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Lessons for Sabbath School and Home

Youth Unit 2 “The Creation”

Book One

Youth Educational Adventures
The Creation Series
Index Of Lessons
Book One
Lesson 1
The purpose of this series of lessons is to in-
troduce each child to God as Creator. We hope to I’ll Make a World. . . . . .4
instill an awe and a respect for God’s creation, and
to give each child an alternative to the evolutionary
assumptions so much a part of today’s education. We
also want to develop in the children a love for learn-
Lesson 2
ing about God which will bring them again and again
to church and to Sabbath School.
I’m Lonely Still. . . . . . . . . . .7
We hope to encourage daily contact with God
through prayer and devotional Bible readings. In the
process, we hope to create in each child an expecta- Lesson3
tion of fully participating as a baptized member in
God’s church. We also pray that the lessons in this I’m Ready to Rest. . . . . . .10
book will translate into knowledge and behavior be-
coming of a child of the King.

Ronald Dart - Publications Editor Lesson 4

Allie Dart - Managing Editor
Cynthia Saladin - Contributing Writer
In The Garden. . . . . . . . . .13
Sandi McCaskill - Associate Editor
Camery Pollard - Layout and Design
Lesson 5
CEM and YEA are very grateful to Cynthia Saladin
for writing the lessons in this book. She is a fourth-
God Was Sorry. . . . . . . . . 16
grade teacher with more that six years of teach-
ing experience. Having grown up in the church,
she has a special affinity for preteens and the prob- Lesson 6
lems they face with their religious beliefs. Her dedi-
cation and passion for youth to know God and Noah’s Ark. . . . . . . . . . . . 19
live by His Word are greatly appreciated.

Our vision is to create Christian educational Lesson 7

opportunities for all our children so that they will
build a lasting relationship with God and Water, Water Everywhere. . 22
experience the joys of salvation and the rewards
of God’s Kingdom.
Lesson 8
Christian Educational Ministries Rainbows & Promises. . .25
P. O. Box 560
Whitehouse, Texas 75791
phone: 903.509.2999
fax: 903.509.1139
Lesson 9
A Mighty Construction Project . .28
Copyright  Christian Educational Ministries
All Rights Reserved Lesson 10
A Friend of God. . . . . . . . 31
Lesson 4

In The Garden
Memory Verse Words to Know
“I’m offering you the choice of life BANISHED - not allowed to come back
or death. You can choose either into a place
blessings or curses.” CHERUBIM - types of angels
- Deuteronomy 30:19b (NIrV) CONSEQUENCE - the natural result of an
action or thought
Scriptures JUVENILE DETENTION - jail for kids
SINNING - disobeying God’s command
Genesis 2:16-17, 3:1-24;
Revelation 22:1-2

E very day you have to make hundreds, perhaps

thousands of choices. What should you wear?
without complaining when they tell you to take
out the trash. Or you may choose to play with
What should you have for breakfast? Should you your parents handgun when they’re not home.
make your bed before breakfast or after? What Each choice you make has a consequence.
should you say to your mom when you walk into Making breakfast for your parents has a good
the kitchen? Many choices that you make are a consequence; they are in a much better mood,
matter of habit. They are the same choices you’ve unless you made a horrible mess of the kitchen.
been making every day for weeks. But one morn- Telling the truth makes people trust you. That’s
ing, you might decide to do things a little differ- good. Shoplifting can get you into all sorts of
ently. You may choose to get up early and make trouble. A grocery store in St. Louis has a sign
breakfast for your parents and serve it to them in posted that advertises a free ride in a police car. . .
bed. Then you have all kinds of choices to make. if you’re caught shoplifting. That’s bad. Obeying
What should you make? Should you actually serve your parents can earn you privileges because
it to them in bed or just call them when it’s ready? you’re acting responsibly. That’s good! Playing
Should you get your little sister to help or would with a handgun can cause someone to be injured
she make too much noise and alert them to what or killed accidentally. That’s bad. In each case, the
you’re doing before you’re ready? consequence can’t be undone.
Other choices that you make are much more You can’t undo a death or a ride in a police car
serious. You may choose to tell the truth when to juvenile detention. You can’t undo trust or extra
you’re tempted to tell a lie to get yourself out of privileges either, not unless you make another
trouble. Or you may choose to shoplift with your choice that causes negative consequences.
friend because you want him to still be your Well, you’re not alone in the choices that you
friend. You may choose to obey your parents make. From the very beginning, people have been

making choices. Right away in the Garden of The woman would now find childbirth very
Eden, God told Adam and Eve, “You are free to painful and would be ruled by her husband. The
eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not ground would be cursed. And the man would
eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and have to work very hard to grow enough food to
evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die” live. Those consequences have come down to us,
(Genesis 2:16-17). That’s pretty straightforward. today, from Adam and Eve.
There are lots of trees in the garden. Just don’t eat There was one other consequence. God ban-
the fruit from one tree. ished Adam and Eve from the beautiful Garden. He
But the serpent told Eve that what God said never wanted human beings to go back into the
wasn’t true. O “You will not surely die,” the garden. So He placed cherubim and a flaming
serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that sword flashing back and forth to guard the way.
when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and Why did He do that? “The LORD God said,
you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” ‘The man has now become like one of us, know-
Now Eve had to make a choice. Was God telling ing good and evil. He must not be allowed to
them the truth? Should she eat of the tree when reach out his hand and take also from the tree of
God told them not to? Would it be nice to be like life and eat, and live forever’” (Genesis 3:22, 24). If
God, knowing good and evil? She made the choice Adam and Eve had been allowed to stay in the
to eat of the tree when she was told not to. Garden, they could have eaten from the Tree of
Genesis 3:6 says, “When the woman saw that the Life. Then they could have lived forever. Because
fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to they disobeyed God, there were consequences.
the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she The only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ
took some and ate it.” Then she made another coming to save the world.
choice. She chose to give some to Adam. Then he Someday, you and I will get to see the Tree of
made a choice. Adam chose to eat the fruit that Life. God is giving us that opportunity today. If we
he knew he shouldn’t eat. choose to follow Him today, if we choose the ways
Of course, it wasn’t long before God found out of God in our lives everyday, then someday we’ll
what they had done. Then Adam made another get to see what God kept from Adam and Eve.
choice. God asked him if he had eaten from the Someday, if we choose Jesus Christ as our Savior,
tree that he’d been commanded not to eat from. the consequence will be eternal life. That’s good!
Adam chose to blame Eve for it. He could have The Bible says, “Then the angel showed me
chosen to just say, “Yes, I ate from the tree. I was the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal,
wrong” He didn’t do that. He chose to blame Eve, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb
or maybe even God because God was the One down the middle of the great street of the city.
who made Eve for him in the first place. And Eve On each side of the river stood the tree of life,
made the same choice. When she was asked, she bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit
blamed the serpent. every month. And the leaves of the tree are for
These choices had consequences. God cursed the healing of the nations.” This is a great tree!
the serpent. The serpent would crawl on his belly The leaves are for the healing of the nations! I
and eat dust. He would also become the enemy of want to see that tree! Don’t you? What choice
the woman and her children down through time. will you make today?

In the four squares provided, create a cartoon strip showing the choices Adam and Eve
made in the garden. For instance, the first square could be God commanding them
not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The second square
could be the serpent deceiving Eve into eating from the tree. The third
square could be Eve offering the fruit to Adam, and the fourth could
be Adam blaming Eve and Eve blaming the serpent.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for allowing me to make my own choices. Help me to always
choose you and your ways in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lesson 4
Parent & Teacher’s Guide

In The Garden
Objectives extra first star or an extra candy bar. If time and
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to: space allows, create some student-sized trees
1. Retell the story of the fall of Adam and Eve to take to class so that you can act out the
eating the fruit. events of Genesis 3 in class. Trees can be made
2. Relate the command given to man. from cardboard, draped with masses of green
3. Explain the relationship between action and poster paper leaves. Note: the play acting can
consequence. be done without the props, but the students’
4. Distinguish between positive and negative imagination and motivation will be greatly
consequences. enhanced with the addition of the visuals! Be
5. Relate that the only way to eternal life is sure to read the student’s lesson prior to class.
through Jesus Christ.
6. Recite their memory verse.
How to Teach This Lesson
Choices - Discuss the choices the students had
Words to Know to make as they came into class. Discuss the
BANISHED, CHERUBIM, CONSEQUENCE, JUVE- many choices they make each day.
NILE DETENTION Consequences - Discuss the positive and
negative consequences that occur as a natural
Materials Needed result of actions.
Bible, YEA students and teacher’s books, pens, Genesis 3 - Review the events recorded here.
pencils, markers, crayons, typing paper, tape, fun- Play acting - Allow the students to choose
sized candy bars, name tags, blackboard, chalk, parts. Act out the events of Genesis 3. At
optional: trees for the Garden of Eden play, opportune points, do a “freeze frame.” That is,
attendance and memory verse charts, stickers or you call out “freeze frame.” The action then
stars, songbook, cassette tape, tape player stops and you discuss what’s going on or give
directions for what’s going to happen next.
Then call “action” again when you want to
Preparation resume. The students will love “freezing” in
Set up the classroom so that the students will place. In this fashion, discuss the choices made
have a series of choices to make when they and the consequences. Begin with God’s com-
come into the room, i.e. lots of colors of mand not to eat from the tree of the knowledge
markers for making name tags, lots of different of good and evil. Work through the deception
fun-sized candy bars in a bowl, different ar- of the serpent, Eve and Adam’s disobedience,
rangement of seating, written directions on the the blaming, the curses, and the banishment
board to either come recite their memory from the Garden.
verse, choose a candy bar, or to make a name Serpent - Ask: Was the serpent really just a
tag, etc. You may choose to reward those who snake? Discuss that this word comes from a
come to recite their memory verse first with an word meaning enchanting whisperer. This was
Satan, not a snake.
Today - Discuss the personal application of
Adam and Eve’s actions, i.e. cursed ground, Activity Time!
painful childbirth, enmity with serpents. Then
ask: Will we ever have an opportunity for
eternal life or to see the Tree of Life?
Uncomic Strip: The students should
Revelation 22:1-2 - Visually describe the scene have completed the activity in their
related in these verses. Discuss the leaves that book before class. If they didn’t, allow
are for the healing of the nations. time to do so. Once the four initial
Choices - Remind the students that they have squares are completed, give them blank
free-will. They have the ability to choose life or paper to finish the story: square five –
death. Remind them that God does the calling,
that He stands at the door and knocks, but we
the consequences of Adam and Eve’s
have to choose to answer the door. Explain that disobedience; square six – the sacri-
the door will not always be open; there’s a fice of Jesus Christ to provide the way
limited opportunity to answer the call. We can’t to eternal life; square seven – a depic-
live our lives as we want and then decide to tion of Revelation 22:1-2. Display the
choose God at the end. It doesn’t work that finished uncomic strips in the classroom
or on the church bulletin board.
Here are the directions for the ac-
Review Questions tivity in the student book: In the four
1. Who can summarize what happened in squares provided, create an uncomic
Genesis 3?
2. What command did God give Adam and Eve
cartoon strip of the choices Adam and
about the Garden of Eden? Eve made. For instance, the first square
3. What is a consequence? How do you get could be God commanding them not
consequences? to eat from the tree of the knowledge
4. What’s the difference between negative and of good and evil. The second square
positive consequences? could be the serpent deceiving Eve into
5. What’s an example of a positive and a nega-
tive consequence?
eating from the tree. The third square
6. How could Adam and Eve have gained could be Eve offering the fruit to Adam.
eternal life in the Garden of Eden? The fourth square could be Adam
7. How do we gain eternal life today? blaming Eve and Eve blaming the ser-
8. Who can describe the scene related in pent.
Revelation 22:1-2?

“I Have Decided to Follow Jesus” is on page 23
of Kids Classics Collection.

Lead the students to thank God for giving us
the opportunity to make our own choices.
Thank Him for helping us to seek Him with
our whole heart and to choose Him. He’s
given us the hope of eternal life through our
Savior Jesus Christ.

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