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School: Theoretic Lyceum “Onisifor Ghibu”

Teacher : Drugus Ecaterina
Date: March 17, 2015
Class : 10 C
Time: 45 minutes

Lesson topic: “Eating out”

Lesson type: integrating skills
Lesson approach: mixed ability teaching

Lesson aim: producing accurate spoken and written messages; developing communicative culture at pupils
Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

 agree or disagree with certain qoutations;

 identify eating out places;
 find advantages and disadvantages of eating in each of those places;
 identify eating habits;
 find needed information in the text given and accomplish some tasks;
 reproduce oral messages about personal experience;

Previous knowledge: Ss are expected to activate a wide range of vocabulary used to talk about the topic of the lsson.

Anticipated problems: Ss may feel reluctant as they have to take part in speaking activities.
Solutions: T will have an encouraging attitude throughout the lesson; group work according to Ss’ level, through personalised worksheets will enhance
motivation. Ss will have access to all their class materials.
Techniques: listening, discussions, explanation;
Classroom organisation: lockstep, groupwork, individual work, mixed ability class;
Teaching aids: worksheets, blackboard and chalk, PPT;
Teacher resources:
Chria G., Dusciac M., Gisca M., Onofreiciuc E., Chira M., Rotaru S., (2008) This is our world, Chisinau, editura ARC.
Harmer, J. (2008) How to teach English, London: Pearson Educational Limited
King-Shaver, B. & Hunter, A. (2003) Differential Instruction in the language Classroom, Portsmouth: Heinemann
Larsen-Freeman, D. (1997) Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Oxford University Press
Stages of Objectives Teacher’s Activity Methods/Techniques Materials Evaluation Time
the lesson
Evocation -to arrange words in 1.Teacher greets the pupils. Teacher checks 1’8.00
correct order to form attendance and organization of the class;
2.T.arranges Ps. in 4 groups (Ps. count from 1 to
qoutations group-work; sheets of paper Oral 2’8.01
4; each 1 is group 1, each 2 is group 2,…);
sentence building; with separate communication
3.Each group receives a set of words to be words; glue; A4 Ps.’ prior 6’8.03
arranged in meaningful quotations; papers; knowledge
-to explain the 4.T. asks Ps. express opinions regarding the expressing
meaning of the quotations formed. (Each time a group member agreement/disagreeme
qoutations reads the quote the T. presents it on slideshow); nt;

5.T. asks Ps. put down the date, the quotes;

Realisation -to present the lesson 1.T. presents the lesson objectives: PPT 1’8.09
of sense objectives;  to agree or disagree with certain
 to identify eating out places;
 to find advantages and disadvantages
of eating in each of those places;
 to identify eating habits;
 to find needed information in the text
given and accomplish some tasks;
 to reproduce oral messages about
personal experience;
-to identify key 2.T. asks Ps. identify key words in the qoutes oral discussion P.s’ prior 1’8.10
words related to the and objectives and then predict the topic of the knowledge
topic; lesson; -Eating – eating out; PPT
3.T. presents on slide the topic;
-to identify places 4.T. asks Ps. brainstorm eating out places;(T. 5’8.11
where to eat” shows pictures on slides – Ps. guess the place
name and put them down in copybooks);
5.T. asks what place comes in contradiction with
the above named ones; (eating at home); Which
of them do you preffer most? Why?
-to identify 6.T. distributes each group an eating out place group-work Papers with the 10’8.16
advantages and expressing opinions place names,
disadvantages of and requires from them to come up (on A4 about advantages and A4 papers,
eating out papers) with advantages and disadvantages, then disadvantages markers;
- to read and identify a group member sticks and presents the written; group-work texts books
necessary 10.T. distributes the groups texts on papers (or individual reading fill in 10’8.26
information from asks them read the texts from their books) and reading activities blanks(papers)
text and accomplish tells them they are to accomplish the tasks
some tasks; required:
(Gr. 1-2-3-4)PRE-reading: skan the text and matching phrases PPT
explain the words in italics;(T. shows the words
on the screen)
REAding: read attentively;
POST-reading: (Gr.1-2-3-4)-decide upon the
eating out places described; -decide upon the
eating habits of the people in the text; -what they
liked/didn’t like;

Reflexion -to reproduce oral 1.T. asks Ps. to prepare individually a 1’ individual work copybooks Pupils’ 8’8.36
messages about presentation using simple tenses on the topic participation in
personal eating out; (Ex. 6 p. 83) communicatio
experience; n about
Feedback -to evaluate the work 1.T. draws a grading diagram and asks Ps. Individual work colored stickers Pupils’ 2’8.44
of the pupils (using evaluate their work during the lesson and drawn tree on participation in
autoevaluation); according themselves marks; board evaluating
H.W. Study Julia’s eating habits and decide if the food their work 8.46
she eats is healthy or not. P.84

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