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SUBMITTED FOR THE COURSE OF: Data Structures and Algorithms





This is to certify that the project work entitled “AN APPLICATION ON MERGE
SORT ALGORITHM ” that is being submitted for Data Structures and
Algorithms is a record of bonafide work done under my supervision. The contents
of this Project work, in full or in parts, have neither been taken from any other
source nor have been submitted for any other CAL course.

Place: Vellore

Date: 30th March, 2018

Prof.Murali S

It gives us immense pleasure to express our deepest sense of gratitude and sincere
thanks to our highly respected and esteemed guide Professor Murali s Vellore
Institute of Technology, Vellore for her valuable guidance, encouragement and
help for completing this work. Her useful suggestions for this whole work and
cooperative behavior are sincerely acknowledged.

We are also highly indebted to VIT University for their guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project &
also for their support in completing the project.

We also wish to express our indebtedness to our parents as well as our family
members whose blessings and support always helped us to face the challenges

At the end we would like to express our sincere thanks to all our friends and others
who helped us directly or indirectly during this project work.

Our project is an application of merge sort algorithm , Token Management system

Code for Token Management System in hospital which has optimized time
complexity and space complexity

Our project is an application of merge sort algorithm , Token Management system

in hospital . In hospital token are generated randomly but our code arranges the
token number as per order . Thus it helps to allow patients in a orderly manner .
It takes the information of the patients and sort it as per the token number . Code
for Token Management System in hospital which has optimized time complexity
and space complexity ,Merge sort alogrithm is one of the best algorithms
available for sorting .

Merge sort is a sorting technique based on divide and conquer technique. With
worst-case time complexity being Ο(n log n), it is one of the most respected
algorithms. Merge sort first divides the array into equal halves and then combines
them in a sorted manner.

Token Management system in Hospital

Code for Token Management System in hospital which has optimized time
complexity and space , Token Management system in hospital . In hospital token
are generated randomly but our code arranges the token number as per order .
Thus it helps to allow patients in a orderly manner .
It takes the information of the patients and sort it as per the token number . Code
for Token Management System in hospital which has optimized time complexity
and space complexity ,Merge sort alogrithm is one of the best algorithms
available for sorting .

In this code our aim is to optimise Time complexity and Space complexity .
We use structure in that we give paitent name , age , token number , height , weight
Void mergesort as function , left recursion and right recursion and merge those both
sorted sub arrays
Beginning of the first list & second list then copy remaining elements of the first list
and second lists then we transfer elements from temp[] back to a[]
If (a[j]=p[i].tnumber ) Copy tokens number to Array and then sorting token number by
merge sort
printf(“\n%d\t\t|%d \t |%d \t |%d \t|%d”,p[i].hno,

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