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Morphine Pethidine (meperidine) Fentanyl Tramadol

(5-4) (3-30)
General Narcotic agonist-analgesic of  Zat sintetik yg formulanya sangat  Efek analgesic fentanyl 75-125x lebih poten dari morphine  Tramadol is a centrally
opiate receptors: berbeda dengan morphine, tetapi acting analgesic that has
 Inhibits ascending pain efek klinik dan efek samping moderate affinity for mμ
pathways, thus altering hampir sama receptors and weak κ and δ
response to pain  Potensi pethidine 1/10 nya opioid receptor affinity
produces analgesia morphine  Tramadol is 5 to 10 times
 Respiratory depression less potent than morphine
 Sedation as analgesic.
 Suppresses cough by acting
centrally in medulla
Efek Samping Ada di catatan  B1 Even more as ventilatory  B1Fentanil tetap berefek depresi ventilasi sama dengan morfin. Fentanil  B1Absence of depression
B1-B6 depressant than morphine. tidak menyebabkan histamine release (aman utk asma) of ventilation
 B2rarely cause bradycardia, but  B2 Fentanil tidak menyebabkan vasodilatasi, fentanyl menyebabkan  B2Toxic
instead may HR. Large dose bradikardiaBP dan CO overdoseHipotensi and
Myocardial contractility (unik  B3 Fentanil tetap berefek ICP (despite of unchanged PaCO2). Seizure bradikardia
dibanding opioid lain). like activity also in fentanyl administration.  B3Seizure (avoid in
 B3Delirium dan Seizure akibat  B6Skeletal muscle Rigidity patient with epilepsy or
akumulasi normeperidine. lower seizure threshold by
 B4, B5 less constipation and less antidepressant drug)
urinary retention than morphine  B5slow gastric emptying,
 B6antishivering nausa and vomit
 Atropine like effectdry mouth,  B5antishivering
midriasis, increase HR.
 Serotonin Syndrome (autonomic
instability with hypertension,
tachycardia, diaphoresis,
hyperthermia, behavioral changes
incl. confusion and agitation, and
neuromuscular changes manifest
as hyperreflexia) occurs when
drugs capable of increasing
serotonin level. Administration
Pethidine + antidepressant drug
(MAOinh, fluoxetine) may elicit
this syndrome.
Farmakologik  Onset: PO: 15-30 min; IM:  Onset: Rapid  Onset: IM 7-15 min; IV 3-7 min  Onset 1 jam
15-30 min; IV: <5 min  Durasi 2-4 jam  Durasi: IM 1-2 jam; IV 30-60 min  Durasi 9 jam
 Durasi: IM = IV = 4 jam
 Peak plasma time: PO <
1jam; IM 30-60 min; IV 20
Sediaan Injeksi 10 mg/mL Injeksi 50 mg/mL Injeksi 50 mcg/mL  Injeksi 50 mg/mL
Clinical  Dosis Premedikasi: 0.05-0.2  Dosis premedikasi: 0.5-1 mg/kg IM  Dosis premedikasi: 50-100 mcg IM atau slow IV (30-60 menit sebelum  Tramadol 3 mg/kg oral, IM
dosage and mg/kg IM  Dosis analgetik: 2.5-5 mg/kg IV bedah) atau IV is treatment for
use  Dosis Analgetik: 0.1-1  Dosis post op antishivering 20- moderate to severe pain
mg/kg IV 25 mg IV  Low dose Fentanyl: 1-2 (1-3) mcg/kg IV to provide analgesia  Tramadol dapat diberikan
 Fentanyl dose 2-20 mcg/kg (before painful surgical stimulation) PO, IM, IV
blunting circulatory response to (a) direct laryngoscopy for intubation of  Dosis 50-100 mg per
the trachea; (b) sudden changes in the level of surgical stimulation pemberian dan diulang
mengurangi kebutuhan analgesia opioid post op tiap 4-6 jam. Dosis max
 Dosis besar fentanyl 50-150 mcg/kg untuk induksi anestesi dan 400mg/hari
pemeliharaan anestesi dengan kombinasi benzodiazepine dan anestesi
inhalasi dosis rendah (pada bedah jantung).

Dosis analgetik pembedahan:

 Minor surgical procedures: 0.5-2 mcg/kg/dose IV
 Major surgery: 2-20 mcg/kg/dose initially; 1-2 mcg/kg/hr maintenance
infusion IV; discontinue infusion 30-60 min prior to end of surgery; limit
total fentanyl doses to 10-15 mcg/kg for fast tracking and early extubation
 Adjunct to general anesthesia (rarely used): 20-50 mcg/kg/dose IV
Warning  Pasien asma dan bronchitis Pasien hamil, gangguan hepar dan Kombinasi opioid-benzodiazepine efek hypnosis dan depresi ventilasi Interaksi dengan antikoagulan
Drug  Pasien Hamil ginjal Fentanil menurunkan kebutuhan dosis propofol koumadin. Ondansent efek
Interaction  Gangguan Hepar dan Ginjal analgesia dari tramadol

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