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Incomes down to levels of 10 years ago

Incomes at the levels of 10 years ago, skyrocketing inequality and more and more people leaving the country.
The latest figures reflect the devastating effect that the economic crisis and austerity cutbacks are having on
Spanish society.

The purchasing power of the average Spaniard stood at 18,500 euros in 2012, below the 2002 level, according
to a study commissioned by Catholic Church-run charity Cáritas. Compiled by the Foessa Foundation from
official records, the Desigualdad y Derechos Sociales. Análisis y Perspectivas 2013 (Inequality and Social
Rights. Analysis and Perspectives 2013) report attributes the fall in the amount of money available to families
to the combined effect of lower incomes (down four percent) and increased prices (up 10 percent). "Living
standards are declining very quickly," says Carlos Susias of the Network Against Poverty and Social Exclusion
Spain, adding that the developments of the last few years are a "real atrocity."

What's more, the decline is not affecting everyone equally. Since 2007 the difference between the richest 20
percent and the poorest 20 percent has risen by 30 percent. As a result, it is no surprise to learn so many are
opting to leave the country. In 2012 the number of people with Spanish nationality resident abroad increased
by 6.3 percent on the previous year to reach 1.9 million, according to National Statistics Institute figures. It is a
similar rise to that seen in previous years, though below the huge 8.2-percent jump of 2010. The data does not
just correspond to Spaniards, but also foreign citizens with double nationality, including returning economic
immigrants. Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, France and the US are the top destinations.

The insatiable economic crisis seems to have had a liberating effect, and shame has been eradicated: "We
have all lived beyond our means," people say with an obscene frankness. "There has been corruption or
complicity with corrupt people everywhere." Everybody? Everywhere?

Per capita income and consumption in real terms have fallen; the wealthiest 20 percent of the population now
has a larger slice of the cake than five years ago; unemployment continues its unstoppable rise; the
percentage of homes where the main breadwinner is unemployed is close to 20 percent, a magic figure that
has clearly overtaken relative poverty; and municipal social services, or those provided by Cáritas or other
NGOs for people facing social exclusion, are unable to meet demand.

As the fifth FOESSA report in 2008 showed, the growth generated between 1995 and 2007 by different booms
and bubbles did not translate into any kind of equitable distribution of income. Now we can see in stark detail
how the rich have gotten richer and that the super rich have sauntered off the chart. Inequality has increased
sharply and does not simply produce deep social fractures within Spanish society, but also creates breaches
between Spain and other European countries that will be difficult to close: the gap between the wealthiest 20
percent and the poorest 20 percent is the widest of any in Europe; our unemployment level has the honor of
being the highest, and is way ahead of the European average. And the situation of our young people? Their
unemployment levels and job insecurity are without parallel among our neighbors. And the same can be said of
relative and severe poverty levels.

How can one not conclude that the market is efficient? It offers free time to the unemployed, and temporary
and low-paid work to the employed; it encourages young people to travel in Europe... and all this allows


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concentration of wealth. But there are theories and policies that as Peter Berger has shown us, can produce
sacrificial pyramids.

There are three pertinent questions: how many more victims will this bloodthirsty irony called austerity and
budget adjustment produce? What sense does it make in the short, medium and long term? And of the victims,
which of them will respond, and when? If we are not to head down the path toward an amoral and asocial
Europe, somebody will need to apply other policies.


What is the standard of living like here where you live?

Does the standard of living vary in different parts of Spain?

Have living standards improved in Spain in the last few years?

Do you think the standard of living here in Spain is very different to somewhere like Britain?

Is there anything you can think of that would improve people’s living standards?

Do you think our society nowadays is a happy and positive one?

Do you think we rely too much on material things like cars, money, etc?

Should governments use the welfare system to encourage people to live within two parent families?

At what age should a son or daughter be permitted to leave home?

Should young people be allowed to buy contraceptives as soon as they reach puberty?

Should the age of consent be the same for both gays and heterosexuals?

Should gays and heterosexuals have the same right to join the armed forces?

Should abortion be available to women on demand?

Should euthanasia be available to people in great pain who want to die?

Is it possible to pass effective laws against racism?

Do you believe in a high tax economy (e.g. Sweden) which distributes money to education and health or a low
tax economy (e.g. the U.S.A.) where people make private provision for good services?

Do you have a vision of a better society? What changes would you make?

Do you think genetic engineering should be used to create good citizens?

What do you think are the characteristics of a good member of society?


Cursos on-line HOMOLOGADOS por la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR).
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Cursos on-line HOMOLOGADOS por la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR).
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