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The thesis is dedicated to:

 My beloved father (Joni Indra) and mother ( Linda Wati ) who always support
emotionally and materially with prayer, love and patience.
 My beautiful sister (Essy Juliandra Putri) thanks you very much for kindness.
 My handsome brother, (M.Ridho Juliandra) thanks you for your support.
 My lecturers I do not forget your service.



Index Number : 502121010020
Faculty : Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Study Program : English Study Program

I truly confess that this Thesis writing is derived from my own work, except
some quotations (directly or indirectly) which were adopted or taken from various
sources included in “References”. I responsible for the truth of the data presented in
this Thesis.

Tembilahan, September 2017

The researcher,

NIM. 502121010020


In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the merciful. All praises and thanks to
Allah SWT, the Lors of universe, and gratitude fully be to Him for the health and the
strength that enable the researcher to complete this “Thesis”. The researcher believes
that without His grace, blessing and guidance this research would not have been
accomplished. Sholawat and salam for the Prophet Muhammad who brings us from
darkness to be brithtness.
This thesis is submitted to fulfill on of partial requirements for the award of
Sarjana degree in English Study Program, Teachers Training and Education Faculty,
Islamic University of Indragiri. The title of this research is “A Study on the Students’
Ability in Using Elliptical Construction at VIII Grade of MTs. PP. Tunas Harapan
The researcher realized that she can not complete this thesis without the help
of others many people have helped the researcher during the writing this thesis and it
would be inpossible to mention all of them. In this chance, the researcher would like
to express deeper appreciation to:
1. DR. Sri Handayani, SE., MM as the rector of Islamic University of Indragiri.
2. Edi Ardian, SS., MA the dean of Teachers Training and Education Faculty
Islamic University of Indragiri.
3. Melda Yeni, S.Pd., M.Pd, the head of English Study Program of Teachers
Training and Education Faculty Islamic University of Indragiri, for her kindness
and guidance.
4. The researcher’s Supervisors, Maria Olpa, S.Pd., M.Pd and Samsul Amri S.Pd.,
M.Pd. The researcher thanks for their kindness, suggestions, support, and helpful
guidance during the creation of this thesis.
5. Wahyu Afrianti, S.Pd. As the headmaster of MTs. Nurul Jihad Tembilahan Hulu,
all the research on their school and all the students at VIII grade.
6. Drs. H. Abd. Gaffar. HK. As the headmaster of MTs. PP. Tunas Harapan
Tembilahan and all the teachers who have permitted and given the researcher a

chance to carry out a research on their school, and all the students at VIII grade
who contributed in this research.
7. My beloved father (Zainuddin) and my mother (Asnia) who always support I do
8. My beloved brother (Indra Fitriawan, A.Md) and my sister (Nurlaili, SE) for
their patience, material support, and endless love during her academic years at
the intuition.
9. All of my best friend (Susi, Cici, Julaiha and Agny).
Finally, the researcher realized that this thesis is far from being perfect.
Therefore, the researcher will happily accept constructive criticism in order to make
it better. The researcher hopes this thesis would be beneficial for all.

Tembilahan, 25 April 2016

The researcher,

NIM. 502121010042


Munira. 502121010042. 2016. Kemampuan Siswa dalam Menggunakan Kalimat

Ellip di Kelas Delapan Madrasah Tsanawiyah Pondok Pesantren Tunas
Harapan Tembilahan. Skipsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Indragiri

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa

dalam menggunakan Elliptical Construction. Desain pada penelitian ini adalah
penelitian deskriptif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Pondok Pesantren Tunas Harapan Tembilahan. Peneliti telah mengambil
68 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan semua
jumlah populasi. Peneliti melakukan tes dengan menggunakan 20 pertanyaan. Siswa
diminta memilih salah satu pertanyaan yang benar yang berkaitan dengan
penggunaan Elliptical Construction. Tes berbentuk pilihan ganda. Jumlah nilai rata-
rata diambil dari 4 (empat) indikator yaitu kalimat yang menggunakan so, too, either
dan neither. Dengan nilai rata-rata 54,55 atau dalam Tingkat Cukup. Dari hasil data
diatas peneliti telah menyimpulkan bahwa lebih dari 50% siswa mampu
menggunakan Elliptical Construction. Jadi, peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa
siswa kurang memahami dalam menggunakan Elliptical Construction, itu
ditunjukkan dari hasil persentase dimana siswa yang memiliki nilai yang Sangat
Baik hanya 16,17%, hal itu dikarenakan materi Elliptical Construction tidak
menjadi pelajaran inti dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris.

Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Belajar, Elliptical Construction


Munira. 502121010042. 2016. A Study on Students’ Ability in Using Elliptical

Construction at VIII Grade of MTs. PP. Tunas Harapan Temblahan. A
Thesis. English Study Program Teachers Training and Education Faculty
Islamic University of Indragiri Tembilahan.

The purpose of this study is to determine the ability of students to use the
Elliptical Construction. Design of this research was descriptive research. The
population in this study were students of VIII class MTs. PP. Tunas Harapan
Tembilahan. The researcher took 68 students as samples. The sampling technique in
this research is total sampling. The researcher conducted tests using 20 questions.
The students were asked to select one of the right questions relating to the use of
Elliptical Construction. Multiple choice tests. Total average value taken from four (4
) indicators is 54.55 or in Enough Levels. From the results of the above data the
researcher concluded that more than 50 % of students were able to use the Elliptical
Construction. So, the researcher concluded that the students less comprehend in
using Elliptical Constructon, it showed from the percentage result where the students
who having Excellent score only 16.17%. It because matery of Elliptical
Constrution is not to be the main lesson in English subject.

Key Words: Students’ Ability, Elliptical Construction

DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................ i
DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................... iii
ABSTRK .................................................................................................................................... v
ABSTRACK ............................................................................................................................. vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................. vii
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................. ix
LIST OF CHARTS .................................................................................................................. x
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................................. xi

CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................ 1

A. Background of the Research ................................................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem .................................................................. 3
C. Limitation of the Problem ........................................................................ 3
D. Research Question ..................................................................................... 4
E. Purpose of the Research ........................................................................... 4
F. Significances of the Research ......................................................... 4
G. Definition of the Key Terms ............................................................ 5

CHAPTER II . REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ........................................... 6

A. Riview of Related Theories ..................................................................... 6
B. Riview of Related Findings ................................................................... 13
C. Conceptual Framework .......................................................................... 15

CHAPTER III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................... 16

A. Research Design ..................................................................................... 16
B. Location and Time of the Research ..................................................... 17
C. Population and Sample ........................................................................... 17
D. Research Instrument ............................................................................... 19
E. Data Collection Technique .................................................................... 22

F. Data Analysis Technique ..................................................................... 23
FINDING .................................................................................................... 25
A. The Presentation of Data .................................................................... 25
B. The Reseach Finding ............................................................................ 33

CHAPTER V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................................. 49

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................ 35
B. Suggestion .............................................................................................. 35

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 36
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 38


Table III.1 : Population of the Research ................................................................... 18

Table III2 : Blue print of the research instrument .................................................. 19
Table III.3 : Classification of the Reliability ............................................................ 24
Table IV.1 : The Classification of Item Difficulties ............................................... 26
Table IV.2 : The Classification of the Students’ Ability in Using Reflexive
Pronoun .................................................................................................. 28
Table IV.3 : The Classification of the Students’ Ability in Using indefinite
Pronoun .................................................................................................. 30

Chart 1 : The Students’ Ability in Using Reflexive Pronoun........................................ 29
Chart 2 : The Students’ Ability in Using Indefinite Pronoun........................................ 31
Chart 3 : The Comparison of Students’ Ability in Using Elliptical Construction ..... 32


Appendix 1 : Try Out Test .............................................................................................. 38

Appendix 2 : The Answer Key of Try Out Test ........................................................... 44
Appendix 3 : The Result of Try Out Test ..................................................................... 45
Appendix 4 : The Reliability of Try Out Test .............................................................. 46
Appendix 5 : The Instrument Test ................................................................................. 48
Appendix 6 : The Answer Key of Instrument Test ...................................................... 52
Appendix 7 : The Result of Instrument Test ................................................................ 53
Appendix 8 : The Students’ Ability in Using Reflexive Pronoun ............................. 68
Appendix 9 : The Students’ Ability in Using Indefinite Pronoun ............................. 55
Appendix 10 : The Mean Score of the Students’ Ability in Using Reflexive
Pronoun .................................................................................................... 56
Appendix 11 : The Mean Score of the Students’ Ability in Using Indefinite
Pronoun ............................................................................................................................. 57
Appendix 12 : The Mean Score of the Students’ Ability in Using Reflexive Pronoun
and Indefinite Pronoun ........................................................................................................ 58
Appendix 13 : The Decumentation of Try Out Test ...................................................... 86
Appendix 14 : The Decumentation of Instrument Test ................................................. 88


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