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Actividad de aprendizaje 2

Evidencia 2: Workshop “Products and services”

La lectura es una de las habilidades más utilizadas en el mundo, pero a la vez es la

menos motivante, dado que en ocasiones hay textos muy extensos y con vocabulario
complejo que dificulta su comprensión y le resta interés al texto; afortunadamente
existen nuevos métodos que facilitan obtener la información necesaria y con ello
aumentar el léxico personal.

En este orden de ideas y con la finalidad de cumplir con el propósito de esta evidencia,
consulte el material complementario denominado Integration of products and

Luego de esta consulta, resuelva el siguiente taller sobre comprensión lectora:

1. Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write them in a

Paragraph1:_ Digital revolution transforming the economies, international

competition, cultural and structural trends

Paragraph 2: Growth in the economy, they are very competitive also they rival
producers and service suppliers from advanced technologies

Paragraph 9: The emerging new economy that is influenced by structural and

cultural changes

Paragraph 10: Increase in production and manufacturing products meeting the

consumer demand

Paragraph 11: sociocultural transformations that combine to produce a more

versatile economy

Paragraph 12: Products are becoming ‘smarter’ also like intelligent products and
services to interactive, respecting the design and labeling of products.
2. Write a summary of ten lines from the text.

T h e g l o b a l i za t i o n h a s ch a n g e d t h e i n f o r ma t i o n h e lp i n g to transform
from an individual system to one of collaboration, allowing efficiency and
competitiveness, if barriers are eliminated there would be facilitated the frontier
exchanges of goods and services in sights to an agile and efficient market, it
costs to say that according to the studies in its majority: the companies do not make
use to the maximum of the digital opportunity. The constant change in the
world economy stems largely from the advances in the technology, and it
is as well as we see big advances in the energy, transport, appearance of the
Internet that has been in major advance in the communications and generates
big importance in the economy since it generates competitiveness on
international markets, generating not alone goods and services if not also
international capital flow, the globalization of the computer revolutionist adherent
hard to the encompassed economy cost the redundancy, joined to the
development of the communications and of the transport.

3. Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words.

I’m choosing the paragraph called:

Reshoring of Manufacturing

Technologies are expected to heavily influence the competitiveness of countries,

industries and companies. In this case, one of the most relevant technological
transformations is represented by additive manufacturing technologies.

The 3d Printing increases the production speed to meet the customer’s needs also
reduces the costs with a great influence over production this can be an efficient way
of increasing profits.
4. Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically. Look for the
meaning of each word.

 Consumer
A person who purchases goods and services for personal use.

 Competitiveness
The quality of being as good as or better than others of a comparable nature

 Economy
Is the social science that studies: The extraction, production, exchange,
distribution and consumption of goods and services

 Enterprise
A unit of economic organization or activity; especially: a business organization.

 Globalization
Economic, technological, political, social and cultural world-wide process that
consists of the increasing communication

 Interactive
(of two people or things) influencing each other.

 Innovation
A new method, idea, product, etc.

 Multinational
Including or involving several countries or individuals of several nationalities.

 Manufacturing
A phase of economic production of goods

 Strategy
Plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.
5. Match the term with the corresponding meaning.

a Client e Things created by projects.

b Solution d A series of tasks to be done in a specified sequence.
c Engagement a A customer.
d Project b Products and services that solve a client’s problem.
e Deliverable c An agreement between client-service provider.

Desarrolle esta evidencia con la herramienta de su preferencia y envíe el archivo al

instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje.

Pasos para enviar evidencia:

1. Clic en el título de la evidencia.

2. Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar el archivo previamente guardado.
3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional).
4. Clic en Enviar.

Nota: esta evidencia es de carácter individual. Recuerde revisar la guía de aprendizaje

con el fin de verificar que ha realizado todas las evidencias propuestas, saber cómo
desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente.

Criterios de evaluación

 Puede extraer información adecuada y precisa, y tomar nota de una conversación,

programa, clase, etc.; referido a su profesión.

 Puede completar frases basado en información leída previamente en un texto.

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