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Body System Checklist

Circulatory System
• Major functions of circulatory system - Transports of nutrients oxygen and hormone cells
throughout the body and removal of metabolic waste
• Diagram that includes the major parts - heart, artery, vein, capillary - and list the function(s) of

each. - Heart - Pumps blood throughout the body , Artery - CArry oxygenated
blood away from the heart to the tissues , Vein - Return deoxygenated blood back to the heart after the
arteries carry blood out , Capillary - Bring nutrients and oxygen to tissues and remove waste products
• Describe each of the components of blood- red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, &
- Transport oxygen and nutrients to lungs and tissues , form blood clots to prevent excess blood
• Describe the path blood travels through your body - Blood goes into the heart through 2 large
veins , inferior and superior vena cava , empties oxygen poor blood through right atrium when the
atrium contracts the blood flows from your right atrium to your right ventricle through open valve
• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. Use 2 examples. - The
body systems rely on each other to function . Ex 1 - The digestive system works with the circulatory
system to get the absorbed nutrients distributed throughout the body
• Describe two diseases associated with your body system - Chronic disease - chronic
inflammation of the digestive tract occurs in the region of the small intestine farthest from your
stomach - Jaundice - yellowing of the skin and or eyes caused by excess of pigment bilirubin typically
caused by obstruction in bile duct , liver disease , or excessive breakdown of red cells

Digestive System
• Major functions of digestive system - Digestion and Absorption - Breaks down food into small
molecules they then are absorbed into the body , divided into two major parts The Digestive tract
(alimentary canal) a continuous tube with two openings , The mouth and the anus
• Diagram that includes the major parts - mouth, esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, liver, pancreas, and large intestine - and list the function(s) of each. - Mouth -
where the digestion starts chews and breaks down food , Esophagus - Connects the throat
to the stomach , Stomach - Secretes acid and enzymes that digest the food churn the food
to enhance digestion , Small Intestine - digestion and absorption occurs here absorbs

nutrients and minerals of the food , Liver - Produces proteins important for the body , Pancreas -
Converts food we eat into fuel for the bodyś cells , Large intestine - absorbs water from the remaining
indigestible food matter also transmits useless waste material from the body
• Describe the path food travels throughout the digestive system. - Begins in the mouth , to your
throat travel down through the esophagus to the stomach to the small intestine and finally through the
large intestine
• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. Use 2 examples.

- The digestive system works closely with the circulatory system to get the absorbed nutrients
distributed through your body
- The digestive system collects and removes undigested soils the the excretory systems filters
compounds from the bloodstream and collects the urine

Endocrine System
• Major functions of endocrine system - controls all body functions regulates glucose regulates
fluid balance and supports sexual characteristic hormones
• Describe what hormones are and what they do - Pituitary gland ; produces hormones that travel
throughout the body stimulating other glands to produce other hormones

- Adrenal glands ; produce hormones that you can’t live without including sex and cortisol
- Thyroid gland ; ductless glands in the neck that secretes hormones regulating growth and
development through rate of metabolism
- Parathyroid glands; four tiny glands located on the neck control the body's calcium level
- Gonads ; organ that produces gametes

• Diagram that includes the major parts - hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus,

thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, and testes - and list the
function(s) of each. - Hypothalamus ; controls certain metabolic processes and
other activities of the autonomic nervous system

- Pancreas; converts food we eat into food for the body’s cells
- Ovaries ; produce eggs for fertilization and produce reproductive

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. Use
at least 2 examples. - Circulatory system is the transport system for endocrine system - endocrine
system works with digestive system through hormones to produce hormone insulin
• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.
Adrenal hormone excess and Hypoglycemia

Excretory System
• Major functions of excretory system responsible for the elimination of waste products by
• Diagram that includes the major parts - lungs, kidneys, urinary
bladder, ureter, urethra, liver, and skin - and list the function(s) of each.
Lungs ; oxygen enters the lungs when we breath

- Kidneys ; help body pass waste as urine

- Urinary bladder;stores urine
- Ureter; tube carries urine from kidney to urinary bladder
- Urethra; Tube carries urine from bladder to the outside of the
- Liver ; produces proteins important in blood cloggings

• Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 2
examples. - Excretory system is close with the circulatory and endocrine system

- With the circulatory , it circulates the blood through the body and passes through one of the

• Find 5 fun facts about your body system. -- body contains nearly 100 trillion cells

- 10 times as many bacteria in the human body as cells - average adult take over 20,000
breath a day - every square inch of the human body has 19 million cells

• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system. - diabetes - appendicitis

Muscular System
• Major functions of muscular system - for support , protection , allows movement , produces
• Describe the function and locations of each type of muscle – skeletal
muscle, smooth muscle, and cardiac muscle - skeletal muscle ; moves the limbs
and other parts of the body

- Smooth muscle;

• Diagram that includes the major muscles in the body - biceps, oblique
abdominis, sartorius, deltoid, orbicularis oculi, sternomastoid, gastrocnemius,
pectoral, temporalis, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, tibialis, masseter, rectus
abdominis, and triceps
• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.

Gallstones - hardened deposit within the fluid in the gallbladder
Stomach ulcers- sore that develops on the lining of the esophagus stomach or small intestine

Nervous System
• Description and major functions of the central nervous system
and peripheral nervous system. Peripheral nervous system includes all
nerves in the body that lie outside of the spinal cord and the brain.
Nerves carry information to the central nervous system to provide
complex body functions
• Diagram that includes the major parts - brain, spinal cord,
nerves, and neurons - and list the function(s) of each. Brain - processing
sensory information

- Spinal cords- connects part of peripheral to the brain ,

information reaches the spinal cord through sensory neurons
- Nerves- transmits signals throughout the body
- Neurons- process and transmits information

• Describe the path a nerve impulse travels throughout your body

from stimulus to response. interneurons—connect sensory and motor neurons and interpret the impulse; only
in the brain and spinal cord. When a stimulus is received by a sensory neuron, the impulse (or message) is carried
through fibrous extensions called dendrites to the cell body.
• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system. - Alzheimer's disease - affects the brains
function and memory

- Parkinson's disorder of central nervous system affects movement

Respiratory System
• Major functions of respiratory system Blood stream deliver oxygen to the
cells and removes waste carbon dioxide through internal respiration . Red blood
cells carry oxygen absorbed from the lungs around the body through the
• Diagram that includes the major parts - trachea, lungs, diaphragm,
epiglottis, larynx, vocal cords - and list the function(s) of each. Trachea- part of the
bodies airway provides airflow to and from the lungs

- Lungs - process of respiration

- Diaphragm - separates thoracic cavity , air drawn into lungs
- Larynx - manipulates pitch and volume

• Describe the “breathing” process. Your diaphragm contracts when you inhale and moves
downwards , which increases your chest cavity then your lungs expand
• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.Asthma - airways become inflamed
narrow and swell

- Pneumonia - infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs which may fill with fluid

Skeletal System
• Major functions of skeletal system - Support , protection and movement of the
• Diagram that includes the major parts -bones, ligaments, and tendon - and list the
function(s) of each. NOTE: Your diagram should also include the following bones in the
body: cranium, clavicle, humerus, scapula, sternum, rib, vertebra, ulna, radius, carpals,
metacarpals, phalanges, pelvis (may list parts), femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, and
metatarsals. -

- Bones - support and protect organs of the body

- Ligaments- connect bones and tendons to muscles
- Tendons - join muscle to the bones

• Describe each of the following joints and where they are located: hinge, pivot, and ball-and-
socket. You may include other joints as well. - HInge - ankle elbow and knee bones

- Pivot rotary bone allows only rotary movement around single axis

• Describe 2 diseases associated with your body system.

- Osteoporosis - bones become weak and brittle

- Osteomalacia - bones soften deficiency of vitamin D and calcium

What is homeostasis? Why is it important?

Answer: Humans' internal body temperature is a great example of homeostasis. When an
individual is healthy, his or her body temperature retains a temperature 98.6 degrees
Fahrenheit. Cells depend on the body environment to live and function. Homeostasis keeps the
body environment under control and keeps the conditions right for cells to live and function.

Without the right body conditions, certain processes (eg osmosis) and proteins (eg enzymes) will
not function properly.

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