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Self-movement by Aliaiyea through Andrea Date: 15 October 2007

My name is Aliayea and I am one of the many children of heaven that are assisting
here in each human in self-realisation and self-movement. I have 'developed' an
interdimensional methodology by which I approach all situations, while assisting
human beings as myself. When human beings are not aware of themselves with regards
to their self-honesty I am that voice that you hear that asks 'why are you
accepting and allowing yourself to participate in self-dishonesty?'
I have noticed that humans are repetitive in nature to say the least. Human beings
have the tendency to seldom learn from past (mis)takes and do not look back to see
what past moments were, so that the moment here of the breath may be 'new' / 'pure'
and what you are doing now does not come from a past moment. Today I sit down and
jot down some points that I have noticed would be necessary to take into
consideration while working with self-honesty and self-direction. A few points that
if you apply them throughout your day, will assist you in your individual self-
direction. These are the moments throughout your day whereby you 'become' aware of
how your words, actions and inner dialogue (thoughts) which affect, if accepted and
allowed to through your participation in the mind, your world and the creation of
The following points I have noticed about human beings that work with themselves:
1) Firstly I have noticed that many human beings that watch the videos at Desteni-
Universe get bored, not because the contents itself is not of support or
assistance, but instead, you have given the exact moment of transcendence - no
recognition/attention. So I suggest when you start watching a video - take into
consideration that in those moments that you lose focus or yawn or become 'bored' -
are your transcendence points.
What is a transcendence point? A transcendence point works with a value that you
have attached to something/someone. The transcendence part is the unconditional
release of that attachment that you have made to what it is that you have attached
value to. Let me use an example: Your transcendence point while working through a
video on self-deceit is perhaps the value that you have attached to being self-
dishonest or accessing self-deceit in your daily participations. In your daily
participation you might want for something that is of the mind and if your mind
does not 'get' what it values/wants then self-deceit steps forth. This is what the
mind does when you allow yourself to access and remain in polarity - a shift occurs
when your mind 'needs' something that is not given to 'it'.
Something to take into consideration that will assist is that when you look at your
day and notice when you have become 'bored' or 'sleepy' or 'agitated' - look within
you and see why you accessed these points. You will ask yourself the following
1) Why am I bored?
2) What is it that my mind would rather be doing?
3) Why am I slipping into my mind now?
4) What about this moment here have I attached some value or greater 'need' /
'worth' to - which is why the mind is now getting 'angry' or 'tired'?
Remember: Thus, when you look within you at your thoughts, it is therefore to
realize what thoughts and values exist within you - and not to create thoughts or
participate in thoughts that exist. You notice what thoughts and values exist
within you pertaining to the moment and you do apply self forgiveness! Simply done
Then while watching the videos or reading the articles for example you pause when
you experience the 'boredom' or 'yawning' and look within you, seeing/noticing
thoughts and feeling that exist within you. Then you apply self forgiveness - out
loud. Sometimes if the mind is fairly quiet - you will experience one singular
thought that 'jumps' out relating to the moment.
2) The second point that I have noticed is self-honesty. When you are working with
yourself and you notice self-dishonesty in your application, I suggest the
following: Write down all the moments and thoughts relating to self-dishonesty. I
would like to mention that I have come across many human beings that enjoy this
'exercise' of self honesty and they enjoy 'becoming' more aware of themselves in
each moment, while applying self-honesty. The one 'thing' however that I notice
with self-honesty is that it only goes as far as you are willing to apply self-
honesty. This may sound strange as I have just stated that most people
participating in this web site enjoy applying self-honesty. Remember that self-
deceit also exist within people that wish to 'protect' themselves. When you are
applying self-honesty because you fear 'losing' or becoming 'lost' then you are in
self-deceit because your starting point for self-honesty is never about self but
about the fear of getting 'lost' or 'losing'. I therefore suggest self forgiveness
on the idea of 'getting lost' or 'losing' and honestly look at yourself and your
starting point. Are you being self-honest because you are the expression of life
within oneness and equality - equal and one to what you allow yourself to become -
therefore you are self-expression in self-honesty? Is your starting point for self-
dishonesty: That if you are not applying self-honesty then something 'bad' will
happen to you?
Each person that is applying and living self-honesty is in their own process. Do
not compare your process to that of another's. Each person will come to understand
self through self-honesty and self-awareness together with self forgiveness.
Oneness and equality of each person is seen in their self-honesty and self
forgiveness application in every moment of every breath. So realize and understand
that applying self-honesty is not so that others around you will benefit. You are
self-honest because you realize that your own words and actions impact in your
world and that you create you. One and equal to your words and actions.
If you allow the words that you speak to reflect your self-honesty then your words
will indicate to you how self honest you really are. Thoughts that you allow to run
around in your head / mind will manifest in your words eventually. However when
applying self-honesty you are able to immediately apply self forgiveness on all
allowed and accepted thoughts, feelings and emotions which you give permission for
to exist within you. When you stop the mind and no thoughts move within you - your
self expression will exist within self-honesty. Once a thought moves you apply self
forgiveness and allow your words to be one and equal as you - through applying self
forgiveness and self corrective action in the moment.
I have noticed that many human beings fearing what thoughts they have. It is not
necessary to fear your thoughts. However if these thoughts do exist within you
because of constructs, beliefs, ideas, limitations, and learned behaviors - then
apply self forgiveness. No thoughts - no limitations. Look at your thoughts - they
are there because you use them to calculate, decide and justify. When you have no
fear, no judgment and no limitations and you trust yourself within oneness and
equality then who you are will not require thinking. Your expression will stand in
equality as who you are - 'free' from mind constructs that are limitations that are
created by the mind.

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