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Gaspar, Rickie Mae S.

ChE-4 Assignment 1, Jan. 21, 2017



1. This activity is Online.

2. File name of your assignment is: ANTIGONE REFLECTION

Discuss in not more than 300 words the following questions. Be specific with your facts
and quote lines from the play to help you in your explanation.

1. The play Antigone sometimes seems to have two tragic heroes: two characters make
decisions that lead to a tragic conclusion. Use Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy to explain
which character is the true tragic hero, Creon or Antigone.

Answer: According to Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy, a tragedy must comprise 5 hierarchy,

to be considered as a good tragedy. These include the following: 1) Catharsis, 2) Tragic
Hero, 3) change in fortune, 4) it must be poetic, 5) one location during the day.
Sophocles’ Antigone is without a doubt a tragedy in accordance to Aristotle’s theory for
which it acquires all the following criteria. However, the play might seem to have two tragic
hero at first, after an intensive assessment, Creon is in rightful position as the tragic hero.
Creon defies the label of “character consistency”. In lines 180-230, Creon was introduced as
strong and fair-minded leader at first. Like Oedipus, he begins, as a character that is easily
admired and comprehended. But as the story transpires, his fatal flaw appeared (lines 490
onwards) when his own niece dishonored him—Hamartia. Along with his inauguration as a
king, comes the typical Sophoclean irony, a forewarning of his tragedy. He puts the state
before his family, which caused the death of his son and wife—Peripeteia. This also touches
the concept of “Catharsis”.
Greek tragedy is all about targeting the emotions of the audience. Creon justifies them all. He
goes through all phases of being a tragic hero. He made many decisions which could have let
him get away from death, but led himself to tragedy. Also, he is left alive even after learning
the lesson which made the audience empathies him more.
Although Antigone ended in tragedy, there’s no moment of empathy, or catharsis which
affects the readers’ emotion as much as Creon did. Antigone’s death/fate is obvious as to the
beginning of the scene. Thus, this made me conclude that Creon is in fact the main tragic

2. Identify Creon’s fatal flaw (Be specific, do not just say Pride or arrogance) How does the
flaw affect his state? His ability as a leader? His downfall? What does a play that centers
on this particular fatal flaw have to say about the qualities that are needed or not needed
in a ruler?

Answer: “The only crime is pride”—Teiresias.

“Whatever you say, you will not change my will.”—Creon.
Creon is a very strong-willed individual. Simply from the exchanges of words mentioned
above, this sums up who he is before the realization happened. He portrays this in all aspects
of scene. Consequently, it cannot be denied that his hubris is stubbornness, excessive pride
and most importantly his reluctant to back down to his error. He even thinks he’s better than
the gods.
All these flaws cause Creon’s tragedy, his downfall. Of course, with every action
corresponds an aftermath. Creon makes matter worst by refusing to give in to opposition. He
disbelieves to the prophecy that the course of his path will kill his family, which did on the
latter part. It’s interesting, though, what seems to be his error is in some ways a benefit.
Creon’s dogmatic decree seems to be exactly what the state (Thebes) needs. His fierce
dedication to order and law is what backs the state together from total anarchy. Regarding his
ability as a leader, Creon’s concern for his public image shows self-motivation. It became his
vault that let him be conceived as tenacious yet upright. For who will honor a wishy-washy
leader who cannot uphold a state at time of crisis. Also, if Creon appeared to be weak, the
city could go downhill into disorder.
Despite his tenacity, there are shortcomings as well. One of aspect that makes a great
leader is his ability to concede when his wrong. Which is a huge transparency of his being.
Over the course of the play, it might oversees Creon’s tragic flaw, which apparently only
gives the story an in-depth catharsis to the readers and audience.

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