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EL CORE 2018 is a scientific congress

that will be held between September 14
and 29 in the vicinity of the Computer
Research Center of the National
Polytechnic Institute.

The organization of the congress began

in March 2018 with the initial recruitment
process, the committee officially starts
functions in April-May of the same year
and it is intended that the delivery of
certificates be completed in the week
following the end of the congress.
It is intended to carry out an aggressive

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campaign in social networks and by e-
mail both for the initial stage of the
reception of scientific articles and
subsequently the call to the attendance of
the congress itself. Likewise, it seeks to
establish a relationship with the media in
particular with eleven channel and
informative agency CONACyT.
It seeks to receive 50-60 articles and
sanction at least 30 articles for
publication and presentation of papers,
bring 6 keynote speakers from different
parts of the country and the world and
generate an influx of approximately 300
attendees of the Congress of which 50-70
will require attendance certificate, as well
as approximately 30 assistants to the
Also invite short presentations to 8
members of the industry, civil society and
government sector related to computer
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science to provide a broader picture and
enrich the academic discussion.
In the same way a Game Jam is
organized, that is to say a contest of
teams that develop a video game during
an event of 36 uninterrupted hours. To
which it is estimated 30 people will

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