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appreciate ap-pre-ci-ate /s'prifijeit/ verb (appreciating, appreciated) to be grateful for something: / appreciate your help. ap-pre-ci-a-tion /a,prifi'etfon, -pri/ noun [U] something you say or do to thank someone or show that you are grateful: / would like to express my appreciation to everyone who helped. ap-pren-tice /s'prentis/ noun someone who is learning a new job ap-proach! /s'prout// verb to mave. closer to someone or something: A man spproached me on the street, approach? noun a way of doing something or desling with a prob- lem. ap-pro-priate /s'proupriit/ adjective right; suitable: Visitors to the church should wear appropriate clothing. >> opposite INAP- PROPRIATE ap-prov-al /e'pruvel/ noun [U] when you think that someone or something is good >> opposite DISAPPROVAL ap-prove /2'pruv/ verb (approving, approved) to think that something is good: / don't approve of smoking. >» opposite DISAPPROVE ap-prox-i-mate /s'prakso,mit/ adjective not exact: Our approximate time of arrival is two o'clock (=I might be just before or just after ‘bwo). ap-prox:-matelly /o'praksomit li! adverb a little more or less than an exact number or amount: Approximately half of our money comes from selling books. apricot /erpr,kat, ‘@-/ noun around, soft, yellow fruit Avprill e1pral/ noun the fourth month of the year @pron /eipran/ noun a piece of cloth that you wear on top of your clothes, ta keep your clothes clean when you cook aquarium /a'kweriem/ noun a large glass box in which fish live arch /art{/ noun (plural arches) a curved shape at the top of @ door, window ete: The old church had large arches supporting the weight of the roof. ar-chaeol-o-gist /areki'aledgist/ noun someone who studies very old things and build- ings made by people who lived @ long time aga ar-chae-ol-o-gy /jarki'alad3i/ noun (U] the study of very old things and buildings made by people who lived a long time ago ar-chi-tect /‘arka,tekt/ noun someone whose job is to plan and draw buildings ar-chi-tee-ture /‘arka,tektJo/ noun (U] 1 the shape and style of buildings: I iove the architecture of Venice, 2 the job of planning and drawing buildings: He studies architecture. Arctic /arktik, -ttk/ noun the Arctic the most northern part of the earth, including parts of Alaska and Greenland, and the see called the Arctic Ocean —arctic adjec- tive are /s, strong ar/ verb the part of the verb be that is used with we, you and they: Who are you? | We're (=we are] Jane's friends. | They are going to be late. ar-eva /'crio/ noun 12 particular part of a place, city, or country: He lives in the Boston area. (=near Boston) 2 the measure of a surface: The house has an area of 2,000 square feet. arena /'tine/ noun a building with @ large central area surrounded by raised seats, used for sports snd entertain- ment aren't /‘aront/ 1 are not: Bill and Sue aren't coming to the party. 2 used in questions instead of am not: fm your best friend, aren't I? ar-gue /‘argyu/ verb (arguing, argued) to disagree, often speaking loudly and angrily: Mom and Dad always argue about money. argument /‘argyamant/ noun a disagreement, especially an angry one: They had a big argument.

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