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V ol. 17 No.

3 CH INES E JO U RN A L O F AER ON A U TICS A ugust 2004

Composite Rotor Blade Design Optimization for Vibration

Reduction with Aeroelastic Constraints

GUO Jun x ian, XIANG Jin w u

( I nstit ute of A ir craf t Design, Beij ing University of A er onautics and A st ronauti cs ,
Beij i ng, 100083 , China )

Abstract: T he paper presents an analytical study of the helicopter rotor v ibratory load reduction design
optimizatio n w ith aeroelastic stability constr aints. T he composite ro to r blade is modeled by beam type fi
nite elements, and warping deformation is taken into consideration for 2 dimension analysis, while the
one dimension nonlinear differential equat ions of blade motion are formulated v ia Hamilton s principle.
T he rotor hub vibr ator y loads is chosen as the objective function, while r otor blade sectio n construction
parameter, composite material ply structure and blade tip swept ang le as t he design variables, and au
torotation inertia, natural frequency and aeroelastic stabilit y as the constraints. A 3 bladed rotor is de
signed, as an ex ample, based on the vibrator y hub load reduction optimization process w ith sw ept tip an
gle and composite mater ial. T he calculating results show a 24. 9% 33% reduction of 3/ rev hub loads in
comparison w ith the base line rotor.
Key words: v ibration reduction optimization; aer oelastic constraint; co mposite rotor blade desig n
带气弹稳 定性约束 的复 合 材料 浆叶 减 振优 化设 计. 郭 俊 贤, 向 锦武. 中国 航 空学 报 ( 英 文版 ) ,
2004, 17( 3) : 152- 158.
摘 要: 研究以降低直升机旋翼激振 力为目 标的复 合材料桨 叶结构 动力学 减振优 化设计, 分析 了
桨叶结构特性及桨尖后掠角等参数对 N 次/ 转旋翼 桨毂振 动载荷 的 影响。在 建立的桨 叶二维 结
构特性有限元分析方程中, 计入了桨 叶剖面 翘曲变 形的影响, 并 利用哈 密尔顿 原理推导 了旋翼 桨
叶的一维非线性运动微分方程。以桨毂交变载荷为目标函数, 直接以复 合材料桨叶 典型剖面 构造
铺层设计参数和桨尖后掠角等为设计变量 , 引入桨叶挥 舞惯量、固有频率 和气弹稳 定性
约束, 进行旋翼的动力学优化设计, 并结合 3 片桨叶旋翼的设计 进行了算例 分析, 优化结果使 3 次
/ 转的桨毂载荷降低了 24. 9% ~ 33% 。
关键词: 减振优化设计; 气弹约束; 复合材料旋翼桨叶设计
文章编号: 1000 9361( 2004) 03 0152 07 中图分类号: V212. 4 文献标识码: A

As one of the major vibrat ion sources, the he aerodynam ic paramet ers ( such as blade platform,
licopter rotor has gained severe att entions for a long pre tw ist law, and t ip shape, etc. ) , as well as t he
time in f oreig n researches, and a lot of efforts had ply angle of com posit e lay ups in blade cross sect ion
been g iven t o achieve helicopter vibrat ion reduct ion struct ures, were used as design variables in opt i
by decreasing the vibratory loads f rom t he rot or. m izations[ 1] . How ever, the blade struct ural models
T he design optimizat ions mainly f ocused on rot or adopt ed in these researches w ere aw fully simplified
blade dynamic charact eristics ( including natural even in the lat est reference paper [ 2] , and for t he
frequency and mode shape) , rot or hub vibrat ory sake of easy opt imizat ion process, a simple tw o box
load ( especially N / rev load) and hub vibrat ion lev beam sect ion model was chosen as the opt im izing
el. T he rotor blade w eight , autorot at ion inert ia composit e blade, w hich w as act ually much differ
and aeroelast ic stabilit y w ere usually selected as op ent f rom the real designed blades, so as t o lead to a
t imizat ion object ive funct ions or constraints, while result that would be far from t he real helicopt er sit
blade mass and/ or st if fness span w ise dist ribut ions, uat ion.
R eceived dat e: 2003 07 10; R evision received dat e: 2003 12 08
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A ugust 2004 Composit e Rotor Blade D esign O pt imizat ion f or V ibration R educt ion wit h Aeroelast ic Const raints # 153 #

U p t ill now, only a few ref erences w ere re ^j nr , ^k nr ) and show n coordinat es e Hr ( ^i r , ^j r , ^k r ) are
port ed w ith composite blade sect ion ply structures shown in Fig 1.
( including ply angle as well as ot her ply shape pa
ramet ers) as desig n variables, and meanw hile t he
N / rev hub vibratory load as object ive funct ion,
w it h aeroelast ic stabilit y const raint s. T his paper
presents, in accord w it h t he above descriptions, t he
eff ort of structural opt imization of composite rot or
blade w it h C spar and D shape t orsion box sect ion
to minimize t he N / rev vibrat ory hub load. T he F ig 1 Coor dinates of rotor system
typical blade cross section w ith out of plane w arp ( footnotes r! and nr! stand for rotating
ing is included in the blade model. T he blade sec and non rotating, r espectively)
t ion st ructural parameters are calculat ed wit h 2D 1. 1 Blade structural analysis
F EM , and t he nonlinear equat ions of blade mot ion Arbitrary cross sect ional shape and anisot ropic
are derived using Hamilt on s principle for aeroelas composit e mat erial behavior are considered in blade
[ 3 5]
t ic analysis . A 3 blade rotor is considered for struct ural 2D FEM analysis[ 3 5] . T he displacement
optimizat ion desig n w ith 3/ rev vibrat ory hub vert i of any point in the cross sect ion can be w rit ten as
cal shear force as object ive funct ion, and blade dy w 0+ y x - x y + gz
namic frequency, aeroelast ic st ability and autorota u= u0- y z + gx ( 1)
t ion inertia as constrains, while blade cross sect ion v0+ x z + gy
composit e ply parameter and tip sw ept ang le as de T
where u = w is t he displacement of
u v
sign variables. A reduct ion of 24. 9% 33% in 3/ T
any point in section, s 0 = w 0 u 0 v 0 is t he
rev vert ical hub shear can be obt ained f rom opt i translat ion of one section as a w hole, 0 =
m ization in comparison w ith the init ial design as for T
z x y is angular displacement, and g =
baseline rotor model. T
gz gx gy is the elast ic displacement, while
1 Blade Structural M odel and Formulation g x and gy are t he w arpings in t he sect ion and g z is
of Equations of M ot ion the w arping out of the section ( plane) . According
T he rotor blade is described as an elastic beam to t he relat ionship of stress displacement, the fol
w it h const ant rotating speed . A main current low ing is obt ained,
part and a t ip part are divided on t he blade, and an w∀0 + y ∀x - x ∀y + g∀z
ang le is used to def ine the tip sw eep. T he basic ∀ gz
u∀0 - y- y ∀z + g∀x +
hypot heses used are list ed in t he f ollow ing : ∀x
( 1 ) For 2D structural propert y analysis: ∀g z
v∀0 + + x ∀z + g∀y +
w hole blade section movement w ith addit ional 3D
!= ∀gx ( 2)
w arping, ex pressed in displacement;
( 2) F or one dimension aeroelast ic analysis:
blade wit h a nonlinear moderate def lect ion, rig id ∀y
cross sect ion, isolated homogeneous rot at ing beam; ∀gy ∀gx
( 3) Blade w ith non unif orm mass and st if fness ∀x ∀y
dist ribut ions, nonlinear tw ist and sm all precone; And then, based on minimum potent ial energ y
( 4) Blade w ith litt le torsion deformat ion, and principle, t he equilibrium equat ion w it h it s condi
chord lengt h far less than blade radius. t ions of t he sect ion can be derived. F rom one of t he
T he rot or non rotating coordinat es e H ( ^i nr , specif ic solut ion t o the equat ions t he inverse of t he

© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
# 154 # GU O Jun x ian, X IAN G Jin w u CJA

st iff ness mat rix w ill be obtained w it h unit load F b ( q b0 , q b0 , &

q b0 ) ( 6)
met hod. T he st iff ness matrix as w ell as other sec M b &&
q b + Cb &q b + K b &qb0 =
t ion properties can be resulted. &F b ( q b0 , q b0 , &
q b0 , &q b , &q b , &&
q b) ( 7)
1. 2 Equations of blade motion where,
T he blade is divided int o several beam ele ∀ Fb ∀Fb ∀F b
ment s w hile a single f inite element is used for t he &Fb = ∀ q | b0 &q b + ∀ q | b0 &q b + ∀ q | b0 &&
b b b

sw ept tip. T he equat ion of blade mot ion can be de ( 8)

duced by applicat ion of H amilton s principle in dis From t he result of eigenvalue problem analysis
cret ized f orm: wit h F loquet t heory, it gives %k = ∋k + i (k . If t he
2 n real part ∋k < 0, then t he st ability is conf irmed.
∃% [ #U - #T - #W ] dt =
t i= 1
i i i 0 ( 3)
2 Hub Vibratory L oad Optimization
w here n is the t otal number of finit e elements, T he hub v ibratory loads can be obt ained by
#U i , #T i and #W i are t he variat ions of st rain ener the g iven aeroelast ic response analysis. T he force
g y, kinet ic energy and v irt ual w ork of ext ernal integral is used t o form blade root force f rom dis
load, respectively, of element i . T he final form of t ribut ed components in rotating coordinat s, and
the equation is as follow ing: transferred to t he non rot at ing system as hub
M + Cy + Ky = F ( 4) loads. In t his paper t he N / rev vibrat ory hub
1. 3 Analysis of rotor aeroelastic response and loads, w hich are t he det erminant component s for
stabi lity rot or vibrat ion reduct ion, are calculated and then
T he modeling of rotor blade aeroelast ic analy optimized.
sis is to build t he dynamic equat ion of mot ion w ith 2. 1 Description of blade structure and design
finite element met hod and get t he f inal form as variables
shown in f ormula ( 4) . U sually t his equation of T he composit e blade is const ruct ed w ith C
mot ion can be w ritt en as spar and D shape t orsion box , w hich is one of t he
M + C( ∃) y + K( ∃) y = F( ∃, y , y ) ( 5) popular eng ineering st ruct ural f orms, and t he blade
Here, M and C( ∃) include t he eff ect s of aerody typical cross sect ion is demonstrated in F ig 2.
namic and inert ial forces, K ( ∃) include t he effect s
of aerodynamic inert ial force and structures, while
the effect s of all nonlinear t erms and excit at ion
forces are included in F( ∃, y , y ) .
T he solution of blade aeroelast ic response anal
ysis is based on F loquet t heory w it h status t rans
m ission matrix. T he Eq ( 5) are t ransf erred int o
st atus equat ions in st atus space and t he nonlinear
terms are locally linearized, unt il the blade steady Fig 2 Blade typical cross sectional structure
and par ts of ply design variables
response is obtainee from irritations of the equa
t ions. ( 1) Desig n variables of blade t ypical cross sec
As for blade aeroelast ic stabilit y analysis, Eq t ion
( 5) is linearized about st at ic equilibrium posit ion, T he main structural parameters of blade cur
and t he stabilit y of the blade is obtained from t he rent part are chosen as desig n variables of cross sec
solut ion of a standard eig envalue problem. And for t ion:
isolat ed rot or blade, it will be V1 = ( x 1 , x 2 , y 2 , x 3 , X 1 , X 2 ) ( 9)
Mb &
q b0 + Cb q b0 + K b q b0 + K b% %0 = and V2 = ( n 1 , m 1 , n 2 , m 2 , . . . n L , m L ) ( 10)

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A ugust 2004 Composit e Rotor Blade D esign O pt imizat ion f or V ibration R educt ion wit h Aeroelast ic Const raints # 155 #

w here x 1 , x 2 , y 2 and x 3 are shape point coordi i = 1, 2, ), m ( 17)

nat es of C spar, X 1 and X 2 are posit ions of f orw ard where (i , U and (i, L are t he upper and lower lim it s
and aft ribs of D shape torsion box; m I and nI ( I = of t he acceptable blade frequencies, and in this re
1, 2, . . . L ) are m aterial codes and ply numbers of search t he mode number m is set as 7.
skin and torsion box, respect ively, H ere m I and n I ∗ Aeroelastic stabilit y: the follow ing con
are t reated as discret e variables, w hile the values st rains are given:
can only be chosen in a set of arrang emens relat ive g( D ) = ∋k + !k ( 0, k = 1, 2, ), M ( 18)
to t he blade sect ion st ruct ure. T he m aterials and where ∋k is t he real part of eigenvalue of k t h mode
ply angles of t he forw ard and af t ribs are supposed in hover, and !k is the accept able m inimum damp
to be the same as those of t he D box. ing for k th mode in hover. M is the num ber of
T he cont inuity of section betw een dif ferent modes.
blade elements is linearly connect ed as T he aeroelast ic stabilit y analysis in f orw ard
V I = ∋VI 1 + ( 1 - ∋) V I2 ( 11) flig ht is not included in t he opt imizat ion process,
w here, VI 1 and VI 2 are section design variables, but is checked aft er w hen t he opt im ized design
and t he second foot not e stands for the lef t ( - ) or comes out to conf irm that there is no st ability prob
right ( + ) side view of t he same section. lem .
( 2) Design variables of concentrated w eight + Aut orot at ion inert ia I b : the follow ing con
T he blade frequency tuning and mass balanc st rains are given:
ing w eights are def ined by: Ib
V3 = ( M 1 , Z 1 , . . . M B , Z B ) ( 12) g ( D ) = 1- ( 0 ( 19)
w here M S and ZS ( S = 1, 2, . . . B ) are t he mass where I 0 is t he minimum targ et value necessary for
v alue and its spanw ise position, respectively, while helicopt er aut orot at ion.
N B is the number of w eight s used.
3 Results and Discussion
( 3) Design variables of t ip sw eep angle T he
blade t ip is defined by swept angle S and it s posi T he result s present ed in t his section are for
t ion Z S , t apered ratio R T and position Z RT , i . e, three bladed sphere flex rot or, in w hich t he blade
V4 = ( S, Z S , R T , Z RT ) ( 13) current ( airfoil) part is divided into 4 elements,
[ 6 8]
2. 2 Model of optimization analysis wit h the blade t ip( 10% of blade radius) as a sing le
( 1) Objective funct ions finite element. T he composite blade cross section is
f ( D) = K F [ ( Fx , N ) 2 + ( F y , N ) 2 + ( F z , N ) 2 ] 1/ 2 + designed w ith C spar and t wo cells. T he structural
K M # [ ( M x, N ) + ( My, N ) + ( M z , N ) ]
2 2 2 1/ 2
( 14) propert ies of blade root part, as w ell as t he hub
or f ( D ) = K 1 F x , N + K 2 F y , N + K 3 F z , N ( 15) components are given in real values. T he design

w here F and M st and f or the hub force and mo optimizat ion is performed for 3/ rev hub loads at ad
ment , w ith f oot not es x , y and z , to t he six com vancing ratio )= 0. 3 in level flig ht .
ponents; w hile K F , K M , K 1 , K 2 and K 3 are T hree cases are conducted for opt imizat ion
w eight ed factors. from t he init ial design:
( 2) Const raints ( 1) T he st ruct ural parameters such as cross
∋ Frequency (i : the f irst m t h mode fre sect ional propert ies, ply st ruct ure and generalized
quencies w ill meet t he limits as f ollow ing: weig ht are used f or design variables to minimize t he
(i 3/ rev hub loads;
gi , U ( D ) = - 1 ( 0
(i, U ( 2) T he blade t ip sw eep param eters are used
i = 1, 2, ), m ( 16) for desig n variables to minimize the 3/ rev hub
(i loads;
g i, L( D ) = 1- ( 0
(i , L ( 3 ) Based on t he opt im ization of the f irst

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# 156 # GU O Jun x ian, X IAN G Jin w u CJA

case, the blade t ip sw eep parameters are used for Table 3 Comparison of initial design and optimized

design variables, t o minimize t he 3/ rev loads, and result ( blade design variables)

the t ip sw eep ang le value can be ranged from - 4, Initial O pt imized

No D esign variable
value value
to + 28,. A 4, st ep is set in the present ed example, 1 Spar shape point s x 1 / mm 48. 0 45. 5
for hig her ef ficiency. x 2 / mm 42. 0 40. 5
y 2 / mm 13. 0 12. 0
T he hub vert ical shear force is chosen as t he x 3 / mm 39. 0 38. 5
optimizat ion objective f unction, i e. , in Eq ( 15) , 2 Rib posit ion X 1 / mm 180 165
X2 O nly one rib designed
put K 1 = 1. 0, K 2 = K 3 = 0, and get 3 Skin ply 0, N umber of mat erials n L 3 1
f ( D ) = Fz , N ( 20) N umber of plies m L [ 1/ 2/ 2] s [ 2] s
− 45, N umber of mat erials n L 2 2
T he blade f requency lim it at ions are list ed in N umber of plies m L [ 4/ 4] s [ 2/ 2] s
T able 1, while the m inimum autorotat ion inert ia 4 D box ply − 45, N umber of mat erials n L 2 2
2 N umber of plies m L [ 4/ 6] s [ 6/ 4] s
for single blade I 0 = 334 kg#m . 5 Con cent rated M ass/ kg 1. 2 0. 5
Table 1 Blade frequency limitations( s- 1) Acting posit ion/ % 50 45
R adius R adius
O rder of mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Low er limit at ion 20. 00 41. 50 88. 88 169. 68 169. 68 214. 12 286. 80
U pper limit at ion 25. 00 45. 00 111. 10 193. 92 193. 92 234. 32 303. 00
Table 4 Blade frequency after optimization
M ode (∗1 (∗2 (∗3 (∗4 (+1 (+2 (,1
For aeroelast ic stabilit y, t he first mode of
- 1 41. 693 98. 576 176. 144 292. 092 22. 22 187. 052 220. 584
flapping, lead lag and torsion are chosen as con (/ 1. 03 2. 44 4. 36 7. 23 0. 55 4. 63 5. 46
st raint s, and for convenient in calculation, !k in mizat ion resulted from ply organizat ion and t ip
Eq ( 18) is set as 0. 02 for each mode ( it is possible sw eep ang le ( s= 20,) gives 33% and 21% reduc
to set one value for different modes) . t ions of 3/ rev hub vertical shear force, in compari
As for reference, a helicopt er rotor blade in son wit h t he init ial design and reference rot or
service is analyzed, w ith t he relat ed parameters blade, respect ively. T he comparisons are shown in
listed in T able 2, w hile T ables 3 and 4 present t he Fig 3, and t he ot her components of 3/ rev hub
init ial design and opt imized results, respect ively. loads, w hich are not included in the objective f unc
Table 2 Parameters of reference rotor blade
t ion, are also f igured out in F ig 4 and F ig 5.
G eneral parameters Blade
Diamet er 10. 69m Chord 0. 35 m
N umber of blades 3 A irfoil O A212/ O A209
Speed 386 r/ min Pre tw ist 12,/ R
Disk load 22. 344N / m 2 D ynamic frequency :
Rot or hub: 1 st 4t h f lapping modes ( ) :
Hub radius 0. 565m 1. 032, 2. 53, 4. 58, 7. 12
Flapping hinge of fset 0. 205m 1 st 2t h lead lag modes ( ) :
Lead lag hinge of fset 0. 205m 0. 55, 4. 66
Pitch f lap coupling paramet er 1 st t orsion mode ( ) :
k∗= 0
Precone 3. 5, 5. 11

In case 1, the opt imizat ion of blade mass and Fig 3 3/ rev optimized hub vertical shear for ces

st iff ness spanwise dist ributions result ed f rom blade

sect ion ply st ruct ures g ives 12% and 4% reduc
t ions of 3/ rev hub vert ical shear force, in compari
son w it h t he init ial design and reference rot or
blade, respect ively. In case 2, the opt imizat ion of
blade t ip sw eep angle g ives 24. 9% and 19. 6% re
duct ions of 3/ rev hub vert ical shear force, in com
parison w it h the initial design and reference rot or
blade, respect ively. In case 3, t he combined opti F ig 4 3/ rev other hub shear forces

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A ugust 2004 Composit e Rotor Blade D esign O pt imizat ion f or V ibration R educt ion wit h Aeroelast ic Const raints # 157 #

4 Concluding Rem arks

A st ruct ural opt imization of composit e rot or
blade w it h swept t ip has been conduct ed. Numeri
cal results f or t hree bladed rot or wit h C spar and
D shape t orsion box blade sect ion are obtained.
T he follow ing conclusions can be summ arized based
on t he result s st udied in this conf ig urat ion:
( 1) T he effect of structural paramet er opt i
Fig 5 3/ rev hub mo ment ( non dimensional) m ization by aeroelastic tailoring w ith composit e ply
F ig 6 and F ig 7 g ive t he comparisons of flap organization has been demonst rat ed to minimize t he
ping and lead lag stiff ness, respectively, w hile t he N / rev vibratory hub load, while t he lead lag st iff
influence of sw ept angle t o hub load is show n in ness has larger pot ential for reduction of vibrat ory
F ig 8. hub vert ical shear force.
( 2) T he blade t ip sweep angle has remarkable
potent ial effect on hub vert ical shear force, and a
reasonable tip sw ept angle may result in great de
crease in vibratory hub load. But be aw are of that
the instabilit y marg in might also decrease due t o
the increase of sw ept angle.
( 3) T he combined opt imizat ion effect s of
sw ept t ip and composite ply structure are bet ter
than t hat of indiv iduals.
F ig 6 comparison of blade flapping stiffness
( 4) T he combined sum of t he hub shear force
and moment com ponents is a bett er object ive f unc
t ion t han t he 3/ rev hub vert ical shear force alone,
for the reduct ion ef fect of t he other components is
small; besides, the ef fect of ply w ith coupling is
bet ter t han t hat of the uncoupled plys. T his w ill be
the fut ure subject.

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© 1994-2010 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
# 158 # GU O Jun x ian, X IAN G Jin w u CJA

[ 5] R ef ield L W. Design analysis met hodology for composit e rot or XIANG Jin wu Born in A pril 1964, a
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Biographies: joined the facult y at Beijing U niversity of Aeronaut ics and
GUO Jun xian Bo rn in August 1966, a Astronautics in 1995, wher e he has been activ ely invo lved in
senior engineer of helicopter at Chinese teaching and resear ch. He has been wor king on problems as
Helicopter Design and Development In sociated w ith aircraft design and aeromechanics of heli
stitute. He r eceived a B. Sc. in Eng ineer copters. He is an author o f over 60 papers and has wo n 6
ing M echanics from No rthw ester n Poly times award for promotion of science and techno logy from the
technical U niversit y in 1989, a M . E. in state and various ministries.
air craft desig n from Beijing U niversity of
A eronautics and Astronautics( BU AA) in 2000. He is now a
Ph. D. Candidate of BU AA . His r esearch interests include
helicopter design and composite structural desig n. He is an
author of over 10 papers and has won 3 times award from the
state and various ministries.

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