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NAME: _____________________________ YEAR & SEC. _________________ Date: __________ SCORE: _______
DIRECTION: Write the letter only on your answer sheet.
1. Which system is responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and the cells?
a. circulatory b. digestive c. excretory d. respiratory
2. What is the main function of the respiratory system?
a: to break food down b: supply the blood with oxygen c: circulate the blood
3. The trachea is a part of the respiratory system. What can the trachea also be called and what is its function?
a: windpipe, filters the air we breathe b: windpipe, releases air out of the body c: tubes; carries air to the lungs
4. What is the diaphragm's main function?
a: pump blood into the lungs c: pump oxygen out of the lungs and pull carbon dioxide into the lungs
b: pump carbon dioxide out of the lungs and pull oxygen into the lungs
4. Inside each of your lungs there are tubes called bronchi. These branches into even smaller tubes much like the
branches of a tree. What are at the ends of these tubes? a: alveoli b: diaphragms c: cells
5. What is responsible for picking up the oxygen in lungs and carrying it to all the body cells that need it?
a: red blood cells b: white blood cells c: veins
6. Which of the following is affected by the respiratory system? a: yawn b: hiccup c: sneeze d: all of the above
7. Which part of the body is not used for the respiratory system to work?
a: mouth b: nose c: small intestine d: diaphragm
8. How does the respiratory system deliver oxygen to different parts of the body?
a: breathing b: circulation c: inhale carbon dioxide
9. Which organ serves to filter and warm the air entering it? a. air sac b. bronchus c. diaphragm d. nasal cavity
10. Where does exchange of gases take place? a. alveoli b. bronchi c. bronchioles d. diaphragm
11. The chemical process in which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged between the outside air and the cells is
called a. breathing b. inhaling c. exhaling d. respiration
12. The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide within the cells is called
a. osmosis b. cellular respiration c. external respiration d. breathing
13. The cover of cartilage that automatically closes when you swallow to act as a protector of the larynx is the
a. epiglottis b. glottis c. trachea d. pharynx
14. Protective mechanisms of the upper airway include all of the following except
a. cough reflex b. cilia c. swallow reflex d. mucus
15. Which of the following structures has the responsibility of warming air as it enters the body?
a. cilia b. turbinate c. mucus d. water
16. How many lobes does the right lung have? a. one b. two c. three d. four
17. The layer of serous membrane that covers the lung tissue is the
a. pleural cavity b. visceral pleura c. parietal pleura d. respiratory pleura
18. The portion of the brain that controls respiration is the a. cerebrum b. hypothalamus c. pons d. medulla
19. What term is defined as the amount of air inhaled or expired during normal respiration?
a. tidal volume b. residual volume c. total lung volume d. minute ventilation
20. The elderly are more prone to respiratory infection because
a. they have decreased elasticity ofthe lungs and bronchioles e. au of the above
b. they have decreased elasticity ofthe lungs and bronchioles c. they have decreased ciliary action
d. they have decreased secretions of mucus in the respiratory tract lining
21. Interventions to assist the elderly person with decreased respiratory system function would include all of the following except
A. Increased contact with children to enhance the elderly person's immunity against illness
b. changing the elderly person's position slowly to avoid orthostatic hypotension
c. encouraging the elderly person to perform daily exercises to promote good ventilation
d. teaching the elderly person the signs and symptoms for which to watch that are indicative of a respiratory infection
22. The major breathing stimulus in a healthy adult is a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide c. bicarbonate d. pH
23. In the elderly, there is a decline in the respiratory system. These functional changes would include all of the
following except
a. a decrease in the number of alveoli c. decreased chest wall size
b. increased rigidity of the thorax d. increased cough
24. Which is not a protective reflex of the respiratory system? A. Yawn B. Cough C. Sneeze D. Mucus
25. Most of the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the alveoli occurs via
a. filtration b. diffusion c. carbonic acid formation d. osmosis
26. All of the following can cause decreased gas exchange in the lungs except
a. Immobility b. Pneumonia c. Cough and deep breathing d. Smoking
27. After a bronchoscopy, the client can have liquids when
a. he has regular eupneic respirations. c. his gag reflex has returned.
b. he is oriented to time, place, and person. d. he can hold a glass.
28. You, the nurse, tests positive for a PPD tuberculin test. This result means that you most likely
a. have active tb c. are allergic to the purified protein used in the test
b. have been exposed to the bacillus d. have a suppressed immune system
29. Mr. Henry is a 85-year-old man who comes in for a routine medical visit. He is at high risk for contracting influenza.
Which of the following should the nurse encourage Mr. Henry to do to best prevent an occurrence of influenza?
A. Wash his hands frequently when in public places. C. Obtain a flu vaccine every fall.
B. Visit healthcare facilities only during the morning hours. D. Wear gloves when caring for sick children.
30. In a patient who is high risk for aspiration pneumonia, which of the following statement is most likely correct?
a. the right trachea is shorter than the left. d. the bronchial tree does not expand.
b. the left trachea is shorter than the right.
c. epiglottis is open when the patient is swallowing to facilitate breathing.
31. Which of these structures is a part of the upper respiratory tract?
a) bronchi b) larynx c) lungs d) pharynx e) trachea
32. The true vocal cords and the opening between them are called the
A) cricoid cartilage. B) fauces. C) glottis. D) thyroid cartilage. E. vestibular folds.
33. Which of these structures prevents the movement of swallowed materials into the larynx?
A) middle nasal conchae B) epiglottis C) vestibular folds D) uvula E) both b and c
34. The FIRST branches off the trachea are called
a) bronchioles b) bronchi c) arterioles d) alveoli
35. The dome shaped muscle below the chest cavity is called the
a) intercostals b) rib muscle c) diaphragm d) coleus
36. During swallowing, the air passage of the pharynx is covered by the
a) larynx b) epiglottis c) trachea d) bronchi
37. Alveoli in the lungs are connected to the bronchi by a network of tiny tubes called
a) arterioles b) venules c) capillaries d) bronchioles
38. The ______ is a long straight tube that carries air from the back of the throat to the lungs.
a) larynx b) trachea c) epiglottis d) pharynx
39. Inside the alveoli, carbon dioxide and oxygen
a) are exchanged between air and blood c) are transported along microscopic tubules
b) are produced inside cells d) are exchanged for other gases
40. The actual exchange of gases occurs at the site of the
a) larynx b) nasal passage c) trachea d) alveoli
41. When the diaphragm and rib cage muscles relax
a) the chest cavity enlarges b) expiration occurs c) inspiration occurs d) it is impossible to breath
42. Which is the correct sequence for the path of oxygen through the respiratory system?
a) nasal passages, bronchi, trachea, bronchioles, cells, blood, alveoli
b) cells, blood, alveoli, bronchioles, bronchi, trachea, nasal passages
c) nasal passages, blood, alveoli, bronchi, cells, trachea, bronchioles
d) nasal passages, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, blood, cells
43. Chamber where passages from the nose and mouth come together
a) larynx b) pharynx c) trachea d) bronchi
44. Breathing is controlled by the chemistry of your blood as it interacts with the
a) cerebrum b) cerebellum c) hypothalamus d) medulla oblongata
45. Where are the vocal cords located in the body?
a) pharynx b) epiglottis c) larynx d) trachea
46: The process that enables cells of the body to burn food and release energy is called
a. circulation b. digestion c. respiration d. excretion
47: The throat leads to two separate paths. One path goes to the stomach. This path is called the
a. trachea b. esophagus c. epiglottis d. mucus
48: The other path from the throat leads to the lungs. It is called the
a. trachea b. esophagus c. epiglottis d. mucus
49: This flap covers up the path leading to the lungs so that during eating food doesn’t “go down the wrong tube.”
a. trachea b. esophagus c. epiglottis d. mucus
50: The exchange of gases inside the lungs actually occurs inside tiny sacs called
a. bronchi b. cilia c. capillaries d. alveoli
51: The brain sends electrical messages to the chest muscles and the ___________ for breathing in and out to occur.
a. diaphragm b. bronchi c. cilia d. alveoli
52: The chemical in cigarettes that causes addiction is called
a. tar b. nicotine c. carbon monoxide
53: The gas that is most abundant in the earth’s atmosphere is
a. oxygen b. carbon dioxide c. sulfur d. nitrogen
54: Insects have little holes along their abdomens to take in oxygen. These holes are called
a. gills b. lungs c. bronchi d. spiracles
55: The nose produces a continuous supply of ____________ to put moisture in the air and catch dust and bacteria.
a. mucus b. bronchi c. cilia d. oxygen

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