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តតលលសតភររ (USD) តតលលពលកមម (USD)

ល.រ បបភភទករងរ ឯកត បរ រមណ សររបររម

តតលលឯកត សររប តតលលឯកត សររប

S-0 បបកក ភ បបវតតសតរ បក បរ គគ លរក

S-0-1 បបធនបគបកបគងករដដន Ls 1.00

S-0-2 វ រសសករសតណងក Ls 1.00

សររ ប S-0 $ -
S-I ករងរភបតតម នរ ង ផគ តក ផគ ងក

S-I-1 ឈរសឆយ​នរង​កតណតកអអកតអគរ Ls 1.00

S-I-2 ជរល​នរង​ភធសធបគគគ​Tower Crane Ls 1.00
S-I-3 កររយ
រ លអយករដដន,ឃឃតង​នរង​ភរងជង Ls 1.00
S-I-4 បណណ ញផគតកផគងកអគគគសនគ Ls 1.00
S-I-5 បណណ ញផគតកផគងកទគកសសត,រ តភដគទគកកកសកក Ls 1.00

សររ ប S-I $ -
S-II ផផផ ក បគគ គ សតណ ងក

S-II-1 របយករណណពរភសធនណដគ Nos - - -

S-II-2 ជរល​SheetPile - - -
S-II-3 ជគកដគជនកភបកមដគ - 3.00 - -
S-II-4 ភធសធជតរលដគ Sq.m 25.00 - 15.00 - -
S-II-5 ខរងបគគគ​(D=800mm x 35m) M 80.00 - 45.00 - -
S-II-6 ភធសធភតសណលទទភពបទបទងកបគគគ Ls - - -
S-II-7 បតផបកកកលសសរបគគគ Nos 3.50 - 1.50 - -
S-II-8 ជគកបគគគភជធងបបអបកជភណណធរយនណ Cu.m - - 3.00 - -
S-II-9 ជគកបគគគភជធងតង​ Cu.m - - 1.00 - -
S-II-10 បតភពញដគបគគគភជធងតង​ភជធងបបអបកជភណណធរយនណ Cu.m 1.25 - 1.50 - -
S-II-11 បងងបកថម​4x6cm ភជធងតង​ធផគមបគគគ​កតរល​ជភណណធរយនណ Cu.m 8.00 - 2.00 - -
S-II-12 បតភពញខខចក​ភជធងតង​ធផគមបគគគ​កតរល​ជភណណធរយនណ Cu.m 1.25 - 1.50 - -
S-II-13 ភបតរងបទនបក​ភជធងតង​ធផគមបគគគ​កតរល​ជភណណធរយនណ Cu.m 50.00 - 25.00 - -
S-II-14 ភបតរងភជធងតង Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -
S-II-15 ភបតរងសសរ Cu.m 63.00 - 65.00 - -
S-II-16 ភបតរងជញញ តងជនកភបកមដគ Cu.m 63.00 65.00
S-II-17 ភបតរងភជធងបបអបកជភណណធរយនណ Cu.m 63.00 65.00
S-II-18 ភបតរងធផគមបគគគ Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -
S-II-19 ភបតរងកតរល Cu.m 63.00 - 30.00 - -
S-II-20 ភបតរងជភណណធរ Cu.m 63.00 - 70.00 - -
S-II-21 សរលសផដកភជធងតង Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-II-22 សរលសផដកសសរ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-II-23 សរលសជញញ តងជនកភបកមដគ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-II-24 សរលសភជធងបបអបកជភណណធរយនណ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-II-25 សរលសផដកធផគមបគគគ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-II-26 សរលសផដកកតរល Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-II-27 សរលសផដកជភណណធរ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-II-28 លរសចតណង Kg 1.50 - - - -
S-II-29 ដតភឡធង​Water Stop ជញញ តងជនកភបកមដគ M 7.50 - 3.00 - -
S-II-30 បបកជញញ តង​ធផគម​នរង​សរស Sq.m 50.00 - 30.00 - -
S-II-31 អអរត​Mambrane ករពរបជប​ជញញ តង​ភជធងតង​កតរល Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-II-32 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​ភជធងតង Sq.m 10.00 - 2.50 - -
S-II-33 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​សសរ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.50 - -
S-II-34 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​ជញញ តងជនកភបកមដគ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.50 - -
S-II-35 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​បបអបកជភណណធរយនណ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.50 - -
S-II-36 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​ធផគមបគគគ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.50 - -
S-II-37 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​ជភណណធរជនកផផលកដគ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.50 - -

សររ ប S-II $ -
S-III ជនក ទគ ១
S-III-1 ភបតរងកតរលខអណណ Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -
S-III-2 ភបតរងសសរ Cu.m 63.00 - 65.00 - -
S-III-3 ភបតរងធផគម Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -
S-III-4 ភបតរងជភណណធរ Cu.m 63.00 - 70.00 - -
S-III-5 សលសរផដកកតរលខអណណ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-III-6 សលសរផដកសសរ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-III-7 សលសរផដកធផគម Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-III-8 សលសរផដកជភណណធរ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-III-9 លរសចតណង Kg 1.50 - - - -
S-III-10 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​កតរលខអណណ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-III-11 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​សសរ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-III-12 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​ធផគម Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-III-13 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​ជភណណធរ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -

សររ ប S-III $ -
S-IV ជនក ទគ ២

S-IV-1 ភបតរងកតរលខអណណ Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -

S-IV-2 ភបតរងសសរ Cu.m 63.00 - 65.00 - -
S-IV-3 ភបតរងធផគម Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -
S-IV-4 ភបតរងជភណណធរ Cu.m 63.00 - 70.00 - -
S-IV-5 សលសរផដកកតរលខអណណ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-IV-6 សលសរផដកសសរ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-IV-7 សលសរផដកធផគម Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-IV-8 សលសរផដកជភណណធរ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-IV-9 លរសចតណង Kg 1.50 - - - -
S-IV-10 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​កតរលខអណណ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-IV-11 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរព
ធ រមម​សសរ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-IV-12 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​ធផគម Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-IV-13 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​ជភណណធរ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -

សររ ប S-IV $ -
S-V ជនក ទគ ៣

S-V-1 ភបតរងកតរលខអណណ Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -

S-V-2 ភបតរងសសរ Cu.m 63.00 - 65.00 - -
S-V-3 ភបតរងធផគម Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -
S-V-4 សលសរផដកកតរលខអណណ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-V-5 សលសរផដកសសរ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-V-6 សលសរផដកធផគម Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-V-7 លរសចតណង Kg 1.50 - - - -
S-V-8 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​កតរលខអណណ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-V-9 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​សសរ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-V-10 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​ធផគម Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -

សររ ប S-V $ -
S-VI ជនក ដត បប ល

S-VI-1 ភបតរងកតរលខអណណ Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -

S-VI-2 ភបតរងសសរភជធងគក Cu.m 63.00 - 65.00 - -
S-VI-3 ភបតរងធផគម​នរង​ធផគមដតបបល Cu.m 63.00 - 50.00 - -
S-VI-4 សលសរផដកកតរលខអណណ Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-VI-5 សលសរផដកសសរភជធងគក Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-VI-6 សលសរផដកធផគម​នរង​ធផគមដតបបល Ton 780.00 - 100.00 - -
S-VI-7 លរសចតណង Kg 1.50 - - - -
S-VI-8 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរ ធពរមម​កតរលខអណណ Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-VI-9 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរព
ធ រមម​សសរភជធងគក Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-VI-10 តតភឡធង​នរង​ររគភរព
ធ រមមធផគម​នរង​ធផគមដតបបល Sq.m 10.00 - 2.00 - -
S-VI-11 ភកកកងដតបបល Sq.m 7.00 - 1.00 - -
S-VI-12 ផហសមដតបបល​នរង​ទរទគក Sq.m 20.00 - 4.00 - -
S-VI-13 តតភឡធង​រនផភបក​នរង​ពអទទសណ
ត ញកលបតង Sq.m 7.50 - 15.00 - -

សររ ប S-VI $ -
សររ ប ចត ណ យ ករងរភបគកងបងគរត សតណ ងក

ករបតក ប ងក 5%

បបកក ចត ភ ណញ 10%

លផផ អគរ (m²)

តត ល លសត ណ ងក ករ ផ ង 1m²

ភផតភពញ.លថថទគ______/______2014 ភផតភពញ.លថថទគ______/______2014
យលកប ពមភដយ ភរបបភរបងភដយ

ភលក ទប ច សតណ ង ភលក ររ បប រ វគ រ ឌ ឌ

Project ID : Pr. Month Pr. Year Date:

Project Name :
Company Name :
#WH 140 Eo-E1,Road 6,Sangkat Toul Sangkei,Khan Russey Keo,Phnom Penh City Project Location :
Job Tittle : BOQ Type : LUMP SUM
Meeting Building Prepared by : Phone :
Material Cost (USD) Labor Cost (USD) Total Cost
Item Description Unit Quantity Remarks
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total (USD.)
S-0 Engineering and Management Fee
S-0-1 Construction Engineering Service and Consultant Ls 1.00 15,000.00
S-0-2 Management Fee including Salary of Engineers Ls 1.00 18,000.00
Sub-Total S-0
S-I Site Preparation and Temporary Works
S-I-1 Site Clearing and Center Line Survey for Building Sq.m 1.00
S-I-2 Tower Crane Hire and Foundation Ls 1.00
S-I-3 Lift Ls 1.00
S-I-4 Scaffolding Sq.m 10.00 5.00
S-I-5 Temporary Site Office and Store Ls 1.00
S-I-6 Temporary Water Supply Ls 1.00
S-I-7 Temporary Electrical Supply Ls 1.00
Sub-Total S-I AAA
S-II Foundation, Excavation and Soil Filling Works
S-II-1 Soil Test and Report Nos
S-II-2 Sheetpiles Driving Rental / 4month Month
S-II-3 Soil Excavation Work for Basement Cu.m - 3.00
S-II-4 Slop Protection Sq.m 25.00 15.00
S-II-5 Bored Pile Work (D=800mm x 35m ) m 80.00 45.00
S-II-6 Pile Load Test Nos 6,000.00 4,000.00
S-II-7 Breaking head for piling Nos 3.50 1.50
S-II-8 Soil Excavation Work for Pit lift Cu.m 3.00
S-II-9 Soil Excavation Work for Footing Cu.m - 3.00
S-II-10 Soil Filling Work for Footing,Pit Cu.m 3.00 3.00
Sand Filling with Compaction for Footings,
S-II-11 Cu.m
Foundation Beam,Pit and Slab 1.20 1.50
Crushed Stone 4x6cm with Compaction for
S-II-12 Cu.m
Footings,Foundation Beams,Pit and Slab 8.00 2.00
S-II-13 Lean Concrete Pit Footings,Foundation Beam &Slab Cu.m 50.00 25.00
S-II-14 Concrete for Footings Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-II-15 Concrete for Columns Cu.m 63.00 65.00
S-II-16 Concrete for Basement wall Cu.m 63.00 65.00
S-II-17 Concrete for Pit Life Cu.m 63.00 65.00
S-II-18 Concrete for Foundation Beams Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-II-19 Concrete for Slab Cu.m 63.00 30.00
S-II-20 Concrete for Stair case Cu.m 63.00 70.00
S-II-21 Steel Bars for Footings Ton 780.00 100.00
S-II-22 Steel Bars for Columns Ton 780.00 100.00
S-II-23 Steel Bars for Basement wall Ton 780.00 100.00
S-II-24 Steel Bars for Pit Ton 780.00 100.00
S-II-25 Steel Bars for Foundation Beams Ton 780.00 100.00
S-II-26 Steel Bars for Slab Ton 780.00 100.00
S-II-27 Steel Bars for Stair case Ton 780.00 100.00
S-II-28 Wire ties Kgf 1.50 -
S-II-29 Water stop m 7.50 3.00
S-II-30 Masonry Cu.m 50.00 30.00
S-II-31 Water proofing (Mambrane) wall,footing & slab Sq.m 10.00 2.00
S-II-32 Form Works for Footings Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-II-33 Form Works For Columns Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-II-34 Form Works For Basement wall Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-II-35 Form Works For Pit Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-II-36 Form Works For Foundation Beams Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-II-37 Form Works for Stairs Sq.m 10.00 2.50
Sub-Total S-II AAA
S-III First Floor Plan
S-III-1 Concrete for Slab Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-III-2 Concrete for Columns Cu.m 63.00 65.00
S-III-3 Concrete for Beams Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-III-4 Concrete for Stair case Cu.m 63.00 70.00
S-III-5 Steel Bars for Slabs Ton 780.00 100.00
S-III-6 Steel Bars for Columns Ton 780.00 100.00
S-III-7 Steel Bars for Beams Ton 780.00 100.00
S-III-8 Steel Bars for Stair case Ton 780.00 100.00
S-III-9 Wire ties Kgf 1.50 -
S-III-10 Form Works for Slabs Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-III-11 Form Works for Columns Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-III-12 Form Works for Beams Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-III-13 Form Works for Stairs Sq.m 10.00 2.50
Sub-Total S-III AAA
S-IV Second Floor Plan
S-IV-1 Concrete for Slab Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-IV-2 Concrete for Columns Cu.m 63.00 65.00
S-IV-3 Concrete for Beams Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-IV-4 Concrete for Stair Cu.m 63.00 70.00
S-IV-5 Steel Bars for Slabs Ton 780.00 100.00
S-IV-6 Steel Bars for Columns Ton 780.00 100.00
S-IV-7 Steel Bars for Beams Ton 780.00 100.00
S-IV-8 Steel Bars for Stairs Ton 780.00 100.00
S-IV-9 Wire ties Kgf 1.50 -
S-IV-10 Form Works for Slabs Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-IV-11 Form Works for Columns Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-IV-12 Form Works for Beams Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-IV-13 Form Works for Stairs Sq.m 10.00 2.50
Sub-Total S-IV AAA
S-V Third Floor Plan
S-V-1 Concrete for Slab Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-V-2 Concrete for Columns Cu.m 63.00 65.00
S-V-3 Concrete for Beams Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-V-4 Steel Bars for Slabs Ton 780.00 100.00
S-V-5 Steel Bars for Columns Ton 780.00 100.00
S-V-6 Steel Bars for Beams Ton 780.00 100.00
S-V-7 Wire ties Kgf 1.50 -
S-V-8 Form Works for Slabs Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-V-9 Form Works for Columns Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-V-10 Form Works for Beams Sq.m 10.00 2.50
Sub-Total S-V AAA
S-VI Roof Structure
S-VI-1 Concrete for Beam and Roof Beams Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-VI-2 Concrete for Roof Columns Cu.m 63.00 65.00
S-VI-3 Concrete for Slab Cu.m 63.00 50.00
S-VI-4 Steel Bars for Slabs Ton 780.00 100.00
S-VI-5 Steel Bars for Roof Columns Ton 780.00 100.00
S-VI-6 Steel Bars for Beam and Roof Beams Ton 780.00 100.00
S-VI-7 Wire ties Kgf 1.50 -
S-VI-8 Form Works for Roof Slabs Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-VI-9 Form Works for Roof Columns Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-VI-10 Form Works for Beam and Roof Beams Sq.m 10.00 2.50
S-VI-11 Roofing Tile Sq.m 7.00 1.00
S-VI-12 Steel Framing including Gutter Sq.m 20.00 4.00
Sub-Total S-VI AAA
Sub total for Structural work
Wastage 5%
Grand Total Including Benefit 10%
House Area
Unit Price Per 1m²

**If in doubt please contact us for more detail

Phnom Penh, Date: ______/______/2014 Phnom Penh, Date: ______/______/2014

Approved by Prepared by

Touch Samnang Ra Boreyvuth

Drive piles
No Description L (m) N Total (m)
1 Piles 30x30x21m 21.00 379.00 7,959.00

No Description a (m) b (m) c (m) H (m) N V (cu-m)
1 P1 3.000 4.500 1.50 1.50 10 84.38
2 P2 4.000 5.500 3.00 1.50 14 299.25

Backfill up to ground level

No Description V (cu-m)
1 Excavation
2 Lean concrete
3 Footing concrete
4 Walls

Cut pile head

No Description a (m) b (m) H (m) N V (cu-m)
1 Piles 30x30x21 cm 0.30 0.30 0.50 379.00 17.06
Concrete GROUN
Bottom Re-Bars in short directi
In direction X= 24
Type Speacing(m) Distribute (m) Diameter(m) Steel Area Length(m) nos Layer E(ton)
Whole 0.250 24.000 0.010 0.00008 24.50 96.00 1 7.85

Bottom Re-Bars in long directi

In direction Y= 24
Type Speacing(m) Distribute (m) Diameter(m) Steel Area Length(m) nos Layer E(ton)
Whole 0.250 24.000 0.010 0.00008 24.50 96.00 1 7.85
ncrete GROUND SLAB and Re-Bars
Total rebar weight Concret of Wall

W(ton) Rebar (ton)(+)15% N B(m) L(m) t(m) N V(cu-m)

1.450 3.34 1 24.00 24.00 0.15 1 86.4

1.450 3.3352 86.4
Slab Form

B(m) L(m) H(m) S(sq-m)

24 24 0.25 24

Slab Re-Bars
Top Re-Bars in short direction
In short direction X= 3.4
Type Speacing(m) Distribute (m) n T.Distribute (m) Diameter(m) Steel Area
Whole of 1/3L 0.300 1.133 2 2.267 0.010 0.00008
1/3L 0.300 1.133 4 4.533 0.010 0.00008
2/3L 0.150 3.333 2 6.667 0.010 0.00008

Top Re-Bars in long direction

In long direction Y= 5.6
Type Speacing(m) Distribute (m) n T.Distribute (m) Diameter(m) Steel Area
Whole of 1/3L 0.300 1.133 2 2.267 0.010 0.00008
1/3L 0.300 1.133 4 4.533 0.010 0.00008
2/3L 0.150 1.133 2 2.267 0.010 0.00008

Bottom Re-Bars in short direction

Type Speacing(m) Distribute (m) n T.Distribute (m) Diameter(m) Steel Area
Whole 0.250 5.600 1 5.600 0.010 0.00008
2/3L 0.300 0.000 1 0.000 0.010 0.00008

Bottom Re-Bars in long direction

Type Speacing(m) Distribute (m) n T.Distribute (m) Diameter(m) Steel Area
Whole 0.250 3.400 1 3.400 0.010 0.00008
2/3L 0.400 0.000 1 0.000 0.010 0.00008
weight of Rebars Concret of Slab

Length(m) nos E(ton) W(ton) weight (ton) (+)20% N B(m) L(m)

3.40 7.56 7.85 0.01584 0.23828 1 3.40 5.60
1.13 15.11 7.85 0.01056
1.13 44.44 7.85 0.03106

Length(m) nos E(ton) W(ton)

5.60 7.56 7.85 0.02609
1.13 15.11 7.85 0.01056
1.13 15.11 7.85 0.01056

Length(m) nos E(ton) W(ton)

3.40 22.40 7.85 0.04696
2.60 - 7.85 -

Length(m) nos E(ton) W(ton)

5.60 13.60 7.85 0.04696
4.60 - 7.85 -
0.04696 Total 0.2383
Concret of Slab Slab Form

t(m) N V(cu-m) B(m) L(m) N S(sq-m)

0.15 1 2.856 3.4 5.6 1 19.04

2.856 19.04
Ground Beam Re-bars
Longitudinal Re-bars
1 1B1=(0.3mx0.50m) Diameter(m) n Steel Area L(m) L1(m) N E(ton)
Top Rebar
whole 0.020 2 0.00063 6.00 6.50 2 7.85
0.3L 0.020 3 0.00094 4.00 4.25 2 7.85
Side Rebar
whole 0.012 2 0.00023 6.00 6.50 2 7.85
Bottom Rebar
whole 0.020 2 0.00063 6.00 6.50 2 7.85
0.7L 0.020 2 0.00063 4.50 4.50 2 7.85
Concrete Section
W(ton)+20% b(m) h(m) L(m) N V(cu-m) Speacing(m)
Support Ssup(m)
0.064 0.25 0.50 6.00 2 1.500 3.00 0.15
0.063 0.25 0.15 6.00 2 Midspan Smid(m)
0.45 3.00 0.2
0.023 Total Num

0.310 1.050 Total
Stirrups Lean Concrete
Diameter(m) Steel Area L1(m) L2(m) N E(ton) W(ton) b(m) h(m)
0.45 0.05
0.010 0.00157 1.360 1.000 20.00 7.85 0.02910

0.010 0.00118 1.360 1.000 15.00 7.85 0.02183

2 0.05093

Lean Concrete Girder forms Sand filling
L(m) N V(cu-m) b (m) h (m) L (m) N S (sq-m) b(m) h(m)
6.00 2 0.270 0.25 0.50 6.00 2 12.000 0.45 0.1

0.270 12.000
Sand filling
L(m) N V(cu-m)
6.00 2 0.540

Column forms
No Description a (m) b (m) H (m) N S (sq-m)
1 Colmn C1 0.30 4.00 4.00 5 172.00
2 Colmn C2 0.40 0.40 4.00 5 32.00

Concrete Main ba
Column Length of
No Stories Height Total
Marks a (m) b(m) h(m) Rebars
(m) (m3)

1 Colmn C1 C1 0.30 4.00 4.00 4.80 4.64

2 Colmn C2 C2 0.40 0.40 4.00 0.64 4.64
Main bars Length of Spacing (m) Stirrups

Diameter Area of Total Length of Length of
Quantity of of
of Rebars Weight down mid up Stirrups out Stirrups in
Rebars Rebars
Rebars (m) (m2) (kg) (m) (m)

0.016 0.0002 8 58.5878 1.33 1.33 1.333 9.46 1 0.010

0.016 0.0002 8 58.5878 1.33 1.33 1.33 2.46 1 0.010
rrups Spacing of Round Bars
Total Total
Area of Weight of Weight of Quantity
Rebars down mid up down mid up RB DB Column
(m2) (kg) (ton)

0.0001 0.15 0.20 0.15 9 7 9 142.57 0.2012 5

0.0001 0.15 0.20 0.15 9 7 9 37.07 0.0957 5

1.2070 24.00
0.5740 3.20
Footing forms short
No Description a (m) b (m) H (m) N S (sq-m)
1 Footing 1 1.000 1.500 0.400 10 20.00
2 Footing 2 2.000 3.000 0.400 14 56.00

Lean Concrete for Footing

No Description a (m) b (m) h (m) N V(cu-m)
1 Footing 1 1.200 1.700 0.050 10 1.02
2 Footing 2 2.200 3.200 0.050 14 4.93

Footing Re-Bars
Section Bottom Rebars in

No Describtion Area of
Total Length Diameter
a (m) b (m) h (m) Rebars
(m3) (m)+0.75 (mm)

1 Footing 1 1.000 1.500 0.400 0.60 1.800 0.016 0.00020

2 Footing 2 2.000 3.000 0.400 2.40 3.300 0.016 0.00020
Sand Filling
t(m) V(cu-m)

om Rebars in Long direction Bottom Rebars in Short direction

Total Area of Total

Spacing Length Diameter Spacing
Quantity Weight Rebars Quantity Weight
(m) (m)+0.75 (mm) (m)
(kg) (m2) (kg)

0.150 7 18.94 1.300 0.016 0.00020 0.150 10 20.52

0.150 13 69.45 2.300 0.016 0.00020 0.150 20 72.60
Top Rebars in Long direction Top Rebars in Short

Area of Total Area of

Length Diameter Spacing Length Diameter
Rebars Quantity Weight Rebars
(m)+0.75 (mm) (m) (m)+0.75 (mm)
(m2) (kg) (m2)

1.800 0.016 0.00020 0.150 7 18.94 1.300 0.016 0.00020

3.300 0.016 0.00020 0.150 13 69.45 2.300 0.016 0.00020
p Rebars in Short direction Side Rebars

Total Area of Total Rebars
Spacing Length Diameter
Quantity Weight Rebars Quantity Weight (ton)
(m) (m)+0.75 (mm)
(kg) (m2) (kg)

0.150 10 20.52 5.2 0.010 0.00008 0 0.00 0.08

0.150 20 72.60 10.2 0.010 0.00008 0 0.00 0.28
Rebar Total
Weight Concrete
(ton) (m3)

10 0.947 6.00
14 4.773 33.60
Concrete Wall and
Bottom Re-Bars in short direction
In Short direction = 3.5
Type Speacing(m) Distribute (m) Diameter(m) Steel Area Length(m) nos Layer
Whole 0.150 12.000 0.014 0.00015 3.80 80.00 2

Bottom Re-Bars in long direction

In Long direction = 12
Type Speacing(m) Distribute (m) Diameter(m) Steel Area Length(m) nos Layer
Whole 0.200 3.500 0.012 0.00011 12.30 17.50 2
Concrete Wall and Re-Bars
Total rebar weight Concret of Wall

E(ton) W(ton) Rebar (ton) (+)20% N B(m) L(m) t(m) N V(cu-m) B(m)
7.85 0.735 1.12 1.34 1 3.50 12.00 0.2 1 8.4 3.5

E(ton) W(ton)
7.85 0.382
0.382 1.340 8.400

L(m) N S(sq-m)
12 2 84

ភលខភរបងរ កលបរ រភចចទរ



#WH 140 Eo-E1,Road 6,Sangkat Toul Sangkei,Khan Russey Keo,Phnom Penh City ទគតតងគតភរងរ

បបភភទ BOQ:
ភឈម គករងរ
ភរបបរងភដយរ ទបរសអពផរ

តតលលសតភររ (USD) តតលលពលកមម (USD)

ល.រ បបភភទករងរ ឯកត បរ រមណ សររបររម ភផតងៗ
តតលលឯកត សររប តតលលឯកត សររប

A-I ជនក ភ បកមដគ

A-I-01 ​​​ករងរសតភ រចភលធល ផផ កត រ ល

សតអតលផផភបតរង​នរងខតករភលង Sq.m 2.00 2.00
សបបយអរ​ថផតជតរបទគក​នរងខតករភលង Sq.m 3.00 3.00
ប រ ត​ទតហ​ត 60cm x 60cm Sq.m 10.00 3.00
A-I-02 ​​​ករងរសងក ជ ញញ ត ង ខអ ណណ
ភរបបជញញ តងខអណណឥដដ​20cm Sq.m 9.50 4.00
ភរបបជញញ តងខអណណឥដដ​10cm Sq.m 7.50 3.00
A-I-03 ​​​ករងរសតភ រចភលធល ផផ ជ ញញ តង
ខតកជញញ តងភបតរង​នរង​ភបបកថផត Sq.m 2.00 3.50
បបកបយអរជញញ តងភបតរង​នរងភបបកថផតករពរជតរបលផផខងកផរ Sq.m 4.50 4.00
បបកជញញ តងឥដដ១០​នរង​ឥដដ២០​នរងថផតករពរជតរប Sq.m 9.50 4.00
ភបបកសមតកបត​នរង​ររញថផតភសមចបតត២បសទបកជញញ តងឥដដ Sq.m 2.00 1.50
A-I-04 ​​​ករងរភជធ ង ជញញ តង

A-I-05 ​​​ករងរពរ ដ ន
ពរដនបតភបតរងធមមត​(ឆប,ខតក) Sq.m 2.00 2.00
ពរដនមផងសរលលតធមមត​នរងលបថផតសភត រច Sq.m 7.50 2.50
ពរដនមផងសរលលតមនបសទបកករពរជតរប(បនផបកទគក) Sq.m 8.50 2.50
ពរដនមផងសរលកកចក​នរងលបថផតសភត រច Sq.m 10.00 4.00
A-I-06 ​​​ករងរជភណណធ រ
ករងរចបកបជជង​នរង​បបកបយអរសតភរច​កតភផណក,កតឈរ M 3.00 2.00
ករងរចបកបជជង​នរង​បបកបយអរសតភរច​ថសជភណណធរ Sq.m 3.00 2.00
បនផគជអរ​មរខជភណណធរ​(ទបករអរល) M 1.50 1.00
បងងនកលដផដកបរទភឈធពគភលធ​នរង​បញកថផតសភត រច M 38.00 6.50
ចបកបជជង​នរង​បបកបយអរបតជភណណធរ Sq.m 4.00 3.50
ចបកបជជង​នរង​បបកបយអរសតភរច​ភជធងជញញ តងតមកតជភណណធ M 3.00 2.00
A-I-07 ​​​ ករងរទស ​ នរ ង ​ បងសរ ច

A-I-08 ​​​​ប នផ បក ទគ ក

A-I-09 ​​​​ក រងរភផតងៗ

កតណលកទបកកងកឡន​នរង​លបថផតសភត រច Nos 10.00 5.00
បនផគជអរសរវតសរភពតមភគបមសសរ​h:1m Set 18.00 5.00
សឃកសញញចរចរណណ Nos 12.00 5.00
គតនបសសញញតមផឃបវ M 1.50 1.00
គតរបលបភធសធពគផដកបនផគសតរបកបចកចបល M 3.00 1.00
សររ ប A-I
A-II ជនក ទគ ១

A-II-01 ​​​ករងរសតភ រចភលធល ផផ កត រ ល

បកលករ​ប រ 60x60 សតរបកបនផបក Sq.m 13.00 5.00
បកលករ​ប រ 30x30 សតរបកបនផបកទគក Sq.m 13.00 3.00
ថផតលយបយអរ​ករពរជតរបទគក​(បនផបកទគក) Sq.m 8.50 1.00
បកលករ​ប រ 60x60 សតរបករនហល Sq.m 13.00 5.00
ថផតលយបយអរ​ករពរជតរបទគក​(រនហល) Sq.m 8.50 1.00
A-II-02 ​​​ករងរសងក ជញញ ត ង ខអ ណណ
សងកជញញ តងឥដដកតរសក​20cm Sq.m 9.50 4.00
សងកជញញ តងឥដដកតរសក​10cm Sq.m 7.50 3.00
សងកជញញ តងឥដដខខលក Sq.m 10.00 3.00
A-II-03 ​​​ករងរសតភ រចភលធល ផផ ជ ញញ តង
រ ញញ តងបនផបកទគក​H:2.2m Sq.m 6.50 3.00
ករងរបបក​កផរង​កតរសក​2cm Sq.m 4.50 4.00
ករងរបបក​ភបក​កតរសក​2cm Sq.m 5.50 5.50
ភបបកសមតកបត​នរងលបថផត​២បសទបកលផផខងកផរង Sq.m 2.00 1.50
លបថផតករពរសតភណធមលផផខងភបក Sq.m 1.00 1.50
ភបបកសមតកបត​នរងលបថផត​២បសទបកលផផខងភបក Sq.m 2.00 1.50
ភរបបករបភរ ជធងជញញ តង​12x60 M 3.00 2.50
A-II-04 ​​​ករងរពរ ដ ន
ពរដនបតភបតរងធមមត​(ឆប,ខតក) Sq.m 2.00 2.00
ពរដនមផងសរលលតធមមត​នរងលបថផតសភត រច Sq.m 7.50 2.50
ពរដនមផងសរលលតមនបសទបកករពរជតរប(បនផបកទគក) Sq.m 8.50 2.50
ពរដនមផងសរលកកចក​នរងលបថផតសភត រច Sq.m 10.00 4.00
A-II-05 ​​​ករងរជភណណធ រ
បរតមរ បទតហ​ត 30x30 កតភផណក​នរង​កតឈរ Sq.m 35.00 5.00
បរតមរ បទតហ​ត 30x30 ថស Sq.m 50.00 4.00
បនផគជអរ​មរខជភណណធរ​(ទបករអរល) M 1.50 1.00
បងងនកលដផដកបរទភឈធពគភលធ​នរង​បញកថផតសភត រច M 38.00 6.50
ចបកបជជង​នរង​បបកបយអរបតជភណណធរ​នរងលបថផតសភត រច Sq.m 4.00 3.50
បរតមរ ប​12x30 ភជធងជញញ តងតមកតជភណណធ M 35.00 4.00
A-II-06 ​​​ ករងរទស ​ នរ ង ​ បងសរ ច
ត បកបងសរច​(Laminate 8mm) Sq.m
ត បកទស​១សនឃគក​(Laminate 8mm) Set
ត បកទស​២សនឃគក​(Laminate 8mm) Set
ទសភឈធ​១សនឃគក​(0.9m x 2.1m) Set
ទសភឈធ​២សនឃគក​(1.8m x 2.1m) Set
ភសរមបល​នរង​គនឃគគសតរបកទសភឈធ​១សនឃគក Set
ភសរកចក​នរង​គនឃគគសតរបកទសភឈធ​២សនឃគក Set
បតភចបកទសភឈធ Nos
អ បបវតណរ Nos
ទសបនផបកទគក Set
A-II-07 ​​​​ប នផ បក ទគ ក
បងគនក​នរង​ផខតអនមអយ Set
ប រ អគភន
ឡវរ បប​នរង​រប Set
បរតមរ បឡវរ បប Sq.m
ប រ អគភន
ផងឈបកផខត​នរង​រប Set
បញកញរអ Set
កញញកកឆរ ឃគមរខ Set
ភធផធកផនតង Nos
បបអបកបកដសកអនមអយ Nos
ចនសបអប Nos
គ រង
ស Nos
A-II-08 ​​​​ក រងរភផតងៗ
បយអ​សតរបកបរទករ​ប រ នរង​មរ ប Cu.m
​ បប​thk=0.10m Cu.m
ភរបបឥដដ​10cm នរង​បរតករជរប រតវ រញ(បញកញរអ ) Sq.m
សររប A-II
A-V បប ក បជគ , អលរយ កបអរ នរ ង ផដក លតអ រមរ ខ ផផ គ
A-V-1 បបកបជគ​នគង​លបថផត m 5.00 - 2.50 - -
A-V-2 ករងរអលរយកបអរ m 20.00 - 5.00 - -
A-V-3 ករងរផដក m² 25.00 - 3.00 - -
សររ ប A-V $ -
A-VI ករងរខងភបកផផ គ

A-VI-1 ភបតរងអភមចតណតឡន m² 25.00 - 5.00 - -

A-VI-2 បកលឥដដចតណតឡន m² 7.00 - 3.00 - -
A-VI-3 អងផហលទគក set 15.00 - 2.00 - -
រ ចករ​ចកកដគដតភសម​នរង​ផង
A-VI-4 ភធសធសន m² 7.00 - 2.00 - -
សររ ប A-VI $ -
A-VII របង
A-VII-1 សងកឥដដ​នរង​លបថផត m 35.00 - 25.00 - -
A-VII-2 ដកកចបមគងផដក​នរង​លបថផត m 35.00 - 12.00 - -
A-VII-3 ទសរបងមរខផផគ set 300.00 - 2.50 - -
សររ ប A-VII $ -
A-VIII ដត ភ ឡធង បណណ ញផគ តក ផគ ងក ទគ ក

A-IX ដត ភ ឡធង បណណ ញផគ តក ផគ ងក អ គគគ ស នគ

សររ ប ចត ណ យ ករងរសស បតខកមម

ករបតក ប ងក 5%

បបកក ចត ភ ណញ 10%
លផផ អគរ

តត ល លសត ណ ងក ករ ផ ង 1m²

ចត ណត

​​​ពរតមនករបតពកកបបពអនដមរសរគនបតជកក​នរង​មរ សរគនបតជកក


ភផតភពញ.លថថទគ______/______2014 ភផតភពញ.លថថទគ______/______2014
យលកប ពមភដយ ភរបបភរបងភដយ

ភលក ទប ច សតណ ង ភលក ររ បប រ វគ រ ឌ ឌ

តរងបររមណ នរង តតលលសងសងក

A- សស បតខកមម
Date: 19/Sep/2014
តតលលសតភររ (USD) តតលលពលកមម (USD)
ល.រ បបភភទករងរ ឯកត បរ រមណ សររបររម
តតលលឯកត សររប តតលលឯកត សររប

A-I ជនក ទគ ១

A-I-1 ញរម​នរង​កញញកកសរ
ត បកបងសរច​(Laminate 8mm) m² 85.00 - 7.50 - -
A-I-2 ញរម​នរង​កញញកកសរ
ត បកទស​១សនឃគក​(Laminate 8mm) set 200.00 - 30.00 - -
A-I-3 ញរម​នរង​កញញកកសរ
ត បកទស​២សនឃគក​(Laminate 8mm) set 400.00 - 60.00 - -
A-I-4 ទសភឈធ​១សនឃគក​(0.9m x 2.2m) set 120.00 - 40.00 - -
A-I-5 ទសភឈធ​២សនឃគក​(1.8m x 2.2m) set 240.00 - 80.00 - -
A-I-6 ភសរមបល​នរង​គនឃគគសតរបកទសភឈធ​១សនឃគក set 60.00 - 5.00 - -
A-I-7 ភសរកចក​នរង​គនឃគគសតរបកទសភឈធ​២សនឃគក set 90.00 - 10.00 - -
A-I-8 ភស​សតរបកទសកញញកក set 50.00 - 5.00 - -
A-I-9 លដទសកញញកក nos 30.00 - 5.00 - -
A-I-10 បតភចបកទសកញញកក nos 10.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-11 បតភចបកទសភឈធ nos 12.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-12 បបដបកទបកទស​នរង​ឪបករណណបរទភបធកទសសសយ
អ បបវតណរ nos 60.00 - 6.00 - -
A-I-13 សងកជញញ តងឥដដកតរសក​20cm m² 10.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-14 សងកជញញ តងឥដដកតរសក​10cm m² 5.00 - 1.75 - -
A-I-15 ករងរឡមបបភហងខខលក m² 10.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-16 ករងរបបក​កផរង​នរង​ភបក​កតរសក​2cm m² 2.00 - 1.50 - -
A-I-17 ករងរលបថផតករ ផង m² 2.00 - 1.00 - -
A-I-18 ករងរលបថផតភបក m² 2.50 - 1.00 - -
A-I-19 ករងរពរដន​នរង​លបថផត m² 10.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-20 បកលករប រ m² 7.80 - 3.00 - -
A-I-21 ភរបបករប​រ ភជធងជញញ តង​(H=12cm) m 7.80 - 1.50 - -
A-I-22 បកលករប
ប រ នផបកទគក m² 7.80 - 3.00 - -
A-I-23 ភរបបករប​រ ជញញ តងបនផបកទគក​(H=2.2m) m² 7.80 - 3.00 - -
A-I-24 បកលមរ បជភណណធរ m² 20.00 - 4.00 - -
A-I-25 ភរបបករប​រ ភជធងជញញ តងជភណណធរ​(H=12cm) m² 20.00 - 4.00 - -
A-I-26 បងងនកលដជភណណធរភធសធពគផដកបរតភឈធពគភលធ m 50.00 - 7.00 - -
សតភ រគបនផ បក ទគ ក

A-I-27 បងគនក​នរង​ផខតអនមអយ set 56.50 - 5.00 - -

ប រ អគភន
A-I-28 ឡវរ បប​នរង​រប set 34.00 - 5.00 - -
ប រ អគភន
A-I-29 ផងឈបកផខត​នរង​រប set 11.70 - 5.00 - -
A-I-30 កញញកកឆរ ឃគមរខ set 9.00 - 5.00 - -
A-I-31 ភធផធកផនតង nos 21.50 - 5.00 - -
A-I-32 បបអបកបកដសអនមអយ nos 29.00 - 1.00 - -
A-I-33 ចនសបអប nos 9.00 - 1.00 - -
A-I-34 សរហ
គ រង
ស nos 26.00 - 5.00 - -
សររ ប A-I $ -
A-V បប ក បជគ , អលរយ កបអរ នរ ង ផដក លតអ រមរ ខ ផផ គ
A-V-1 បបកបជគ​នគង​លបថផត m 5.00 - 2.50 - -
A-V-2 ករងរអលរយកបអរ m 20.00 - 5.00 - -
A-V-3 ករងរផដក m² 25.00 - 3.00 - -
សររ ប A-V $ -
A-VI ករងរខងភបកផផ គ

A-VI-1 ភបតរងអភមចតណតឡន m² 25.00 - 5.00 - -

A-VI-2 បកលឥដដចតណតឡន m² 7.00 - 3.00 - -
A-VI-3 អងផហលទគក set 15.00 - 2.00 - -
រ ចករ​ចកកដគដតភសម​នរង​ផង
A-VI-4 ភធសធសន m² 7.00 - 2.00 - -
សររ ប A-VI $ -
A-VII របង
A-VII-1 សងកឥដដ​នរង​លបថផត m 35.00 - 25.00 - -
A-VII-2 ដកកចបមគងផដក​នរង​លបថផត m 35.00 - 12.00 - -
A-VII-3 ទសរបងមរខផផគ set 300.00 - 2.50 - -
សររ ប A-VII $ -
A-VIII ដត ភ ឡធង បណណ ញផគ តក ផគ ងក ទគ ក

A-IX ដត ភ ឡធង បណណ ញផគ តក ផគ ងក អ គគគ ស នគ

សររ ប ចត ណ យ ករងរសស បតខកមម
ករបតក ប ងក 5%

បបកក ចត ភ ណញ 10%
លផផ អគរ

តត ល លសត ណ ងក ករ ផ ង 1m²
ចត ណត

​​​ពរតមនករបតពកកបបពអនដមរសរគនបតជកក​នរង​មរ សរគនបតជកក


ភផតភពញ.លថថទគ______/______2014 ភផតភពញ.លថថទគ______/______2014
យលកប ពមភដយ ភរបបភរបងភដយ

ភលក ទប ច សតណ ង ភលក ររ បប រ វគ រ ឌ ឌ

ate: 19/Sep/2014



Material Cost (USD) Labor Cost (USD) Total Cost
Item Description Unit Quantity Remarks
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost Total (USD.)
A-I 1st Floor
A-I-1 Glass window with Aluminum frame m² 85.00 - 7.50 - -
A-I-2 Single swing Laminated 8thk door set 200.00 - 30.00 - -
A-I-3 Double swing Laminated 8thk door set 400.00 - 60.00 - -
A-I-4 Single swing wood Door set 120.00 - 40.00 - -
A-I-5 Double swing wood Door set 240.00 - 80.00 - -
A-I-6 Knob & Latch door lock for Single swing door set 60.00 - 5.00 - -
A-I-7 Lever & Latch door lock for Double swing door set 90.00 - 10.00 - -
A-I-8 Glass door lock set 50.00 - 5.00 - -
A-I-9 Glass door handle nos 30.00 - 5.00 - -
A-I-10 Glass door hing nos 10.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-11 wood door hing nos 12.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-12 Door stoper & Door closer nos 60.00 - 6.00 - -
A-I-13 Hollow brick wall 20cm thk m² 10.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-14 Hollow brick wall 10cm thk m² 5.00 - 1.75 - -
A-I-15 Ventilation brick m² 10.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-16 Wall Plastering bothway (interior & exterior) m² 2.00 - 1.50 - -
A-I-17 Painting work for interior m² 2.00 - 1.00 - -
A-I-18 Painting work for exterrior m² 2.50 - 1.00 - -
A-I-19 Ceiling and Painting m² 10.00 - 3.00 - -
A-I-20 Tiles floor work m² 7.80 - 3.00 - -
A-I-21 Skirt tiles work ( H=0.12m) m 7.80 - 1.50 - -
A-I-22 Tiles floor in bathroom m² 7.80 - 3.00 - -
A-I-23 wall tiles in bathroom (H=2.2m) m² 7.80 - 3.00 - -
A-I-24 Marble for staircase m² 20.00 - 4.00 - -
A-I-25 Skirt Marble for staircase (H=0.11m) m² 20.00 - 4.00 - -
A-I-26 Wooden and steel Handrail for stair m 50.00 - 7.00 - -
Sanitary Work
A-I-27 Toilet and jet-spray set 56.50 - 5.00 - -
A-I-28 lavatory and faucet set 34.00 - 5.00 - -
A-I-29 Shower and faucet set 11.70 - 5.00 - -
A-I-30 Mirror set 9.00 - 5.00 - -
A-I-31 Towel Bar nos 21.50 - 5.00 - -
A-I-32 Paper Holder nos 29.00 - 1.00 - -
A-I-33 Soap Dish nos 9.00 - 1.00 - -
A-I-34 Floor Drain nos 26.00 - 5.00 - -
Sub-Total A-I $ -
A-V Molding, Decoration work
A-V-1 Molding and Painting m 5.00 2.50
A-V-2 Aluminum Decoration work m 20.00 5.00
A-V-3 Steel Decoration work m² 25.00 3.00
Sub-Total A-V $ -
A-VI LandScape
A-VI-1 RC Concrete slab and Ramp (carport) m² 25.00 5.00
A-VI-2 Tile for Landscape and carport m² 7.00 3.00
A-VI-3 Tile for swimming pool m² 15.00 2.00
A-VI-4 Grass planting include organic soil m² 7.00 2.00
Sub-Total A-VI $ -
A-VII Boundary fence
A-VII-1 Brick fence + pain ( H=2m) m 35.00 25.00
A-VII-2 Steel Grilles m 35.00 12.00
A-VII-3 Steel Grilles for Gates set 300.00 2.50
Sub-Total A-VII $ -
A-VIII Water System & Bathroom Equipment Ls
A-IX Electricty System & Equipment Ls
Total for Architectural work
Wastage 5%
Grand Total Including Benefit 10%
House Area
Unit Price Per 1m²

**If in doubt please contact us for more detail

No Interior Decoration Work Like Sofa,Chair,TV,Bed..
No Air-condition installation

Phnom Penh, Date: ______/______/2014 Phnom Penh, Date: ______/______/2014

Approved by Prepared by

Touch Samnang Ra Boreyvuth




Material Cost (USD) Labor Cost (USD)
Item Description Unit Quantity
Unit Cost Total Unit Cost
A-I Basement 2nd Sq.m
A-I-01 Slab surface Work
Clearing surface of slab Sq.m
Cemen mortar with water proofing of slab
Tiles floor in Walk way
A-I-02 Hollow brick wall Work
Hollow brick wall 20cm thk
Hollow brick wall 10cm thk
Ventilation brick along basement wall
A-I-03 Wall Finishing work
Clearing basement wall
basement wall plastering with water proofing
Hollow brick wall plastering in both way
Painting in Both Way
Marble infron of lift
Wall tiles in bathroom (H=2.2m)
A-I-04 Ceiling work
Clearing bottom of concrete sleb surface
Normal ceiling with finishing paint
Ceiling with Water proof protiction (Bath room)
Ceiling art with finishing paint
A-I-05 Staircase and Car park
Run and rise Plastering
Landing slab Plastering
Step Nosing trims
Steel handrail with wood handle and sprayed
Bottom of stair plastering
A-I-06 Door and Window work
Glass window with Aluminum frame
Single swing door (Tember 10mm)
Double swing door (Tember 10mm)
Aluminum door
Single swing wooden door
Double swing wooden door
Double swing wooden door
Knob & Latch for Single swing door
Lever lock & Latch for Double swing door
Hing for wooden door
Door stopper or Door closer
A-I-07 Sanitary work
Toilet and jet-spray
Lavatory and faucet
Marble for lavatory
Shower and faucet
Towel Bar
Paper Holder
Soap Dish
Floor Drain
Partition for WC
A-I-08 Other Work
Concrete Parking Bumpers with Painting
V-Steel installation for column
Parking Sign
Parking floor paint
Steel gutter
Mortar cemen
Concrete Plate for Lavatory
A-II Basement 1st
A-II-01 Slab surface Work
Clearing surface of slab
Cemen mortar with water proofing of slab
Tiles floor in Walk way
A-II-02 Hollow brick wall Work
Hollow brick wall 20cm thk
Hollow brick wall 10cm thk
Ventilation brick along underground wall
A-II-03 Wall Finishing work
Clearing basement wall
basement wall plastering with water proofing
Hollow brick wall plastering in both way
Painting in Both Way
Marble infron of lift
Wall tiles in bathroom (H=2.2m)
A-II-04 Ceiling work
Clearing bottom of concrete sleb surface
Normal ceiling with finishing paint
Ceiling with Water proof protiction (Bath room)
Ceiling art with finishing paint
A-II-05 Staircase and Car park
Run and rise Plastering
Landing slab Plastering
Step Nosing trims
Steel handrail with wood handle and sprayed
Bottom of stair plastering
A-II-06 Door and Window
Glass window with Aluminum frame
Single swing door (Tember 10mm)
Double swing door (Tember 10mm)
Aluminum door
Single swing wooden door
Double swing wooden door
Double swing wooden door
Knob & Latch for Single swing door
Lever lock & Latch for Double swing door
Hing for wooden door
Door stopper or Door closer
A-II-07 Sanitary work
Toilet and jet-spray
Lavatory and faucet
Marble for lavatory
Shower and faucet
Towel Bar
Paper Holder
Soap Dish
Floor Drain
Partition for WC
A-II-08 Other Work
Concrete Parking Bumpers with Painting
V-Steel installation for column
Parking Sign
Parking floor paint
Steel gutter
Mortar cemen
Concrete plate for Lavatory
A-III Walk Way

PART 2.1
A-IV First and Second floor
A-IV-01 Slab Finishing
Tiles floor work (80x80)
Tiles floor work (30x30) for bathroom
Water proofing in bathroom
A-IV-01 Brick wall instalation
Hollow brick wall 20cm
Hollow brick wall 10cm
A-IV-01 Brick wall Finishing
Wall tile in bathroom (30x60)
Wall plastering for interior
Wall plastering for exterior
Painting for interior
Shieler for exterior
Painting for exterior
Marble for Lift
Skirt tiles work sq.m
A-IV-01 Ceiling work
Normal ceiling with finishing paint
Ceiling with Water proof protiction (Bath room)
Ceiling Art with finishing paint
A-IV-01 Staircase
Marble for rise and run
Step Nosing trims
Steel handrail with wood handle and sprayed
Bottom of stair plastering
Skirt marble for staircase
Door and Window
Glass window with Aluminum frame (Laminate 5+5)
Glass window with Aluminum frame (Normal 5mm)
Single swing door (Tember 10mm)
Double swing door (Tember 10mm)
Aluminum door
Single swing wooden door
Double swing wooden door
Double swing wooden door
Knob & Latch for Single swing door
Lever lock & Latch for Double swing door
Hing for wooden door
Door stopper or Door closer
Sanitary work
Toilet and jet-spray
Lavatory and faucet
Marble for lavatory
Shower and faucet
Towel Bar
Paper Holder
Soap Dish
Floor Drain
Partition for WC
Other Work
Mortar cemen
Concrete plate for Lavatory

Date: 15/07/2014
Labor Cost (USD) Total Cost
Total (USD.)
FOR Twin Villa, Area 290m², (4 Unit)

A-STRUCTURAL PART Date: 08/Feb/2011

Materials Total
Item Description Unit Quantity
Material Unit Material / Unit Quantity
A-I Foundation, Excavation and Soil Filling Works
A-I-1 Lean Concrete for Footings and Foundation Beam Cu.m 6.00 Cement Ton 0.33 1.97
Sand II Cu.m 1.10 6.60
A-I-2 Crushed Stone 4x6cm with Compaction for Cu.m 18.00 Stone 4x6 Cu.m 18.00
A-I-3 Concrete for Footings Cu.m 36.00 Cement Ton 0.36 13.07
Sand II Cu.m 0.40 14.40
Stone 1x2 Cu.m 0.90 32.40
Re-Bars Φ14 Ton 2.72
Wire ties kgf 20.00 54.40
Form work Sq.m 144.00
A-I-4 Concrete for Foundation Beams Cu.m 53.92 Cement Ton 0.36 19.57
Sand II Cu.m 0.40 21.57
Stone 1x2 Cu.m 0.90 48.53
Re-Bars Φ14 Ton 5.12
Re-Bars Φ8 Ton 2.12
Wire ties kgf 20.00 144.80
Form work Sq.m 689.60
A-I-5 Concrete for Columns Stamp(Short Columns) Cu.m 11.24 Cement Ton 0.36 4.08
Sand II Cu.m 0.40 4.50
Stone 1x2 Cu.m 0.90 10.12
Re-Bars Φ14 Ton 0.88
Re-Bars Φ8 Ton 0.21
Wire ties kgf 20.00 21.76
Form work Sq.m 144.00
A-II Ground Floor Plan
A-II-1 Concrete for Slab Cu.m 137.28 Cement Ton 0.36 49.83
Sand II Cu.m 0.40 54.91
Stone 1x2 Cu.m 0.90 123.55
Re-Bars Φ10 Ton 9.44
Wire ties kgf 20.00 188.80
Form work Sq.m 1,144.00
A-II-2 Concrete for Columns Cu.m 16.80 Cement Ton 0.36 6.10
Sand II Cu.m 0.40 6.72
Stone 1x2 Cu.m 0.90 15.12
Re-Bars Φ14 Ton 2.04
Re-Bars Φ8 Ton 0.36
Wire ties kgf 20.00 48.00
Form work Sq.m 268.80
A-II-3 Concrete for Roof Beams Cu.m 60.72 Cement Ton 0.36 22.04
Sand II Cu.m 0.40 24.29
Stone 1x2 Cu.m 0.90 54.65
Re-Bars Φ14 Ton 4.72
Re-Bars Φ8 Ton 1.72
Wire ties kgf 20.00 128.80
Form work Sq.m 785.60
A-II-4 Hollow brick wall 20cm thk Sq.m 571.6 Hollow Brick Nos 90.00 51,444.00
Solid Brick Nos 40.00 22,864.00
Cement Mortar Cu.m 28.58 Cement Ton 0.33 9.40
Sand II Cu.m 1.10 31.44
A-II-5 Hollow brick wall 10cm thk Sq.m 750.4 Hollow Brick Nos 55.00 41,272.00
Cement Mortar Cu.m 19.51 Cement Ton 0.33 6.42
Sand II Cu.m 1.10 21.46
A-II-6 158.64 Cement Ton 0.33 52.19
Wall Plastering bothway(interior & exterior) ,15mm Cu.m
Sand II Cu.m 1.10 174.50
A-II-7 Mortar for tiles installation work m³ 45.76 Cement Ton 0.33 15.06
Sand II Cu.m 1.10 50.34
Item Description Unit Reserve
of Quantity
1 Total of Cement Ton 199.74 209.72
2 Total of Sand Cu.m 404.12 424.33
3 Total of Stone 1x2 Cu.m 284.36 298.58
4 Total of Stone 4x6 Cu.m 4.50 4.73
5 Total of Re-Bars Φ8 Ton 4.41 4.63
6 Total of Re-Bars Φ10 Ton 2.36 2.48
7 Total of Re-Bars Φ14 Ton 15.48 16.25
8 Total Wire ties kgf 444.96 467.21
9 Total Form Work Sq.m 3,176.00 3,334.80

**If in doubt please contact us for more detail

តរងបងងង បររមណ នរង ករបរ នសមនតតលល

ល.រ បបភភទករងរ ឯកត តតលលសតភរគ តតលលសររប
តតលលឯកត សររប

A-I ពរ មម កត រ លខអ ណណ m² 3276

A-I-1 ករងផឃភក​សនឃក
គ ​1.2m x 2.4m សនឃគក 0.350 1,146.60 $ 19.00 $ 21,785.40
A-I-2 ភឈធ​ទតហ​ត 5 x 12 បបផវង​4m m³ 0.010 32.76 $ 215.00 $ 7,043.40
A-I-3 ភឈធ​ទតហ​ត 4 x 8 បបផវង​4m m³ 0.010 32.76 $ 215.00 $ 7,043.40
A-I-4 ករនភឈធ​6m ភដធម 2.778 9,100.73 $ 2.00 $ 18,201.46
A-I-5 ករនឫសតគមល
ប ​6m បចក 0.150 491.40 $ 3.00 $ 1,474.20
A-I-6 កចបកកកលខឃ បគបក 0.500 1,638.00 $ 1.50 $ 2,457.00
A-I-7 អនផរ set 0.150 491.40 $ 35.00 $ 17,199.00
ពរមមកតរលខអណណ 22.956 $ 75,203.86

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