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Vocabulary 4.Sometimes, you have to take a risk to ..............................

1 Complete the sentences with the words in brackets and the ........................................................................................ .
suffix -ing or -ed. 5.It can be very difficult to rescue people ..............................
1.I think Saul is really …………………… (amaze). He’s so
........................................................................................ .
2.Everyone was …………………… (bore) during the lesson. 6.Survival skills are important for people who .....................
3.We walked for hours. I was absolutely …………………… …………………………………………………………………….
(exhaust) when we got back home.
4.Did you watch the nature documentary show on TV last 5 Complete the mini-dialogues with the words and phrases
night? It was …………………… (fascinate). below. There are more words than you need.

5.I don’t enjoy horror films, I find them …………………… take risks • steep • hurt myself • fascinated • go trekking •
breathtaking • thrilled • challenging • lose our way
1.A:I’ve decided to cross the forest myself.
6.Julie was …………………… (thrill) when she heard the
good news. B:That’s not a good idea. You should never
…………………… alone.
2 Complete the sentences with a suitable word to show that 2. A:Did you enjoy the cruise in Norway?
you understand the meaning of the bold words.
B:Very much. The views from the fjords were ……
1.People face danger in areas where there is a lot of
3.A:We don’t need GPS.
…………………… .
2.People often go trekking in the …………………… . B:Don’t you think we might …………………… ?
4.A:Is firefighting a dangerous job?
3.You need to make a reservation in popular
…………………… . B:Of course. Firefighters …………………… every day.
4.Students often make their way to school by 5.A:I enjoy doing Sudoku.
…………………… .
B:Really? I find crossword puzzles more ……………………
5.It’s difficult to overcome a fear of …………………… .
6.A:Was it difficult to climb the mountain?
6.People often run out of …………………… .
B:Yes, because in some places it was very ………………

3 Complete the sentences with the words and phrases 7.A:What’s wrong?
below. There are more words than you need. B:I …………………… when I fell off my bike.
set off • hurt yourself • terrifying • lose your way •
awesome • book a session • brave • give me a thrill 6 Complete with the words and phrases below. Make any
1.I want to try paragliding. I think I’m going to necessary changes. There are more words than you need.
…………………… . overcome my fear • bored • scenery • terrified • set off • book a
session •survive • run out of • make our way • frightening •
2.Be careful with those knives. You don’t want to exhausting • awesome
…………………… .
Scuba diving for beginners isn’t an extreme sport, but when
3.It was very ……………………… of Rose to go bungee
my girlfriend 1. ……………….………… , I was quite 2.
………………….……… . I can climb a mountain or skydive
4.Take a map with you so you don’t …………………… . from a plane, but being deep under the water is the most 3.
5.The group …………………… at 6 o’clock this morning. ………...……………… thing I can imagine. The next
morning, we 4. …………..……………… for the beach. The
6.Did you see the sunset? It was …………………… !
instructor gave us a few tips. Then we put on our wetsuits
and equipment, got into the water and began to 5.
4 Complete the sentences to show that you understand the ………………….……… down. At first, I didn’t know how I
meaning of the bold words. would 6. ……………….…………… . What would happen if I 7.
1.An example of a wild animal is a / an ................................. …………………………… oxygen? But when I looked around
at the underwater 8. ……………..…………… , I stopped
2.Harry was very worried when ............................................. panicking and began to enjoy the dive. The coral reefs and
......................................................................................... . colourful fish were absolutely 9. …………………...…… . I was
so glad that I had 10. …………………………… !
3.It’s difficult to survive ..........................................................
Grammar 2.Hopefully, we ……………….…………… (reach) the top of
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the mountain by sunset. We ………………………… (spend)
Future Simple or be going to. the night at a camp there.
1.It’s getting colder. It ………………………………… (snow) 3.I wonder what I …………………….……… (do) at this time
next year. One thing’s for sure – I …………….………………
2.Don’t worry. I ………………………………… (not tell) your (finish) school by then.
parents that you’re going paragliding.
3.…………………… the trek ………………………………… 4.By the end of the summer, we …………...…………… (sell)
(start) on time? our old car. I hope that by that time, we ………………………
4.Julia ………………………………… (work) as a rapelling (find) a better one.
instructor next summer.
5.We …………...……..…… (start) work on your new kitchen next
5.I think it ………………………………… (be) great to see month. …………………… you ………………………... (decide)
Mark again. what colour you want by then?
6.How ………………… you …………………………………
(celebrate) Christmas this year? 4 Complete the sentences. Use will, be going to, Present
Simple or Present Continuous. Make any necessary changes
2 Choose the correct answer. 1.John likes extreme sports, so I’m sure …………………… .
1.What time … ? (love / rappelling)
a. does their plane arrive 2.Be careful! You …………………… . (hurt /yourself)
b. will their plane have arrived 3.Bungee jumping looks like fun. I think …………………… .
c. is their plane going to arrive (try it)
2.On her next trip, Bonnie … caving. 4.We have to be at the stadium at 6.00 pm because
a. will try …………………… . (concert / start at 7.00 pm)
b. will have tried
5. We’ve made a hotel reservation for tonight, so
c. is going to try …………………… . (leave / afternoon)
3.Don’t climb the mountain alone. … with you.
a. I’m going to go
5 Complete the passages with the verbs below. Use a
suitable future tense.
b. I’ll go
c. I go A give • learn •not be • camp
By the time we finish our survival course, we
4.We won’t be home on that date. We … in the mountains.
1.……………………….………… how to survive in nature with
a. will be hiking
b. will hike no food or water. At the end of the course, they
2. ……………..……………… us a three-day test. During that
c. will have hiked
time, each of us 3. …………….........………… alone in the
5.You can see my photos tonight. I … them by then.
woods. I’m sure it 4. …………………… too difficult for me.
a. will have uploaded
b. will be uploading B have • sit • find • move
c. am uploading We 1. ………………………..… a farewell party for our dear
6.We’ve decided to go to India. We … at the end of the week friend Darlene tonight. She 2. …………………………… to
a. will leave another school tomorrow. It’s hard to believe – at this time
b. are leaving next week, she 3. ……………………..……… in a different
c. will have left classroom. I hope that she 4. ………………..………… some
new friends by the time we see her again.
3 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use
the Future Continuous or Future Perfect Simple. C discuss • solve • start • meet
The headteacher 1. ……………………………… with some
1.I ……………………...…… (start) my paragliding course in teachers this afternoon. The meeting 2. …………..……………
January. I …………….…………… (save) enough money to at 3.00 pm. According to the plan, they
pay for it by then. 3. ……………………..……… some problems in the school. I

hope that by the end of the meeting, they

4. ………….……………… some of the problems.

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