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Differentiation for Learning Support

Communication: Teacher Input Identified Students Communication: Student Output Identified Students
Repeat, rephrase, model, highlight language and important Focus on individual goals in class:
points. Provide cues and prompts communication; language; social skills
Provide concrete examples, visual support materials Break tasks down into simple steps
Assess individual goals: communication of ideas
Encourage hands on activities
rather than spelling
Plan for generalisations/links to real life Allow verbal/pictorial response instead of written
Provide a home/school communication book
Provide specialist teacher input Time
Allocate extra time to complete tasks, response
Explicitly teach skills
or engage
Provide time to use learning resources:
Use visual aides/pictorial directions
computer; calculator; dictionary
Curriculum Materials & Resources
Identify similar curriculum goals but different higher order
Modify worksheets and learning resources
thinking skills
Individualise goals and modified content and skills Modify homework
Cater for learning styles: hands on; visual learner Provide graphic organisers. Highlight key points
Modify visuals, print, complexity of visual texts,
Provide alternative assessment opportunities/conditions
interest level
Monitor data to provide program feedback Provide concrete materials
Implement additional support: fine motor; behaviour;
Modified assessment tasks and constraints
Modify quantity of work: no of spelling words; questions;
Level of support
length of presentations; expectations
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Provide individual support
Risk/ Health/ Behaviour Management Plan current Provide small group targeted support
Involvement of Chaplaincy support Peer support program
Monitor lunchtime activities to support interaction, safety,
Support Teacher: L&N Support
explicit teaching of skills and positive social interactions
Build self esteem by highlighting and utilising stengths and Involvement of AVT, GO, SLP, OT, other
by providing opportunities to discuss frustrations consultants
Differentiation for Extension
Communication: Teacher Input Identified Students Identified Studetns
Extend language and important concepts Focus on individual goals in class
Provide graphic organisers to assist: compare; classify; Level tasks predominantly higher level Blooms,
decision making self chosen on class or negotiated topic
Provide non typical concrete examples Assess individual goals
Directly teach skills to encourage independent
Expect more in depth written responses
Encourage specialist teacher input Use communication book
Use ICT, internet levelled programs to encourage Encourage work as a team rather than an
independent investiation individual
Curriculum Material & Resources
Focus on learning similar goals with HOT concepts- Blooms
Provide diversity of learning resources
taxonomy analysis etc
Individualised goals (HOTs) and modified content and skills
Negotiate open ended tasks
and tiered assignments
Fast track curriculum to cater for needs Modify visuals, prints, complexity of visual texts
Provide pretest topics and concepts to adjust learning
Modify assessment tasks and constraints
Increase quantity of work: number of questions; length of
Increase self assessment oppotunities
presentation; length of written response
Increase constraints on problem solving tasks to increase
Level of Support
academic rigor
Reduce personal assistance and encourage peer
Learning Environment
mentor assistance
Consider selected placement within class - freedom to self
Fast track timetable/ Individualise time line to
Separate space to develop negotiated goals and curriculum
complete tasks
Support dissemination of learning within classroom Allocate additional time to complete tasks,
Plan and create different learning environments respond, engage and use learning resources
Design selected class groupings

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