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arthritis /ar'Grattis/ noun (U) a disease that makes your hands, arms, legs etc. painful and difficult to move ar-ti-cle /artrkal/ noun 4 a piece of writing in e newspaper, magazine etc,: Did you read the article on the flood? 2 @ thing: Police found an article of clothing by the road. 3 the words a or an (=indefinite article) or the [=definite article) ar-ti-fi-cial /arto'fifol«/ adjective not natural, but made by people: artificial flow: ers | an artificial leg artist /‘artist/ noun someone who paints pictures, writes music etc, ar-tis-tic /ar'tistik/ adjective having skill in an art, such as painting, music ete. @8 /02; strong zz/ adverb, preposition 4 used to say what someone's job is, or what something is used for: She works as a teacher. | We can use this box as a table. 2 when; while: We sang as we worked. 3 because: / can't come, as I'm too busy. 4 as... as used to compare two or mora: /m not as old as you. | It’s just as good as the other ‘one. 5 as well also: Can | have some milk as well? ash /e{/ noun (plural ashes) the gray powder that is left after something hes been burned ashamed /2'Jeimd/ adjective feeling bad sbout something you have done wrong: She falt ashamed of herself, >> com pare EMBARRASSED ashore /s'Jor/ adverb ‘onto the land: Pull the boat ashore! ash-+tray /‘zJtrer/ noun (plural ashtrays) a small dish in which you put the ASH fram a cig- arette avside /a'said/ adverb to the side: / stapped aside to let her pass me. ask /esk/ verb 41 to say something that is a question: "Who are you?” she asked. 2 to try to get help, information etc.” from someone: She asked me what time it was. | IF you need anything, just ask. 3 to invite someone to go ta a place with you: John asked me to go ta the dance with him. asleep /o'slip/ adjective 1. sleeping: The baby is asleep. >> compare AWAKE 2 fall asleep ta begin to sleep: / fell asleap in front of the TV. @s-par-a-gus /a'spzregas/ noun [U] a long thin green vegetable shaped like a small stick aspect /zspekt/ noun one of the parts of a situation, idea, problem etc.: We are looking at several aspects of the plan. as-pi-rin /esprm/ noun a medicine that makes pain go away as-sas'sin /o'sxson/ noun someone who kills an importent person, espe- cially for political reasons as:sas:si-nate /s'szsa,neit/ verb {assassinating, assassinated) to kill an importent person, espacially for politi cal reasons >> compare MURDER? as-sas‘si-nattion /o,sesa'nerfon/ noun when someone kills an important person, espe- cially for political raasons: the assassination of President Kennedy s-‘sault! /o'solt/ verb to attack or hit someone: he was arrested for assaulting a neighbor. assault? noun an attack on someone as-sem-ble /s'sembol/ verb (assembling, assembled) 11 to bring people together in a group 2 to fit the parts of something together as-semvbly /o'sembli/ noun (plural assemblies) a meeting of 8 group of people for a particular purpose as-set /‘wset/ noun something that is useful in helping you succeed or deal with problems as-sign /s'sain/ verb to give somecne @ job ta do: Police were assigned to watch tha President. as-sign-ment /'sammont/ noun a job or piece af work that you must do: Did you finish your homework assignment? assist /a'sist/ verb to help someone

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