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Dear Expert

If I could build my argument so we could build, inform, and discover together then I must begin
generically. The way the world works for those of us who are the little guys, generally an investor enters
our lives puts us to work until he regains his investment. This could mean anything from a factory to
some service that is lucrative or else we wouldn’t do it. Larger organization have the capital to pay
people to tell them what the right direction is and why we can forecast such things. To be perfectly
honest some of us just know we live in a realm where we are directed by some growing organization
that started predicting and never stopped. That component is seemingly also the component that would
receive bailouts and could get all the research grants that would ever be needed. Some of the little guys
are wondering where is the book on some of these things. Where do we find the right guidance, but
reading farm papers and magazines my build our community we don’t really benefit until we over
indulge on the jargon over 40 years of reading. I mean that component of our day to day lives where we
think well I showed up to plant this field but chemically and biologically could I have made a mistake, did
I talk to enough sales reps and did I know what I have killed and what I have left alive. Mostly who
makes that decision because I could right a report on microorganisms, plants, the automobile, insects,
chemicals, fungus resistant seeds and bird species but I have neighbours, I have forests, and I’m not the
only ecosystem on earth. So when people decide they want to lobby against something no one ever
cares because they just work in the industry, and if a problem arises thirty years from now we will find a
solution. When a lobbyist shows up how do you know just what the hell they are arguing and what the
hell do you know about the issue.

I’m going to ask you three questions and you can continue through your career as you see fit but
it why these question might be important that makes my argument.

Question number one

Should we build a comprehensive data base that can take our inputs and display what should be alive in
the next season (retailers do it for consumers). Such as wild plants, microorganisms, insects, and organic
concentrations of compostable material in or fields?

The whole world is advancing on a era where carbon concentrations in the atmosphere are
steadily increasing. We could do as the Brazilians do and ferment the sugars in sugar cane to create
ethanol, while burning the by-product of the plants’ fibrous material to power our processing facilities.
Other plants like corn and switchgrass are just as good plus the fuel source we create is always stronger
then oil we extract from the earths crust. We would then be controlling the carbon cycle because we
would be a user and manufacture of plants and atmospheric carbon. While that sounds great who can
tell in a biological process of a plant growing can actually create the carbon atom or is simply repetitively
reusing it. Biology is some function of energy when we convert elements from one state to another. So
when we phase out herbicides and pesticides then who make that decision, because the horticulture of
the future may be different then something we have already been scaling up for the last century.
Sampling for results over many season in many areas isn’t something that I could get data for although
we aren’t as bad a we think we are if we went real heavy with one plant species some organism may
really take over. Then we have people that bring up the millions of different organisms on one tree. Say
we took ocean floor dirt or organic material from another continent as a decomposable to form soil
would that pose a problem, and who could tell me that?
Question number two

We have been raising the technological knowhow to purify salt water, and we capitalize in our ability to
maintain organic soil to grow plants so why haven’t we planted the desert?

South Africa at one point throughout its history had benefited from 40 years of above average
rain fall. The result was that herds had grown along with human population and the grass was eaten off
before it had a chance to go to seed and the species of plants that were eatable to humans had all been
destroyed by the herds . Cultural conflicts and boards tends to mean that we don’t do business in some
parts of the world. But the deserts grow every year. As well we know that often the economy that is
build up by civilizations are constantly making changes to the area in which they live by building utilities
and utilizing the land. To our benefit the desert is cheep land. Our democracy is mostly people elected
to run the same old system of finance but are we past the age where we could build a treaty with some
area of the world and start the governing system that will environmentally cool the earth before
permafrost melts and we really experience heat from carbon in the atmosphere.

Question number three

Do we trust the people that control money in our country when they by bonds over and over again, and
if we do should we take there ability to work us to death through inflation and impose that skill of theirs
on another counterpart of the world who will benefit by the change in livelihood and standard of living?

Do we trust that the biggest corporations and business owners, are not operating in our
religious realm and directing or purchasing power. Or are we even in control of our own nation because
the struggle of transparency can only be taken so far and the we just find some guy that wanted to make
money just like everyone else. Somewhat relating to question number one is when cattle are on pasture
can we test the soil and grass to determine if we need mineral and salt at certain moments of a season
or are we over thinking the animals ability to serve on dry grass. As business people we always think
about condition. This could be a industry we haven’t built yet. When we combine the choices we want
for the environment, the method or business restricted by world boarders, and the gut wrenching
feeling that houses and roads that make unproductive land a great reason to stop immigration all
together, we must promote free thinking so we can identify why someone is asking such a question.
Conflict between people and countries are always political and financial, when we want to justify
something we take the route of a humanitarian. So why would we risk being involved in conflict if it
were not for a reason that that is all about the future and all about science and careers that we can use
the industrial scale of our agricultural industry to build.

Questions have run the course

Should you decide to mention any of this to a peer then maybe your beyond having your voice
supressed or you want to get involve in a issue that effect you. Just maybe you have the answer that
points us in the right direction. As a Canadian your already smarter then half the world, now if that is a
statistic I am sure that book never got printed but often we find that we have to fit the void of a social
correctness and we fail to get the words out that our curious mind wants to explore for reasoning.
Water and planting the desert is the main thing that I want to raise awareness on. So your on this planet
with me and you work in a career that has many differences then mine. Inevitably as citizens we should
know that politics will do absolutely nothing if we let it, and politics will never bailout small family farms
if we have built our animal population up to the point where inflation and food prices are not meeting
our needs. The solution might just be global, and the solution I argue is one of many. Generically
speaking as you punch the numbers of the day, sweating from the heat and lack of rain, the forest fires,
and the clashing personalities of global personalities representing nations of the world, some of us are
writing letters that we just really started to enjoy doing, and as brilliant as you may be. Did you know
you can send a letter to the House of commons for free.

Agriculture is the only industry that is any fun. Most of us don’t have to live five feet from our
neighbours so given my lack of social life I wrote this to the Prime Minister.

The world has always been about title and entitlement because everything is run by actual
financial trails. The economy of the world will only go up if we bring up the rest of the world to our
current standards and often this means actual financial trails for investing and building.

Our country may not have all the solutions to water and carbon but if we are involved in anyway
brainstorming for the route to take for the future, sometimes the world listens to us, don’t you think?


Algae, Corn, Soybean, Canola, Cane, Switchgrass

• Really the highlight ones amongst mass production and existing industrial scaling
• Ethanol and oil has a greater energy yield from manufactured plant life then refined
crude oil and gasoline
• The cycle of carbon is measurable without the additive of crude oil that has many
controllers around the world in different economies. Measurable in the cycle of plant
growth, plant life processing, burning the fuel, and soil containing carbon.


Tide, Wind, Solar, Dams

• Really the highlight ones amongst mass production and existing industrial scaling
• Cross cutting is when we choose these better forms of energy through international
knowledge of the technology, and international opinion on what is considered to be a
healthier choice for mankind
• Industrial diversity and competition to provide a lower rate only helps with growth in
these industries


Biodegrading, recycling, storage

• In a garbage bag biodegrading is reduced without insects, water, and oxygen

• Repurposing every component of a dump is not a thriving area for investors


Salt Water, Fresh Water, Ground Water, Rain Water, alluvial tributaries of Water
• Refining technology and scaling is often associated with a tax paying population
• Internationally speaking individual nations often facilitate the needs of their own
• Changing weather extremes and frequencies(dryness) can create expenses and may
even be telling the world now is the time to plan for the populations that we have.


Immigration, Migration, Plant that are edible, Environmental inadequacy for survival

• We build houses and roads that remove productive land from the equation
• Herds, and humans have destroyed many hunting and gathering species of plants
• The Desert is growing and we are building carbon in the atmosphere

Why is any of this important?

Generic is the style of world we live in because we constantly restrict ourselves to boarders,
reinvestment in industry that grow in 10 years what it may have grown in 100 years just because where
the investment is the money to employ people as builders and sellers is how we find the security of
everyday life and livelihoods. So to avoid generic thinking we should build a gigantic salt water
processing plant to irrigate plant life and extract biodiesel from the barren land of the desserts on earth.
Take that as the thesis, conclusion, and argumentative call to action. We need to do it because We will
never know what other countries are doing in-terms of resource burning and even if world markets are
close to fair.

Dryland development is a calling that takes many forms, including; political movement, public
awareness, economic stability, cultural advancement, and our responsibilities to each other.
Economically we would take the cheapest land on earth and turn it into productive land to flip.
Sometimes we need to utilise a great politician when we have the chance.

Clint Vancise knows that choices are everyday occurrence, and maybe I only want it to
bring up the idea and tell you the piece to get you interested. But we know we also
want to control that local government and control a awesome biodiesel business. Right?
Send a letter / Don’t send a letter. Get a research grant / Don’t get a research grant.
Lead my community with something that I know I could get paid for if I could work-in
and build the industry from my ideas / Never get paid for your ideas and let the finances
of the world do all the thinking. So many choices to be made when we keep letting
gigantic units win over and over again / letting things ride is a way we have played it
before. Did I just say that out loud. No. If you read out loud then you did. Form a
political opinion / Run from politics and be repressed by boarders. We should have a
referendum once a month on the environment until its generically insignificant once

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