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- Working Paper –

Francisco Di Biase – Neurosurgeon-Neurologist, Grand PhD, World Information

Distributed University - Brussels, Belgium
Post-Graduation Department - Universidade Geraldo Di Biase – Volta Redonda, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
Honorary Prof. Albert Schweitzer International University, Switzerland
Clínica Di Biase – Barra do Piraí, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

To initiate a good interaction and a productive performance in the subject

of Artificial Inteligence and Quantum-Holographic Neuroscience we need first to
stablish some basic scientific parameters:

1- To learn with details the lab data of the holonomic (holographic) theory of
brain-mind interaction developed by Karl Pribram and Sir John Eccles
Nobel Prize in Medicine, and the quantum-holographic contributions
made by Schempp that lead to the development of Magnetic
Ressonance Image(MRI) devices. This approach I think is a much more
inteligent and compatible way of analize the nervous system function
with Information Technology than the classical Artificial Inteligence
My idea is to develop and instantiate from these experimental data and
the technological quantum-holographic mode of fuctioning of the MRI
devices a new way of think about Artificial Inteligence whose framework
foundations could be the oscilatory quantum-holographic neural networks
concepts of dendrons and psychons that are the basic elements of the
Interactive-Dualist Model of Sir John Eccles. Pribram’s model is a
conceptual framework that depends on the Fourier Transformations and
the Gabor Function. Gabor the creator of the mathematical Science of
Holography in the 40’s of past century, developed the concept of
quantum of information he named logon and could compress the
sinusoidal waves of a communication to the maximus extent in wavelet
forms without lose the information intelligibility of messages transmited
through the Atlantic Cable. He used the same mathematics Heisenberg
had used in the development of Quantum Mechanics so he named his
function of Quantum of Information.
It is very important to consider that in holographic mathematics and
technology the information of each part of the system is distributed
through the whole system in a non-local instantaneous mode. In this
way our memory and consciousness are generated from similar quantum
holographic neural networks distributed through the whole brain by
holographic interference patterns of electromagnetic waves surrounding
cortical neurons of fine fibers (teledendrons) in a horizontal stratum.
In a quantum-holographic model of Artificial Inteligence we will have to
develop a technology capable of reproduce this spectral dimension of
quantum-holographic frequencies fields.
2- We could modelize and develop and couple this quantum-holographic
neural network model to the self-organizing network model of our brain.
The self-organizing model is already very well studied but to do this we
will need a 3D modelization and a 3D technology.

3- As the quantum-holographic model implies in the non-local distribution of

information inherent to it, to interconnect and interact with the self-
organizing model in a non-local information mode we will need to
modelize and construct something like the microtubules studied by
Hameroff and Penrose in his Orch-R model of consciousness. We could
do this with graphene nanotubules nanotechnology with dimensions
similar to the biological microtubules and organic molecules that have
femtoseconds vibrations capable of transmit quantum information ( light,
biophotons, Bose-Einstein condensates or Frölich effect or something
similar) in a superadiance non~local coherent mode through all the
system as seems to be occurring in the central nervous system. Some
researchers like Popp propose that maybe this superadiance information
could be distributed through the whole body having the chakras as
informatonal-energetic hub centers. Our consciousness would be then
the fruit not only of classical neural network and the quantum-holographic
functioning of the brain but of the whole body! All your organism would be
consciousness, and most incredible it can be, consciousness would be
light in a superadiance global state of the human body!!

4- If we could develop a quantum evolutive biocomputer technology

based in these data, I think we will be reproducing the mode of
functioning of the human inteligence in a machine.



Nowadays some researchers ( for instance in Max Planck Institute in

Germany) are copying to a computer with success the results of
sequential functional magnetic ressonance images (fMRI) made
repetitive until the obtention of a coherent pattern of slices of the brain of
a subject realizing a mental activity. It is like some kind of reverse
engeneering of the brain. When we will be apt to do this with all the brain
we will transfer the mind of a person to a computer machine!?
In this way when I will turn on the computer and access the file of this
quantum-holographic transfer of information I will be interacting with my
own consciousness encoded in a machine?
Would I recognize me as the original subject that was in the fMRI
machine and after “wakeup” in my computer desk?
This way of utilization of the technology of fMRI it is in my opinion maybe
the best way to by-pass the present state and paradigm of Artificial
As the technology of magnetic resonance is quantum-holographic ( see
Schempp’s work) we “only” will have to develop a technology capable of
stay tuned with the teledendron-synaptic oscilatory fields made of fine
fibers demonstrated by the researches of Sir John Eccles and Karl
Pribram. These quantum-holographic oscilations make “holoscapes” as
Pribram call it, and these are the oscilations we detect in ours
electroencephalograms and computed brain maps.
This field of research will have an exponential development in next years
following the boom of A.I. technology. The exponential growth of the capacity
processing in MIPS of the present day computers has already reached a
quatrillion of instructions per second. As we can see in Ray Kursweil’s book
The Age of the Spiritual Machines ( Kursweil is today the chief engineer of
GOOGLE) in 2009 we had reach the knee of the exponential function
growth of the information technology Age. From there to now and forward
the growth of the technology of information and A.I. is being vertiginous (100
years in 10 ) and will transform totally our technological society and the


Schempp (of whom I become friend in Liège, Belgium when I presented

in CASSYS 07 – Computed Advanced Systems, the conference
Holoinformational Consciousness – An extension of Interactive Dualism of
Sir John Eccles) told me recently in an e-mail that he come to a conference
in the Max Planck Institute and he was presented to an experimental 7 Tesla
MRI machine. Imagine! Soon these machines will be capable of read our
thoughts! Maybe this will be the first step for this form of intelligence we
developed in the planet to reach a high level capable of dominate us!! Our
present day 1000 dolars netbooks have the capacity of a mouse brain. With
this exponential growth in about ten-fiteen years they will reach the
processing capacity of the human brain. And from then on nobody knows
what can happen because these machines will be capable of read all the
knowledge and information produced by us and will be conscious of the
destruction we are promoting in all the planet.

Francisco Di Biase

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