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Electrical Engineering 81 (~998) 163-17o 9 Springer-Verlag 1998

Algorithmic method of design and analysis of fractional-slot windings

of AC machines

Contents The paper presents a new algorithmic method C matrix of constraint of windings
of designing fractional-slot windings for AC machines of coil structure vector for the p-harmonic
the double and single layer type. The method allows to ~P vector of phase-belts MMF structure for the p-
design windings with a small number of slots per pole and harmonic
phase, and then to analyse their MMF harmonic spectra in
a simple systematic way and to optimise the construction.
The presented method comprises not only 3-phase, but
also m-phase windings, which in the case of compact
Designing windings, including the fractional-slot type, is a
converter-motor units are quite applicable.
classical problem treated in many books and papers by
well known authors and constructors. Most of the prob-
Algorithmische Methode zur Projektierung und Ana-
lems have been solved and the subject seems to be con-
lyse der Bruchlochwicklungen yon
cluded. But there has not been a presentation of a general
method of designing m-phase fractional-slot windings,
0bersicht Im Aufsatz wird eine neue algorithmische Me-
whereas the growing number of multi-phase windings for
thode zum Entwurf der Bruchlochwicklungen von Wech-
converter fed motors and compact converter-motor units
selstrommaschinen mit Ein- und Zweischichtwicklung
are causing a revival of interest for this subject.
dargestellt. Diese Methode erm6glicht den Entwurf yon
This is the case for m = 5 or m = 7 phase windings,
Wicklungen mit kleiner Nutzahl pro Pol und Phase, und
which can be used instead of m = 6 windings for high
sie dient zur Analyse des Spektrums der magnetischen
power motors. The m = 5 or 7 phase windings give a
Durchflutung bei diesen Wicklungen. Die Methode erfalgt
similar reduction of the phase current and more possi-
nicht nur dreiphasige, sondern allgemein mehrphasige
bilities to reduce the number of parasitic MMF harmonics
Wicklungen, welche im Falle von Stromrichterantrieben
in the machine - see Section 5.1.
und Umrichtermotoren zunehmend angewendet werden.
The presented method is easily applicable in an algo-
rithmic form and enables the comparison of many design
List of symbols
solutions in a short and inexpensive way. The theory
m number of phases
presented here concerns both double- as well as single slot
Qs, Qc number of slots and coils respectively windings but is introduced in a short form - leaving some
p,p' number of pole pairs and reduced number of pole
space for examples.
P space harmonic of MMF
q,v number of slots and coils per pole and phase
Design method
The term 'fractional-slot windings' refers to the number of
u,h numerator and denominator of the reduced v
slots per pole and phase
W number of segments (parentheses) of the whole q -
winding 2mp
number of segments (parentheses) of the larg-
est repetitive part of the winding in respect to all In the case of q being an integer, the windings are called
m- phase-belts integral-slot windings and are balanced under each pole
angular position of the p-harmonic MMF axis of for each phase. The spectrum of MMF's produced by such
the k-th phase windings is given by the series of odd multiples of the pole
pairs number:
p=(2k-1)p k=1,2,3,... (2)
Received'.10 April 1997 For fractional-slot number one may denote
P. Wach Qs t b
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, q-2mp d Iq+~ (3)
Technical University of Opole, PL-45-233 Opole,
Poland where:
Electrical E n g i n e e r i n g 8a (1998)

t, d - are the numerator and denominator of the reduced 1 - st p a r e n t h e s i s

improper fraction
... ~a2,~+1~ a2m+2 . . . . . . ,ah)...
Iq - integer part of q
I I i I
To present this method in a general form including both
double- and single-layer windings, the characteristic
number v is introduced, which is the number of coils per I I I I
pole and phase . 9 arh+n~l,arh+rm. 2 , . . . . . . ,a(r+l)h). 9
.......... I 1 I [ ..::::::..
O~ u g (4)
V - z ~ - h - I~ + -~ k - th parenthesis (r+l) - th parenthesis
164 In the case of double layer windings Q, = Q~ and all re- ::::::::::::--] [
spective numbers are equal:
q=v~u=t,h=d (5) w - th p a r e n t h e s i s [ [

For single layer windings holds: Fig. 1. Construction scheme of a fractional-slot windings in
v = ~ q1 ~ I / A = l st, h=d iftis even general form, with first two phase-belts presented
u=t, h=2d iftis odd (6)
The thick lines represent phase-belts, in Fig. 1 they are
It is important to notice, that the single layer windings
denoted as a and b. They show the successive groups
with denominator h -- 2 are not fractional.
joined in the phase with their direction indicated. If the
The necessary condition of symmetry of the fractional-
line comes from below the parenthesis, the respective
slot windings is that the number of coils is divisible by the
group of coils is regarded as positively connected into the
number of phases
phase-belt, in case the line comes from above - the con-
Q~ = k. m, (7a)nection is negative. This formula has its impact on the
but is not divisible by the number of poles, otherwise the (+,-) signs of the elements of the C matrix (25).
windings would not be fractional After the presentation of the windings in the symbolic
Q~r k,I= 1,2,... (7b) form (Fig. 1) it is possible to study the symmetry condi-
tions and general properties concerning MMFs' genera-
The average fractional number of coils, given by (4), is tioin.
obtained by the application of groups with unequal number There are two necessary symmetry conditions:
of coils - most often the groups have Ic and I~ + 1 coils.
But to maintain the symmetry of the whole winding, 1~ wh = ink, k = 1,2,... (12a)
these unequal groups of coils have to be distributed which means, that the total number of groups must be
symmetrically along the armature. As a result, wider re- divisible by the number of phases
petitive fragments of windings are formed, which are
2 ~ GCD(h,m) = 1 (12b)
called segments of the winding. The k-th segment is rep-
resented formally by the parenthesis (GCD stands for Greatest Common Divisor)
which guarantees that each phase-belt incorporates the
(Sk) = (aj+], aj+2,..., aj+h); j = ( k - 1)h (8)
elements placed on each position of some parenthesis.
ai - is the number of coils in the i- th group From 1~ and 2~ it stems that w = km, so the number of
h - is the number of groups in the segment and it is equal parentheses is divisible by the number of phases.
to the denominator of v (4) The whole winding consisting of w parentheses could
The total number of coils in the segment (8) is equal to contain a number of larger repetitive parts containing r
the numerator of v: parentheses, symmetrical in respect to all m-phases. It is
important to determine the number r, as it is responsible
aj+l + aj+2 4 - . . . 4- aj+h = U (9)
for the lowest number of MMF harmonic and the possi-
The whole m-phase winding is composed of w segments bility to connect windings in parallel branches.
(8): It can be calculated from the equation
(S1)($2)... (Sk) . . . (SW) (10) 2m
r h / ( m o d 2m) = 0 ~ r - (13)
All segments are equal to each other, but they have to be GCD(2m, h)
distinguished because of assigning different elements Taking into account (12b) one receives
(groups of coils) to a particular phase-belt.
The number of segments is r = m for h being even
r = 2m for h being odd (14)
Qc (11)
U The next step is to find
The construction of an m-phase fractional winding could
w = Qc GCD(2m, h) _ p (15)
be presented in the form of a scheme (Fig. 1), which shows
the first and second phase-belt a, b. r u 2m h/GCD(Zm, h)
P. Wach: Algorithmic method of design and analysis of fractional-slot windings of AC machines

This quotient is the integer, which means the number of 3

repetitive parts of windings - in respect to all phases. It is Characteristics of m-phase fractional-slot windings
also the lowest number of MMF harmonic generated by the The symmetry of m-phase windings requires two attri-
winding: butes: amplitude- and angular symmetry. Amplitude
w symmetry means the equal amplitudes of any MMF har-
p' = -- (16) monics produced by all phase-belts. It is provided if only
the symmetry conditions (12) are met, and the scheme in
According to (16) it is called the reduced number of pole Fig. 1 of windings' construction is followed.
pairs, as it is a subharmonic in respect to the fundamental Angular symmetry requires that the spatial axes of
p = p. From (15) and (16) it stems that MMF harmonics of all m-phase-belts constitute a sym-
metric system. For some defined MMF harmonics sym-
iv' 2p for h being even 165
metric systems are reduced, so that some or all axes
(17) occupy the same position in space.
p' = ,P- for h being odd It can be written as:

I 72n m - prime number; p r km

a ~ p = ~)~ -- 4 ; = ~2rim1
- - m - odd number; ml - divisor of m; p r kin~m1
0 for p = k m
i,j= l , i , . . . , m ; li-jl = l , 2 , 3 , . . . , ( m - 1 ) / 2 (22)

Further, considering the equation where: ~b~ - is the angular position of the p-th MMF
7 h / ( m o d m) = 0 it follows: ~= m (18) harmonic axis of the k-th phase.
Studying further the angular symmetry conditions of m-
Comparing this result with (14) it is clear that for odd h phase windings there are four categories of windings with
the phase-belt string (Fig. 1) is an anti-symmetric func- respect to the number m:
tion, hence
(1) m is prime, excluding number 2
ai = ---ai+mh (19)
(2) m is an odd number, but not prime
In the result, the following characteristics of the fractional- (23)
slot windings MMFs' are determined: (3) m = 2, so it is prime and even
for h being even (4) m is any even number greater than 2
p = kp'; p' 2I) k = 1 2, The characteristics of the windings belonging to the
categories listed above are the following:
for h being odd (20) (1) For m being prime and odd it is possible to construct
symmetrical m phase windings, if only conditions (12) and
p = ( 2 k - 1)p'; p' P scheme (Fig. 1) are observed. The axes of the phase-belts
form for the successive MMF harmonics (m - 1)/2 sym-
Returning to the analysis of the single parenthesis (8), the metrical component systems. Each symmetrical compo-
symmetry conditions require only that it contains h ele- nent has its forward (+) and backward (-) sequence with
ments (groups of coils) with a total of u coils. But the respect to the fundamental harmonic, which is regarded as
optimisation considerations [12] as well as a simple forward.
comparison with the integral windings show that the coils For p = km the axes of all m-phase MMFs have the same
should be possibly uniformly distributed. So there are only space angle and according to (22) they form a zero se-
two kinds of elements Ic and e = Ic + 1, and quence component system.

( Ic, Ic,s
nl times
e,e,~..,e )
nz times
As a result, if the m-phase winding system is supplied with
a single chosen symmetrical component of currents, only a
limited number of MMF harmonics arise - those sensitive
for that specific symmetrical component.
To obtain the angular symmetry of the phase-belt MMFs'
with designed with the use of this algorithmic method (8 and
Icnl + (Ic + 1)n2 = u "[ Fig. 1) it is necessary to reverse the terminals of the even
1"11AV tl 2 = h numbered phase-belts or in other words - those indicated
by the letters b, d,f,... This stems from a closer inspec-
The elements Ic, e inside the parenthesis (21) should be tion [12] of the parentheses (Fig. 1)forming the phase-
mixed so that their distribution is as uniform as possible. belt. The formal interchange of terminals for these phases
Electrical Engineering 81 (1998)

is carried out by the notation a, - b , c, - d , e, - f , . . . of the The solution is practical, but artificial in the theoretical
phase-belts and by multiplying the respective rows of the C sense, as opposite phase axes coincide. The number of
matrix (25) by -1. An example of this category (1) of the symmetrical components is the same as in the m/2 system,
multi-phase winding, for m = 5 is presented in section 5. but the number of active space harmonics depends on the
(2) In that case m is odd but having the divisors ml, m2,. 99 symmetry of the current system supplying the windings.
different from 1 and m, windings have the same properties Some MMFs' harmonics activate only if the supply current
as in case (1), except for the zero symmetrical components system of respective symmetrical component have both
of MMFs'. There is a zero sequence component for all forward and backward sequence.
p =km harmonics of MMF. Besides there are reduced
symmetrical componentsfor which phase-belts MMFs are 4
evenly distributed in re~m1,re~m2,.., axes for the har- Matrix of constraints and MMFs' analysis
monics numbered p = ml, m 2 , . . . , respectively. Symmet- The scheme from Fig. 1 helps directly to form the C-matrix
rical windings with m = 9, 15, 21,... phases belong to this of constraints, which is the formal notation of m-phase
category. windings construction. Its name is justified by the fact that
(3) For m = 2, applying the method one gets 2 phase-belts it connects successive coils into phase-belts or in other
for which MMF axes are shifted in space over n/2 angle for words it transfers currents of phases to the proper coils,
all harmonics. This is regarded as the symmetrical 2-phase regarding sense of the current.
component system, with one symmetrical component only The rows of the matrix correspond to the phase belts,
- having its forward and backward sequences. while the columns are assigned to the slots of the machine.
According to the condition (12b), m and h must be mu- Elements {1, -1, 0} of the C matrix indicate the left side of
tually prime and in consequence h must be an odd num- the coil lying in a proper slot and being joint into a re-
ber. To fulfil this requirement, the number of pole pairs p spective phase-belt in positive (+1) or negative (-1) di-
must have an odd divisor. In consequence, it is possible to rection. The 0 element means lack of coincidence of the
design 2-phase symmetrical fractional-slot windings for coil with the given phase. This system of notation includes
p 7s 1 a n d p 7~ 2k, k = 1,2,... The produced MMF har- both double- and single layer windings. The latter have
monics are: both sides of a coil recorded in the matrix by 1 and -1
elements, placed in the same row of the matrix, in the
p = ( 2 k - 1)p', p t = p / h (24)
columns corresponding to the left and right side of the
The reduced number of pole pairs pr is in that case equal to coil.
the even divisor of p. An exemplary matrix of constraints for a winding with
(4) The case in which the number of phases is even and Qs slots is presented below:

i 2 3 4 5 .... .... QS

all 1 0 ...
. . . . . .
-bc I 0 -1
... -10 01 1 0 . . . . . . 0 (25)
-d ... 0 -1 ... ...00 ..ii I
0 0 ... ......

m > 2 is disputable. It is impossible to make windings The angular structure of the windings is denoted in a form
with angular symmetry by the given method. For p = pt of the coil structure vector Wp, which for coils with the
the harmonic distribution of axes is regular with the angle same number of turns is
re~m,but for higher harmonics the angular shifts are ir- (wP)T ~- [ejjOfgl ~/~ eOp~176 (26)
regular multiples of zc/m.
It is not the fault of the method, but for m even only For practical reasons, it is assumed that the angles
quasi-symmetrical windings are possible, because the axes el, c~2,..., %, indicating the left sides (or axes) of coils are
of opposite phases are covering each other. As a result, it is at a regular distance Zs --- -C'
360~ hence:
possible to design such windings, for which m is doubled
in respect to three previous categories of windings. They (wp)T=[1 ejp~' eJP2~'...c~p(Q'-I)~:'] (27)
could be designed by the division by two repetitive parts of
The structure vector (27) has some important features:
these windings, in case that the repetition is even-fold:
pt = 2k. So it means that they are applicable if the original = (Q-p) = wP (28)
winding, belonging to (1), (2), (3) category have an even
number of parallel branches. In that way symmetrical and
windings with m = 4, 6, 10,... phase-belts can be con-
structed. W =
P. Wach: Algorithmic method of design and analysis of fractional-slot windings of AC machines

To analyse the MMFs produced by the phase windings use both sides of a coil has many advantages. It does not de-
is made of the matrix product: pend on the construction type of the winding. The method
is the same for group windings, diamond windings or any
~'; = C ~ rp or in the full form (29) other type. It also helps in avoiding errors in designing
phase a alPeJr ] single layer windings, because filling the C matrix is the
most compact notation of the winding.
phase b a2PeJr [
phase c a~eJr 5

- ejp~l 167
Five-phase, single layer winding
1 eJP~2 In this example, a single layer winding, which belongs to
0 --1 --1 0 category (1) of (23) is designed and analysed. The number
of phase-belts m = 5 is next to m = 3 in this category, yet
1 1
is allows to demonstrate all characteristics of multi-phase
0 0 windings.
. e jpQs . The basic data of the winding are:
This matrix multiplication gives the same effect as the Qs=60 m=5 p=4
summation of the proper e)p~k vectors, which constitute the The number of coils, according to single layer construction
MMF of a particular phase-belt. of the winding, is
The result is a column vector and the modules of its
elements al, P a2,..,
P are proportional to the p-harmonic 1
Qc = ~ Qs = 30, and the characteristic fraction (4) :
MMF amplitude. For symmetrical windings holds al; =
a~ . . . . . aP, and the distribution factor of the winding is Oc 30 3 u
calculated simply from: 2mp 40 4 h
ma p
Qs (30)
According to (8-9) a single segment of the windings is
represented by the parenthesis (1,1,1,0) and the whole
The arguments qS~,q~2p, qS~,.., of (29) are the angles of axes winding consists of (11)
of the phase MMFs for the p-harmonic. For windings with
angular symmetry they should agree with (22). Oc 30
w- - - 10 such parentheses .
The relative/-phase MMF, with respect to the funda- u 3
mental p = p, takes the form Next, from (20) it follows that
k p l,.P p, _ 2p 8 2 p = k p' = 2, 4, 6, 8,
~;0i -- PPkPdk; p'di~picdcJf (31) h 4 "'"
Now the basic scheme (Fig. 2) of this winding can be
Y~ drawn. The diametrical pitch of the coil should be
where: k~ = sin p - - 2 - sin o - ~ n (32)
G Q 60
is the pitch factor of the coil for the p-harmonic, a t, ~" are YP-2p- 8 -7.5 ,
the angles of the left and right side of that coil, and YQ is
the coil span in the slot measure. so the diamond-coil winding is chosen, with shorted pitch
The relations (30-32) refer to the double layer windings, Yo=7.
which always have equal coil span. Following from the scheme (Fig. 2), the C matrix is
For single layer windings both sides of each coil are written, with both sides of each coil represented by 1,-1
represented in the C matrix. As a result, the pitch factor elements at the distance of 7 slots.
effect is already included in the product of the matrix
multiplication (29), and the formula respective to (30)
gives the winding factor for the p-harmonic:
kPw- Qs (33)

and the relative/-phase, p-harmonic MMF of the single- repetition

layer winding is

~O; i z - fPi ~kPwe~r (34)

The method presented here, which for single layer winding Fig. 2. Basic s c h e m e o f the Qs = 60, m = 5 , p = 4, v = 3 / 4 single
coils places in the C matrix elements 1, -1 representing layer w i n d i n g
Electrical Engineering 82 (1998)

The columns of the matrix are doubly numbered, be- After matrix multiplication (29) and employing (33-34),
cause of p' = 2 the scheme in Fig. 2 as well as the matrix the results of the MMFs analysis are presented in Table 1.
consist of two identical parts. According to these results, there are two symmetrical
components: I - the subsequent vectors of the phase

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i1 12 13 14 15
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
a 1 -1 -1
C---b -1 -1 1
c 1 -1
-d -1 1
e 1 -1 -1
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
1 1 -1
-1 1
1 -1 -1
-1 -1 1 1
1 1 -1 (35)

The slot pitch is MMFs' axes are turned over the angle of 72 ~ and II - over
the angle of 144~ Both components have their forward (+)
360 ~
rs - - - -- 6 ~ and backward (-) sequence (see Fig. 4).
60 So the axes of the phase MMFs for the space harmonics
and in consequence the structure vector is po = km = 5, 10, 15,... constitute a 0-symmetrical com-
(~r')T= [ej'~ eb6 eJo12-.-eJ"S4] (36) ponent system; for the harmonics
pI = (2k - 1)m + 1 = 4, 6, 14, 16, 24, 26,... they form I-
The phase-belts in Fig. 2 and matrix (35) are denoted as symmetrical component system, and finally for the har-
a , - b , c , - d , e. Their relation to the windings' terminals monics pii = (2k - 1)m + 3 = 2, 8, 12, 18, 22, 28,... they
are given by (37) and depicted in Fig. 3. form the II-symmetrical component system.
If these phases are supplied with a single symmetrical
a---~ l U component system of currents (voltages), the only set of
-b ~ 1X the MMF space harmonics which arises is the one sensitive
for that symmetrical component, and the other space
c---~ I V harmonics are reduced. This allows to eliminate some
- d - - + 1Y meaningful parasite MMF harmonics, such as
(37) /)ii = 2, 12,... and p0 = 10, 20,... in this example, in case
e-,1W of the typical supply of the phases of a machine with the I-
symmetrical component system.
IU 1V 1W 1X 1Y
3-phase, double layer winding
-b i!!!~ii -d This is typical winding, belonging to the category (1), with
the basic data:

N iili Qs=36 t)=5 m=3

The winding is of the double layer type, so Qc = Qs, and
Qs 36 6 u
V --

o o 6p 30 5 h
2U 2V 2W 2X 2Y
The single segment of the winding, in the shape of pa-
Fig. 3. Relationship between phase-belt names and terminals of renthesis (8-9), is (2, 1, 1, 1, 1).
the 5-phase windings The other construction parameters are:
P. Wach: Algorithmicmethod of design and analysis of fractional-slotwindings of AC machines

Table 1. Single layer winding:

Qs = 60, m = 5, p = 4 P kPw @o dPa,-b,c, a,e 1U, 1V, 1W, 1X, 1Y
2 0.270 55.1 228,156,84,12,-60 A,D,B,E,C/-II
4 0.980 100.0 6,222,78,-66,150 A,B,C,D,E[+I
6 0.103 7.4 144,-72,72,216,0 A,E,D, C,B/-I
8 0.057 2.7 102,174,246,-42,30 A,C,E,B,D/+II
10 0.333 13.6 240,240 .... 0
12 0.830 28.4 18,-54,234,162,90 A,D,B,E,C/-II
14 0.103 3.0 -24,192,48,-96,120 A,B,C,D,E/+I
16 0.046 1.2 114,258,42,186,-30 A,E,D,C,B/-I
18 0.270 6.1 252,-36,36,108,180 A,C,E,B,D/+II
20 0.577 11.8 30,30 .... 0
22 0.270 5.0 - 12,-84,204,132,60 A,D,B,E, (2/- II 169
24 0.075 1.4 -54,162,18,234,90 A,B,C,D,E/+I
26 0.103 1.6 264,48,192,-24,120 A,E,D, C,B/-I
28 0.300 4.4 42,114,186,258,-30 A,C,E,B,D/+II
30 0.333 4.6 0,0 .... 0
32 0.300 3.8 -42,246,174,102,30 A,D,B,E,C/-II
34 0.103 1.2 96,-48,168,24,240 A,B,C,D,E/+t
36 0.075 0.9 54,258,-18,126,-90 A,E,D,C,B/-I

I+: A,B,C,D,E
I- : A,E,D,C,B , 0 01,1)(2,1, i, I, I) (2,1,1,1,1) (2,1,1,1, i )
II+: A,C,E,B,D
~A II': A,D,B,E,C

Fig. 4. Vectors of the 5-phase symmetrical system and its sym- Fig. 5. Basic scheme of the Os = 36, m = 3,p = 5, v = 6/5 double
metrical components layer winding

Qs 36 pl P 5 Qs 36
w - - - 6 and 1
t 6 d 5 " YP 2p 10 - - 3.6
It is e n o u g h to p r e p a r e the basic scheme in Fig. 5 a n d the
a n d MMF calculations, a c c o r d i n g to (29-32), are p e r f o r m e d
C matrix:
for the s h o r t e d pitch Yo = 3, a n d for the e x t e n d e d p i t c h
For double layer w i n d i n g s the p i t c h o f a coil is arbitrary, as
Yo = 4. The results are given in Fig. 6.
the C m a t r i x contains for each coil one element only. The
d i a m e t r a l pitch o f the w i n d i n g in this e x a m p l e is

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
a [ 1 1 -1 1 -1 1
-b [ -1 1 -1 1 1 -1
c 1 -1-1 1 -1 1

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
a --1 --1 1 --1 1 --1
-b 1 --1 1 --1 --1
C --1 1 1 --1 1 -1
Electrical Engineering 81 (1998)

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The m e t h o d presented here enables to design a n u m b e r of 8. Rasch B (1926) Ein Beitrag zum Studium der Bruchloch-
wicklungen. ETZ Bd 47
versions of fractional-slot windings in an easy algorithmic 9. Richter R (1952) Lehrbuch der Wicklungen elektrischer Ma-
way and to make an essential analysis their MMF spectra. schinen. G. Braun, Karlsruhe
The m e t h o d is valid for m-phase windings, according to 10. Rawcliffe G H, Fong W (1965) Two-speed induction motors
the categorisation of multi-phase windings given b y (23). using fractional-slot windings. Proc. IEE-Power, Vol. 112, No
The limited volume of the p a p e r caused the restriction of 10, 1899-1916
the presented examples to those belonging to the (1) cat- 11. Sequenz H (1950) Die Wicklungen elektrischer Maschinen.
egory. B.I, Springer Verlag, Wien
12. Wach P (1997) Fractional-slot windings of AC machines (in
There are also other problems, such as the choice of Polish). PWN Warszawa-Wroclaw
proper n u m b e r of rotor slots and reduction of other par-
asitic p h e n o m e n a left out from this p a p e r [5, 12].
One m o r e p r o b l e m of design nature, which is not pre-
sented here, is the optimisation of fractional-slot windings
- including the distribution of u coils a m o n g h groups of
the parenthesis (8). In the case of h > 4 it is not a trivial
problem, however intuitive concept, that following inte-
gral-slot windings - the most uniform distribution is the
best and will do in practice.

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