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R.C.S. No.: 62/2006

Plaintiff : Babu


Defendant : Isukoddin

Suit : Perpetual injunction.


Respected sir,

I, Janardhan S/o Kabeer Waghmare, Age: 66 years,

Occupation: Business, R/o Kaij, Tq. Kaij, Dist Beed, do hereby state
on solemn affirmation as follows:

1. That, the plaintiff No. 1 to 4 filed a suit against defendant

No. 1 to 4 for perpetual injunction and same is pending in this

2. That, the plaintiff No. 1 to 3 and defendant No. 3 and 4 are

real brothers of each other and plaintiff No. 4 is their real mother
who is no more. The plaintiff’s and defendant No. 3 and 4 having
same interest in the suit property.

3. That, the plaintiff No. 1 is residing at village Sindhi since

from 15 years and plaintiff’s No. 2 and 3 are residing at Pune
since from 10 years and defendant No. 4 is residing at Osmanabad
since from 10 years and they are not conducting the suit properly
for the other reasons.

4. That, the defendant No. 3 (Applicant) is in continuous and

physical possession over suit property since 1966 to till today and
by lapse of time defendant No. 3 (Applicant) constructed rooms
over suit property and conducting his business, residing in suit
property and his possession is legal one.

5. That, the applicant has a legal and valuable right of
possession over suit property and to protect that legal right, it is
necessary to allow the application in the interest of Justice.

6. That, to pass an effective decree and to avoid multiple city

of proceedings, it is necessary to bring applicant in capacity of
plaintiff No. 5 on record in this suit.

7. That, therefore it is just and necessary in the interest of

justice to bring the applicant as plaintiff No. 5 in this suit. Hence
this affidavit is filed herewith.

Date: / 08 / 2018 Defendant No. 3

Place: Kaij

(Janardhan Waghmare)

I, Janardhan S/o Kabeer Waghmare, the present deponent,

do hereby state on solemn affirmation that the contents of this
application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief, so I have signed hereunder.

Date: / 08 / 2018 Defendant No. 3

Place: Kaij

(Janardhan Waghmare)


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