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Pendahuluan: Rinitis Alergi (RA) adalah penyakit akibat inflamasi yang diperantarai oleh
sistem imun khususnya imunoglobulin E yang bekerja pada saat membran mukosa hidung
terpapar dengan alergen. Prevalensi RA berbeda-beda di setiap negara dan meningkat setiap
tahunnya diseluruh dunia. Faktor risiko yang dapat memperparah RA antara lain paparan
serbuk sari, bulu hewan-hewan tertentu, debu, bahan iritan seperti asap, polusi dan bebauan
yang kuat.

Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar prevalensi rintis alergi dan
faktor-faktor risiko rinitis alergi.

Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan desain cross-sectional.

Populasi penelitian adalah siswa-siswi berusia 13-14 tahun di Yayasan Perguruan Pelita Aek
Kanopan. Sampel dipilih secara total sampling dan diperoleh 93 orang responden siswa-siswi.

Hasil: Analisis data univariat menunjukkan dari 93 sampel, terdapat 57 orang (61,3%) yang
dicurigai menderita RA (laki-laki 36,8% dan perempuan 63,2%), dengan IMT sebesar 78,9%
normal. Diduga positif memiliki riwayat atopi lain seperti asma dan dermatitis atopi 63,2%.
Positif memiliki riwayat atopi keluarga 42,1%,. Positif diduga mengalami atopic march
19,3%. Sampel yang menggunakan bahan bakar untuk memasak paling banyak adalah gas
75,4%. Terpapar polusi asap rokok sebesar 91,2%, dan positif memelihara kucing/anjing

Kesimpulan: Anak perempuan lebih banyak yang diduga menderita rinitis alergi dibandingkan
anak laki-laki. Faktor risiko paling tinggi adalah diduga memiliki riwayat atopi lain sebesar
63,2%, memelihara kucing atau anjing sebesar 66,7%, dan seringnya terpapar polusi asap
rokok sebesar 91,2%.

Kata kunci: Prevalensi, faktor risiko, rinitis alergi


Introduction: Allergic Rhinitis (AR) is an inflammatory disease mediated by the immune

system especially immunoglobulin E which acts on the nasal mucous membrane exposed to
allergens. The prevalence of AR varies in every country and increases annually throughout the
world. AR factors that can aggravate AR include exposure to pollen, fur of certain animals,
dust, irritant materials such as smoke, pollution and strong odors.

Objective: This study aimed to determine how much the prevalence of allergic rhinitis and risk
factors of allergic rhinitis.

Method: This study was a descriptive research with cross-sectional design. The population was
13 -14 years old students at Yayasan Perguruan Pelita Aek Kanopan. Samples were chosen in
total sampling and 93 respondents were obtained.

Results: Univariate data analysis showed that of 93 samples, there were 57 people (61.3%) who
were suspected of having AR (men 36.8% and female 63.2%), with normal BMI was 78.9%.
Suspected positively has other atopy history such as asthma and atopy dermatitis 63.2%. AR
with positive family history of 42.1%. Positive suspected atopic march 19.3%. The sample that
used the most fuel for cooking is 75.4% gas. Exposure to cigarette smoke pollution was 91.2%,
and positively maintained cats / dogs 66.7%.

Conclusions: More females were suspected of having allergic rhinitis than male. The highest
risk factor was alleged to have another atopy history of 63.2%, keeping the cat or dog 66.7%,
and frequent exposure to cigarette smoke by 91.2%.

Keywords: Prevalence, risk factors, allergic rhinitis

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