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National Association for the Advancement of Indigenous People

CERTIFIED MAIL #: 7012 1010 0001 9134 1317



Also Certified-mailed to:

1401 Constitution Avenue N.W.
To: John H. Thompson, Director, Foreign Trade Processing Unit Bureau Washington, DC 20230
1201 EAST 10TH Street, Jeffersonville, Indiana 47132
and Certified Number:
Penny Pritzker, Secretary of Commerce, United States of America 7012 1010 0001 9134 1300

Amended January 1, 2016

With all due respect and courtesy, “You” are hereby served in “Your” individual capacity and in “Your”
official capacity as official government representatives of the United States of America; and in accordance with
“Your” OATH of OFFICE and “Your” promise and obligation to promote integrity and reject acts of “FRAUD”,
as well as all other domestic and international crimes.


 “YOU” and “YOUR” means and refers to: John H. Thompson, Penny Pritzker, Foreign Trade Processing
Bureau, United States Department of Commerce, state of Tennessee, state of Virginia, United States of
America and the United States Corporation;

 “PETITIONER(S)” means: Signatories to this presentment who are in possession of official records
validating their claims of being classified as “Negro” or “Colored”; aboriginal beneficiaries related to those
known as Choctaw, Chahta, Chatot, Xulae, Chickasaw, Chikasa, Saktchihuma, Chakchiuma, Onondaga,
Creek, Nahaganset, Cherokee, Aniyunwiya, Kituwa, Lenape, Yamassee, Wyandot, Seminole, Geechee,
Shawnee, Chickahominy, Powhatan, Oka Nashoba, Kiskiack, Massachusett, Pokanoket, Nehantic,
Mashapaug, Tiano, Shaawanwaki heritage and others;

 “AMERICAN ABORIGINE” within the context of this “NOTICE” means: American Indians, American
Indians reclassified as “Colored” and in many instances “Negro” and or “Freedman”;

 “EMIGRANT”: A person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another;

 “NEGRO” within this “NOTICE” means: Dark, black, mulatto, white, colored, Indian, aborigine and is
occasionally capitalized for the purpose of bringing respect and attention to the term “NEGRO” for the
benefit of “YOU” the recipient, and not as special entitlement or identifier of, or for Petitioners; used as a
political legal reference.

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FIRST: This is lawful Constructive Notice and is sent pursuant to Common International Law, the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights for Indigenous People, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and pursuant to
“Your” Oath sworn by you to the Constitution of the United States of America, and requires “Your” written
response to me specific to the subject matter. “Your” failure to respond or rebut as stipulated, with particularity,
everything in this Constructive Notice and Affidavit with which “You” disagree, is “Your” lawful, legal and
binding agreement with and admission to the fact that everything in this Constructive Notice and International
Affidavit is true, correct, legal, lawful and fully binding upon “You” in any court in America and the World Court,
without “Your” protest or objection or that of those who may represent “You”. “Your” silence is “Your”
acquiescence and shall be met with tort for “fraud” and other causes to remedy violations of United States Federal
Law and Customary International Law and Trade at the District Court in Washington, D.C.

SECOND: This communication is extended in the Spirit of “Peace, Harmony and Balance” from the National
Association for the Advancement of Indigenous People (NAAIP) located in the region of Cherokee, North
Carolina, America;

and comes from Hemoc Xelup, Member and National Director for the National Association for the Advancement
of Indigenous People (NAAIP). NAAIP is a United Nations registered NGO and was established by Bureau of
Indian Affairs 25 CFR recognized aborigine and Native Americans [misnomer] and non-recognized aborigine and
Native Americans [misnomer] along with signatories foreign and domestic.

The purpose of this communication is for the specific action of establishing an official record of this
communication and for the expeditious correction of “Your” official public United States Census records as
applied to the herein mentioned and listed American Aborigine.

For centuries prior to American invasion by Europe, aboriginal tribes, clans, people and nations flourished during
pre and early colonial history. Thousands of aboriginal groups occupied the lands of North America, and during
the development and formation of the United States, U.S. policy makers devised concepts to deny certain
aboriginal groups rights to exist as members of the human family. These specific groups were denied the right to
identity, culture and nationality; all due to United States of America policies implemented for the beneficial
enrichment and interests of the European ruling class under a system of suppression and colonization.

The United States exists as an abstract entity, and within and beyond its official buildings and vaults of
informational documents are files reflecting the unrevealed secret lives, cultures, people and nations of Aborigines
in American where truth lies unrevealed to the misclassified benefactors. “You” and “Your” Office, complicit with
United States policy, have applied and continue to apply methods of colonization and disenfranchisement through
concerted national acts of political misidentification, race misclassification, commercial identity theft, ethnicity-
based judicial oppression, social and economic inequality and constructive fraud. Today, in North America 2014
AD, millions of unidentified, unrecognized and unaccepted aborigine people exist in the shadows, purposefully
hidden within United States domestic policy.

The United States agenda of colonization adopted from Spain and France of pre-1500 AD continues today through
means that are constructively cloaked; “Your” agency is one such construct aiding in the continuation of ethnic
cleansing and colonizing through race misclassification. Not allowing the descendants of colonized and enslaved
Negro aborigine to have a culture or identity is a violation of International Law and Treaties.

The United States of America and “Your” agency are co-conspirators in the denial and prohibition of the American
Aborigines’ protection of their basic human rights, identity, sacred artifacts and nationality; actions that are
contrary to international law and “Your” constitutional obligations. The actions of deliberate race and ethnic

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misclassification with the intent to ethnically cleanse and subjugate Aborigines in the founding colonies of the
united states, and the continuation of such acts, practices and tactics by “Your” Agency and the United States must
now cease in the year 2014; “Your” Agency and the United States must begin a cessation of misidentification,
misclassification and ethnic cleansing policies and begin the removal of and forever denounce the colonial
methods and doctrines that have been utilized.

It is time to remove the obstacles, quagmires, concepts and policies developed by the United States to
disenfranchise millions of Aboriginal People across America leaving them lost in perpetual ancestral confusion,
searching to find what was taken and hidden by the institutions of the United States government.

In 2005, at the United Nations World Summit, President Bush submitted a Salvage Claim with the United Nations
to detain, arrest, or remove immigrants from the United States; in part because Bush policy supported the belief
that immigrants had destroyed the United States economic infrastructure as dependants in need of welfare, food
stamps, free housing, student loan defaults and were the cause of the expansion of criminal justice systems and

Today, in 2014, the Negro has been relabeled “African-American”; now, the legal classification of “African
Immigrant” belongs to the Negro, and as misclassified benefactors, the Negro descendants are subject to listed
claims made against immigrants by the United States government; therefore, immediate redress is sought.

As we approach the Millennium Development Goal’s Deadline of 2015, it is imperative to enlist “You” in making
immediate change to and correcting “Petitioners’” classification. The mandates associated with the United Nations
Sustainable Development Agenda 21 requires written claims of indigenous people, lands, identity and missions be
submitted and engaged in writing before 2015; this submission of Affidavit to “You” satisfies the United Nations
requirement for claims of Petitioners.

Petitioners and signatories to this presentment are in possession of official records validating their claims of being
classified as “Negro” and “Colored”; beneficiaries of “O” blood lines related to those organically known as
Choctaw, Chahta, Chatot, Xulae, Chickasaw, Chikasa, Saktchihuma, Chakchiuma, Onondaga, Creek, Nahaganset,
Cherokee, Aniyunwiya, Kituwa, Lenape, Yamassee, Wyandot, Seminole, Geechee, Shawnee, Chickahominy,
Powhatan, Kiskiack, Massachusett, Pokanoket, Nehantic, Mashapaug, Tiano, Shaawanwaki heritage and various


 Claims to ancestors who were natural inhabitants of America, pre-colonization;
 Claims to inheritance, rights and treaties as prescribed to Petitioners’ ancestors;
 Claims to rights of identity and rights of full reclassification in accordance with international law and the
law of nations of and to Petitioners’ cultural standing via historic family locations, records, oral
testimonies and other valid and internationally accepted means resulting in immediate change to status and
standing as “American Aborigine”.


 Validated References of the Negro living in common and not being enslaved pre trans-Atlantic Slave
Trade in America;
 Evidence showing the “dark Indian” referenced as Negro in United States Acts and laws promoting and
perpetuating slavery without African slaves from transatlantic slave involvement, and

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 The genocide, ethnic cleansing and forceful removal of Negro Indians to colonized lands of West Africa.


1640 Evidence suggests that Negroes are becoming enslaved in the tobacco colonies (Virginia, Delaware, and
Maryland). (Jordan, 44) During this period there is no Trans-Atlantic slave trade to America.
1649 Three hundred Negroes in Virginia - about 2 percent of the population, (Jordan, 73); and during this period
there is no Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
1662 Virginia passes an anti-miscegenation law. (Jordan, 79) This law was passed to end Negro and European
relations including marriage.
1680 Slaves begin an increase in population from 4.6% in 1680 to over 20% in 1750; in the South from 5.7% to
nearly 40%. (Klinker and Smith, 12); this was also accomplished without transatlantic slave trade
1691 Virginia passes an anti-miscegenation law that prohibits all interracial liaisons. (Jordan, 80)
Virginia requires manumitted Negroes to leave the state. (Jordan, 124). This law ended all relations with
the Negro and all free Negro had to leave the colony.
1700 Negroes are now commonly being treated as chattel slaves. (Jordan, 44)
In the Southern colonies, free Negroes are unable by law to testify against white persons. In New England,
free Negroes can testify against anyone. (Jordan, 123). Prior to 1700 the Negro was not treated commonly
as chattel property.
1705 Southern colonies begin enacting slave codes. (Brown and Stentiford, 223), and the Virginia Assembly
declares Negroes ineligible to hold public office. (Jordan, 126). Before this ruling, Negroes were allowed
to hold any public office.
October 1705-CHAP. IV. An act declaring who shall not bear office in this country stated [The text of this
act suggests that a free man of color did hold an office sometime before October of 1705. The statute
contains the first definition of a mulatto in Virginia's laws.]: ''Be it enacted and declared, and it is hereby
enacted and declared, that the child of an Indian and the child, grandchild, or great grandchild of a Negro
shall be deemed, accounted, held and taken to be a mulatto.'' Source: Hening, ed., VIRGINIA, the Statutes
at Large, vol. 3, pp. 250-251, 252. This is one of the first recorded acts showing mis-identification and
misclassification as a prelude to a new type of ethnic cleansing, perpetuated even today, by the United
States government agency et al.
1715 North Carolina and South Carolina bar Negroes from the polls; North Carolina does not continue the
prohibition after the 1730s. (Jordan, 126); North Carolina adopts an anti-miscegenation law. (Jordan, 139);
this was before mass slavery in the southern states.
For historians of the colonial south, particularly the lands south of the Tennessee River and east of the
Mississippi, the trade in Indian slaves has long been one of the region's greatest unsolved mysteries. In the
half century before 1715, intertribal warfare, kidnapping, and enslavement displaced thousands and
reshaped the lives of all of the region's inhabitants. Slave raids depopulated the missions of Spanish
Florida and complicated French efforts to colonize Louisiana. Disparate Indian communities formed
powerful confederacies in an effort to take advantage of the lucrative trade and avoid enslavement. By
exporting their human cargoes everywhere from Boston to Barbados, the British slave traders of South
Carolina spurred the colony's economy while extending its influence among slave-hunting Indians as far
west as the Mississippi River. No corner of the region escaped the hunt for slaves or its consequences.
1717 South Carolina adopts an anti-miscegenation law. (Jordan, 139); and "In 1719, South Carolina decided
who should be an "Indian" for tax purposes since American slaves were taxed at a lesser rate than African
slaves. The act stated: “And for preventing all doubts and scruples that may arise what ought to be rated on
mustees, mulattoes, etc. all such slaves as are not entirely Indian shall be accounted as Negro. The act is
also significant because it asserts that part-Americans Natives with or without African ancestry could be
counted as Negroes, thus having an implication for all later slave census accounting".
1723 Virginia bars Negroes from the polls. (Jordan, 126)
Virginia prohibits manumission of Negroes. (Jordan, 124)
1745 Massachusetts prohibits Negroes from participating in a government lottery. (Jordan, 130)

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1758 Carl Linnaeus develops a simple classificatory system of races - Caucasian, Ethiopian, Mongolian, and
American - based largely on external, visible factors. (Brown and Stentiford, 528)
1775 American Revolution begins and last until 1783
1762 Virginia disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354);
DEFINITION of disenfranchise: verb (transitive)
1. To deprive (a person) of the right to vote or other rights of citizenship;
2. To deprive (a place) of the right to send representatives to an elected body;
3. To deprive (a business concern, etc) of some privilege or right;
4. To deprive (a person, place, etc) of any franchise or right.
1776 5,000 Negro soldiers participate in the American Revolution. (Brown and Stentiford, 281)
Declaration of Independence describes Indians as “merciless Indian Savages.” (Nugent, 4)
Thomas Jefferson’s indictment of slavery is removed from the Declaration of Independence out of fear that
the Southern colonies, especially South Carolina and Georgia, would refuse to sign. (Brown and
Stentiford, 462); Thomas Jefferson had many fears, the greatest of which was Negro over-population and
the fear that slavery would increase Negro anxiety; he preferred removal of Negro to Africa. Thomas
Jefferson made the historic statement, part of which is inscribed on the Jefferson Monument in
Washington, DC; it says: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are
to be free.” However, the rest of his statement has gone unnoticed; it clearly says: "…Nor is it less certain
that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." End quote.
1777 Georgia disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
1779 South Carolina disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
1780 Society of Friends and the Pennsylvania Abolition Society petitioned the Pennsylvania legislature to
amend the Gradual Abolition Act of 1780. The petition was a success, and as a result, the Pennsylvania
legislature made it illegal to transport enslaved children or pregnant woman out of Pennsylvania. The act
made it impossible to use Philadelphia ports to build, outfit or send ships containing human cargo. Finally,
the act also placed heavy fines on kidnapping enslaved African-Americans and made it illegal to separate
slave families by more than ten miles.
Revolutionary era constitutions of Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia exclude Negroes from the
franchise. (Jordan, 412)
1781 An estimated 200,000 to 250,000 Indians are living east of the Mississippi, and by 1780, almost all Indians
have been pushed west of the Appalachians. (Nugent, 10)
1783 Treaty of Paris extends recognition to the United States as an independent nation. Acquisition of Trans-
Appalachia, (Nugent, 4), officially established the United states of America as valid government.
1786 In Massachusetts, an act of 1786 voids marriages between whites and Negroes. (Jordan, 472)
Massachusetts legislature votes to expel all Negroes who are not citizens of one of the states. (Litwack,
16). It is clear Negroes in abundance were being disenfranchised and clearly not slaves from the trans-
Atlantic slave trade.
1787 Thomas Jefferson publishes Notes on State of Virginia, his claims endorsed racialism, Negro intellectual
inferiority, and calls for the colonization of free Negroes to their native climate of all Negroes. (Jordan,
1788 The U.S. Constitution is made, and specifically excludes Indian nations from inclusion in the American
political system. Classified as foreign nations and “Indians not taxed,” the Constitution gave Congress
exclusive jurisdiction for dealing with Indian tribes. (Brown and Stentiford, 579)
South Carolina bans slave importations. (Jordan, 318)
1790 National campaign from 1790 through 1800 was openly waged to racially cleanse the existing united states
of Negroes, Virginia in particular, which contains 40% of all [EAST APPALACHIA] Negro population.
(Jordan, 542) Over 860,000 Negro recorded throughout all the colonies, (Russell, The Free Negro in
Virginia, 16-41) Virginia Bureau of the Census; see also The Journal of Negro History, VIII, 247- 283.
The first federal naturalization law, the Naturalization Act of 1790, restricts American citizenship to “free
white persons.” (Jordan, 341); Negroes are not permitted, but they are highly populated.
1791 Vermont admitted to the Union. (Keyssar, 352)
1792 Kentucky admitted to the Union. (Nugent, 44), and Delaware disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
1794 Congress passes a law forbidding Americans from participating in the international slave trade. (Jordan,
327), and this is done because America already has too many Negro.

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1795 Treaty of Greenville was delivered signed allegedly declaring Indians ceding title to 3/4ths of the future
state of Ohio (Nugent, 44), and the Treaty of San Lorenzo, acquisition of the Yazoo Strip (Southern
Mississippi and Southern Alabama) from Spain, (Nugent, 100) were treaties which included Negro
1796 Tennessee admitted to the Union. (Nugent, 44)
1799 New York adopts a law for gradual emancipation. (Davis, xiv)
Kentucky disenfranchises 41,085 free Negroes, and (Keyssar, 354)), (Brown and Stentiford, 437) not any
of these free people were brought to America via the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
A slave conspiracy known as Gabriel’s Rebellion is foiled in Richmond, Virginia (Hinks and McKivigan,
xxxix) where the Negro clearly shows the vent of rebellion against colonization and slavery.
South Carolina outlaws residence of free Negroes. (Jordan, 399)
1801 Maryland statute disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
1802 Georgia relinquishes claim to Alabama and Mississippi in exchange for a promise by the Jefferson
administration that the federal government would seek voluntary removal of Indian tribes within her
boundaries, (Howe, 256) areas abundant with Negro inhabitants; the first to be enslaved on southern
Negroes excluded from suffrage in the District of Columbia. (Jordan, 412)
Ohio disenfranchises Negroes. (Jordan, 412) (Keyssar, 354)
Maryland officially disenfranchises Negroes, (Jordan, 412) as it is shown, a pattern of taking away rights
of the Negro permits eligibility and prerequisite for joining the union of united states; it enforces
Petitioners’ claims revealing relationships existed with the Negro benefactor of aboriginal composition
whose rights were subverted and ultimately eliminated.
1803 South Carolina reopens the slave trade. (Jordan, 318)
1804 Both houses of the Virginia legislature adopt resolutions calling for removal of free Negroes. (Jordan, 565)
Ohio restricts immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220)
1805 Yet again, both houses of the Virginia legislature adopt resolutions calling for the removal of free Negroes.
The resolution of 1805 instructed Virginia congressmen to press for a portion of the Louisiana Territory
for settlement of free Negroes. (Jordan, 565)
1806 Hudgins v. Wright, the court decides that three generations of women with straight black hair were Indian,
not black, and therefore free. (Brown and Stentiford, 535)
Virginia restricts the right of masters to manumit their slaves; free blacks must leave the state within one
year. (Jordan, 574)
Ohio prohibits permanent residence of Negroes. (Jordan, 575)
1807 Slave trade abolished in the United States, (Hinks and McKivigan, xxxix) Maryland prohibits permanent
residence of free Negroes, (Jordan, 575) and Louisiana prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam,
Delaware bans racial intermarriage, (Jordan, 472) and Delaware prohibits immigration of free Negroes.
(Farnam, 220)
New Jersey disenfranchises Negroes; “No person shall vote in any state or county election for officers in
the government of the United States or of this state, unless such person be a white male citizen.” (Keysser,
Ohio restricts immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220)
1808 Decennial Report of the Bureau of Census 1808; more than 800,000 Negro in the Current collective states,
with an alleged 340,000 from slave trade; not trans-Atlantic. Current census records more than 500,000
free Negro.
U.S. Congress outlaws participation in the African slave trade. (Davis, xiv)
Negroes excluded from suffrage in the Mississippi and Indiana territories. (Jordan, 412)
Kentucky prohibits immigration of free Negroes, (Farnam, 199-200) and has a population of more than
60,000 disenfranchised Negro being now prepared for slavery into the southern states to work the cotton
1810 Maryland constitution disenfranchises Negroes (Keyssar, 354)
South Carolina disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
All Southern and two Northern states pass laws either restricting immigration of free Negroes, banning it
altogether, or requiring emigration of emancipated slaves. (Jordan, 410)

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1811 The German Coast Slave Insurrection erupts in Louisiana, (Hinks and McKivigan, xxxix) and Tecumseh
of the Creek Confederacy rallies the tribes and clans of the Old Northwest and Old Southwest against the
American advance. (Nugent, 47)
Paul Cuffe, a prominent Negro business man began working with the United States agencies and assisted
in the removal of Native Negro to Sierra Leone as Negro Emigrant; more than 48,000 were removed to
various locations along the West African coast.
Delaware prohibits immigration of free Negroes, (Farnam, 220) and as shown above, Negroes who were
not from a particular state were not allowed to come into that state; again there existed a hope of and
preparation for southern slavery trafficking.
1812 Louisiana admitted to the Union, (Nugent, 70) and within weeks the state disenfranchises all Negroes.
(Keyssar, 354)
1814 Treaty of Fort Jackson; Creeks are forced to cede much of their land in Alabama and Georgia. (Nugent,
1816 Bishop Richard Allen founds the African Methodist Episcopal Church, (Brown and Stentiford, 252) which
was a primary tool for colonization; religion.
Indiana admitted to the Union; Indiana abolishes slavery; (Litwack, 3) Indiana disenfranchises Negroes.
(Keyssar, 354)
Virginia state legislature overwhelmingly endorses colonization of free Negro emigrants in West Africa
and for a few years, the legislatures of Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, and six northern states follow
Virginia’s example in endorsing colonization; so did the national governing bodies of the Presbyterian,
Methodist, Baptist, and Episcopal denominations. (Howe, 261-262)
Choctaw cession in West Alabama, Creek cession in North Alabama, and Chickasaw cession in West
Alabama were now implemented. (Howe, 354)
American Colonization Society formed to promote the colonization of free blacks in Africa. ( Davis,
The legislatures of fourteen states endorse Negro colonization. (Litwack, 24)
The Virginia House of Delegates resolves (137 to 9) that the governor corresponds with the U.S. president
concerning a suitable territory for the colonization and removal of free Negroes. (Jordan, 565) In 1816
after the French revolutionary win, Charles Fenton Mercer joined Tennessee and Maryland to form the
American Colonization Society, and When it had set forth its purpose of Negro repatriation, it enlisted in
its ranks a distinguished body of government leaders, which included Francis Scott Key, John Randolph,
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, Charles Fenton Mercer, John Marshall, Andrew
Jackson, Daniel Webster, Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln, all seeking to remove the American Negro
(Aborigine) from his natural home, where he existed for many centuries prior to colonization.
Thomas Jefferson expressed about race relations, a partial inscribed on the Jefferson Monument in
Washington, DC, states: "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to
be free." However, the sentence which followed and left off the monument states: "Nor is it less certain that
the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government."
President Jefferson appealed to the British in 1803 to allow Negro emigrants within British colonies, but
the British refused to allow Negro emigrants, expressing, “the American Negro were too lazy and
carefree. Refer Lincoln Negro Policy, Ernest Sevier Cox.
During this period President Jefferson corresponded with the Sierra Leone Company in 1804 and sought
to secure the consent of that country to receive Negro emigrants from the United States. Virginia Library
1817 New York adopts a law that frees all remaining slaves in 1827. (Davis, xiv)
Mississippi is admitted to the Union (Nugent, 225) and immediately disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar,
James Forten a free Negro businessman and sail maker fought vigorously against colonizing Negro to
Africa and expressed the Negro had far greater claim to rights in America, he also worked with Richard
Allen to establish the first Convention of Color in this year of 1817. The purpose of the convention was to
assist fugitive Negro in resettling in Canada and also to state their opposition to colonization to Africa.
James Forten also helped establish the American Anti-Slavery Society and helped sponsor William Lloyd
Garrison's newspaper, The Libertarian, which promoted Negro rights.
1818 Creek cession in Georgia, Chickasaw cession in Tennessee and Kentucky. (Howe, 354)

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Black males lose the right to vote in Connecticut, (Howe, 497) and Connecticut disenfranchises
Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
First Seminole War. (Nugent, 122)
Illinois abolishes slavery. (Litwack, 3) Illinois disenfranchises Negroes (Keyssar, 354)
Georgia prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
1819 Anti Slave Trade Act March 3, 1819; after which bringing African Slaves to the United States was made
Maine admitted to the Union. (Litwack, 31)
Alabama admitted to the Union and automatically disenfranchises Negroes (Keyssar, 354)
In the states admitted after 1819, every state but Maine disenfranchised Negroes. (Howe, 497)
1820 Free Negroes could not exercise certain rights and privileges guaranteed to American citizens and aliens.
(Litwack, 33)
Congress authorizes the citizens of Washington, D.C. to elect “white” only city officials and to adopt a
code governing free Negroes and slaves. (Litwack, 31)
Under the Anti Slave Trade Act, additional laws made transatlantic slaving a major crime under penalty of
death in this year 1820 African slave trade was abolished completely and in 1824 and labeled as piracy.
South Carolina prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
1821 Missouri admitted to the Union, (Nugent, 128) and immediately disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
1822 Black males lose the right to vote in Rhode Island. (Howe, 497)
Mississippi prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
1824 Ohio state legislature passes a resolution proposing African colonization linked with gradual emancipation.
The resolution is soon seconded by seven other states and Delaware. (Howe, 265)
Elizabeth Heyrick anonymously publishes the pamphlet Immediate, not Gradual Emancipation (Hinks and
McKivigan, xl) again depicting the Negro removal from native lands.
1826 Creek cession in Georgia. (Howe, 354)
North Carolina prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
Florida Territory prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
1827 Gradual emancipation comes to an end in New York. Slavery abolished. (Howe, 174)
Michigan Territory restricts immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220)
1830 170,130 Negroes living in Kentucky, (Brown and Stentiford, 438) and not from African slave trade. The
United States so desperately wanted to remove the Negro that in 1830 Congress passed and issued new
rules and laws to send Negro Emigrants to Africa whenever and wherever possible. (Ernest Cox)
INDIAN REMOVAL ACT May 28, 1830 broadened the United States agenda of ethnic cleansing and
genocide and slavery of the aboriginal Negro people of America.
From early colonization, The United States began encouraging and negotiating with the Negro to emigrate
to Africa; but year after year the hopes of removing the Negro from American soil failed. The Negro was
only a valuable asset to southern slavers and plantation owners, who were commercially driven to support
slavery of the dark aborigine called Negro. Rufas King – U.S Senate proposed selling public lands to
finance Negro emigration to Africa.
1831 Tennessee prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
1832 Alabama prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
The “Oltro Plan” of 1832 was actually designed to promote Negro Emancipation, Emigration to
Colonization, but the slave states rejected this plan causing the first national divide between North and
South states of the United States. This included the purchase of land in Africa by the state of Virginia for
the purpose of forming the colony of Liberia.
1833 Kentucky legislature passes a law banning slave imports. (Brown and Stentiford, 437)
1834 Tennessee disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
1835 Texas legalizes slavery and declares free Negroes have no rights. (Nugent, 152)
1836 Arkansas admitted to the Union, (Keyssar, 342) and disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
1837 Michigan admitted to the Union and disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
1840 Texas prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
1843 Arkansas prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
Missouri prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 199-200)
1844 Oregon bans free Negro settlers. (Nugent, 175)

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Rhode Island passes an anti-miscegenation law. (Farnam, 216)
1845 Florida admitted to the Union. (Keyssar, 342)
Florida disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
Texas admitted to the Union and (Nugent, 155) disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
1846 Iowa admitted to the Union and disenfranchises Negroes (Keyssar, 354)
Michigan passes an anti-miscegenation law. (Farnam, 216)
1847 Missouri bans all free Negro settlers. (Howe, 157)
1848 Wisconsin admitted to the Union and disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
Illinois prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220)
1849 Oregon Territory prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220)
1850 California admitted to the Union, (Nugent, 218) and disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
California passes an anti-miscegenation law. (Farnam, 216)
Virginia constitution disenfranchises Negroes. (Keyssar, 354)
Kentucky legislature legalizes slave importation. (Brown and Stentiford, 437)
1851 Indiana prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220)
Iowa Territory prohibits immigration of free Negroes. (Farnam, 220)

1860 In 1790 the first federal census reported 697,897 slaves (Table 1). Though concentrated in the southern
states, especially in the tobacco production areas of Maryland and Virginia, slaves were reported in all the
states except Massachusetts. By 1810, two years after the close of the foreign slave trade, the slave
population had increased to almost 1.16 million. Yet after the trans-Atlantic slave trade was banned in the
United States, in 1850 DeBow Statistics review for the United States recorded an increase in slave
population of more than 1,740,000 people, while no foreign slave trade existed in America. This clearly
represents the kidnapping of at least two million Negro from within the boundaries of North America and
the United States. The book “Economics of American Negro Slavery 1830-1860” written by Robert Evans,
Jr., Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, (DeBow, Statistical review, p. 94. suggested that in1850 about
400,000 slaves lived in cities and towns and 2,500,000 slaves of all ages worked in agriculture with
1,815,000 in cotton, 350,000 in tobacco, 150,000 in cane sugar, 125,000 in rice, and 60,000 in hemp. 5
Ukich B. Phillips, American Negro Slavery, New York, Appleton-Century, 1936, p. 391. 188

All those acts were committed in violation of the “Law of Nations” and after the civil war that ended the southern
United States slavery, the process of misclassification intensified.

1910 Tennessee initiates the Negro reclassification process by creating the “One Drop Rule”.
The most damaging of all acts and methods created by the United states defined race by the "one-drop
rule", which was instituted by the state government of Tennessee and was adopted throughout the
continental United states, defining as "colored" persons with any African or Native American ancestry. It
also expanded the scope of Virginia's ban on interracial marriage (anti-miscegenation law) by
criminalizing all marriages between white persons and non-white persons.
1912 As registrar, primary custodian and developer of Negro and Indian classification policy for Virginia,
Walter Ashby Plecker directed the reclassification of nearly all Virginia Indians as colored on their birth
and marriage certificates because he was convinced that most Indians had African heritage and were
trying to "pass" as Indian to evade segregation. Consequently, two or three generations of Virginia,
Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Ohio, Florida, North and South Carolina, West
Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Rhode Island,
Massachusetts, Vermont and Louisiana aborigine had their ethnic identity altered and misclassified on the
public record documents; equating to “Paper Genocide”.
The creators of the Racial Integrity Act John Powell and Earnest S. Cox believed that the Racial Integrity
Act was needed as “maintenance of the integrity of the white race to preserve its superior blood” and also
believed in what was called “the great man concept” which means that if the races were to intersect that it
would lower the rate of great white men in the world.
1924 On March 20, 1924 the Virginia General Assembly passed two laws that had arisen out of contemporary
concerns about eugenics and race: SB 219, entitled "The Racial Integrity Act" and “SB 281” ; "An ACT to
provide for the sexual sterilization of inmates of State institutions in certain cases", henceforth referred to

Page 9 of 25
as "The Sterilization Act"; the result of which can only be a credit towards race discrimination and ethnic
cleansing and genocide.
The Racial Integrity Act required that a racial description of every person be recorded at birth and divided
society into only two classifications: white and colored (essentially all other, which included numerous
dark American indigenous people.). The “Racial Integrity Act” was designed to erase Dark Indians from
the public record and through constructive fraud forced the Negro into “permanent exile in his own home
In 1967 the law was overturned by the United States Supreme Court in its ruling on Loving v. Virginia, but
not before more than twenty other states adopted the same racially suppressive laws.
The Racial Integrity Act called for only two racial categories to be recorded on birth certificates, rather
than the traditional six: "white" and "colored" (which included / includes) Indian and all discernible mixed
race persons.) The effects were quickly seen.
1930 The U.S. Census for Virginia recorded only 779 Indians and the rest were classified as “Negro”; by 1940,
that number had been reduced to 198 because the rest were labeled Negro. In effect, this form of ethnic
cleansing literally erased 90% of all aboriginal history from recorded history in America; the aborigine
was being erased as a group from official United States records.
1934 Memorial to Congress was submitted and the Senate response: "Therefore be it resolved by the House of
Delegates, the Senate concurring, that the General Assembly of Virginia memorialize the Congress of the
United States to make provisions for the colonization of persons of African descent, with their own
consent, in Liberia, or at any other place or places on the African continent."
1936 Under the “Negro Peace Movement”, Negroes could receive federal aid if they agreed to emigrate to
Africa and settle upon lands held in trust for emigrants from the United States. Many of the applicants had
been reduced to the relief rolls, and they appealed to the President to use relief funds to aid them in taking
up holdings in Liberia. President Roosevelt and the State of Virginia lobbied Congress to appropriate funds
to send more than 350,000 Negro to Africa, but congress would not approve the funding to relocate those
Negro who agreed to go.
1967 Racial Integrity Act inter-racial marriage laws were found to be unconstitutional by the United States
Supreme Court, and in 1975 the Virginia's Assembly finally repealed the remainder of the Racial Integrity
Act. All classified Virginia Negro if born before July 1960 – Supreme Court in 1968 ruled Negro could
reclassify and ruled against the “Racial Integrity Act.
1968 It is common place in America for most Negro to now be referred to as “Black” in all United States census
and commercial records. This classification has permanently entrenched the aborigine into a sustained state
of underclass totally dependent people in America, without history, heritage, culture or true identity.
1986 Finally, in America, the efforts to remove the Negro from true aboriginal standing and status, the
Aborigine, who was reclassified as “Negro”, then reclassified as “Black” is now reclassified as an
immigrant called “African American”; a foreigner to the lands and aboriginal rights of his own home
provided by nature.
1997 On March 3, 1997, then President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton signed Executive Order
13037 encompassing the “Commission to Study Capital Budgeting”, where he signed a Uniform
Commercial Code -1 filing to effectively classify United States citizens as Human Capital for the purpose
of collateral funding with the International Monetary Fund. This action was committed without “Prior
Notice or Prior Consent” of, by or from the parties including “Petitioners”.
This Executive Order No. 13037 March 4, 1997 (specifically section 2 subsection ( b ) ) is a clear example
of commercial fraud and identity theft, which furthers the deception against the Negro by placing the
Negro unknowingly into dire international debt, where the descendants of the aborigine could now face
penalties of debt, which may include removal from natural lands to foreign lands, perpetual peonage and
even debt under certain draconian foreign laws and jurisdiction as a result of perpetual fraud and identity
2008 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTE releases “INDIVISABLE” documentary revealing dual timeline habitation
between the Negro and Native American history predating colonization.

Publishing of “Racial Reorganization and the United States Census 1850-1930” by Hochschild JL, Powell;
includes the following statement from United States Census Director on the 15th of October 1936: “The

Page 10 of 25
classification by race or color of individuals, or even entire populations, is not only very difficult, but is a
very delicate matter to the United States Government” - Census Director; and also “The Census Bureau
should be] the greatest statistical laboratory of the United States government, worthy to rank with the best
statistical offices maintained by European governments.” —Secretary of Commerce and Labor, 1902. In
fact, census officials and their supporters were clearly annoyed by this Congressional imposition. Porter
pointedly noted that “the persons of negro descent are further classified under the law, as follows; being
outside the government.”

Dr. David Imhotep, who served as President of the Egyptology Society at the Miami Museum of Science
& Planetarium, also received the first Ph.D. concentrating in ancient African history from Union
University in Cincinnati, Ohio and was featured in the Journal of Black Studies, issue volume-entitled the
“African Aqualithic Period”. Based on professional peer-reviewed research, accessed privileged
information and examination of files and artifacts at the Smithsonian Institute, Dr. Imhotep reveals in his
book “The First Americans Were Africans” that;

a) Africans began sailing to the Americas many centuries before European arrival and well before
5000 B.C. His research shows the first Asians entering North America around 3000 B.C. where
they made contact with indigenous “Black” Americans who ultimately produced the first “Native
b) The information made available also reveals more proof of Negro in America from autopsy results
of Ramses II of 1213 BCE. The autopsy revealed his stomach had residue of American Tobacco &
South American Coca Leaves. Recently, the Smithsonian Institute provided additional proof of
Negro existence in America announcing the find of eleven 12,000 year old Negroid mummies at
the Grand Canyon, Nevada;
c) As late as 1312 A.D., Mali’s Abubakari II’s 2000 wooden ships reached the Americas exactly as
their forefathers had done for tens of thousands of years;
d) In 1607 Captain John Smith himself, reported being captured by Black Indians in Virginia;
e) In 1881, John W. Powell appointed Cyrus Thomas to be the Director of the Eastern Mound
Division of the Smithsonian Institute’s Bureau of Ethnology. Cyrus Thomas commented on
“Indian Mounds” in America; he said that, “There was a race of mound builders in America
distinct from the Native American. Cyrus Thomas’s map shows 1,000,000 Indian Mounds in N.
America, but today’s maps show less than one thousand.

2014 Hundreds of thousands of Aboriginal People were misclassified due to ethnic reclassification fraud
committed by the United States through the Department of Commerce through government regulated and
mandated census, which languished for decades under Virginia’s ethnic cleansing doctrines. In a 1943
letter, Walter Plecker wrote to all public officials and medical facilities asserting that Virginia Indians No
Longer Exist. The damage done has left more than six generations of American Negro aborigines with
their ethnic identity altered on official state sanctioned public documents; this equates to the greatest
commercial acts and economic schemes of constructive fraud, identity theft and ethnic cleansing of
aboriginal Americans; crimes against humanity perpetrated by the United states legislative bodies
throughout its entire history.


Through laws, policies and statutes, the actions of the United States and United States Agencies have resulted in
murder, mayhem and racial genocide, divided and dislocated families, destroyed, hidden and denied culture and
history of the descendants of America’s Aboriginal People. The United States and its agencies must now initiate
methods of reclamation beginning with Identity Reclassification. Under current United States biased and
discriminative policies, and specific to the “Indian Reorganization Act of 1934” methods of recognizing native
descendants, misclassification has been covertly and destructively applied. These methods have forsaken the basic
human rights of millions of aboriginal descendants. Methods and processes the same as and similar to the paper
genocide inflicted by the “One Drop Rule” and concerning “half or more Indian blood” and “blood quantum”

Page 11 of 25
constitute constructive fraud and identity theft. The use of the Department of Interior’s anthropomorphic
techniques to determine American Aboriginal heritage are tools utilized to hide and misclassify a race of people
based on ethnicity and are utilized for the purpose of wealth building to sustain the special class of “White”
citizens in superior standing. Such violations are perpetuated by “You” as “You” are the first in the chain of United
States Department of Commerce violators in the deliberate continued misclassification, identity-theft and
constructive fraud against American Aborigines for financial gain. “Your” forms, policies and methods advocated
have taken living Aboriginal People of America and reduced them (“Petitioners”) to the legal construct of
“Negro”, abandoned and left without the means to navigate or adjudicate back to a real world of substance,
sustenance, Spirit and nature.


Racial Integration was America’s strictest race law. The recompense that Petitioners seek pales in comparison to
the effects they currently suffer, resulting from the invidious racial discrimination they have been impacted by for
more than 500 years, which was designed to encourage “white” supremacy in America.
We, the “Petitioners”, misclassified aborigine descendants classed as “Colored and Negro”, seek rights afforded to
indigenous people in America. We additionally seek the following:

1. To be reclassified in “Your” records as “American Aborigine”;

2. A recommendation from “Your” agency to the United States Government Executive Branch the necessity
for immediate change to the overall classification process and the fraudulent appropriation of funding the
United States government;

3. A cessation of current Department of Commerce financial activities, which may involve “Petitioners”
without “Petitioners’” knowledge or consent and for “You” to provide “Petitioners” a full accounting of
transactions made by “Your” agency, which included “Petitioners” as parties to those transactions;

4. A written response to this Notice to clear the record involving “Petitioners’” claims of fraud and identity

5. A recommendation from “Your” agency to the United States Government Executive Branch to develop an
Act, Bill or Policy requiring the United States and its subdivisions to provide the proper mechanisms and
open doors necessary to aid Petitioners in heritage research and to protect against discrimination at the
Federal level while Petitioners engage in those pursuits of reclamation; also provide certain protections for
people who may be oppressed or denied certain rights while establishing heritage claims and
reclassification; NOTE: Often, tribally unrecognized people are threatened, arrested, their children taken
and basic rights ignored simply because they are attempting to reclassify under their proper culture; and

6. To void all debts and liens incurred by “Your” office through transacting financial instruments,
agreements, dealings and promises to the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and other agencies
made by “You” utilizing securities, bonds, notes, financial instruments or other exchanges pertaining to
“Petitioners” without “Petitioners” knowledge or consent.


1. It is presumed “You” are now aware that “You” are participating in international crimes against humanity
and will be held accountable as a Defendant in future litigation and claims pertaining to the stipulated
matters addressed within this presentment. Is that not correct?

Page 12 of 25
2. It is presumed “You”, being knowledgeable of facts pertaining to criminal activity, will immediately act in
controversy with others who are committing such acts in violation of international law, and federal
protections, and it is presumed “You” will initiate the necessary policies to begin correcting the
monumental crime of constructive fraud, conspiracy to commit mass ethnic cleansing and “Your” acts of
committing mass ethnic cleansing. Is that not correct?

3. It is presumed “Your” office is governed by policies to which “You” adhere and which are handed down
by the office of “Secretary of Department of Commerce”, and it is presumed “You” are knowledgeable of
such policies and are also in possession of those written policies and information. Is that not correct?

4. It is presumed “You” will respond to this presentment with haste and within thirty days of receiving this
“Notice” and avoid unnecessary continued pain and suffering subjected upon “Petitioners” in their quest
for remedy for violations of their Human Rights. Is that not correct?


The acts and policies developed, applied and promoted by “You”, “Your Office” and agency are liable and
criminal actions committed by “You”, “Your Office” and agency in violation of international law, United States
Federal law and the Law of Nations; but specifically these listed below:

a) UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: The United Nations’ new Human Rights
Commission set out to draft the document that became the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Roosevelt, credited with its inspiration, referred to the Declaration as the international Magna Carta for all
mankind. It was adopted by the United Nations on December 10, 1948. In its preamble and in Article 1,
the Declaration unequivocally proclaims the inherent rights of all human beings: “Disregard and contempt
for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the
advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear
and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people...All human beings are born
free and equal in dignity and rights.”

b) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N.GAOR
Supp. (No. 16) at 49, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 993 U.N.T.S. 3, entered into force Jan. 3, 1976. “Article
1: 1. All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their
political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. The States Parties to the
present Covenant, including those having responsibility for the administration of Non-Self-Governing and
Trust Territories, shall promote the realization of the right of self-determination, and shall respect that
right, in conformity with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations.

c) International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, G.A. res. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No.
16) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/6316 (1966), 999 U.N.T.S. 171, entered into force Mar. 23, 1976. “Article I 1. All
peoples have the right of self-determination; by virtue of that right they freely determine their political
status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

d) International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, G.A. res. 2106 (XX),
Annex, 20 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 14) at 47, U.N. Doc. A/6014 (1966), 660 U.N.T.S. 195, entered into

Page 13 of 25
force Jan. 4, 1969. Article I 1. In this Convention, the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any
distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin
which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an
equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any
other field of public life.

d) Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 78 U.N.T.S. 277, entered into
force Jan. 12, 1951. Article 1 The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time
of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to
punish. Article 2 In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with
intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing
members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c)
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in
whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly
transferring children of the group to another group. Article 3 The following acts shall be punishable: (a)
Genocide; (b) Conspiracy to commit genocide; (c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; (d)
Attempt to commit genocide; (e) Complicity in genocide. Article 4 Persons committing genocide or any of
the other acts enumerated in article III shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible
rulers, public officials or private individuals. Article 5 The Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in
accordance with their respective Constitutions, the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of
the present Convention, and, in particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or
any of the other acts enumerated in article III.

The Apartheid Convention’s definition of “the crime of apartheid” includes any measure designed to divide
the population along racial lines, including the expropriation of property and labor exploitation of a racial
group. Both the Apartheid and Genocide Conventions prohibit the deliberate imposition on a racial group
of living conditions calculated to cause its physical destruction. Such conditions would surely entail
violations of social and economic rights, for example, the rights to life, health, housing, or food. By
prohibiting the larger wrong, therefore, the international community also sought to prohibit the lesser
wrongs included therein. The Conventions thus seek to prevent environmental deprivations of rights,
especially the rights to life, health, and property. Apartheid Convention, supra note 77, art. II(d)
(expropriation of property), art. II (e) (labor exploitation). The Apartheid Convention limits its definition
of group solely to racial groups, while the Genocide Convention contains a slightly broader definition.
Apartheid Convention, supra note 77, art. II(b); Genocide Convention, supra note 80, art. II(c) (defining
“group” as shared national, ethnic, racial or religious origin). For a discussion of the intent requirements of
the Apartheid and Genocide Conventions, see supra note 94. Apartheid and Genocide Conventions,
establishes that discriminatory expropriation of, or interference with, property is a form of environmental


In its “Concluding observations on the combined seventh to ninth periodic reports of United States of
America”; according to the report: “1. The Committee considered the seventh to ninth periodic reports of
the United States of America, submitted in one document (CERD/C/USA/7-9), at its 2299th and 2300th
meetings (CERD/C/SR.2299 and SR.2300), held on 13 and 14 August 2014.” At its 2317th meeting on
August 26, 2014, CERD adopted many concluding observations, including the following: refer Convention
on the Elimination of All Forms Racial Discrimination.”

Page 14 of 25

The names listed below are the names of Petitioners who are subject to this Notice, and upon your providing
proper documentation and related forms without adhesions for proper classification, below listed Members,
Petitioners and Signatories will review and forward such information to your office for recording purposes only
and not as a means to contract with any agency. This Notice also makes it clear that the United States has prior
concealed knowledge as to the standing, status and heritage of the Negro, but continues to operate in violation of
United Nations policy, which implores public notice be given by the state to make the indigenous population aware
of historical existence and to provide the means to correct and acknowledge the political and social incorrectness;
but the United States has failed at issuing such notices and informations as required by International Law.

In the matters pertaining to this Presentment, we expect immediate resolution.

Chihowa Yamako Yohmi


1) Melvie Jean Taylor 59) Ashley M. Taylor 117) Kristie Collins 175) Karon A Williams
2) Katie Mae Cole 60) Clarence E Taylor II 118) Willie Renee Taylor 176) Erika D. Williams
3) Joreal DeVante 61) Phyllis Taylor 119) Evan Taylor 177) Morgan Williams
4) Tushkahumoc Akhan Xelup 62) Porche Taylor 120) Evan Cordell Taylor 178) Kenyion Williams
5) Shelly George 63) Eric Taylor 121) Cassandra Taylor 179) Tionna Williams
6) Aumi Miakoda Xelup 64) Jacquelyn Taylor 122) Alvin Taylor 180) Tadajisha Williams
7) Errol DeVante 65) Jeffrey Taylor 123) Alvin Staley 181) Kevon Williams
8) Nina Feather Townsend 66) Jennifer Taylor 124) Timothy Staley 182) Kavariyha Williams
9) Eric White 67) Tia Taylor 125) Lorenzo Betts 183) Takiya Williams
10) Keymiya White 68) Emmitt Daryl Taylor 126) Lela Edwards Betts 184) Parthenia Gilmore-Williams
11) Cameron Diaz 69) Jermaine Taylor 127) Antonio Betts 185) Roxie Parthenia Young-Gilmore
12) Trecie Diaz 70) Emmitt Taylor 128) Marlana Taylor 186) Jane Young
13) Kevin M. McClinton Ellsworth 71) Nichole Taylor 129) Antony Bagby 187) Pete Young
14) Kevin McClinton, Jr. 72) Delores Anita Taylor 130) Antony Bagby, Jr. 188) Henry Slayden
15) Kaleéa McClinton 73) Anita Allen 131) Tamia Christian 189) Parthenia Gilmore-Williams
16) Kyan Amari McClinton 74) Tresmond Allen 132) Kayla Taylor 190) Elizabeth Gilmore
17) Devon Moultry 75) Brandon Allen Taylor 133) Niyah Christian 191) Grady Gilmore
18) Cleo Henderson 76) Ernest Taylor 134) Nevaeh Glover 192) Freddie Gilmore
19) Leon Henderson 77) Ernest Taylor 135) Heath Jamal Taylor 193) Peggy Gilmore
20) Victor Henderson 78) Deborah Eunice Lowe 136) Garett Jones 194) Albert Gilmore-Thomas, Jr.
21) Betty Henderson Little 79) Melanie LaTrease Lowe 137) Trista Collins 195) Fred Douglas Williams, Jr.
22) Jori Mekela Baldwin 80) Michael Rushing 138) Serenity Harrison 196) Ella Mae Johnson-Williams
23) Nikki Andrea DeVante 81) Kelvin Burchett Taylor 139) Alysha Collins 197) A. T. Gilmore
24) Allison Gaye Hammond 82) Channing Jaimaul Taylor 140) Nickey Taylor 198) Bennie Charles Williams
25) Anaami Elan DeVante 83) Tommy Terry Parson Lowe 141) Marecus Taylor 199) Derrick Caston
26) Bani Asmani Charan DeVante 84) Monica Parson 142) Rod Taylor 200) Dane Caston
27) Sawan Kabir DeVante 85) Keith Lowe 143) Danielle Taylor 201) Donthrese Henderson
28) Aryah Gurbani Moksha DeVante 86) Rico Peete 144) Bettina Williams 202) Cortez Wright
29) Mark Lowe 87) Amy Louise Peete 145) Paris Dane'l Gunn 203) Demarco Wright
30) Jeremy Lowe 88) Stephen Peete 146) London Summer Granberry 204) Kashira Pettigrew
31) Jeremy Lowe 89) Zaniyah Renea Peete 147) Latariia Harth Williams 205) Arteisha Winston
32) Cameron Lowe 90) Joshua Jerrell Rose 148) Tarjuen Harth Williams 206) Brandon Carter
33) Johnny Goins, Sr. 91) Trinity Rose 149) Quintaza Williams 207) Crystal Williams
34) Patifani Johnson 92) Bobby Rose 150) Latari Williams 208) Danny Harris, Jr.
35) Tyrone Coleman 93) Vanessa Dixon 151) Alexius Williams 209) Joe Bolton
36) Johnny Goins, Jr. 94) Everett Turner 152) Christion Lyjuan Brown 210) Carlos Eason
37) Myah Lowe 95) Katie Dixon 153) Charlene Williams 211) Arlandres Prince Simpson
38) Elzana Hamilton 96) Maxwell D. Dixon 154) Melody Maxi Lyon 212) Bessie Tinion
39) Mikaylon Lowe 97) Jean Dixon 155) Aisha Mechelle Lyon 213) Sakima Eban Salih El Bey
40) Mykale Lowe 98) Katie Cole 156) Ahmard Abraham Stephen, Jr. 214) Francis Savall
41) Mikylah Lowe 99) Jeffrey Shaw Taylor 157) Mylan Muhammed Lyon 215) Tiffany Chandonique Barton-Trice
42) Kenneth Warren Lowe 100) Susie Ann Taylor 158) Franklin Douglas Williams 216) Zion Sah'Ra Gales
43) Kenneth Warren Lowe 101) Melvie Denice Taylor 159) Vashunda Oneka Williams 217) Jah'Lia Beauty Seegars
44) Kaydon Lowe 102) Andy Taylor 160) Latari Antoine Williams 218) Rodney Jorrad Porter
45) Paula Lowe 103) Nicholas Taylor 161) Brodrick Williams-Webb 219) Natasha Curry Porter
46) Christopher Hill 104) Javian Taylor 162) Verico Antawn Williams 220) Tyriq Ahmad Porter
47) Eddie Lowe II 105) Dantae Taylor 163) Franklin Douglas Williams, Jr. 221) Dionder Tyrell Curry
48) Ophelia Lowe 106) Terez Taylor 164) Jalen Marquis Williams 222) Raheem Akbar McMillon
49) Rosalyn Freeman 107) Farren Collins 165) Markeysha Suneice Brooks 223) Frantoise Annmarie
50) Thelma Sunshine Freeman 108) Bishop Collins 166) Cadarrius Shuntrell Cox 224) Prosper McMillon
51) Martinez Jackson 109) Bria Collins 167) Madison Williams 225) Farah Noel McMillon
52) Theron Holiday 110) Kimberley Collins 168) Mason Williams 226) Steven Vincent McMillon
53) Terri Holiday 111) Cymone Banks 169) K'maya Williams 227) Michelle Andrea McMillon
54) Rita Hearns 112) Krystal Banks 170) Breyden Williams 228) Jasmine Brionna McMillon
55) Sharon Carnigan 113) Damarriond Ivory 171) Carly Williams 229) Jaquan Vincent McMillon
56) Gary Carnigan 114) Jahria Jones 172) Chloe' Morshae Williams 230) Jayden Steven McMillon
57) Clarence Edward Taylor 115) Jahrius Jones 173) Aaron Williams 231) Tajaunna Denise Washington
58) Maria D Taylor 116) Danterrian Collins 174) Leneil A. Williams 232) Ronta Washington

Page 15 of 25
233) Jajaunna Monquie McMillon 318) Jordan Marcell Brown 403) Rhonda Backers 488) Marjorie Price-Pitts
234) Antonio Bernard Willis 319) Travis Kennedy 404) Paul Wayne 489) Tony Pitts
235) Autumm Marie Willis 320) Haven Serenity Kennedy 405) Marshall Sanders 490) Tonya Pitts
236) Ariana Symone Willis 321) Kalis Vernita Kennedy 406) Benjamin Hardy 491) Timothy Pitts
237) Antonio Willis 322) Keith Kennedy 407) Lydia Goddess Barber 492) Tracey Pitts
238) Terry Lawrence Benson 323) Dana Kennedy 408) Star Payne 493) Tricia Pitts
239) Taraniece Harris 324) Shannon Tyrone Kennedy 409) Storm Payne 494) Myrtis Virginia Price-Walker
240) Frenchie Harris 325) Justin Blake Kennedy 410) Earth Payne 495) Frederick Price
241) Janice Marie French-Cravens 326) Shaun Kennedy 411) Charity Barber 496) Lashawn Isom
242) Shelley Denise Cravens 327) Annie Lois Ezell 412) Soladin El 497) Alfonzo Isom
243) James Winfield III French 328) James Ezell 413) Anthony Hendrix 498) Ebony Walker
244) Torris French 329) Harold Walker 414) Barbara Hendrix 499) Vivian Ilean Price-King
245) Sarahi Salinas Winfield 330) Frank Louis Walker 415) Robert Davenport Clay 500) Malissie Christine Price
246) Fredrix Joe Washington 331) Joan Charlotte Rankin 416) Anthony Earls 501) Sherman Gordan
247) Leslie Karen Winfield 332) Christian Walker 417) Anna Marie Alston-Jones 502) Joyce Kennedy
248) Andretta Elaine Cravens 333) Autumn Mariah Walker 418) Kevin Jones 503) Glenn Murdock
249) Shange Outlaw 334) Madeleine Carol Walker 419) Sam Jones 504) Glenn Murdock, Jr.
250) Patricia Ann Cravens 335) Terry Vanessa Kennedy 420) Vivian Jones 505) Deon Murdock
251) LeCarra Dechelle Robinson 336) Jeremy Steven Walker 421) Sara Jesimey Kruzan 506) Tommy Martin
252) LeCorian Deaundre Ford 337) Roy Lee Kent 422) James Breakfield 507) Trina Meade
253) Carlos Andre Ford 338) Terrance Lashun Kent 423) Geraldine Breakfield 508) Seven Martin
254) Aniya Janelle Robinson 339) Pearlie Mae Kent 424) Marie Breakfield 509) Omar Hakim
255) Emery Lynelle Nolen 340) James H. Waller 425) Malik Greenfield 510) Michael Douglas
256) Brionna Jeanise Williams 341) Gay D. Taylor 426) Breggie Gilkey 511) Kevin Douglas
257) J’Mia Patrice Nolen 342) Latisha Rodger 427) Roniece Gilkey 512) Wesley McKinney
258) Elyssa Lachelle Nolen 343) Daphne R. Kent 428) Alice Coleman 513) Anthony “Teeno” Flowers
259) Marissa Janille Nolen 344) Melanie N. Kent 429) Wanda Williams 514) Anthony Wendell Gentry
260) Jeremyah Durell Nolen 345) Seteria Miller 430) Greneka Williams 515) Shunta Gentry
261) Jaleah Marie Cleveland 346) Latricia D. Lyons 431) Terry Diann Green 516) Veronica Nichole Flowers
262) Henry DeWayne Cravens 347) Sherrie Backer 432) Taylor Monet Dones 517) Aramis Gentry
263) Renee Ford Cravens 348) Taffany Rodger 433) Tierani Kyndal Giles 518) Robert Lee Young
264) Zachary Cravens 349) Deangleo Kent 434) Terry Wayne Green 519) Jimmy Lee Young
265) Asia Chanee Cravens 350) Pasty Parrish 435) Nevaeh Yvonne Green 520) Kedric Allen
266) Richard Bernarr Cravens 351) Darron Easley 436) Terry Wayne Green III 521) James Huffman
267) Gloria McPherson Cravens 352) Sean Clay 437) Endya Monique Green 522) Shamus Darling
268) Quinn Bernarr Cravens 353) Howie Rodger 438) Imani Monique Hobson 523) Khepera Verona Brooks
269) Mariah Cravens 354) Tony Jones 439) Joneya Deona Hobson 524) Calvin Taylor
270) Kyiah A. Cravens 355) Judy Kent 440) Essence Charity Green 525) Clarissa Davis
271) Keesha Nicole Cravens 356) Darryl Kent 441) Ikea Ski Green 526) Brenda Rutledge
272) Ryan Basel 357) Russell Kent 442) Joshua Fifer 527) Percy Jaggers
273) Kiera Basel 358) Tommie Taylor 443) Johna Green 528) Eldred Meadows
274) Joshua Cravens 359) Anthony Taylor 444) Reginald Smith 529) Rodney Williams
275) Shirley Cravens 360) Mike Ware 445) Dionne Smith 530) Rodney Williams, Jr.
276) Regina Cravens 361) Toni Gilchrest 446) Jonell Scott 531) Niamah Williams
277) Roberta Hernandez 362) Tommy Sullivan 447) Jason Smith 532) Tommy Jordan
278) Miguel Hernandez 363) Janice Allen 448) Kenneth Jordan 533) Eddie Williams
279) Freda Wilson 364) Sean Smith 449) Jarod Smith 534) Mary Williams
280) LaKenya Bennett 365) Kim Rodger 450) Cana Jordan 535) Curtis Lee Jones
281) Torris Fred French 366) Kindra Peacock 451) Summer Smith 536) Henok-Ben Yisra El
282) Janice French 367) Bonnie Kent 452) Miles Smith 537) Eben Henok
283) Gregory Tyrone French 368) Alice Robinson 453) Tianna Smith 538) Seymond Raggs
284) Omega Risley French 369) Chet Kibble 454) Amir Scott 539) Anthony Hayes
285) Alyse Gianna French 370) Chris Mason 455) Amaris Scott 540) Charlotte Baker
286) Lisa Marie Walker-Dumas 371) Clarissa Davis 456) Lauren Smith 541) Kerwin Lockett
287) Alec Dumas 372) Cody Mathis 457) Benjamin Smith 542) Mary Lockett
288) Shannon Dumas 373) Alana Mathis 458) Rodney Williams 543) Latosha Williams
289) Alies Dumas 374) Jackie Mathis 459) Iban Abdul Adams 544) Marico Briggs
290) Shay Dumas 375) Tommie Mathis 460) Charles Perry Westbrook 545) Lawrence King
291) Miles Dumas 376) Charles Hodges 461) Renika Boyland 546) Pat Martin
292) Grant Dumas 377) Avatara Qtub 462) Kendrick Joearl Hubbard 547) Robert Gooden
293) Stephanie Elaine French 378) James Tucker II 463) Kelly Benford 548) Phillip Hudson
294) Alexander Dewayne Dumas 379) Janien Tucker 464) Adrian Sugars 549) Michael Clayton
295) Ocie Lee Williams French 380) Daniel Greene 465) Brianna Richardson 550) Michael Clayton, Jr.
296) Bonnie Marie Baker 381) Stacy Little 466) Danyelle Ward 551) Micarius Clayton
297) Gregory Charles Baker 382) Stan Jenkins 467) Dashaunna Ward 552) Mariah Clayton
298) Jeffrey Dewayne French 383) Takia Earls 468) Catundra Pierce 553) Patricia Ann Smith
299) Chandra Janetta Gilmore 384) Evelena Tucker 469) Tierny Pugh 554) Essie Bell Smith
300) Tryson Malik Watson 385) Gloria Tucker 470) Littleton Price 555) Carolyn Smith
301) Joe Hendrix French 386) Linda Tucker 471) Michael Christopher Price 556) Michael Smith
302) Willie Jay French 387) Willie Anderson 472) Katherine Carter Price 557) Kendal Smith
303) Shelia Herron French 388) Cynthia Anderson 473) Willie James Price 558) Patricia Smith
304) Monica French 389) John Tucker 474) Gerald Price 559) Bryant Smith
305) Torrez (T.J.) French 390) Halbert Tucker 475) Anthony Price 560) Mark Smith
306) Juanita French Davis 391) Yvonne Tucker 476) Jeffery Price 561) Derrick Smith
307) Tia Scoggins 392) Roland Cumbee 477) Jarvis Price 562) Dickey Smith
308) Ricky S. Williams 393) Regina Tucker 478) Flora Price-Farmer 563) Daryl Keith Smith
309) Aubrey Dawn Williams 394) Curtis Allen 479) Sharon Farmer 564) Sean Smith
310) Ryann Lynn Williams 395) Dana William 480) Albert Farmer 565) Oliver Keith Baker
311) Larry Gene Williams 396) Jana William 481) Vincent Farmer 566) John Wesley Baker
312) Malaya Williams 397) Yvonne Kent 482) Pamela Farmer 567) John Mark Baker
313) Trayson Isaiah Williams 398) Tim Wood 483) Thressa Farmer 568) Anthony Baker
314) Christopher Williams 399) Terry Collins 484) Doris Price-Bowen 569) Sharon Baker
315) Lawson Williams 400) Tammy Salage 485) George Bowen 570) Bridget Baker
316) Anita J. Prince 401) Shameka Kent 486) Gretta Bowen 571) Kortney Smith
317) Tierra Lajuan Jones 402) Rojena Parker 487) Elgin Bowen 572) Fredrick Roy Whalum

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573) Arkee Clayton 658) Nytasha Watson 743) Yvette Franklin 828) Tyron Dixon
574) Joel Carter 659) Madison Watson 744) Tyler Franklin 829) Elliott Matthew Dixon
575) Joel Carter, Jr. 660) Mason Watson 745) Henry Harper, Sr. 830) Sydney Maya Dixon
576) Frederick Hill 661) Lavera Watson 746) Anarnia Davis-Hunt 831) Christopher Washington
577) Rhonda Laurie Hill 662) Jamiel Watson 747) Reuben Wyatt Davis 832) La’Monica Dixon
578) Jerry Mercer 663) Braeden Watson 748) Christopher Benjamin Davis 833) Tiffany Dixon
579) Ralph Mercer 664) Leon Watson 749) Angeleka Lynn Davis 834) Dolores Dixon
580) Cheryl Mercer 665) Glenn Cardozo, Sr. 750) Joseph Thomas Davis 835) Clarissa Diane Dixon
581) Kenneth Avery Walker 666) Glenn Cardozo, Jr. 751) Johnpaul David Davis 836) Ronald K. Dixon
582) Cecilia Walker 667) Allen Cardozo 752) Richie Jeanett McCombs 837) Gail Dixon
583) Alphonso Walker 668) Ali Cyrus Bey 753) Arthetta Hunt 838) Stacy Dixon
584) Joel Walker 669) Rosemary Wimberly 754) El-Verneice Hunt 839) Mandel Dixon
585) Kevin Walker 670) Sara Bey Green 755) Flomella Hunt 840) Ashton Le’Amber Dixon
586) Tish Walker 671) Antonia Wimberly 756) Marica Coleman 841) Josh Robinson
587) Wendy Washington 672) Yasin Bey 757) Myrtle J. Reeves-Coleman 842) Destiny Dixon
588) Charles Washington 673) Natskiwus Bey 758) Candace Holiday Reeves 843) Cassandra Dixon
589) Tori Washington 674) Marvin Wimberly 759) Geon Hunt 844) Kevin C. Dixon
590) Cameron Washington 675) Andrew Wimberly 760) Angelina Davis 845) Janet Dixon
591) Howard Bond 676) Natian Wimberly 761) Christopher Davis 846) Emily Dixon
592) Carol Rashford 677) Amexia Wimberly 762) John Paul Davis 847) Gary Dixon
593) Michelle Jahari Adjiri 678) Naila Wimberly 763) Reuben W. Davis 848) Billy Dixon
594) Omari Miles 679) Tamira Bey 764) Joseph Davis 849) Greg Dixon
595) Leroy Green 680) Aviana Bey 765) Breauna Reeves 850) Byron Dixon
596) Lekeitha Simmons 681) Emia Bey 766) Anthony Tyrone Reeves 851) Stephanie Dixon
597) Lillian Simmons 682) Keshawn Bey 767) Alandis Reeves, Jr. 852) Aubrey Dixon
598) Lucas Simmons 683) Hassan Bey Green 768) Christopher Jamal Reeves 853) Marcus E. Dixon
599) Lee Simmons 684) Shamar Bey Green 769) Paula Scott-Frantz 854) Barbara Dixon
600) Thayla Mareen Dunson 685) Natia Bey Green 770) Crystal Reeves 855) Larry Dixon
601) Eric Kyle Dunson 686) Shamia Bey Green 771) Djuan Alaska Reeves 856) Kathy Dixon
602) Ian Kyle Dunson 687) Ronnie Wimberly 772) Javon Scott 857) Valanda Dixon
603) Erica Dunson 688) Sin Wimberly 773) Alaska Reeves 858) Carolyn Kay Dixon
604) Jessie Williamson 689) John Athan B. Hunter 774) Paul R. Scott 859) Gerald Looney
605) Goldie Lacey 690) Bishop Salis Shwade 775) Steven Scott 860) Keith Dillard
606) Denise Lacey 691) Elroy Roberson 776) Courtley Reeves 861) Bernard Dillard
607) James E. Lacey 692) Christeen Roberson 777) Richard Tyrone Reeves 862) Kerry Dillard
608) Johnn Bullock 693) Carlisa Lanette Roberson 778) Trudy E. Holliday-Walker 863) Angie Dillard
609) Karen Mobley 694) Ebony Deshay Thomas 779) Iona Reeves 864) Joe Earl Dillard
610) Larry Dye 695) Cierra Royetta Roberson 780) Kristen Brittany Reeves 865) Delores Dillard
611) Bladie Dye 696) Kenya Shanell Roberson 781) Christine Walker 866) Mildred Dillard
612) Cynthia Dye 697) Jakese Jamar Roberson 782) Essie Mae Reeves-Smith 867) Berika Hicks
613) Issiah Jerome Bey 698) Gloria Jean Roberson 783) Ambrea Rae Wallace-Patterson 868) Shanelle Hamilton
614) William Muhammad Bey 699) Dormel Wilson 784) Wayman George Newson, Jr. 869) Tommy Ridley
615) Evelyn Thomas 700) Zelma Lee Merrill 785) Corey Simone Reece 870) Birdie Johnson
616) Brenda Lloyd 701) Leroy Hubbert 786) Neveah Reece 871) Vickie Dixon
617) Richard Buntyn 702) Leroy Colman 787) Sheneice Reece 872) Martha Ford
618) Aaron Hahn 703) Christeen Hubbert 788) Alexis Ashley Reeves 873) Pauline Mary Ford
619) Mary Holmes 704) Zylisa Witted 789) Derrick Ray Williams 874) Martin Thaddeus Ford
620) Tamryn Holmes 705) Ja'Licia Roberson 790) Randolph Reeves 875) Olga Mary Ford
621) Joe Gentry, Jr. 706) Sondra Michelle Malone 791) Justus Michael Gaddie Reeves 876) Marvel Marie Ford
622) Henry Gentry 707) Susie A Howell 792) Ashley Sade Reeves 877) Elizabeth Stelly
623) Jerri Gentry 708) Charley Claud Howell 793) Gary Ellis Banks 878) Francis Stelly
624) Marlon Gentry 709) Katie Mae Howell McAlpin 794) Grant Lee Banks 879) Mary Louise Carmichael
625) Latasha Maria Gentry 710) Minnie Mae Howell McKinney 795) Richard Herman Holiday 880) Rita Mary Barksdale
626) Sheryl Gentry 711) Bessie Lee Howell Parker 796) Keenan Anthony Barnes 881) Cosmas Joseph Castille
627) Mary Lucille Gentry 712) Willie Mae Fulton Seldon 797) Saundra Jo Holiday 882) Adam Joseph Castille
628) Armeta Newsom 713) Jerome Nathaniel Loines Fulton 798) Susan A. Holiday-Bishop 883) Joseph Castille
629) Byron Newsom 714) Terrance Morris Robertson 799) Aaliyah Harrington 884) Cleveland Castille
630) Horace Newsom 715) Shawanda McKinney 800) Derrick Ray Williams 885) Leonard Joseph Castille
631) Kylan Flowers 716) Patricia McKinney 801) Richard Alaska Reeves 886) Helen Mary Dejan
632) Laila Flowers 717) Jacqueline McKinney 802) Eleyes Y. Reeves 887) Elizabeth Mary Chavez
633) Monyette Flowers 718) Shirley McKinney 803) Betty A. Reeves-Williams-Rohadfox 888) Jennifer Porter Castille
634) Randy Wade 719) Sondra McCool-Hopson 804) Richard E. Reeves 889) Arnold Castille
635) Raymond L. Watson 720) Cheryl McCool 805) Erskine A. Reeves 890) Jerome Marquise Castille
636) Sharon A. Watson 721) Sharon Rodgers 806) Thurston Marshal Reeves 891) Sharon Leah Castille
637) John S. Watson “ 722) Luches McKinney, Jr. 807) Chris E. Reeves - Wallace 892) Donye Joaquin Castille
638) Sadie Barros 723) Andrew McKinney Howell 808) Bridget A. Reeves 893) Jude Stelly
639) Matthew A. Watson 724) James McKinney Howell 809) Joseph Vincent Reeves 894) Julie Allen
640) Pamela Watson 725) Mac McCool 810) Richard A. Reeves lll 895) Netra Barksdale
641) Monique Watson 726) Josephine Howell 811) Elloit Scott Reeves 896) Christy Atkins
642) Demetrius Watson 727) Andrew Howell 812) Arinette L. Reeves 897) Rod Barksdale
643) Olivia Watson 728) William Ross Howell 813) Ericke R. Reeves 898) Rosalind Barksdale-Henry
644) Erica Watson 729) Rosie Franklin Howell 814) Reta Iris Holiday-Reeves-Coe 899) Karen Mitchell
645) Derrick Watson 730) Sanders Savage, Jr. 815) Leva Imara McCombs 900) Rachel Graves
646) McKenzie Watson 731) Sanders Smith 816) Kenneth Flannigan McCombs 901) Diane Ensley
647) Amir Watson 732) Maurice Savage 817) Keegan Flannigan McCombs 902) Preston Stelly
648) Larona Pasqual 733) Maurice Savage, Jr. 818) Imara Janae Coe 903) Terry Castille
649) Laron Pasqual 734) Elizabeth Tucker 819) Indea Louise McCombs 904) Jackie Moon
650) Aiden Pasqual 735) Loretta Blue 820) Maxine E. Bailey 905) Henry Dejan
651) Andrea L. Watson 736) Barbara Rayford 821) Maxwell Bailey 906) Remington Castille
652) Deandra Watson 737) Clarence Savage 822) Lydia S. McCombs – Harrington 907) Martha Louise Castille
653) Diondre Watson 738) Angela Savage 823) Marvin Harrington 908) John Stelly
654) Bailey Watson 739) Yvette Franklin 824) Kristopher Maurice Harrington 909) Benjamin Castille
655) Jay Juan A Watson 740) Tyler Franklin 825) Darrion Patrick Harrington 910) Martin Castille
656) Jay Juan Watson-Guillen 741) Dorothy Harper 826) Aallyah Harrington 911) Michael Castille
657) Alice Watson-Guillen 742) Henry Harper, Sr. 827) Leonides R. Harrington 912) Piere Washington Ford

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913) Camille Byrd 998) Clarence William Holloway 1083) Destiny Stockland 1168) Lorraine Bryan Parra
914) Washington Ford 999) Dakota Holland Holloway 1084) Dusty Stockland 1169) Karen Bryan Antonia
915) Ed Stelly 1000) Erika Lynn Holloway 1085) Michael Joseph Stockland 1170) Michele Bryan
916) Dolores Livas 1001) Garcia P. Holloway 1086) Christopher A. Stout 1171) Amanda Bryan Martinez
917) Nettie Collins 1002) Jarrett J. Holloway 1087) Sharon Renee Sunday 1172) Samuel Bryan
918) Ronald Stacey Holloway, Sr. 1003) Jeffrey L. Holloway 1088) Virginia Elaine Tanner 1173) Michael J. Bryan, Jr.
919) Ronald Stacey Holloway, Jr. 1004) Maya Louise Holloway 1089) Kelleigh Ann Tracy 1174) Noel Bryan
920) Eugene J. Crawford Stewart 1005) Sterling Michael D. Holloway 1090) Shannon Marie Tracy 1175) Paris E. Bryan III
921) Dolores Alli 1006) Stephen William Holloway 1091) Joanne Tracy-Crisante 1176) Marie Taylor Bryan
922) Romena Alli 1007) Taylor Alise Holloway 1092) Kaitlyn Irish Tramble 1177) Dominique Bryan
923) Marcus Jerome Baldwin 1008) Theresa Ann Horan 1093) Kaleb Rashad Tramble 1178) Charles M. Cook
924) Naeem Baldwin 1009) Denise R. Jenkins 1094) Sommer Monique Tramble 1179) Siddiga Amatullah Rahmon
925) Tatyana A. Baldwin 1010) Florence May Jenkins 1095) Jo Ann Elizabeth Warner 1180) Lorraine Cook
926) Michael Jerome Baldwin III 1011) Jacqueline A. Jenkins 1096) Devon Weisman 1181) Catherine V. Cook
927) Michael Jerome Baldwin, Jr. 1012) Tiara D. Jenkins 1097) Melissa D. Williams 1182) Charlene Cook-Banks
928) Edward Sequoyah Beeler 1013) Herman L. Jenkins, Jr. 1098) Tahlia Williams 1183) Siddiga Amatullah Rahmon
929) Mia Walela Rosa Beeler 1014) Kathy Jo Kane 1099) Tianna Williams 1184) Yasin Amatar Rahman
930) Samad Beeler 1015) Chantay A. Keller 1100) David E. Winston 1185) Jannah Abdul Rahman
931) Samara Tsalagi Beeler 1016) Eriel C. Keller 1101) Laurin A. Wollan 1186) Muhammad Abdul Rahman
932) Sandra Leticia Beeler 1017) Clifford Dar Khabbaz 1102) Richard Andrews 1187) Quaiseerah Abdul Rahman
933) Samuel W. Beeler III 1018) Regina Inez Lee 1103) Richard Andrews, Jr. 1188) Lugman Abdul Rahman
934) Samuel W. Beeler IV 1019) Maurice Warren Lee Jr 1104) Daniel Andrews 1189) Jibreel Abdul Rahman
935) Samuel W. Beeler, Jr. 1020) Amy Leonhardt 1105) Steven Andrews 1190) Lorraine Cook- Hodges
936) Melissa Berry 1021) Leyna Leonhardt 1106) Roxanne Andrews 1191) Chukwudi Hodges
937) Anissa Aprilynn Berry 1022) Brian Roberts Logan 1107) Phyliss Andrews 1192) Kumi Hodges
938) Gladys Cora Berry 1023) Javen Lynn 1108) Maria A Armwood-Johnson 1193) Cheikh Hodges
939) Clorice A. Binn 1024) Kamron Lynn 1109) Paris Edward Armwood 1194) Catherine V. Cook
940) Kirk Binn 1025) Kathy Mann 1110) Mark Edward Armwood 1195) Jennah R. Cook
941) Kylen S. Binn 1026) Jiman Martinez 1111) John Edward Armwood, Jr. 1196) Ayannah Cook
942) Maya Binn 1027) Charles McGillick 1112) Mark Edward Armwood 1197) Yamana Monberasai
943) Michael T. Binn 1028) Thomas P. McGillick 1113) Mark Edward Armwood, Jr. 1198) Charlene Cook-Banks
944) Amber Boyd 1029) Amir Arthur Moore 1114) John Edward Armwood, Jr. 1199) Blake Banks
945) Maxwell T. Boynton 1030) Monifa Nicole Moore 1115) Erica D. Spinner-Armwood 1200) Joseph Baskins
946) Michael Boynton 1031) Omari Quentin Moore 1116) John Edward Armwood III 1201) Clintera Anderson
947) Toni M. Boynton 1032) Bernice R. Morizzo 1117) Starrla N. Armwood 1202) Joedell Baskins
948) Linda A. Boynton 1033) Tara Morizzo 1118) Paris Edward Armwood 1203) Lurenia Baskins
949) Jack Carson A. Boynton II 1034) Asa R. Morris 1119) Paris J'quay Armwood 1204) Greg Baskins
950) Blanche E. Brown 1035) Kayla E. Morris 1120) Elijah Jaden Armwood 1205) Kent Baskins
951) Ivy Darcel Brown-Lynn 1036) Keith L. Morris 1121) Mayon Paris Armwood 1206) Greg Baskins
952) Deesha Jenae Burns 1037) Janice Annette Mozee 1122) Judah Caleb Armwood 1207) Gregory Baskins, Jr.
953) Jai Andrew Malik Burns 1038) Charles Eurgen Nunn 1123) Samuel Ezra Armwood 1208) Christina Baskins
954) Daniel James Carroll 1039) Grant P. Nunn II 1124) Joshua Noah Armwood 1209) Kent Baskins
955) Kimberly A. Carroll 1040) Grant P. Nunn III 1125) Mark Edward Armwood, Jr. 1210) Lynn Baskins
956) Cora R. Chandler 1041) Jacob David Nunn 1126) Mark Edward Armwood 1211) April Baskins
957) Robin Elaine Chandler 1042) Talia Lee B O’Reilly 1127) Kenneth Armwood 1212) Andrew Baskins
958) Carolyn Mae Church 1043) Janell Elise Reevey 1128) Edna J. Armwood 1213) Linda Taylor
959) Audrey Cooper 1044) Shernett Reevey 1129) Patricia Armwood-Frazier 1214) Marcelina Taylor Banister
960) Heather Cooper 1045) Arleen Richards 1130) Mary Armwood 1215) Stacy Taylor Banister
961) Angelica Crippen 1046) Donna M. Richards 1131) Lavern Alston 1216) Robert Brown
962) Cherizar Crippen 1047) Eric Richards 1132) Diasha Alston 1217) Bre Brown
963) Joshua K. Crippen 1048) Eva Richards 1133) Tori Anderson 1218) Angelo Brown
964) Christian Davila 1049) Wesley Richards 1134) Stella Andrews-Brown 1219) Bobbi Rose Brown
965) Dawn Davila 1050) Cheryl Ivy Roberts 1135) Sharnetta Hunter Williams 1220) Loni Crawford
966) Lorenzo Davila 1051) Lillian Annette Roberts 1136) Annette Armwood-Bates 1221) Refugia Ross-Crawford
967) Shirley Lee Davis 1052) Edwin A. Roberts Sr. 1137) Raven Dillion 1222) Dollie Glass-Crawford
968) Aroz H. Defreese 1053) Felicia Rockko 1138) London Dillion 1223) Diane Crawford
969) Daniel Defreese 1054) Alexander Michael Rose 1139) Delone Davis 1224) Denise Crawford
970) Nadia Defreese 1055) Laura Lynn Rose 1140) Navy Tyshone Burt 1225) Dollie J. Crawford-Salters
971) Sumandor F. Defreeze 1056) Rylee Elizabeth Rose 1141) Nathaniel Burt 1226) Katherine Steward Gutherie Alford
972) Adelia Yvonne Dennis 1057) Zachary Daniel Rose 1142) Sandra Braxten 1227) Dennis Crawford
973) Ramona Marie Dunkley 1058) Jazmine A. Rouse 1143) Lorraine M. Bryan 1228) Robin Denise Crawford
974) Alexander Carl Estrella 1059) Pamela S. Rouse 1144) Laura J. Bryan 1229) Robina Alyce Crawford
975) Kyle Edwin Estrella 1060) Rachel A. Rouse 1145) Regina M. Bryan 1230) Leroy R. Crawford
976) Edwin Carlos Estrella, Jr. 1061) Christopher A. Rouse 1146) Faith A. Bryan 1231) Nicloe Crawford-Laudensledger
977) Beverly Anne Friend 1062) Charles A. Rouse III 1147) Mark E. Bryan 1232) Dollie J. Crawford Salters
978) Daniel E. Friend 1063) Donald L. Sass 1148) Michael J. Bryan 1233) Phillip L. Steward
979) Erik J. Friend 1064) Dylan Sass 1149) Joseph E. Bryan 1234) Katherine Steward-Guthrie-Alford
980) Carol Morningstar Gardner 1065) James J. Sass 1150) Paris E. Bryan, Jr. 1235) Wayne David Alford
981) John David Gardner 1066) Kenneth Sass 1151) Joseph E. Bryan 1236) Sherry Annette Guthrie
982) Kelly A. Garrett 1067) Tammy Lee Satter 1152) Patricia Orano Bryan 1237) Joseph G. Crawford-Steward
983) Veronica Garrett 1068) Nora Ann Schreck 1153) Paris E. Bryan 1238) Alexa Dominica Steward
984) Cuyler Harper 1069) Amy Segal 1154) Joshua M. Bryan 1239) Brittney Joy Steward
985) Jaden Harper 1070) Cynthia Lu Segal 1155) Mara Bryan 1240) Joseph G. Steward, Jr.
986) Latece Harper 1071) George Frank Segal 1156) Micah M. Bryan 1241) Pamela Cromartie
987) Michele A. Harper 1072) Dawn Shauger 1157) Melissa Bryan 1242) Brenda Pringle Davis
988) Hermanita Valerie Harris 1073) Lance Shauger 1158) Joseph E. Bryan, Jr. 1243) Malory Pringle
989) Bonnie Lee Higginbotham 1074) Tony Shauger 1159) Regina M. Bryan 1244) Keith Pringle
990) Valerie Hill 1075) Tony Shauger 1160) Sheree M. Bryan 1245) Derek Dent
991) Robert W. Hill III 1076) Alyssa Simons 1161) Quianna E. Bryan 1246) Bill Evans
992) Robert W. Hill, Jr. 1077) Harold K. Smith 1162) Faith Bryan Peace 1247) Millie Sanchez-Evans
993) Robert W. Hill, Sr. 1078) Khali A. Smith 1163) Amber Bryan 1248) Yusef Fard
994) Rhonda L. Hoffman 1079) Robert W. Spradley 1164) Alana Peace 1249) Iyonah Fard
995) Aki Holloway 1080) Joseph Spradley, Jr. 1165) Andrea Peace 1250) Isaiah Fard
996) Andre’ Phillip Holloway 1081) Connie Stockland 1166) Amiya Peace 1251) Patricia Armwood Frazier
997) Casey C. Holloway 1082) Dakota k Stockland 1167) Michael J. Bryan 1252) Judith Frazier

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1253) Ashanti Frazier 1338) Carl Joseph Ross 1423) Marcelina Taylor-Banister 1508) Rita R. Evans
1254) Daniel Armwood 1339) Harold Ross 1424) Aaron Foster 1509) Tanya Reid
1255) Otheniel Armwood 1340) Carl J. Ross 1425) Marcelina Taylor Scott 1510) Roshawnda Humphrey
1256) Haniniah Armwood 1341) Florence Garner 1426) Dykorra Muhamad 1511) Raynard Humphrey
1257) Rachael Armwood 1342) Carl Joseph Ross 1427) Diamond Watts 1512) Monyea Crawford
1258) Naomi Armwood 1343) Long Walker 1428) Kahalleeb Muhammad 1513) Joanna Crawford
1259) Kim Fisher 1344) Florence Garner-Ross 1429) Diamond Watts 1514) Nichalos Crawford
1260) Edward Fletcher 1345) Harold Ross 1430) Kahalleeb Muhammad 1515) Lemuel Fuller
1261) Rosita C Ross-Fletcher 1346) Carl J. Ross 1431) Elaine Taylor Nahakia 1516) Nadia Crawford
1262) Owen Fletcher 1347) Refugia Velencia-Ross 1432) Charlene Taylor 1517) Nejia Crawford
1263) Joseph Fletcher 1348) Carl J. Ross 1433) Terrance Taylor 1518) Laia Crawford
1264) Benjamin Fletcher 1349) Mary L. Vaughn-Ross 1434) Montel Taylor 1519) Shawn Harvey
1265) Branice Fletcher-Moore 1350) Corinda A. Ross 1435) Jeffrey Lonzo Usher, Jr. 1520) Sherry Harvey
1266) Pheonix Moore 1351) Rosita C. Ross 1436) Phyllis Andrew-Cox-Velez 1521) Vera Harvey
1267) Sydney Moore 1352) Darius J. Ross 1437) Raymond Childs 1522) Julius Evans
1268) Virginia Elizabeth Fowlkes 1353) Cecilia M. Ross 1438) Richard Cox 1523) Minnie Evans
1269) Carol A. Fowlkes 1354) Maria Ross 1439) Victor Velez 1524) Brian Christopher Poole
1270) Deborah Fowlkes 1355) Jorge Miguel Gallegos 1440) Raymond Childs 1525) Virginia Perry
1271) Joseph Fowlkes 1356) Mia E. Gallegos 1441) Ralf Childs 1526) King Huddleston
1272) Curtis Fowlkes 1357) Raven Ross 1442) Charlette Childs 1527) Brenda Huddleston
1273) Lydia Fowlkes 1358) Lilana C. Contreas 1443) Crystal-Cox-Velez 1528) Jewell Huddleston
1274) Joseph Fowlkes 1359) Yesina E. Contreas 1444) Talitha West - Armwood 1529) Sharon Huddleston
1275) Michael Rayvon Fowlkes 1360) Antonio I. Moran 1445) Kevon Fields 1530) Keisha Huddleston
1276) Andrea Bower-Goss-Green 1361) Isabella E. Moran 1446) Kelice Fields 1531) Tracy Huddleston
1277) Donel Goss III 1362) Amber Ross 1447) Mayon Paris Armwood 1532) Nicholas Huddleston
1278) Deja Goss 1363) Jaydon E. Ross 1448) Judah Caleb Armwood 1533) Ozzie Lee
1279) Dashawn Goss 1364) Reagan E.J. Ross 1449) Samuel Ezra Armwood 1534) Sheila Mimms
1280) Dorothy Green, Jr. 1365) Sophie Maria Olivieri 1450) Joshua Noah Armwood 1535) Charles Dodd
1281) Marcus Lucas Green 1366) Darius J. Ross, Jr. 1451) Brian White 1536) Sonya Dodd
1282) Sacajawea Qyalla Kutzehera Howard 1367) Alanna E. Ross 1452) Mia White 1537) Joann Brown
1283) Norma Harris 1368) David J. Ross 1453) Frederoea M. Watson 1538) Betty Mallory
1284) Azziz Watkins 1369) Esmerelda B. Ross 1454) Enise Warren 1539) Joe Gentry
1285) Veronica Hall 1370) Cameron Ross 1455) Christina M. Warren 1540) Charles Gentry
1286) Birdie Houston 1371) Tracey Ross 1456) John Lee Davis 1541) Melvin Gentry
1287) Sarah Holly Jamison 1372) Bella Sadmine 1457) Demekisa Sidamo Davis 1542) Connie Gentry
1288) James-Johnson 1373) Dellie Ross 1458) Jayesh Davis 1543) Peggy Gentry
1289) Annie Johnson-Jones 1374) Sierra Deleon 1459) Malini Davis 1544) Darlene Gentry
1290) Ora Jones 1375) Alvino Ross, Sr. 1460) Gerildine Davis 1545) Colene Gentry
1291) Robert Folks 1376) Alvino Ross, Jr. 1461) Bernice Smith 1546) Deloris Gentry
1292) Tommy Vaughn 1377) Alvencia Ross 1462) Richard Wright 1547) Henry Gentry
1293) Melvin Vaughn 1378) Corinda A. Ross 1463) LaVern Scarbourgh 1548) Clay Gentry
1294) Walter Vaughn 1379) Johnathan C. Ross 1464) Cornelia Williams 1549) Belinda Gentry
1295) Mary L. Vaughn 1380) Alice Neal Anderson-Robinson 1465) Thelma Crowell 1550) Steve Gentry
1296) Shirley Vaughn 1381) Chester Robinson 1466) Sylvia Wright 1551) Howell Gentry
1297) Elaine Vaughn 1382) Kelly Lunn Robinson 1467) Maurice Wright 1552) Brian Poole, Sr.
1298) Lavern Vaughn 1383) Kasey Alice Robinson 1468) Virginia Stewart 1553) Damon Poole
1299) Jessie Jackson 1384) Herbert Alan Robinson 1469) Sheila Wright 1554) Harold Poole
1300) David Jackson 1385) Alvino Ross 1470) Michael crowell 1555) Vernon Poole
1301) Kareemah K. Yusef 1386) Mildred Davis-Ross 1471) David Crowell 1556) Brian Poole, Jr.
1302) Patricia Kines 1387) Loretta Ross 1472) Cheryl Crowell 1557) Jade Poole
1303) Diya M. Wadud 1388) Carl J. Ross 1473) Vernadine Wright 1558) Brointa Poole
1304) Hajah Wadud 1389) Maggie Ross 1474) Danielle Stewart 1559) Denay Poole
1305) Kamiel S. Wadud 1390) Connie C. Ross 1475) Julia Stewart 1560) Javon Poole
1306) Kareemah K. Wadud 1391) Amiana Hope Williams 1476) Carey Crowell 1561) Emprise Poole
1307) Shartashar Tariqah Wadud 1392) Beulah Mae Sumler 1477) Shahn Holliday 1562) Damon Poole, Jr.
1308) Nahla G.Wadud 1393) Edward A. Swepson, Jr. 1478) Kahn Holliday 1563) Stephanie Monique Martine-McKinley
1309) Patricia Kines 1394) Damika S. Bodley-Swepson 1479) Ronald Wells 1564) Linda Aileen Williams
1310) Derek Abdul Kabeer Wadud- Kines 1395) Idris A. Swepson 1480) Darlene Davis 1565) Ronald Keith McKinley
1311) Alvin R. Kines 1396) Kemoni D. Swepson 1481) Donald Wilds 1566) Dexter Samuel McKinley
1312) Gorge King 1397) Judaea J. Swepson 1482) Clarnece Wells 1567) Russell Leon Stockard, Sr.
1313) Clinton Dale Lockhart 1398) Shanavia E. Swepson 1483) Coriell L. Alexander, Jr. 1568) Theresa Yvonne Stockard
1314) Josephine Lockhart 1399) Dorlaura Shonfeyah Smallwood 1484) Jesse Lee Alexander, Jr. 1569) Clyde Elness Gray, Jr.
1315) Norma Mackey 1400) Joseph G. Steward, Sr. 1485) Gail Elana Rutledge 1570) Amanda Gabriel Gray
1316) Theresa Ross-Mustafa 1401) Jeannie Smith-Steward 1486) Coriell L Alexander, Sr. 1571) Ryan Christopher Gray
1317) Ora L. Mustafa 1402) Alexa D. Steward 1487) Bessi Y Alexander 1572) Claire Elizabeth Gray
1318) Jarret Mustafa 1403) Brittney Steward 1488) Jaedon Markus Ulloa-Alexander 1573) Robert Dawson Stockard, Jr.
1319) Ralph Miles 1404) Joseph G. Steward, Jr. 1489) Trenton Bullock 1574) Brenda Stockard
1320) Ronald Miles 1405) Xavier Steward 1490) John W. Bullock 1575) Danny Frank Brown, Jr.
1321) Phill Nell 1406) Jae Spinner-Jean-Simon 1491) Harry Bullock 1576) Kristen LaShel Brown
1322) Callie M. Peart 1407) Velma Spinner-King 1492) Trenton J. Bullock 1577) William James Stockard
1323) Edward Peart 1408) William Spinner, Jr. 1493) Troy W. Bullock 1578) Bessie Ann Francis Stockard
1324) Vivian Bigelow Peart 1409) Nia Spinner 1494) Amber L. Bullock 1579) Jean Vashtie Stockard
1325) Lisa Nicole Peart 1410) Julius Spinner 1495) Kose Moja 1580) Sharon Aileen Stockard
1326) Marc Peart 1411) Jasiah Spinner 1496) Terrance D. Bullock 1581) Sonja Michelle Martin Poole
1327) Veronica H. Peart 1412) Jeremiah Spinner 1497) Gail West 1582) Simone Elyse Martin-Newberry
1328) Marc E. Peart 1413) Simoen Spinner 1498) Dre West 1583) Malachi Vaughn Poole
1329) Aaliyah Z. Peart 1414) Evans Spinner 1499) Carol Thomas 1584) Vincent Isaiah Poole
1330) Maisha Peart 1415) Kiyah Spinner 1500) Carl Thomas 1585) Janice Lynn Stockard Dargan
1331) Keimai Colon 1416) Lee Spinner 1501) Charkia Thomas 1586) James Thomas Dargan
1332) Ashanti Colon 1417) Jordan Spinner 1502) Marie Evans 1587) Paul Andrew Dargan
1333) Ayannah Boykins 1418) Danielle Spinner 1503) Tanika Evans 1588) Russell Leon Stockard, Jr.
1334) Quamarl Boykins 1419) Jasmine Spinner 1504) Calvin Evans 1589) Desmond Mosi Tucker Stockard
1335) Jeffrey Jamison Peart 1420) Linda Taylor 1505) DeAndrea Evans-Springer 1590) Daren Blake Stockard
1336) Mark Carter Pierce 1421) Stacy L. Taylor Banister 1506) Kevin Evans 1591) Alice Yvonne Teague Easley Reid
1337) John J. Powell 1422) Victorio Lance Taylor 1507) Ronald Evans 1592) Trena Yvette Easley Phillips Armstrong

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1593) LaCheka Yvette Phillips 1678) Lionel Graham 1764) Bruce Monteiro 1850) Ronnie Gordon
1594) Trená Yvette Phillips 1679) Christopher Jamison 1765) Monica Monteiro 1851) Roy Edward Gray Jr.
1595) Ralph James Kirby Armstrong 1680) Keon Jamison 1766) Robby Howard 1852) Steve Gray
1596) Carlyn Sharee Armstrong 1681) Dashown Dye 1767) Nicole Howard 1853) Sam Alexander Jr.
1597) Angela Denise Reid Brooks 1682) Shaquan Jamison 1768) Ashley Howard 1854) Bernard Alexander
1598) Doyle Israel Ferguson Jr 1683) Thersa Springer 1769) Jarrod Howard 1855) Kyrie Gray
1599) Donna Lynn Ferguson Dean 1684) Ketriana Jamison 1770) Kinya Howard 1856) Sharkiran Major
1771) Keelin Howard 1857) Ronzo Gray
1600) Carla Lashell Dean Ogene 1685) Ramira Harwell
1772) Kevon Howard 1858) Latasha Howard
1601) Hilliard Dean III 1686) Jeremiah Jamison
1773) Keeana Howard 1859) Alton Goins
1602) Allen Albert Black III 1687) Isaiah Miller 1774) Marie Monteiro 1860) Lebron Goins
1603) Allen Albert Black IV 1688) Jeremiah Jamison 1775) Mark Huntsbury 1861) Courtney Taylor
1604) Arlita Black-Swanson 1689) Geriko Jamison 1776) Caleb Huntsberry 1862) Ruth Golson
1605) Alberta Laverne Black 1690) Christal Jamison 1777) Calvin Huntberry 1863) Frank Golson
1606) Reginald Shipman 1691) Christopher Jenkins 1778) Henry Huntsberry 1864) Louise Golson
1607) Rodney Ellis 1692) Kristchin Jenkins 1779) Stargina Huntsberry 1865) Joyce Golson
1608) Harold Beane 1693) Chris Jenkins 1780) Stacia Huntsberry 1866) Horace Gray
1609) Renata Beane 1694) Allen Jenkins 1781) Howard Huntsberry 1867) JoAnn Coe
1610) Albert Burroughs 1695) Quindarriuos Thomas 1782) Courtney Huntsberry 1868) Geneva stokes
1611) Ronald Knight 1696) Reara Jamison 1783) Cody Huntsbury 1869) Elbert Stokes
1612) Jerry King 1697) Bridgett Panky 1784) Jessie Bradley III 1870) Aubrey Stokes
1613) Sylvia Malone 1698) Jad Panky 1785) Jessie Bradley IV 1871) Gwen Stokes
1614) Terrell Samuels 1699) Dotsherita Birdsong 1786) Jerry Bradley 1872) Wyatt Gray
1615) Gladys L. Malone 1700) Cedric Birdsong 1787) Jerell Bradley 1873) Charles Gray
1788) Jennifer Bradley 1874) Dorothy Gray Pitts
1616) John W.Malone 1701) Nashae Birdsong
1789) Justin Bradley 1875) Valerie cement
1617) Larine Malone 1702) Toya Birdsong
1790) Cheryl Bradley 1876) Latoya clement
1618) Aaron L. Malone 1703) Meka Wicks 1791) Maynard Bradley
1619) Gladys L. Malone 1704) Ladarious Wicks 1877) Dominique clement
1792) Marie Bradley
1620) John W. Malone 1705) Thirstin Wicks 1878) Dwayne clement
1793) Luis Navalle Turner
1621) Larine Malone 1706) Travis Freeman 1794) Shalia Turner 1879) Dwayne A clement
1622) Aaron L. Malone 1707) Chemille Freeman 1795) Willie Turner 1880) Mary Emma Morse
1623) Vernette Brown 1708) Demetrius McCormick 1796) Doreen Turner 1881) Justin Campbell
1624) Kenya Malone 1709) Tammy McCormick 1797) Tracy Holmes 1882) Lynn hazard
1625) Maliya Goodwin 1710) Kevin Johnson 1798) Tara Holmes 1883) Leon Hazar
1626) Keyiarria Malone 1711) Sammetrius Johnson 1799) Cheryl Turner 1884) Warren hazard
1627) Shandra Malone 1712) Kentyra Jenkins 1800) Lanitra Nene Turner
1885) Warren hazard
1628) Malise Malone 1713) Taniah Bridgewater 1801) Michael Turner
1802) Jeffery Turner 1886) Jaydis hazard
1629) Larry Blakely 1714) Jaleen Patterson
1803) Kristopher James Thompson 1887) Thomas hazard
1630) Vernette Brow 1715) Dana Jenkins
1631) Dorothy Mackey 1716) Briana Jenkins 1804) Alyssa Ann Thompson 1888) Thomas hazard Jr
1632) Cedric Alexander 1717) Shantia Jenkins 1805) Carolyn A. Andrews 1889) Tiana dealmeida
1633) Bessie Carter 1718) Joseph Menjivar 1806) Melissa Ann Andrews 1890) Nichole hazard
1807) Keona R. Thompson 1891) Jaaliyah hazard
1634) Harry Pickens 1719) Christopher Barnes
1635) Mark Pickens 1720) Tajih Yasir Phelps 1892) Carmella hazard
1809) Larry Anthony Williams
1636) Kaiya Pickens 1721) Cheryl Barnes 1893) Geraldine shavers
1810) Elma Jean Williams
1637) Javan Harper 1722) Tamara Phelps 1894) Mike shavers
1638) Lisa Harper 1723) Rudolph K. Johnson, Jr. 1811) Brian Anthony Williams
1895) Bianca shavers Johnson
1639) Amit Anusik 1724) Harry Hall 1812) Leticia O. Williams
1896) Kyle childs shavers
1640) Nekhebt Akeba 1725) Mary Hall 1813) Kimberly Rolle
1897) Miles shavers
1641) Tina Elmore- Wright 1726) Farrah Hall 1814) Lorenzo Williams
1898) Asia shavers
1642) Gregory Louis Wright 1727) James Smith 1815) Jovita Williams
1899) Robert shavers
1643) Patrick Ryan Kelly 1728) Akwasi Olu Agyeman 1816) Rashondia Gaines
1900) Jacqulina shavers
1644) Sandy Jerry Elmore 1729) Janell Walden Agyeman 1817) Akeem Williams
1645) Phyllis Hutchinson 1730) Kwami A.W. Agyeman 1901) Bobbi - lisette shavers
1818) Ayana Williams
1646) Albert Hutchinson 1731) Kwabena N.W. Agyeman 1902) Ana Christina shavers
1819) Amar Williams
1647) Kimberly Hutchinson 1732) Andrew Jerome Withers 1903) Jessica shavers
1820) Albertha Mosely
1648) Anita Hutchinson 1733) Kenya Fatima Withers 1904) William shavers
1821) Tyrone Mosely
1649) Sabrina Hutchinson 1734) Neyamaya Moore 1905) Jocelyn shavers
1822) Lakeisha R. Woods
1650) LuAnn Wright-Mays 1735) Joshua Billy Withers 1906) Jasmine shavers
1651) Christopher Wright 1736) Everrett Mohammad 1823) Cameron Woods
1907) Kimanie shavers
1652) Verda Long-Thomas 1737) Alvin Duaine Hentrel 1824) Kayla Woods
1908) Adelina shavers
1653) Larry Thomas 1738) Cheryl Asha Mosley Blake 1825) Michael Woods
1909) Robert shavers Jr
1654) Christopher Jamison 1739) Harold Walker 1826) Darrick D. Sanders
1910) George shavers
1655) Doris Clark 1740) Satch 1827) Margie Williams
1911) Isabella shavers
1656) Sharon Foster 1741) Eugene Vaughn Monteiro 1828) Walter Williams
1657) Wanda Tuggle 1742) Robert J. Patterson 1912) Delon Jones
1829) Jerome Williams
1658) Pamela Jamison 1743) Eugene Vaughn Monteiro Jr. 1913) Nicole clement
1830) Chalana Williams
1659) Glenda Jamison 1744) Cody Lee Monteiro 1914) Regina clement
1831) Willie Bee Crigler
1660) Renee Birdsong 1745) Airiel Monteiro 1915) Ji-Kenna Handley
1746) Michael Monteiro 1832) William Crigler
1661) Rita Wicks 1916) Trent Handley
1747) Lasia Monteiro 1833) Darrick D. Sanders Jr.
1662) Niecey Panky 1917) Tyuss Handley
1748) Troy Monteiro 1834) Ethel Climes
1663) Marcus Foster 1918) Wanda Cameron
1749) Karina Marie Monteiro 1835) Vanessa Climes
1664) Kalan Foster 1919) Juan Cameron
1750) Charlotte Patterson 1836) Willie Zell Gray
1665) Nita Foster 1751) Isaiah Patterson 1920) Aneesah Cameron
1666) Eric Foster 1837) James Gray, Jr.
1752) Rochelle Patterson 1838) Bernice Gray Jones 1921) Tenika wright
1667) James Foster 1753) Anthony Patterson 1839) Roy Edward Gray 1922) Alphonso Fairweather
1668) Daniela Foster 1754) Alijah Lapaz 1840) Helen Gray Alexander 1923) Willie Adams Jr
1669) Shares Foster 1755) Jaydah Patterson 1841) Reginald Bernard Gray 1924) Sherry Fisher Adams
1670) Kierney Foster 1756) Grace-Charlotte Patterson 1842) Janice Gray Thornton 1925) Sheryl Fisher Adams
1671) Dwan Brooks 1757) Martina Gabrielle Lapaz 1843) Jacquelyn Marie Gray 1926) Adam Jones
1672) China Brooks 1758) Marc Patterson 1844) Rhonda Gray Pruitt
1673) Quinton Brooks 1759) Honor Rainey 1927) Largie Adams Richardson
1845) Winfred Gray
1674) Tavious Brooks 1760) Arajune Patterson 1846) James Gray III 1928) Charles Adams
1675) Willie Johnson 1761) Jayden Patterson 1847) Jason B Gray 1929) Versie Adams Jr.
1676) Kenya Johnson 1762) Francisco Monteiro Jr 1848) Joel Wright 1930) Versie Adams
1677) Niquita Bridgewater 1763) Veronica Monteiro 1849) Johnny C. Gordon Jr.

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1931) Sandra Adams 2009) Loretta Brown 2087) Otis Weeden 2167) Keyanna Fountain
1932) Charles Graham Jr 2010) Robert Adams 2088) David White 2168) Noel Denmark
1933) Hannah Graham 2011) Najahrae Gonçalves 2089) Danny White 2169) Robert Denmark
2170) Alvin Denmark
1934) Charles Graham 3rd 2012) Nia Lyles adams 2090) Danielle Harris
2171) Kenneth Denmark
1935) Charles Jocabs 2013) Robert Lyles Adams 2091) Daniel Harris 2172) Kendall Denmark
1936) Javon Wilson 2014) Melvin Byrd 2092) Alivia Harris 2173) Sharon Denmark
1937) Zone Wilson 2015) Thomas Byrd 2093) Daneasah Andrade Harris 2174) Shelia Green
1938) Barbara Adams 2016) Justin Keenan 2094) Earl Harris 2175) Michael Jackson
1939) Destiny Adams 2017) Tori Byrd 2095) Earl Harris Jr 2176) Jasmine Green
1940) Sonya Adams 2018) Raeghan Byrd 2096) Gloyce Hackney 2177) Clifford Williams
2178) Chalamar Williams
1941) Mikal j. Adams 2019) Kyle Byrd 2097) Warren Hackney
2179) Clifford Williams Jr,
1942) Damien Adams 2020) Evan Break 2098) Isaiah Hackney 2180) Del Balsom
1943) Gregory Adams 2021) Cayden Byrd 2099) Jaylin Robinson 2181) Michael Bullard
1944) Gwendolyn Adams 2022) Michael Byrd 2100) Phoenix Barnes 2182) Faye Bloodsworth
1945) Bradford Sims 2023) Mysheallie Birth 2101) Herbert Hackney 2183) Marcho Harvey
1946) Preston Sims 2024) Marche Byrd 2102) Herbert Butler 2184) Carl Harvey
1947) Marcus Sims 2025) William Byrd 2103) Nicole Hackney 2185) Gigi Beaty
2186) Willie Murray
1948) Bobby R. Adams 2026) Melissa Cornish Birth 2104) Raven Hackney
2187) Joseph Denmark
1949) Faleshia Adams 2027) Ayela Birth 2105) Jaden Butler 2188) April Denmark
1950) Bobby Adams 2028) Ajanae Cornish 2106) Raynell Bulter 2189) James Denmark
1951) Nathan e. Loras 2029) Kawan Birth 2107) Corey Brown 2190) Jerome Denmark
1952) James l.Dixon 2030) Jalon Cornish 2108) Corey Brown Jr 2191) Ike Denmark
1953) James l. Dixon Jr 2031) Theresa Cunningham 2109) Avery Brown 2192) Ruth Fountain
2193) Stella Adams
1954) Other l Dixon 2032) Danyo griffin -Byrd 2110) Adean Mitchell
2194) Alfred Denmark
1955) Marshay n Dixon 2033) Isaiah Cunningham 2111) Aquasah perry Mitchell 2195) Kayla Jacques
1956) Shakala n Dixon 2034) Leilani griffin -Byrd 2112) Arayah perry Mitchell 2196) Kim Denmark
1957) Jamie m Hazard 2035) Charity Leander 2113) AliJah perry Mitchell 2197) Karla Fleming
1958) Lindsey v Hazard 2036) Lucas Leander 2114) Antwan Mitchell 2198) Kelvin W Gorrell
1959) Angelina j hazard 2037) Amari Bradley 2115) Gilbert Williams 2199) Mamie Villines
1960) Alicia j Hazard 2038) Carolyn Birth 2116) Carol hackney 2200) Ken Gorrell
2201) Keith Gorrell
1961) Jordian a Hazard 2039) Braelynn Birth 2117) Mark Hackney
2202) Norma Gorrell
1962) Shani m Dixon 2040) Joseph Adams 2118) Shalom Hackney 2203) Joyce Gorrell
1963) Brennan Morgan 2041) Indianna adams 2119) Shirley Hackney 2204) Ken Villines
1964) Ma'nae n Andrade 2042) Latoshia threats 2120) Chimere Hackney 2205) Ken Villines Jr
1965) Dallon j Artis 2043) Alexis threats 2121) Chaz Hackney 2206) Keeva Jay
1966) Stacey Smith DaSilva 2044) Thomas threats 2122) Barbara Mitchell 2207) Amy Beth Gorrell
1967) Kenny Smith 2045) Renee Ferrell 2123) David Mitchell 2208) Kelvin Gorrell Jr
2209) Kelly Gorrell
1968) Shyecee Dixon 2046) Ebony Ferrell 2124) Joyce Turner
2210) Trae Robinson
1969) Damien Smith 2047) Shawn Ferrell 2125) Gary Turner Jr 2211) Paul Villines
1970) Dominique DaSilva 2048) Donnelly Ferrell 2126) Joshua Turner 2212) Leticia Villines
1971) Keyarsa Harris Dixon 2049) Jamari Jenkins 2127) Nehemiah Turner 2213) James Villines
1972) Icesiss Harris Dixon 2050) Joseph Thompson 2128) June Prim 2214) Nicole Gorrell
1973) Adrianna Isom 2051) Kahil Thompson 2129) Rick Prim Jr 2215) Benjamin Villines
2216) Andralla Slayton
1974) Aaliyah Rich 2052) Trei Thompson 2130) Linda Prim
2217) Felikoi R. Charlemagne
1975) Damien Rich 2053) Nathaniel Thompson 2131) Kim Prim 2218) Felante R. Charlemagne
1976) Danielle Harris 2054) Amelia bank Thompson 2132) Javon Prim 2219) Feliquan R. Charlemagne
1977) Vincent Harris 2055) Kayliani Thompson 2133) Jamarhi Prim 2220) Felani R. Charlemagne
1978) Rebecca c Johnson 2056) Lolita Livingston 2134) Traevon Prim 2221) Felangra R.Charlemagne
1979) Lanisha t Joseph 2057) Caine Thompson 2135) Keonna Prim 2222) Sylvanus Charlemagne
1980) Teshel c White 2058) Chi Ma Thompson 2136) Maude Hackney 2223) Albert Charlemagne
2224) Marcellus Charlemagne
1981) Eunika b Johnson 2059) Lawrence Thompson 2137) Willie Jean Thomas
2225) Bridget Ramer
1982) Mekhai's Peoples 2060) Letitia Thompson 2138) Frankie Lee Thomas 2226) Helen Desir
1983) Rachel White 2061) Marisa Meyers 2139) Antonio Thomas 2227) Gloria Jagrup
1984) Chavon White 2062) Mary Anne Byrd 2140) Tommy Lee Thomas 2228) Luciana Charlemagne
1985) Devon j White 2063) Clinton Jones Byrd 2141) Frank Thomas Jr 2229) Victoria Sunrise
1986) Devon j White Jr 2064) Kenneth Birth 2142) Kizzy Cole 2230) Roosevelt Mitchell III
1987) Latrey m Johnson Jr 2065) Linda Birth 2143) Crystal Jay Perry 2231) Shandrea Nevarez
2232) Olivia Nevareze
1988) Jaydadon h gonzalez 2066) Minnie Birth 2144) Jasmine Thomas
2233) Sadie Mitchell
1989) James Weeden 2067) Benjamin Birth 2145) Pearl Thomas 2234) Kenneth Mitchell
1990) Jason Weeden 2068) Clifford Adams 2146) J.T. West 2235) Elizabeth Diane Lewis
1991) Birghandi Weeden 2069) Eboni Adams 2147) Glenda Green 2236) Marcus Mitchell
1992) Catherine kitties Hold 2070) Siara Jane Morales 2148) Justice West 2237) Cameron Mitchell
1993) Laurie Spivey Ankoma 2071) Amir Spriggs Jr 2149) J.T West 2238) Marlana Pertee
2239) Auburn Pertee
1994) Jason Spivey 2072) Oines Edward Thompson 2150) Jewel west
2240) Rodriquez Wright
1995) Rondale Spivey 2073) Sharyce Thompson 2151) Kijiah D.Hackney 2241) Shirley M. Everett
1996) Ronald Thompson 2074) Sache'l Thompson 2152) Daybue D Hackney 2242) Xavier L Burrell
1997) Ronald Thompson 2075) Oines Thompson Jr 2153) Sylvia Denmark 2243) Shynin A. Thomas
2154) Eric Honors 2244) Damion A. Everett
1998) Angela Thompson 2076) Kalyan Goddard
2155) Alexander Honors 2245) Elijah Degraphered
1999) Wanita Brown 2077) Phill Goddard 2156) Ethan Honors
2000) Janiah Garcia 2078) Jordan Gen 2246) Dyani W. Mcneal
2157) Jasmine Honors 2247) Suan A. Everett
2001) Amir Spriggs 2079) Joseph Thompson Jr 2158) Chance Honors 2248) Wayne Sampson
2002) Keelonda Brown 2080) Chris Livingston 2159) Keirson Honors 2249) Shellise Harry
2003) Xyasia Brown 2081) Jasmine adams 2160) Adrienne Kinsler 2250) Dequan Perry
2004) Latoya Thompson 2082) Robin Adams 2161) Kori Manuel 2251) Shellia Smith
2162) Ariah Manuel 2252) Samarah Harry
2005) Michael McAllister jr 2083) Carl Adams
2163) Innocent Destino III 2253) Ebony Boucher
2006) Leila Howard 2084) Michael Adams 2164) Patricia Steele
2007) Timothy Howard 2085) David Weeden 2254) Dexter D’khari
2165) Lisa Williams 2255) Betty A. Everett
2008) Clarence buddy Brown 2086) Jaquaar Weeden 2166) Charonn Young 2256) Harold Everett

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2257) Toni Everett 2345) Elizabeth A. James 2428) Madonna Marie Stephens-Bey 2512) Tracy Annette Windly
2258) Ricky Everett 2346) Stephen Lamont Moore 2429) Savitri Gita Ragoonath/Merritt 2513) Keyaffa Shantayle Carter
2259) Donna Everett 2347) Andele Katrice Alcorn/Patterson 2430) Derrick Prescott 2514) Dorothy Mercedes Binns
2260) Jimmy Everett 2348) Lacy Dayan Patterson 2431) Anthony-Jo Dominick 2515) Darius Lorenzo Wigfall
2261) Jimmy Walmsley 2349) Michael Tatum II 2432) Gillian Leary Baker 2516) Angela Mccoy
2262) Dominic Walmsley 2350) Natasha Wilson 2433) Nashina Panaa Angelique 2517) Chapeka Rose Majors
2263) Jamie Johnson 2351) ElJarod Lawson Billingsley 2518) Earma Harris
2264) Lesley Walmsley
2352) Jillian Elizabeth Cardamon 2434) Patrick Kelly 2519) Cloria Denise Roberts
2265) Tia Perry
2353) Miriam Mangrum 2435) Brittany Thomas 2520) Mabel Janice Bibbs
2266) Mason Everett
2267) Arianna Everett 2354) Villaurel Shackelford 2436) Steven Bernard Griffin 2521) Delores Edith Keemer
2268) Gloria Everett 2355) Shequan Asia Crump/Zavala 2437) Robert Selby Jr. 2522) Gladys Nadine Porter
2269) Chad Sampson 2356) Jason Crump 2438) Keshia Nelson 2523) Mary Yvonne Tatum
2270) Robert Sampson 2357) Tyryce DeLeon Coleman Hammett 2439) Iesha Therea Canty 2524) Raheem Karriem
2271) Carol Everett 2358) Marty Boone 2440) Ashley WIlliams 2525) Ura Lee Johnson
2272) Gloria Spears 2359) Karen Anita Randolph-Nelson 2441) Thayer Ebron 2526) Jimmy DeanJohnson
2273) Shi Spears 2360) Geanee' Monique Coleman 2442) Antwan Donnavon Morris 2527) Sophia Evette Jackson
2274) Craig Spears 2361) Melinda Jones Ward-Bickham 2443) Mark Roberts 2528) John Hogan
2275) Delores Ann Everett 2362) Kyree Isaiah Gibson 2444) Michael Barkley 2529) Garet Lee McDaniels
2276) Tara L. Everett 2363) Jeremy McAuley 2445) Colin Baker 2530) Vicky Hogan
2277) Sharmaine Everett 2364) Yolanda Cunningham/Lewis 2446) Nicholas Joseph Angol 2531) Almitra Igyan
2278) Thayer Everett 2365) Chante Boone 2447) Taj Dyami 2532) Benjamin O'neil Hordee
2279) Richard Sampson 2366) Cheron Danecia Durley Williams 2448) Matthew O'Shea Barkley 2533) Jessica Denise Fisher
2280) Marvin Sampson 2367) Ronda Elmidge Boone 2449) Marcus O'Shea Barkley 2534) Jessie Fisher
2281) Ronda Sampson
2368) Frederick Ralph Mangrum, III 2450) Irving Rocky Johnson 2535) Evelyn Dennis
2282) David Sampson
2369) Fredrick Ralph Margnum Junior 2451) Terri Johnson 2536) Michael Douglas
2283) Harry Sampson
2284) Cynthia Sampson 2370) Carolyn Lafayette/Mangnum 2452) Bow Johnson 2537) John Archie Daily
2285) Allen Sampson 2371) Aiesha Tanisha Thomas 2453) Akasha Northup 2538) Theon Clark
2286) Mark Sampson 2372) David Allen Bell 2454) Porsche Edmundson 2539) Nyerha Cade
2287) Karen Sampson 2373) Sariyah MaLaYa Seamon 2455) Tawana Tyson 2540) Madalyn Brice
2288) Carla Whitford 2374) Marqvetta Spencer/ Rori Tousant 2456) Tiasha Monick Reed 2541) Kevin Douglas
2289) David Anderson 2375) Micheal Shackelford 2457) Alexander Allen Davis 2542) Vincent Cheeks
2290) Brad Sampson 2376) Dearthrice Aaron DeWitt 2458) Sylvester Henry DuDley 2543) Peter Brown
2291) Pamela Sampson 2377) Aaron McKenley Lewis 2459) Richard Eugene Curry II 2544) Percy Brown
2292) Tina Sampson 2378) Jacqueline Denise Anderson 2460) Brother Sundiata 2545) Kendrick Bailey
2293) Brad Sampson 2379) Tyron Wayne Dixon 2461) Brion Heru'el Ofrika Bey 2546) Desiree Marie Anderson
2294) Jernal Sampson 2380) Narlyia Janel Sterling 2462) Natalie Renee Bramwell 2547) Regina Renee Ayers Brekenridge
2295) Jerome K. Sampson 2381) Pierre Justine Lenoir 2463) Xavier Cleon Calhoun 2548) Theresa Edwards
2296) Keith Sampson 2382) Walter Bruce Harell 2464) Felix Revence Charlemagne 2549) Lolettia Natae Eady
2297) Terrell Sampson 2383) Lance Bernard Mitchell 2465) David Clemons Jr. 2550) Wilfred Williams Jr
2298) Brett Sampson
2384) Ivan Maurice Washington 2466) John Lee Davis 2551) April Lorraine Bell Wilson
2299) Angie Sampson
2385) Ean Maurice Washington 2467) Demekisa S. Davis 2552) Michelle Williams
2300) Anna Costa
(Child/21) 2468) April Cozette Denmark 2553) Samuel Ghee
2301) Antoinette Ferrara
2302) Gilbert Whitford 2386) Antyreon E Cambric 2469) Sandy Jerry Elmore 2554) Yolanda Willis
2303) Allister Sampson 2387) Coray Jamal Thomas 2470) Roosevelt Mitchell 2555) Lasean Woods
2304) Bonnie Sampson 2388) Cynthia King 2471) Ronald Keith Morris 2556) Jennifer Deanan Williams
2305) Yvonne Sampson 2389) Carol Ann Walker 2472) Paul Murray 2557) Virgil Adams Thomas
2306) Randy Thomas 2390) Yarmo Latre' Whitmore 2473) Michelle Ann Peters 2558) Ishan Bahij Swain
2307) Phillip Thomas 2391) Terraine Lenoir 2474) Brian Christopher Pools 2559) Katherine Fisher
2308) Sonia Thomas 2392) Kevin Woodruff 2475) Isaiah Jamal Panker 2560) Natasha McCllum Felton
2309) Vaughn Thomas 2393) Djedi Lebechu Mateen Sr. 2476) George Quinn IV 2561) Geretta fisher
2310) Devine Thomas 2394) Rashuan Lamont Jackson 2477) Carl Frederick Erickson 2562) Corliss Cassandra Usher Royal
2311) Sonia Thomas 2395) Irene Pace 2478) Clifford Delaney Greene 2563) David Lamarr Love
2312) Ervin Johnson 2396) Stephanie Monique Martin 2479) Tracie Johnson 2564) Bridgette Khan
2313) Corey Johnson McKinley 2480) Kristine D. Thomas-Jones 2565) Lawanda Jeaneen Hollins
2314) Daric Johnson 2397) Rene Margary 2481) James Gray Jr. 2566) Curtis Stuart
2315) Beverly Brooks 2398) Corielle Alexander 2482) Michael Lee Jones 2567) Willie Frank Nolley
2316) Estarn Germain Ezell 2399) Troy Johnson 2483) Robert S. Jones 2568) Kamica Toshiba Goins
2317) Grace Louise Williams (McSwain) 2400) Derek Love 2484) Joe L. Lawson 2569) Asma York
2318) Goya Jamicka Grant 2401) Dana Shepherd 2485) Chuckie Tyrone Miller Jr. 2570) Ameerah Watson
2319) Freshun De Frencheriss Flowers 2402) Madeline Ann Gardiner 2486) Renford Andre McMorrin 2571) Shawnte Amoure Simmons
2320) Renda L. Wilson 2403) Amen Hetep Isra El 2487) William Norris Mosley 2572) Denise Woods
2321) Beverly Wynn (Payne) 2404) Marnell Richardson 2488) Wayne Anthony Mack 2573) Nadirah Watson
2322) Rory Juarez Payne 2405) Lamaya Carmelle Marie Lee-Carr 2489) Helene Harris Greene 2574) Robbi Louise Thomas
2323) Leroy Mahan 2406) Taylor Aiyse Chew/Nicholas 2490) Shellean Smith Hammock 2575) Robert Johnson
2324) Lillie Mae Kennedy 2407) Karen Melinda Paris 2491) Damien Wayne Hemmings 2576) Michael Eugene Rosemond
2325) Joseph Menjivar 2408) Daniel Joel Carr 2492) Linda Jean Mitchell Hoard 2577) Edwin Keith Reynolds
2326) Malik Rashad Wimley/Hunter 2409) Chante Cherie Beal/Page 2493) Jarrid Lamar Richardson 2578) Terrell Osborne Jr.
2327) Nyota Smith 2410) Samuel Earl Wellington 2494) Timothy Williams 2579) Stephen Morrison (Sheff)
2328) Major Benton 2411) Martha Louise Ford 2495) Tina Louise Elmore-Wright 2580) Reginald Errin McNair
2329) Damon Ward 2412) Annette Marie Pickins/Frierson 2496) Gregory Louis Wright 2581) Elisha Daniel Heron
2330) Julian Lemar Harris 2413) Marla Rochon Foster 2497) Tayon Lamar Wynn 2582) Sharon Yvette Roberts Gates
2331) Renelle Fields Harris 2414) Toni Regina Davis Stuart 2498) Kristopher James Thompson 2583) Paul Lawrence Morant Jr
2332) Corben J.J. Williams 2415) Niomisha Renee Wilson 2499) Kimberly Nadine Thomas 2584) Ursula Demetria Anderson
2333) Benjamin Williams 2416) Romin Kenneth Johnson 2500) Schon Kendal Thomas 2585) Aimee Lynn McCoy
2334) Richard Staples Smith 2417) Johnny Lee Durgin 2501) Quinton Ledell Thomas 2586) Janet P. Batts
2335) Felicia Badon 2418) Akili Damone Hight 2502) Cynthia Olivia Sanders 2587) Erika "Hockta" Woods/Gibbs
2336) Tiffany Milkhannie Hunter 2419) Frank Alexander Lewis III 2503) Justin Lamahar Smith 2588) Kenee Payne
2337) James Charles Branch 2420) Donna Jones 2504) Wanda Farrell Scott 2589) Ryan Payne
2338) LaChella Lynn Boson 2421) Philip Duane Boyd 2505) David Lamont Sampson 2590) David Earl Winn
2339) Darrell Ellis 2422) Nitausha Monique McLaurin 2506) Yolanda Spatcher 2591) james Walter Parker Jr.
2340) Pamela Lynette Conwell 2423) Lorraine Harris Hampton 2507) Stanley Blanc 2592) Angela Corine Downer White
2341) Christopher Sage Clarke 2424) Johnathan Paul McCall 2508) Adrian Shafia Akra 2593) Chirondala Lucinther Brown
2342) Marlon Pierre 2425) Sean Maurice Smith 2509) Marwan Samil Aliakbar 2594) Earnestine Campbell Majors
2343) Yaffa Sharrond Ingram Bey 2426) Tamara Renee Reyes 2510) Ron Scott - plus one 2595) Eric Demetrius Sims
2344) Paul DeShon Barksdale 2427) Cardenas Shackelford 2511) Theresa Lambert 2596) Grerory Armstrong

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2597) Shayla Chadaun Stevens McNair 2682) Eugene Boyd 2767) David Lee Kurfis 2852) Rakiah Walker Minley
2598) Cori Nicole Holmes 2683) Marie Butts 2768) Na'eemah Wyze Dynn Roundtree 2853) Patricia Samuels
2599) Nesha Ashelle Keemer 2684) Mildred Campbell 2769) Iginijah Rachelle Mobley 2854) Sondra Michelle Malone
2600) Amir Caliph El Bey 2685) Timia Washington 2770) Belene Berhane Tesfaye 2855) Andrea Wolfe
2601) Zakur Re Tupac Thompson 2686) Menkkhene-Ra Tehutimes El 2771) Nancyjean Wood 2856) Joe Nathan Flowers
2602) Anthony Morris 2687) Johnnie Mae Jackson 2772) Berhane Tesfaye 2857) Rodney Phillips
2603) Fredrick L. Colton 2688) Kelvin Wesley Gorrell 2773) Monnikue Marie Mccall 2858) Lenard Walker Jr.
2604) Anthony Craig Blyden 2689) Omarr Bey 2774) Gwendolyn Gatley 2859) Brenda Ann Harris
2605) Keisha Latrelle Johnson 2690) Maruin Lee Young 2775) Gary Mitchell 2860) Celia Dolores Wolfe
2606) Willie Jr. Woodard 2691) Tryvon Andrew Fields 2776) Michael Phillips 2861) Jerome Passmore
2607) Deborah Alex-Saunders 2692) Keisha Monet Ayers Taylor 2777) Xavier Moore 2862) Keonte Marquis Bolden
2608) Yokebed BayitYah 2693) Corey Lamont Williams 2778) Jesse Lee Briggs 2863) Wynette Cornelius
2609) MattithYah YirmeYah BayitYah 2694) Nneka Ayanna Alexander Layne 2779) Lucile Pennymon-Briggs 2864) Stephan Andre Dotson
2610) Vienice Ilena Robinson 2695) Liryca Charmaine Neville 2780) Marjorie Robina Wolfe 2865) Yacuub Musa Majeed
2611) Fredrick Antoine Waller Sr. 2696) Ahmad Eugene Powell 2781) LaToya Welch 2866) Dina Pennyman
2612) Tailb Juma Wise 2697) Larell Anthony Sonnier 2782) Marcus Betts 2867) Sandra Pennyman
2613) Gloria Thomas Wise 2698) Carol Renee' Williams 2783) Keenan Aaron Jackson 2868) Janie Marshall
2614) Jerrald Addie Wise 2699) Leah Beatnice Wright 2784) Marcus Howard 2869) John Gray
2615) David Wise 2700) Ardene Turner Wright 2785) Phillip Broden 2870) Valda Marshall
2616) Jumaane Bashiri Wise 2701) Melvin Jeremy Wright 2786) Walter Bruce Woodruff 2871) Glenda Marshall
2617) Jackiya Dionea Ford 2702) Roderick Sylvas 2787) Lance Johnson 2872) Melvin Marshall
2618) Cynthia Hurd 2703) Alexandra Bertrand 2788) Dormina Davis 2873) Marcus Marshall
2619) Eunice D Salley 2704) August Bertrand III 2789) Sherrell Wolfe Bannister 2874) Cherese Bransford
2620) Koriah Domineq Nichols 2705) Alice Faye Powell 2790) Choya Kemp 2875) Lashaun Marshall
2621) Gideon Howell 2706) Rana Simone Badie ` 2791) Ulis Ellis Jr 2876) Ronnie Marshall
2622) Vashan Francine Kyles 2707) Clarence A. Dalcour Jr. 2792) Zere Asli Kassatunde 2877) Devon Pennyman
2623) Moshe David Anderson 2708) Tonya Petrice Bell Johnson 2793) Tonya Wolfe-Swinton 2878) DeLondre Pennyman
2624) Jamil Hashim Moore 2709) Sandra Pichon Dalcour 2794) Brian Petybaboo 2879) Deonqua Pennyman
2625) Antonio Walter ToleFree 2710) Christopher Bertrand 2795) Dwon Elliot Scott II 2880) DeAnna Pennyman
2626) Kevin Levell Jackson 2711) Yolanda Javn Bertrand 2796) Karla Monique Guyton 2881) Dalonah Copeland
2627) Robert Earl Hall 2712) Joynal Christphor Abdin 2797) Marjai Richmond 2882) Desaria Copeland
2628) Patricia Anne Johnson 2713) Ferdinand Bernard Branch Jr. 2798) Patricia Petybaboo 2883) Dylan Jackson
2629) Romel Andrew Taylor 2714) Sharlene A. Doucet Joe 2799) Ramnarine Petybaboo 2884) Da Yonnie Jackson
2630) Mildred Denise Maclin 2715) Tominsha Lenee' Jarreau 2800) Marian Phillips 2885) Linda Kay Faye
2631) Derrick Hawthorne 2716) Keenen Motley 2801) Lenard Walker III 2886) Rolonda Scott Heetwood
2632) Larry James Davis ` 2717) Wade Adrian Miller 2802) Patricia Ann Collins 2887) Janice Kimbrough
2633) Alonzo Hurd 2718) Gale Mary Davis Miller 2803) Amina Blye Sharpe 2888) Kevin Andre Henderson Jr
2634) Glorietta Franklin-Jones 2719) Kenric Dale Neville 2804) Carol Annete Johnson 2889) Denzel Maurice Eurly
2635) John Ellis Hurd 2720) Gyril Garrett Nevillee 2805) Karen Pearson 2890) David Jerome Taylor
2636) Earnest Kinnie 2721) Gaynielle Housey Neville 2806) Mary Jean Peyton 2891) Yolanda Vaugnndell Baggett
2637) Alice Richards Johnson 2722) Anita Clark 2807) Barbara Jean Kemp 2892) Kelanda Chandrai Terry
2638) Ayinde B. Hamilton 2723) Nakia Crystal Wallace 2808) Milton Ramaree Spicer 2893) Gloria Jean Elliott
2639) Denise Lashawn Jackson 2724) Rita Angelica Kganda- Jones 2809) Gregory LaTour Taylor 2894) Cecil Tyrone Henderson
2640) Monzella Yohanus Johnson 2725) Muhamad Hannibal Henry 2810) Sandra Jaunice Vincent/Bracy 2895) Rebecca Foster
2641) Marcia Essie Johnson 2726) Michael Edward Lucas Jr. 2811) Nia Monique Wolfe 2896) Marcus Rommel
2642) Michael Xavier Bennett 2727) Lydia Darnell Sterling 2812) Randy Tyrense Joy 2897) Sedric Nakeith Jones
2643) Linda Marie Armstrong 2728) Nysasha R. Scott 2813) Mareo Dewayn Brown 2898) Keya Lashay Gilbert Clark
2644) Marcus Jermaine Moore 2729) Linda Ann Wilson 2814) Nehemiah Alan Johnson 2899) Dorothy Lee Johnson Clark
2645) Edward Lane Moore 2730) Jontae Arnell Powell 2815) Reginald Emanuel Chisum 2900) Esther Myrtle Anne Solomon
2646) Demetris Dorsey 2731) Charronne Veronica Jones 2816) Quaniece Latik Davenport 2901) Erika Renay Harris
2647) Micaela Lynn Small 2732) Chamarkco Juli-Hou Amin 2817) Barry Dean Mitchell 2902) Mildred Elizebeth Paige Williams
2648) Michael Angelo McPherson 2733) Miriam Hoover 2818) Leonard Hemphill 2903) Abijah Zabihullah
2649) Cheryl Robinson-Davidson 2734) Joy Shakia Smith 2819) Sonja Houston 2904) Sharon Renee Smith
2650) Jerlene Lemore Jones/Bickart 2735) Carla Leslie Bland 2820) Rhonda Chisum-Kelso 2905) Rodney Andrew Underwoon
2651) Annette Ambriz 2736) Russell Orlando Page 2821) Novee Gwenel Pennyman 2906) Theresa Ann Lambert
2652) Dana Cecil Tucker 2737) Edna Pearl Smith 2822) Sandra Townsend 2907) Sylvester Smith Jr.
2653) Terrance Donnell Shaw 2738) Linda Faye Fleet 2823) Deborah Davenport Harvey 2908) Mark Lambert Kennedy
2654) Lynn Michele Wolfe 2739) Orlando Cleveland Obnor Green 2824) Desire Lashon Shepard 2909) Gwendolyn Griffin Solomon
2655) Andrew Charles Bennett 2740) Inga Louise Ricks 2825) Kwyntero Van Kelso 2910) Wilbur Cedric Samuel Solomon
2656) Abrill Victoria Taylor 2741) Byron Lamont McDade 2826) Marcus Nathaniel Howard 2911) Marcus Jermaine Smith
2657) Madeline Louise Moore-Lane 2742) Robert James Whitted 2827) Portia Lynn Kemp 2912) SaBrina Vanessa Gilmore Ashaolu
2658) Kenyatta Lynaie Jones 2743) Seth Bernard Jones 2828) Lake D'seon Lapsley 2913) Chevalier Peree Howard
2659) Sonya Melinda Stanley 2744) Kenneth Russel 2829) Tyler Jerome Warren 2914) Kevin Javon Tate
2660) Sha'Ron Noneko Young 2745) Walter Creig Howze 2830) Channor Cladge Griffith 2915) Steven Armond Goodson
2661) Zachhary Copper 2746) Vinesha Samone Johnsom 2831) Jacqueline Carr 2916) Tammie Nicole Herndon
2662) Rowschaun Michelle Jones 2747) Stephen Augustus Harris 2832) Terrence Rodgers 2917) Cheryl Patrice House
2663) Tyler Vergial Moncrief 2748) Stanley Severin 2833) Trey Shamar Lapsley 2918) Toni Terelisa Hutchson Wade
2664) Donita Margarette Adler Noah 2749) LaMichael Dewayne Allen 2834) Shunmeco Shunkell Cooley 2919) Staycee Jacue'line Neecole Dixson
2665) Donna Marie Adler-Johnson 2750) Charles Lee 2835) Alvin Adam Neal 2920) Walter Ivan Paul solomon
2666) Tony Christopher Henry 2751) Peggie Ann Scott 2836) Nyla Darlene Perrin 2921) Sedric N. Jones
2667) Terown Massey 2752) Winston Cossey Parks 2837) Kerry Van Kelso Jr. 2922) Michael Jessie Barnes
2668) Lecia Monique Crenshaw Henry 2753) Carl Patterson Jr. 2838) Annie Mae Taylor El Bey 2923) Lavon Raymont Perry
2669) Torries Dexter Gunn 2754) Markia Shawun Lowe 2839) Lillian E. Chisum 2924) Tyrone Lamont Gales
2670) Eileen E. Barber 2755) Michael Dawand Richardson Bey 2840) Gwen Lee Pennyman/Hemphill 2925) Iola Butler
2671) Nicole Patrice Johnson 2756) Kenneth Sanders 2841) Nakia Jaran Prevo 2926) Terrence Anthony Cohen
2672) Ronald Jeffrey Hill 2757) Burhan Truth Sword 2842) Corey Lamont Williams Jr. 2927) Jeanette Barnes
2673) Melody Iannette Larkin 2758) Levi Benjamin McDaniel 2843) Gabrielle Nicole Caldwell 2928) Robert Darnell Carr
2674) David Invictus Wheeler 2759) Tosha Nicole Thomas 2844) Vickie Ellis 2929) Charles Lamont Allen
2675) Anthony William Young 2760) Wompimeequin Wampatuck 2845) Johnnie Flowers 2930) Myra Cleola Mark Allen
2676) Richie Jeanett McCombs 2761) Ali AB York Muhammed 2846) Cree Robina Passmore 2931) Keya Lashay Gilbert Clark
2677) Anarnia Kay Davis-Hunt 2762) Joan Mae Bonner 2847) Cynthia Walker 2932) Sedric Nakeith Jones
2678) Chantelle Harris 2763) George Ellis Spring 2848) Liam Omar Foster 2933) Zina Robinson Williams
2679) Tarren Jenkins 2764) Abdulrahman Wadud Taqwa 2849) Kaleb A. Lapsley 2934) Misakelita Isa-Al
2680) Victor Jenkins 2765) Lakeilia Masha Johnson 2850) Vincent Raynard Wellington 2935) Wilbur Cedric Solomon
2681) Judith Douglas/Hill 2766) Barbara Mary Kurpis 2851) John Vernon Fletcher Ali 2936) Angelica Quamtinet Grayer

Page 23 of 25
2937) Terence LaMarr Harris 3022) LaVerne Lucas 3107) Tammy R. Monroe 3192) Tammy J. Hamilton
2938) Ericka Celeste Allen 3023) Lynda Darlene Walker-Pendland 3108) Tracey Anne Brown 3193) Barbra Lenn Dickson
2939) Audrey Nadine King-Lewis 3024) Saladin Muhammad Bey 3109) Dyani Whisper McNeal 3194) Ruth Ann Ferrier
2940) Elena Yvonne Kewis-Edwards 3025) Tyrone Pendland II 3110) Julio A. Maldonado 3195) Musatye Merirah Gatling
2941) Sabrina Eden Payton 3026) Frances Burnette Marshall/Bradley 3111) Toni Everett-Wosencroft 3196) Chantanel Laketha Hendricks
2942) Rajaee Shadeed Bernabela 3027) Carol Ann Wilson 3112) Ricky Lloyd Everett 3197) Bronzee Antonio Junior
2943) Ali Cyrus Bey 3028) Zachery Alexander Cates 3113) Damion Everett 3198) Ricky Dale Shackelford
2944) Rudolph Kim Johnson Jr. 3029) Richard Wuogbei Calphen 3114) Terrell Alton Osborne 3199) Shakyra Simpson-Thomas
2945) Pamela Jewell Greenfield/Walker 3030) Saundra Lee Guyton/Holmes 3115) Taino James Palermo 3200) Christine Allison Diane Robinson
2946) La'Quay Laun'Juel 3031) Bryan Timothy Sims 3116) Gerald A. Price Jr. 3201) Freeman Eric Robinson
2947) Michael Patrick Townes 3032) Raynard Rashun White 3117) Dorothy Leona Reels-Fields 3202) Monique Rochelle Hobbs
2948) Darius Two Bears Ross 3033) Royalty Brunette BenJoseph 3118) Christopher Dyown Isom 3203) Lamont Allen Warren
2949) Ronald Holloway 3034) Shruthi Anahita Krueger/Anderson 3119) Dewayne "Boo" Hackney 3204) Ronald Lee Nixon
2950) Laura Isabel Bergman Zucker 3035) Juantez Deonta Anderson 3120) Faries Solomon Gray 3205) Brielle Latrice Williams
2951) Nichel Patricia Calloway 3036) Bill Steven Wall 3121) Eric Rafael Mercado 3206) Rozlyn Michele Ratliff
2952) Stephen Leroy Thomas 3037) Wesley Allen Solomon 3122) Michelle Christine Bethune 3207) Akil Asim El
2953) Jerrell Cox 3038) Stephanie Marie Bush 3123) Richere Giasson Gosselin 3208) Akil Talib Bey
2954) Aja Larisa Walker 3039) Ralph Edward Hill Jr. 3124) Richer Michel Gosselin 3209) Ehson Mason Betton-Bey
2955) Jerry Wayne Cox 3040) Stacy Antoinet Barnes/Bolton 3125) Raymond Lamar Watson 3210) Eddie C. Bowser Jr.
2956) Sharon Gwendolyn Thomas-Sailor 3041) Jacqueline Angeles Buchanan 3126) Gwen Denise Simpkins 3211) Leola Pope Evans
2957) Fredrick Jemal Smith 3042) Danielle Nicole Burton 3127) Andrew Jerome Withers 3212) Netra Renea Long-Jones
2958) Pauline Germaine Johnson-Johns 3043) Dennis Van Stone Jr. 3128) Darin Lavell Boyland Sr. 3213) Bobby Charles Evans Sr.
2959) Louise Edith Bernabela-Williams 3044) Joseph Frank Clark 3129) Karl Lee Kelly 3214) Tuvache Betton
2960) Holly Anna Cizl 3045) Eugene Dumas Jr. 3130) Dedrick DeanDrea Wrushen 3215) Victoria Claire Sepand
2961) Bobbie Marice Williams 3046) Robert Lewis Hills 3131) Harold Keith Walker 3216) Christopher Allen Cain
2962) Christopher Williams 3047) Shun Effrom Glover 3132) Cheryl Asha Blake 3217) Trenay Pamela Hoye
2963) Arthur Clinton Peters Jr. 3048) Robert Clark Thompson Jr. 3133) Andre Ramon Mathews 3218) Matthew Alan Alston
2964) George Walker 3049) Valencia Estelle Sanderson-During 3134) Malak'Yah El-Elyon 3219) Christopher Arnell Kemp
2965) Clarita Charlotte Loubon 3050) Vince Eric Jones 3135) Janice Lee Wingo 3220) William Henry Mosby
2966) Tigris Woyd-Sigmando Hobbs 3051) Madelyn Larue Halfacre 3136) Regina Michille Wright-Hughes 3221) Paula Diane Nelson
2967) George Vernon Henry 3052) Kevin Duane Thomas 3137) Alvin Duaine Hentrel 3222) Daniel Barrios Perez
2968) Robert Ali Stokes 3053) Sylvia Jean Malone 3138) Constance Renee Looney 3223) Crystal Ettyce Brown
2969) Neil Harvey George Rodney 3054) Jerell Albert McCane 3139) Tyrone Necilo Coleman 3224) Michael Anthony Boney
2970) Jendayi Nanyamka 3055) John Jeffery McCane 3140) Chris Jameson 3225) Lillian Jean Johnson
2971) Angelic Geddie 3056) Harvey Keith Leggon II 3141) John Grier Jr 3226) Johnny Andrews Moore
2972) Aaron Darnell Haro 3057) Kent Shackelford 3142) Fiasco Terrell Spencer 3227) Maria Cecelia Tevesa Ford-Moore
2973) Ishmael Gangoo 3058) Robert Akeem Gooding 3143) Johnny Benard Luckett II 3228) Ashley Nicole Franklin
2974) Maliki E. Stone 3059) Shelia Elizabeth Lee/Taylor 3144) Joseph Samuel 3229) Clinton Jerome Staton
2975) Craig Lamar Chatman 3060) Torry Dante Mitchell-El 3145) Jermichael Stoudermire 3230) Maurice Sylvester Maull
2976) Darrell Leroy Rice 3061) Colby Bre-Anne Smith/Mitchell-El 3146) Kathy Renee Williams Clark 3231) Mary Louise James
2977) Houston Frederick Jerome Bowen 3062) Don Lee Taylor 3147) Markeisha Hayward 3232) Tori Dorshell Martin
2978) Georges Poensen Etienne 3063) Ronald Hayes Davis 3148) Michelle George - Onondaga 3233) Quincy Floyd McCarty
2979) Patricia Ann Carter 3064) Taymon Maurice Jordan 3149) Ricky Glenn Stanley 3234) Lamonthel McNeil
2980) Julian Andreas Wingard 3065) David Elverse Gaiter 3150) Robert Smallwood Jr. 3235) Anthony J. McNeil
2981) Sushanna Hydia Scott 3066) Averie Leigh Jones 3151) Ronald Scott 3236) Annette Elaine McNeil
2982) Jean Carlos "JC" Mejia 3067) Michael Anthony Morgan 3152) Samuel Greene 3237) Mark Eugene Blakely
2983) Deborah Yvetta Lyons-Matthews 3068) Berniedene Leslie Reeves 3153) Shermane Stuart 3238) Steven E. Richmond
2984) Rosse Taveras 3069) Disheen Rahiyn Bing 3154) Samuel Neil 3239) James Marion Ezell
2985) Jahteek Usheem Hicks 3070) Margaret Eve Rodgers-Bing 3155) Sandra Church 3240) Gerald Gresham
2986) Joseph Huey Bray Jr. 3071) Charles Melvin Gregg 3156) Wanda Jackson 3241) Evelyn Theresa Lane
2987) Malcolm Ali Bey 3072) Donzel Xavier Taylor 3157) Corena Deen 3242) Hakimarde M. Mook
2988) Quentin Dalton 3073) Shannon Taylor 3158) Catherine Renee Woods 3243) Darlene Randolph
2989) Junior Edwards 3074) Keidron DeTaron Alexander 3159) Len Wilburn 3244) Dionyah Randolph
2990) Astan Billings 3075) Jamal Rashied Campbell 3160) Elroy Roberson 3245) Monique S. Catten
2991) Chanel Francene Lyons-Bines 3076) Kia L. Clement 3161) Cheryl White 3246) Cassandra Nadine Corder
2992) Dyani Aquine Brown 3077) Warren John Edmonds Jr. 3162) Eisha Tennille Collins 3247) Donald Edward Young
2993) Brigette Lynn Holford-Chapman 3078) Karim Jaad Alexander 3163) Courtney Gunte-Summers 3248) Beulah Roach-Young
2994) Kenrick Lexus Austrie 3079) Carl-heinz Pierre 3164) Gregory Griffin Jr. 3249) Shaddai Nyshira Randolph
2995) Patrese Rochell Brooks 3080) Patrice L. Allen 3165) Jense Hampton 3250) Donna Evette Young
2996) Rodney Harold Bradham 3081) William Guy 3166) Kedrick Hampton 3251) Tony Bennett Jr.
2997) Nigel Marquell Rankin 3082) Coy Cornelious Bethune 3167) Jameel Shamsid-deen 3252) Sherry Spiller
2998) Lillian Laurinda Glass/Taylor 3083) Carter Ambrose Thomas Jr. 3168) Donald King 3253) Kent Robinson
2999) Jeremy Sinclairz Guidry 3084) Carter Ambrose Thomas III 3169) Althea Lee Gill 3254) Anthony George Quinn
3000) Antonio Silowz Giudry 3085) Israel Isaiah Thomas 3170) Howard Lee Gill Jr. 3255) Benton Gardner
3001) Russell Bennett Craig 3086) Marcia L. Johnson 3171) Rosie Mae Brazle 3256) LaTonia D. Gray Gains
3002) Cameron Lorenzo Cates 3087) Corey Eugene Johnson 3172) Reginald Erwin Brazle Sr. 3257) James Young
3003) Rachel Cates 3088) Quaquish Attuck 3173) Danielle Marie Boone Alexander 3258) Clara Marie Corbett
3004) Ninti El Bey 3089) Quttow Yotcan/Erica Watson 3174) Ebony Burton 3259) Jerrod Williams
3005) Tyrone Anthony Jackson-Bey 3090) Wayne Everett 3175) Darrell Collins 3260) Sherwin A. Auen Jr.
3006) Nekhebt Akeba Bey 3091) David Washington-Halfkenny 3176) JoeDan Mims 3261) Shakeitha Rena Dean
3007) Amit Anusik El Bey 3092) Shynin Anockaus Thomas 3177) Tommie Lee Balland 3262) Kent Roberson
3008) Mikael E. Nichelle Dwellingham 3093) Wayne Sampson 3178) Anthony Donte Ford 3263) Stanley Lomax
3009) Dana Elaine Brown 3094) Brett Sherrie Sampson 3179) Natalie Miquelle Ford 3264) Camille Jackson
3010) Tracey Michelle Brown 3095) Joel Rosario 3180) Redell Willis 3265) Lonnie Evans
3011) Trenton John Bullock 3096) Betty Ann Robinson 3181) Rhenee Thomas-Mitchell 3266) Antjuan Martin
3012) Arnold Wells Taylor Jr. 3097) Dean Ashton Gonsalves-Robinson 3182) Lynn Simpson 3267) Beverly Kimble Davis
3013) Crystals Latrice Spaulding 3098) Jeni Watson 3183) Willie Williams Jr. 3268) Cecil Cornell Lillard
3014) Holly May Thompson/Taylor 3099) /Nanapaushat Pumakon 3184) Kenneth Simpson 3269) Janay Cooke
3015) Orlando Williams 3100) Quenikun Pau Paukunawaw 3185) Shameica Burton 3270) Sandra M Bowers-Church
3016) Ilene Janette Gilreath 3101) Darrell Carl Bland 3186) Jordan Montrel Lee Williams 3271) Annette Sherrer
3017) Phillip Denard Chatman 3102) /Kaweew Muchquashim 3187) Clarence Joseph Washington 3272) Eric Brown
3018) Trisha Lashawn White 3103) Curtis Marvin Bland 3188) Navan Consquella Petitt 3273) Reginald E. Chisum
3019) Claude Benard McRoe 3104) Larry Lee Fisher 3189) Chadrick Norell Brooks 3274) Sandra Metcalf
3020) Shayla Machelle Moore 3105) Khari Nelson Moran 3190) Marla Kaye Durden 3275) Johny Mathurin
3021) Abrilla Onell Robinson 3106) Eugene Vaughn Monteiro 3191) Jordan Charde Hamilton 3276) Manes Pierre

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3277) Naim Dudley Muhammad 3284) Doreen Glover
3278) Maurice Ivy 3285) Devin West
3279) Addison Reynolds 3286) Dinah Deas Cadoche
3280) Loletta Brown 3287) Issac Watley
3281) Alvin Brown 3288) Evangeline Davis
3282) Antonio Joy 3289)
3283) Robert Johnson



Tushkahumoc Xelup, NAAIPi Director General, Plenary Consulate General NAAIPi Consulate

1. Ex-Inspector General, U.S. Department of Commerce Todd Zinser

2. International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde
3. Ex-China Finance Minister Lou Jiwei
4. U.S. Congresswoman Maxine Waters
5. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren
6. Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon
7. Ex-International Human Rights Commission Chief Ambassador Dr. Muhammad Shahid Amin Khan
8. Ex-Chief White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett
9. Current U.S. President, Donald Trump

Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter any aboriginal standing / status in any
manner. The purpose for notary is verification and identification only and to effect establishment of international Sworn
Affidavit and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction.
State of Georgia /
County of Fulton /ss.:

:tushkahumoc-xelup:©declares to be the age of majority, one capable of making this Notice and International Affidavit, and
that this Notice and International Affidavit is made with clean hands in good faith, with Explicit Reservation of Rights,
acknowledged, executed, and certified that this Notice and International Affidavit is true and correct pursuant to Law, except
as to matters stated to be on information and belief, and as to those, believes those to be true, this Fifth Day of September,
Two-thousand Eighteen.

____________________________ _________________
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