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hr. J. Pm. Ves.

& Piping 69 (1996) 203-206

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ELSEVIER 030&-S-0161(95)00133-6 030%0161/96/$15.00

&-I,, failure assessment diagrams as applied

to a flaw in the vicinity of a stress
E. Smith
Manchester University/UMIST Materials Science Centre, Grosvenor Street, Manchester MI 7HS, UK

(Received 16 August 1995; accepted9 November 1995)

Analysis of a Mode III simulation model of a flaw in the vicinity of a stress

concentration, highlights the sensitivity of the failure assessmentcurve to
geometrical parameterswhen the curve is expressedin the K, (normalised
stressintensity)-l, (normalisedlimit load) format. The results are therefore
supportive of the view that, when using the R6 methodology, assessment of
sucha Aaw should be basedon the use of option 3 rather than options 1 or 2.
Copyright 0 1996Elsevier ScienceLtd.

1 INTRODUCTION material flow properties, is independent of the

geometry of the configuration, and the option 1
Failure assessment diagrams play an important curve is a lower bound of option 2 curves for
role in integrity assessments with regard to the some commonly used materials. In principle,
effects of flaws in engineering structures. The R6 there are great merits in option 2, since its use
procedure’ is based on such diagrams coupled bypasses the need for a detailed J-integral
with the use of two parameters, K, and L,, analysis, as the failure assessment curve is
defined by the relations assumed to be geometry independent.
However, this geometry independence would
Kr=F appear to be contradicted by failure curves
IC derived from computed J solutions.2 Further-
more, and most importantly with regard to the
Lr=$ or z (2) present paper’s considerations, Hong and co-
L gL workers3 have presented finite element results
where K is the linear elastic stress intensity which clearly show that, with regard to a flaw in
factor, P(a) the applied load (stress), K,, is the the vicinity of a stress concentration, the failure
material’s fracture toughness, and PL (or a=) is assessment curve when expressed in the K,-L,
the limit load (or limit stress). Having evaluated format falls below the option 1 and option 2
the two parameters K, and L, via, respectively, curves. They therefore argued that, in using the
relations (1) and (2), it is presumed that failure is R6 approach, assessment of such a flaw should be
avoided if the point (L,, K,) lies below a failure carried out using option 3, or by suitably
assessment curve K, = f( L,). modifying the option 1 and option 2 curves.
The R6 procedure is based on the use of this It is against this background that the present
K,-L, description, there being three types of paper analyses a Mode III simulation model of a
assessment curve. With option 3, the assessment crack in the vicinity of a stress concentration. The
curve is obtained from an elastic-plastic J- results highlight the sensitivity of the failure
integral analysis for the structure under con- assessment curve to geometrical parameters,
sideration, and is geometry dependent. The when it is expressed in the K,-L, format, and are
option 2 curve, while being dependent on the therefore supportive of the view that assessment
204 E. Smith

of a flaw in the vicinity of a stress concentration being replaced by EJ2, with E, = E/(1 - v2)
should be based on the use of option 3. where E is Young’s modulus and Y is Poisson’s
ratio. The results give the applied stress CT
required to induce a displacement V, at the crack
2 FAILURE ASSESSMENT CURVE FOR A tip, and are represented in the following form:
SEMI-CIRCULAR GROOVE ~=(n+b)cos-l~t(Q~b)cos-l

This section addresses the situation where there

is a sharp crack of depth d at the root of an rrE v
elliptically cylindrical groove in the planar -=za(l +p*yqn “*
+bpln% (4)
surface of a semi-infinite solid which is subjected 8%
to an applied tensile stress u (Fig. 1). The d=pb+a(l+p*)“*-a (5)
semi-major axis of the groove is a and the
with (T being obtained by eliminating the
semi-minor axis is b, whereupon the radius of
curvature at the groove root is p = b*/a. To parameters p and q (BP) between relations
(3)-(5). Our concern in this paper is for the
facilitate the analysis the Dugdale-Bilby-
special case where the cylindrical groove is
Cottrell-Swinden (DGBS) strip yield
representation4*5 is used to simulate the plastic semi-circular, i.e. a = b, when relations (3)-(S)
then simplify so as to give
deformation at the crack tip. With this
representation the material is assumed to be ?ru 1 ~~~+~cos-’ l+P* “*
non-work-hardening with fly, the material’s yield (6)
2cry=icos q 2 ( 1 + q2 >
stress, being the tensile stress within the strip
yield zone. Crack extension is presumed to occur z;- (1 +p’)“‘ln(~)1’2+p In: (7)
when the relative displacement of the crack faces
at the crack tip attains a critical value u,.
The anti-plane strain (Mode III) analogue of A=$=p+(l+p*y-1 (8)
the plane strain (Mode I) situation has been
analysed,6 and the Mode III results will be used Now the linear elastic stress intensity factor
for the Mode I situation with the shear modulus (Mode III) is given6,7 by the expression
K = a[?mf(h)]“* (9)
0 with
t t
f@) = Of A) - (1ZA)’ (10)
Furthermore, with the DBCS strip yield rep-
resentation of plastic deformation, the fracture
toughness Krc of the material is given by the
b expression
KIc = [E,~,u,]“~ (11)
Then, since L, = a/~, and K, = K/K,, (see
relations (1) and (2)), it follows from relations
(6), (7), (9) and (11) that

L,=1Jr[ cos-‘p-+cos-’
q (+$)‘“1 (12)

I and

Fig. 1. A sharp crack of depth d at the root of an elliptically

cylindrical groove in the planar surface of a semi-infinite
solid that is subjectedto a tensile stress0: There is a strip
yield zone aheadof the ciack tip.
K,-L, failure assessment diagrams 205

Table 1. L, and K, values for the case where A = dJa = Table 3. L, and K, values for the case where
o-01 h=d/a=O*S

4 0.1 0~2 0.4 1.0 2.0 4 0.6 1.0 2.0 5.0

L, 0.500 0.547 0.613 0.747 0.851 L 0.376 0.585 0.772 0.905

K 0.660 0.542 0.406 0.263 0.203 K 0.953 0.882 0.784 0.670

with the function f(h) being given by relation the form

(10) with h = d/ a, and the parameter p being
given by the expression (see relation (8)) [K(d + Ad,)]”
.I = ; (17)
A(1 + (AD))
(14) where Ad, is the elastically equivalent size of
p= (1+@ plastic zone, and is the distance between the
By selecting values of q, relations (lo), (12), (13) initial crack tip and the tip of the elastically
and (14) give combinations of K,--L, values, and equivalent crack. The right-hand side of relation
these are shown in Tables 1, 2 and 3, (17) can be expanded to the first two terms so as
respectively, for the cases where h = d/a = O-01, to give
O-1 and 0.5. The resulting failure assessment
curves are shown in Fig. 2, together with the 1
curve appropriate to the case (A = ~0) of a crack
in the surface of a semi-infinite solid, for which where S and S’ = dSldh are defined with regard
the assessment curve is (see relations (10) and to the initial crack length. K in relation (18) is the
stress intensity defined with regard to the initial
r 412 1112 crack tip and is given by relation (16). Now J, as
&+ ‘b iii- given by relation (18), equates with the area W,
18 In sec(nLJ2) 1
under the stress (p)-relative displacement (u)
Inspection of the curves in Fig. 2 immediately curve appropriate to the plastic zone, up to a
shows that the failure assessment curves are value of u that is equal to the displacement UT at
markedly geometry dependent, with the curve the crack tip, i.e.
progressively being lowered as the crack becomes
more confined to the root of the groove A$1 = w,=rp(v)dv (19)
(decreasing A = d/a value).
Now at the onset of crack extension, and with the
DBCS representation, p is constant within the

The regime where L, is small can be considered 1.0 I

very simply by making use of the equivalent I

elastic crack concept. Thus by reference to

relation (9), the stress intensity factor can be
written in the form Yi
0.5 1
K = aI& S(d/a) = (~%‘i S(A) (16)
with h = d/u. Now with the equivalent elastic 0.1
crack concept, the J-integral can be written8 in

Table 2. L, and K, values for the case where A = d/a = \I 0.01

o-1 I I
I L,
4 0.2 0.4 1.0 2.0 5.0 01
L 0.397 0.541 0.718 0.837 0.931 Fig. 2. K,-L, failure assessment
curves for a crack (depth d)
K o+C39 0.780 0.625 0.524 0,431 at the root of a semi-circulargroove (radius a) for different
A = d/a values.
206 E. Smith

strip yield zone with a value uY and + = V, is the remembering that h = d/a, the ratio of the crack
critical value of UT at which crack extension depth to the radius of the semi-circular groove.
occurs. Furthermore, Ad, is then the elastically Relation (24) immediately shows that the K,-L,
equivalent size REs of zone associated with a curve is progressively lowered as h decreases, i.e.
semi-infinite crack in a remotely loaded infinite as the ratio d/a decreases, a result that is
solid, i.e. nE,~,/24a,.~ Relation (19) thus gives consistent with the curves shown in Fig. 2.
the K value appropriate to the onset of crack
extension as

K= (20) Analysis of the specific Mode III simulation

model in Section 2, coupled with the general
small L, considerations in Section 3, have shown
quite clearly that, with regard to the assessment
or since S’R,,/Sa is presumed to be small, or of a flaw in the vicinity of a stress concentration,
otherwise the present analysis is invalid (the step the K,-L, failure assessment curve is markedly
from relation (17) to (18) would not be possible), sensitive to geometrical parameters and is lower
the more confined is the flaw to the stress

1 (21) concentration. The results therefore substantiate

the finite element results of Hong and co-
workers,3 and are supportive of the view that
Now with L, = (T/U,,, it follows from relation (16) assessment of a flaw in the vicinity of a stress
that concentration should be based, when using the
R6 procedure, on the use of option 3 rather than
=%vc= nLfS2 (24 options 1 or 2.
24u,a 24Kf

whereupon relations (21) and (22), taken REFERENCES

together, give the failure assessment curve for
small L, as 1. Mime, I., Ainsworth, R. A., Dowling, A. R. & Stewart,
A. T., Int. J. Pres. Ves. & Piping, 32 (1988) 3.
2. Bloom, J. M., PVP-Vol. 287, Fracture mechanics
2zs!s’L2 = 1 _ ~2f’(wf applications.In Proc. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping
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24 48 3. Hong, Q., Ying, T. & Liankiu, S., Znt. J. Pres. Ves. &
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with S(h) = [@(A)]‘” and with f(h) being given 4. Dugdale, D. S., J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 8 (1960) 100.
by relation (10). It then follows from relations 5. Bilby, B. A., Cottrell, A. H. & Swinden, K. H., Proc. R.
Sot., A272 (1963) 304.
(10) and (23) that the failure assessment curve 6. Bilby, B. A. & Heald, P. T., Proc. R. Sot., A305 (1968)
for small L, becomes 429.
7. Smith, E., Proc. R. Sot., A299 (1967) 455.
8. Planas,J. & Elites, M., Znt. J. Fract., 5 (1991) 139.
3 9. Edmunds,T. M. & Willis, J. R., J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 25
Kr=l-; l+(l+hy I L: (24) (1977)423.

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