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Worsbrough Common Primary School & Rising Stars Children’s


SEND Offer & Information for Parents

Welcome to Worsbrough Common Primary School's special educational needs and disability
(SEND) information pages.

Worsbrough Common Primary School and Rising Stars Children's centre are committed to
ensuring that it values the abilities and achievements of all children and adults who access it
and is committed to providing, for each individual, the best possible environment for
development and learning.

Our school SEND Governor is: Lisa Gray

Our school SENCO is: Jenny Chambers
The Lead Teacher for our RP is Jennie Wellings

Does my child have SEND?

The Equality Act 2010 states that a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental
impairment and the impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their
ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

A physical or mental impairment includes:

 Learning difficulties

 Medical conditions, including epilepsy, diabetes, more severe forms of asthma and

 Specific learning difficulties, including dyslexia

 Autism

 Speech, language and communication impairments

If the impairment has a substantial and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out
normal day-to-day activities it may amount to a disability.

A young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or
disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.

A young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

(a) Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same
age, or
(b) Has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a
kind generally provided for others of the same age in a mainstream school.

If you feel that your child may have SEND then you should ask to speak to the class teacher.
If the teacher is not available right away then they will arrange to make an appointment to
discuss any concerns. They may invite the school SENCO (special educational needs
coordinator) to this meeting if necessary.
How does the school decide if my child has SEND?
From time to time some children require additional support for a set period of time to help
meet their needs or improve their learning. The decision to do this is made by the school
and is based on a variety of factors including academic progress, and/or assessments carried
out by teaching staff or other professionals. It may also be based on ensuring children have
a smooth transition into school or require support when going through significant change
either at home or school.
The school frequently holds pupil progress meetings in which each child's progress is
discussed. If it is felt that a child may need some additional support then this will be
discussed with parents/carers and will be put into place.

How will the school support my child with SEND?

We are an inclusive school, which means children regardless of SEND have access to
excellent targeted classroom teaching. The teacher has the highest possible expectations of
all children and that teaching is carefully matched to the abilities of each individual.
Progress will be carefully monitored and any gaps in a child's learning will be identified. If
your child does have gaps in his/her understanding then the class teacher may carefully
target some extra support within specific group work. These groups are often known as
intervention groups. Intervention groups are generally run by a learning support assistant
but are carefully planned and monitored by your child's class teacher.

The school currently offers the following interventions

 Numeracy interventions
 Toe x toe (an individual phonics intervention)
 Power squared (an individual maths intervention)
 Jump ahead (a group intervention focused on fine or gross motor skills)
 Dough gym (a group intervention focused on fine motor skills)
 Lego therapy (a social skills intervention)
 Speech & Language interventions
 Phonological awareness group
 Beat babies (rhythm of speech and syllables)
 Daily readers
 The school also has a resourced provision for children with communication and
interaction difficulties.

The school also has IPads which can be designated to individuals with SEND to support them
in their learning if required. Apps such as grid player and Proloquo are used with learners to
aid communication and sentence construction. These will be allocated based on need and
through consultation with parents, SENCO and outside professionals if required.

If this support has no impact and a child continues to not make progress then the school
may ask for your permission to refer a child to outside agencies such as Speech & Language
Therapy, CAMHS, Educational Psychologist or Physiotherapy. These will offer advice and
guidance to the school and yourself to create a greater understanding of your child's
particular needs and therefore allow us to provide better support within school.

If your child requires a much higher level of support at school, then school (with your
permission) can request that the Local Authority carry out a statutory assessment of your
child's needs. If it is deemed appropriate then the local authority will write a statement of
special educational needs for your child. This will outline the amount of support your child
will receive along with strategies that must be put into place to allow your child to progress
to the best of his/her ability. However, this will only apply to a small number of children as
most children will be supported using the methods above.

How is my child progress tracked and how will I know how he/she is doing and how I can
support them at home?
Children complete age appropriate assessments in reading, writing and maths every term.
They will also be expected to complete an assessed piece of writing every half term. These
will be assessed and moderated within school. Every term the school hold pupil progress
meetings to discuss each child individually.
School have an open door policy and your child's class teacher will be happy to discuss the
results of these assessments with you. He/she may ask you to support your child's learning
at home in various ways such as commenting on work placed on the school blog, completing
homework and reading daily at home.

What support will there be for my child's overall wellbeing?

Within school there is regular liaison between pastoral care and other adults that will be
working with your child.
This may include:-
 Regular liaison between staff including children's centre when there are concerns
regarding individual families or children.
 Discussion around weekly safeguarding issues during leadership team meetings.
 Access to a learning support mentor.
 TAC and MAP meetings for families who require these.

In some cases your child may be asked to join a nurture group intervention or other
interventions to develop social skills such as drama intervention groups.

What specialist services or expertise can be accessed by school?

School currently buy into an educational psychology package which allows us to have regular
access to an educational psychologist. We also have a resourced provision on site for
children with communication and interaction needs. This allows staff to share their specialist
knowledge. There is also a speech and language therapist or speech therapy assistant based
on site for the majority of the week to work with those pupils who access the Resourced
Provision however support is provided to class teachers across school.
School can also refer to other outside agencies that can provide support such as,
occupational therapists or specialist learning support teams.

How will my child be supported during learning outside the classroom such as school
All children regardless of SEND will be given the opportunity to take part in school trips etc.
Risk assessments are carried out prior to any visit to ensure that all pupils will be kept safe.
Whilst carrying out these risk assessments teachers will have in mind any children with SEND
and will make modifications to allow these children to access.

Staff training
All staff including LSA’s have received training towards becoming a communication friendly
school this has included on-going Makaton training, communicate in print/widgets
workshops and colour coding. Teams of staff involved in working with a child with specific
SEND will receive appropriate training for example staff are currently receiving PEC’s training
in order to support children with Communication difficulties.
All staff have also received metacognition training delivered by an educational psychologist.
Other examples of staff development can be seen on the schools teacher learning blog.

The school is accessible to all regardless of SEND. There are wheelchair friendly ramps and
lifts to allow access to all areas of the school building. More information can be found on the
schools accessibility policy.

All children access 'shuffle up' days with their class. In some cases children may require
additional transition time, this will decided by school in consultation with parents.
Transition may include:-
 Meetings between teachers.
 Children meeting their new class teacher.
 Development of a package that will follow your child through to their next classroom.
E.g. A communication package- up skilling of staff in the child's preferred
communication mode.
 Home visits by school prior to start date.
 Visits to current setting.

Allocation of resources
This is decided upon by school who will take into account the level of support your child may
require. This may simply mean that your child will receive some extra support for a small
period of time through an intervention group for example.

Decision about how much and type of support

Allocation of extra support ultimately lies with the head teacher. However, how this support
is used within each class is the choice of the class teacher in consultation with the SENCO.
Support for those children that have a statutory assessment is based on the needs outlined
in their current statement.

Involvement of parents
Parents are fully involved in all aspects of their child’s education. This takes place through:-
 Parents evenings
 Annual review meetings
 IEP meetings
 TAC meetings
 MAP meetings
 Home school diaries
 Access to the school blog.

Resourced Provision
Worsbrough Common Primary School hosts a Primary Resourced Provision (RP) for children
with Communication and Interaction difficulties. The RP has the capacity for 10 children (all
places currently full) and focuses primarily on children with speech and language needs.
There is a specialist communication and interaction teacher on site. As well as offering
support to the children who access the RP, staff also provide help and guidance to class
teachers and ensure that the whole school is accessible to children with this particular SEND.
The Lead teacher is part of the leadership team which allows any issues that arise to be
discussed and looked at a senior level.
The RP offers 1:1 support for learners e.g. pre and post teaching, interventions as outlined
above as well as small group focused teaching for literacy and numeracy which embeds
colour coding, Elklan strategies and multisensory approaches to learning in a small stepped,
repetitive approach if required. The RP may also offer reversed integration, if a child is
struggling to access their mainstream class then they may be able to access the RP for more
specialist teaching, this will be discussed during pupil progress meetings.
The lead teacher will also serve as the peripatetic (visiting) teacher for pupils with SEND who
have been referred to the communication and interaction team for additional support.

Who can I contact for further information?

School have an open door policy and any member of staff will be willing to discuss your
child. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to contact your child's class
teacher, the school Senco-Mrs Chambers, Learning mentor- Lisa Gray, Deputy Headteacher-
Kate Ainley or Headteacher-Louise Dring

Further information on SEND can be found at the following sites:

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