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Carnodon Strike Squadron (Imperialis Militia & Cults)

60 points per model

The Carnodon is a versatile medium battle tank which acted as the lynchpin for many of the storied successes of the Imperial Army during the Great
Crusade. As a premier mobile fire platform, it was regularly adapted to combat a wide variety of foes and respond to any number of battlefield conditions. At
Gamma-Incunablar, a squadron of the 43rd Veradan’s Carnodons, fitted with las weaponry, brought down the first of the great Basemekanic beasts which
had subjugated that world, their concentrated firepower surpassing even the Predator tanks of the IIIrd Legion to punch through the vast creature’s thick
metallic hide. On Hektun, the 3rd Saturnyne Rams earned their reputation as the ‘Incinerators’ of the Solar Auxilia when their Carnodons, fitted entirely
with volkite weaponry, were used to strategically ignite the hydrogen-rich vents of the Phenaem’s tunnel structures, eradicating the foul xenos within.

The Carnodon tank was foremost of many initiatives undertaken by the Imperial Host to exploit the modular design of the relatively new Aurox chassis
during the expansion of the Imperium by creating variants based on it. During the early years of the Great Crusade, it rapidly became a byword for conquest
amongst the Expeditionary fleets, a legacy which led to the production of the dedicated Imperial battle tanks of latter-days. As the Great Crusade moved
ever outwards and supply of the Aurox chassis peaked, it is thought that many Carnodon tanks entered a strategic reserve and were distributed to Crusade
muster worlds behind the front lines; with over two hundred thousand examples thought to have been stored pending secondary mobilisation in the warrens
under the world of Tallarn.

BS Front Side Rear HP
Carnodon 3 12 11 10 3

Unit Composition Options

• 1-3 Carnodon Tanks • Any Carnodon may exchange both of its sponson-mounted heavy flamers for either of the
following two sets of sponson weapons:
Unit Type -- Heavy bolters............................................................................................................................................. Free
• Vehicle (Tank) -- Autocannon................................................................................................................+10 points per model
• Any Carnodon may take one of the following pintle-mounted weapons:
Wargear -- Heavy stubber.............................................................................................................. +2 points per model
• Twin-linked autocannon
• Two sponson-mounted heavy flamers
• Searchlight A Carnodon Strike Squadron may
• Smoke launchers be taken as a Heavy Support choice
in Imperialis Militia & Cults

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