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Linear Regression

4766 In the following, we will apply the mathematical concepts from Chap-
4767 ters 2, 5, 6 and 7 to solving linear regression (curve fitting) problems.
4768 In regression, we want to find a function f that maps inputs x ∈ RD to regression
4769 corresponding function values f (x) ∈ R given a set of training inputs
4770 xn and corresponding observations yn = f (xn ) + , where  is a random
4771 variable that comprises measurement noise and unmodeled processes. An
4772 illustration of such a regression problem is given in Figure 9.1. A typi-
4773 cal regression problem is given in Figure 9.1(a): For some input values
4774 x we observe (noisy) function values y = f (x) + . The task is to in-
4775 fer the function f that generated the data. A possible solution is given
4776 in Figure 9.1(b), where we also show three distributions centered at the
4777 function values f (x) that represent the noise in the data.
4778 Regression is a fundamental problem in machine learning, and regres-
4779 sion problems appear in a diverse range of research areas and applica-
4780 tions, including time-series analysis (e.g., system identification), control
4781 and robotics (e.g., reinforcement learning, forward/inverse model learn-
4782 ing), optimization (e.g., line searches, global optimization), and deep-
4783 learning applications (e.g., computer games, speech-to-text translation,
4784 image recognition, automatic video annotation). Regression is also a key
4785 ingredient of classification algorithms.

Figure 9.1
0.4 0.4 (a) Dataset;
(b) Possible solution
0.2 0.2
to the regression
0.0 0.0 problem.

−0.2 −0.2

−0.4 −0.4

−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
x x

(a) Regression problem: Observed noisy (b) Regression solution: Possible function
function values from which we wish to infer that could have generated the data (blue)
the underlying function that generated the with indication of the measurement noise of
data. the function value at the corresponding in-
puts (orange distributions).

Draft chapter (July 2, 2018) from “Mathematics for Machine Learning” 2018 by Marc Peter
Deisenroth, A Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong. To be published by Cambridge University Press.
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262 Linear Regression

4786 Finding a regression function requires solving a variety of problems,

4787 including

4788 • Choice of the model (type) and the parametrization of the regres-
4789 sion function. Given a data set, what function classes (e.g., polynomi-
4790 als) are good candidates for modeling the data, and what particular
4791 parametrization (e.g., degree of the polynomial) should we choose?
4792 Model selection, as discussed in Section 8.5, allows us to compare var-
4793 ious models to find the simplest model that explains the training data
4794 reasonably well.
4795 • Finding good parameters. Having chosen a model of the regression
4796 function, how do we find good model parameters? Here, we will need to
4797 look at different loss/objective functions (they determine what a “good”
4798 fit is) and optimization algorithms that allow us to minimize this loss.
4799 • Overfitting and model selection. Overfitting is a problem when the
4800 regression function fits the training data “too well” but does not gen-
4801 eralize to unseen test data. Overfitting typically occurs if the underly-
4802 ing model (or its parametrization) is overly flexible and expressive, see
4803 Section 8.5. We will look at the underlying reasons and discuss ways to
4804 mitigate the effect of overfitting in the context of linear regression.
4805 • Relationship between loss functions and parameter priors. Loss func-
4806 tions (optimization objectives) are often motivated and induced by prob-
4807 abilistic models. We will look at the connection between loss functions
4808 and the underlying prior assumptions that induce these losses.
4809 • Uncertainty modeling. In any practical setting, we have access to only
4810 a finite, potentially large, amount of (training) data for selecting the
4811 model class and the corresponding parameters. Given that this finite
4812 amount of training data does not cover all possible scenarios, we way
4813 want to describe the remaining parameter uncertainty to obtain a mea-
4814 sure of confidence of the model’s prediction at test time; the smaller the
4815 training set the more important uncertainty modeling. Consistent mod-
4816 eling of uncertainty equips model predictions with confidence bounds.

4817 In the following, we will be using the mathematical tools from Chap-
4818 ters 3, 5, 6 and 7 to solve linear regression problems. We will discuss
4819 maximum likelihood and maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation to find
4820 optimal model parameters. Using these parameter estimates, we will have
4821 a brief look at generalization errors and overfitting. Toward the end of
4822 this chapter, we will discuss Bayesian linear regression, which allows us to
4823 reason about model parameters at a higher level, thereby removing some
4824 of the problems encountered in maximum likelihood and MAP estimation.

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9.1 Problem Formulation 263
15 15 15 Figure 9.2 Linear
10 10 10 regression without
5 5 5 features. (a)
Example functions
0 0 0

that fall into this
5 5 5 category. (b)
10 10 10 Training set. (c)
15 15 15
10 5 0 5 10 10 5 0 5 10 10 5 0 5 10 likelihood estimate.
x x x
(a) Example functions (b) Training set. (c) Maximum likelihood esti-
(straight lines) that can be mate
described using the linear
model in (9.2).

4825 9.1 Problem Formulation

We consider the regression problem
y = f (x) +  , (9.1)
4826 where x ∈ RD are inputs and y ∈ R are noisy function values (targets).
4827 Furthermore,  ∼ N 0, σ 2 is independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.)
4828 measurement noise. In this particular case,  is Gaussian distributed with
4829 mean 0 and variance σ 2 . Our objective is to find a function that is close
4830 (similar) to the unknown function that generated the data.
In this chapter, we focus on parametric models, i.e., we choose a para-
metrized function f and find parameters that “work well” for modeling the
data. In linear regression, we consider the special case that the parameters
appear linearly in our model. An example of linear regression is
y = f (x) +  = x> θ +  , (9.2)

where θ ∈ RD are the parameters we seek, and  ∼ N 0, σ is i.i.d. 2

Gaussian measurement/observation noise. The class of functions described

by (9.2) are straight lines that pass through the origin. In (9.2), we chose
a parametrization f (x) = x> θ . For the time being we assume that the
noise variance σ 2 is known. The noise model induces the likelihood likelihood

p(y | x, θ) = N y | x> θ, σ 2 ,

4831 which is the probability of observing a target value y given that we know
4832 the input location x and the parameters θ . Note that the only source of
4833 uncertainty originates from the observation noise (as x and θ are assumed
4834 known in (9.3))—without any observation noise, the relationship between
4835 x and y would be deterministic and (9.3) would be a delta distribution.
4836 For x, θ ∈ R the linear regression model in (9.2) describes straight lines
4837 (linear functions), and the parameter θ would be the slope of the line.
4838 Figure 9.2(a) shows some examples. This model is not only linear in the
4839 parameters, but also linear in the inputs x. We will see later that y = φ(x)θ
4840 for nonlinear transformations φ is also a linear regression model because

2018 Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. To be published by Cambridge University Press.
264 Linear Regression

4841 “linear regression” refers to models that are “linear in the parameters”, i.e.,
Linear regression 4842 models that describe a function by a linear combination of input features.
refers to models that
4843 In the following, we will discuss in more detail how to find good pa-
are linear in the
4844 rameters θ and how to evaluate whether a parameter set “works well”.

4845 9.2 Parameter Estimation

Consider the linear regression setting (9.2) and assume we are given a
training set training set D consisting of N inputs xn ∈ RD and corresponding ob-
Figure 9.3 servations/targets yn ∈ R, n = 1, . . . , N . The corresponding graphical
Probabilistic model is given in Figure 9.3. Note that yi and yj are conditionally in-
graphical model for
dependent given their respective inputs xi , xj , such that the likelihood
linear regression.
Observed random function factorizes according to
variables are N N
N yn | x> 2

p(y1 , . . . , yN | x1 , . . . , xN ) = p(yn | xn ) = n θ, σ . (9.4)
known values are n=1 n=1
without circles. The
4846 The likelihood and the factors p(yn | xn ) are Gaussian due to the noise
parameters θ are
treated as
4847 distribution.
unknown/latent In the following, we are interested in finding optimal parameters θ ∗ ∈
quantities. RD for the linear regression model (9.2). Once the parameters θ ∗ are
found, we can predict function values by using this parameter estimate
θ in (9.2) so that at an arbitrary test input x∗ we predict the probability for
σ an output y∗ as
p(y∗ | x∗ , θ ∗ ) = N y∗ | x> ∗ 2

xn yn ∗θ , σ . (9.5)

n = 1, . . . , N 4848 In the following, we will have a look at parameter estimation by maxi-

4849 mizing the likelihood, a topic that we already covered to some degree in
4850 Section 8.3.

4851 9.2.1 Maximum Likelihood Estimation

maximum likelihood
4852 A widely used approach to finding the desired parameters θ ML is maximum
estimation 4853 likelihood estimation where we find parameters θ ML that maximize the
Maximizing the 4854 likelihood (9.4).
likelihood means We obtain the maximum likelihood parameters as
maximizing the
probability of the θ ML = arg max p(y | X, θ) , (9.6)
(training) data θ
given the
4855 where we define the design matrix X := [x1 , . . . , xN ]> ∈ RN ×D and
4856 y := [y1 , . . . , yN ]> ∈ RN as the collections of training inputs and targets,
design matrix
4857 respectively. Note that the nth row in the design matrix X corresponds to
The likelihood is not
4858 the data point xn .
a probability
distribution in the
4859 Remark. Note that the likelihood is not a probability distribution in θ : It
parameters. 4860 is simply a function of the parameters θ but does not integrate to 1 (i.e.,

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9.2 Parameter Estimation 265

4861 it is unnormalized), and may not even be integrable with respect to θ .

4862 However, the likelihood in (9.6) is a normalized probability distribution
4863 in the data y . ♦
Since the logarithm
4864 To find the desired parameters θ ML that maximize the likelihood, we is a (strictly)
4865 typically perform gradient ascent (or gradient descent on the negative monotonically
increasing function,
4866 likelihood). In the case of linear regression we consider here, however, the optimum of a
4867 a closed-form solution exists, which makes iterative gradient descent un- function f is
4868 necessary. In practice, instead of maximizing the likelihood directly, we identical to the
4869 apply the log-transformation to the likelihood function and minimize the optimum of log f .
4870 negative log-likelihood.
4871 Remark (Log Transformation). Since the likelihood function is a product
4872 of N Gaussian distributions, the log-transformation is useful since a) it
4873 does not suffer from numerical underflow, b) the differentiation rules will
4874 turn out simpler. Numerical underflow will be a problem when we mul-
4875 tiply N probabilities, where N is the number of data points, since we
4876 cannot represent very small numbers, such as 10−256 . Furthermore, the
4877 log-transform will turn the product into a sum of log-probabilities such
4878 that the corresponding gradient is a sum of individual gradients, instead
4879 of a repeated application of the product rule (5.54) to compute the gradi-
4880 ent of a product of N terms. ♦
To find the optimal parameters θ ML of our linear regression problem,
we minimize the negative log-likelihood
− log p(y | X, θ) = − log p(yn | xn , θ) = − log p(yn | xn , θ) , (9.7)
n=1 n=1

4881 where we exploited that the likelihood (9.4) factorizes over the number
4882 of data points due to our independence assumption on the training set.
In the linear regression model (9.2) the likelihood is Gaussian (due to
the Gaussian additive noise term), such that we arrive at
log p(yn | xn , θ) = − (yn − x> 2
n θ) + const (9.8)
2σ 2
where the constant includes all terms independent of θ . Using (9.8) in The negative
the negative log-likelihood (9.7) we obtain (ignoring the constant terms) log-likelihood
function is also
N called error function.
1 X
L(θ) := − log p(y | X, θ) = (yn − x>
n θ)
2σ 2 n=1
1 1 2
= 2
(y − Xθ)> (y − Xθ) = 2 ky − Xθk , (9.9b)
2σ 2σ
4883 where X = [x1 , · · · , xN ]> ∈ RN ×D .
4884 Remark. There is some notation overloading: We often summarize the
4885 set of training inputs in X , whereas in the design matrix we additionally
4886 assume a specific “shape”. ♦

2018 Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. To be published by Cambridge University Press.
266 Linear Regression

4887 In (9.9b) we used the fact that the sum of squared errors between the
4888 observations yn and the corresponding model prediction x> n θ equals the
4889 squared distance between y and Xθ . Remember from Section 3.1 that
4890 kxk = x> x if we choose the dot product as the inner product.
4891 With (9.9b) we have now a concrete form of the negative log-likelihood
4892 function we need to optimize. We immediately see that (9.9b) is quadratic
4893 in θ . This means that we can find a unique global solution θ ML for mini-
4894 mizing the negative log-likelihood L. We can find the global optimum by
4895 computing the gradient of L, setting it to 0 and solving for θ .
Using the results from Chapter 5, we compute the gradient of L with
respect to the parameters as
dL d 1 >
= (y − Xθ) (y − Xθ) (9.10a)
dθ dθ 2σ 2
1 d  > 
= 2 y y − 2y > Xθ + θ > X > Xθ (9.10b)
2σ dθ
= 2 (−y > X + θ > X > X) ∈ R1×D . (9.10c)
As a necessary optimality condition we set this gradient to 0 and obtain
dL (9.10c)
= 0 ⇐⇒ θ > X > X = y > X (9.11a)

⇐⇒ θ > = y > X(X > X)−1 (9.11b)
> −1 >
⇐⇒ θ ML = (X X) X y . (9.11c)

4896 We could right-multiply the first equation by (X > X)−1 because X > X is
4897 positive definite (if we do not have two identical inputs xi , xj for i 6= j ).
4898 Remark. In this case, setting the gradient to 0 is a necessary and sufficient
4899 condition and we obtain a global minimum since the Hessian ∇2θ L(θ) =
4900 X > X ∈ RD×D is positive definite. ♦

Example 9.1 (Fitting Lines)

Let us have a look at Figure 9.2, where we aim to fit a straight line f (x) =
θx, where θ is an unknown slope, to a data set using maximum likelihood
estimation. Examples of functions in this model class (straight lines) are
shown in Figure 9.2(a). For the data set shown in Figure 9.2(b) we find
the maximum likelihood estimate of the slope parameter θ using (9.11c)
and obtain the maximum likelihood linear function in Figure 9.2(c).

Linear regression 4901 Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Features

refers to “linear-in- So far, we considered the linear regression setting described in (9.2),
which allowed us to fit straight lines to data using maximum likelihood
regression models,
but the inputs can estimation. However, straight lines are not particularly expressive when it
undergo any comes to fitting more interesting data. Fortunately, linear regression offers
Draft (2018-07-02) from Mathematics for Machine Learning. Errata and feedback to
9.2 Parameter Estimation 267

us a way to fit nonlinear functions within the linear regression framework:

Since “linear regression” only refers to “linear in the parameters”, we can
perform an arbitrary nonlinear transformation φ(x) of the inputs x and
then linearly combine the components of the result. The model parame-
ters θ still appear only linearly. The corresponding linear regression model
y = φ> (x)θ +  = θk φk (x) +  , (9.12)

4902 where φ : RD → RK is a (nonlinear) transformation of the inputs x and

4903 φk : RD → R is the k th component of the feature vector φ. feature vector

Example 9.2 (Polynomial Regression)

We are concerned with a regression problem y = φ> (x)θ+, where x ∈ R
and θ ∈ RK . A transformation that is often used in this context is
 
  1
φ0 (x)  x 
 
 φ1 (x)   x2 
φ(x) =  ..  =  x  ∈ RK . (9.13)
   3 
 .  
 . 

φK−1 (x)  .. 
This means, we “lift” the original one-dimensional input space into a
K -dimensional feature space consisting of all monomials xk for k =
0, . . . , K − 1. With these features, we can model polynomials of degree
6 K − 1 within the framework of linear regression: A polynomial of de-
gree K − 1 is
f (x) = θk xk = φ> (x)θ (9.14)

where φ is defined in (9.13) and θ = [θ0 , . . . , θK−1 ]> ∈ RK contains the

(linear) parameters θk .

Let us now have a look at maximum likelihood estimation of the param-

eters θ in the linear regression model (9.12). We consider training inputs
xn ∈ RD and targets yn ∈ R, n = 1, . . . , N , and define the feature matrix feature matrix
(design matrix) as design matrix

φ0 (x1 ) · · · φK−1 (x1 )

 
 > 
φ (x1 )
..   φ0 (x2 ) · · · φK−1 (x2 ) 
 
Φ :=  =
  .. ..  ∈ RN ×K , (9.15)

 . . 
φ (xN )
φ0 (xN ) · · · φK−1 (xN )
4904 where Φij = φj (xi ) and φj : RD → R.

2018 Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. To be published by Cambridge University Press.
268 Linear Regression

Example 9.3 (Feature Matrix for Second-order Polynomials)

For a second-order polynomial and N training points xn ∈ R, n =
1, . . . , N , the feature matrix is
1 x1 x21
 
1 x2 x22 
Φ =  .. .. ..  . (9.16)
 
. . . 
1 xN x2N

With the feature matrix Φ defined in (9.15) the negative log-likelihood

for the linear regression model (9.12) can be written as
− log p(y | X, θ) = (y − Φθ)> (y − Φθ) + const . (9.17)
2σ 2
Comparing (9.17) with the negative log-likelihood in (9.9b) for the “feature-
free” model, we immediately see we just need to replace X with Φ. Since
both X and Φ are independent of the parameters θ that we wish to opti-
maximum likelihood mize, we arrive immediately at the maximum likelihood estimate
θ ML = (Φ> Φ)−1 Φ> y (9.18)
4905 for the linear regression problem with nonlinear features defined in (9.12).
4906 Remark. When we were working without features, we required X > X to
4907 be invertible, which is the case when the rows of X are linearly inde-
4908 pendent. In (9.18), we therefore require Φ> Φ to be invertible. This is
4909 the case if and only if the rows of the feature matrix are linearly inde-
4910 pendent. Nonlinear feature transformations can make previously linearly
4911 dependent inputs X linearly independent (and vice versa). ♦

Example 9.4 (Maximum Likelihood Polynomial Fit)

Figure 9.4
Polynomial 4 4 Training data
regression. (a) Data MLE
set consisting of 2 2
(xn , yn ) pairs,
n = 1, . . . , 10; (b) 0 0

likelihood −2 −2
polynomial of
degree 4. −4 −4

−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
x x
(a) Regression data set. (b) Polynomial of degree 4 determined by max-
imum likelihood estimation.

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9.2 Parameter Estimation 269

Consider the data set in Figure 9.5(a). The data set consists of N = 20
pairs (xn , yn ), where xn ∼ U[−5, 5] and yn = − sin(xn /5) + cos(xn ) + ,
where  ∼ N 0, 0.22 .
We fit a polynomial of degree K = 4 using maximum likelihood esti-
mation, i.e., parameters θ ML are given in (9.18). The maximum likelihood
estimate yields function values φ> (x∗ )θ ML at any test location x∗ . The
result is shown in Figure 9.5(b).

4912 Estimating the Noise Variance

Thus far, we assumed that the noise variance σ 2 is known. However, we
can also use the principle of maximum likelihood estimation to obtain
σML for the noise variance. To do this, we follow the standard procedure:
we write down the log-likelihood, compute its derivative with respect to
σ 2 > 0, set it to 0 and solve:
logp(y | X, θ, σ 2 ) = log N yn | θ > φ(xn ), σ 2

X 1 1 2 1 > 2
= − log(2π) − log σ − 2 (yn − θ φ(xn )) (9.19b)
2 2 2σ
N 1 X
=− log σ 2 − 2 (yn − θ > φ(xn ))2 + const . (9.19c)
2 2σ n=1
| {z }

The partial derivative of the log-likelihood with respect to σ 2 is then

∂ log p(y | X, θ, σ 2 ) N 1
= − 2 + 4s = 0 (9.20a)
∂σ 2 2σ 2σ
N s
⇐⇒ 2
= 4 (9.20b)
2σ 2σ
s 1 X
⇐⇒ σML =2
= (yn − θ > φ(xn ))2 . (9.20c)
N N n=1
4913 Therefore, the maximum likelihood estimate for the noise variance is the
4914 mean squared distance between the noise-free function values θ > φ(xn )
4915 and the corresponding noisy observations yn at xn , for n = 1, . . . , N .

4916 9.2.2 Overfitting in Linear Regression

We just discussed how to use maximum likelihood estimation to fit linear
models (e.g., polynomials) to data. We can evaluate the quality of the
model by computing the error/loss incurred. One way of doing this is
to compute the negative log-likelihood (9.9b), which we minimized to

2018 Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. To be published by Cambridge University Press.
270 Linear Regression
Figure 9.5 4 Training data 4 Training data 4 Training data
2 2 2
likelihood fits for
different polynomial y 0 0 0

degrees M . −2 −2 −2

−4 −4 −4

−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
x x x

(a) M = 0 (b) M = 1 (c) M = 3

4 Training data 4 Training data 4 Training data

2 2 2

0 0 0

−2 −2 −2

−4 −4 −4

−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
x x x

(d) M = 4 (e) M = 6 (f) M = 9

determine the MLE. Alternatively, given that the noise parameter σ 2 is not
a free model parameter, we can ignore the scaling by 1/σ 2 , so that we end
up with a squared-error-loss function ky − Φθk . Instead of using this
root mean squared squared loss, we often use the root mean squared error (RMSE)
error (RMSE) v
q u
u1 X N
ky − Φθk /N = t (yn − φ> (xn )θ)2 , (9.21)
N n=1

The RMSE is 4917 which (a) allows us to compare errors of data sets with different sizes
normalized. 4918 and (b) has the same scale and the same units as the observed function
4919 values yn . For example, assume we fit a model that maps post-codes (x
4920 is given in latitude,longitude) to house prices (y -values are EUR). Then,
4921 the RMSE is also measured in EUR, whereas the squared error is given
4922 in EUR2 . If we choose to include the factor σ 2 from the original negative
4923 log-likelihood (9.9b) then we end up with a “unit-free” objective.
4924 For model selection (see Section 8.5) we can use the RMSE (or the
4925 negative log-likelihood) to determine the best degree of the polynomial
4926 by finding the polynomial degree M that minimizes the objective. Given
4927 that the polynomial degree is a natural number, we can perform a brute-
4928 force search and enumerate all (reasonable) values of M . For a training
4929 set of size N it is sufficient to test 0 6 M 6 N − 1. For M > N we would
4930 need to solve an underdetermined system of linear equations so that we
4931 would end up with infinitely many solutions.
4932 Figure 9.5 shows a number of polynomial fits determined by maximum
4933 likelihood for the dataset from Figure 9.5(a) with N = 10 observations.
4934 We notice that polynomials of low degree (e.g., constants (M = 0) or
4935 linear (M = 1) fit the data poorly and, hence, are poor representations
4936 of the true underlying function. For degrees M = 3, . . . , 5 the fits look

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9.2 Parameter Estimation 271

10 Figure 9.6 Training

Training error and test error.
8 Test error


0 2 4 6 8
Degree of polynomial

4937 plausible and smoothly interpolate the data. When we go to higher-degree

4938 polynomials, we notice that they fit the data better and better—in the
4939 extreme case of M = N − 1 = 9, the function will pass through every
4940 single data point. However, these high-degree polynomials oscillate wildly
4941 and are a poor representation of the underlying function that generated
4942 the data, such that we suffer from overfitting. overfitting
4943 Remember that the goal is to achieve good generalization by making Note that the noise
4944 accurate predictions for new (unseen) data. We obtain some quantita- variance σ 2 > 0.
4945 tive insight into the dependence of the generalization performance on the
4946 polynomial of degree M by considering a separate test set comprising 200
4947 data points generated using exactly the same procedure used to generate
4948 the training set. As test inputs, we chose a linear grid of 200 points in the
4949 interval of [−5, 5]. For each choice of M , we evaluate the RMSE (9.21) for
4950 both the training data and the test data.
4951 Looking now at the test error, which is a qualitive measure of the gen-
4952 eralization properties of the corresponding polynomial, we notice that ini-
4953 tially the test error decreases, see Figure 9.6 (orange). For fourth-order
4954 polynomials the test error is relatively low and stays relatively constant up
4955 to degree 5. However, from degree 6 onward the test error increases signif-
4956 icantly, and high-order polynomials have very bad generalization proper-
4957 ties. In this particular example, this also is evident from the corresponding
4958 maximum likelihood fits in Figure 9.5. Note that the training error (blue training error
4959 curve in Figure 9.6) never increases when the degree of the polynomial in-
4960 creases. In our example, the best generalization (the point of the smallest
4961 test error) is obtained for a polynomial of degree M = 4. test error

4962 9.2.3 Regularization and Maximum A Posteriori Estimation

We just saw that maximum likelihood estimation is prone to overfitting. It
often happens that the magnitude of the parameter values becomes rela-
tively big if we run into overfitting (Bishop, 2006). One way to mitigate
the effect of overfitting is to penalize big parameter values by a technique

2018 Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. To be published by Cambridge University Press.
272 Linear Regression

regularization called regularization. In regularization, we add a term to the log-likelihood

that penalizes the magnitude of the parameters θ . A typical example is a
regularized “loss function” of the form
− log p(y | X, θ) + λ kθk2 , (9.22)
regularizer 4963 where the second term is the regularizer, and λ > 0 controls the “strict-
4964 ness” of the regularization.
4965 Remark. Instead of the Euclidean norm k·k2 , we can choose any p-norm
4966 k·kp . In practice, smaller values for p lead to sparser solutions. Here,
4967 “sparse” means that many parameter values θn = 0, which is also use-
LASSO 4968 ful for variable selection. For p = 1, the regularizer is called LASSO (least
4969 absolute shrinkage and selection operator) and was proposed by Tibshi-
4970 rani (1996). ♦
From a probabilistic perspective, adding a regularizer is identical to
placing a prior distribution p(θ) on the parameters and then selecting
the parameters that maximize the posterior distribution p(θ | X, y), i.e.,
we choose the parameters θ that are “most probable” given the training
data. The posterior over the parameters θ , given the training data X, y ,
is obtained by applying Bayes’ theorem as
p(y | X, θ)p(θ)
p(θ | X, y) = . (9.23)
p(y | X)
4971 The parameter vector θ MAP that maximizes the posterior (9.23) is called
maximum 4972 the maximum a-posteriori (MAP) estimate.
a-posteriori To find the MAP estimate, we follow steps that are similar in flavor
MAP to maximum likelihood estimation. We start with the log-transform and
compute the log-posterior as
log p(θ | X, y) = log p(y | X, θ) + log p(θ) + const , (9.24)
4973 where the constant comprises the terms that are independent of θ . We see
4974 that the log-posterior in (9.24) is the sum of the log-likelihood p(y | X, θ)
4975 and the log-prior log p(θ).
Remark (Relation to Regularization). Choosing a Gaussian parameter prior
p(θ) = N 0, b2 I , b2 = 2λ , the (negative) log-prior term will be
− log p(θ) = λθ
| {z θ} + const , (9.25)

4976 and we recover exactly the regularization term in (9.22). This means that
4977 for a quadratic regularization, the regularization parameter λ in (9.22)
4978 corresponds to twice the precision (inverse variance) of the Gaussian (iso-
4979 tropic) prior p(θ). Therefore, the log-prior in (9.24) reflects the impact
4980 of the regularizer that penalizes implausible values, i.e., values that are
4981 unlikely under the prior. ♦

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9.2 Parameter Estimation 273

To find the MAP estimate θ MAP , we minimize the negative log-posterior

distribution with respect to θ , i.e., we solve

θ MAP ∈ arg min{− log p(y | X, θ) − log p(θ)} . (9.26)


We determine the gradient of the negative log-posterior with respect to θ

d log p(θ | X, y) d log p(y | X, θ) ∂ log p(θ)
− =− − , (9.27)
dθ dθ ∂θ
4982 where we identify the first term on the right-hand-side as the gradient of
4983 the negative log-likelihood given in (9.10c). 
More concretely, with a Gaussian prior p(θ) = N 0, b2 I on the param-
eters θ , the negative log-posterior for the linear regression setting (9.12),
we obtain the negative log posterior
1 1
− log p(θ | X, y) = 2
(y − Φθ)> (y − Φθ) + 2 θ > θ + const . (9.28)
2σ 2b
Here, the first term corresponds to the contribution from the log-likelihood,
and the second term originates from the log-prior. The gradient of the log-
posterior with respect to the parameters θ is then
d log p(θ | X, y) 1 1
− = 2 (θ > Φ> Φ − y > Φ) + 2 θ > . (9.29)
dθ σ b
We will find the MAP estimate θ MAP by setting this gradient to 0:
1 > > 1
(θ Φ Φ − y > Φ) + 2 θ > = 0 (9.30a)
σ   b
> 1 > 1 1
⇐⇒ θ 2
Φ Φ + 2 I − 2 y>Φ = 0 (9.30b)
σ b σ
⇐⇒ θ > Φ> Φ + 2 I = y > Φ (9.30c)

> > >
⇐⇒ θ = y Φ Φ Φ + 2 I (9.30d)
so that we obtain the MAP estimate (by transposing both sides of the last Φ> Φ is symmetric
equality) and positive
semidefinite and the
−1 additional term is

θ MAP = Φ Φ + 2 I Φ> y . (9.31) strictly positive
b definite, such that
all eigenvalues of
4984 Comparing the MAP estimate in (9.31) with the maximum likelihood es- the matrix to be
4985 timate in (9.18) we see that the only difference between both solutions inverted are
4986 is the additional term σb2 I in the inverse matrix.This term ensures that positive.
4987 Φ> Φ + σb2 I is symmetric and strictly positive definite (i.e., its inverse
4988 exists) and plays the role of the regularizer. regularizer

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274 Linear Regression

Example 9.5 (MAP Estimation for Polynomial Regression)

Figure 9.7 4 4 Training data

Polynomial MLE
regression: 2 2 MAP
likelihood and MAP 0 0

−2 Training data −2
−4 MAP −4

−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
x x

In the polynomial regression example

 from Section 9.2.1, we place
a Gaussian prior p(θ) = N 0, I on the parameters θ and determine
the MAP estimates according to (9.31). In Figure 9.7, we show both the
maximum likelihood and the MAP estimates for polynomials of degree 6
(left) and degree 8 (right). The prior (regularizer) does not play a signifi-
cant role for the low-degree polynomial, but keeps the function relatively
smooth for higher-degree polynomials. However, the MAP estimate can
only push the boundaries of overfitting – it is not a general solution to this

4989 In the following, we will discuss Bayesian linear regression where we

4990 average over all plausible sets of parameters instead of focusing on a point
4991 estimate.

4992 9.3 Bayesian Linear Regression

4993 Previously, we looked at linear regression models where we estimated the
4994 model parameters θ , e.g., by means of maximum likelihood or MAP esti-
4995 mation. We discovered that MLE can lead to severe overfitting, in particu-
4996 lar, in the small-data regime. MAP addresses this issue by placing a prior
Bayesian linear 4997 on the parameters that plays the role of a regularizer.
regression 4998 Bayesian linear regression pushes the idea of the parameter prior a step
4999 further and does not even attempt to compute a point estimate of the pa-
5000 rameters, but instead the full posterior over the parameters is taken into
5001 account when making predictions. This means we do not fit any param-
5002 eters, but we compute an average over all plausible parameters settings
5003 (according to the posterior).

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9.3 Bayesian Linear Regression 275

5004 9.3.1 Model

In Bayesian linear regression, we consider the model

prior p(θ) = N m0 , S 0 ,
likelihood p(y | x, θ) = N y | φ> (x)θ, σ 2 ,

where we now explicitly place a Gaussian prior p(θ) = N m0 , S 0 on Figure 9.8
θ , which turns the parameter vector into a latent variable. The full proba- Graphical model for
Bayesian linear
bilistic model, i.e., the joint distribution of observed and latent variables,
y and θ , respectively, is
m0 S0
p(y, θ | x) = p(y | x, θ)p(θ) , (9.33)
5005 which allows us to write down the corresponding graphical model in Fig-
5006 ure 9.8, where we made the parameters of the Gaussian prior on θ explicit.
x y

5007 9.3.2 Prior Predictions

In practice, we are usually not so much interested in the parameter values
θ . Instead, our focus often lies in the predictions we make with those pa-
rameter values. In a Bayesian setting, we take the parameter distribution
and average over all plausible parameter settings when we make predic-
tions. More specifically, to make predictions at an input location x∗ , we
integrate out θ and obtain
p(y∗ | x∗ ) = p(y∗ | x∗ , θ)p(θ)dθ = Eθ [p(y∗ | x∗ , θ)] , (9.34)

5008 which we can interpret as the average prediction of y∗ | x∗ , θ for all plausi-
5009 ble parameters θ according to the prior distribution p(θ). Note that predic-
5010 tions using the prior distribution only require to specify the input locations
5011 x∗ , but no training data.
In our model, we chose a conjugate (Gaussian) prior on θ so that the
predictive distribution is Gaussian as well (and can be computed in closed
form): With the prior distribution p(θ) = N m0 , S 0 , we obtain the pre-
dictive distribution as

p(y∗ | x∗ ) = N φ> (x∗ )m0 , φ> (x∗ )S 0 φ(x∗ ) + σ 2 ,


5012 where we used that (i) the prediction is Gaussian due to conjugacy and the
5013 marginalization property of Gaussians, (ii), the Gaussian noise is indepen-
5014 dent so that V[y∗ ] = V[φ> (x∗ )θ] + V[], (iii) y∗ is a linear transformation
5015 of θ so that we can apply the rules for computing the mean and covariance
5016 of the prediction analytically by using (6.50) and (6.51), respectively.
5017 In (9.35), the term φ> (x∗ )S 0 φ(x∗ ) in the predictive variance explicitly
5018 accounts for the uncertainty associated with the parameters θ , whereas σ 2
5019 is the uncertainty contribution due to the measurement noise.

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276 Linear Regression

Example 9.6 (Prior over Functions)

Let us consider a Bayesian linear regression problem with polynomials
of degree 5. We choose a parameter prior p(θ) = N 0, 41 I . Figure 9.9
visualizes the distribution over functions induced by this parameter prior,
including some function samples from this prior.
Figure 9.9 Prior
over functions. 4 4
(a) Distribution over
functions 2 2
represented by the
mean function 0 0

(black line) and the
marginal −2 −2
(shaded), −4 −4
representing the
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
95% confidence x x
bounds; (a) Prior distribution over functions. (b) Samples from the prior distribution over
(b) Samples from functions.
the prior over
functions, which are
induced by the
samples from the 5020 So far, we looked at computing predictions using the parameter prior
parameter prior. 5021 p(θ). However, when we have a parameter posterior (given some train-
5022 ing data X, y ), the same principles for prediction and inference hold
5023 as in (9.34) – we just need to replace the prior p(θ) with the posterior
5024 p(θ | X, y). In the following, we will derive the posterior distribution in
5025 detail before using it to make predictions.

5026 9.3.3 Posterior Distribution

Given a training set of inputs xn ∈ RD and corresponding observations
yn ∈ R, n = 1, . . . , N , we compute the posterior over the parameters
using Bayes’ theorem as
p(y | X, θ)p(θ)
p(θ | X, y) = , (9.36)
p(y | X)
where X is the collection of training inputs and y the collection of train-
ing targets. Furthermore, p(y | X, θ) is the likelihood, p(θ) the parameter
prior and
p(y | X) = p(y | X, θ)p(θ)dθ (9.37)

marginal likelihood
5027 the marginal likelihood/evidence, which is independent of the parameters
evidence 5028 θ and ensures that the posterior is normalized, i.e., it integrates to 1. We
5029 can think of the marginal likelihood as the likelihood averaged over all
5030 possible parameter settings (with respect to the prior distribution p(θ)).

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9.3 Bayesian Linear Regression 277

In our specific model (9.32), the posterior (9.36) can be computed in

closed form as

p(θ | X, y) = N θ | mN , S N , (9.38a)
S N = (S −1
0 +σ
−2 >
Φ Φ)−1 , (9.38b)
mN = S N (S −1
0 m0 +σ −2 >
Φ y) , (9.38c)
5031 where the subscript N indicates the size of the training set. In the follow-
5032 ing, we will detail how we arrive at this posterior.
Bayes’ theorem tells us that the posterior p(θ | X, y) is proportional to
the product of the likelihood p(y | X, θ) and the prior p(θ):
p(y | X, θ)p(θ)
posterior p(θ | X, y) = (9.39a)
p(y | X)
p(y | X, θ) = N y | Φθ, σ 2 I

likelihood (9.39b)

prior p(θ) = N θ | m0 , S 0 (9.39c)
5033 We will discuss two approaches to derive the desired posterior.

5034 Approach 1: Linear Transformation of Gaussian Random Variables

Looking at the numerator of the posterior in (9.39a), we know that the
Gaussian prior times the Gaussian likelihood (where the parameters on
which we place the Gaussian appears linearly in the mean) is an (un-
normalized) Gaussian (see Section 6.6.2). If necessary, we can find the
normalizing constant using (6.114). If we want to compute that product
by using the results from (6.112)–(6.113) in Section 6.6.2, we need to
ensure the product has the “right” form, i.e.,
N y | Φθ, σ 2 I N θ | m0 , S 0 = N θ | µ, Σ N θ | m0 , S 0
for some µ, Σ. With this form we determine the desired product immedi-
ately as
N θ | µ, Σ N θ | m0 , S 0 ∝ N θ | mN , S N (9.41a)
S N = (S 0−1 + Σ−1 )−1 (9.41b)
mN = S N (S −1
0 m0 + Σ
µ) . (9.41c)

In order to get the “right” form, we need to turn N y | Φθ, σ 2 I into

N θ | µ, Σ for appropriate choices of µ, Σ. We will do this by using
a linear transformation of Gaussian random variables (see Section 6.6),
which allows us to exploit the property that linearly transformed Gaussian
random variables are Gaussian distributed. More specifically, we will find
µ = By and Σ = σ 2 BB > by linearly transforming the relationship
y = Φθ in the likelihood into By = θ for a suitable B . We obtain
×Φ> ×(Φ> Φ)−1
y = Φθ ⇐⇒ Φ> y = Φ> Φθ ⇐⇒ (Φ> Φ)−1 Φ> y = θ (9.42)
| {z }

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278 Linear Regression

Therefore, we can write θ = By , and by using the rules for linear trans-
formations of the mean and covariance from (6.50)–(6.51) we obtain
N θ | By, σ 2 BB > = N θ | (Φ> Φ)−1 Φ> y, σ 2 (Φ> Φ)−1
5035 after some re-arranging of the terms for the covariance matrix.
If we now look at (9.43) and define its mean as µ and covariance matrix
as Σ in (9.41c) and (9.41b), respectively, we obtain the covariance
and the mean mN of the parameter posterior N θ | mN , S N as

S N = (S −1
0 +σ
−2 >
Φ Φ)−1 , (9.44a)
mN = S N (S −1
0 m0
> >
+ σ −2 (Φ Φ) (Φ Φ)−1 Φ y ) >
| {z }| {z }
Σ−1 µ

= S N (S −1
0 m0 +σ −2 >
Φ y) , (9.44c)
The posterior mean
5036 respectively. Note that the posterior mean mN equals the MAP estimate
equals the MAP 5037 θ MAP from (9.31). This also makes sense since the posterior distribution is
5038 unimodal (Gaussian) with its maximum at the mean.
Remark. The posterior precision (inverse covariance)
1 >
S −1 −1
N = S0 + Φ Φ (9.45)
5039 of the parameters θ (see (9.44a)) contains two terms: S −10 is the prior
5040 precision and σ12 Φ> Φ is a data-dependent (precision) term. Both terms
5041 (matrices) are symmetric and positive definite. The data-dependent term
Φ> Φ accumulates5042
Φ> Φ grows as more data is taken into account. This means (at least)
contributions from5043 two things:
the data.
5044 • The posterior precision grows as more and more data is taken into ac-
5045 count; therefore, the covariance, and with it the uncertainty about the
5046 parameters, shrinks.
5047 • The relative influence of the parameter prior vanishes for large N .
5048 Therefore, for N → ∞ the prior plays no role, and the parameter posterior
5049 tends to a point estimate, the MAP estimate. ♦

5050 Approach 2: Completing the Squares

5051 Instead of looking at the product of the prior and the likelihood, we can
5052 transform the problem into log-space and solve for the mean and covari-
5053 ance of the posterior by completing the squares.
The sum of the log-prior and the log-likelihood is
log N y | Φθ, σ 2 I + log N θ | m0 , S 0
= − σ −2 (y − Φθ)> (y − Φθ) + (θ − m0 )> S −1

0 (θ − m0 + const

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where the constant contains terms independent of θ . We will ignore the

constant in the following. We now factorize (9.46b), which yields
1 −2 >
− σ y y − 2σ −2 y > Φθ + θ > σ −2 Φ> Φθ + θ > S −1
0 θ
2 (9.47a)
> −1 > −1

− 2m0 S 0 θ + m0 S 0 m0
= − θ > (σ −2 Φ> Φ + S −1 −2 >
Φ y + S −1 >

0 )θ − 2(σ 0 m0 ) θ + const ,

where the constant contains the black terms in (9.47a), which are inde-
pendent of θ . The orange terms are terms that are linear in θ , and the
blue terms are the ones that are quadratic in θ . By inspecting (9.47b), we
find that this equation is quadratic in θ . The fact that the unnormalized
log-posterior distribution is a (negative) quadratic form implies that the
posterior is Gaussian, i.e.,

p(θ | X, y) = exp(log p(θ | X, y)) ∝ exp(log p(y | X, θ) + log p(θ))

∝ exp − θ > (σ −2 Φ> Φ + S −1
0 )θ − 2(σ −2 >
Φ y + S −1
0 m 0 ) >
θ ,

5054 where we used (9.47b) in the last expression.

The remaining task is it to bring this (unnormalized)
 Gaussian into the
form that is proportional to N θ | mN , S N , i.e., we need to identify the
mean mN and the covariance matrix S N . To do this, we use the concept
of completing the squares. The desired log-posterior is completing the
log N θ | mN , S N = − (θ − mN )> S −1
N (θ − mN ) + const
= − θ > S −1 > −1 > −1

N θ − 2mN S N θ + mN S N mN . (9.49b)
Here, we factorized the quadratic form (θ − mN )> S −1 N (θ − mN ) into a
term that is quadratic in θ alone (blue), a term that is linear in θ (orange),
and a constant term (black). This allows us now to find S N and mN by
matching the colored expressions in (9.47b) and (9.49b), which yields

S −1 > −2
N = Φ σ IΦ + S −1
0 ⇐⇒ S N = (σ −2 Φ> Φ + S −1
0 )
−1 −2 >
N S N = (σ Φ y + S −1
0 m0 )
⇐⇒ mN = S N (σ −2 Φ> y + S −1
0 m0 ) .

5055 This is identical to the solution in (9.44a)–(9.44c), which we obtained by

5056 linear transformations of Gaussian random variables.

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280 Linear Regression

Remark (Completing the Squares—General Approach). If we are given an

x> Ax − 2a> x + const1 , (9.52)
where A is symmetric and positive definite, which we wish to bring into
the form
(x − µ)> Σ(x − µ) + const2 , (9.53)
we can do this by setting
Σ := A , (9.54)
µ := Σ a (9.55)
5057 and const2 = const1 − µ> Σµ. ♦
We can see that the terms inside the exponential in (9.48b) are of the
form (9.52) with
A := σ −2 Φ> Φ + S −1
0 , (9.56)
a := σ −2
Φ y+ S −1
0 m0 . (9.57)
5058 Since A, a can be difficult to identify in equations like (9.47a), it is of-
5059 ten helpful to bring these equations into the form (9.52) that decouples
5060 quadratic term, linear terms and constants, which simplifies finding the
5061 desired solution.

5062 9.3.4 Posterior Predictions

In (9.34), we computed the predictive distribution of y∗ at a test input
x∗ using the parameter prior p(θ). In principle, predicting with the pa-
rameter posterior p(θ | X, y) is not fundamentally different given that
in our conjugate model the prior and posterior are both Gaussian (with
different parameters). Therefore, by following the same reasoning as in
Section 9.3.2 we obtain the (posterior) predictive distribution
p(y∗ | X, y, x∗ ) = p(y∗ | x∗ , θ)p(θ | X, y)dθ (9.58a)
= N y∗ | φ> (x∗ )θ, σ 2 N θ | mN , S N dθ (9.58b)

= N y∗ | φ> (x∗ )mN , φ> (x∗ )S N φ(x∗ ) + σ 2 (9.58c)

5063 The term φ> (x∗ )S N φ(x∗ ) reflects the posterior uncertainty associated
5064 with the parameters θ . Note that S N depends on the training inputs X ,
5065 see (9.44a). The predictive mean coincides with the MAP estimate.
Remark (Mean and Variance of Noise-Free Function Values). In many
cases, we are not interested in the predictive distribution p(y∗ | X, y, x∗ )
of a (noisy) observation. Instead, we would like to obtain the distribution

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9.3 Bayesian Linear Regression 281

of the (noise-free) latent function values f (x∗ ) = φ> (x∗ )θ . We deter-

mine the corresponding moments by exploiting the properties of means
and variances, which yields
E[f (x∗ ) | X, y] = Eθ [φ> (x∗ )θ | X, y] = φ> (x∗ )Eθ [θ | X, y]
= φ> (x∗ )mN = m>
N φ(x∗ ) ,

Vθ [f (x∗ ) | X, y] = Vθ [φ> (x∗ )θ | X, y]

= φ> (x∗ )Vθ [θ | X, y]φ(x∗ ) (9.60)
= φ (x∗ )S N φ(x∗ )
5066 We see that the predictive mean is the same as the predictive mean for
5067 noisy observations as the noise has mean 0, and the predictive variance
5068 only differs by σ 2 , which is the variance of the measurement noise: When
5069 we predict noisy function values, we need to include σ 2 as a source of
5070 uncertainty, but this term is not needed for noise-free predictions. Here,
5071 the only remaining uncertainty stems from the parameter posterior. ♦ Integrating out
5072 Remark (Distribution over Functions). The fact that we integrate out the parameters induces
5073 parameters θ induces a distribution over functions: If we sample θ i ∼ a distribution over
5074 p(θ | X, y) from the parameter posterior, we obtain a single function re-
5075 alization θ >
i φ(·). The mean function, i.e., the set of all expected function mean function
5076 values Eθ [f (·) | θ, X, y], of this distribution over functions is m> N φ(·).
5077 The (marginal) variance, i.e., the variance of the function f (·), are given
5078 by φ> (·)S N φ(·). ♦

Example 9.7 (Posterior over Functions)

Figure 9.10
4 4 4 Bayesian linear
2 2 2 regression and
0 0 0
posterior over

Training data functions. (a)

−2 −2 MLE −2
Training data; (b)
−4 −4 BLR −4 posterior
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4 distribution over
x x x
functions; (c)
(a) Training data. (b) Posterior over functions rep- (c) Samples from the posterior
Samples from the
resented by the marginal un- over functions, which are in-
posterior over
certainties (shaded) showing duced by the samples from the
the 95% predictive confidence parameter posterior.
bounds, the maximum likeli-
hood estimate (MLE) and the
MAP estimate (MAP), which is
identical to the posterior mean

Let us revisit the Bayesian linear regression problem withpolynomials

of degree 5. We choose a parameter prior p(θ) = N 0, 41 I . Figure 9.9

2018 Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. To be published by Cambridge University Press.
282 Linear Regression

visualizes the prior over functions induced by the parameter prior and
sample functions from this prior.
Figure 9.10 shows the posterior over functions that we obtain
via Bayesian linear regression. The training dataset is shown in Fig-
ure 9.11(a); Figure 9.11(b) shows the posterior distribution over func-
tions, including the functions we would obtain via maximum likelihood
and MAP estimation. The function we obtain using the MAP estimate also
corresponds to the posterior mean function in the Bayesian linear regres-
sion setting. Figure 9.11(c) shows some plausible realizations (samples)
of functions under that posterior over functions.

5079 Figure 9.11 shows some examples of the posterior distribution over
5080 functions induced by the parameter posterior. For different polynomial de-
5081 grees M the left panels show the maximum likelihood estimate, the MAP
5082 estimate (which is identical to the posterior mean function) and the 95%
5083 predictive confidence bounds, represented by the shaded area. The right
5084 panels show samples from the posterior over functions: Here, we sampled
5085 parameters θ i from the parameter posterior and computed the function
5086 φ> (x∗ )θ i , which is a single realization of a function under the posterior
5087 distribution over functions. For low-order polynomials, the parameter pos-
5088 terior does not allow the parameters to vary much: The sampled functions
5089 are nearly identical. When we make the model more flexible by adding
5090 more parameters (i.e., we end up with a higher-order polynomial), these
5091 parameters are not sufficiently constrained by the posterior, and the sam-
5092 pled functions can be easily visually separated. We also see in the corre-
5093 sponding panels on the left how the uncertainty increases, especially at
5094 the boundaries. Although for a 7th-order polynomial the MAP estimate
5095 yields a reasonable fit, the Bayesian linear regression model additionally
5096 tells us that the posterior uncertainty is huge. This information can be crit-
5097 ical when we use these predictions in a decision-making system, where
5098 bad decisions can have significant consequences (e.g., in reinforcement
5099 learning or robotics).

5100 9.3.5 Computing the Marginal Likelihood

In Section 8.5.2, we highlighted the importance of the marginal likelihood
for Bayesian model selection. In the following, we compute the marginal
likelihood for Bayesian linear regression with a conjugate Gaussian prior
on the parameters, i.e., exactly the setting we have been discussing in this
chapter. Just to re-cap, we consider the following generative process:

θ ∼ N m0 , S 0 (9.61a)
> 2

yn | xn , θ ∼ N xn θ, σ , (9.61b)

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9.3 Bayesian Linear Regression 283
Figure 9.11
4 4 Bayesian linear
regression. Left
2 2 panels: Shaded
areas indicate the
0 0

95% predictive
Training data
confidence bounds.
−2 MLE −2 The mean of the
Bayesian linear
−4 BLR −4 regression model
−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4 coincides with the
x x MAP estimate. The
(a) Posterior distribution for polynomials of degree M = 3 (left) and samples from the posterior predictive
over functions (right). uncertainty is the
sum of the noise
term and the
4 4 posterior parameter
uncertainty, which
2 2 depends on the
location of the test
0 0

input. Right panels:

Training data
Sampled functions
−2 MLE −2 from the posterior
−4 BLR −4

−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
x x
(b) Posterior distribution for polynomials of degree M = 5 (left) and samples from the posterior
over functions (right).

4 Training data 4
2 MAP 2
0 0

−2 −2

−4 −4

−4 −2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2 4
x x
(c) Posterior distribution for polynomials of degree M = 7 (left) and samples from the posterior
over functions (right).

n = 1, . . . , N . The marginal likelihood is given by The marginal

Z likelihood can be
p(y | X) = p(y | X, θ)p(θ)dθ (9.62a) interpreted as the
expected likelihood
under the prior, i.e.,
= N y | Xθ, σ 2 I N θ | m0 , S 0 dθ ,
(9.62b) Eθ [p(y | X, θ)].

5101 where we integrate out the model parameters θ . We compute the marginal
5102 likelihood in two steps: First, we show that the marginal likelihood is

2018 Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. To be published by Cambridge University Press.
284 Linear Regression

5103 Gaussian (as a distribution in y ); Second, we compute the mean and co-
5104 variance of this Gaussian.

5105 1. The marginal likelihood is Gaussian: From Section 6.6.2 we know that
5106 (i) the product of two Gaussian random variables is an (unnormal-
5107 ized) Gaussian distribution, (ii) a linear transformation of a Gaussian
5108 random variable is Gaussian distributed. In (9.62b), we require a linear

5109 transformation to bring N y | Xθ, σ 2 I into the form N θ | µ, Σ for
5110 some µ, Σ. Once this is done, the integral can be solved in closed form.
5111 The result is the normalizing constant of the product of the two Gaus-
5112 sians. The normalizing constant itself has Gaussian shape, see (6.114).
2. Mean and covariance. We compute the mean and covariance matrix
of the marginal likelihood by exploiting the standard results for means
and covariances of affine transformations of random variables, see Sec-
tion 6.4.4. The mean of the marginal likelihood is computed as

Eθ [y | X] = Eθ [Xθ + ] = X Eθ [θ] = Xm0 . (9.63)

Note that  ∼ N 0, σ 2 I is a vector of i.i.d. random variables. The
covariance matrix is given as

Covθ [y] = Cov[Xθ] + σ 2 I = X Covθ [θ]X > + σ 2 I (9.64a)

> 2
= XS 0 X + σ I (9.64b)

Hence, the marginal likelihood is

N 1
p(y | X) = (2π)− 2 det(XS 0 X > + σ 2 I)− 2
× exp − 12 (y − Xm0 )> (XS 0 X > + σ 2 I)−1 (y − Xm0 ) .


5113 The marginal likelihood can now be used for Bayesian model selection as
5114 discussed in Section 8.5.2.

5115 9.4 Maximum Likelihood as Orthogonal Projection

Having crunched through much algebra to derive maximum likelihood
and MAP estimates, we will now provide a geometric interpretation of
maximum likelihood estimation. Let us look at a simple linear regression

y = xθ + ,  ∼ N 0, σ 2 ,


5116 in which we consider linear functions f : R → R that go through the

5117 origin (we omit features here for clarity). The parameter θ determines the
5118 slope of the line. Figure 9.12 illustrates a one dimensional dataset.
With a training data set X = [x1 , . . . , xN ]> ∈ RN , y = [y1 , . . . , yN ]> ∈

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9.4 Maximum Likelihood as Orthogonal Projection 285

Figure 9.12
2 Observations
ML solution
1 Projection interpretation of
least squares. The
0 red dots are the

projections of the
noisy observations
(black dots) onto
the line θML x. The
−4 −2 0 2 4
maximum likelihood
solution to a linear
regression problem
RN , we recall the results from Section 9.2.1 and obtain the maximum finds a subspace
(line) onto which
likelihood estimator for the slope parameter as
the projection error
X >y (red lines) of the
θML = (X > X)−1 X > y = ∈ R. (9.67) observations is
X >X minimized.
This means for the training inputs X we obtain the optimal (maxi-
mum likelihood) reconstruction of the training data, i.e., the approxima-
tion with the minimum least-squares error
X >y XX >
XθML = X = y. (9.68)
X >X X >X
5119 As we are basically looking for a solution of y = Xθ, we can think Linear regression
5120 of linear regression as a problem for solving systems of linear equations. can be thought of as
a method for solving
5121 Therefore, we can relate to concepts from linear algebra and analytic ge-
systems of linear
5122 ometry that we discussed in Chapters 2 and 3. In particular, looking care- equations.
5123 fully at (9.68) we see that the maximum likelihood estimator θML in our Maximum
5124 example from (9.66) effectively does an orthogonal projection of y onto likelihood linear
5125 the one-dimensional subspace spanned by X . Recalling the results on or- regression performs
XX > an orthogonal
5126 thogonal projections from Section 3.6, we identify X > X as the projection
5127 matrix, θML as the coordinates of the projection onto the one-dimensional
5128 subspace of RN spanned by X and XθML as the orthogonal projection of
5129 y onto this subspace.
5130 Therefore, the maximum likelihood solution provides also a geometri-
5131 cally optimal solution by finding the vectors in the subspace spanned by
5132 X that are “closest” to the corresponding observations y , where “closest”
5133 means the smallest (squared) distance of the function values yn to xn θ.
5134 This is achieved by orthogonal projections.
In the general linear regression case where
y = φ> (x)θ + ,  ∼ N 0, σ 2

with vector-valued features φ(x) ∈ RK , we again can interpret the maxi-
mum likelihood result
y ≈ Φθ ML , (9.70)
> −1 >
θ ML = Φ(Φ Φ) Φ y (9.71)

2018 Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong. To be published by Cambridge University Press.
286 Linear Regression

5135 as a projection onto a K -dimensional subspace of RN , which is spanned

5136 by the columns of the feature matrix Φ, see Section 3.6.2.
If the feature functions φk that we use to construct the feature ma-
trix Φ are orthonormal (see Section 3.5), we obtain a special case where
the columns of Φ form an orthonormal basis (see Section 3.7), such that
Φ> Φ = I . This will then lead to the projection
> >
X >
Φ(Φ Φ) Φy = ΦΦ y = φk φk y (9.72)

5137 so that the coupling between different features has disappeared and the
5138 maximum likelihood projection is simply the sum of projections of y onto
5139 the individual basis vectors φk , i.e., the columns of Φ. Many popular basis
5140 functions in signal processing, such as wavelets and Fourier bases, are
5141 orthogonal basis functions. When the basis is not orthogonal, one can
5142 convert a set of linearly independent basis functions to an orthogonal basis
5143 by using the Gram-Schmidt process (Strang, 2003).

5144 9.5 Further Reading

In this chapter, we discussed linear regression for Gaussian likelihoods
and conjugate Gaussian priors on the parameters of the model. This al-
lowed for closed-form Bayesian inference. However, in some applications
we may want to choose a different likelihood function. For example, in
classification a binary classification setting, we observe only two possible (categorical)
outcomes, and a Gaussian likelihood is inappropriate in this setting. In-
stead, we can choose a Bernoulli likelihood that will return a probability
of the predicted label to be 1 (or 0). We refer to the books by Bishop
(2006); Murphy (2012); Barber (2012) for an in-depth introduction to
classification problems. A different example where non-Gaussian likeli-
hoods are important is count data. Counts are non-negative integers, and
in this case a Binomial or Poisson likelihood would be a better choice than
generalized linear a Gaussian. All these examples fall into the category of generalized linear
models models, a flexible generalization of linear regression that allows for re-
sponse variables that have error distribution models other than a Gaussian
distribution. The GLM generalizes linear regression by allowing the linear
model to be related to the observed values via a smooth and invertible
function σ(·) that may be nonlinear so that y = σ(f ), where f = θ > φ(x)
is the linear regression model from (9.12). We can therefore think of a
generalized linear model in terms of function composition y = σ◦f where
f is a linear regression model and σ the activation function. Note, that al-
though we are talking about “generalized linear models” the outputs y are
logistic regression no longer linear in the parameters θ . In logistic regression, we choose the
logistic sigmoid logistic sigmoid σ(f ) = 1+exp(−f )
∈ [0, 1], which can be interpreted as the
probability of observing a binary output y = 1 of a Bernoulli random vari-

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9.5 Further Reading 287

able. The function σ(·) is called transfer function or activation function, its transfer function
inverse is called the canonical link function. From this perspective, it is activation function
canonical link
also clear that generalized linear models are the building blocks of (deep)
feedforward neural networks: If we consider a generalized linear model For ordinary linear
y = σ(Ax + b), where A is a weight matrix and b a bias vector, we iden- regression the
tify this generalized linear model as a single-layer neural network with activation function
activation function σ(·). We can now recursively compose these functions would simply be the
Generalized linear
xk+1 = f k (xk ) models are the
(9.73) building blocks of
f k (xk ) = σk (Ak xk + bk )
deep neural
5145 for k = 0, . . . , K − 1 where x0 are the input features and xK = y networks.
5146 are the observed outputs, such that f K−1 ◦ · · · ◦ f 0 is a K -layer deep
5147 neural network. Therefore, the building blocks of this deep neural net-
5148 work are the generalized linear models defined in (9.73). A great post
5149 on the relation between GLMs and deep networks is available at https:
5150 // Neural networks (Bishop, 1995; Goodfellow
5151 et al., 2016) are significantly more expressive and flexible than linear re-
5152 gression models. However, maximum likelihood parameter estimation is a
5153 non-convex optimization problem, and marginalization of the parameters
5154 in a fully Bayesian setting is analytically intractable.
5155 We briefly hinted at the fact that a distribution over parameters in-
5156 duces a distribution over regression functions. Gaussian processes (Ras- Gaussian processes
5157 mussen and Williams, 2006) are regression models where the concept of
5158 a distribution over function is central. Instead of placing a distribution
5159 over parameters a Gaussian process places a distribution directly on the
5160 space of functions without the “detour” via the parameters. To do so, the
5161 Gaussian process exploits the kernel trick (Schölkopf and Smola, 2002), kernel trick
5162 which allows us to compute inner products between two function values
5163 f (xi ), f (xj ) only by looking at the corresponding input xi , xj . A Gaus-
5164 sian process is closely related to both Bayesian linear regression and sup-
5165 port vector regression but can also be interpreted as a Bayesian neural
5166 network with a single hidden layer where the number of units tends to
5167 infinity (Neal, 1996; Williams, 1997). An excellent introduction to Gaus-
5168 sian processes can be found in (MacKay, 1998; Rasmussen and Williams,
5169 2006).
5170 We focused on Gaussian parameter priors in the discussions in this chap-
5171 ters because they allow for closed-form inference in linear regression mod-
5172 els. However, even in a regression setting with Gaussian likelihoods we
5173 may choose a non-Gaussian prior. Consider a setting where the inputs are
5174 x ∈ RD and our training set is small and of size N  D. This means that
5175 the regression problem is under-determined. In this case, we can choose
5176 a parameter prior that enforces sparsity, i.e., a prior that tries to set as
5177 many parameters to 0 as possible (variable selection). This prior provides variable selection
5178 a stronger regularizer than the Gaussian prior, which often leads to an in-

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288 Linear Regression

5179 creased prediction accuracy and interpretability of the model. The Laplace
5180 prior is one example that is frequently used for this purpose. A linear re-
5181 gression model with the Laplace prior on the parameters is equivalent to
LASSO 5182 linear regression with L1 regularization (LASSO) (Tibshirani, 1996). The
5183 Laplace distribution is sharply peaked at zero (its first derivative is discon-
5184 tinuous) and it concentrates its probability mass closer to zero than the
5185 Gaussian distribution, which encourages parameters to be 0. Therefore,
5186 the non-zero parameters are relevant for the regression problem, which is
5187 the reason why we also speak of “variable selection”.

Draft (2018-07-02) from Mathematics for Machine Learning. Errata and feedback to

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