ocean floors, river beds, lake beds etc (20). The most important phenomena that happen during their
deposition and transportation are ‘grading’ which defines them according to their shape, size and density (21). The
sedimentary rocks are used for the construction of fort (22). The RED FORT of Delhi construct from sedimentary

(iii) Metamorphic rocks: Metamorphic rocks are the product of metamorphism of pre-existing igneous,
sedimentary or even metamorphic rocks (23). During the formation of metamorphic rocks the changes that takes
place includes in texture and structure (24). In the metamorphic process, most minerals are completely or partially
recrystallised with in the rock and new texture and structure are formed. The main changes which occurred in
metamorphism due to temperature and pressure condition (25). The metamorphic rocks are used as decorative
material (26).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure-1 (a-Igneous, b-Sedimentary, and c-metamorphic rocks)
Igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks are easily defined by rock cycle

Figure (2): Rock cycle

Construction of projects under the consideration of geologist: The branch of engineering that deals with the
planning, construction and maintenance of these major structures is known as civil engineering. This unit
summarizes some geological aspects of civil engineering (27). Examples of facilities that require considerable
alteration of Earth’s surface are highways, railways, bridges, dams and pipelines (28). The geology of an area
dictates the location and nature of any civil engineering structures (29).

(i) Dam: Geological investigations of a site proposed for construction of a dam must be complete and detailed.
Features such as rock-types, geological structures, weathering, fractures and fissures must all be considered. The

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Satya Prakash et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2015, 6(6):75-80
main considerations are that the material on which the dam rests must be able to carry the weight of the structure
without failing (30). The geology upon which the dam is built must also be impervious to water (31). A dam is built
across the river and width of river should be minimum as well as possible or narrow river valley cast that is reduce
the cost of dam, primarily to store the water. The whole ideas of build the dam will become useless if the foundation
on which the dam is built is the porous or permeable. In such a place quite an appreciable amount of water is leakage
in to the rock below the foundation, and reduces the capacity of dam (32).

Failure of a dam can be due to many factors including:

• Earthquakes
• A sudden drop in water level
• Inadequate protection of the reservoir side of the dam from wave action
• Insufficient spillway capacity, so that water flows over the whole of the dam surface, with consequent erosion

(ii) Reservoir: A natural or artificial pond or lake used for the storage and regulation of water is called reservoir. A
dam is also called a reservoir. In reservoir all consideration and safety precaution taken in to account as well as dam

(iii)Tunnel: Tunnels are underground passage. Therefore to pass the traffic or to pass the water (35). The design,
construction, and maintenance of tunnel will be depending on a full knowledge of the situation of the ground water
and quantity of water (36). Knowledge of rock geology, rock formation around the tunnel is very important (37).

(iv) Highway: Road and highways are very important project for any country, their planning, designing,
construction, and maintenance is among the major duties of civil engineer the world over (38). For any civil
engineering project geological investigation play important role. These geological factors on the alignment and
stability of roads.

• Topography
• Litho logy
• Geological character
• Weathering
• Ground water condition (39).

The main object of geological investigation for any civil engineering project
• Investigation of geological structure of the related area.
• Investigation of earth surface.
• Investigation of sub surface of earth.
• Ground water condition of that particular area.
• Seismic condition of that region and study the last 60 years seismic detail.
• Litho logy of the area (40).

Occurrence of hazards and there prevention:

(i)Earthquake: Earthquake capable of causing structural damage is expected to occur somewhere in the province
about once every decade. There is a real risk that one of these could be “the big one” (41).The shaking motion of an
earthquake is due to this sudden release of energy. The first sign of an earthquake may be a loud bang or a roar. The
ground may start to pitch and roll likes a ship for several seconds to several minutes (42). An earthquake is defined
as a natural force which originates below the earth surface, work randomly and creates irregularities on the surface
of earth. Since the earthquake is capable of server damaging to any civil engineering structure (43). Seismic areas
are the place which experiences the earthquake frequency. In this region following precaution is taken in to account,

• Construction is earthquake proof.

• For large building, the raft type of foundation is desirable.
• Formed R.C.C. structure is preferred.
• To prevent the sliding, the foundation structure should be thoroughly tied up (44).

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Satya Prakash et al Adv. Appl. Sci. Res., 2015, 6(6):75-80
(ii)Landslide: Landslide is a general term for a wide variety of down slope movements of earth materials that result
in the perceptible downward and outward movement of soil, rock, and vegetation under the influence of gravity
(45). The materials may move by falling, toppling, sliding, spreading, or flowing. Some landslides are rapid,
occurring in seconds, whereas others may take hours, weeks, or even longer to develop (44). Many factors
contribute to slides, including geology, gravity, weather, groundwater, wave action, and human actions. Although
landslides usually occur on steep slopes, they also can occur in areas of low relief. Landslides can occur as ground
failure of river bluffs, cut and-fill failures that may accompany highway and building excavations, collapse of mine-
waste piles (45). A landslide occurs when several of these factors converge.

• Gravity
• Geological factor
• Earth quake
• Forest fire
• Volcanoes
• Waves
• Heavy rainfall (46).

One of the important tasks of a civil engineer is to design and construct retaining walls in the active slide regions
this method depends upon the slope geometry. Retaining walls protects the land slide movement and regulate the
surface drainage system. It is necessary to construct retaining walls taking in to consideration all the safety factors

(iii)Tsunami: Tsunamis can be associated with earthquakes. Sometimes a large earthquake beneath the ocean floor
will produce a tsunami, which is a series of large waves. Damaging tsunamis are a rare, but serious event (48). The
force of tsunami waves can cause great destruction. The first wave of a tsunami is often not the largest. Other waves
may follow every few minutes, for a period of hours. Tsunami waves can kill and injure people and cause great
property damage where they come ashore (49). It is important to remember that tsunamis are rare events and not all
earthquakes will generate a tsunami. However, it is also critical to know what to do as a precaution if you live in a
vulnerable area (50). Tsunami wave rise up to height of 20-30m with the greatest velocity of 500 km/h and length of
the wave is 2.0-3.0 km (51). As a civil engineer a thermo study of that area with regards to its distance from sea
must be study, so the safe structure. In this affected area high building should not be built. Tsunami cannot prevent,
but its prediction is determined. Presently the tsunami warning system is located near Honolulu (52, 53).


The construction of large civil engineering projects requires knowledge of the geology of the area concerned. The
geology of an area dictates the location and nature of each of the following structures: Dams, Building foundations,
roads and railways. Describe causes of slope failure and preventive measures that can be taken. Discuss the role of a
geologist in the feasibility study and site selection stages of a large civil engineering project. There must be
continuous efforts among the government and various stakeholders on public awareness and preparedness. The local
government need to establish a Disaster Preparedness Education Center, where an Audio Visual/Training Room, a
small disaster management museum, and a disaster management library that can be used by children as well as
adults. A Disaster Management Handbook that contains instructions on how the public should prepare for
emergencies lists what to do during emergencies, and other emergency information is essential in public
information. This handbook should be distributed to the residents and other community organizations.

Author would like to thank to Ved Kumar Mishra (Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, S. D. College
of Engineering and Technology, Muzaffarnagar) for supporting this work by providing a good research environment
and related facilities.


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