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1 A Except a, e, i, o Exp:

A pen, a ball, a university

2 An a, e, i ,o, u, h* An apple, an onion, an hour,

an honest man

3 The Only one The sun, the moon

When we refer to something for the This is a pen. The pen is blue
second time


Fill in the blank with the correct answer. (a / an / the)

1. That is _______ excellent book.

2. Nobody lives on _______ Moon.

3. There is a book in my backpack. _______ book is very heavy.

4. Do you have ______ computer? I have ______ laptop and ______ iPad.

5. Did you enjoy ______ book I recommended to you? Wasn't that ______ exciting novel?

/5 marks

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