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a.m. /,e1'em/ in the morning: / got up at 8 a.m. > compare RM. am /m, 9m; strong em/ verb the part of the verb be that is used with f Am J Iste for dinner? | I'm (-1 am) very sorry. amateur /‘zmatfa/ adjective doing something for enjayment, not for money, >> compare PROFESSIONAL amaze /s'meiz/ verb amazing, amazed) to surprise someone very much: She was amazed to see so many people there. a@maze-ment /e'merzmant/ noun [U] very great surprise: We watched the show in amazement. amazing /a'merziny/ adjective very surprising and exciting: What amazing news! >> compare INCREDIBLE am-bas-sa-dor /em'besods, am-/ noun an important person who does political work for his or her government in another country am-bi-tion /em'bifan/ noun 1. a strong wish to be successful 2 something you very much want to do: Her ambition is to be a singer. ambi-tious /em'brfas/ adjective wenting very much to be successful: @ young, ambitious businessman am-bulance /‘embyelens/ noun @ spacial vehicle for carrying people who are sick or injured, —see color picture on page 187 amendment /a'mendment/ noun a change, especially to the words of a lew A-meri-can /2'meriken/ noun someone from the U.S. ammunition /emya'ntfon/ noun (U] something that you can shoot from a weapon a@-mong /s'man/ preposition 1 in a group of people or things: it nice to be among friends. >> compare BETWEEN 2 in the middle of a lot of people or things: We Jooked for the ball among the trees. 3 between a group of people: The candy was shared among the children. >> compare BETWEEN @ mount /a'maunt/ noun how much of something there is, om how much is neaded: it cost a lange amount of money. amp /emp/ noun @ measure of electricity am phib:i-an /em'fibien/ noun an animal such as a FROG that can live on land or in the water ample /‘empal/ adjective enough or more than enough: The car has ample room for five people. @-muse /a'myuz/ verb (amusing, amused) to make someone laugh or smile: He was not amused at the joke. a-muse-ment /a'myuzmont/ noun 41 [U] enjoyment 2 an enjoyable thing to do amusement park /.'.. ,./ n0un a place where people go to enjoy themselves by riding on special machines and playing games for small prizes amusing /2'myuzm/ adjective making you laugh or smile: an amusing story >> compare FUNNY an /en:; sirong en/ used instead of a before a word that begins with the sound of a, @, i, 0, or u: an apple | an orange | half an hour NOTE: You use an instead of a before words beginning with @ vowel sound, e.g. @ dog, a girl, a house, but an umbrella, an elephant, an object. Remember that there is sometimes a difference in the way a word is, spellad end the way it sounds. Use an before words which begin with @ vowel sound, but are not spelled with a, e, i, 0, or u at the beginning, e.g. it will take about an hour (= fava!) and a, not an, with wards which are spelled with a vowel at the beginning but do not begin with a vowel sound, e.g. @ European [,jvare'pian/ } country analy-sis / analyses) a careful examination of something ‘nzlasis/ noun (plural arval-yze /"enlatz/ verb (analyzing, analyzed) to look at something very carefully to find out what it is made of or to understand it: He had his blood analyzed by a doctor:

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