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LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos INFORME DE ENSAYOS N° 00145-2017 SOLICITANTE, MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI DIRECCION LEGAL, PZA.DE ARMAS NRO. SIN (FRENTE A LA PLAZA) APURIMAC - ANDAHUAYLAS ~ SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI RUC : 20163031192 Teléfono : 983900335, PRODUCTO AGUA DE MANANTIAL — HUAYLLACHAYOCC NUMERO DE MUESTR. + Uno IDENTIFICACIONMTRA FUENTES DE AGUA DEL PROYECTO: "MEIORAMIENTO DEL SERVICIO DE AGUA POTABLE E INSTALACION DE UBS EN LAS COMUNIDADES DE HUANTANA, SANTA ROSA DE CAMPANAYOCC, PADROMAYOCC WINTON Y MINA CACHIHUANCARAY, DISTRITO, DE SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI - ANDAHUAYLAS - APURIMAC" CAPTACION - 4 LUGAR DE ABASTECIMIENTO: | PADROMAYOCC WINTON Y MINA CACHIHUANCARAY DISTRITO: SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI I, PROVINCIA: ANDAHUAYLAS, REGION: APURIMAC, CANTIDAD RECIBIDA 3084.5. (renvase) de muestea proporsionada por el slicitane MARCAG) SM FORMA DE PRESENTACION —_ : Envasado, la muestra ingresa en botella de plastico cerrada a temperatura ambiente. SOLICITUD DE SERVICIOS: S/S N°EN- 000668-2016 REFERENCIA : PERSONAL FECHA DE RECEPCION + 08/02/2017 ENSAYOSSOLICITADOS —_: MICROBIOLOGICO Y FisICOQUIMICO PERIODO DE CUSTODIA No aplica RESULTADOS: ENSAYOS MICROBIOLOGICOS: ALCANCE: NA. ENSAYOS RESULTADO TTlvevos de elnintos (fen IL) ‘Ausencla 1. Bacteria Hetero (UFC) 45x10 SN. de Coifmes (NMPYIOD mL) 4 |-8 eateamer00 mL) 0 SN Coline eles (NMPI100 ml) 3 WETODOS UTILIZADOS EN EL LABORATORIO: 41-IN-085 Deteccién y Cuantficacién de Huevos de Pardsitos en Agua (WHO) APHA-AWWAWEF 227h. Ed. Chaptor 9 Pag. 49.54 2012 APHA-AWWA'WEF 22Th E9, Chaptor 9 Pag, 6579 2012 APHAVAWWA-WEF 22TH Ed. Chapter 9 Pag. 65-76 2012 APHAAWWA-WEF 22 Th, Ed. Chapler 9 Pig. 65-75 2012 CONTINUA INFORIE DE ENSAYOS N° 001445-2017 Pg. 144 ‘Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Pera "Tlf: (911) 3405640 - 9492507 Fax: (611) 2495794 E-mal: - Pagina Web: pelcalidadtotal- [fla molina calidad total 7 LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS oH UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos j INFORME DE ENSAYOS ke . . N° 01445-2017 j ENSAYOs FisiCos/ QUIMICOS: ALCANCE: NA. ENSAVOS RESULTADO Teer exe =o010 j 2 Baan (met) <000s soot 20 z 4. Sulfato (mg de sulfatos/L) 33.0 5 src (0g outa | 6--Manganesotin) (°Xmg/L) <0.001 7 2i20) Xow) <0003 : -ceiaco mel) EPA Method 200,7:1986 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 7- EPA Met hed 200.7:1896 Induetvoly Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Ansisis, of Water and Wastes 8 EPA Method 200.7:1998 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes ‘9. APHA/ MIWA WPCE Cap. 4, Pig. 72-73, 2nd Eaton 2012 $0.-AOAC 873,52 Cap. 11, Pap. 14-15, 19th Eaton 2012 11. EPA Met hod 200 7:1986 Inductively Couples Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trece Element Analysis. ‘et Water and Wastes ‘12- EPA Met hod 2007:1895 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Asalysis ot Water and Wastes 19. EPA Met nod 200 7:1996 inductvety Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis at Water ans Wastes 14- EPA Method 200 7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 15. EPA Met nod 200 7:1995 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomie Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water ana Wastes 16. EPA Met nod 200 7:1995 inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis. cot Water ana Wastes 17. EPA Met nod 200 7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectometvic Method for Trabe Element Analysis et Water and Wastes 18 EPA Met nod 200.7:1996 insuctiely Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analyse. of Water and Wastes 18.- EPA Met hod 200 71896 inductively Coupled Ptasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 20. EPA Met Rod 200,7:1985 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Alomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 21 EPA Met hod 200,7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes 22. EPA Met nod 200,7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Aomic Emission Spectometic Method for Trace Element Analysis cf Water and Wastes 23. EPA Met hod 200 7.1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectomettic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes £24. EPA Met nod 200.7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water ana Viastes 25.- EPA Met hod 200,7:1995 Inducbvely Coupled Plasma -Alomic Emission Spectromettic Method for Trace Element Anaisis| ‘of Water and Wastes 26. EPA Met hod 200,7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method fr Trace Element naysis ‘ol Water and Wastes 27. EPA Met hod 200.7995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectometric Method for Trace Element Analysis cot Water and Wastes 28.- EPA Net hod 20071996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Met%od for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes 28.- EPA Met Nod 200.7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectometic Method for Trace Eloment Analysis of Water and Wastes 30+ EPA Met had 200,7:1985 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomle Emission Spectrometic Method for Tace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes, CONTINUA INFORME DE ENSAYOS N 001445-2017 Pag. 244 Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Pert Telf.: (511) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 E-mail: - Pagina Web: - [fj la molina calidad total LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos INFORME DE ENSAYOS N° 00145-2017 1 EPA Met hod 200.7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water ang Wastes {32- EPA Met hod 200 7.1996 Inductively Couples Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trave Element Analysis ‘of Water ana Wastes, {33 EPA Met hed 200 71996 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trave Element Analysis ‘of Water ana Wastes. ‘4 EPA et hos 200.7:1696 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analyis of Water and Wastes 35 EPA Met hod 2007-1996 inductively Coupled Piasma ~Atomic Emission Specttometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes '38.- EPA Met Nod 200,7:1995 inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emiesion Spectometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Wor and Wastes . 537 EPA Met nod 200.7:1996 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomie Emission Specometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes ‘38 EPA Met hod 200.7198 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes ‘38- EPA Method 200 71985 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes Observacionest(*) Se subcontraté el servicio de terceros, FECHA DE EJECUCION DE ENSAYOS: Del 09/02/2017 Al 24/02/2017, ADVERTENCIA: | EL muse, ls condiciones de meso, tratamiento y ranspone de la muss hasta ingreso La Molina Calidad Total -Laboratvos son de resposabitéag do Solicit Se pohibe a reproduce in parcial o toa el pres Inore sin la utrzacion de La Malia Cali Tal - Laboratories ~ Vato para a cada reciid. Noe un cerca de Conform n Cerca dl Sistema de Calidad de quien lo praduce -4-_fste documento alse emitido sn el simbolo de ereditacion, nose encucava dentro del marco dt ereitaconottasda por INACAL-DA La Molina, 24 de Febrero de 2017 {ANQA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS-UNALKL Sc. Cecilia Alegre Armedo DIRECTORA TEC! HPN IRSSIS Pig. 44 ‘Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Peri TTelf.: (811) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 E-mail: - Pagina Web: www: la molina calidad total LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos SOLICITANTE, DIRECCION LEGAL PRoDUCTO NUMERO DE MUESTRAS IDENTIFICACIONMITRA CANTIDAD RECIBIDA MARCA(S) FORMA DE PRESENTACION SOLICITUD DE SERVICIOS INFORME DE ENSAYOS: N° 001446-2017 : MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI PZA.DE ARMAS NRO. SIN (FRENTE A LA PLAZA) APURIMAC - ANDAHUAYLAS ~ SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI RUC : 20163031192 Teléfono : 983900335 : AGUA DE MANANTIAL~ RAYUSCA + Uno : FUENTES DE AGUA DEL PROYECTO: "MEIORAMIENTO DEL SERVICIO DE AGUA POTABLE E INSTALACION DE UBS EN LAS COMUNIDADES DE: _ HUANTANA, SANTA ROSA DE CAMPANAYOCC, PADROMAYOCC WINTON Y MINA CACHIHUANCARAY, DISTRITO, DE SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI - ANDAHUAYLAS - APURIMAC™ CAPTACION 5 LUGAR DE ABASTECIMIENTO: PADROMAYOCC WINTON Y MINA CACHIHUANCARAY DISTRITO: SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI I, PROVINCIA: ANDAHUAYLAS, REGION: APURIMAC. '5230,1_g (+renvase) de muestra proporcionada por el solicitante. SM. + Envasado, la muestra ingresa en botella de plistico cerrada a temperatura ambiente ‘S/S NYEN- 00668-2016 : PERSONAL REFERENCIA FECHA DE RECEPCION +: 08/02/2017 ENSAYOS SOLICITADOS —_: MICROBIOLOGICO Y FisICO/QUIMICO PERIODO DE CUSTODIA No aplica ESULTADOS: ENSAYOS MICROBIOLOGICOS: ALCANCE: NA. ENSAYOS RESULTADO, T= Huevos de elmintos yen TL) | Aasenda IN. Baris Heiofes (UFCImL) | r6s10 38, de Colfores (NMP/100 mb) | 3 4-6 colkNMPn100 mL 8 5-N. Colmes Fecles (NMPY100 mL) 8 METODOS UTILIZADOS EN EL LABORATORIO: 11 IN-085 Deteccién y Cuantfcacién de Huevos de Pardstos en Agua (WHO) 2. APHA-AWWAWEF 227, Ed, Chapter 9Pég. 49:54 2012 3-APHAAWWAWEF 227, Ed, Chapter 9 Pag. 65-72 2012 4-APHAAWWAWEF 227. Ed, Chapter 8 Pag. 6578 2012 5. APHA-AWWA\WEF 22 Th. Ed, Chapter 9 Pag, 65-75 2012 CONTINUA INFORME DE ENSAYOS N* 001446-2017 Pig. 144 Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Pert Telf.: (511) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 E-mail: - Pagina Web: - fj la molina calidad total q LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS ee UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos INFORME DE ENSAYOS bs N° 001446-2017 : ENSAYOS FiSICOS / QUIMICOS: ALCANCE: NA. f [ ENSAYOS RESULTADO {-Hiero (hme) <0.010 - Esattsn)(*xneiL) EPA Met hod 20071995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Aralysis of Water and Wastes 19. EPA Met hod 200 71906 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes ‘4 EPA Method 200 71996 inductively Coupled Piasma Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 19. EPA Met nod 200 7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spactrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis, ‘of Water ana Wastes 16. EPA Met nod 200.7:1995 inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis. ot Water ang Wastes 17. EPA Mot hod 200.7:1996 inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectromebic Method for Trace Element Analysis. of Water and Wastes 16. EPA Met hod 200 71998 inéuctvey Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 19. EPA Met nod 200 77995 inductively Coupled Piasma Atomic Emission Spectometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Woler and Wastes 20. EPA Met nod 200.7198 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomie Emission Spectrometic Method fr Trace Element Analysis ‘ot Water ana Wastes 21. EPA Method 20071988 Induetvely Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 22. EPA et hos 2007-1996 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water ana Wastes 23. EPA Met hod 200,7:1985 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectromettic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 24. EPA Mot hed 200.7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomic Emision Spectemeti Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘ot Water ana Wastes 25. EPA Met hod 200,7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis cof Water and Wastes 28~ EPA Met hod 200.7986 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 27-- EPA Mat nod 200,7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomic Emission Spactrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Wale and Wastes 28 EPA Met hod 200,7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Alomic Emission Spectromotic Method fr Ttace Element Anaiysis cof Water and Wastes 28. EPA Met hod 200,71998 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectromelic Method for Teace Element Analysis cot Water and Wastes 30. EPA Met hod 200 71995 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomc Emission Spectomettic Method foe Trace Element Analysis ot Witer and Wastes 12 ~Alomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis CONTINUA INFORME DE ENSAYOS N° 00146-2017 Pag. 348 Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Peri ‘elf: (511) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 ; E-mail: - Pagina Web: - [fj le molina calidad total LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos INFORME DE ENSAYOS, N° 00146-2017 531. EPA Met hod 200,7:1996 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 432. EPA tet hod 20071995 inductively Coupled Piasma Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes ‘3. EPA Met hod 200,7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomic Emission Spectrometric Method fr Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes ‘34. EPA Met hod 20071996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Anaiysis ‘of Water ana wastes 35. EPA Met nod 2007:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectometic Method for Trace Element Analysis cof Water and Wastes 36 EPA Method 20071996 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 3 EPA Method 200,7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis cof Water and Wastes {38.-EPA Met od 200,7:1896 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis cof Water and Wastes 38. EPA Met nod 200 7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomie Emigsion Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis. ‘of Waier and Wastes Observaciones:(*) Se subeontraté el servicio de terceros.. FECHA DE EIECUCION DE ENSAYOS: Del 09/02/2017 Al 24/02/2017. AD) IVERTENCIA: El muses, las condiciones de mucsve, tratamiento y transporte def moesra hasta su ingeso a La Molina Calidad Total - Laboratories son de responsabilidad de Slcant. Se robibe a rproducion parcial ool a preseate Informe sini autorizacion de La Molina Calidad Tot - Labocataris, ‘aldo parla canta reba, No sun eiieado de Conforidad i Cricado del Sista de Calidad de quien lo roduc. Este document al erento sin el simbolo de aretactn, no se encurita dent del marco dela screen otogads poe INACAL-DA, La Molin, 24 de Febrero de 2017 INA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOG ALM, ig. Nig. 80, Ceci Nefria ‘ies coma imaeeneeg Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Peri ‘elf: (511) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 E-mail: - Pagina Web: la molina calidad total LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS IN E UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Se | Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos INFORME DE ENSAYOS N° 001444-2017 SOLICITANTE. MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL SAN ANTONIO DE CACHL DIRECCION LEGAL : PZA.DE ARMAS NRO. SIN (FRENTE A LA PLAZA) APURIMAC - ANDAHUAYLAS - SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI RUC : 20163031192 ‘Teléfono : 983900335 PRoDUCTO AGUA DE MANANTIAL - CHALLHUAPUQUIO IT NUMERO DE MUESTRAS, : Uno IDENTIFICACIONMTRA FUENTES DE AGUA DEL PROYECTO: "MEJORAMIENTO DEL SERVICIO DE AGUA POTABLE E INSTALACION DE UBS EN LAS COMUNIDADES DE HUANTANA, SANTA ROSA DE CAMPANAYOCC, PADROMAYOCC WINTON Y MINA CACHIHUANCARAY, DISTRITO, DE SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI - ANDAHUAYLAS - APURIMAC CAPTACION - 3 LUGAR DE ABASTECIMIENTO: HUANTANA SECTOR Il (HUANTANA BAJO). DISTRITO: SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI I, PROVINCIA: ANDAHUAYLAS, REGION: ‘APURIMAC. ‘CANTIDAD RECIBIDA # SI41,1 g (+envase) de muestra proporcionada por el solicitante. MARCA(S) SM. FORMA DE PRESENTACION —_: Envasado, la muestra ingresa en botella de plistico cerrada a temperatura ambiente, SOLICITUD DE SERVICIOS SIS NYEN- 00668-2016 REFERENCIA PERSONAL FECHA DE RECEPCION 08/02/2017 ENSAYOSSOLICITADOS —_ : MICROBIOLOGICO Y FisICO/;QUIMICO : No aplica ENSAYOS MICROBIOLOGICOS: ALCANCE: NA. ENSAYOS RESULTADO_| T= Huevos de belminios @)en 1 Ly ‘Ausencla 2-8. Batra Heteirfas (UFC) 90 Esimado 3-8. deol (NMPYI0D mL) 9 4-1. coliNM70 mL) " 5-8. Colfomes Fezales (NMP/I00 mL) ” METODOS UTILIZADOS EN EL LABORATORIO: 1. IN05S Deteccién y Cuanticgcién de Huevos de Parts en Agua (WHO) 2> APHA-AWWA'WEF 227. Ed, Chapter 9 Pag, 49:54 2012 3-APHAAWWAIWEF 227h, Ed. Chapter 9 Pag. 65-73 2012 4 APHA-AWWA\WEF 227h, E¢, Chapter 9 Pég, 65.76 2012 '5- APHA-AWWAAWEF 22 Th. Ed Caper 9 Pag, 65-75 2012 CONTINUA INFORME DE ENSAYOS N° 00144-2017 Pag 18 ‘Av, La Molina S/N (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Peri Telf.: (511) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 E-mali: mitg@lemolina edu pe - Pagina Web: www - [fla molina calidad total : LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS & UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos INFORME DE ENSAYOS fs N° 00144-2017 f ENSAYOS FiSICOS / QUiMICOS: ; ALCANCE: NA. ENSAYOS RESULTADO 5 ero enw) ~o012 2- suns mg) <0.005 ae pit 80 4 Sulao (gd suas) 301 5 Esroneio (SK¢Km 0102 6- Mangas) <0.001 Teinetzn) xf) <0.003 B-CottCe) exe <0010 j 9 Cloruros (mg de clorures/.) Bo 10- Dureza Toa (made Carona de alco) 1683 11-MagnsiolMa9*\ineL) Jo.08s i 12. Sosio aK ngL) 508s 13. Animes) (*kmgiL) <0.006 14. Talorth xmer EPA Wet hod 200,7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Waar and Wastes (= EPA Met hod 200.7:1886 Inductively Coupled Plasma “Atomic Emission Specromelvc Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes 7 EPA Met hod 200.7:1896 Inductively Coupled Ptasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water ana Wastes 8 EPA het hod 200.7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ct Water ana Wactee 8 APHA/ AWWA WPCF Cap. 4, Pag. 72:78, 22nd Econ 2012 10. AOAC 873.62 Cap. 11, Pag. 14-18, 1otn Edion 2012 11 EPA Met hod 200.7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Methad for Trace Element Analysis, ‘of water and Wastes 12 EPA Mat od 2007-1996 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water ane Wastes 18 EPA Met hod 200 71996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Weter and Wastes ‘14 EPA Mel od 200 7:1895 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomie Emission Spactrametrie Method for Trace Element Analysis of Woler and Wastes 15 EPA Met nod 200,7:1896 inductively Coupled Plasma —Atomie Emission Spactmetic Method for Trace Element Analysis at Wator and Wastes 18. EPA Met nod 200 7:1995 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomie Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘af Water ana Wastes 17. EPA Mel hod 200 7:1995 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomie Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes, 18 EPA Met hod 200 7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomc Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 18. EPA Met hed 200.7 1985 ncuctvely Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 20.-EPA let hos 200 71696 inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 21. EPA Met hod 200.7:1986 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomle Emiesion Spectrometi Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 22- EPA Met nod 200.7:1985 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomle Emission Spactrometiic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes 23~ EPA Met hod 200.7:1995 Indcvely Coupled Plasma -Alomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes 24 EPA Met hod 200.7198 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method fr Trace Element Analysis ‘ol Water and Wastes 25~ EPA Met hod 200 71988 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 28. EPA Met ho 20071986 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Walor and Wastes 27. EPA et hos 20071988 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 28.- EPA Met hod 200.7-1985 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes, 28. EPA Met hes 200.7198 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Alomic Emission Spectrometric Method fr Trace Element Analysis ‘of Wator and Wastes 30. EPA Met hog 200,7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Alomic Emission Spectrometric Method fr Trace Element Analysis cof Water and Wastes CONTINUA INFORME DE ENSAYOS N° 001449-2017 Pig. 26 Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Pert TTelf.: (511) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 E-mail: - Pagina Web: - [Fj la molina calidad total LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos INFORME DE ENSAYOS N° 00143-2017 31. EPA Met hog 200,7:1995 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Wailer and Wastes ‘32. EPA Met hod 200 7.1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometvic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘ol Water and Wastes, 38> EPA Met hos 200 71996 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomiec Emigsion Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ot Water and Wastes 234. EPA Method 200 7:1996 inductively Coupled Plasma —Alomie Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water ana Wastes 235.-EPA Method 200 7:1996 inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spactometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 96. EPA Met hod 200,7:1985 inductively Coupled Plasma -Alomie Emission Spectrometric Method fr Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes {37 EPA Met hed 200,7:1985 Inductively Couples Plasme ~Atomic Emigsion Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of water ana Wastes, 38. EPA et od 2007-1698 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 38. EPA Met hod 200 7:1995 inductively Coupled Ptasma Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes Observaciones: (*) Se subcontrat el servicio de terceros. FECHA DE EIECUCION DE ENSAYOS: Det 09/02/2017 Al 24/02/2017, “ADVERTENCH "+ El musi, es coniciones de muesteo atin y transporte de la muestra has su ingrso a La Molina liad Teal - Labortris son de ‘esponsabilidde Solan, Se prohibs fa repradueeién pari otal el present lafeme sin a atorizain de La Molina Calis Tt - Laborers. ~ Vil pra a canto reid, Noes un cenificao de Conformidad ni Cerifendo dl Sistema de Calidad ds quiceo produce 44x Este documeno al sr emi sin el sinbolo de seeacion, no se ence dente del miro del eedieién args por INACAL-DA Lt Molin, 24 de Febrero de 2017 INA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATOROS UNALA cin Names Peg. 444 ‘Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Peré Telf.: (511) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495704 E-mail: - Pagina Web: la molina calidad total ‘ SOLICITANTE, DIRECCION LEGAL, PRODUCTO NUMERO DE MUESTRAS IDENTIFICACIONIMTRA CANTIDAD RECHBIDA MARCA(S) FORMA DE PRESENTACION LICITUD DE SERVICIOS REFERENCIA FECHA DE RECEPCION ENSAYOS SOLICITADOS PERIODO DE CUSTODIA. ALCANCE: NA. LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos INFORME DE ENSAYOS N° 00142-2017 MUNICIPALIDAD DISTRITAL SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI PZA.DE ARMAS NRO. S/N (FRENTE A LA PLAZA) APURIMAC - ANDAHUAYLAS - SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI RUC : 20163031192 Teléfono : 983900335 AGUA DE MANANTIAL—HITANAYOCC Uno FUENTES DE AGUA DEL PROYECTO: "MEJORAMIENTO DEL SERVICIO DE. AGUA POTABLE E INSTALACION DE UBS EN LAS COMUNIDADES DE HUANTANA, SANTA ROSA DE CAMPANAYOCC, PADROMAYOCC WINTON Y MINA CACHIHUANCARAY, DISTRITO, DE SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI- ANDAHUAYLAS - APURIMAC" CAPTACION- 1 LUGAR DE ABASTECIMIENTO: HUANTANA SECTOR I (HUANTANA ALTO) ¥ SANTA ROSA DE CAMPANAYOCC. DISTRITO: SAN ANTONIO DE CACHI, PROVINCIA: ANDAHUAYLAS, REGION: APURIMAC| E 5173.4 g (+envase) de muestra proporcionada por el soliitante, SM + Envasado, la muestra ingresa en botella de plistico eerrada a temperatura ambiente ‘SIS N°EN- 00668-2016 PERSONAL, + 08/02/2017 MICROBIOLOGICO Y FisICO/QUIMICO + No aplica ENSAYOS MICROBIOLOGICOS: | TREAVOS Se 1.- Huevos de helminios (*)(en tL.) “Ausencia 4 1. de Colifarmes (NMP/100 mL NE, colkNMP/100 mL N-ColiforesFocales(NMP/100 mt) 3 3 'WETODOS UTILIZADOS EN EL LABORATORIO: 11 IV088 Detoccién y Cuantficaciin de Huavos de Parisitos en Agua (WHO) 2- APHALAWWA.WEF 221, £4, Chapler Pg, 40:54 2012 3 APHAAWWA.WEF 22TH. Ed. Chapter @ Pag, 65-73 2012 4- APHA-AWWA.WEF 227, Ed. Chapter 9 Pg, 65-78 2012 ‘5. APHA-AWWA.WEF 22 Th, £4. Chapter 9 Pg. 65-75 2012 CONTINUA INFORIE DE ENSAYOS N° 001442-2017 Pig. v4 Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Moline - Lima - Perd Telf.: (511) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 E-mail: - Pagina Web: - [fj la molina calidad total "i LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA f Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos i INFORME DE ENSAYOS (N° 01442-2017 ENSAYOS FISICOS / QUIMICOS: i ALCANCE: NA. ENSAYOS RESULTADO Tr Here CRO 0010 2+ Exo gL) 0.008 3. pl 80 41 Sula (g de site.) 3a 5 Esronci (Sx*Xnef 100 6 Mangass(n) (2X) <0.001 YZin(20) (Xml) <0.003 8- Cate) me EPA Met hod 200.7:1898 inductively Coupled Piasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes 8. EPA het hod 200.7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Motha for Trace Element Analysis. ct Water and Wastes 7. EPA Met Nod 200.7:7896 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spactrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes {> EPA Method 200,7:1996 inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Specrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water ana Wastes 9 APHA/ AWWA WPCF Cap. 4, Pég. 72-73, 2nd Edtion 2012 10+ RORC 973.52 Cap. 11, Pag. 14-15, 19th Editon 2012 {1 EPA Met hod 200 7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomie Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis. ‘of water ana Wastes ‘¥2- EPA Met hod 2007-1996 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 18. EPA Met hod 200 71696 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water ana Wastes ‘40 EPA Method 200 77995 inductively Coupled Ptasma ~Atomic Emission Spectromatic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 15. EPA Met nod 200,7:1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Specrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘or Water and Wastes 16. EPA Met nod 200.7:1906 inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Specttometic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘ot Water and Wasies ‘7~ EPA Met hod 200 71996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectomettic Method for Traca Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 18> EPA let hos 20071896 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water ana Wastes 8+ EPA Met og 200,71985 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomic Emission Spectremetie Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water ana Wiastos 20.- EPA Met hog 200.7198 Indvetvely Coupled Plasma -Alomic Emission Spactrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water ana Wastes 21. EPA Met hod 200,7:1985 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Anaysis ot Water and Wastes 22. EPA Met hod 20071986 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emigsion Spectromettic Method for Trace Element Analysis ot Water and Wastes 23.- EPA Met nod 200. 7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectometic Method for Trace Element Analysis af Water and Wastes 24. EPA Mat hod 200 7:1995 Indvctvey Coupled Plasma -Alomic Emission Spectrometric Method fr Trace Element Analysis ct Water ana Wastes, 25~ EPA Met hod 200 7.1995 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method foe Teace Element Analysis ‘of Water and Wastes 28.- EPA Met hod 20071996 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomc Emission Spectometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 27. EPA Met od 200 71998 inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis of Weler and Wastes 28. EPA Met nod 200,7'1995 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Alomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Tace Element Analysis ‘of Water ana Wastes 28 EPA Met hod 200.7198 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trave Element Analysis of Water and Wasies 30. EPA Met hod 200.7:1995 Inductvly Coupled Plasma ~Alamic Emission Specrometc Method fo Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes CONTINUA INFORME DE ENSAYOS N° 00142-2017 Pig. 34 ‘Av. La Molina SIN (frente @ la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Pera Telf.: (611) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 E-mail: - Pagina Web: - [fj la molina calidad total xy LA MOLINA CALIDAD TOTAL LABORATORIOS UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Instituto de Certificacién, Inspeccién y Ensayos INFORME DE ENSAYOS, N° 01442-2017 531. EPA Method 2007:1996 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 32. EPA Method 200, 711985 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomie Emission Spactrometic Method for Trace Elerent Analysis ot Water and Wastes 38. EPA Method 200 7:1985 inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomie Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes 34.-EPA Met hod 200 71995 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Alomie Emission Spactrometic Method for Trace Element Analysis. ‘of Waler and Wastes ‘35. EPA Met nod 200,7:1996 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectometic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Wailer ana Wastes 9 EPA let nod 200 71985 Inductively Coupled Plasma -Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Weer ana Wastes 97. EPA Method 200 71985 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomc Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of War ang Wastes, {38 EPA Met hed 2007-1905 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectzometic Method for Trace Element Analysis ‘of Water ana wastes 39- EPA Met nod 2007-1896 Inductively Coupled Plasma ~Atomic Emission Spectrometric Method for Trace Element Analysis of Water and Wastes, ‘Observaciones:(*) Se subcontrat6 el servicio de terceros. FECHA DE EJECUCION DE ENSAYOS: Del 09/02/2017 Al 24/02/2017. ADVERTENCIA® 1+ EL mussels condiciones de meesteo, tratamiento y transporte de a muestra hasta su ingreso La Molina Calidad Total - Laboratories son de responsabilidad do Solent 2 Se rohbe fa repreduccin aril o tot dl present Informe sin a autrzacion de La Malina Calidad Tol - Laboratorio 3. Vdo por a enti reba. No es un eiieado de Conformed i Crieado del Sistema de Calidad de quien lo prouce 4+ Este docu al sr etd sn el simbolgdeageditei, nose encucnza dento del mar de In crdiaciénatorga por TNACAL-DA La Molina 24 de Feber de 2017 JACALIDAD TOTALLABORATOROS MAL Pg. 44 ‘Av. La Molina SIN (frente a la puerta principal de la Universidad Agraria) - La Molina - Lima - Peri Tlf: (511) 3495640 - 3492507 Fax: (511) 3495794 E-mail: - Pagina Web: - [fj la molina calidad total

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