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Designing Your Career: curso online e gratuito de Stanford ajuda a

montar plano de carreira
Por Priscila Bellini, 13.06.2018.

Módulo faz parte de uma das disciplinas mais populares da Universidade Stanford, Designing
Your Life, que utiliza o processo cognitivo conhecido como design thinking para orientar o
planejamento pessoal e profissional dos estudantes.
Uma das disciplinas optativas mais populares na Universidade Stanford – “mãe” de empresas
como Google e Nike – não prepara tecnicamente os estudantes para nenhuma carreira. A matéria
“Designing Your Life” (DYL) ensina-os a usar o design thinking para projetar sua vida depois da
formatura. Um dos seus módulos, que trata de carreira, está disponível online e gratuitamente.
O Designing Your Life foi criado em 2010 pelo diretor do programa de Design de Stanford, Bill
Burnett, junto com Dave Evans, que liderou a equipe de design do primeiro mouse da Apple e co-
fundou a desenvolvedora de jogos eletrônicos Electronic Arts – criadora de nomes como FIFA e
The Sims. Desde o início, o curso foi um sucesso entre os universitários.
Segundo Evans, a disciplina, promovida pelo departamento “Life Design Lab”, procura desenvolver
conceitos como gratidão, generosidade, autoconsciência e adaptabilidade (e sua importância). De
tão popular, virou o livro “Designing Your Life – How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life” e inspirou
teses de doutorado.
Designing Your Career
Para quem se interessa, mas não pode cursar a disciplina presencial, Stanford disponibiliza a aula
Designing Your Career, que faz parte do DYL, online e grátis. O único requisito é utilizar os
navegadores Chrome ou Firefox para acompanhar as aulas. A iniciativa está incluída na plataforma
de MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses (em português, Cursos Online Abertos e Massivos) da
universidade, a Lagunita, e pode ser acessada pelo site.
Com objetivo de ajudar os alunos a projetar especificamente suas carreiras, o módulo é
direcionado para pessoas de qualquer idade e background acadêmico. Segundo a Universidade
Stanford, o conteúdo serve tanto para os que estão no processo de decisão profissional, quanto
para os que encontraram uma função (ou companhia) em que querem atuar.
Além dos fundadores do DYL, participam da curadoria do conteúdo outros três professores, de
Stanford, do “Life Design Lab”. O Designing Your Career traz uma abordagem prática do design
thinking para projetar a vida profissional, mas não introduz o conceito. Para quem não está
familiarizado, a universidade disponibiliza material sobre o assunto no curso “Virtual Crash Course
in Design Thinking”, também online e gratuito.
Com base em cinco conceitos de orientação vocacional, o módulo é estruturado em vídeos, além
de atividades e exercícios, que incluem reflexões pessoais para cada tópico. Ainda que tenha
duração total de 2 a 4 horas, seu desenvolvimento é flexível e não linear (chamado de “self
paced”). Ou seja: o estudante pode acompanhar da forma que quiser e demorar o quanto
Tags: Designing Your Life, Stanford
Designing Your Career

About This Course

Welcome to the Designing Your Career online module! Whether you’re exploring what you might
want to do next or you’ve already identified a role or organization that you would like to be a part
of, this short module is structured to help you take practical steps toward designing your career.
Designing Your Career is a class created by the Stanford Life Design Lab that helps individuals
design their lives and careers.
What is Designing Your Career really about?
This online course uses a design thinking approach to help people of any age and academic
background develop a constructive and effective approach to designing their vocation. This course
is primarily comprised of 5 career-oriented vocational wayfinding concepts, illustrated through
videos and expanded through personal reflections and exercises.
There are no prerequisites for this course. People of all backgrounds and at any stage of their
career are welcome to use the course.
Course Staff
John Armstrong
Lecturer and Fellow, Stanford Life Design Lab
John is a Lecturer and Fellow in Stanford's Life Design Lab, where he teaches Designing Your Life,
Designing Your Stanford, and Designing the Professional. John has led the development of online
content for the Lab, consulted with companies as a Design Coach for Diversity and Inclusion
initiatives, and led courses and workshops for faculty and students at universities in the Middle
East, Latin America, and Asia.
Ben Bowman
Stanford Life Design Lab Intern
Ben is earning his master's degree in Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies from the
Stanford Graduate School of Education. Prior to his time at Stanford, he worked in the Oregon
State Legislature on education policy issues. He also has experience in youth leadership
development and training.
Kathy Davies
Managing Director, Stanford Life Design Lab
Kathy has 15 years of experience developing electromechanical and software products, and
proudly holds five patents. She consults with Silicon Valley companies, teaches design thinking,
conducts ethnographic research, and develops product strategies and concepts. Kathy is also the
co- creator of “Designing Your Life for Women” and a passionate advocate for design thinking as a
methodology to empower social change.
Dave Evans
Co-Founder, Stanford Life Design Lab
Dave Evans has been on a mission to help others find and pursue theirs ever since his undergrad
days at Stanford. Along the way, he co-founded Electronic Arts and introduced the computer
mouse to the world while at Apple.
Bill Burnett
Co-Founder, Stanford Life Design Lab
Bill Burnett is the Executive Director of the Design Program at Stanford. He holds a number of
mechanical and design patents, and design awards for a variety of products including the first
“slate” computer. In addition to his duties at Stanford, he is on the Board of VOZ (pronounced
“VAWS – it means voice in Spanish) a social responsible high fashion startup and advises several
Internet start-up companies.
Frequently Asked Questions
I am not a student at Stanford. Can I still take this course?
Yes! This online course is based on a class Designing Your Life. One of the goals of using the online
medium is to make these ideas available to anyone who could benefit from them.
I see "Design" in the course title. Will we learn Design Thinking?
The content, exercises, and activities in this course are applications of many of the components of
design thinking, and this course is a practical way of using design thinking for your career.
However, this course is not intended to be an introduction to design thinking. For an intro to
design thinking, check out this virtual crash course. For a more on applying the design thinking
process to your life and career, check out the best-selling Designing Your Life Book.
How much work will this be?
This course is designed to be flexible and adaptive to the needs of each user. The course is
structured around a set of videos, with activities and exercises that correspond to each video
subject. You could choose to breeze through the course in an hour, or you could choose to dive
deep, take extra time to reflect, consult with other resources, and finish over the course of a few
weeks. This course is a tool; it's up to you how you use it.
Is there a Statement of Accomplishment available for this course?
No. This course is intended to be reflective and give you some tools to engage with the resources
around you.
I'm a student at Stanford. Are there similar courses I could take?
Yes! You can check out our main course offerings here. Each course is tailored to a specific student
Which web browser should I use?
The Open edX platform works best with current versions of Chrome or Firefox.

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