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i:.Ea+t?rer*ziics As ie-w il-eccra SheeL

CEO Ballarai Extension InieF/iew 2003 + Numbei- Domain Refinemeni 2CCA2a10

Ccrneni on ielevanii f,aciors (iangrrzge d.ifficuiti--s, inieg:atioo,s:;eciai negds

Grade: i J,
Da.r;: at lS Interview-er: slsrrN
seitibn'A - coIIiTTf,YG Groi'th Point
1. Teddy task
Estimate ar-O b. Actual 2l
c- !{orv*ury-t"dai*? Z I Coo*"t "o,rrt d
Error sequence (if any)
d- How many norv? /esi) recounis)
rh 2.For*'a rd s/!4c l.r'vardsi b rea l@<fq uetce
d-L 1---->32d
a- -)Ls / -6(@" \vrrv(Jvqur
error sequence)
b. 53->62il (error sequence)
c- 84 ---> 1139__---(error sequence)
d.Zt-> 10d " (error sequence)
e- 1o I sequence)
-> and Less
3. More
a. one more rhan 56 d 51
b. one less ihan 56 dE
4- Countipg from 0 by 10,5,2-
a.los (0-110)
b.5s Q+s>
c.2s -error (0-30)
d- 5 *or.
*.a' ^-) --
" ittzown foUt/ Jmore
. LOUil Orl DY Oifes
. gftip count fro* O
" fuiowrt fadl70 less
" c.,ri..,*\-#bv ones
. Skip'countrrp to
5. Countiag frona x by 10s,5s
a-23-103 (10s)ft b- Cards E oroblem cards
b.2+54 (ss) fi c-7 teildtes'd
6. Counting from x byy 9-Cslcalotor - 1- 4+ digit numbers
a- 11-35 (3si D a- WritlngNumerals
b.20-s5 (7s) D All d Ist difficulty
7- Counting morreJY b- ReadingNumerals
a,b- Statedtotal ($2.8r$_ [3 lstdfficulty
&Ieihod tD-Ordertrzg tasks - 1- 4 dtsii numbers .
c. Money needed for $5 (S2. 15) l-digt fl z-digltn 3-digit J 4-distid
7.1 Reading and courting fractions Ifierprdirzg Z-digit iz umb ers :
a-2/, D 1tr- Bundling (circle slategy used)
b. Counting by'A ftomlsto 7 /3 or 2Y' B a- Correci bundling V
c.QY)_ tl -'** and 6 ones tltat's 36
@ 3i,32, 33, 34, 35,36
." 1,2,3 tetzs and 14 ones, that's 10,20, 30,31-i6
7.2 Reading and counting decimal fractions
a. Three terths 1 0.3_D c couids by ones
b- Three ienths 3
c. Angtr-er n (0.3 0.6,0.9, 1.2,1_5) o ofter ,
d Circle answer 15/i0, 1.5, 17,) Other ir- EIow rnany now? 26 d
O, 26,tlzsl's orze less ten OR that's 2lens and 6 otzes
10,20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
o I, 2 tens a:nd I-6 ones, ihat's 10, 20, 2l-25
c counts by ones
o o'rher_
trZ - aq q1 Q e r i ;@;,s;7
"-dagri 'Y\4IDDL€
Expianalon e# fco €
O ?01 1 Australiaa Cathoiic Unive:-siiir. iviay be ccpied ior cla-ssroon: ,-:se- Phcne 6i-j ji36 -r39i page i
fnierpreting 3-tiigii nztzrtbers: L9- Coir*t iraekJ *iodeiiiag aii (8 -3 ) l

13a- 3-digit aaraber line: Answel'.-i Jlt so-tzol

a. Answer f i?'{c-ircle siiaiegy used)
Explanatioa tl
13b- Some More
" Couitt back all, tuitkfitzget's ttsed to keep iract
l0 more that592

A 602)
13e- Some less
only {7,6,5 or 8,7,6,5)
g (3e8) .Ivlodelling all (shows 8 frrgers, tien iakes a\ilay 3)
. 10lsss than 408
) 13d. 3-digit charL (circle strategy used) " Other

) Ar:swer- J 64a)
t,-A.osw"r il
Explanation B 6r4odelling ali (shows 8 Engers, thea iakes arvay 3)
. Count on . Other
back ' Other ZL-Caantdowu iolcaunt up from (1? - 9)
" Count
fd erpr eting 4' digit n umb ers : A:rswer j" stuategY used)

1-4- Ten more

n *; --,i:A
l0 more thanZTgl 3 |zaatS
%::;: {:r:;ir;,:tr?,:";' "4
" Cowrt upfram {9,10,17,72)
15. One hundred less
, 100less thaa3027 F (2e27) " Fingers used during 'corunt down to' or
Extending andApptying Place Valae Knowledge: 'couirt rqtfrom' to keep trock onlY
. Cormtback all(12,11, 10, 9,8,7,6,5,4,3)
16. Capital cities
a- Reading Darwin's population (56 576) J €Uoae[ing all (shows 12 'ihings ', then takes away
9 'ftiogs ', leaviag 3)
tr] b- Reading Canberra's populatioa OAS ASq 17 . Other
e- ReadingAdelaide's population (I 0SS 349) fr
A 213asic strategies (circle sirategy used)
d. Correct nomination of 3rd largest (BrkbonQ
e. Erplanation using Place value
na+a I d
1lt$oubles or knotn fact
17-Numberlines YCount on (4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
a- Eslimate on 0 -100 line (55 -75) 3 q

b. Esiimate on 0 -2000 line {400 40$ D " Grher o

o c-Estimate ort39-l771:irie(65-95) D b.2+19 2l t

. Commtrtotivily snd count on (19, 20, 21)

d- Estimate on 0 -1,000,000 line
(7oo,1oa 400.000) D Stnwnfact (2,3,4,.--,21)

17.L Writing numerals " Cormt on from 2

a- Millions J G,000,024) " Other cq

b- Fractions J ( 2/' c-4-6 lO i

c-Decimal &actions fl (.28.0-28) @ensfaa or kruownfact

L72 Ordering decimal fractions "Cormt or.{6,7,8,9, 10 or 4,5,6,7,8,9, 10)
\o la- A-nswer J (0-3) Explanation i] "O&er
(0.2814.2s9, 0-29. 0'29 t 4-299.") d-27 +10 ?1
b. AnswerJ
17-3 Ordering and interpreting fractions
tcvddT0 {27,37)
a-Aaswer E (hpo/thrrds) Ys*u n out io (to 3o then 7 inore)
. Conat on by 7s (27, 2,8, 29, 3A,- - -37)
b. Correct drax'iag [1 :
Part of a shape (coniinuous)
, " @nown fact or fact family {eg-,7 +3
Part ofa group (discrete objects)
rn "Count down to (10, 9, 8,7 or 9,8,7)
". Nurnberline "Colmtup from (7,8,9, 10 or 8,9, 10) :
Ratio (i0, 9,8,7, 6,5,4,3)with or withoui
"Cormt back u
"o Division fingers to keeP irack orzlY -
Oiher "Modelling all wi& frngers (showslO fingers, take
Explanation avtayfi
22-Derived strategies (circle sh"ategy used)
LS.Counting on
a, b, c. Ari"t I i
d(circle strategy used) a- 12- 6 6 d
rF lounl on {either 9,10,11,12,13 or 4,5,6,7,8,9, Qtlst g doubtes or Inownfacts Rl'-lrcasa
10J1,12,73) " Ccuat bacKlZ, 17,.. -6)
Knownfact " Other--.,....-.
Coiint all (1,2,3 ;4,5,6,7 "8,9,1 0, 1 i, I 2, 1 3) b- 7+8 15 d
Other @*r.* ao oOtrt r*nown ferci
d- Ai:swer
- 3 . Count on (7, 8, 9,..., 15 or' 8, 9,
0, 1 1,12,13)
"Count all (1,2-,3,4,5,5,7, 8,9, 1
" Sther rH
Pagc 2
O 2Ci I ^ustralian Caiholic Uliver:sity. l'.4ay be coiliari ibi- c'iassrcorll use- Phone 5-11 ii35 5195

2_2x. i9- 15 t+ {
fanily or knowizfcci
a " Count do'wn to ( I 9, 1 8, 1l , i6, lS)
Itrodelling MaJiiplicatiozz & Div;sion:
" Count up from (15, i5. 17. iS, 19)
27-Teddy cars {circle sto-atesv used)
" Couni back ail (19, i8, 17....,6,5,4)

" Cther
a, b- -&aswer__8_dc- Alswe. Z
<t "Skip cortzi crrrir
22d- @nown fac-t' L Y'fiaqffnown fcct _-
"Build 'to nert ten (to 20 theru I rnore) " Cormiall by is . Cormt all by ls
fact " O&er . Other
" Add units, then plus 10 (i i,21) 28.Sha"irrg ddi,.s (circle st rt"ey us.d)
" Oiher a- 5 Eb.___l d
zze- 36+9 41 # . Uses grorEs " Triat & error (asing groups)
. Add 10 take I (36,46,45) " Shareby ls " Other
" Build to next ten {to 40 ihen 5 more) PwfraI Modelling Muhiplicotioa & Division:
(r Knownfact 29- Unifrx train (circle strategr used)
" Count on a, b- Aaswer__-([_-El". Ao&*, u
" ott e. Cu E55tF .Sktp count
"Skip count
Ertending & App lying Strategies: 'Enownfact "Knownfaet
Z3.Multi-digit strategies @*-t* iryE-- gCount ilt by is
a.68+32 tr .Ofter 'O&er
b-25 +99 u ;O.Ten;s
30-Tennis O"U4circte
srratesi ;O..--
c- 100-68 a a,b-Answer
. S@t count
Q .g- *Ai-"*-",.J
d- Half of 30 D " Skip count
e- Double 26 J :"Cormt all by is

24.How many digits? (circle sirategy used) " Couat ail by is

'O&er " Ofler
a- 134 + 689
3 gess thon 1000) 31-DoA array (circle st-ategr used)
b. Explanation D
" Focus on 100s digit
a" b- Answer fl cA.uswer._-_-D
. Other " Sktp comt " Slq, courfi
" Knownifact Knownifact"
c. 1746158 J (tess than 1000) 'Cowtallby is . Couutallby 1=
d. Expianation fl . Other . O&er
" Focus on i00s digir Abst'rading Multiplicatiort & Division:
" Other 32a-Biscuits on a tray {circle skategy used}
25-Estimating aud calculating addition Anss/er J
. Rqreded edditbn
. Skip corrzt . Knownfact
a" b, Estimate _ (within range 500 -1A00) A . Cormtall by Is . Orher
e- Mental answer_ i-l Written arswer D 32b- Number oilegs {circle siraiegy used)
263stimating aad calculating subtraction a- Answer_[J b- Answer n
a, b- Estimate (withinrange20040q lj . SkQt count
c- Meniai anstver:_ tr Written answer:_ E 'Knoznfoct " Kaownfact
. Countall by 1s ai Uy is
Exending & Applying Strategies - Fractions: " Count
. Oiher .Other
26.1 Addiag decimal fractions
SZ"- attn"Eor;--s i"ir"t. rto;;gy rs"d)
Ansrryer _fr (A-58) Answer fI
- Ases g?rrrpt " Krownfact . Share by 1s
26.2 Addingfractions - Oiher
Circlel/3 A5 3/2 V3 1/2 4t6 D Malfiplicati ott S trotegies :
Explanatioa E 33a- Enterpreting multiplication
26-3 Estimatiag with fractions Read .[J ("-g-, 5 iimes 3)
Alswer 3 {more-7/6 or t & t/6) Correctdrawing tr -
Explanation rl 'Array " Number iine
26.4 Sa btractin g foactioas " Groups " Other
Arlswer 8 (2/6 ori/3) Explaaation tr
Explanation il 33b- i?dultiplication Froblems
a-3x10_E c,10x7 B 4 x3A
u-/- A d-3x50-G
I 5x7 --t3LJ

Page 3
A 2qi',,,\usiralian Cailiolic Universiiy.- ivial, 5s copied ior ciass, ooi-a use. pho*e 6!3 5jjd 539,

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