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105-5 外語群英語類 專業科目(二)

第壹部分:選擇題(60 分)
一、綜合測驗(第 1-15 題,每題 2 分,共 30 分)
說明:下列三篇短文共有 15 個空格,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案,並將代號

1-5 題為題組
Recent research has provided techniques to significantly improve short-term and long-term memory.
Short-term memory can be improved by rote rehearsal and chunking. Rote rehearsal involves 1 going
over something in your head, and chunking is a method of organizing long lists into chunks of seven or
fewer. Long-term memory can be improved by organizing material for 2 associating. In other words,
the more associations made between new information and information already known, the more 3 you’ll
remember. Another organizing technique is mnemonics, or the use of memory-aiding 4 . An example
of a mnemonic device is using the acronym HOMES as a 5 to recall the names of the five Great
Lakes: Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior. Memory, then, can be improved by using these
simple methods.
1. (A) especially (B) repeatedly (C) increasingly (D) precisely

2. (A) conventional (B) beneficial (C) meaningful (D) forgetful

3. (A) is it likely (B) it is likely (C) likely is it (D) likely it is

4. (A) formulas (B) disciplines (C) legacies (D) possessions

5. (A) flaw (B) drip (C) bloom (D) clue

6-10 題為題組
In past ages human destruction of the environment may have been so severe that great civilizations
were destroyed. The fall of the ancient Mesopotamian civilizations, 6 in the lush river basin of the
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, has usually been attributed to outside invaders. More recent information, 7 ,
indicates that these civilizations in the Fertile Crescent may have fallen victim to increasing environmental
stress that eventually reduced their food supplies and weakened their economies. Those ancient civilizations
8 because they had developed extensive irrigation systems that provided a dependable and plentiful
food supply. Their irrigation systems had no drainage, though. Water would 9 during irrigation, leaving
the remaining water with a higher salt content. 10 the centuries, then, the land eventually became
too salty to grow good crops. With their agricultural base weakened, the Mesopotamian civilizations
6. (A) locate (B) locates (C) locating (D) located

7. (A) therefore (B) however (C) moreover (D) likewise

8. (A) prospered (B) acquired (C) migrated (D) convinced

9. (A) elaborate (B) exaggerate (C) evacuate (D) evaporate

10. (A) On (B) Of (C) With (D) Over

共7頁 第1頁
105-5 外語群英語類 專業科目(二)
11-15 題為題組
Aurora Borealis, known as the northern lights, is one of the most amazing natural spectacles. The
magnificent display of 11 arches or streams of lights looks like fiery draperies hanging in the
window of a glowing nighttime sky. The term Aurora Borealis is a Latin term first 12 by an Italian
scientist, Galileo Galilei. Aurora is the Roman Goddess of Dawn and borealis is from Boreas, the Greek
name referring the north wind. The sun 13 high energy iron particles known as an ion plasma cloud
or solar wind. When the solar wind reaches the earth, it interacts 14 the edges of earth’s magnetic
field and some of the particles are trapped within. These trapped particles are drawn down the magnetic
field to the ionosphere high above the earth’s surface 15 they collide with gases. Thus, the collisions
produce the lights we see.
11. (A) suspicious (B) nutritious (C) gracious (D) luminous

12. (A) teased (B) coined (C) framed (D) hooked

13. (A) emits (B) unites (C) pledges (D) dissolves

14. (A) on (B) of (C) with (D) between

15. (A) when (B) where (C) what (D) who

二、閱讀測驗(第 16-30 題,每題 2 分,共 30 分)

說明:下列三篇文章共有 15 個問題,閱讀後請依文意與題意選出最恰當的選項,並將代號標示

16-20 題為題組
According to Margaret Mead, children typically pass through three stages in developing a self: an
imitation state, a play stage, and a game stage. In the first stage, children imitate other people without
understanding what they are doing. They may “read” a book, but the behavior lacks meaning for them.
Even so, such imitation is important because children are preparing themselves to take the stance of
others and acting as others do. In the play stage, children act such roles as mother, police officer, teacher,
Mrs. Elliot, and so on. They take the role of only one other person at a time and “try on” the person’s
behavior. The model, typically a person central to the child’s life, is termed by sociologist a significant
other. For instance, a two-year-old child may examine a doll’s pants, pretend to find them wet, and
reprimand the doll. Presumably the child views the situation from the perspective of the parent and acts as
the parent would act.
In the play stage, children take the role of only one other person at a time, whereas in the game stage
they assume many roles. Much as in a baseball game, a person must take into account the intentions and
expectations of several people. For instance, if the batter bunts the ball down the third-base line, the
pitcher must know what the catcher, the shortstop, and the first, second, and, third basemen will do.
In the game stage, children must assume the roles of numerous individuals in contrast to simply the
role of one other person. To do so, they must abstract a “composite” role out of the concrete roles of
particular people. These notions are extended to embrace all people in similar situations—the “team.” In
other words, children fashion a generalized other—they come to view their behavior from the standpoint
of a larger group or community.

第2頁 共7頁
105-5 外語群英語類 專業科目(二)
16. What is the best title for this passage?
(A) Why and How Children Imitate Others
(B) Three Stages of Child Self-development
(C) The Notion of a Team and Child Behaviors
(D) Significant Behaviors of Children

17. In the imitation stage, children .

(A) act the role of one other person at a time
(B) try on the behavior of a significant other
(C) copy the behaviors of those around them
(D) assume and take many individuals into account

18. According to Margaret Mead, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
(A) Acting like mother, police officer, or teacher is an example of the play stage.
(B) Imitating others’ behavior has a significant meaning for children in the imitation stage.
(C) The function of the imitation stage is preparation for the mature attitude and behavior of others.
(D) The example of a baseball pitcher working with other team members is represented in the game

19. What does composite in the third paragraph mean?

(A) commercial (B) competitive (C) combined (D) common

20. Which magazine would this passage probably come from?

(A) Vogue (B) Gourmet (C) Lonely Planet (D) Psychology Today

21-25 題為題組
The temples of Abu Simbel are located at southernmost points of ancient Egyptian civilization along
the Nile. These date back to RomsesⅡ’s rule, and are among the most spectacular remains of antiquity.
The Great Temple stretches deep into the rock from which it is cut for almost 60 meters. Its facade bears
four sacred statues, more than 20 meters high, on thrones, and depicting the pharaoh surrounded by
smaller images of his mother, wife and sons. Inside is an entrance, a central hall flanked by eight statues
of the king in two rows and decorated with friezes illustrating the sovereign’s military campaign. Naturally
smaller is the nearby temple dedicated to his wife, Nefertari (also known as the temple of Hathor) with its
facade embellished by six statues, 12 meters high, of the royal family, with entrance shrine and hypostyle
Twice a year, on October 22th and February 22th, the rays of the sun would penetrate the sanctuary
and illuminate the three of the four statues (Amon, the deified Ramses and Harmakhis) placed in the
Great Temple’s shrine, except for the statue of Ptah, a god connected with the underworld, who always
remained in the dark. These dates are allegedly the king’s birthday and coronation day respectively.
Although there is no direct evidence to support this, it is logical to assume that these dates have some
relation to a great event, such as the jubilee celebrating the anniversary of the pharaoh’s rule.
The fame of both monuments derives not so much from their great beauty but from the events they
have withstood. With the construction of the Aswan High Dam in the 1960s, the temples were threatened
with submersion under the rising waters of the reservoir, Lake Nassar. Between 1964 and 1966, a project
sponsored by UNESCO and the Egyptian government disassembled both temples and reconstructed them
on top of the cliff sixty meters above the original site. In an unparalleled feat of engineering, the temple of
Abu Simbel could at last be admired for all its beauty and grandness by the world.

共7頁 第3頁
105-5 外語群英語類 專業科目(二)
21. Which of the following titles best summarizes the passage as a whole?
(A) An Introduction to Abu Simbel
(B) The Destruction of Abu Simbel
(C) The Temples of Abu Simbel: An UNESCO’s Project
(D) The Temples of Abu Simbel: the Past and the Future

22. UNESCO and Egyptian government reconstructed the temples of Abu Simbel because .
(A) the temple of Hathor would be extended
(B) the rays of the sun didn’t illuminate the statue of Ptah
(C) the temples would be submerged by Lake Nassar
(D) the military campaigns of RomsesⅡ would be illustrated

23. Which of the following is implied in the second paragraph?

(A) There are three statues remained in the sanctuary.
(B) Amon and Ptah were two royal families of RomsesⅡ.
(C) October 22th or February 22th was the date for coronation of the pharaoh’s rule.
(D) October 22th or February 22th was the date for the birthday of Amon, the deified Ramses and

24. What can be inferred from the passage?

(A) The temples of Abu Simbel are UNESCO World Heritage site.
(B) Visitors have to dive into the reservoir to see the temples of Abu Simbel.
(C) RomsesⅡ was buried under the Great Temple of Abu Simbel.
(D) RomsesⅡ built the temples of Abu Simbel to celebrate his wife’s birthday.

25. The passage can best be described as .

(A) informative (B) persuasive (C) entertaining (D) narrative

26-30 題為題組
The autonomic nerve system is composed of all the neurons that carry messages between the central
nervous system and all the internal organs of the body. The autonomic nervous system consists of two
branches: the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. These two divisions act in almost total opposition
to each other, but both are directly involved in controlling and integrating the actions of the glands and
the smooth muscles within the body.
The nerve fibers of the sympathetic division are busiest when you are frightened or angry. They carry
messages that tell the body to prepare for an emergency and to get ready to act quickly or strenuously. In
response to messages from the sympathetic division, your heart pounds, you breathe faster, your pupils
enlarge, and digestion stops.
Parasympathetic nerve fibers connect to the same organs as the sympathetic nerve fibers, but they
cause just the opposite effects. The parasympathetic division says, in effect, “Okay, the heat’s off, back to
normal.” The heart then goes back to beating at its normal rate, the stomach muscles relax, digestion starts
again, breathing slows down, and the pupils of the eyes get smaller. Thus, the parasympathetic division
compensates for the sympathetic division and lets the body rest after stress.

第4頁 共7頁
105-5 外語群英語類 專業科目(二)
26. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the article?
(A) In an emergent situation, the autonomic nervous system carries messages that tell the body to
prepare for it.
(B) Two-branched autonomic nervous system carries messages between the central nervous system
and all the internal organs.
(C) The body’s response to emergencies is through the sympathetic division and the parasympathetic
(D) The physical responses of the parasympathetic division includes returning to normal heart rate,
resumed digestion, relaxed stomach muscles, and reduced pupil size.

27. The function of parasympathetic division is .

(A) to normalize the body after an emergency
(B) to prepare the body for an emergency
(C) to activate the actions of the glands and the smooth muscles within the body
(D) to balance the central nervous system and all the internal organs

28. Which of the following statements is NOT the physical response when you are frightened or angry?
(A) Your digestion starts.
(B) You pupils enlarge.
(C) Your heart pounds.
(D) You breathe faster.

29. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

(A) The glands and the smooth muscles act in an opposition.
(B) The function of sympathetic division is to prepare body for emergency.
(C) The nerve fibers of the parasympathetic division tell your body to have rapid reaction.
(D) The sympathetic nerve fibers connect to the different organs as the parasympathetic nerve fibers.

30. If someone acts strenuously, as the word is used in the second paragraph, then he or she is definitely
(A) energetic (B) vigorous (C) hesitant (D) forceful

第貳部分:非選擇題(40 分)
一、翻譯測驗(第 1-4 題,每題 4 分,共 16 分)
(一) 中譯英(8 分)
說明:1. 請將以下短文中劃底線處之中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在
2. 請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 4 分,共 8 分。

湖,(1) 一座山坐落於這湖的西邊,且三面環繞著田野,有著絕佳風景,沿著湖畔設有環湖步道、
觀景亭和賞景座椅,(2) 秋涼時節訪客可以曬著暖陽散步湖邊,從不同角度欣賞湖的美,特別是清

共7頁 第5頁
105-5 外語群英語類 專業科目(二)
(二) 英譯中(8 分)
說明:1. 請將以下短文中劃底線處之英文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的中文,並將答案寫在
2. 請依序作答,並標明題號。每題 4 分,共 8 分。

Kids have been bullying each other for generations. (3) The latest generations, however, has been
able to utilize technology to expand their reach and extent of their harm. This phenomenon is being
called cyberbullying, defined as: “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computer, cell
phones, and other electronic devices.” (4) Basically, cyberbullying refers to incidents where adolescents
use technology to harass, threaten, humiliate, or argue with their peers. For example, youth can send
hurtful text messages to others or spread rumors using smartphones or tablets.

二、寫作測驗(24 分)
說明:請依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇約 120 字(8 到 12 個句子)的英文短文。
提示:智慧型手機為現代人生活中不可或缺的產品,請以 A smartphone and I 為題,寫一篇約 120


第6頁 共7頁

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