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ACTIV ITY 3 Recog n izing Contro l l i ng I deas in Topic Sentences

Read the following topic sentences. The main idea for each sentence has been circled. Underline the
controlling idea. Then explain what information you expect to find in the paragraph.

1 . (The SAT Reasoning TestT� contains three distinct sections that deal with three important skills.


2. (The shocking crash of a 747 jumbo je�off the coast of New York baffled investigators.


3. (Crossword puzzles) are not only educational and fun but also addictive.


4. Recent research has confirmed that (eating dark green, leafy vegetables� such as broccoli and cabbage,
may reduce the risk of some types of cancer.


5. Although buying a house may seem appealing,G:'e nting an apartmen9 has many advantages.


Bui lding Better Sentences: For f u rther practice with the sentences a n d p a ragra p h s in t h i s part of the u n it,
go to Practice 4 on page 286 in Appendix 1 .

ACTIVITY 4 More Practice Recog n izing Contro l l i ng I deas

Read the three sentences in each item and then put a check mark ./ next to the best topic sentence.
Underline the controlling idea in that sentence. Be prepared to explain your selections.

1. ____ Most of the girls in the class get higher grades in English than the boys.

Research has shown that girls are better at languages than boys.

____ Many students like languages very much.

2. Cats are better pets than goldfish for many reasons.

Cats and goldfish are both animals.

Cats cannot swim very well, but goldfish can.

3. Yesterday I did not have lunch with my coworkers.

Yesterday I went to work late.

Yesterday was the worst day of my life.

4. Some people call Paul Cezanne the father of modern art.

Paul Cezanne, the father of modern art, made important contributions to the history of art.

Paul Cezanne's art was not recognized until the end of his career, but he is often called the
father of modern art.

5. Many Canadians speak French, and some of them speak Chinese and Japanese.

The current population of Canada is a reflection of the international background of its

citizens and immigrants.

A large number of new immigrants live in the western province of British Columbia, but
not many of them speak German.


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54 U N IT 3 • To p i c Se ntences
ACTIVITY 5 Add ing Contro l l i n g I deas to Create Better Topic Senten ces

All of these topic sentences are too general. Rewrite each sentence and add a controlling idea. Compare
your sentences with other students' sentences.

Example: Flowers are beautiful.

F lowers a re the best g ift to receive when you a re feel i ng down.

Only fou r kinds of flowers g row d u ring the short sum mers in Alaska.

1. Cats are nice.

2. Paris is the capital of France.

3. The English alphabet has twenty-six letters.

4. Reading blogs is interesting.

5. Running is an enjoyable hobby.

ACT IVITY 6 Studying a Topic Sentence i n a Paragraph

Answer these questions about how a topic sentence is related to the information in the body of the paragraph.
1 . Copy the topic sentence from Paragraph 1 4 (page 49) here.

2. Underline the controlling idea(s) in that topic sentence.

3. Give at least three examples of how the controlling idea(s) in the topic sentence are directly
connected to the information in the paragraph.

ACTI V I TY 7 Writing Top i c Sentences

Read each paragraph on pages 56-60. Then write a good topic sentence that is connected to the
information in the paragraph. Be sure to end each topic sentence with correct punctuation.

Exa mple Para g ra p h 15

Reasons for Playing Instruments

Some people choose to learn how to play a musical instrument because

they want to have fun. They want to play it with their friends or maybe in

a band. Another reason people play an instrument is that it is their hobby.

They learned how to play it a long time ago, and now it is a way to occupy

their time. Other people learn to play an instrument because it is part of

their culture. Certain instruments are popular in one culture, such as the such as: for example

guitar in Spain or the oud in the Middle East. In some cases, however, the oud: a stringed
people learn how to play an instrument because they think it will make

them smarter. A great deal of research suggests that studying music can a g reat deal of: much,
a lot of
improve a person's brain function and intelligence. In sum, there is not
in sum: in conclusion
just one main reason that people play a musical instrument.
Example Paragra p h 16

Differences Between Reptiles and Dinosaurs

One is size. Most modern reptiles are small. Dinosaurs were much, much

larger than any reptile that we have on earth today. Second, the legs of

most reptiles today are on the sides of their body. However, dinosaurs'

legs were on the bottom of their body. In this way, dinosaurs could stand

up on their back legs. Third, today's reptiles use the environment to

control their body temperature. In contrast, dinosaurs controlled their

own body temperature. They did not depend on their surroundings.

While reptiles and dinosaurs may seem very similar, they are actually

quite different.

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