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Group 1
DIVA Semester 4

Luh Gde Ary Widayani (P07131216 013)

Ayu Nita Parna Sari (P07131216 014)
Ni Komang Nia Trijayani (P07131216 015)
Ni Putu Ayu Dinda Paramitha (P07131216 025)



Thank God we pray to the presence of God Almighty because with His grace we can
complete a paper on "Methods of Food Weighing (Weighing Food)" well despite the many
flaws in it. We thank the Parents who continually support in the execution of this paper. We
also wish to thank Mr. Komang Agusjaya Dr.Ir.I Mataram, Kes as Lecturer subjects Food
Consumption Survey of Health Polytechnic Denpasar that has given this task to us.
We very much hope this paper can be useful in order to add insight and knowledge on
"Methods of Food Weighing (Weighing Food)". We are also fully aware that in this paper,
there are many flaws and is far from perfect. Therefore, we hope that their criticisms,
suggestions, and proposals for the improvement of paper that we have made in the future,
remember nothing is perfect without constructive suggestions.
Hopefully this simple paper incomprehensible to anyone who reads it. Had this paper
has been prepared to be useful for our own as well as those who read it. Previously we apologize
if there are errors of words that are less pleasing and we beg criticism and suggestions from
you for the sake of these paper improvements in the future.

Denpasar, February 10th, 2018



FOREWORD..................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 4
A. Background ............................................................................................................. 4
B. Formulation of the problem .................................................................................... 5
C. Aim ......................................................................................................................... 5
D. benefit ..................................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER II CONTENTS .............................................................................................. 7
A. Understanding Food Weighing Methods ................................................................ 7
B. Destinations Food Weighing Methods.................................................................... 8
C. Steps Food Weighing Methods ............................................................................... 8
D. Time Frame surveys Food Weighing Methods ...................................................... 9
E. Equipment needed in Food Weighing Methods ..................................................... 9
F. Data Collection Form Food Weighing Methods ..................................................... 10
G. Advantages and Disadvantages Food Weighing Methods...................................... 12
CHAPTER III CLOSING ................................................................................................ 13
A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 13
B. Suggestion .............................................................................................................. 13
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 14

A. Background
Nutritional Sciences (Nutrient Science) is the science that studies everything about
the food in conjunction with optimal health (Almatsier, S, 2003). On one side of the science
of nutrition related to food and on the other hand with regard to the human body. In terms
of nutritional science is nutritional status. Nutritional status is a state body as a result of
food consumption and utilization of nutrients (Almatsier, S, 2003).
Nutritional status assessment methods, there are two that are directly and indirectly.
Assessment of nutritional status can directly be done by means of anthropometry, clinical,
biochemical and biophysical. Meanwhile, assessment of nutritional status can be queried
indirectly by way of food consumption surveys, vital statistics, and ecological factors. Food
consumption survey is one method of measurement of nutritional status in an indirect way.
Less food intake will lead to malnutrition, whereas the intake of food that more will result
in better nutritional status. The general objective measurement of food consumption is to
know nutrition and food as well as eating habits and patterns, both at the individual,
household, and community groups.
Measuring food consumption can be made in three areas namely measuring food
consumption in an area, measuring food intake at the household level, and measure nutrient
intake at the individual level. A common method used to measure the availability of food
in a region is the balance of foodstuffs and food patterns hope. The general method used to
measure food consumption at the household level is the method the amount of food (food
accounts), recording food household (household food record method), and recall 24-hour
housekeeping. Food intake measurement method that is often used for individuals is 24-
hour recall method, estimated food record, weighing food (food weighing), dietary history,
and a food frequency (food frequency).
One area measuring food consumption which measures nutrient intake at the
individual level. Measuring food consumption at the individual level is a way of assessing
the consumption of foods that can determine their eating habits and nutrient intake in
individuals. Based on the type of data collected, the measurement of food intake in
individuals classified into two groups: the first group is a method that can yield quantitative
data and the second group is a method that can produce qualitative data.
One of the groups that generate quantitative data on food consumption levels of
individual measurements using the method of weighing the food (food weighing). To find
out how the method of weighing food (food weighing), the author tries to make a paper
about the "method of weighing food (food weighing)" in order to find an explanation of the
method of weighing food (food weighing).

B. Formulation of the problem

Based on the above background obtained the following formulation of the problem as
1. What is the sense of the method of weighing food (food weighing)?
2. What is the purpose of the weighing method of food (food weighing)?
3. How the steps of the method of weighing food (food weighing)?
4. When was the timing of the survey the method of weighing food (food weighing)?
5. Any tools that are required in the method of weighing food (food weighing)?
6. How can data collection forms of food weighing method (food weighing)?
7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the method of weighing food (food

C. Writing purpose
The purpose of this paper is as follows:
1. Can find out about the understanding of the method of weighing food (food
2. Can find out about the purpose of the method of weighing food (food weighing).
3. Can find out about the steps of the method of weighing food (food weighing).
4. Can know about surveys where the method of weighing food (food weighing).
5. Can know the tools that are required in the method of weighing food (food
6. Can determine from the data collection forms the weighing method of food (food
7. Can find out about the advantages and disadvantages of the method of weighing
food (food weighing).

D. The benefits of writing

Benefits of this paper are as follows:
1. Students are able to understand about the meaning of food weighing method (food
2. Students can understand the purpose of the weighing method of food (food
3. Students can understand the steps in the method of weighing food (food weighing).
4. Students are able to understand about time conducting a survey of food weighing
method (food weighing).
5. Students are able to understand about the tools that are required in the method of
weighing food (food weighing).
6. Students can understand the data collection forms of food weighing method (food
7. Students are able to understand the advantages and disadvantages to the method of
weighing food (food weighing).


A. Understanding Food Weighing Methods

The weighing method is just one method of food consumption surveys quantitative.
Basically, this method is the respondent or officer asked to weigh and record the foods and
beverages consumed during the day, including how to cook, food brands, and composition
(if possible). Originally weighed food are food that comes out of the house and the food
that comes from outside the home. The measurement results of this method can be used as
the gold standard (gold standard) in order to determine how much food and drink consumed
by a person or a particular group of people.
In a special place, such as in institutions, workplaces, enterprises, social institutions,
prisons, where someone lived together, then this method is a very helpful set of food
consumption are true and correct. This is due to the food they eat already know the type,
portion, its size, its brand, its composition, all of which can be recorded and weighed by
the officer. It shows the actual intake (actual intake).
The use of this method is done at the household or specialized institutions, where
available food scales. Generally rural in Indonesia rarely have food scales. Therefore
officer or collecting survey data should provide scales. Scales there are several types such
as digital and non-digital scales or using a weigh scale should be in grams.
In Europe, food weighing method is more commonly used because households in
these countries are accustomed to weighing before processed foods (Gibson, 2005). The
statement was supported by the translation of that in weighing the food was measured
weight. Respondents, their parents or housemaid respondents were instructed to weigh food
and beverages consumed by respondents in a given time period. Things are also to be
recorded or recorded in detail among other methods of food preparation, a description of
the food and food ingredient brand (if listed).
Characteristics of food weighing method are as follows (SEAMEO Recfon, 2011):
1. The food and the rest were weighed using scales or using computerized techniques
provided by the researcher
2. The most appropriate method for estimating the intake of food and nutrients
commonly consumed by an individual.
3. More recommended by some researchers to collect data on individuals.

4. Require a level of cooperation that is higher than the approximate methods of food
(estimated food record) and more likely to have a greater impact on eating habits
compared to estimates of food.
5. Cost scales are very expensive in some cases.
6. This level of accuracy is higher than the record forecast for the size of the portion
of food is weighed by reducing the contribution to diversity and measurement

B. The purpose of the Food Weighing Method

There are several objectives of food weighing method, among others:
1. Measuring the actual intake of food and nutrients from the respondent or research
2. The results as a basis for implementing nutritional counseling.
3. Determining the gold standard for someone who works in certain institutions such
as the employees in a company, the patients in the hospital, and people who live
in institutions.

C. Steps Food Weighing Methods

Some steps in the implementation of these activities are as follows:
1. a preliminary visit
At the time of this visit researcher or data collector to the residence of the
respondent to provide an overview of some of the things about the collection of
data such as the destination, indicating informed consent, what will be considered
and done the respondents, the execution time and the importance of cooperation
during data collection?
2. Respondents weigh and record the foods and drinks are eaten during the day. Food
and drinks were weighed can come from inside or outside the home. To find the
food you eat can be done weighing food and drinks before the meal and scale back
our leftovers and drinks after dinner. Selisi weight before meals and after meals is
the actual weight of food and beverages consumed by respondents. If respondents
had difficulty in weighing technique can be accompanied by a data collector or
3. Things that should be noted is how to cook, branded food ingredients (if possible).

4. Once all the data is collected (according to several days weighing) the calculation
of energy consumption of both food and other nutrients. Calculations can be done
manually by using a list of food composition (DKBM) or using software that has
been determined.
5. Perform the analysis by comparing the intake of energy and nutrients with
nutritional adequacy rate.

D. Time Frame surveys Food Weighing Methods

Many nutrition experts or opinion of an expert survey about the consumption of
the execution time of the survey. Ideally, the survey was conducted for 7 days, ie from
Monday to Sunday. It really depends on the purpose of the survey, the availability of
labor, equipment, and funds are available. If there are limitations to the time of the
survey could be done at least 3 days a week consisting of the first and second day were
not conducted in a row, and the third day be implemented during holidays or weekend
in order to represent the cycle of menu or a day for one week (Arisman, 2009;
Widajanti, 2009).

E. Equipment needed in Food Weighing Methods

Tools and materials required for the implementation of food weighing method can be
run effectively and efficiently is as follows:
1. Weigh the food. No food scales 2 (two) types of digital and non-digital scales or
scales used per. Capacity scales namely 1 (one) kg and 4 (four) kg. Picture of the
scales can be seen in Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2

(Source: Internet) (Source: Internet)

Figure 2.1 Digital scales Figure 2.2 Non-digital scales/per
2. Weighing form, as shown in Table 2.1 and Table 2.2
3. Book a special pocket for special notes

4. Household size (URT) and the portion size of the food.
5. Pencil and ballpoint.
6. Eraser.
7. List of food composition (DKBM)
8. Calculator
9. Software, among others Nutrisurvei and Nutrsoft
10. survey guidelines

F. Data Collection Form Food Weighing Methods

There are several examples of data collection forms and models which form one
another relatively different but the meaning is almost the same. The difference was due to
the purpose and design of the different studies. A sample form can be seen in Table 2.1 and
Table 2.2.

Table 2.1 Weighing Form Sample Household Food

Family name :..................... ..................... Stairs:........................ ..........

Home address :........................................... Time:...................................
City :........................... ………… Food name:………………...
Type of household members: .................. ...

Eating Decryption Serving weight Time Only for the Benefit Laboratory
Family Food and (grams/ounces) Weight Food The intake of code
Members Cooking. Food Weight Transportation Food
(use One line (g / oz)
code) per food

Food is eaten outside the home. Describe the food and how to cook. Estimated severity

* Draw a circle around the unit measured the amount of
* Calculate the total 'man values' use 'Rome Scale'
Mother (I) age ...., Father (A) age ...., Boy First (AL1) age ...., Boys Second (AL2) age
First Daughter (AP1) age ...., Girl Second (AP2) age ....,
Visitors Men 1 (PL1) age ... .., visitors Woman 1 (PP1) age ... ..,

(Source: Gibson RS. 2005. Principles of Nutritional Assessment. Oxford University

Press, New York, page 35).

Table 2.2 Weighing Form Sample Household Food

time Food URT Type of heavy weight rest Number Average

Food name Food Crude Cook (G) of or
(G) (G) People People
Who (Raw)

(Source:Modified: Supriasa et ai. 2001. Nutritional Status Assessment. Book Medical
Publishers EGC. Jakarta. Page 293).

G. Advantages and Disadvantages Food Weighing Methods

Here is an excess of food weighing method:
1. Methods consumption survey of the most accurate, because it measures the actual
2. Data valid for measurements up to 5 days.
3. It does not depend on memory.
4. Can analyze the diet and eating habits in relation to the socio-demographic
environment of respondents.
5. Can support the interpretation of laboratory data, anthropometric data, and clinical
6. Pengukurah for a few more days would be more representative of the usual intake.

There are some drawbacks of food weighing method is as follows:

1. Respondents were reluctant to weigh the food eaten outside the home.
2. The high burden on respondents waistband may produce a low level of
3. Researcher or data collection must find/buy food resembling eaten by the
respondent if the respondent eats outdoors. In addition, respondents were asked to
show portions of food at a meal and then weighed.
4. Demanding a high motivation and understanding of both parties that data
collection and respondent.
5. Need to train or explain to the respondent how to weigh the good.
6. Can not be used for respondents who are illiterate.
7. Respondents can change their diet.
8. Because they have to weigh and record, it is likely respondents are less able to
9. Takes a long time.
10. Require labor intensive and costly analysis.
11. Reported significant errors can still occur.

A. Conclusion
Method of weighing food (Food Weighing) is one of the methods of a quantitative
consumer survey that basically respondents or officer asked to weigh and record the foods
and beverages consumed during the day, including how to cook, food brands, and
composition (if possible). The goal of this method is to measure the actual intake of food
and nutrients of the respondents, as the basis for nutritional counseling and determine the
gold standard for a person.
The steps performed in the method of weighing foodie preliminary visit, then
respondents weigh and record the foods and drinks are eaten during the day, after the
calculation of both energy and food consumption of other nutrients and analysis by
comparing the nutritional adequacy rate. A good time to survey the food weighing method
is for 7 days. There are some tools that are needed to conduct the survey by weighing the
food that scale, weighing form, special books, household size, the composition of foods
list, calculator, software, survey guidelines and stationery.
The method of weighing food discount some advantages and disadvantages. One of
the advantages is the method of weighing the food is made consumption survey of the most
accurate, because it measures the actual intake, while one of the drawbacks is the
respondents were reluctant to weigh the food eaten outside the home.

B. Suggestion
Food weighing method is one method of food consumption survey of the most
accurate individual level because it measures the actual intake. Therefore, the officer who
made the task of weighing the food of the respondents must be done properly and carefully
and respondents or communities also must have the awareness to want to do the weighing
of food when carried food consumption survey by the clerk, because it is useful for
improving public health, especially in the field of nutrient consumption.


Kusharto, Clara M and Supariasa, I Dewa Nyoman. 2014. Survei Konsumsi Gizi. Jakarta:
Graha Ilmu.

Muhammad, Holil, 2014. Penilaian Status Gizi: Dilengkapi Proses Asuhan Gizi Terstandar.
Jakarta: Buku Kedokteran EGC.


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