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Proses penuaan dan struktur penduduk mempunyai dampak yang luas, bahkan
implikasi pertambahan jumlah lansia telah menimbulkan persoalan yang serius di
negara berkembang. Persoalan tersebut muncul karena kebutuhan terhadap
pelayanan, kesempatan dan fasilitas bagi lansia terus bertambah seiring dengan
pertambahan jumlah lansia. status kesehatan fisik, kondisi psikologis, hubungan
sosial dan hubungan lansia penderita hipertensi dengan lingkungannya dihubungkan
dengan kualitas hidup lansia.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam bentuk wawancara dan bersifat deskriptif.
Jumlah sampel sebanyak 96 orang. Data penelitian bersifat kuantitatif dan dianalisis
dengan metode analisis univariat.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan responden sebagian besar berusia 60-70
tahun (55%). Responden sebagian besar perempuan (75%). Responden sebagian
besar berstatus menikah (54%). Responden sebagian besar berpendidikan SD (50%).
Responden sebagian besar tidak bekerja (62%). Responden sebagian besar paling
lama menderita hipertensi > 6 tahunn (79%). Responden sebagian besar tidak teratur
meminum obat hipertensi (64%). Kualitas hidup dimensi fungsi fisik lansia dengan
hipertensi di Puskesmas Kedai Durian menunjukkan dalam kategori buruk (67%).
Kualitas hidup kesejahteraan psikologis lansia dengan hipertensi di Puskesmas Kedai
Durian menunjukkan dalam kategori baik (85%). Kualitas hidup dimensi hubungan
sosial lansia dengan hipertensi di Puskesmas Kedai Durian menunjukkan dalam
kategori baik (86%). Kualitas hidup dimensi bahasan spesifik lansia dengan
hipertensi di Puskesmas Kedai Durian menunjukkan dalam kategori baik (95%).

Kata Kunci : Kualitas Hidup, Lansia


The aging process and population structure have far-reaching consequences,

even the implications of the growing number of elderly have posed a serious problem
in developing countries. The problem arises because the need for services,
opportunities and facilities for the elderly continue to grow in line with the increase
in the number of elderly. physical health status, psychological conditions, social
relationships and elderly hypertensive relationships with the environment associated
with the quality of life of the elderly.
This research is conducted in the form of interview and is descriptive. The
number of samples is 96 people. Research data is quantitative and analyzed by
univariate analysis method.
The results of this study indicate the respondents are mostly aged 60-70 years
(55%). Respondents are mostly women (75%). Respondents are mostly married
(54%). Most of the respondents were elementary school (50%). Respondents mostly
did not work (62%). Respondents were most likely to suffer from hypertension> 6
years (79%). Most respondents did not regularly take hypertension medication
(64%). The quality of life of the elderly physical function dimension with
hypertension in Puskesmas Kedai Durian shows in bad category (67%). The quality
of life of elderly psychological welfare with hypertension in Kedai Durian Health
Center shows in good category (85%). Quality of life dimensions of elderly social
relationships with hypertension in Puskesmas Kedai Durian showed in good category
(86%). The quality of life of the elderly-specific age dimension with hypertension in
the Kedai Durian Health Center shows in good category (95%).

Keywords: Quality of Life, Elderly

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