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2017-66 Persistent amenorrnea and decreased DHEAS lo cortisl ratio ater recovery from anorexia nervosa: Gynscological Endecrincogy: Vl 3, No EiFul ari references GeCkatlons Metres & Rep bee \s Permissions a4 ry ee cert ETT in Cardiometabolic Disease SSaee é 1 ¥ Gynecological Endocrinology > Volume 33,2017 Issue ¢ 650 ° Anorexia Nerves: Dareased DHEAS/Cortisol Ration Persistent Amenerrhaa Persistent amenorrhea and decreased DHEAS to cortisol ratio after recovery from anorexia nervosa Alessandra Andrisani, Chiara Sabbadin, Silvia Minardi, Angela Favaro, Gabriella Dona, Luciana Bordin, show at Popes 311314 | Received 04 Ge 206, ected 2¢ Oe 2016 Pubes aie 02 Dee 2216 dowloadctaion Bipscdoiorytososnessiseaz016:2ssee1 ALB ~~ Sehesirariona | ¥ Translator disclaimer Figures & data Table 1. Baseline clinical and hormonal characteristics in anorexic patients with amenorrhea and in healthy controls. Figure 1, Serum glucose (GLU) and insulin (INS) levels before and during 2h oral glucose tolerance test in anorexic patients with amenorrhea and in healthy controls. Data are the mean + SEM, Statistical analysis was obtained with Student's test between the two groups, *p <0.05, *#p <0.01 TO. TT a. itplwu tansfortine.comidoifigure'0. 108010951590 2016, 1255881 scralslopBneedAccess=Irus 1 2017-66 Persistent amenorrnea and decreased DHEAS lo cortisl ratio ater recovery from anorexia nervosa: Gynscological Endecrnclogy: Vl 33, No‘ Serumdhors (meV) Serum ian (¥) tie tn) —aivpaits a= cUcentale eemspmiete == ns cone Ori ere eel Cardiometabol Ppieey People also read Endometrial injury for RIF patients undergoing IVF/ICSI: a prospective nonrandomized controlled trial > GyneclogialEnscenlony 1B Reprints & Permissions ipl'0. 108010951590. 2016. 1255881 scralslopBneedAccess=Irus < 2017-66 Persistent amenorrnea and decreased DHEAS lo cortisl ratio ater recovery from anorexia nervosa: Gynscological Endecrincogy: Vl 3, No Eiruiartite alFiqures a data References G6Ckations lalMetrcs & Reprints Permissions Get access a4 cle Pregnancy and tumor outcomes in infertile women with macroprolactinoma on cabergoline therapy > Ashu Rastogi eta Cynecslogeaerdoennaony Associations between maternal BMI as well as glucose tolerance and adverse pregnancy outcomes in ‘women with polycystic ovary syndrome > ging et al ‘ypecoegea endocrinology The Role of Essential Fatty Acids in Anorexia Nervosa and Obesity > Shlomo Yehuda eta Published online: 102015 rte The relationship between thyroid function and metabolic changes in Chinese women with polycystic ovary syndrome > DDongme! Vin etal Gynecol erdoennaony Published eine: Jan 2017 ipl'0. 108010951590. 2016. 1255881 scralslopBneedAccess=Irus 3K 2017-66 Persistent amenorrnea and decreased DHEAS lo cortisl ratio ater recovery from anorexia nervosa: Gynscological Endecrincogy: Vl 3, No Eifuianice GaFigures data M@References 6 Chatlons Metrics © Reprints & Permissions authors view itors Dpen journals Ibratians en Select Societies Cogent OA Help FAQs ipl'0. 108010951590. 2016. 1255881 scralslopBneedAccess=Irus < ae

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