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Amazon vegetation: how much don_t we know and how much does
it matter?

William Milliken1, Daniela Zappi1, Denise Sasaki2, Mike Hopkins3 & R. Toby Pennington4

Summary. In spite of the existence of a vast body of information on the plant diversity of the Amazon, there
remain significant obstacles to informed decision-making and management for conservation. Species distributions
are poorly understood and the relationships between diversity and composition of vegetation, ecosystem services
and resilience to climatic fluctuations are insufficiently clear. The geographic distribution of phylogenetic diversity
in relation to current protected areas is unexplored and very little is known about intraspecific genetic variability
and its practical significance. Interpretation of vegetation differentiation and distribution remains relatively sim-
plistic; there are still large parts of the basin for which few or no botanical data exist, and many rare and sparsely
distributed species remain undiscovered. Improved understanding of the ecological roles, dynamics and associat-
ions of the species of greatest importance for the maintenance of sustainable livelihoods and ecosystem services,
habitat restoration and adaptation to climate change is a high priority. In many cases these are common and
widespread species. Some of these issues are explored by looking at the Cristalino region in northern Mato Grosso
as a case-study. Effective integration, quality assessment, synthesis and application of existing data on the plant
diversity of the Amazon will help to address these issues. However, more targeted information is needed from the
ground. Future prioritisation of research effort will require a careful and pragmatic balance between the ‘traditi-
onal’ focus on rare and endemic species and species-rich communities, and the growing need to understand the
key ‘framework’ elements that will determine the future of the Amazon environment. Similar situations are faced
elsewhere in the tropics: for botanical research institutes in the 21st century this demands an urgent re-evaluation
of core activities and concerted engagement with the issues and challenges facing conservation in a context of
rampant population growth, climate change and environmental destruction.
Resumo. Apesar da existência de um grande volume de informação a respeito da diversidade vegetal da
Amazônia, uma série de obstáculos ainda dificulta a tomada de decisões devidamente informadas sobre con-
servação e manejo sustentável da região. Falta conhecimento com relação à distribuição das espécies, e às
interações entre diversidade e composição da vegetação, aos serviços do ecossistema e sua adaptabilidade e
resistência às flutuações climáticas. A distribuição da diversidade filogenética das espécies em relação às áreas
atualmente protegidas ainda é desconhecida, e muito pouco é sabido sobre o significado prático da variabil-
idade intraespecífica. A interpretação dos diferentes tipos de vegetação permanece extremamente simplificada,
com grandes áreas da bacia para as quais não há dados botânicos disponíveis ou os mesmos são insuficientes, e
muitas espécies raras ou esparsamente distribuídas ainda aguardam descobrimento. Uma melhor compreensão
dos papéis ecológicos, da dinâmica e das associações das espécies mais importantes para a manutenção de
estilos de vida sustentáveis e dos serviços do ecossistema, recuperação de áreas degradadas e adaptabilidade às
mudanças climáticas, são as grandes prioridades. Em muitos casos essas espécies são comuns e amplamente
distribuídas. Alguns desses temas são explorados utilizando a região do Cristalino, no norte do Mato Grosso,
como um estudo de caso. A integração efetiva, o controle da qualidade, a síntese e a aplicação dos dados
existentes da diversidade vegetal da Amazônia serão fundamentais para a solução dessas questões. No entanto,
ainda é necessário gerar a informação relevante a partir do estudo da área. A priorização das pesquisas futuras
requer um equilíbrio cuidadoso e prático entre o foco ‘tradicional’, interessado em espécies raras e endêmicas
e nas comunidades ricas em termos de espécies e a necessidade crescente de compreender os elementos da
‘estrutura’ que irá determinar o futuro do bioma amazônico. Situações semelhantes estão sendo enfrentadas
nos trópicos como um todo: os institutos botânicos do século 21 precisam reavaliar urgentemente as suas
principais atividades e engajar-se de modo coordenado para incluir os tópicos e desafios causados pelo cres-
cimento populacional desordenado, mudanças climáticas e destruição ambiental.

Accepted for publication November 2010.

HLAA, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, UK. e-mail:,
Fundação Ecológica Cristalino, Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil.
Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazônia—INPA, Manaus, Brazil.
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, UK.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


Key Words. Alpha, Amazon, Amazonia, beta and gamma diversity, botanical survey, climate change, conservation
challenges, Mato Grosso, Parque Estadual Cristalino, vegetation.

Introduction the State Secretariat for the Environment of Mato

Grosso (SEMA). Its objectives were to support conserva-
Biodiversity and conservation in the Amazon tion in northern Mato Grosso with a particular focus on
With increasing recognition of the vital ecosystem management planning for the Cristalino State Park
services provided by the world’s tropical forests, (CSP), to assist the development of new private reserves
public, scientific and political attention has returned in the area, and to raise scientific knowledge and public
to the Amazon. The basin supports around 40% of the awareness of the region’s biodiversity. This was achieved
world’s remaining rainforest, accounts for some 10% through a programme of collaborative botanical
of global terrestrial primary productivity, provides research (vegetation mapping and inventory), training
approximately 16% of the world’s freshwater and and capacity building, public communication and the
harbours 20 – 30% of the world’s plant species, of development of educational materials.
which over half are endemic to the region (Melillo et The CSP lies in the basin of the Teles Pires River on the
al. 1993; Muller-Karger et al. 1988; Salati & Santos northern boundary of Mato Grosso (Map 1), spanning
1998). Based on current trends in agricultural expan- the municipalities of Novo Mundo and Alta Floresta. It is
sion, 40% of the Amazon forests are predicted to be situated within the Southern Amazonian Marginal
eliminated by 2050 (Soares-Filho et al. 2006). Depression, an area of considerable geological and
Biodiversity and ecosystem services are inextricably geomorphological complexity, characterised by gentle,
linked and a thorough understanding of the former is rounded hills and outcrops (principally sandstone and
vital to successful management of the latter. Conserva- granite) between 100 m and 400 m altitude (Brasil &
tion and management of the Amazon basin has Alvarenga 1989; Ross 2003; SEPLAN/MT 1997). Soils
proven challenging in a relatively stable climate; in range from quartzite sands to red-yellow podzolics and
an increasingly dynamic one it is likely to become dark red dystrophic lithosols (SEPLAN/MT 2001b). The
substantially more so. Although modelling may help to climate is hot and humid with average temperatures
understand future trends both in climate and vegeta- above 24°C, annual rainfall around 2,400 mm, and a
tion, uncertainties surrounding the influences of each well-defined dry season lasting 3 – 5 months (Nimer
on the other, coupled with limited understanding of 1989; Köppen 1948; SEPLAN/MT 2001a).
the roles and significance of floristic diversity and Established in 2000 and augmented in 2001, the Park
composition in this context, makes meaningful pre- covers an area of 184,900 ha (Fig. 1). The adjacent
diction — and hence the development of appropriate private reserves (Reservas Particular do Patrimônio
pre-emptive conservation strategies — difficult. Natural — RPPN) Cristalino I, II e III (6,476 ha) and
Informed action is critical and research resources RPPN Lote Cristalino (670 ha), managed by FEC, and
are limited. It is vital that efforts be directed towards the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) Reserve, in the state of
the most pressing data requirements. This invites a re- Pará, form a contiguous unit of protected land that lies
evaluation of the types of information necessary for directly on the frontier of the Amazon’s southern ‘arc
effective decision-making, and of the impact of of deforestation’: the northwards expansion of agricul-
current and recent research findings on conservation. ture, ranching and logging that has devastated much of
In this paper we provide a broad overview of the the state’s natural vegetation.1
state of knowledge of Amazonian vegetation and
botanical diversity, drawing on examples from recent
studies in the Cristalino region, in the Brazilian State
of Mato Grosso. We discuss the implications of specific The state of knowledge of Amazonian
knowledge and likewise of current data lacunae for botanical diversity
conservation prioritisation and management, high-
lighting areas of potential future research. Taxonomy and diversity
The question of how many plant species exist in
Amazonia arises repeatedly in the botanical literature,
Programa Flora Cristalino
Programa Flora Cristalino (PFC) was a collaborative 1
In the first quarter of 2009 Mato Grosso was listed as the state
project developed between 2006 and 2009 by the Royal with the highest deforestation rate in the Brazilian Amazon
Botanic Gardens Kew, the Cristalino Ecological Founda- (INPE-DETER —
tion (FEC), the University of São Paulo (USP), the cfm?id=296443; Imazon —
University of the State of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT) and novo2008/publicacoes_ler.php?idpub=672).

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


Map 1. Location of the Cristalino State Park in Brazil.

Fig. 1. The Cristalino State Park in 2001, the year of its establishment, showing the complexity of the vegetation and the spread of
deforestation from the south. Adapted from LANDSAT TM 2001.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


with estimates ranging from 50,000 (e.g. Hubbell et al. A rapid query of the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas
2008) to substantially lower (Silman 2007). These da Amazônia (INPA) herbarium database in Manaus,
figures, however, are necessarily based on educated which has been largely cleansed of inconsistencies in
guesswork. The problems associated with such esti- spelling, names and synonymy that otherwise result in
mates arise partly from the low density of collections high levels of data redundancy, indicates a total of
and their highly skewed distribution towards a very few about 11,500 species recorded from the Brazilian
geographical centres (Nelson et al. 1990; Hopkins Amazon states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Mato Grosso,
2007; Schulmann et al. 2007). The overall density of Pará and Roraima. Eventually it will be possible to bring
botanical collections in the Brazilian Amazon is about together — and likewise standardise — data from all
0.1 per square kilometre and, although this is mas- herbaria housing collections from the Amazon Basin,
sively higher close to major research foci at Manaus, and we might perhaps expect the final number of known
Iquitos and Belém, elsewhere vast areas remain totally plant species registered in herbaria to be double or triple
unexplored botanically. this figure.
The accuracy of our knowledge of the plant species Though not specifically the subject of this paper,
of Amazonia should improve through databasing of there is compelling evidence that with more collecting
collections and comparison and compilation of data intensity the number of species known for the region
from these and other sources. In Brazil, for example, a is likely to increase considerably. This is supported by
list of all 33,885 currently known terrestrial plant analyses of collection frequency in Amazonian herba-
species has recently been published (Forzza et al. ria which indicate that most described species have
2010), involving over 400 botanists coordinated by the been collected very rarely (Fig. 2), that in large study
Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. In addition there are plots most species are represented by very few
efforts to database and repatriate herbarium data from individuals (Fig. 3; Hubbell 2001), and that monogra-
crucially important herbaria, such as the Mellon phic treatments of principally Amazonian taxa indi-
funded Latin American Plants Initiative (LAPI) focus- cate no sign of an asymptote in the discovery of
ing on type specimens, the National Science Founda- sparsely distributed species (Fig. 4). Given that many
tion (NSF) project digitising the New York Botanical Amazonian species are locally rare and have limited
Garden herbarium collections, and forthcoming proj- distributions, the low density and patchiness of
ects from the Brazilian National Research Council botanical collecting activity suggest that there remain
(CNPq) to digitise Brazilian collections from impor- a large number of undescribed and uncollected
tant European herbaria. In a few years it should be species in the region. Lack of botanical collection
possible to provide better estimates for the number of may therefore reconcile the estimates of Amazonian
known species in the region. tree species made by Hubbell et al. (2008), derived

Fig. 2. Percentage of Sapotaceae specimens with x specimens in the IAN Herbarium; over half are represented by three collections
or fewer.

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Fig. 3. Number of species with x individuals in study plots in Reserva Ducke (Manaus, Brazil). Data from 40,142 trees courtesy of
Carol Castilha.

from a neutral biodiversity theory that emphasises the reserve on the outskirts of Manaus, which was
long ‘tail’ of rare taxa in the abundance curve for rain previously thought to have been comprehensively
forest trees (Figs 2 and 3). catalogued. This helped promote a revitalisation of
The Flora of Reserva Ducke project (INPA/ botanical research at INPA but does not reflect a
Department for International Development 1992 – wider trend. It would be pleasing to report that plant
1999) described 50 new species and almost doubled collection and taxonomy in the region are increas-
the total known for this relatively small biological ing, but collecting effort in the Brazilian Amazon has

Fig. 4. Species discovery of Sapotaceae since 1700 (based on description dates from Flora Neotropica), split into widely distributed
species (dark blue), sparsely distributed (light blue) and intermediates. Whilst discovery of widespread species has reached an
asymptote, that of restricted species is still climbing steeply.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


been in steady decline over the last three decades. both in terms of extinction rates and causation: ter
Although activity remains higher in some of the Steege et al. (2003) and Pitman et al. (2002) suggest
country’s other biomes, this is symptomatic of an that length of dry season is a critical factor, but
overall need for increased knowledge of the coun- acknowledge the potential contribution of others,
try’s flora (Giulietti et al. 2005; Sobral & Stehmann including stem density and meta-population (as
2009). This phenomenon is by no means restricted to reflected by vegetation area). More recent and
Brazil or the Amazon: analyses of the GBIF (Global detailed analyses by ter Steege et al. (2010) suggest
Biodiversity Information Facility) and the Missouri that palaeoclimate, and its influence on speciation
Botanical Garden VAST databases by Cayuela et al. and extinction, may prove more significant than
(2009) indicate trends of decreasing collecting activ- current factors in influencing alpha diversity in the
ities across a range of tropical countries. Amazon.
The evolving nature of our understanding of the Data from two one-hectare terra firme forest plots at
region’s flora is also reflected in ongoing taxonomic Cristalino, inventoried in collaboration with the RAIN-
accounts. The Meliaceae for example — important FOR programme,2 indicate diversity levels of between 103
components of the Amazonian tree flora — were and 122 species of trees ≥ 10 cm dbh per hectare. These
revised for Flora Neotropica in 1981 with a total of 120 figures fall within the expected range for the peripheral
species (Pennington & Styles 1981). A new revision, zone of the Amazon, as discussed above. Interpreting the
yet to be published, will have raised this number by overall diversity of the flora in the Amazonian context is
47.5% (to 177) over a 30 year period, and juxtaposi- more of a challenge. A total of 1,377 species have so far
tion of specimen- and species-distribution data from been recorded at Cristalino, representing 627 genera and
the two studies (Fig. 5) shows significant advances in 151 families. The most species-diverse families and genera
the geographical spread and depth of the data set. were, respectively, Leguminosae (128), Rubiaceae (93),
Much progress has been made over recent years in Melastomataceae (52), Moraceae (43), Malvaceae3 (38),
the study of the distribution patterns of alpha-diversity Euphorbiaceae (36), Apocynaceae (35)3and Annonaceae
through large-scale syntheses of tree data from (prin- (34); and Psychotria (Rubiaceae — 25), Miconia
cipally terra firme) forest plots. There are intrinsic (Melastomataceae — 22), Ficus (Moraceae — 18), Inga
consistency problems with some of the underlying (Leguminosae — 16) and Pouteria (Sapotaceae — 13).
data, ranging from plot shape and size to site-selection It is difficult to make valid comparisons of gamma
criteria (habitat diversity versus homogeneity) and diversity between different parts of the Amazon as there
species identification reliability. The first of these can are few inventories that can be considered complete.
to some degree be overcome by the use of Fisher’s α The inventory conducted at Cristalino is based on about
(Fisher et al. 1943); the last is more challenging. There 3,500 collections and the species/sampling curve was
is a clear pattern of tree diversity across the basin with still climbing steeply at the end of the study. It is likely
highest levels in an east-west band to the south of the that further collecting would raise the species total to at
equator (Silman 2007; Stropp et al. 2009; ter Steege et al. least 2,000. In spite of these difficulties, it is worth
2003), peaking in the upper (western) Amazon where comparing the data with other studies to gain a better
one-hectare plots with over 300 species of trees ≥ 10 cm understanding of diversity patterns across the Amazon.
dbh (diameter at breast height) have been recorded One of the most important attempts at this was made by
(on the northern and southern Amazonian fringes Clarke et al. (2001), comparing data from Iwokrama
there may be 100 – 150 or fewer). Similar patterns of Forest (Guyana) with four areas of Amazonia sensu lato
east-west diversity increase have been recorded by (two from Guyana, one from French Guiana and one
Wittmann et al. (2006) for white-water flooded forests from Brazil). According to the authors the data are
(várzea). strongly influenced by various factors including collect-
These figures have been the focus of much ing effort and the size of the study area.
discussion and analysis in the literature in the contexts At Iwokrama 3,887 collections were made represent-
of understanding the drivers of Amazonian alpha ing 1,251 species (579 genera) in an area of 360,000 ha.
diversity and predicting rates of species loss (Feeley These results are similar to those from Cristalino, where
& Silman 2008; Hubbell et al. 2008; Pitman et al. 2002; the area studied was substantially smaller (192,000 ha).
ter Steege et al. 2000, 2003, 2010). All of these analyses Clarke et al. (2001) concluded that the fact that over
suffer to some degree from weaknesses or inconsisten- 50% of their species were represented by a single
cies in the underlying data, generally recognised by
the authors in their own or each others’ work, 2
RAINFOR is an international project bringing together a
including oversimplification of vegetation classifica- network of researchers and permanent forest plots in Ama-
tion, lack of taxonomic specificity (some do not go zonia to improve understanding of ecosystem dynamics and
beyond the level of genus), incompleteness (for relationships with climate.
example, reliance on GBIF data in one case) and 3
Malvaceae and Apocynaceae are here used in their broad sense
varying degrees of taxonomic rigour. Conclusions vary, following Souza & Lorenzi (2005).

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


Fig. 5. Collection and species abundance maps for the Meliaceae family from Flora Neotropica (1981 — left hand column) and its
unpublished revision (2009 data — right hand column). Data courtesy of T. D. Pennington.

specimen indicated an incomplete survey. The same is The inclusion of several different vegetation types
true of the collections from Cristalino. in the Cristalino study (i.e. the high beta diversity of
Regions with more diverse floras cited by Clarke et the region) contributed much to the total number of
al. (2001) included the Reserva Ducke in central species found in the area, as emphasised by the fact
Brazilian Amazonia (Ribeiro et al. 1999), and Central that 59% of species were recorded in one habitat only.
French Guiana (Mori et al. 1997). Species richness Of these exclusive species, 31% (299) were from terra
reported from Ducke, with 2,079 species of vascular firme forest and 19% from open habitats (open
plants, is high considering its relatively small area campinarana and campo rupestre da Amazônia).
(10,000 ha). Although this may reflect a greater
collecting effort over a longer period of time, with
over 11,000 fertile specimens made, it also reflects its
position within one of the proposed Tertiary and Understanding patterns of biogeography:
Quaternary refuges (Prance 1990; Oliveira & Daly strengths and limitations of the data set
1999). The survey of Central French Guiana (12,847 On the whole, plant biogeographic patterns remain
specimens representing 2,069 species in 140,000 ha) poorly understood within Brazil with few significant
also suggests high diversity, although the collecting studies made and little incorporation of phylogenetic
effort was again much greater than at Cristalino. perspectives (Fiaschi & Pirani 2009). More resolved

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phylogenies containing more exhaustive sampling of would suggest. This emphasises the importance of
species are needed for Amazonian plants, both to ground truthing and vegetation studies in the field.
understand biogeographic history and to enable During the present work certain similarities were
identification of areas that contain most lineage found between the flora of Cristalino and Acre which
diversity (e.g. Forest et al. 2007), which might be will be discussed in more detail elsewhere (Milliken et
considered priorities for conservation. Nevertheless, in al. 2011). Meaningful analysis of species-level biogeo-
the Amazon recent syntheses have improved our graphic patterns, however, is limited by problems with
understanding of patterns at higher taxonomic levels. species distribution data, as discussed above. Quanti-
The major families in the terra firme tree flora, for tative sampling of the evergreen terra firme forest
example, show distinct geographical centres of abun- (Fig. 6) at family level showed a strong dominance of
dance across the basin: Chrysobalanaceae and Lecy- Burseraceae (principally due to abundance of Tetra-
thidaceae in the east and the Guianas; Myristicaceae gastris altissima (Aubl.) Swart), followed by Moraceae
and Urticaceae in the west; Burseraceae and Laur- and Leguminosae. In contrast, semi-deciduous forest
aceae in the south; Moraceae in the south-west; and on nutrient-poor, sandy soils was heavily dominated by
Sapotaceae in the centre (ter Steege et al. 2003, 2010). Leguminosae (with Dialium guianense (Aubl.) Sand-
Leguminosae tend to dominate throughout but are with particularly abundant), whilst Rubiaceae and
particularly abundant on poor soils, for example in Bignoniaceae dominated the deciduous forest (nota-
the Guianas. At the generic level two gradients across bly Dialypetalanthus fuscescens Kuhlm., Tabebuia spp.).
the basin, apparently related to soil fertility and dry The relatively high diversity of Moraceae in the
season length, have been identified, resulting in major Cristalino region, both in tree plots and the overall
geographical differences in composition across large species inventory, coincides with the patterns shown by
distances (ter Steege et al. 2010). ter Steege et al. (2000) for woody plant families, and
The capacity of vegetation to adapt to climate likewise the dominance of Burseraceae and Legumi-
change, and the nature of the changes that it is likely nosae in the terra firme forests.
to undergo as a consequence, will doubtless be Within the semi-deciduous and deciduous forest
influenced by its heterogeneity. Detailed mapping on sandy soils and granite substrates, a few tree
and interpretation of the vegetation of the Amazon is species characteristic of the semi-arid region of
restricted to specific study sites, where data commonly Eastern Brazil — Tabebuia aurea (Silva Manso) Benth.
indicate higher levels of complexity and variability than & Hook. f. ex S. Moore, Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.)
large-scale maps based on remote-sensing interpretation Oken, Coutarea hexandra (Jacq.) K. Schum. and

Fig. 6. Phytosociological data from evergreen terra firme forest at Cristalino (point-centred quarter transects of trees≥10 cm dbh),
showing strong dominance of Burseraceae.

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Sterculia striata A. St.-Hil & Naud. — were found that a disjunction in Goiás. It is associated with quartzitic/
corroborate the suggestions made by Pennington et sandstone outcrops generally around or above
al. (2000) regarding the former expansion of dry- 1,000 m and is typically characterised by the diversifi-
forests during the Pleistocene. These authors sug- cation of a suite of families including Velloziaceae,
gested that in drier episodes of the Pleistocene, Eriocaulaceae, Asteraceae and Melastomataceae, and
species currently characteristic of now isolated semi- a high proportion of endemic species. Campo rupestre
deciduous or deciduous forests may have been more da Amazônia is a term coined by Pires & Prance (1985)
widespread. to describe the discontinuous vegetation associated
As well as discovering species new to science, with rock outcrops within the Amazon (Fig. 8), and
records from Cristalino have extended the known bears little relation floristically or geologically to the
distribution of species previously recorded only from campo rupestre of eastern Brazil (Daly & Mitchell 2000).
Peru and Bolivia (for example, Psychotria ownbeyi The examples found within the Cristalino region
Standl. ex C. M. Taylor, Passiflora miniata Vanderpl., fall into two different types depending on the local
Hydrocotyle bonplandii A. Rich.) and likewise Amazonian substrate (granite or sandstone). In the sandstone
species not formerly known from the state of Mato areas, depending on the topography and erosion of
Grosso (for example, Hymenocallis tubiflora Salisb., the rocks (forming pockets of soil), this vegetation
Cymbopetalum longipes Benth. ex Diels, Murdannia may acquire a more woody form bearing some
gardneri (Seub.) G. Brückn., Alchorneopsis floribunda physical resemblance to cerrado savanna. The compo-
(Benth.) Müll. Arg., Manihot tristis Müll. Arg., Stigma- sition affiliations of its tree species, however, are
phyllon palmatum (Cav.) A. Juss., Poecilanthe effusa stronger with campinarana vegetation.4 Overall, several
(Ducke) Huber, Strychnos cogens Benth., Calathea of its herbaceous and rupicolous species have proven
capitata (Ruiz & Pav.) Lindl. and others). Amazonian to be endemic to this type of vegetation (for example,
forests in Mato Grosso have received little attention Encyclia caximboensis L. C. Menezes, Parkia cachimboensis
and the register at Cristalino of 485 species and 77 H. C. Hopkins, Aspilia paraensis (Huber) Santos,
genera not previously included in the state checklist Retiniphyllum parvifolium Steyerm., Piper cachimboense
(Dubs 1998) reflects this fact. As discussed, the extent Yunck., Thrasya auricoma Burman, Psittacanthus dentatus
to which one can interpret these range extensions and Kuijt), with links to similar outcrops to the north of
apparent disjunctions is to some degree limited by the Cristalino (Serra do Cachimbo, state of Pará). On
paucity of the data set. Data from the GBIF database, flatter low-lying sandstone outcrops another vegeta-
for example (Fig. 7), can potentially be useful for tion type occurs which, whilst closest to campinarana
indicating broad patterns and associations in the flora, gramíneo-lenhosa in the IBGE vegetation classification
but must be treated with a strong measure of caution (Veloso et al. 1991), shows some physiognomic sim-
in the Amazonian context. ilarity with campo rupestre, and indeed shares some of
According to the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e the genera commonly found in Eastern Brazil (Vellozia,
Estatística — IBGE (2004), the vegetation types found Xyris, Cephalostemon, Microlicia, Hyptis and Perama).
in the Cristalino region are transitional between However, the species are either widespread in the
evergreen forest, dry forest and savanna. Studies in Amazonian campinaranas or occur also in the Guianan
and around the Park have revealed a somewhat more and Venezuelan highlands and savannas. This vegeta-
complex mosaic of habitats heavily influenced by tion type, elsewhere described from Amapá as Amazon
underlying edaphic, geological and hydrological fac- rock savanna (Pires-O’Brien 1992), is also poorly
tors, and in some cases by human influence. Vegeta- researched and understood.
tion types include evergreen terra firme forest The granite outcrops found within the region fall
(generally on clayey soils), semi-deciduous forest within the concept of inselberg (Sarthou et al. 2003),
(sandy soils), deciduous forests (granite or sandstone and, although the species composition overlaps to a
hills), campo rupestre da Amazônia (rocky scrub forma- certain extent with the sandstone campo rupestre areas,
tions on sandstone and granite outcrops), open forest a number of species were found exclusively on this
formations with bamboo and palms, seasonally substrate (for example, Hymenocallis tubiflora “Salisb.”
flooded forest, campinarana (low forests on sandy soils
generally associated with hydrological stress) and
various riverine/lacustrine habitats, as well as secon- Analysing the range of 131 species found in this vegetation
dary forest, scrub and pasture. type, 23% (31% of the trees) were linked to campinarana
To exemplify the lack of clarity around some vegetation, 23% (25% of the trees) to cerrado and 12% (8% of
the trees) were widely distributed Amazonian species. The
Amazon vegetation types we will briefly examine campo
remaining species were classified as widely distributed and,
rupestre da Amazônia. According to Giulietti & Pirani although many of these do occur in campo/cerrado, they are
(1988), campo rupestre vegetation is largely restricted to not exclusive to these habitats, occurring scattered throughout
the Serra de Espinhaço, a range of mountains running Brazil and other countries e.g. Bolivia, Guiana, Venezuela and
from the Brazilian state of Bahia to Minas Gerais with Colombia.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


Fig. 7. GBIF distribution data (November 2009) for six species from Cristalino (red circle): 1 Aspidosperma carapanauba Pichon
(Apocynaceae); 2 Metrodorea flavida K. Krause (Rutaceae); 3 Iriartea deltoidea Ruiz & Pav. (Arecaceae); 4 Celtis schippii Standl.
(Ulmaceae); 5 Raputiarana subsigmoidea (Ducke) Emmerich (Rutaceae), 6 Heliconia aemygdiana Burle-Marx (Heliconiaceae).
Background © 2009 Google, Image © 2009 Europa Technologies, 2009 DMapas, 2009 Maplink/TeleAtlas.

Philodendron acutatum “Schott" Ichthyothere rufa “Gard- Genetic diversity of widespread species
ner” Bromelia balansae “Mez” Bredemeyera floribunda and ecosystem resilience
“Willd.”, Marsdenia sp. nov.), some of them endemic Common and widespread tree species are the funda-
to the region. As a general trend, the species found in mental building blocks of Amazonian vegetation
such inselbergs are more drought tolerant than the (Pitman et al. 1999, 2001). These plants are in many
Amazon forest species, and tend to be found else- cases able to survive a wide range of edaphic, climatic
where in open habitats (rock outcrops associated with and hydrological conditions, some crossing the forest-
rivers, open vegetation on sandy soils), similar to what cerrado divide. Many of these common species play
was found by Sarthou et al. (2003). important roles in human livelihoods, supporting the

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


Fig. 8. Campo rupestre da Amazônia vegetation on the Serra de Rochedo, Cristalino State Park.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


capacity of forest communities for sustainable Challenges for meaningful modelling

resource management. Although isolated studies of of vegetation trends in the Amazon
selected species been conducted on regional scales, Most studies of the effect of climate change on the
for example, the Dendrogene Project (Martins-da- Amazon region have understandably focused on the fate
Silva et al. 2001), there have been very few if any of the Amazon rain forest, but have neglected the type of
basin-wide studies of the genetic variability of these vegetation that might replace it under potentially
species (Pennington & Dick 2010). This hampers the warmer and drier climates. For example, in response to
ability to answer key questions in relation to historical the often discussed scenario of ‘Amazon dieback’ (e.g.
biogeography and biome history (ter Steege et al. Sitch et al. 2008; White et al. 1999), the crucial question
2010), and to ecosystem resilience in the face of of what vegetation the Amazonian rain forest might ‘die
climatic change. Many of the dominant tree species at back’ to has been neglected. To address this question, it
Cristalino, for example, are widespread across the is important to understand the distinctions between
Amazon basin. Of the 15 most abundant species in dry-adapted biomes in the Neotropics such as savannas
four quantitative studies of terra firme forest (two plots (for example, the cerrados of central Brazil, Ratter et al.
and two plotless surveys ranging from evergreen to 2003), seasonally dry tropical forests (sensu Murphy &
semi-deciduous), all but two present large geograph- Lugo 1986; Pennington et al. 2006, including the
ical ranges spanning varying ecological and climatic caatingas of north eastern Brazil), and the chaco
conditions (Table 1). woodlands of Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia (e.g.
Have the widespread species that dominate the Prado 1993a, b). These biomes are not adequately
transitional Amazonian forest at Cristalino recently represented in some recent Neotropical vegetation
expanded their range from the central Amazon maps (e.g. Eva et al. 2004) which have subsequently
(which would predict low genetic diversity that is a been used by earth system science for predictions of
subset of central populations), or have they persisted vegetation response to a drier climate (e.g. Malhi et al.
in some form of drought-adapted transitional forest 2009). Eva et al.’s (2004) map, for example, confounds
over millions of years (which would predict higher chaco and seasonally dry tropical forest which, though
genetic diversity)? Future molecular studies may help physiognomically similar, share virtually no woody
to answer such questions. species in common (Prado 1993a, b). A key ecological
The demonstrated importance of adapted local factor driving the distinction of some of these dry area
genotypes in temperate forests (for example, Ennos et biomes is soil type — for example, cerrado savanna on
al. 2000) is leading to an emphasis on the use of acid, dystrophic soil will grow alongside seasonally dry
locally sourced germplasm in temperate zone forest tropical forest on base-rich soils under exactly the same
rehabilitation. We are far from such a sophisticated rainfall regime.
approach in Amazonia, and it is clearly imperative to Within Amazonia itself, a crucial region to consider
fill the vacuum with studies of local adaptation in under changing climates is the margin, which is
Amazonian trees. In the context of predicted climate already under climatic tension. Palaeopalynological
change, with shifting environmental conditions across research (e.g. Mayle et al. 2000; Mayle & Beerling
the Amazon basin, an understanding of the relation- 2004) demonstrates that Amazonian forest-savanna
ships between genotype and resilience could play an and Amazonian forest-seasonally dry tropical forest
important role in conservation management, habitat boundaries have moved remarkably rapidly since the
restoration and assisted migration. last glacial maximum (LGM), and ecological studies

Table 1. Abundant terra firme forest tree species at Cristalino and their geographical distributions.

Brosimum lactescens (S. Moore) C. C. Berg (Moraceae) Widespread through northern South America and Central America
Cheiloclinium cognatum (Miers) A. C. Sm. (Celastraceae) Widespread through northern South America and Central America
Dialium guianense (Aubl.) Sandwith (Leguminosae) Widespread through northern South America and Central America
Micropholis guyanensis (A. DC.) Pierre (Sapotaceae) Widespread through northern South America and Central America
Protium tenuifolium (Engl.) Engl. (Burseraceae) Widespread through northern South America and Central America
Trichilia quadrijuga Kunth (Meliacaee) Widespread through northern South America and Central America
Protium sagotianum Marchand (Burseraceae) Widespread through northern South America
Tetragastris altissima (Aubl.) Swart (Burseraceae) Widespread through northern South America
Abuta grandifolia (Mart.) Sandwith (Menispermaceae) Widespread through Amazonia and the Guianas
Pseudolmedia laevis (Ruiz & Pav.) J. F. Macbr. (Moraceae) Widespread through Amazonia and the Guianas
Rinoreocarpus ulei (Melch.) Ducke (Violaceae) Widespread through Amazonia and the Guianas
Celtis schippii Standl. (Ulmaceae) Widespread through western Amazonia, Guianas and Central America
Theobroma speciosum Willd. ex Spreng. (Malvaceae) Widespread around southern, eastern and western Amazonia
Iriartea deltoidea Ruiz & Pav. (Arecaceae) Western South America and Central America
Qualea homosepala Ducke (Vochysiaceae) Few records from Rondônia and Acre (W Amazon)
Protium cf. nitidifolium (Cuatrec.) Daly (Burseraceae) Not known

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(Marimon et al. 2006; Ratter 1992) demonstrate that protected areas and strategic allocation of new ones
Amazonian forest has continued to expand into will be major factors in limiting these effects. Walker et
savanna areas in recent decades. This most likely al. (2009) predict that effective conservation of
represents the continuation of a long-term process, current protected areas in Brazil will provide a
driven by increased precipitation, which has been sufficient buffer to avoid the ‘tipping-point’ precipitat-
underway for the last three millennia and has yet to be ing change from forest to semi-arid vegetation.
reversed by anthropogenic climate change (Mayle et Proposed approaches include conservation corridors
al. 2007). for species migration, minimising fragmentation, fire
control, watershed and river management, and the
protection of large-scale biological refuges. For corri-
Conservation planning and implementation: dors to be effective as mitigators of the effects of climate
identifying the priorities change they will need to incorporate environmental
Traditional conservation planning in the Amazon has gradients, taking into account ecotypes, altitude, soils
placed a heavy emphasis on sites with high levels of and precipitation (Killeen & Solórzano 2008).
species diversity and endemism. Nevertheless Kress et As discussed, there has been much work on
al. (1998), in their evaluation of taxonomic data measuring patterns of alpha diversity across the
distribution across a range of life forms in the Amazon but it is questionable how significant this is
Amazon, found little correspondence between the in conservation terms. At a simplistic level, in terms of
centres of biological diversity indicated by the data species preservation it is the overall (gamma) diversity
and those recommended for conservation in earlier of an area that is important. However, due to
quantitative studies. According to Silva et al. (2005), ecological resilience afforded by high levels of beta
the proportion of principal areas of endemism within diversity, the ecotonal areas marginal to the Amazon
strict protected areas in the Brazilian Amazon ranges basin will possibly play an important role in the
from 0.3 – 11.7% (mean 4.8), with between 17.7 and adaptation to climate change and must be included
62.5% in protected areas sensu lato (including indige- as a focus of specific conservation strategies (Killeen &
nous territories and sustainable use zones). The Solórzano 2008), in spite of their lower levels of
authors argue for a conservation strategy that integra- species diversity. Both the ‘optimistic’ and ‘non-optimis-
tes the protection of these areas with the establish- tic’ scenarios for the Amazon as proposed by Laurance et
ment of strategic conservation corridors at biome al. (2001), taking into account land-use trends and
level. Ter Steege et al. (2010) predict that the majority planned development projects (such as Avança Brasil),
of rare tree species (among an estimated 12,500 total predict greatest levels of forest loss along the southern
for the Amazon) occur in the western part of the and eastern parts of the basin, and this has to some
basin, where the climate was wetter during the degree been borne out by the last decade.
Pleistocene, making this a conservation priority from Implementation of strategic conservation approaches,
the biodiversity perspective (Malhi et al. 2008). as we have shown, requires a better and more
Levels of species diversity are decoupled from integrated understanding of the flora of the region.
phylogenetic lineage diversity in species-rich biomes Cayuela et al. (2009), for example, evaluated the role
such as the Cape Floristic region (Forest et al. 2007). of species distribution modelling in conservation
Better understanding of phylogenetic diversity across decision-making and found that deficiencies in the
the Amazon would therefore be useful in conserva- data set were a significant obstacle to the success of
tion planning. Estimates of phylogenetic diversity this approach. They conclude that, when based on
(e.g. Faith 1992) might be generated from a genus- adequate data, these techniques have considerable
level phylogeny for all Amazonian plants, or at a finer potential to inform conservation strategies and plan-
scale from multiple phylogenies for key genera of ning and to assist the evaluation of climate change
Amazonian plants that are ecologically dominant and impacts, although the rarest and most threatened
species-rich such as Inga, Protium, Eschweilera. Phylo- species are also those for which this process is least
genetic studies of such genera are under way (e.g. likely to prove useful.
Kursar et al. 2009; Erkens et al. 2007), and a genus- It is in the nature of many taxonomists, as innate
level phylogeny of trees may be achievable if DNA ‘collectors’ of rarity and novelty, to undervalue or
‘barcode’ markers start to be sequenced routinely in overlook common and abundant species. Yet gaining a
inventory studies. better understanding of the ecological roles and
Analyses of conservation strategies for the Amazon adaptations, population genetics and distributions of
are becoming increasingly focused on managing the these framework species, will greatly benefit applied
predicted impacts of climate change (e.g. Malhi et al. conservation and management. As proposed, the
2008; Killeen & Solórzano 2008). Opinions vary as to complex nature of vegetation mosaics on the Amazon
the likely changes that the Amazon will experience but periphery may provide a measure of buffering against
it is clear that successful management of existing the effects of climate change, but it also raises concern

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


over the future of species restricted to specialised important barrier to forest loss in the region (Nepstad
vegetation types associated with localised soil/sub- et al. 2006; Peres 1994).
strate conditions occurring in isolated patches such Supporting the capacity of indigenous and other
as white sand or rock outcrops. The ability of such forest communities to remain as custodians of their
species to migrate will be influenced by their repro- land is therefore an imperative. From the botanical
ductive biology and genetic variability, again high- perspective this shifts the emphasis towards resource
lighting the importance of gaining a better inventory and management, development of sustain-
understanding of these factors for successful adaptive able economic alternatives (including through finan-
management. cial mechanisms such as REDD — Reduced
It is widely recognised that successful conservation Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation),
requires effective stakeholder engagement and this is adaptation to climate change and management of
particularly relevant in the Amazon. In Brazil, indige- genetic resources.
nous reserves cover about 20% of the basin and are The CSP is a classic example of the challenges and
officially regarded as conservation units, boosting the realities facing conservation in the Amazon. When
‘protected’ area of the Amazon by about 100%. established in 2001 it already included substantial
Unsurprisingly, there is clear evidence that these areas areas under pasture. However, over subsequent years
offer better protection against deforestation and fire further land was converted to cattle ranching and
than unprotected areas (Nepstad et al. 2006), and smallholdings through illegal land invasion and ques-
although analysis shows no significant difference from tionable financial transactions. Unauthorised ‘ecotour-
the level of protection afforded by unpopulated ism’ infrastructure was established within the Park and
protected areas, this may be due to their differing privately funded hydroelectric schemes initiated.
contexts. The establishment of indigenous areas has Some of the more accessible areas have also been
often been precipitated by contact with an advancing subjected to selective logging, and in 2006 there was a
development frontier, placing them directly in the concerted, albeit unsuccessful, attempt by Mato Gros-
path of deforestation (Fig. 9). As such, several authors so’s Vice-Governor to reduce its area by 27,500 ha,
have considered indigenous reserves to be the most including much of its most fertile land.

Fig. 9. The northern section of the Parakana Indigenous Reserve (Pará, Brazil) in 2009; the border of the reserve coincides clearly
with the limits of deforestation. Adapted from © Google 2009, Image © 2009 DigitalGlobe/2010 TerraMetrics, 2010 Maplink/

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Fig. 10. Secondary vegetation and pasture in the Cristalino State Park. The striped areas were already cleared when the park was
established in 2001 and the solid areas were converted subsequently.

The park is of some considerable conservation may themselves be the consequence of former anthro-
significance, lying in a strategic position in the southern pogenic activity, having been selected and cleared by
Amazon conservation corridor proposed by the WWF indigenous peoples that have since disappeared (Balée
(Morton et al. 2007). This has been identified as an & Campbell 1990).
important buffer to northwards spread of the agricul- Conversely the sandy soils that underlie much of
tural frontier into the Amazon. The region is identified the park’s vegetation (specifically semi-deciduous
by Maury (2004) as a priority conservation area by the forest and campinarana) are poorly suited for agricul-
Brazilian Ministry of the Environment. Deforestation ture and pasture, and these areas have generally been
models predict major loss of forest for the region, left intact by farmers. Nevertheless INCRA, the Brazil-
including 76% of Mato Grosso’s 420,000 km2 of dry ian rural development agency, has recently established
forest (Soares-Filho et al. 2006). ‘assentamentos’ (blocks of smallholdings commonly
Soil quality and habitat destruction in the Park are occupied by poor economic migrants from other parts
intimately connected. The largest areas cleared for of the country) on extremely nutrient-poor, sandy soils
cattle ranching coincide with the former occurrence immediately to the north/northeast of the Park. The
of open-forest formations (Fig. 10). Whilst such areas people who have been settled in this area will, without
are not the most productive in terms of biomass, they doubt, exhaust their meagre resources within a very
are relatively easy to clear and their soils are locally short time and be forced either to move on or to clear
reputed to be well suited for agriculture and pasture. further areas of forest. Meanwhile their activities have
This is not altogether surprising, as it has been introduced a significant fire hazard, principally
postulated that these open-forest formations, which through burning cleared land outside the permitted
occur in a large band across the south of the Amazon, season, which has already resulted in wildfires within

Fig. 11. Sciadocephala sp. from the Cristalino State Park: a conservation priority or an interesting oddity? Photo G. Henicka and
map data for distribution of the genus from GBIF 2009.

© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


the park. The leakage of fire from agricultural areas nearest record of which (Sciadocephala schultze-rhonhofiae
into adjacent forests is described by Betts et al. (2008) Mattf. in Diels) appears to be over 2,000 km away in
as “the most pervasive and threatening synergy Peru (Fig. 11; GBIF 2010).
between deforestation and climate change”. New species such as this are valuable for raising
In the development of the Park’s management public interest, and likewise for highlighting how
plan, Programa Flora Cristalino provided much of the much we still have to discover yet may unwittingly be
key data and recommendations for zoning and losing. This new Sciadocephala, for example, is unlikely
prioritisation. The level of information required for to have a major impact on the way that conservation is
this is perhaps worth analysis for the benefit of managed in the region, but it does represent a small
research prioritisation in similar situations. The most step forward in our knowledge of the flora of a
significant data provided by the project were vegeta- strategically important area. Whether it and the other
tion maps and the accompanying characterisations, new and rare species discovered through the Cristalino
conservation evaluations and threat assessment for project prove to be of significance, or merely curious
each one of the component habitats. Prioritisation footnotes in the wider and more pressing catalogue of
and zoning were not based on species criteria large-scale change in the vegetation, biodiversity, ecology
(diversity, rarity and so on), but rather on the and livelihoods of the southern Amazon, remains to be
composition, diversity, importance, quality and con- determined.
nectivity of vegetation types and habitats.
This is not to say that accurate species identification
was not important for this process: indeed it is vital for Acknowledgements
meaningful analysis of vegetation. However, compar- The authors would like to thank Terry Pennington for
ison of vegetation composition tends to focus on the sharing his unpublished Meliaceae data, Justin Moat
most abundant or dominant species, which in turn of Kew’s GIS Unit for help with maps, two anonymous
tend to be widespread and abundant in the Amazo- reviewers for their valuable comments, and the
nian context. So what was (or might have been) the organisers of the Kew 250th anniversary conference,
role of less common species in conservation planning particularly Mike Fay and Rhian Smith, for arranging a
and management? stimulating and diverse meeting.
It is difficult to estimate the significance of rare or Regarding Projeto Flora Cristalino, we would like
new species encountered at Cristalino, partly because to thank CNPq for the collecting permit (EXC
of the level of uncertainty over whether their 13/07), Renato de Mello-Silva and staff at Universi-
restricted distribution is genuine or an artefact of dade de São Paulo, Renato A. de Farias, Gracieli S.
the incomplete Amazonian data set. In certain cases Henicka, José H. Piva and all staff at Fundação
there is evidence to suggest that their rarity or Ecológica Cristalino, Cristalino Jungle Lodge and Hotel
novelty is associated with relatively high levels of Floresta Amazônica, José F. Ramos, Carlos Franciscon and
endemism in the nearby Serra de Cachimbo, whose José Eduardo L. S. Ribeiro from INPA, Célia Soares, staff
flora remains relatively poorly studied. For example and students from Universidade do Estado de Mato
a new species of Ichthyothere (Asteraceae), found Grosso - AF, staff from SEMA (Eliani Fachim, Eliani Pena,
among Amazon campo rupestre on sandstone hills Elton Silveira, Martinho Philippsen, Marcos Bessa and
(Frisby & Hind 2011), almost certainly occurs in Ênio Beltrante), Jovita Yesilyurt, Nicky Biggs, Sue Frisby
similar vegetation types in the Cachimbo, of which and many colleagues and students who participated in the
these hills are effectively outliers. Its discovery and fieldwork.
that of others in similar habitats (such as Hyptis sp.,
Dichorisandra sp.) highlight the need for additional
research in these habitats, and their inclusion as References
conservation priorities. Balée, W. & Campbell D. G. (1990). Evidence for the
Other cases are harder to interpret: a new species successional status of liana forest (Xingu River
of Sciadocephala (Asteraceae) has been found growing Basin, Amazonian Brazil). Biotropica 22: 36 – 47.
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© The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 2011


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