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Types of deployements:

1) through JDeveloper
2) Build jar file and deploy through WLST command
4) Build jar file using ant script

Types Of Environment

1) DEV Environment
2) Test Environment
3) QA Environment
4) Production Environment


Inputid-> Emp_id

HR Finance Accounts
In-> Emp id In-> Emp id In-> Emp id
O/p-> Project Code op-> Gross Salary o/p -> PF Tax Food
-> Designation

Database Adapters

1) Creation of data sources

2) Creation JMDI Connection for above instance

*) JNDB and connection name should be same


1) SOAPUI Testing is supposed to be done at first because we migt not have access
to EM on some other instances.
2) Business Rules (if/then OR Decision Table)
3) Human Task (Approval Scenario)(Worklist App here approval is done and users are
defined via LDAP,security realms)
4) BPEL Transactions(bpel.config.transaction *required,**required new)
5) Dehydaration in BPEL
6) Business Events (Event Publisher,Event Subscriber)
7) Mediators (Condition,Transformation,routing)

*Orchastration(executing events one by one)

* Transient Process (Sync BPEL process)(dehydrate once process is completed)

* Durable process (Long Running Process)

*Pick activity (multiple sources,on message,onalarm)

->DB Related Operation
->Databse Pol

File Adapters
* Read (Inbound or Source System)
* Write (Outbound or target System)
* Sync Read (Works like Append it acts an outbound )
* Listing(give path and list down the number of files along with size)
* Chuncking Files( act likes pointer, logically divide files into numbe rof chunks
and copy to our target system)

Exceptional Handling
1) Normal Flow
2) Exception Flow

*)catch all
*)reply to

*)Mediators Level Exception

*)Human Task Exception

*Mediator fault: Any fault occur in mediator is mediator fault

*config plan **)Search **) replace

-> can be created from composite.xml

JMS Operations
1)Produce->To keep data in source
2) Consume->
3) Request/Reply ->
4) Sync


2.0 use output property JNDI:JCA

Empty Composite
2 Adapters(DB,JMS)
DB Read, JMS(Produce)


Type of Adapters
Technology Adapters
Cloud Adapters
Third Party Adapters
Application Adapters

1) Input employee detail update in HR Fincace Accounts Table

2) Check Employee availability for project if available allocate and end details to

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