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Assabirin, Insya. 2018. Kontribusi Orang Tua Dan Dunia Usaha/Industri Terhadap
Mutu Layanan Dan Hasil Pendididikan Program TKR Di SMK N 1 Donorojo
Kabupaten Pacitan. Skripsi. Program Studi Pendidikan Teknik Otomotif,
Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Malang.
Pembimbing:(1) Prof. Dr. Amat Mukhadis, M.Pd. (2) Drs. Sumarli, M.Pd, M.T.
Kata Kunci: Kontribusi orang tua, kontribusi dunia usaha/industri terhadap mutu
layanan, hasil pendidikan.
Mutu layanan dan hasil pendidian dalam proses pembelajaran menjadi faktor
penentu berhasil atau tidaknya tujuan pendidikan. Mutu layanan yang tinggi dan hasil
pendidikan yang tinggi tidak akan didapatkan dengan mudah, banyak hal yang
mempengaruhi kuantitas dan kualitas belajar siswa yang pada akhirnya akan
mempengaruhi mutu layanan dan hasil belajar. Hal tersebut datang dari kontribusi
orang tua dan kontribusi dunia usaha/industri.
Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu (1) Mendeskripsikan kontribusi orang
tua (X1), kontribusi dunia usaha/industri (X2) terhadap mutu layanan program TKR di
SMK N 1 donorojo (Y1). (2) Mengungkap hubungan kontribusi orang tua (X1)
terhadap mutu layanan (Y1) program TKR di SMK N 1 donorojo. (3) Mengungkap
hubungan kontribusi dunia usaha/industri (X2) terhadap mutu layanan (Y1) program
TKR di SMK N 1 Donorojo. (4) Mengungkap hubungan simultan kontribusi orang tua
(X1) dan dunia usaha/industri (X2) terhadap mutu layanan (Y1) program TKR di SMK
N 1 donorojo. (5) Mendeskripsikan kontribusi orang tua (X1), kontribusi dunia
usaha/industri (X2) terhadap hasil pendidikan (Y2) program TKR di SMK N 1
donorojo. (6) Mengungkap hubungan kontribusi orang tua (X1) terhadap hasil
pendidikan (Y2) program TKR di SMK N 1 donorojo. (7) Mengungkap hubungan
kontribusi dunia usaha/industri (X2) terhadap hasil pendidikan (Y2) program TKR di
SMK N 1 donorojo. (8) Mengungkap hubungan simultan kontribusi orang tua (X1) dan
dunia usaha/industri (X2) terhadap hasil pendidikan (Y2) program TKR di SMK N 1
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan rancangan penelitian
deskriptif korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa / siswi, orang tua
dan tempat prakerin kelas XI program TKR SMKN N 1 donorojo responden 67 dan
sampel sebanyak 67. Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data berupa
dokumentasi dan angket/kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah
analisis regresi linier ganda dengan bantuan aplikasi IBM SPSS Statistics 24.
Hasil penelitian yaitu: (1) Tingkat kontribusi orang tua di SMK N 1 donorojo
tergolong tinggi 68%, (2) Tingkat kontribusi dunia usaha/industri di SMK N 1 donorojo
tergolong tinggi 69%, (3) Tingkat mutu layanan program TKR di SMK N 1 donorojo
tergolong tinggi 68%, (4) Hasil pendidikan program TKR di SMK N 1 donorojo
tergolong tinggi 69%, (5) Ada hubungan positif dan signifikan secara simulan antara
kontribusi orang tua dan dunia usaha/industri terhadap mutu pendidikan, (6) Ada
hubungan positif dan signifikan antara kontribusi orang tua dan dunia usaha/industri
terhadap hasil pendidikan.

Assabirin, Insya. 2018. Parents’ Contribution and Industrial World toward Education
Quality and the Education outcomes on TKR Program in Vocational Senior
High School 1 Donorojo, Pacitan. Thesis, Education of Automotive
Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering.
State University of Malang. Advisors: (1) Prof. Dr. Amat Mukhadis, M.Pd. (2)
Drs. Sumarli, M.Pd, M.T.
Keywords: Parents’ contribution, industrial world contribution, the quality of
service, education quality

The service quality and the educational result are becoming the determinant
factor for the learning process succession. High service quality and educational result
is not easy to achieve. There are a lot of things that affect the quality and the quantity
of the learning process that eventually affect the service quality and educational
The aim of this research were to describe parents’ contribution and industrial
world contribution to the quality of education and the educational outcome; reveal the
connection between parents’ contribution to the service quality; reveal the connection
between industrial world contribution to service quality; reveal simultaneous
connection between parents’ contribution and industrial world contribution to
service; describe the connection of parents’ contribution industrial world contribution
and education outcome; reveal the connection between parents contribution to
education outcome; reveal the connection between industrial worlds contribution to
education outcome; reveal simultaneous connection between parents contribution and
state world contribution to education outcome on Automotive Engineering Program
in State Vocational Senior High School 1 Donorojo.
The research was a quantitative research which used correlation descriptive
research. The population of this research were students, parents and internship places
for Automotive Engineering Program at State Vocational High School 1 Donorojo
which involved 67 respondents and 67 samples. The data collection technique used
documentation and questionnaire. The data analysis technique used multiple linear
regression analysis with IBM SPSS Statistics 24.
The conclusion of this study showed that (1) the level of parents’ contribution
at State Vocational High School 1 Donorojo could be classified as high level 68%. (2)
The level of business/industries’ contribution at State Vocational High School 1
Donorojo could be classified as high level 69%. (3) The result of Service Quality of
Automotive Engineering Training Program at State Vocational High School 1
Donorojo could be classified as high level 68%. (4) The result of Educational Outcomes
of Automotive Engineering Training Program in SMKN 1 Donorojo could be classified
as high level 69%. (5) There was a positive, significant, and simultaneous relation
between parents’ contribution and business/industries’ world to the educational
service. (6) There was a positive, significant, and simultaneous relation between
parents’ contribution and business/industries’ world to the result of education.

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