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Cylinder: An object in the shape of a tube or pipe. It may be solid or hollow

Examine; To look at closely
Fatal: Causing death
Feature: An important or special part of something
Feature: Any part of the face
Grasp: To take hold of something tightly with the hands
Grasp: To understand something
Jet: A stream of liquid or gas that is forced at high speed through a small opening
Jet: An airplane that is powered by a jet engine
Marine: Having to do with the ocean or with ships and boats
Scar: A mark on the skin that is left after a cut or other wound has healed
Tentacle: A long, thin part that grows out from the head of some sea animals. They
use it to hold things or to move from place to place.
Vessel: A ship or large boat
Vessel: Anything hollow that can be used to hold liquids

Lesson 2

Attract: To bring or draw closer

Attractive: Pleasing to the eye or mind
Attraction: Something that draws attention
Crew: A group of people working together, especially one that runs an airplane or
large vessel
Dangle; To hang loosely
Drift: A pile of sand or snow created by moving air or water
Drift: To be carried along by moving air or water
Event: Something that happens, especially something important
Launch: An open motorboat that is used for short distances
Launch: To put a boat or vessel in the water
Launch: To get started or to make a move
Opposite: Very different from
Opposite: Facing or moving away from each other
Reverse: To go backward or in the direction one just came from
Reverse: back to front
Signal: An object, action, or sound that gives a message or warning
Signal: To do something that gives a message or warning
Steer: A young bull
Steer: To steer is to guide the direction of

Unit 3
Ambition: A strong wish to be good at something or to have something.
Auction: A public sale. Each item is sold to the person who offers the most money.
Coast: The land beside the sea.
Coast: To move without power or effort.
Current: A flow of air, water, or electricity.
Current: Of the present time.
Frail: Weak, not very strong.
Intelligent: Able to learn, think, and understand quickly and easily.
Novel: A long story about people and events that are imagined by the author.
Novel: New and different.
Resident: A person who lives in a certain place.
Starve: To be very hungry or to suffer because of not eating any food.
Volunteer: A person who offers to do a job, usually without pay.
Volunteer: To choose to do something or to give help.

Unit 4
Average: n. 1. The usual amount or kind of something.
Average: 2. The result of adding a set of numbers and then dividing the total by the
number in the set.
Average: adj. Not special or unusual; ordinary.
Border: n. 1. A dividing line between two states or countries.
Border: 2. The edge of something.
Border: v. To be next to.
Cocoon: n. The silky case that a caterpillar makes to protect itself for a time before
it becomes a moth or butterfly.
Flutter: v. To wave or flap quickly but not regularly.
Moisture: n. A small amount of water or other liquid, often in the form of small
Moist: adj. Damp or slightly wet.
Nectar: n. A sweet liquid produced by many flowering plants. It is used by bees to
make honey.
Process: n. A number of steps that one takes in order to do or make something. I
Span: n. 1. The distance or a section between two objects or supports.
Span: 2. A period or length of time.
Span: v. To stretch from one side to the other.
Suitable: adj. Fit or right for some purpose or event.
Timber: n. 1. Wooded areas with trees that can be used for wood products.
Timber: 2. Tree trunks that can be cut into planks or boards.
Unit 5
Amaze: v. To surprise or cause wonder.
Amazing: adj. Causing wonder or surprise.
Arctic: adj. Very cold.
Arctic: n. The area around the North Pole.
Court: n. 1. An open, flat area marked off for a game or sport. 2. The home of a
king, queen, or other royal person. 3. The place where a judge holds trials and
decides matters of law.
Elect; v. 1. To choose by voting for. 2. To make a choice.
Interval: n. 1. A period of time between two events. 2. A space between two things.
League: n. 1. group of people that work together for a common purpose. 2. A group
of sports teams that play each other to see which is best.
Limit: n. A line or point beyond which one may not go.
v. T keep from going beyond a certain point.
Milestone: n. 1. A stone marker that gives the distance in miles to another point. 2.
An important event.
Recreation: n. Anything a person does to relax or have fun; play.
Tackle: v. 1. To grab and get in the way of a player in a game in order to stop the
player or take the ball away. 2. To do or try to do something.
n. The tools needed for some activity or sport.

Unit 6
Chasm: A deep crack or opening in the earth.
Continent: One of the seven great land areas of the world.
Credit: 1. Honor or praise; a way of expressing thanks. 2. A way of buying things
and paying for them later.
Enable: To make possible; to give the means to bring about.
Foul: 1. Having an unpleasant taste or smell. 2. Stormy, with strong winds and
heavy rain. 3. In sports, a move or play that is against the rules.
Gust: A sudden increase in the strength of the wind.
Ordeal: An unpleasant, painful, or difficult experience or test.
Plateau: A broad, flat area of high ground.
Rig: 1. To make or do something by using whatever is nearby. 2. To set up sails on
a boat. 3. A machine or construction that is used for a special purpose.
Schedule: 1. A plan that gives expected times for different things to happen. 2. A
list of times when trains, buses, and airplanes arrive and leave.

Unit 7
Act: something that is done
Act: a show that is put on
Act: one of the main parts of a play
Act: to do something
Additional: added or extra
Advice: ideas or suggestions offered to help
Crumple: to crush together; to bend or press into creases or wrinkles
Fan: something that causes air to move in order to cool
Fan: someone who closely follows a group, team, or person
Fan: to move air with an open fan or something similar
Fan: to spread in the shape of a fan
Memorize: to fix in one's memory exactly; to learn by heart
Mystify: to confuse or puzzle someone
Pause: to stop for a short time before going on
Pause: a short break or rest from what has been going on
Transparent: allowing light to pass through freely so that one can see clearly
Vanish: to go out of sight; to disappear

Unit 8
Contain: to hold
Contain: to have within oneself
Container: a jar or box or other object used for holding something
Digest: to change food after it has been eaten into a simpler forms that the body can
Finicky: hard to please, Finicky: fussy
Habit: something that a person does so often that it is done with out thinking
Habit: a special king of clothing worn by certain groups
Hinge: a joint on a lid or door that allows it to swing open or shut
Marsh: a low-lying area, often covered with tall grasses, where the ground is soft
and wet
Marshy: soft and moist underfoot
Nursery: a room or other place set aside for the use of babies and small children
Nursery: a place where plants are grown for sale
Rely: to count on
Rely: to look to for support
Reliable: trustworthy
Reliable: not likely to fail
Spine: the backbone
Spine:a thin, sharp, stiff part that sticks out on certain plants and animals
Thrive: to do well
Thrive: to grow strong and healthy

Unit 9
Attitude: n. A way of thinking or feeling about certain things.
Confess: v. To say or admit that one has done something wrong.
Defend: v. 1. To keep from being attacked; to protect.
Defend: 2. To speak for; to argue in favor of.
Gradual: adj. Happening slowly; taking place little by little.
Hint: n. Information given to help someone to answer a question; a clue.
Hint: v. To suggest something without saying directly what one means.
Individual: n. A single person, apart from others in a group.
Individual: adj. Meant for just one.
Malice: n. The wish to hurt others on purpose.
Malicious: adj. Done with a wish to harm or cause pain.
Misery: n. A feeling of great unhappiness.
Miserable: adj. 1. Very unhappy or unpleasant.
Solution: n. 1. The answer to a problem or puzzle.
Solution: A mixture formed when a liquid and some other stuff are mixed together.
Miserable: adj. 2 Very bad; of poor quality.
Survey: v. To look over; to examine.
Survey; n. A study designed to gather information about a subject.

Unit 10
Cable: A think steel rope made of strands of wire twisted together. A bundle of
wires covered by rubber or plastic along which an electric current can pass
Cathedral: A large and important church
Convey: To carry or move from one place to another. To make an idea or feeling
Device: Something made or invented for a particular use.
Freight:Goods carried from place to place, as by plane, boat, truck, or train.
Landmark: A building or natural feature that is easy to see and can be used as a
guide. An important event.
Method: A way of doing something.
Rod: A think, straight piece of wood, metal or other material.
Shaft: A long open tunnel that runs straight up and down. A bar that connects with
other moving parts of a machine. The long, narrow part of an arrow or other object.
Structure: Something that is built, as a buidling or bridge.

Unit 11
Diagram: a plan or drawing that shows how something works or how things fit
Frustrate: to keep from carrying out a plan or reaching a goal
Frustrating: causing one to be upset or discouraged
Graduate: a person who has finished a course of study
Prank: a playful trick or joke
Primary: first importance and first in order
Risk: to take a chance on being hurt or losing something
Risky: likely to cause harm or damage, dangerous
Stress: to pay special attention to, a strain or pressure put on a person or thing
Stress: special force put on a word pr part of a word
Urge: to speak strongly for something
Urge: to argue in favor of something
Urge :a strong feeling of wanting to do something
Vacant: having nothing or no one in it
Vacant: not filled, empty
Vigorous: demanding strength or energy
Vigorous: very active

Unit 12
Adopt: verb--to take into one's home and to raise a child as part of one's family
Adopt: verb--to take up and make one's own
Arouse: verb--to awaken from sleep
Arouse: verb--to excite or bring about
Arrange: verb--to put in a certain order, verb--to plan or prepare
Cell: noun--a small room with little or no furniture, especially one used for
Cell: noun--a tiny unit of living matter
Cell: noun--a small enclosed space grouped with others
Infection: noun--a disease caused by germs
Influence: noun--the power to cause change or bring about certain results
Influence: noun--someone or something that can cause change
Influence: verb--to cause change or bring about certain results
Injure: verb--to do harm to; to hurt or damage
Injury: noun--harm or damage
Pattern: noun--the way in which shapes, objects, or colors are placed in relation to
each other
Pattern: noun--a plan or diagram that is used as a guide for making things
Series: noun--a number of similar things laid out or happening in a certain order
Vision: noun--eyesight or the sense of sight
Vision: noun--something imagined or hoped for; a dream of what might be

Unit 13
Calendar: A chart or diagram showing the days, weeks, and months of the year in
Carnival: A fair or show with food stalls, parades, rides, and other ways to have
Experience: Knowledge or skill that comes from having done certain things.
Experience: Something that happens to a person; an event in one's life.
Experience: To have to; to go through something.
Govern: To be in charge of; to control or rule.
Gulf: A large area of a sea or ocean that is partly enclosed by land.
Gulf: A great distance between.
Haste: Speed in acting or moving.
Hasty: Done or made quickly without careful thought.
Nation: A place with borders and its own leaders; a single country.
Nation: The people of a single country.
National: Of or belonging to the people of a single country.
Scatter: To throw here and there; to spread about.
Scatter: To move quickly in different directions.
Surrender: To give in or give up; to accept defeat.
Thrill: A feeling of joy or excitement.
Thrill: To feel or cause to feel joy or excitement.

Unit 14

Bold: Showing little or no fear; ready to take risks

Cunning: Clever at tricking others; sly. Cleverness at tricking or fooling others.
Deed: Something done; an act. A paper that shows who owns a certain building or
piece of land.
Doze: To sleep lightly; to nap.
Jagged: Having sharp points and edges.
Positive: Certain; sure. Trying to make things better; useful.
Respect: To look up to; to have a high opinion of. A good opinion of the worth or
value of something.
Responsible: Being the cause of something. Trustworthy; reliable.
Smuggle: To carry in or bring out in a secret way.
Version: A story or account of something that may differ from other accounts of
the same event.

Unit 15
Division: The act of dividing. One of the parts after something has been divided.
Something that divides or keeps apart.
Mental: Having to do with the mind.
Outcome: The way something ends; the final result
Pastime: Something done to pass the time pleasantly; a hobby or form of
Promote: To raise to a higher rank or position. To encourage or support; to help
bring about.
Rate: To place in a certain class or at a certain level. A measurement of one thing
compared to something else or to what has happened before.
Regret : To feel sorry for something. A feeling of sadness or of being sorry.
Talent: A skill for doing something well that comes naturally.
Theory: An idea or opinion that is used to explan certain facts but is not proved.
Tournament: A series of contests in which a number of individuals or teams play
against each other to find a winner.

Unit 16
Catastrophe: NOUN -- Something that causes great loss and suffering; a terible
Awe: NOUN -- a feeling of fear or nervous wonder and respect VERB-- to fill with
nervous wonder and respect
Awesome: ADJ -- Causing feeling of nervous wonder and respect
Consequence: NOUN -- 1) a result of outcome 2) importance
Collide: VERB -- to come together with great force
Collision: NOUN -- the act of coming together with great force
Fatality: NOUN -- a death resulting from an accident or a diaster
Deceive: VERB -- to cause to believe something that is not true, Deceptive: ADJ --
Intended to or likely to misleadm Deception: NOUN -- An act of misleading
Loom: NOUN -- a machine or device for weaving cloth VERB -- 1) to appear in a
sudden and frightening way. 2) to get frighteningly close
Improvise: VERB -- 1) to compose of perform without preparation 2) to make do
with whatever is on hand.
Placid: ADJ -- calm and peaceful
Lull: VERB -- to cause to relax NOUN -- a temporary clam or quiet period
Priority: NOUN -- the state or condition of being before another in importance in
Predicament: NOUN -- a difficult or trying situation
Stern: NOUN -- the rear part of a boat ADJ -- unpleasantly severe
Reinforce: VERB -- to increase or strengthen, Reinforcements: PL. N. -- extra
people such as soldiers or police sent to provide help
Treacherous: ADJ -- 1_ not to be trusted 2) actually dangerous while seeming to e

Unit 17
Corrode: to eat or wear away by degrees usually by chemical action
Debris: broken, scattered remains
Elated: happy and excited; overjoyed
Miniature: on a small scale
Onset: a start or beginning
Restrain: to hold back; to keep under control
Salvage: to save from destruction or loss
Scour: to clean by scrubbing hard

Unit 18
Hoax: NOUN -- an act intended to fool or deceive other. VERB -- to fool; to play a
trick on
Genuine: ADJ -- 1) real, being what it seems to be 2) honest; sincere
Recount : VERB - to give a detail ed account of NOUN -- A second count, as of
the vote in an election
Manipulate: VERB -- 1) to operate using the hands, especially in a skillful way. 2)
to control in a secret or unfair way
Skeptic: NOUN -- a person who is not easy to convince unless positive proof is
offered. ADJ -- Showing doubt or an unwillingness to believe NOUN -- An attitude
of doubt or disbelief
Anguish:NOUN -- extreme pain of the body or main. VERB to suffer extreme
doubts or uncertainties.
Abroad: ADV -- away from one's own country
Commend: VERB -- 1) to speak of with approval; to praise 2) to put in the care of
Commence: VERB -- to start; to began
Cordial: ADJ -- sincerely warm and friendly
Controversy: NOUN -- a public dispute that arouses strong feeling
Controversial: ADJ -- causing controversy
Earnest: ADJ -- serious and important; not light and playful
Dissent: VERB -- to disagree NOUN the expression of a difference of option
Exhilaration: NOUN -- Excitement; a state of elation
Exhilarating: ADJ -- exciting stimulating
Exhilarate: VERB -- to excite; to cause to feel lively
Elicit: VERB -- to draw or to cause

Unit 19
Retaliate: verb -- 1) to return an injury, usually in the same way
Retaliation: noun -- the act of retaliating
Restore: verb -- 1) to give back. 2) to bring back to the original condition
Restoration: Noun -- 1) the bringing back to the original condition 2) the thing that
is brought back to its original state
Strew: verb -- to scatter
Stench: noun -- a bad smell
Vicinity: noun -- the nearby or surrounding area
Clammy: ADJ -- cold and damp
Breach: NOUN -- an opening made by battering 2) a breaking or being broken.
VERB -- 1) to break through. 2) to fail to keep; to break
Elaborate: ADJ -- having great detail; done with much care VERB -- to give more
Construct: VERB -- to build; to make by fitting the parts together.
Construction:NOUN -- 1) the act of building. 2) something that is built.
Furnish: verb -- to equip with what is needed; to supply 2) to put furniture into
Furnishings PL.N. articles of furniture for the home of office
Fragrant: ADJ -- having a pleasant smell
Fragrance : noun -- a sweet or pleasant smell
Install: VERB -- 1) to put in place or set up 2) to place into office
Haven: NOUN -- a place of safety; a sanctuary
Repel: VERB -- 1) to drive away. 2) to throw off; to shed 3) to disgust
Repellent: Noun -- something that drives away or keeps off ADJ -- 1) able to drive
away or keep off 2) disgusting
Massive: ADJ -- very large and solid; heavy

Unit 20
Revenge: NOUN -- 1) the desire to return harm for harm done. 2) the act of paying
back wrong done. VERB -- to get even for a wrong done; to retaliate
Rash: NOUN -- 1) a breaking out of red spots on the skin 2) a series of outbreaks
ADJ -- too hasty or reckless
Swarm: VERB -- to move in large numbers NOUN -- a large, moving crowd or
Rodent: NOUN -- an animal with sharp teeth for gnawing
Vat: NOUN -- a large container such as a tub or barrel used for holding liquids
Council: NOUN -- a group of people who meet to decide or plan something give
advice or make laws
Bluster: VERB -- to talk in a loud and bullying manner NOUN -- loud, boastful or
threatening talk or commotion
Blustering: ADJ -- blowing loudly and violently
Exterminate: VERB -- to kill or destroy completely
Dwell: VERB -- 1) to live or reside 2) to keep thinking about
Dwelling: NOUN -- a house or home
Garment: NOUN -- any piece of clothing
Fee: NOUN -- a fixed sum of money charged
Insist: VERB -- to take a stand and hold firmly to it
Insistent: ADJ -- unyielding; firm
Infest: VERB -- to overrun in a way that causes harm or annoyance
Peculiar: ADJ -- 1) odd; strange 2) limited to a person, country, group, or thing
Paltry: ADJ -- very small and worthless; hardly worth considering

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