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// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

// tweenMachine.mel - MEL Script

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creates a new key inbetween the previous and next keys, using a
// slider to adjust the "bias" or weight that each key has over the
// new key. Requested/inspired by Doron Meir. :)
// v2.0 - Major upgrade from version 1. Version 1 history in original script
// source tweenMachine.mel; tweenMachine;
// Justin Barrett -
// xml_lib.mel: J. Adrian Herbez
// Copyright �2005, 2006 Justin Barrett - All Rights Reserved
// 2.00 - Initial release of upgrade
// 2.01 - fixed issue with "Add Groups" UI display
// - fixed timeline tick display issue
// - disabled auto-refresh when opening a scene
// - added support for character sets
// 2.02 - removed need to source file before running
// - added support for special tick color (v7 and higher)
// 2.03 - updated tick color support for Maya 200X versions
// 2.04 - bug fix related to character set support
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Startup procedures
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

global proc tweenMachine() {

// Global Variables
global string $tmGroups[], $tmSets[], $tmButtonRGB[], $tmSelConArray;
global int $tmNumButtons, $tmSliderWidth, $tmShowButtons, $tmShowSliders,
$tmButtonRowPad, $mayaVers, $tmSpecTick;
global float $tmButtonVal[];

clear $tmGroups;
clear $tmSets;

$tmSliderWidth = 200;
$mayaVers = (int) startString(`about -v`,1);
$tmSpecTick = 0;

// Source needed libraries

source xml_lib.mel;
// OS check -- this will probably go away once the UI is built using forms
if (`about -mac`) {
$tmButtonRowPad = 10;
} else {
$tmButtonRowPad = 1;

if (`window -q -ex tweenMachineWin`) deleteUI tweenMachineWin ;

// Make Window
window -w 300 -h 5 -mnb 1 -mxb 0 -menuBar 1 -mbv 1 -rtf 1 -s 1 -t
"tweenMachine - 2.03" -in "tweenMachine" tweenMachineWin;

menu -l "File" tmFile;

menuItem -l "New..." -en 1 -c "tmNew";
menuItem -d true;
menuItem -l "Open..." -en 1 -c "tmLoadFromFile";
menuItem -l "Save..." -en 1 -c
"fileBrowser \"tmSaveToFile\" \"Save\" \"\" 1";

menu -l "Tools" tmTools;

menuItem -l "Add Set..." -en 0 -c "tmAddSetUI" tmAddSetMI;
menuItem -l "Add Group..." -c "tmAddGroupUI";
menuItem -d true;
menuItem -l "Manage Sets..." -en 1 -c "tmSGMBuildUI(0)";
menuItem -l "Manage Groups..." -en 1 -c "tmSGMBuildUI(1)";
//menuItem -d true;
//menuItem -l "Manage Buttons..." -en 0;
menuItem -d true;
menuItem -l "Character Sets..." -sm 1;
menuItem -l "Add Character Group" -c "tmAddCharacterGroup";
menuItem -l "Import Character Sets" -c "tmImportCharSets";

menu -l "Options" -to 1 tmOptions;

menuItem -l "Sliders" -cb 1 -c "tmShowChange" tmSliderTog;
menuItem -l "Buttons" -cb 1 -c "tmShowChange" tmButtonTog;
menuItem -d true;
menuItem -l "Overshoot" -cb 0 -c "tmToggleOvershoot" tmOvershootTog;
if ($mayaVers > 6 || $mayaVers == 2) {
menuItem -d true;
menuItem -l "Special Tick Color" -cb 0 -c "$tmSpecTick = 1-

columnLayout -adj 1 -cat "both" 0 tmMainGroupCL;


showWindow tweenMachineWin ;

//scriptJob -p tweenMachineWin -e "SceneOpened" "deleteUI tweenMachineWin;

scriptJob -p tweenMachineWin -e "NewSceneOpened" "deleteUI tweenMachineWin;";
scriptJob -uid tweenMachineWin "tmRestoreTimeControl";

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmNew () {

global string $tmGroups[];

string $c = "Yes";
if (size($tmGroups) > 0) $c = `confirmDialog -t "Start over?" -m "Erase all
tweenMachine data?" -b "Yes" -b "No" -db "Yes" -cb "No" -ds "No"`;

if ($c != "No") {
delete tmXML1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmBuildAllGroups () {

// start with the default data


// build the "Selected" set no matter what

tmBuildSet ("Main", "Selected");
timeControl -e -mlc animationList timeControl1;

separator -style "none" -h 5;

// create master selectionConnection object

if (!`selectionConnection -ex tmMasterSC`) selectionConnection -lst

// If data exists in scene, pull the options and interface data from it
// if not, build XML data using default values

int $XMLexists = `objExists tmXML1`;

if ($XMLexists) {
} else {

setParent tweenMachineWin;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmDefaultData () {

global int $tmNumButtons, $tmShowButtons, $tmShowSliders;

global float $tmButtonVal[];
global string $tmGroups[], $tmSets[], $tmButtonRGB[];

clear $tmGroups;
clear $tmSets;

$tmNumButtons = 7;
$tmShowButtons = 1;
$tmShowSliders = 1;

clear $tmButtonVal;

$tmButtonVal[0] = -75;
$tmButtonVal[1] = -60;
$tmButtonVal[2] = -33;
$tmButtonVal[3] = 0;
$tmButtonVal[4] = 33;
$tmButtonVal[5] = 60;
$tmButtonVal[6] = 75;

int $i;
for ($i=0; $i<$tmNumButtons; $i++) $tmButtonRGB[$i] = "0.6 0.6 0.6";

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmDefaultXML () {

global int $tmNumButtons, $tmShowButtons, $tmShowSliders;

global float $tmButtonVal[];
global string $tmGroups[], $tmSets[], $tmButtonRGB[];

// build XML-based data structure

makeNode ("tmXML",1);
makeNode ("tmOptions",0);
makeNode ("tmSliderVis",0);
addContent ("1");
makeNode ("tmButtonVis",0);
addContent ("1");
makeNode ("tmButtons id=\"7\"",0);
for ($i=0; $i<$tmNumButtons; $i++) {
makeNode ("tmButton",0);
makeNode ("tmButtonRGB",0);
addContent ($tmButtonRGB[$i]);
makeNode ("tmButtonValue",0);
addContent ($tmButtonVal[$i]);
makeNode ("tmGroups",0);

select -cl;

// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Ticks and Toggles
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

global proc tmShowChange () {

global string $tmSets[];

int $sliderState = `menuItem -q -cb tmSliderTog`;

int $buttonState = `menuItem -q -cb tmButtonTog`;
int $sliderEnable = `menuItem -q -en tmSliderTog`;
int $buttonEnable = `menuItem -q -en tmButtonTog`;

if (!$sliderState && $buttonState) {

menuItem -e -en 0 tmButtonTog;
for ($set in $tmSets) {
string $fullName = $set + "Bias";
floatSliderGrp -e -m 0 $fullName;
rowLayout -e -rat 1 "top" 5 -rat 2 "top" 10 ($set + "OuterRow");

if ($sliderState && !$buttonEnable) {

menuItem -e -en 1 tmButtonTog;
for ($set in $tmSets) {
string $fullName = $set + "Bias";
floatSliderGrp -e -m 1 $fullName;
rowLayout -e -rat 1 "bottom" 10 -rat 2 "top" 0 ($set +

if ($sliderState && !$buttonState) {

menuItem -e -en 0 tmSliderTog;
for ($set in $tmSets) {
string $fullName = $set + "Buttons";
rowLayout -e -m 0 $fullName;
rowLayout -e -rat 1 "top" 3 ($set + "OuterRow");

if (!$sliderEnable && $buttonState) {

menuItem -e -en 1 tmSliderTog;
for ($set in $tmSets) {
string $fullName = $set + "Buttons";
rowLayout -e -m 1 $fullName;
rowLayout -e -rat 1 "bottom" 10 ($set + "OuterRow");

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmToggleOvershoot () {

global string $tmSets[];

float $oldMin, $newMin, $newMax;

float $oldMin = `floatSliderGrp -q -min tmMainSelectedSetBias`;

if ($oldMin == -100) {
$newMin = -150;
$newMax = 150;
} else {
$newMin = -100;
$newMax = 100;

for ($set in $tmSets) {

string $fullName = $set + "Bias";
float $oldVal = `floatSliderGrp -q -v $fullName`;
float $newVal = `clamp $newMin $newMax $oldVal`;
floatSliderGrp -e -min $newMin -max $newMax -v $newVal $fullName;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmTickToggle (string $objName, string $objParent) {

global string $tmSets[], $tmGroups[];

if ($objName == "tmMainSelectedSet") {

// swap selectionConnection
int $selChk = `checkBox -q -v tmMainSelectedSetTicks`;
if (!$selChk) {
timeControl -e -mlc tmMasterSC timeControl1;
} else {
timeControl -e -mlc animationList timeControl1;

// toggle "enable" setting for all

int $en = 1-(`checkBox -q -v tmMainSelectedSetTicks`);

for ($grp in $tmGroups) {

string $grpTk = $grp + "Ticks";
checkBox -e -en $en $grpTk;

for ($set in tmSetsInGroup($grp,1)) {

int $v = `checkBox -q -v $grpTk`;
string $setTk = $set + "Ticks";
if ($v && $en) checkBox -e -en 1 $setTk;
if (!$v && $en) checkBox -e -en 0 $setTk;
if ($v && !$en) checkBox -e -en 0 $setTk;
} else {
string $objTk = $objName + "Ticks";
if (startsWith($objName,"tm")) {
// object is a set
string $objSC = $objName + "SC";
string $parSC = "tm" + $objParent + "GroupSC";

int $tkStat = `checkBox -q -v $objTk`;

if ($tkStat) {
selectionConnection -e -add $objSC $parSC;
} else {
selectionConnection -e -rm $objSC $parSC;
} else {
// object is a group
string $objSC = "tm" + $objName + "GroupSC";
string $parSC = "tmMasterSC";

int $tkStat = `checkBox -q -v $objTk`;

if ($tkStat) {
selectionConnection -e -add $objSC $parSC;
} else {
selectionConnection -e -rm $objSC $parSC;

for ($set in tmSetsInGroup($objName,1)) {

string $setTk = $set + "Ticks";
int $s = 1-(`checkBox -q -en $setTk`);
checkBox -e -en $s $setTk;


// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Manage sets and groups
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

global proc tmSGMBuildUI (int $mode) {

// $mode: 0 = manage sets, 1 = manage groups

global string $sgmArray[], $tmGroups[];

string $winTitle;

if (!$mode) $winTitle = "Manage Sets"; else $winTitle = "Manage Groups";

if (`window -ex tmSGMWin`) deleteUI tmSGMWin;

window -t $winTitle -w 250 -h 250 -rtf 1 tmSGMWin;

formLayout -w 250 -nd 100 tmSGMFormLayout;

textScrollList -ams 0 -sc ("tmSGMSelect(" + $mode + ")") -dkc

("tmSGMDelete(" + $mode + ",1)") -da tmSGMList;
if (!$mode) textScrollList -e -dcc "tmSGMMembers" tmSGMList;

optionMenu -l "Manage:" -cc "tmSGMMode" tmSGMMode;

menuItem -l "Sets";
menuItem -l "Groups";
optionMenu -e -sl ($mode+1) tmSGMMode;
setParent tmSGMFormLayout;

optionMenu -l "in group: " -cc "tmSGMRebuildList" -m (1-$mode)

for ($grp in $tmGroups) menuItem -l $grp;
setParent tmSGMFormLayout;

button -l "Move Up" -al "center" -w 80 -vis 0 -h 1 sgmUp;

button -l "Move Down" -al "center" -w 80 -vis 0 -h 1 sgmDown;

//button -l "Move Up" -al "center" -w 80 -en 0 -c ("tmReorderSGMList(-

1," + $mode + ")") sgmUp;
//button -l "Move Down" -al "center" -w 80 -en 0 -c
("tmReorderSGMList(1," + $mode + ")") sgmDown;

button -l "Rename" -al "center" -w 80 -en 0 -c ("tmSGMRename(" + $mode

+ ")") sgmRen;
button -l "Delete" -al "center" -w 80 -en 0 -c ("tmSGMDelete(" + $mode
+ ",1)") sgmDel;
button -l "Properties..." -al "center" -w 80 -en 0 -m 0 -c
"tmSGMProperties" sgmProp;
//button -l "Properties..." -al "center" -w 80 -en 0 -m (1-$mode) -c
"tmSGMProperties" sgmProp;

formLayout -e

-af tmSGMMode "top" 5

-af tmSGMMode "left" 5

-ac tmSGMGroups "left" 10 tmSGMMode

-af tmSGMGroups "top" 5

-af sgmUp "right" 5

-ac sgmUp "top" 5 tmSGMMode

-af sgmDown "right" 5

-ac sgmDown "top" 2 sgmUp

-af sgmRen "right" 5

-ac sgmRen "top" 2 sgmDown

-af sgmDel "right" 5

-ac sgmDel "top" 2 sgmRen

-af sgmProp "right" 5

-ac sgmProp "top" 2 sgmDel

-ac tmSGMList "top" 5 tmSGMMode

-ac tmSGMList "right" 5 sgmUp
-af tmSGMList "bottom" 5
-af tmSGMList "left" 5


showWindow tmSGMWin;


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmSGMMode () {

int $i = (`optionMenu -q -sl tmSGMMode`)-1;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmSGMSelect (int $mode) {

button -e -en 1 sgmRen;
button -e -en 1 sgmDel;
//if (!$mode) button -e -en 1 sgmProp;
int $item[];
$item = `textScrollList -q -sii tmSGMList`;
int $numItems = `textScrollList -q -ni tmSGMList`;
//if ($item[0] > 1) button -e -en 1 sgmUp; else button -e -en 0 sgmUp;
//if ($item[0] < $numItems) button -e -en 1 sgmDown; else button -e -en 0

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmReorderSGMList (int $dir, int $mode) {

global string $sgmArray[];

int $item[], $index;

$item = `textScrollList -q -sii tmSGMList`;
$index = $item[0]-1;
$sgmArray = stringArrayMoveItem($sgmArray,$index,$dir);

textScrollList -e -ra tmSGMList;

for ($i in $sgmArray) {

textScrollList -e -append $i tmSGMList;
textScrollList -e -sii ($item[0]+$dir) tmSGMList;
button -e -en 1 sgmApp;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmSGMRebuildList() {

global string $tmGroups[], $sgmArray[];

int $mode = (`optionMenu -q -sl tmSGMMode`)-1;

clear $sgmArray;
if (!$mode) {
string $group = `optionMenu -q -v tmSGMGroups`;
$sgmArray = tmSetsInGroup($group,0);
} else {
$sgmArray = $tmGroups;

textScrollList -e -ra tmSGMList;

for ($item in $sgmArray) textScrollList -e -append $item tmSGMList;

textScrollList -e -da tmSGMList;

button -e -en 0 sgmRen;
button -e -en 0 sgmDel;
button -e -en 0 sgmDown;
button -e -en 0 sgmUp;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmSGMRename(int $mode) {

global string $tmGroups[];

string $modeName[], $item[], $group;
$modeName[0] = " set";
$modeName[1] = " group";

$item = `textScrollList -q -si tmSGMList`;

string $oldName = $item[0];

if ($mode == 1 && $oldName == "CharacterSet") {

confirmDialog -t "Rename not allowed" -m "You are not allowed to rename
this item.";

string $result = `promptDialog -t ("Rename" + $modeName[$mode]) -message

"Enter new name:" -b "OK" -b "Cancel"
-defaultButton "OK" -cancelButton "Cancel"
-dismissString "Cancel"`;

if ($result == "OK") {
string $newName = `promptDialog -q -text`;
if (`isValidObjectName($newName)`) {
if (!$mode) {
$group = `optionMenu -q -v tmSGMGroups`;
string $oldNameLong = "tm" + $group + $oldName + "Set";
string $newNameLong = "tm" + $group + $newName + "Set";

if (`objExists $newNameLong`) {
confirmDialog -t "Set exists" -m "A set by that name
already exists. Please choose a new name.";

tmSGMRenameSet ($group, $oldNameLong, $newNameLong);

text -e -l ($newName) ($newNameLong + "Label");

// change id in XML data node

string $grpObj = tmFindInXML("tmGroup","tmGroups1",".id",
string $setObj = tmFindInXML("tmSet",$grpObj,".id",
setAttr -type "string" ($setObj + ".id") $newName;

} else {
for ($grp in $tmGroups) {
if ($grp == $newName) {
confirmDialog -t "Group exists" -m "A group by
that name already exists. Please choose a new name.";

$group = $oldName;
string $oldPrefix = "tm" + $group;
string $newPrefix = "tm" + $newName;

// rename and relabel group frameLayout

renameUI ($oldPrefix + "Group") ($newPrefix + "Group");
frameLayout -e -l $newName ($newPrefix + "Group");

// rename columnLayout
renameUI ($oldPrefix + "GroupCL") ($newPrefix + "GroupCL");

// rename tick check box, and change command

string $checkCommand = "tmTickToggle(\"" + $newName +
"\", \"Main\")";
renameUI ($oldName + "Ticks") ($newName + "Ticks");
checkBox -e -cc $checkCommand ($newName + "Ticks");

// rename group SC
renameUI ($oldPrefix + "GroupSC") ($newPrefix + "GroupSC");

// rename sets in group

string $set;
for ($set in tmSetsInGroup($group,0)) {
string $oldName = $oldPrefix + $set + "Set";
string $newName = $newPrefix + $set + "Set";
tmSGMRenameSet ($group, $oldName, $newName);

// rename item in $tmGroups array

int $g;
for ($g=0; $g<=size($tmGroups); $g++) if ($tmGroups[$g] ==
$group) $tmGroups[$g] = $newName;

// change ID in XML data node

string $grpObj = tmFindInXML("tmGroup","tmGroups1",".id",
setAttr -type "string" ($grpObj + ".id") $newName;


} else {
confirmDialog -t "Invalid name" -m "The name entered is not
valid.\nSet and group names must be valid Maya object names.";

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmSGMRenameSet(string $group, string $oldName, string $newName) {

global string $tmSets[];

global int $tmNumButtons;
global float $tmButtonVal[];

rename $oldName $newName;

renameUI ($oldName + "SC") ($newName + "SC");
renameUI ($oldName + "Spacer") ($newName + "Spacer");
renameUI ($oldName + "OuterRow") ($newName + "OuterRow");

renameUI ($oldName + "Bias") ($newName + "Bias");

floatSliderGrp -e -cc ("tmSliderStart(\"" + $newName + "\");") ($newName +

string $checkCommand = "tmTickToggle(\"" + $newName + "\", \"" + $group +

renameUI ($oldName + "Ticks") ($newName + "Ticks");
checkBox -e -cc $checkCommand ($newName + "Ticks");

renameUI ($oldName + "Buttons") ($newName + "Buttons");

int $i;
for ($i=0; $i<$tmNumButtons; $i++) {
string $buttonName = $newName + "Button" + $i;
renameUI ($oldName + "Button" + $i) $buttonName;
canvas -e -pc ("tmButtonStart(" + $tmButtonVal[$i] + ", \"" + $newName
+ "\")") $buttonName ;

renameUI ($oldName + "Label") ($newName + "Label");

// rename item in $tmSets array

int $s;
for ($s=0; $s<=size($tmSets); $s++) if ($tmSets[$s] == $oldName) $tmSets[$s]=

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmSGMDelete(int $mode, int $confirm) {

global string $tmSets[], $tmGroups[], $sgmArray[];

string $modeName[];
$modeName[0] = " set?";
$modeName[1] = " group?";

string $i[], $item;

int $iP[], $itemPos;
$i = `textScrollList -q -si tmSGMList`;
$iP = `textScrollList -q -sii tmSGMList`;
$item = $i[0];
$itemPos = $iP[0]-1;

// display confirmation if $confirm is 1

string $c;
if ($confirm) {
string $confirmMsg = "Are you sure you want to delete the \"" + $item +
"\"" + $modeName[$mode];
$c = `confirmDialog -t ("Delete" + $modeName[$mode]) -m $confirmMsg -b
"Yes" -b "No" -db "Yes" -cb "No" -ds "No"`;
} else $c = "Yes";

if ($c == "Yes") {
if (!$mode) {
// query group from UI
string $group = `optionMenu -q -v tmSGMGroups`;

// build name of full set

$setName = "tm" + $group + $item + "Set";

// remove set from $tmSets array

$tmSets = stringArrayRemove ({$setName},$tmSets);

// remove setSC from groupSC, and delete setSC

string $setSC = $setName + "SC";
string $grpSC = "tm" + $group + "GroupSC";
selectionConnection -e -rm $setSC $grpSC;

// remove set from group in main window

deleteUI ($setName + "Spacer");
deleteUI ($setName + "OuterRow");

// remove set from XML

for ($set in tmSetsInGroup($group,2)) {
int $setOrder = `getAttr ($set + ".order")`;
if ($setOrder == $itemPos) delete $set;
if ($setOrder > $itemPos) setAttr -type "string" ($set +
".order") ($setOrder -1);

// remove set
delete $setName;


} else {
// remove group from $tmGroups array
$tmGroups = stringArrayRemove ({$item},$tmGroups);

// remove groupSC from masterSC

selectionConnection -e -rm ("tm" + $item + "GroupSC") tmMasterSC;

// remove all sets in group from $tmSets array

string $set;
for ($set in tmSetsInGroup($item,1)) {
$tmSets = stringArrayRemove ({$set},$tmSets);

if (!size($tmGroups)) menuItem -e -en 0 tmAddSetMI;

// remove group from UI

deleteUI ("tm" + $item + "Group");

// remove group from XML

for ($grp in getByType("tmGroups1","tmGroup")) {
int $grpOrder = `getAttr ($grp + ".order")`;
if ($grpOrder == $itemPos) delete $grp;
if ($grpOrder > $itemPos) setAttr -type "string" ($grp +
".order") ($grpOrder-1);



// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Build sets and groups
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

global proc tmBuildGroup (string $groupName, int $order) {

global string $tmGroups[];

print ("Building group: " + $groupName + "...");

$tmGroups[$order] = $groupName;
string $grpPrefix = "tm" + $groupName;
string $checkCommand = "tmTickToggle(\"" + $groupName + "\", \"Main\")";

setParent tmMainGroupCL;

int $s = 1-(`checkBox -q -v tmMainSelectedSetTicks`);

frameLayout -l $groupName -cl 1 -cll 1 ($grpPrefix + "Group");
columnLayout ($grpPrefix + "GroupCL");
checkBox -l "Toggle All" -v 1 -en $s -cc $checkCommand ($groupName +

setParent tweenMachineWin;

// make selectionConnection for group and add to master

string $grpSC = $grpPrefix + "GroupSC";
selectionConnection -p ($grpPrefix + "GroupCL") -lst $grpSC;
selectionConnection -e -add $grpSC tmMasterSC;

print ("done.\n");

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmBuildSet (string $groupName, string $setName) {

global string $tmSets[];

global int $tmSliderWidth, $tmShowSliders;

$setLabel = $setName;

$setName = "tm" + $groupName + $setName + "Set";

$tmSets[size($tmSets)] = $setName;

// if first set (Selected), check and disable

// if second set or later, check only; enable based on current Selected set
check status
int $tickCheck, $tickEnable;
if (size($tmSets)==1) {
$tickCheck = 1;
$tickEnable = 0;
} else {
$tickCheck = 1;
$tickEnable = 1-(`checkBox -q -v tmMainSelectedSetTicks`);
checkBox -e -en 1 tmMainSelectedSetTicks;

string $groupCLName = "tm" + $groupName + "GroupCL"; // this will need to

change to the name of the group form
setParent ($groupCLName);

separator -style "none" -h 7 ($setName + "Spacer"); // this will go away

once the form system is used

string $checkCommand = "tmTickToggle(\"" + $setName + "\", \"" + $groupName +

rowLayout -nc 2 -adj 2 -w 300 -h 30 -rat 1 "bottom" 10 -cat 1 "both" 5 -cal 1
"right" ($setName + "OuterRow");
columnLayout -adj 1;
rowLayout -nc 2 -adj 2 -cw2 20 70 -rat 1 "bottom" 5 -rat 2
"bottom" 5;
checkBox -l "" -v $tickCheck -en $tickEnable -cc
$checkCommand -rs 1 ($setName + "Ticks");
text -l $setLabel -al "right" ($setName + "Label");
setParent ..;
setParent ..;
floatSliderGrp -field 1 -min -100.0 -max 100.0 -v 0 -adj 2 -m
$tmShowSliders -cw2 40 $tmSliderWidth -cc ("tmSliderStart(\"" + $setName + "\");")
($setName + "Bias");

tmBuildButtonRow ($setName);

setParent $groupCLName;

// make selectionConnection for set and add to parent group's

if ($setName != "tmMainSelectedSet" && $setName !=
"tmCharacterSetCurrentSet") {
string $setSC = $setName + "SC";
string $grpSC = "tm" + $groupName + "GroupSC";
selectionConnection -p ($setName + "OuterRow") -obj $setName $setSC;
selectionConnection -e -add $setSC $grpSC;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmBuildButtonRow (string $setName) {

global int $tmNumButtons, $tmSliderWidth, $tmShowButtons, $tmButtonRowPad;

global float $tmButtonVal[];
global string $tmButtonRGB[];

int $totalSpace = ($tmNumButtons) * 5;

int $buttonWidth = floor((($tmSliderWidth)-$totalSpace)/$tmNumButtons);
int $leftover = ($tmSliderWidth) - ($totalSpace + ($tmNumButtons *
$buttonWidth)) + $tmButtonRowPad;

string $rowLayoutName = $setName + "Buttons";

if (`rowLayout -exists $rowLayoutName`) deleteUI $rowLayoutName;

string $rowBuilder = "rowLayout -nc " + ($tmNumButtons + 1) + " -w 300 -h 15

-m " + $tmShowButtons + " -cw 1 " + ($leftover + 40);

int $i;
for ($i=1; $i<=$tmNumButtons; $i++)
$rowBuilder += " -cw " + ($i + 1) + " " + ($buttonWidth + 5);
$rowBuilder += " " + $rowLayoutName + ";";

eval $rowBuilder;

text -l "" -h 12;

for ($i=0; $i<$tmNumButtons; $i++) {

string $buttonName = $setName + "Button" + $i;

string $canvasBuilder = "canvas -rgb " + $tmButtonRGB[$i] + " -width "
+ $buttonWidth;
$canvasBuilder += " -h 10 -ann " + $tmButtonVal[$i] + "
-pc \"tmButtonStart(" + $tmButtonVal[$i] + ",\\\"" + $setName + "\\\")\" " +
$buttonName + ";";
eval $canvasBuilder;


// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Add Sets and Groups
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

global proc tmAddGroupUI () {

window -t "Add Group" -w 100 -h 5 -rtf 1 -s 0 -mnb 0 -mxb 0 tmGroupUIWin;

string $command = "tmAddGroup(`textField -q -tx tmGroupUIText`)";

formLayout -nd 10 tmAddGrpFL;
text -l "Enter name of new group:" tmAddGrpLabel;
textField -w 100 -ec $command tmGroupUIText;
button -l "OK" -al "center" -c $command tmAddGrpOK;

formLayout -e
-af tmAddGrpLabel "top" 5
-af tmAddGrpLabel "left" 5
-af tmAddGrpLabel "right" 5

-ac tmGroupUIText "top" 5 tmAddGrpLabel

-af tmGroupUIText "left" 5
-af tmGroupUIText "right" 5

-ac tmAddGrpOK "top" 5 tmGroupUIText

-ap tmAddGrpOK "left" 0 2
-ap tmAddGrpOK "right" 0 8


showWindow tmGroupUIWin;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmAddGroup (string $newGroup) {

global string $tmGroups[], $currParent;

if (`isValidObjectName($newGroup)`) {
if (`frameLayout -ex ("tm" + $newGroup + "Group")`) {
confirmDialog -t "Group exists" -m "A group by that name already
exists. Please choose a new name.";
} else {

$currParent = "tmGroups1";
int $order = size($tmGroups);
string $nodeString = "tmGroup id=\"" + $newGroup + "\" order=\""
+ $order + "\"";
makeNode ($nodeString,0);

select -cl;

tmBuildGroup ($newGroup, $order);

if (!`menuItem -q -en tmAddSetMI`) menuItem -e -en 1 tmAddSetMI;

if (`window -ex tmGroupUIWin`) textField -e -tx "" tmGroupUIText;

} else {
confirmDialog -t "Invalid name" -m "The name entered is not
valid.\nGroup names must be valid Maya object names.";

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmAddSetUI () {

global string $tmGroups[];

window -t "Add Set" -w 50 -h 10 -rtf 1 -s 0 -mnb 0 -mxb 0 tmSetUIWin;

string $command = "tmAddSet(`ls -sl`,`textField -q -tx

tmSetUIText`,`optionMenu -q -v tmSelectGroup`)";
formLayout -w 50 -nd 10 tmSetUIFL;

text -l "Enter name of new set:" tmSetUILabel1;

textField -ec $command tmSetUIText;

text -l "Add new set to group:" tmSetUILabel2;

optionMenu tmSelectGroup;
for ($grp in $tmGroups) menuItem -l $grp;
setParent tmSetUIFL;
button -l "OK" -al "center" -c $command tmSetUIOK;

formLayout -e

-af tmSetUILabel1 "top" 5

-af tmSetUILabel1 "left" 5
-af tmSetUILabel1 "right" 5

-ac tmSetUIText "top" 5 tmSetUILabel1

-af tmSetUIText "left" 5
-af tmSetUIText "right" 5

-ac tmSetUILabel2 "top" 5 tmSetUIText

-af tmSetUILabel2 "left" 5
-af tmSetUILabel2 "right" 5

-ac tmSelectGroup "top" 5 tmSetUILabel2

-af tmSelectGroup "left" 5
-af tmSelectGroup "right" 5

-ac tmSetUIOK "top" 7 tmSelectGroup

-ap tmSetUIOK "left" 0 2
-ap tmSetUIOK "right" 0 8
-af tmSetUIOK "bottom" 5


showWindow tmSetUIWin;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmAddSet (string $nodes[], string $newSet, string $groupName) {

global string $tmGroups[], $tmSets[], $currParent;

if (!size($nodes)) {
confirmDialog -t "Nothing Selected" -m "You must select one or more
objects to make a new set.";

if (`isValidObjectName($newSet)`) {

string $set;
for ($set in tmSetsInGroup($groupName,0)) {
if ($newSet == $set) {
confirmDialog -t "Set exists in selected group" -m "A set
by that name already exists in the selected group.\nPlease choose a new set name,
or pick a different group.";

string $longSetName = "tm" + $groupName + $newSet + "Set";

// create new set
sets -n $longSetName $nodes;
select -r $nodes;

string $groups[];
$groups = getByType("tmGroups1","tmGroup");

for ($grp in $groups) {

if(`getAttr($grp+".id")` == $groupName) {
$currParent = $grp;

string $sets[];
$sets = getByType($currParent,"tmSet");
int $order = size($sets);

string $nodeString = "tmSet id=\"" + $newSet + "\" order=\"" + $order +

makeNode ($nodeString,0);

for ($n in $nodes) {

makeNode ("tmObject",0);
addContent ($n);

select -r $nodes;

tmBuildSet ($groupName, $newSet);

if (`window -ex tmSetUIWin`) textField -e -tx "" tmSetUIText;

string $parentLayout = "tm" + $groupName + "Group";
frameLayout -e -cl 0 $parentLayout;
} else {
confirmDialog -t "Invalid name" -m "The name entered is not valid.\nSet
names must be valid Maya object names.";

// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Character set utilities
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

global proc tmAddCharacterGroup () {

global string $tmGroups[], $currParent;

// check to see if custom set already exists

if (`frameLayout -ex "tmCharacterSetGroup"`) {
confirmDialog -t "Group exists" -m "A group and set that control the
current character set already exist.";

// add group
$currParent = "tmGroups1";
int $order = size($tmGroups);
string $nodeString = "tmGroup id=\"CharacterSet\" order=\"" + $order + "\"";
makeNode ($nodeString,0);

tmBuildGroup ("CharacterSet", $order);

if (!`menuItem -q -en tmAddSetMI`) menuItem -e -en 1 tmAddSetMI;

// add set named "Current"

makeNode ("tmSet id=\"Current\" order=\"0\"",0);

makeNode ("tmObject",0);
addContent ("tmCustomCharacterSet");

tmBuildSet ("CharacterSet", "Current");

proc tmGetSubChars (string $curChar, string $group) {

int $i;
string $ind, $subChars[], $obj, $charSet;

$charSet = $curChar;
// if name has namespace, replace colon with underscore
if (`match ".*:.*" $curChar` != "") $curChar = `substitute ":" $curChar "_"`;

print ("Adding set for sub-character: " + $charSet + "\n");

tmAddSet ({$charSet}, $curChar, $group);
select -cl;

$subChars = `character -q $charSet`;

for ($obj in $subChars) if (`nodeType $obj` == "character") tmGetSubChars

($obj, $group);

global proc tmImportCharSets () {

string $chars[], $subChars[], $obj, $charSet;

$chars = `currentCharacters`;

for ($char in $chars) {

$charSet = $char;
// if name has namespace, replace colon with underscore
if (`match ".*:.*" $char` != "") $char = `substitute ":" $char "_"`;

if (`frameLayout -ex ("tm" + $char + "Group")`)

print ("Skipping character: " + $char + " . Group already
else {
print ("Adding group and set for parent character: " + $charSet +

tmAddGroup ($char);
tmAddSet ({$charSet}, $char, $char);
select -cl;
$subChars = `character -q $charSet`;

for ($obj in $subChars) if (`nodeType $obj` == "character")

tmGetSubChars ($obj, $char);


// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Read from XML data in scene
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

global proc tmReadXML () {

global string $tmGroups[], $tmSets[], $tmButtonRGB[];

global int $tmNumButtons, $tmShowButtons, $tmShowSliders;
global float $tmButtonVal[];

clear $tmGroups;
clear $tmSets;
clear $tmButtonVal;
clear $tmButtonRGB;

$tmSets[0] = "tmMainSelectedSet";

// read button/slider visibility settings

$tmShowSliders = getData("tmSliderVis1");
$tmShowButtons = getData("tmButtonVis1");
menuItem -e -cb $tmShowSliders tmSliderTog;
menuItem -e -cb $tmShowButtons tmButtonTog;

// read button values and RGB settings

$tmNumButtons = (int) `getAttr ("")`;

int $i;
for ($i=0; $i<$tmNumButtons; $i++) {
string $buttonVal = "tmButtonValue" + ($i+1);
$tmButtonVal[$i] = `getData ($buttonVal)`;
string $buttonRGB = "tmButtonRGB" + ($i+1);
$tmButtonRGB[$i] = `getData ($buttonRGB)`;

// read groups

string $groups[];
$groups = getByType ("tmGroups1","tmGroup");

for ($grp in $groups) {

string $grpId = `getAttr ($grp + ".id")`;

int $grpOrd = `getAttr ($grp + ".order")`;
$tmGroups[$grpOrd] = $grpId;
tmBuildGroup ($grpId,$grpOrd);

// get sets in the group and put them in order

string $sets[];
$sets = getByType ($grp, "tmSet");

string $tmpSet[];
clear $tmpSet;

for ($set in $sets) {

int $setOrd = `getAttr ($set + ".order")`;

$tmpSet[$setOrd] = $set;

// build sets into groups

for ($i=0; $i<size($tmpSet); $i++) {

$setName = `getAttr ($tmpSet[$i] + ".id")`;

string $longSetName = "tm" + $grpId + $setName + "Set";

// read objects in the set

string $objects[];
$objects = getByType ($tmpSet[$i], "tmObject");

string $obj[];
clear $obj;
int $makeSet = 1;
for ($o in $objects) {
string $objTmp = `getAttr ($o + ".data")`;
if (`objExists $objTmp`)
$obj[size($obj)] = $objTmp;
else if ($objTmp == "tmCustomCharacterSet")
$makeSet = 0;
else print ("Omitting \"" + $objTmp + "\" from set \"" +
$setName + "\". Object does not exist in scene.\n");

// if set does not exist, build it

if (!`objExists $longSetName` && $makeSet) sets -n $longSetName


// add set to group

tmBuildSet ($grpId, $setName);

if (size($tmGroups)) menuItem -e -en 1 tmAddSetMI;


// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Save and Load XML Data
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
global proc int tmSaveToFile (string $file, string $fileType) {

global int $tmNumButtons, $tmShowButtons, $tmShowSliders;

global string $tmButtonRGB[];
global float $tmButtonVal[];

$fileType = ".xml";

int $chkAgain = 1;

if (`filetest -w $file` && endsWith($file,$fileType)) $chkAgain = 0;

// tack on .XML suffix if not already there

if (!endsWith($file,$fileType)) $file = $file + $fileType;

// if current file exists, display overwrite confirmation

string $c;
if (`filetest -w $file` && $chkAgain) {
$c = `confirmDialog -t "Overwrite?" -m "File exists. Overwrite with
current data?" -b "Yes" -b "No" -db "Yes" -cb "No" -ds "No"`;

if ($c != "No") {

$fileId=`fopen $file "w"`;

fprint $fileId "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";

fprint $fileId "<tmData>\n";

// export data for options

fprint $fileId " <tmOptions>\n";

// need to add script to export Options data

fprint $fileId (" <tmSliderVis>" + $tmShowSliders +
fprint $fileId (" <tmButtonVis>" + $tmShowButtons +
fprint $fileId (" <tmButtons id=\"" + $tmNumButtons + "\">\n");

int $i = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<$tmNumButtons; $i++) {
fprint $fileId " <tmButton>\n";
fprint $fileId (" <tmButtonRGB>" + $tmButtonRGB[$i] +
fprint $fileId (" <tmButtonValue>" + $tmButtonVal[$i]
+ "</tmButtonValue>\n");
fprint $fileId " </tmButton>\n";

fprint $fileId (" </tmButtons>\n");

fprint $fileId " </tmOptions>\n";

// export data for groups and sets

fprint $fileId " <tmGroups>\n";

string $groups[];
$groups = getByType ("tmGroups1","tmGroup");

for ($grp in $groups) {

string $grpId = `getAttr ($grp + ".id")`;
string $grpOrd = `getAttr ($grp + ".order")`;
fprint $fileId (" <tmGroup id=\"" + $grpId + "\" order=\"" +
$grpOrd + "\">\n");

string $sets[];
$sets = getByType ($grp,"tmSet");

for ($set in $sets) {

string $setId = `getAttr ($set + ".id")`;
string $order = `getAttr ($set + ".order")`;
fprint $fileId (" <tmSet id=\"" + $setId + "\"");
fprint $fileId (" order=\"" + $order + "\"");
fprint $fileId (">\n");

string $tmObjects[];
$tmObjects = getByType ($set,"tmObject");

for ($obj in $tmObjects) {

string $objName = getData($obj);
fprint $fileId (" <tmObject>" + $objName +
fprint $fileId (" </tmSet>\n");
fprint $fileId " </tmGroup>\n";

fprint $fileId " </tmGroups>\n";

fprint $fileId "</tmData>\n";
fclose $fileId;

// return true to close browser dialog

return 1;

} else {
fileBrowser tmSaveToFile "Save" "" 1;
return 0;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmLoadFromFile () {

global string $tmSets[];

string $c;
// if a set exists, confirm that user wants to load new data
if (size($tmSets) > 1) $c = `confirmDialog -t "Replace data?" -m "Replace
current data with data from file?" -b "Yes" -b "No" -db "Yes" -cb "No" -ds "No"`;

if ($c != "No") {

// show file browser dialog (fileDialog) for user to choose file

string $file = `fileDialog -dm "*.xml"`;
if ($file != "") {
// delete existing XML data
delete tmXML1;

// load XML data from file

loadXML ($file);

// check that data is valid tweenMachine data

string $s[] = `ls -sl`;
string $test[];
$test = getByType ("XML1","tmOptions");
if (size($test)==0) {
confirmDialog -t "Invalid file" -m "Selected file does not
contain valid tweenMachine data.";
} else {
rename XML1 tmXML1;
select -cl;

// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Starters and main TM procedure
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

global proc tmSliderStart (string $name) {

string $nodes[], $biasCtl;

$biasCtl = $name + "Bias";

$poseBias = (`floatSliderGrp -q -v $biasCtl` + 100) / 200;

if (startsWith($name,"tmCharacterSet"))
$nodes = `currentCharacters`;
else if ($biasCtl == "tmMainSelectedSetBias")
$nodes = `ls -sl`;
$nodes = `sets -q $name`;

tween_Machine ($poseBias,$nodes);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmButtonStart (float $poseBias, string $name) {

string $nodes[];

$biasCtl = $name + "Bias";

floatSliderGrp -e -v $poseBias $biasCtl;
$poseBias = ($poseBias + 100) / 200;
if (startsWith ($name, "tmCharacterSet"))
$nodes = `currentCharacters`;
else if ($biasCtl == "tmMainSelectedSetBias")
$nodes = `ls -sl`;
$nodes = `sets -q $name`;

tween_Machine ($poseBias,$nodes);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tween_Machine(float $poseBias, string $nodes[]) {

global int $tmSpecTick;

string $nodes[], $curves[], $newCurves[], $attrs[], $crv, $attr, $biasCtl;

clear $curves;
clear $newCurves;

string $pf = `getPanel -wf`;

float $timeRng[] = `timeControl -q -ra timeControl1`; // get selected range

on timeline (as an array)
int $timeC = $timeRng[0]; // current keyframe, where new key will be added

$curves = `keyframe -q -name $nodes` ; // get names of all keyframed curves

on all selected objects
$attrs = `channelBox -q -sma "mainChannelBox"`; // get names of selected
attributes in channel box

if (size($attrs) > 0) {

// convert short entries in attribute list to long names

int $i;
for ($i=0; $i<size($attrs); $i++) {
switch ($attrs[$i]) {
case "tx": $attrs[$i] = "translateX"; break;
case "ty": $attrs[$i] = "translateY"; break;
case "tz": $attrs[$i] = "translateZ"; break;
case "rx": $attrs[$i] = "rotateX"; break;
case "ry": $attrs[$i] = "rotateY"; break;
case "rz": $attrs[$i] = "rotateZ"; break;
case "sx": $attrs[$i] = "scaleX"; break;
case "sy": $attrs[$i] = "scaleY"; break;
case "sz": $attrs[$i] = "scaleZ"; break;
case "v": $attrs[$i] = "visibility"; break;

// compare selected attributes to curves and build new curves array

for ($crv in $curves) {

for ($attr in $attrs) {
if (endsWith($crv, $attr)) $newCurves[size($newCurves)] = $crv;
clear $curves;
$curves = $newCurves;

waitCursor -state on ;

// For each curve...

for ($crv in $curves) {

// Find time for next and previous keys...

int $timeP = `findKeyframe -which previous $crv`;
int $timeN = `findKeyframe -which next $crv`;

// Find previous and next tangent types

string $tanInPs[] = `keyTangent -time $timeP -q -itt $crv`;
string $tanOutPs[] = `keyTangent -time $timeP -q -ott $crv`;
string $tanInNs[] = `keyTangent -time $timeN -q -itt $crv`;
string $tanOutNs[] = `keyTangent -time $timeN -q -ott $crv`;

// Set new in and out tangent types based on previous and next tangent
string $tanInC = $tanOutPs[0];
string $tanOutC = $tanInNs[0];

// However...if any of the types (previous or next) is "fixed", then

use the global (default) tangent instead

if (($tanInPs[0] == "fixed") || ($tanOutPs[0] == "fixed") ||

($tanInNs[0] == "fixed") || ($tanOutNs[0] == "fixed"))
string $tanInGs[] = `keyTangent -q -g -itt`;
string $tanOutGs[] = `keyTangent -q -g -ott`;
$tanInC = $tanInGs[0];
$tanOutC = $tanOutGs[0];
if ($tanOutNs[0] == "step")
$tanOutC = $tanOutNs[0];

// Find previous and next key values

float $valPs[] = `keyframe -time $timeP -q -valueChange $crv` ;
float $valNs[] = `keyframe -time $timeN -q -valueChange $crv` ;

float $valP = $valPs[0] ;

float $valN = $valNs[0] ;

// Find difference in value between previous and next keys

float $diff = $valN - $valP ;

// Find percentage of difference to use based on Pose Bias value

float $diffToUse = $diff * $poseBias;

// Find current key value by adding amount used to previous key

float $valC = $valP + $diffToUse;

// Set new keyframe

setKeyframe -t $timeC -v $valC -ott $tanOutC $crv;

if ($tmSpecTick) keyframe -tds on -t $timeC $crv;

if ($tanInC != "step")
keyTangent -t $timeC -itt $tanInC $crv;

currentTime -e $timeC;

setFocus $pf;

waitCursor -state off ;

// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************
// Misc. helper procedures
// ************************************************************************
// ************************************************************************

global proc string[] tmSetsInGroup (string $group, int $type) {

// $size: 0 for short set names, 1 for full set names, 2 for XML object names

global string $tmSets[];

string $setsInGroup[];

if ($type < 2) {
for ($set in $tmSets) {
string $setSW = "tm" + $group;
if (startsWith ($set, $setSW)) {
if ($type == 0) {
$set = `substitute $setSW $set ""`;
$set = `substitute "Set" $set ""`;
$setsInGroup[size($setsInGroup)] = $set;
} else {
for ($grp in getByType("tmGroups1","tmGroup")) {
if (`getAttr ($grp + ".id")` == $group) $setsInGroup =

return $setsInGroup;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc string tmFindInXML (string $type, string $parent, string $att, string
$val) {

// find set or group in XML data with parent $parent where attribute $att =
value $val
// $type = 0 (set) or 1 (group)
string $foundObj;

string $obj;
for($obj in getByType($parent,$type)) {
string $v = `getAttr ($obj + $att)`;
if ($v == $val) $foundObj = $obj;

return $foundObj;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

global proc tmRestoreTimeControl () {

timeControl -e -mlc animationList timeControl1;

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