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Hydrodynamics of Geopressuredin the

Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin
Paul H. Jones, U.S. Geological Survey

The term “geopressure” was first used by Charles (b) large reservoir sealed updip by faulting down
Stewart of the Shell 011 Co,” to describe abnormally against thick shale series, and sealed downdip by
high subsurface fluid pressure, defined by Dickinson* regional facies change, and (c) relative position of
as “any pressure which exceeds the hydrostatic pres- fault seals in upthrown and downthrown blocks,” The
sure of a column of water [extending from the stratum depth distribution, range of observed pressures, and
tapped by the well to the land surface] containing hydrodynamic features of geopressured reservoirs
80,000 mg/1 total solids.” A pressure of approxi- then known in the Gulf Coast are reviewed in detail;
mately 0.465 psi is exerted by each foot of such a and the belt they underlie, “35 to 75 miles wide along
water column. the coast from the Rio Grande in the southwest to the
Geopressuredmay be expressed in terms of the geo- Mississippi Delta in the east, a distance of approxi-
static ratio, which is the ratio of the observed fluid mately 800 miles”, is said to coincide approximately
pressure in an aquifer to the pressure due to the weight with the area of Pleistocene and Holocene formations.
of overlying deposits, computed for the depth at which As of 1968 it was known that this belt extends far out
the aquifer occurs. The geostatic load at any given beneath the Gulf Continental Shelf, and that geo-
depth, based upon observed bulk densities of sedi- pressuredoccurs at some depth beneath the main del-
ments, is generally very close to the following ratio: taic sand series in Miocene and Pliocene (Neogene)
load (lb/sq in.) depth (ft) equals 1,0, to depths of sediments everywhere Gulfward from the innermost
more than 20,000 ft.s3 This is because the average zone of growth faults. (See Table 1,)
density of all rocks in the stratigraphic column The role of growth faults in the structural deforma-
changes but slowly with depth. Any observed sub- tion of geopressured sediments is defined by 0camb20
surface fluid pressure for which the geostatic ratio is and Thorsen.95 Shelton3~ explains growth faults as
between 0,465 and 1.0 psi is, by this definition, a “contemporaneous faults” that occurred when “salt
geopressured. and some thick shale units [had] been deformed by
uniform flow which, in turn, apparently caused failure
Geologic Occurrence by faulting in the overlying paralic sediments.” Dickey
The structural and stratigraphic environments of geo- et al.’ suggest that the areal continuity and depth of
pressuredin the northern Gulf basin are well known, occurrence of geopressuredare due to reversal of dip
Three types of reservoir seals necessary to preserve and Iandward thickening of stratigraphic units asso-
geopressured are illustrated by Dickir”on,S and de- ciated with growth faults, Rochon~2 and Meyerhoff
scribed as “(a) small reservoir sealed by pinchout, et UL26consider rapid deposition of sediments in the

The behavior of water in geopressured systems of the northern Gulf of Mexico basin is
non-Newtonian; hydrodynamic forces are gravity related, but the dominating forces —
such as osmosis, diagenesis, and terrestrial heat flow — are molecular.

JULY, 1969 803

Basin to be a key factor in the development of geo- increases stepwise through a series of interbedded
pressured reservoirs. Kerr and Barrington,’s Myers sands and clays. At depths of hundreds or thousands
and Van Siclen,28 and Boatman? explore relations of feet below the pressure seal, water salinity is largely
among depth of occurrence, bulk density, and min- a function of the sediment-facies distribution, the
eralogy of undercompacted, geopressured fine-grained clay-mineral abundance ratio in the associated fine-
sediments. Problems of drilling through geopressured graincd sediments, and the geotemperature regime.
zones have resulted in the development of geophysical As to the geotemperature regime, conventional geo-
techniques, mainly borehole methods, for identifica- thermal-gradient maps do not provide an adequate
tion and estimation of abnormally high interstitial description. Abrupt changes in temperature over short
fluid pressures.” depth ranges are hydrologically critical to the geo-
pressured regime, and conventional maps of geother-
Hydrologic Environment mal conditions tend to obscure, rather than identify,
Much attention has been given to the structural and such changes. No relation between the average geo-
stratigraphic features of geopressured reservoirs, but thermal ~adient and the geostatic ratio is evident for
— except for sediment density and fluid pressure — 175 south Louisiana geopressured reservoirs above a
relatively little has been written about their geochemi- depth of 11,000 ft, for which I analyzed data. Yet the
cal and geophysical features. Perhaps the most im- occurrence of geopressuredis commonly associated
portant of these, in terms of their hydrologic signifi- with a sharp increase in the geothermal gradient in the
cance, are ( 1) the range and depth distribution of sealing clay member of the reservoir.lfiAnd a relation
formation-water salinity, (2) the geotemperature re- between reservoir temperature and geostatic ratio is
gime, and (3) the clay-mineral abundance ratio of indicated by median ratios of 62 randomly selected
the sediments, geopressured reservoirs in south Louisiana, at depths
The salinity of water in aquifers above and within ranging from 5,400 to 17,500 ft. The median geo-
geopressured systems ranges from less than 1,000 static ratios are: about 0.60 at 220°F; about 0.65 at
mg/ I to 300,000 mg/ 1, Ormom whereas that of the 240°F; about 0.73 at 260°F; and about 0.88 at
Gulf of Mexico — from which these waters were in 280°F.
large Pi\rt derived — is, and probably has been for That the geotemperature regime is related to the
millions of years, about 35,000 mg/ 1. (See Table 2.) occurrence of geopressuredis not surprising, because
The depth distribution of salinity is extremely vari- the movement of water is the most important factor in
able abc ve depths ranging locally from 8,000 to terrestrial heat flow in sedimentary basins,’ Checking
12,000 ft, but below this depth range there is a gen- the upward flow of water greatly reduces the rate of
eral progressive freshening. Within geopressured res- upward flow of heat, and geopressured reservoirs be-
ervoirs there is a decrease in the salinity of aquifer come overheated. Convective distribution of heat’”
water with depth below the pressure seal. This may occurs in the reservoirs but not in the sealing clay
be abrupt where the vertical gradient of geopressuring beds that overlie them; thus the geothermal gradient
is abrupt; or it may be gradual where the pressure is steepest in that part of clay beds immediately above

..- ———

Depth Tcmperaturt? Pressure Geostatic Depth Temperature Pressure Geostatic

Ficl.1 Name (degrees F.) (Psi) Ratio (feet) Field Name (degrees F.) (psi) Ratio

1355-1430 Bay Marchand 91 680 0.502 12693-12757 Vermilion 235 8,276 0.652
2674- 7 Southeast Pass 106 1,390 .520 12900-12935 Bast i an Bay 224 S,859 .687
5405-5433 Ship Shoal 3,132 .579 12962-12949 Bayou Chevrui 1 246 11,067 .855
6268-6311 Wes c Cameron 163 3,205 .511 13200-13228 Lake Chicot 232 11,522 .873
7080-7090 DO. 173 3,712 .524 13265-13275 West Cameron 280 11,664 .879
7483 -?507 Do. 179 3.993 .533 13617-13640 Thibodaux 237 10,418 ,765
7996-8013 Do. 187 4;370 ,546 13700-13735 Thornwell 272 12,282 .896
8400-8413 Vermilion Bay 208 4,580 .545 13708-13761 IJes t Del ta 239 10,782 .787
8700-8831 Do. 211 4,6B0 .538 13753- ? CSillou Island 270 7,113 .517
9012-9047 Eugene Island 182 4,715 ,523 13937-13950 Rousseau 241 10,635 ,763
9033-9061 South Felto 219 4,938 .547 14145-14178 Ship Shoal 261 7,109 .503
9401-9422 Church Point 201 6,417 .683 14150-14225 Houma 253 10,790 .763
9464-9533 South Pelto 225 5,416 .572 14300-14341 Laka Sand 263 10,975 ,767
9824-9877 East Cameron 213 6,025 .613 14344-14376 Garden City 259 12,096 .843
9879-9906 DO. 213 6,001 .607 14594-14606 DO. 263 12,295 .842
iOO05-10067 Iowa 246 7;169 .717 14602-14628 Constance Bayou 278 7,340 .503
10025-10039 Jefferson Island 194 5,379 .537 “14600-14650 Lapeyrouee 264 9,075 .622
10410-10418 High Island 209 7,802 .749 14700-14731 DO, 266 10,020 .682
10500-10517 English Bayou 233 8,154 .777 14900-14940 Lake Washington 266 10,180 .683
105B5-1063O West Cameron 223 6.325 .598 15050-15084 Garden City 260 14,210 .944
10790-10816 Baceland 20B 6;792 .629 15150-15160 Deep Lake 332 9,390 .620
10800-10906 Mud Lake 231 5,724 .530 15249-15289 Lake Pagie 268 10,819 .709
10950-10974 Churchpoint 243 7,686 ,702 15318-15375 Thornwe 11 315 11,376 ,743
11200-113B9 Mud Lake 246 6,272 ,560 15336-15407 Lake Arthur 329 13,933 .909
11330-11356 Rayne 217 6,900 .609 15580-15595 Lelaux 277 13,570 .871
11650-11679 Chalkley 233 9,345 .802 15600-15800 Deep Lake 366 9,885 .634
11933-11943 Erath 231 6,602 .553 15 B71-15880 Lake Sand 296 12,505 .788
11950-11995 Eayou Penchant 230 9,031 ,756 16000-16018 Lacassine 275 14,625 .914
12200-12246 Lake Arthur 262 10,100 , B28 16450-16495 Hollywood 280 14,540 . S84
12295-12328 Thornwell 303 11,800 .960 16570-16585 Weeks Island 266 9,495 .573
12450-12493 Belle Isle 231 6,690 ,537 17300-17340 Belle Isle 316 11,420 .660
12550-12562 Grand Irde 263 8,745 .697 17395-17429 Lake Sand 318 13,477 .775

geopressured aquifers. I have collected data indicat- but data sufficiently complete to enable such analysis
ing gradients of 6°F/ 100 ft in such settings. are not generally available.
Miocene and Pliocene clays above a depth of 8,000
ft in the northern Gulf of Mexico basin are largely Hydrodynamic Mechanisms
montmorillonitc, The clay-mineral abundance ratio is Fluid pressures within sediments are, according to
known to be markedly dependent upon environmental Dickinson,S “dominated by two factors, the compres-
temperature.4 Kerr and Barrington,ls in one of the sion due to compaction on the one hand, and the
few published articles on the mineral composition of resistance to expulsion on the other. . . ,“ In the north-
clayey sediments in and above geopressured reser- ern Gulf of Mexico basin, the elements of compres-
voirs, note that the montmorillonite content of clay sion and compaction are self-evident, A condition of
decreases with increasing depth, a sharp decrease near-equilibrium between the weight of overburden
occurring in the zone of geopressunng. Diagenesis of and the load-bearing strength of the sediments would
montmorillonite yields free pore water in an amount prevail with deepening burial if the expulsion of fluids
equal to approximately half the volume of the mont- were unimpeded,*’3s The load-bearing strength of
morillonite altered.3y Thus, heating of fine-grained clay becomes a factor in compaction only after porosi-
sediments that promotes diagenesis of montmorillon- ty has been reduced below about 45 percent.’3 With
ite increases their fluid content in this setting. free drainage, this porosity would be reached at depths
Nonionized dissolved solids and gases, among them of less than 700 ft in the Gulf Coast.s
silica, bicarbonate complexes, and carbon dioxide, Resistance to expulsion of water from clay beds is
are free to move upward with water that escapes a function of the clay-bed to sand-bed thickness
through clay beds that form the “seal” of geopressured ratio” and of the distance through clay to the nearest
reservoirs. Carbonate and silica precipitates in the sand bed, It is also a function of the decreasing porosi-
upper parts of these clay beds may be the result of ty of the clay bed as compaction progresses, because
chemical reaction with exchange cations of clay min- the permeability of the clay decreases even faster than
erals in the zone of steep pressure and temperature the porosity.
gradients. Dickey er al. state that the hydraulic permeability
These generalizations regarding formation-water of clay beds appears to be negligible in environments
salinity, the geotemperature regime, and the clay- of geopressured.They conclude that “pore water has
mineral abundance ratio and cementation of clay been able to move across the bedding planes of shales
beds are supported by tens of thousands of chemical hardly at all, in spite of a pressure gradient exceeding
analyses of water from oil test and production wells, 10 psi/ft during scores of millions of years. Obviously
perhaps 1,000,000 bottom-hole temperature meas- shales have small but appreciable permeability to
urements made in 300,000 drill holes, and roughly water; otherwise how could compaction occur? But
1,000 clay-mineral analyses, Specific information on after a certain stage of compaction has been reached,
these and. other parameters related to geopressuring the flow of water must be almost exclusively parallel
conditions must be analyzed for individual reservoirs, to bedding planes. . . , Shale permeability is difficult


Original Dissolved Bicar- Halides as
Depth Pressure Germt?tic Solide Sodium Potassium Calcium Magnesium bonet e Sulfate Chloride
(feet) (psi) Ratio* (mg/1) (tngll) (mg/1) (mgll) (mg/1) (mgll) (mgll) (mg/1)

12,992 11,960 0.92 92,000 38,000 520 4,300 580 700 260 52,300
10,400 10,400 0.87 98,000 38,000 200 1,200 200 1,100 26 56,700
12,500 10,500 0,85 99,000 36,000 200 1,100 200 1,200 27 56,600
11,106 9,030 0.81 111,000 40,000 320 2,700 360 500 --- ---
10.082 8,000 0,79 55,000 19,000 130 1,100 200 3,100 82 30,200
10,875 8,110 0.74 41,000 15,000 100 3ko 60 2,900 700 21,600
10,401 7,700 0.74 146,000 46,000 320 6,700 600 --- 100 76,000
10,870 7,900 0.73 136,000 43,000 500 5,400 700 400 53 73,000
12,552 8,690 0.69 175,000 63,000 .540 6,100 700 300 --- 98,000
16,064 9.600 0.60 93,000 30,000 .480 4,200 300 200 10 53,500
9,051 5.000 0.55 14,000 4,800 30 290 60 600 60 7,700
11,000 5,950 0.53 66,000 24,000 100 1,300 300 1,400 25 38,200
12,200 6,500 0.54 97,000 36,000 220 1,300 300 1,000 --- 55,500
11,200 5,830 0.52 72,000 26,000 210 1,100 200 100 12 40,900
10,500 5,440 0.52 100,000 35,000 210 1,600 400 800 --- 57,000
13,000 6,600 0.51 45,000 16,000 100 560 100 600 --- 26,000
Gulf of Mexico water ‘* 35,800 10,970 429 423 1,324 147 2,750 19,770

psi = pounds per square inch

mg E milligram
1 = liter

* The geoat at ic ratio is the ratio of the fluid preesure in an aquifer to the overburden load.
.>+ D~ e, K. E.: ltSom.e Chem.ic~ Chsmct.eristica of SW. Mater!i, Report 182, Ccrncgie Inst. , kkiehin~on Y D. C.
(1914) vol. 5*

JULY, 1969 80S


to measure, and no reliable values have been pub- pressure of 690 psi. Since experimental errors tend
lished. ., . Perhaps the best explanation for the lack to reduce the measured values, it is probably safe to
of movement is that the water exhibits non-Newtonian assume that, under our laboratory conditions, the clay
behavior in the freer interstices of porous media.” acts like a perfect semi-permeable membrane, Water
C)lsen,sOin an authoritative analysis of experimental flow under an osmotic gradient appears to be iden-
data on deviations from Darcy’s law in saturated clays, tical to water flow under an equivalent pressure
concludes that such deviations actually exist. gradient.”
The behavior of water in geopressured systems of White3’ states that “the evidence is now convincing
the northern Gulf of Mexico basin is indeed non- that fine-grained sediments behave as semipermeable
Newtonian; hydrodynamic forces are gravity related, membranes, permitting selective escape of wat~erand
but the dominant forces are molecular. Although not concentrating dissolved components in remaining
well understood, these molecular forces are well pore fluids”. This property of semipermeable mem-
known with respect to the physical. and chemical con- branes is, of course, responsible also for development
ditions under which they occur, and to their quanti- of osmotic pressure; clay beds separating aquifers in
tative measurement, Those considered here, together which the waters have differential salinity are osmotic
with their hydrodynamic effects, are diffusive forces media through which gradients in hydraulic head
chemically and thermally induced develop, in the direction of the more saline aquifer.
Osmotic pressures generated across clay “barriers”
Osmosis in natural environments depend upon the osmotic
Osmosis is defined as “the spontaneous flow of water efficiency of the clay beds as well as upon the water-
into a solution, or from a more dilute to a more con- salinity contrast,4* The theoretical range of osmotic
centrated solution, when separated from each other pressure is limited by the possible range of water-
by a suitable membrane’’.” According to Glasstone, salinity contrast. Under ideal conditions, the theoreti-
the osmotic-pressure differential at constant tempew- cal pressure increases with both the salinity contrast
ture is almost directly proportional to the concentra- and the reference-water salinity; but in natural en-
tion differential; and for a given concentration differ- vironments, osmotic efficiency decreases as the refer-
ential, it increases with the absolute temperature. ence salinity (that of the less saline water) increases.
These relations are expressed by the following (This was suggested in an oral communication by
equationso*3 F. A. Berry of the U, of California.) The pressure
For two solutions at the same temperature, difference across a single clay bed could, under nat-
ural conditions, exceed 3,500 psi.l; In known geo-
AII= vRT (+,m, – +2M,) ; pressured reservoirs, stepwise increments of osmotic
for two solutions at different temperatures, pressure with depth through a series of bedded sands
and clays could, as by a multistage pump, produce
Au= VR ( T1@nl — T2+2m2), any of the reservoir pressures observed to date in the
northern Gulf of Mexico basin. Conceivably, osmotic-
where ally derived fluid pressure could equal or exceed that
= number of solute ions per mole, due to the weight of the overburden, causing reservoir
; = gas constant, rupture and diapirism, especially where heating had
T = absolute temperature, reduced the load-bearing strength of clay beds by
# = osmotic coefficient, and increasing their free pore water content, as a result of
m= solute mokdityo diagenesis or dehydration of montmonllonite.a

The osmotic coefficient of NaC1 changes very little Diagenesfs

in the range 25° to 105°C, whereas that of NazSOA Diagenesis is defined in the Glossary oj Geology and
increases appreciably with increasing temperature, Related Sciences (AGI), as “the chemical and physi-
and that of MgSOAdecreases with increasing tempera- cal changes that sediments undergo during and after
ture. The predominance of NaCl in Miocene and Plio- accumulation, but before consolidation takes place”.
cene aquifer waters indicates that temperature would The chemical changes in formation water that result
have little effect upon osmotic pressure. from hyperfiltration, ion exchange, or displacement
The effectiveness of clay as a semipermeable mem- reactions as the water moves through sediments may
brane has been demonstrated by several investiga- be considered diagenetic.’ As indicated previously,
tors*9’2413eand McKelvey23reports that: “We have such changes have a direct bearing upon osmotic
measured the hydraulic permeabilities of compacted conditions.
Wyoming bentonite plugs having a porosity range of The release of water from clayey sediments with
’20% to 45 %, Over this range, the permeability vanes deepening burial is in part a diagenetic process. The
from 10-7md to 2 X 10-6md with a regular decrease stages of release are described by Burst’ in the follow-
in perrneabfity with decreasing porosity. In a limited ing terms: “Water, the principal fluid component of
number of cases, we have also measured osmotic pres- the sedimentary section, is thought to migrate in three
sures generated across these plugs by salt solutions of separate stages. Initially, pore water and excessive
various concentrations. In general, the generated (more than two) clay-water interlayers are removed
osmotic pressures are within 95% of the calculated by the action of overburden pressure. This initial
theoretical pressures; i.e., a one normal sodium chlo- water flow (which is essentially completed after the
ride solution versus fresh water yields an osmotic first few thousand ft of burial) reduces the water
. .

content of the sediment to about 30 percent, most of this effect shows that assumed equality of continental
which is in the semi-solid interlayer form. A second and oceanic heat flow may not exist.
stage of dehydration is thought to occur when the The steepness of the geothermal gradient vanes
heat absorbed by the buried sediment becomes suffi- inversely with the thickness of unconsolidated sedi-
ciently great to mobilize the next-to-last water inter- ments in structural basins. Perhaps the most obvious
layer in an M(H,O)X + AH, = I + xH,O fashion. feature of the geothermal-gradient map of the north-
The final stage of sediment dehydration which ex- ern Gulf of Mexico basin is its excellent conformity
tracts the last remaining water monolayer from clay with the structural map. Elongate areas, beneath
lattices is apparently slow, even by geologic standards, which the geothermal gradient is least, overlie the
requiring tens or possibly hundreds of millions of axis of the Gulf Coast geosyncline.
years, depending upon the geothermal and burial If the geothermal flux is uniform over broad areas,
history of the sample.” the thermal conductivity of rock must vary inversely
According to Burst, the second-stage dehydration with the geothermal gradient. Sediments that overlie
involves an amount of water equal to approximately the deepest parts of the Gulf Coast geosyncline would
10 to 15 percent of the compacted bulk volume of the appear, then, to possess the highest thermal con-
fine-grained sediments and represents “a significant ductivity. If they do not, they must form a thermal
fluid displacement. . . . It appears to occur in a rela- sink and are now storing heat energy received from
tively restricted, depth-dependent temperature zone below; their temperature must inevitably rise. Certain
in which the average dehydration temperature of the diagenetic processes are endothermic; one such is the
points measured is 221 ‘F.” dehydration of montmorillonite, which requires the
In the presence of potassium, dehydrated mont- addition of heat and thus reduces the heat flux to
morillonite releases the last layer of intracrystalline overlying deposits. However, no estimates of the rate
water and becomes illite in a true mineral alteration. and magnitude of this mechanism in the Gulf basin
Because sediments and formation waters in the Mio- have been made. The very large water content of
cene and Pliocene sequence of the northern Gulf rapidly deposited and deeply buried sediments in the
basin are deficient in potassium, conversion of mont- basin may well be the most important factor in the
morillonite *9 illite is long delayed, and the mont- thermal-flux distribution. As stated by Bogomolov,s
morillonite content of clay is seldom less than 20 “Water carries out the major role in the redistribution
percent, even at depths of 15,000 ft or more. and subtraction of heat [in the geothermal field]; the
Powers” cites evidence confirming the diagenetic thermophysical properties of rocks are mahdy deter-
processes described above, although he is less detinite mined by the liquid phase. . . . At present there is no
about the role of temperature in the diagenetic pro- concensus about the aggregate state of water in the
cess, and less specific with regard to the mechanism crust of the earth and there are no sufficienttheoretical
of clay-mineral dehydration. But he shows clearly indications to obtain a rational equation for water,
that the volume of free pore water produced by altera- with the help of which the dependencies between its
tion of montmorillonite to illite would be roughly caloristic values and pressure and temperature could
equivalent to half the volume of montmorillonite so be outlined.” For most of the earth’s crust Bogomo-
altered. As montmorillonite commonly constituted 60 Iov’s statement is true, but for the upper 15,000 ft of
percent of the volume of clay at depths of 3,0u0 to the crust in an area of about 75,000 sq miles in the
6,000 ft, reduction of its abundance to 20 percent at northern Gulf of Mexico basin many data are avail-
a depth of 15,000 ft would imply a 10SSof watsr equal able on the content, salinity, and thermophysical state
to approximately half the volume of that occupied by of water in a geological province that has been defined
the clay at depths of 3,000 to 6,000 ft. Porosity in great detail. Neither the hydrodynamics of geopres-
and permeability increases and loss of load-bearing surednor the hydrology of this thick sedimentary se-
strength accompanying clay-mineral diagenesis would quence can be analyzed in quantitative terms without
yield large volumes of pore water, free to move into mastery of the mechanics of heat flow through it.
adjacent geopressured reservoirs as their waters were The three modes of heat transport through sat-
depleted by loss into overlying hydrostatic aquifers. urated sediments are ( 1) conduction through mineral
This recharging mechanism is keyed to the geo- grains and interstitial fluids, (2) convective flow of
temperature regime. Water released to geopressured interstitial fluids, and (3) radiation. Conductive and
reservoirs is fresh, and therefore less dense and less convective heat flow are important in the low-tem-
viscous than saline waters of associated aquifer sys- perature range common above depths of 10,000 ft in
tems in the same geothermal environment. the northern Gulf basin, The role of ray transporta-
tion increases with increase in temperature. Factors
Terrestrial Heat Flow that have a direct bearing on the heat flux include the
According to Lee and Uyeda,22 the average rate of following:
heat flow through the earth’s crust over continents 1. The composition and thermal conductivity of
differs little from that over the oceans. Crain,’ on the the mineral grains that form the rock skeleton, and
other hand, argues that changes in the thermal en- of the fluids that ocoupy the interstices.
vironment of the land surface may result in marked 2. The specific heat of solid and fluid elements.
changes in the geothermal flux. After a glacial stage, 3. The porosity, and the hydraulic geometry of the
for example, a rise in surface temperature would pores.
reduce the geothermal gradient and thus the heat flow 4. The density, viscosity, and thermal expansion of
from continents. Adjusting continental heat flow for the fluid elements.
JULY, 1969 807

5. The thermal expansion of the solid elements. are large in the clay beds overlying the reservoirs, and
6. The absolute temperature. very much reduced in the aquifers. There can be no
The thermal conductivity of the mineral grains of doubt that, by checking the upward flow of water from
sediments is generally four to five times greater than the “waterlogged” sediments beneath them, sealing
that of water. For this reason, the thermal conductivity clay beds of geopressurized reservoirs have caused
of clay varies inversely with its water content,zo That reduction of the geothermal flux above and overheat-
of sand increases with its porosity,4z owing to “the ing of the sediments below. In this geotemperature
occurrence of convective heat transport in the wider regime, dehydration of montmorillonite occurs at
pores”. Lapwoo&’ was the first to consider the possi- relatively shallow depths, Liberation of intracrystal-
bility of free convective flowin water-saturated porous Iine water in clay beds of geopressured zones increases
rock, His studies revealed that, in a horizontal layer the pressure of fluids in them and reduces their ther-
uniformly heated from below, convective flow does mal conductivity by increasing their porosity.
not occur until the temperature difference across the
layer exceeds some minimum value. Production from Geopressured Reservoirs
Elder,’ in his analysis of the free convection of a In theory, geopressured reservoirs are closed com-
fluid in a porous medium, states that “the motions partments having fixed or constant volume. Produc-
to be considered arise from the buoyancy forces pro- tion of substantial quantities of fluid from such reser-
duced by imbalance density variations in a field of voirs would be accompanied by great 10SSof pressure.
nonuniform temperature”. Elder’s calculations as- Sources of the fluid produced, to paraphrase Harville
sume that density variations of the fluid are impor- and Hawkins,’4 are one or a combination of the fol-
tant only insofar as they generate buoyancy forces, lowing: (1) expansion of water in the aquifer, (2)
and he states that a crude estimate of the thermal expansion of known or unknown accumulations of
conductivity (Km) of the fluid-saturated medium is oil and/or gas in the aquifer, or (3) compaction of
given, under conditions of nonisothermal flow, by the aquifer rock. Wallace” suggests that an additional
condition sometimes suspected is the release of liquids
Km= (l–e) K.-t CKJ
from low-permeability zones due to the reduction of
where reservoir pressures. A number of the case histories
presented by Wallace can be explained in conven-
e = porosity (void volume per unit volume tional terms, but this is hardly true for the reservoir
of the medium), at a depth of 11,788 to 11,811 ft on the north flank
K. == thermal conductivity of the solid, and of the Egan field, Acadia Parish, La. With an initial
K~ = thermal conductivity of the fluid. bottom-hole pressure of about 9,960 psi (geostatic
And the effective thermal diffusivity is given by ratio 0,84), the reservoir produced 6 Bcf of gas,
170,000 bbl of condensate, and 1 million bbl of salt
km = Km/pc, water over a period of about 6% years. The final
bottom-hole pressure was about 8,930 psi (geostatic
where ratio, 0.75 ) only about 1,030 psi less than the original
reservoir pressure.
P = density of the fluid and The decline of pressure with production from geo-
c = specific heat of the fluid.
pressured reservoirs is now seldom predictable, and
Measurement of the heat flow that occurs by free may be of little use in analysis of reservoir mechanics,
convection in a horizontal slab of homogeneous sat- or estimation of reserves, This is true because the
urated porous material requires information on its hydrodynamics of geopressuredis complicated by fac-
thickness, permeability, and thermal conductivity; on tors not considered in current reservtir analysis.
the density of the fluid and the density change with Much study remains to be done before the critical
temperature; and on the specific heat and kinematic parameters can be identified, measured, and analyzed
viscosity of the fluid, Satisfactory computations based sufficientlywell to support engineering interpretations.
upon these parameters for known conditions of tem-
perature were made for the Taupo area of New Zea- Summary
land by Elder, who asserts that the large heat-flow Dickinson’s classic description of the geological as-
rates observed in thermal areas are not possible with- pects of abnormal reservoir pressures was published
out mass transfer by thermal convection. in 1953. Since then a great deal has been learned
McNitt,2s with reference to the Wairakei area of about geopressured reservoirs, especially about their
New Zealand, states that “There is a rapid increase in production-engineering characteristics; and sophisti-
temperature with depth down to the base of the con- cated methods of early detection and pressure estima-
fining mudstone. At this point, temperatures are close tion have been developed and widely used. But the
to, or above, the boiling point corresponding to the fluid mechanics of geopressuredhas not been fully
theoretical hydrostatic pressure for this depth below explained.
the water table. . . . The temperature gradient through Dickinson’ stated that fluid pressures within sedi-
the aquifer is much reduced. . . ,“ ments are “dominated by two factors, the compres-
In geopressured reservoirs of the northern Gulf of sion due to compaction on the one hand, and the
Mexico basin the formation water is commonly at resistance to expulsion on the other , . .“. In any
temperatures greater than 250*F at depths ranging efforts to identify and evaluate the phenomena of
from 10,000 to 14,000 ft.” The geothermal gradients compression and compaction, and of the resistance
. ..9

to fluid expulsion associated with geopressured in water in the aquifers separated by the sealing clay
Miocene and Pliocene deposits of the northern Gulf bed, the temperature, or the locus of fluid escape
of Mexico basin, the following factors must be destroyed the equilibrium that had been established.
recognized. This resulted in a temporary resumption of flow,either
1, Deltaic sediments and their prodelta and nentic outward or inward, until pressures were again
equivalents were rapidly deposited and deeply buried. balanced.
2, The montmorillonite content of these deposits According to this hypothesis, water ceased to move
ranged frnm about 50 to 80 percent or more. upward in the compartmentalized depositional mass
3. Contemporaneous faults compartmentalized whenever osmotic and geopressuredequilibrium was
sand-bed aquifers prior to escape of their interstitial reached. One consequence of this was profound alter-
saline water. ation of the geothermal regime, Water, by virtue of
4. Fluid pressure in compartmentalized reservoirs its high specific heat and mobility under thermal
increased with deepening burial. gradients, is the most important factor in terrestrial
5. Salinity of aquifer water increased where hyper- heat flow in sedimentary basins. Where the upward
filtration by semipermeable clay beds concentrated flow of water was checked, the rate of upward heat
dissolved solids in zones of water loss. flow was greatly reduced, and geopressured reservoirs
6, Heating of the deposits accompanied deepening became overheated. As reservoir temperature rose,
burial. the vapor pressure increased and the water became
7. Thermal dehydration of montmorillonite in a less viscous and less dense, osmotic forces were
depth-related temperature zone with an average tem- strengthened, and reservoir pressure increased. At
perature of 221 “F released some intracrystalline temperatures and pressures in the range observed in
water as free pore water, geopressurized reservoirs in the Gulf Coast at depths
8. Diagenesis of dehydrated montmorilionite (al- between about 10,000 and 12,000 ft (200° to
teration to illite or chlorite) released remaining intra- 250”F), the clay mineral montmonllonite was dehy-
crystalline water. drated, and in the presence of potassium was altered
9. Dehydration and diagenesis of montmorillonite to illite, releasing intracrystalline water as free pore
produced interstitial fresh water, markedly increasing water. The volume of free pore water released by
effective porosity and permeability to fresh water, dehydration and diagenesis ranged up to half the
while markedly reducing the bulk density, load-bear- volume of montrnorillonite altered, and the water
ing strength, and thermal conductivity of clay beds. produced was fresh, As clay pore water thus produced
10.. Water flow upward from geopressured zones was forced by the weight of the overburden to enter
through clay beds in which dehydration and diagene- adjacent aquifers of the geopressured zone, their fluid
sis of montmorillonite had occurred was accompanied pressure rose and the salinity of their water decreased;
by interstitial precipitation of cementing solids in the a new episode of water loss from the system then
upper part of the clay bed, while the lower pa:; of the began.
same bed remained undercompacted and ‘SU cl to These genetic processes occurred in a setting pro-
the drill. gressively changed by structural deformation, Brines
concentrated by clay “membranes” in geopressured
Conclusions aquifers may subsequently have been released into
Rapid deposition of deltaic, inner neritic, and middle hydrostatic aquifers, as displacement along faults
neritic sand and clay in the Gulf marginal belt of brought them into hydraulic interconnection. Such
subsidence was accompanied by growth faulting, as fluid releases resulted in sharp reductions of fluid
postulated by Dickinson. Undercompacted clay beds pressures, and have been accompanied by large-scale
subjected to increasing overburden load lost water to expulsion of water from bounding clay beds. Down-
interbedded sands, in which the water moved in the dip freshening of aquifer waters, widely observed in
direction of pressure release — upwards, either updip the Gulf basin, can be attributed to this process.
or by devious paths to shallower depth. Closure of Water escaping through clay beds overlying geo-
avenues of exit by faulting caused a rapid rise of fluid pressured aquifers is accompanied only by nonionized
pressure in the compartmentalized deposits. As geo- dissolved solids and dissolved gases. Among these are
pressuredincreased, aquifer water escaped through the silica, bicarbonate complexes, and carbon dioxide.
overlying clay beds, Initially the rate of throughflow Carbonate and silica precipitates in the upper parts
was proportional to the differential pressure; but, as of clay beds sealing geopressured zones are believed
flow continued, the rate decreased progressively as to result from pressure release, and from chemical
opposing osmotic forces developed. Plastic clay beds reactions in which exchange cations of the clay min-
acted as semipermeable membranes (ion sieves); they erals combine with dissolved solids in the escaping
passed water, but not its ionized dissolved solids. water. These account for the induration and relatively
Increases in the salinity of the geopressured reservoir high bulk density observed in the upper part of clay
water in the zone of escape was accompanied by dilu- beds that seal geopressured zones. The diagenesis of
tion of brine in the overlying hydrostatic aquifer montmorillonite produces free pore water and reduces
system. Osmotic forces opposing the escape of water the bulk density, accounting for the conditions ob-
from the geopressured reservoir increased progres- served in the lower part of sealing clay beds. Such
sively until osmotic pressure inward equaled geo- “inflated” clay has very low thermal conductivity and
pressuredoutward, and flow ceased. Later, changes in an unusually high geothemlal gradient.
the depth of burial (overburden load), the salinity of Molecular forces generating osmotic pressure have
JULY, 1969 809
9 .. .

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