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7th Grade Tech

Contact info
Brenton Fitzpatrick [classroom-619]
(906) 439-5532 ext. 237

This course is designed to better prepare students for learning in an ever changing digital world.
Students will become fluent with various types of technology, systems, and software over the
course of the school year. The curriculum is aligned with the National Educational Technology
Standards for students.

Class format
Class time will consist of project based learning, both individually and in a group setting. Most
assignments will be posted online in a Google Classroom. All assignments will be submitted
electronically and should require minimal to no work time outside of class.

I will strive to provide all necessary medical and special education accommodations to students.
Please notify me to request additional accommodations.

1. RESPECT- self, classmates, teacher(s), school property
2. PREPARED- Come to class with pencil and planner
3. EFFORT- Always give best effort on all assignments, answers, and activities
4. HOMEWORK- must be turned in before the bell rings, or it will be marked late
5. TEST/QUIZZES- Any talking during the testing period will result in a 0% score
6. FOOD/DRINK- Any food/drink (other than water) will be confiscated and disposed of
7. BACKPACKS- Students must leave their backpacks in the hallway or their locker

Classroom Materials
Students will be expected to bring their planner and a pencil to class every day. No other
materials will be required.

This course will not have an assigned textbook.
Technology agreement
Access to the school’s technology is vital to success in this course. If students are using their
computers for non-school related activity, their computer privileges will be revoked. Further
infractions may result in extended confiscations. Students will not be given deadline extensions
for loss of access due to infractions. Please be sure review the sections of the district’s
Technology Agreement under the sections on Acceptable and Unacceptable use.

Class webpage
Students will be able to access classroom materials and assignments anywhere with an internet
connection via Google Classroom. Additionally, students may access weekly lesson plans on in the event of an absence.

Grading policies
This course will follow the grading scale outlined in the student handbook. Semester exams will
be weighted as 20% of the semester grade. Late work will receive a 10% grade reduction for
each day submitted late. After three days the assignment will be scored as 0%.

If any student is discovered to be cheating (copying work, plagiarism, etc) they will receive a 0%
on the assignment/test, and the administration will be notified. Multiple instances will result in
further disciplinary action.

Bathroom Passes
In order to not disturb the learning environment, bathroom passes will not be issued during
classroom instruction. Passes will be allowed during individual and (some) group work settings.
Students must possess their OWN planner in order to be let out of class.

Dear parents/guardians,
I am very excited to be your child’s teacher this year. I will do my best to ensure your
son/daughter receives the most quality education available. It is my hope that this year will be
filled with much learning and fun! I will get to know your child as the school year progresses,
but if there is anything that you feel I should know about your child in order to best meet their
specific learning needs, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

“I think it's fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we've ever
created. They're tools of communication, they're tools of creativity, and they can be shaped by their
-Bill Gates

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